How Can I Quantize to Drum Map Snap Value? | Club Cubase January 5 2021

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all right welcome to the uh january 5th 2021 club cubase google hangout i'm going to do a quick audio test and we'll get started here in just a couple of minutes bear with me just for a second all right welcome okay so it sounds like audio is coming through fine on my monitoring computer all right so my name is greg undo i'll be the host for the hangout today uh if you haven't participated in a google hang a club key based google hangout before how they work is you could submit questions in the live chat field and you could also send questions in advance to club cubase at steinberg dot d e as we work with uh you know we will have a number of people will be watching this live and people that will be watching it uh after the live event we'll try to have an index done of the various topics covered in the hangout today uh with time stamps uh posted later tonight uh so if you're watching this on the replay for not watching this live you may want to skip ahead to about eight or ten minutes as we let people get logged in and people will do some introductions so if you're watching this live please feel free to introduce yourself tell us who you are where you're from and if this is your first google hangout club cuba google hangout let us know that as well and we'll get started in just a couple minutes as i mentioned earlier my name is greg undo i work for yamaha corporation of america has a steinberg specialist basically so uh we i'll be you know hosting the hangouts today so if you want to i'm presenting from outside of washington dc area in alexandria virginia so we'll um so that's where i'll be and if a couple of little ground rules um so if we could try to sometimes the questions will come in faster than my ability to answer them so if we could try to avoid uh if you don't see a response to my question if you could try to avoid asking the same question repeatedly over and over and over again that just kind of slows everything down so if we could try to avoid that also sometimes if you'd let us know you know i'm running cubase pro 11 on windows or cubase 10.5 artist on mac you know those some of those those details are helpful as well so my like many of you during pandemic times my family is at home so i may get interrupted by my son you may hear my wife who's working directly above me so i'll apologize for any interruptions i'll try to keep those as minimal as possible so let's go ahead and see who is on the hangout um and we usually do these hangouts if this is your first time we tried to do these on tuesdays and fridays is what our schedule has been so we see sir robert from atlanta okay so we see vinnie sabatino from orlando okay all right so see fred robinson all right so we have columbia okay so we have robbie bowling from dallas all right so we have finland czech republic okay so we have jazz dude who i believe is in heidelberg good to see you on the hangout he's always very helpful helpful all right so we have john costigan from kenosha wisconsin all right so we have tim from mission viejo all right we have pablo vasquez from galicia espana we have taylor from pine grove all right so we have sir n96 from zorn from sweden alright so we have cyprus all right still letting people get logged in all right so let's see who else is on all right so we have stefan from sweden all right so we have elijah from the german switzerland border always wanted to go to that area of germany haven't made it there yet all right so we have drano from hollywood all right so we have yarn from cubase index dot com he's on the hangout neurotic nexus good to see you all right we have michael from weatherford texas all right so we have canada switzerland all right so just so let's go ahead and get started so we have 113 people and if you guys want to always feel free to subscribe to the cubase youtube channel or to hit the like button so okay so we have question we'll start off from stefan hi greg hi everybody i have a question is it possible to assign a track version id to a track version i made a track version that was supposed to include all tracks but i accidentally skipped a bunch so now i want to find a way to include these in the id2 created on the first tracks but cubase always makes them id3 a new id all this is for radio edit so i cannot allow to lose the v1 id1 do i have to resign all tracks to completely new id so let's take a look so let's say if i have uh a particular track version here so let's say if we add a new version so let's see if we just duplicate the track version okay so i know that there are some new options so you may have to if you have a number of different tracks you may have to manually rename um but you could also choose not to see the track version uh in the in the track name list i think this is new for version 11 um but let's see if we can rename the version so let's say if i just come here let's say if i just rename this to v2 instead and let's go ahead and show the track versions here so i will just come right over here and let's i'll just do this on a new project make sure i didn't mess it up okay so let's say i just make a quick recording here so let's say we'll do a new track version if you're not familiar with track versions this will allow you to have kind of parallel tracks um that you could switch between okay so let's say and we'll see this indicated as uh like version two [Music] so we can see the different track versions and these could be kind of labeled accordingly so when we go to so version two so let's say if i wanted to manually change the name of this so say rename the version so let's say if i just wanted to make this all from version three version two to version four that you could just rename the track version and let's see if we could do that for multiple tracks easily so let's say i'll just record on all these tracks and we'll do new version to all of those and we'll do this one more time okay so now if we go to version two if i have all of these selected uh i'll just come here to rename the version so let's say if i want to go this from version 2 to version 4 that we could just select all of them and then the track version will be changed for all the selected tracks so let me know if that works for you stefan but it looks like you could just within the track version icon just choose to rename and then you could rename just the version number to whatever you want it to be okay so we have question hi how can i duplicate a part with all of its automation so let's say if i have automation with this particular track here this event so that's my automation so i think usually by default if you go to edit you could have automation follows events so let's say if i wanted to copy that over you could do that as well let's just add an audio track below so let's say if i want to now copy it to a different track let's see if the automation is carried over as if that automation carried over so let's say if i hold down my alt or option key here so we're going to take that we can see the automation has been carried over here and we just need to make sure that on a duplicated track that you have the read automation turned on and then it will just have the automation just follow the events on the same track to different in different times or if you wanted to take the material to a different track and have the automation just again come over here to edit and make sure that i believe this is enabled by default that automation follows events is enabled okay so a question honestly i waited a resurrection of the ic pro apps with cubase 11 when it came uh will come back anytime soon it is simply not functional at the moment i replaced ic pro with yukon s and probably maybe s i see and but maybe s6 apps uh or maybe maybe it's a typo um from avid but these crash also with more than 512 tracks it's as as avid has this crazy track limit nothing for a film composer um so i i will go ahead and fire up my ic pro i think i have run it with cubase 11 and i didn't have any problems with it so i'm not sure if there's any changes um but i know it's it hasn't been updated in a really long in in a while but i think the functionality is still kind of uh available as well so all right so question the remote control for pre-gain is still not available in the generic remote waiting a precious uh wasting a precious quick control is no option any ideas so i don't think so let's say if i wanted to go to my audio track here um so if you don't want to waste a quick control uh so let's come over here and i'll just put this into learn so let's say i just want to adjust my pre-gain so we could see that there let's go ahead and see if i'll take another look again in maybe the generic remote and see if pre-gain is going to be set there so all right all right so just take a look in here so it doesn't look like i see the pre-gain um let me just see if it's see if it's in the generic remote anywhere hidden so i don't see it listed still here but i'll make a note of that and submit it again sorry about that but you still could do it within the control room or within the quick controls but understand if you don't want to use one of the quick controls for that uh so you see question as most orchestral libraries are pretty unbalanced between short and long articulations how can i midi pipe door go to tracks in cubase to have a better mixed playback so there isn't you know so you may want to um so there isn't a direct kind of midi communication between the two programs currently so i think we'll see some more you know interoperab interoperab opera so more interaction sorry between the two different programs coming in in the near future so i'm seeing a lot of wishes of happy new year so we had a great holiday season i hope everyone else did as well okay so just um okay so we have a question i really need to create folders in the mixer section too second in the mixer view hide faders rack and see the routing sends insert rack full screen steinberg should think about this thing so currently there isn't a way for folders in the mixer so you know but what people can do is you know if you wanted to see like let's say if i have all these particular tracks in a folder so you know at this point let's say if i have uh i'll just let me just add a number of other audio tracks okay but i only have these particular tracks in the folder so let's say i will just right click and we'll move the selected tracks to new folder so you know and as you want to you know if you have these selected i think we could go into the visibility and if you just hold down the shift key you could just have that folder and you could choose to sync the track and channel type filters so if i wanted to you know show all of my tracks or just different tracks so you could if you need folders and a mixer they can be synchronized currently but there isn't a folder in a mixer per se um but you could just also have your different user configurations here so if you say okay i wanted that as a preset or i wanted to show you know all tracks in my project or i only wanted to see these particular folders you could do it from kind of the visibility tabs and that will you could choose to have that synchronized directly with that and you could have these kind of fire off from keyboard shortcuts as well okay so um so in the second part of the question was you know how to see the routing sends insert rack full screen steinberg should think about this thing so if we go directly to um and it could depend upon your monitor resolution so let's say if we're in the full screen mixer here uh we could say i want to see routing and i'm just going to hold down my command or control key so you said you want to see you know um so just make sure so it says and see the routing sends insert rack full screen so there you could see all of your sends your inserts and routing directly here and you could you know choose to have your mix console you know certain parts activated or not activated so if you wanted to go to the little settings cogwheel you could say i don't want to see the eq curve at the top and now as you come over here you could choose to see uh your routing inserts and sends and as they grow so let's say if i just wanted to come here we could you know if we have a number of different insert slots you could just you know have all these you know inserts kind of grow as you see fit and you could choose to have all 16 insert slots available or just see the active inserts uh i believe you could just kind of get that so if you say you want to see a fixed number of slots you can see all 16 um or if you wanted to see it kind of dynamically you get this little drop down menu here and then you could see all the different inserts and sends as they grow so you could kind of have that set up and saved as a configuration that you could recall as well okay so a question uh hi greg greetings from columbia uh why i have 10 milliseconds delay rendering audio and when yukon update for avid control surface um so there were some updates to the yukon control surface capabilities uh in version 11. um some of this stuff is you know i believe that some of the features some features went away with a yukon update that's kind of a bit out of our control um i know for some functions but let's see uh but going back to why i have 10 milliseconds delay rendering audio and i thought so so if you have a delay when rendering audio i would see sometimes you know if it's being rendered and you notice that it's maybe uh the rendered file is slightly out of time i would check to make sure that the rendered file is checked to make sure that the frame rates between the projects were you know if it's dealing with frame rates and sample rates are going to be uh i matched and also see if it's a particular plug-in that could be causing it you may want to just out of curiosity see if you toggle the constrained delay compensation in your project here in the lower left-hand corner if that makes a difference as well but sometimes it could be a plug-in that's not reporting its latency correctly so i would kind of check that as well okay all right so good to see uno from finland on the hangout okay so maybe a further clarification on the 10 milliseconds from carlos the new audio file after rendering has 10 milliseconds more starting playback so it could be you know some of the settings you know i wonder if there's like effects or something like that or if it's set to maybe a zero crossfade for the editing but if you have like a particular file uh check to see you know if you have plugins on it but some of the plugins may cause that and if you're doing based on the audio file itself or if you're doing it uh from locators so if you're if you're rendering in place directly from this particular file so let's say if i have a drum loop over here so i just have an audio file and i want to we'll check the length here and i'll just switch to seconds so here we're going to have eight seconds perfectly and if i go to just render in place i will just get to my edit to render and place and i'll just do a quick dry or render as you can see that's going to be eight seconds the same length as this so see if you have uh if you're doing a render in place you know if you have you know check to see what your settings are for the render in place and you know if you have effects here see if you get the same length if you do dry or with different channel settings as well okay so we have a question greg it seems to me that when i make a small edit in a vocal track wav file in spectral layers the sound quality changes after import in cubase is that possible thanks you know if you're doing and you know any time that you're gonna do audio editing and especially if you're doing you know spectral editing you know it can change the sonic characteristic of you know because generally what spectral layers is doing is it's taking out you know and doing editing on particular frequency ranges so as you're doing edits on particular frequencies it's going to change the sound so you may notice a different ins difference in sound quality between the original and you know that's what spectral layers does is it's you know changing particular frequency so depending on your edit you may notice you know some changes in the audio quality based on that see a nice comment from jazz dude i hope greg had some time to spend with his family and his chilled episode a great uh two four day weekends in a row with family so it's it feels good to be back at work so it was probably just the right time so see nice new year's wish from millard okay so you see a question from tim from mission viejo can you show me ways to apply velocity in a drum editor lower window thanks so let's go ahead and i'll just do a quick pattern here so let me just grab a midi part from groove agent so i don't have to make a horrific drum pattern okay so i'll just all right so sorry okay so now we have this and i wanted to see in the drum editor so how to kind of work with velocity so you know one of the things that we could do is you know just select the particular sounds that you're working with um so i will go ahead and just kind of show only the sounds that have particular sounds on them so as we come over here so now that we select uh i'll just make sure that we're looking at velocity so now that we select the individual drum sound we could see the velocity just for my kick drums or my side stick and other different types of sound so if i say okay i just wanted to see my bongos and at this point you could just edit the velocities on only those particular sounds so if i want to adjust my kick drum then there's going to be you know different tools for velocity so if you wanted to just kind of draw in with the pencil tool uh if you didn't like that and if you wanted to take the velocities um so say i'll just kind of come here and select all the notes you could also just kind of scale velocities by going to the center top or if you wanted to tilt velocities to kind of keep them you know if you want to do kind of the proportionality but still have it crescendo or do the opposite of a day crescendo so you could do that or if you wanted these to all be you know more you know tighter or more ex more contrast and difference between them you could do that by going to the right center edge but you know basically whatever drums that you select you could you know that you select here so you may not see velocities if you haven't a lane that doesn't have any events and this is kind of a unique advantage of the drum editor over some of the other midi editors in that we could actually just see the particular velocities on just a kicks as opposed to if i have a kick snare hi-hat you know four events going on drum wise and i edit a velocity and i don't know which exact velocity sound i'm editing but we could carefully see that within the drum editor okay so you see um can uh can spectral layers be used to unmix a drum track so the spectral layers pro could definitely do that so let me go here so say i'll just take my spectral layers pro here so let's say i have so just check my connections here really quickly sorry [Music] guitar vocals times so if we wanted to do this all we have to do is select the event let's go to spectral layers uh so we'll go to audio to extensions and then with the pro version under layer you'll have unmixed stems so it's doing its voodoo magic now all right so say now so now we're just listening to the drums [Music] [Music] so once you do the unmixed stems you'll have vocals piano drums bass other and others often guitar so you could definitely do that so that's all you have to do so go to process and then just choose to do under layer unmixed stems and you'll have the drums directly within there okay so let's move on to our next question are you good to see agent k in a hangout all right so you see a question hey love these thanks uh how can i quantize to drum map snap so let's say if i have um okay so you know so the drum map will have this and we can think of the snap as being more for being um you know if for entering in parts so if i wanted to come here uh so let's say my bass drum here has just go ahead delete some of these note events so say i'm at quarter notes on my bass drum and as i just enter those in with like with the drawing tool so this isn't necessarily quantizing it as the snap rhythmic indicator here is going to allow us to enter in our different note values i always say okay i want this to be you know eighth note triplets and now as i enter in you could put in different rhythmic values like so so you know the quantize value will be independent and that's for kind of quantizing existing parts but this snap here allows you to enter in as you kind of draw notes in so many people will just kind of program drums based on the grid here uh but now what we could do is say okay i want this to be half note triplets you know now as we do this we get as we kind of paint in once this snap with the drum tool that will kind of quantize based upon the snap value here but you know so if you wanted to take existing parts and quantize it you know multiply you know you that's not what the snap value is doing but if you say okay i wanted to quantize this you could hold down shift and double click and then you could select only the drums on a particular lane so if you wanted to apply independent quantization values there but this snap is really for kind of as you draw in drum notes to have those automatically um you know snap to the different rhythmic grids that are specified here so but if i misunderstand your question let me know okay so this may be a continuation of our previous question but greg under studio mix console can't i hide the mixer rack and see only the rack of sends routing eqs uh et cetera full screen so if you want to hide different elements within the rack so let's say if i'm let me just activate this project here so let's get to the mix console you'll see a racks icon here and at this point you could say i only wanted to see those particular racks just like that so if you so now once you see the the word racks up here um you could see all the racks or you could say okay i wanted to only see routing inserts and send and then you could uh you know as we add a number of different plugins here you can see that the rocks will just kind of grow and you could have again just to the right of the racks you know you could have fixed number of slots for each of these so you could see your sends and kind of you know change the height of different components if you wanted to so and at this point let's say four different components that are going to be kind of mixed in i could say let's get rid of the pictures and the channel latency view so now i could see all 16 racks i could see and also we could choose to see you know multiple sends here and you could i think there's also a little setting where you could say you know if you want to see all eight sends you could see those here as well with these little settings so you can say uh you know so if you want to see inserts with the channel control so you could do that so you could kind of customize that um your inserts and sends you know differently as you see fit and so just kind of just like that so let's say i will just go to the right and we'll say show inserts is just to plug in names and now when you come here you can see all eight you can see your different sends inserts all available in one view okay all right so we have kyle kennedy checking in from los angeles hope you guys are doing well there all right all right so we have mark from holland okay so we have a question could you clarify how to set up buses routing i switched from sonar and it has me confused how to do it in cubase okay so let's go ahead take a look okay so just kind of start from scratch okay so let's say we'll start off with eight audio tracks okay so we have eight audio tracks here and all these tracks are now being sent to our uh master bus or stereo out if i wanted to select a number of tracks these eight tracks and send it to a group let's say these are my drums i can come right over here right click and we go add track and then you'll see add group channel to selected channels so now as we do this we could have our group channel and this would sum the sound of all these channels let's say all of my drums would be summed directly to this particular group channel now another way to kind of group to control the volume and this is especially handy if you have automation that's going in kind of contrary motion and you didn't want to affect your levels of sends is to take these and add a vca fader to the selected tracks so the vca does not sum the audio itself and so you're not gonna this doesn't actually kind of capture any audio sources but if you have a lot of existing automation where maybe this track is going up while this one is going down you could kind of bring your vca down and like that will attenuate all the tracks when they're in contrary motion and not affect the relationship of these tracks to their effect send now if you wanted to do this for effects end you could just take the selected tracks and send them to to an effects channel so say you want these all to go to reverb so now when we go to our sends this is automatically been routed to that particular reverb plugin and for each track we could set the balance between wet or dry if you already have an existing audi let's say we have an audio track and this wasn't included when we first did that at this point i could say i wanted this particular track to instead of going to the stereo out i want this track to go to the group so um we could do that or we could have this track go to the vca and if we go to our sends where i have this revelation this reverb plug-in that we see here i could also just say we're going to go to descends and now we could have the wet dry ratio to an existing effects channel so and from this end you could also just as you can on a normal recording console send it to the group so if you wanted to send more signal or less signal to the group that's independent of its volume you could do that and attenuate how much of the signal from that track is being sent to the group or to the reverb send or effect send directly here from the sends as well so hopefully it helps let me know if you still need uh if that's still unclear if there's a particular aspect corey that could be clear for you all right so canada hungary switzerland rome toronto minneapolis all right and fall river massachusetts okay london greece okay so um so we have question i'm running cubase pro on windows with a 3900 x cpu with a q970 graphics card and one two terabyte um uh one two terabyte generation four nvme ssd uh the question i have is when i render the cpus not maxing out how do i utilize all cores uh to that so that cpu is more than 90 during rendering so you know as you do rendering it's going to actually be processing all of your different plug-ins as well so you know and those plug-ins as it's being processed those plug-ins and themselves depending where they are inserted within the signal chain like many plug-ins don't utilize more than one cpu core so you know depending on you know ad as you're using the different plug-ins you may notice that you know when you're working with that that the plugins themselves aren't going to be scaling so when you do the rendering you know it's going to reflect that so you know so i think it's going to be set up to you know how the plug-ins themselves are organized within your project and if the plug-ins themselves most of them don't utilize multiple cores so you know if your project has plug-ins that are kind of spread across different instances so that it can utilize different cores better than you'd probably see more of the cpu utilization all right all right good to see matt elliston from london again all right all right people checking in from italy all right south africa all right so we have danny this is his first time here glad he made it welcome to the hangout um so we have a question is there a way to set the automation adjustments to move in increments of say 0.1 or 0.5 db when dragging a selection or two automation points using the arrow so let's go ahead and take a look so let's look at this automation track okay so let's say if i wanted to select a couple of automation points so if you wanted to you know just do the info line here you could go in kind of various intervals and i think sometimes if you hold down the shift key for a lot of the controls in cubase here we could go like to so let's say we're at 12 so without just using my mouse scroll wheel that will kind of go up in finer amounts but if you hold down the shift key this will take you down to basically um you know a tenth of a db at a time so to try holding down you know as we adjust let's say i want to take all these points and as we adjust so if we just adjust here and let me see if there's it doesn't look like when we're doing it this way that there's fine control for the adjustments um but if we do from the info line that you could select a range of automation and do that and if you hold down shift that will give you fine control like that so try doing it from the info line and you could do fine control adjustments right there just holding down the shift key all right so we have stefan from heidelberg germany all right and danny from la crosse wisconsin so you comment from pablo thanks to the guys who participated in the zoom that was a lot of fun uh for the christmas we did a little zoom hangout afterwards maybe we could do that more often all right so my chat field just jumped on me bear with me just a minute i may have lost some questions but i think i'm okay okay all right just finding my place sorry okay reading through comments here all right good to see gant from silver spring all right it sounds like my wife is bowling right above me for some reason she's usually don't hear that sorry for the interruptions okay so we have tony matala from london we have philippines all right all right so we have india italy that's all right so question is it possible to use my air pods as my talk back mic in the control room so generally um you know the you know if you're you know if you're doing the talk but if you want to use your air pods as your talk back it's gonna impose a lot of latency um i would generally just kind of advise against it so if you're doing a mac you could on mac os x you could set it up as an aggregate device but it's going to kind of really you know add a pretty good chunk of latency uh for your for the signal i think it won't work kind of as you intend to and it's just you know working with bluetooth audio can add a lot of latency and it may not you know be kind of as desirable for something that's doing the timings a little more critical for uh like a daw tracking environment all right um so to see perhaps a quarterly zoom session would be possible it was quite nice hanging out together so yeah maybe we could do it once a month and just kind of have like a little uh post hangout to hang out um it was really great to meet people all different people okay so maybe the last hangout of the month we could do that if you guys want to do that as a regular thing all right we see brianna from yotown on that's good all right so we see neurotic nexus is getting his new hardware tomorrow be amd ryzen 7 5800 x with 32 gigs of ram um so he's excited congratulations i need to get a new system myself so not to wait till after taxes see if i get hit for my house sale all right seeing nice comment for michael teams for the cubase and yan site where you could actually kind of search for topics covered in our hangouts all right so you see bill from chicago illinois running cubase 11 pro in windows 10. uh hi greg when i duplicate a track and edit the duplicated audio event audio the original track gets edited as well what is the fastest way of only affecting the duplicated track so this is a preference because a lot of times when we duplicate a track it's you know it's using the same exact audio file so let's say if i come here i'll just get in my media and let's say we just have [Music] a so if we have this audio file here and we duplicate this track you know this is referring to the same exact audio file so if you do an edit on this one the audio files edit it and it's the same audio file that's being used in this but you can go to your preferences and i believe it's under editing audio um and then it's on processing shared clips you could choose to automatically create a new version and this is one of those preferences that kind of pops up and you say don't show me this again when you make it once kind of in the heat of battle so a lot of people forget that but just go to editing to audio and you'll see on processing shared clips just choose to create new version and then when we do an edit on this it'll create a new version of the audio file that's being edited um so you just see kyle kennedy's since we're talking hardware anyone else see the the linus or linus tech hackintosh vid this week you said they wanted to do an audio benchmark what would that even be so uh i haven't seen that but maybe uh if you want to send a link to me a club cubase at steinberg.def they're looking for a way of doing a benchmark we could i could definitely share some insights on that okay okay so i just see a question how do i change the speed of a project on cubase please okay so let's go ahead and kind of show a particular project okay so you need to have kind of an idea of what the tempo is of the project itself so if you record it roughly with a click track let's say you have a project like this and we have our click so once is recorded to the click track you'll see that we could go to the pool window here and you'll see that you'll see a tempo stamp of like roughly what the audio tempo is so once we have that tempo stamp you also see this little column over here for musical mode and then once we have that what we can do is select all the files hold down select the top hold down shift select the bottom and then you could enable and disable musical mode once musical modes have been enabled for the tracks and we could do this on the info line as well we could now come over here play [Music] and i could just say let's type in a new tempo from 100 to 120. so your midi and your audio will just all [Music] say 144 or 96 beats a minute [Music] so once all the tracks have kind of a tempo stamp you could just place them into musical mode either on the main project window or on the pool window under media and then just type in a new tempo in the transport bar and it'll be kind of like a tempo parasite so just gonna follow that parasite it's gonna follow the tempo and that's all you have to do okay so let's see uh we have a question i'm having issues saving certain things i'm having i have an instance of hallie and sonic and trying to save a preset for it but it won't save same goes for supervision i can't save any of my presets here so when you do this you know it's one thing to check is to make sure that you know i haven't had any problems let's say if i come over here and i just wanted to have a an instance of supervision so once i come here so let's say i will these are presets that i made but i'll just kind of start with the brand new instance and we'll make a new preset [Music] so let's say i will come here and let's make [Music] this and i'm just going to [Music] so once i have this done we'll come here and say preset management and i'll just say save preset so i'll call this january 5th 2021 okay so let's come right over here so as we have this i'll go to supervision and here's our january 5th 2021. so that didn't seem to have any problems let's go ahead and try to load up a quick alien and see so i wonder if it could be like maybe an administrator rights thing uh so if you're running your cubase as administrator or like maybe a different arranger like a different admin account so say if i come here and so take this and let's go ahead and edit sorry for hitting the mic so i'll just click here we'll get a preset management and save okay so now so i just come right here it's my january 25th hangout and now as i play so i would check to see if it was maybe like an admin account or run you know right click on the program before you run it and say run as administrator and see if that makes a difference for you but that seems to be working for me as expected danny all right so michael teams wants people to hit the like button so we will i i will concur with michael he's a smart guy okay so we have a question from matthew elston i believe he's in london uh please would you be able to show how to add labels or colors to identify verse or coarse or solo et cetera in a project all right so there's a couple ways to do this so a lot of people i know use markers for this i like to use um like in a ranger track because this will give you a lot of flexibility afterwards so let's say if i wanted to come to my ranger track i'll say okay we're going to have our introduction let's say to here and then we're going to have let's say a course or let's say that's verse course so say roughly this is our arrangement so if we i think you have to hold down alt and double click and then we'll say intro verse 1 and for b so alt or option and double click chorus one so come right over here first two chorus 2 and let's say solo so now we could see these and if i think if we wanted to change their colors accordingly you could just select the events of you know if verse twos are always very green for you you could come here if you want your solo to be yellow at that point you could have kind of a quick idea roughly of your song arrangement just just kind of like that so that's that's an easy way that's pretty uh obvious to see as well kind of throughout the project so and you could have this kind of if you do divide track list as you scroll up and down you could always see your arrangement uh directly in your project so try that matthew okay question in cubase 11 when i add an effects plug-in and track inspector sometimes it turns dark and i can no longer open and edit its settings why okay so let's say it's probably to deal with the constrained delay compensation being enabled so if i have this turned on and the concept is this will allow you to record audio and record midi like for virtual studio instruments virtual instruments vstis they'll allow you to record those with you know bet with more responsive latency by bypassing particular plug-ins so let's say if i wanted to come here and add an insert of a multi-band compressor which could be a latent plug-in so say if i had a multi-band compressor it's now when i come here it's disabled and i can't turn it on so but if we click on the constrain delay compensation button now that will become enabled and it could allow you to edit those particular settings so you probably just need to come right over here and just turn on and off that can toggle the constrain delay compensation and turn that off and as you do that those plugins may add more latency so that and that's why you kind of could temporarily bypass them without having to go through your entire project you could just say every plug-in that's causing latency during tracking let's bypass that and just record directly through so just try disabling the constrained delay compensation here in the bottom left hand corner on the transport and that will probably do the trick for you okay um question hello dear people i have a question about channel lanes uh it is clear how to use them in midi but what about audio recordings can i have different audio versions under each in lanes and how so if we wanted to let me just open up project where i have some lanes probably done for us already so okay so if we have multiple takes multiple recordings on a particular track we could deal with it in two ways one is in lanes and we could see our lanes here so we have multiple recordings uh each recording or pass or take could show up in its own lane so these are all sharing the same exact audio eq all the channel settings that we're used to seeing just here so i won't have to duplicate all of these settings and we could you know with the intention that we could do for lanes is and i prefer lanes personally for comping like you know guitar solos or vocals because we could just now grab our comping tool and say i want this part from that take this part from that and we could create kind of different comp takes like so and come up with like the perfect composite edited take and now we click here so now if i wanted to you know be able to switch between different versions and i often do this if i'm recording a band where you know okay we're going to do five or six different passes and you know maybe i want you know take one for the verse take you know take two for the guitar solo etc that's when i could use track versions so and we could kind of toggle back and forth between lanes and track versions if you decide to kind of switch mid stream and we could do this under project and we go to track versions we could say let's create versions from lanes so now when i come here they're now set up as track versions um so again if you go to project to track versions you can say create lanes from versions so you could pick and choose kind of which modes kind of work the best for you so so the lanes and versions so think of the lanes as you could edit these and track versions you could just kind of switch between different takes but it's not as fluid for doing like a complicated comp edit uh question hello is there any option how much time i work on a project in cubase i've i've passed on uh the idea for a plug-in it's just kind of a counter you know for people they're doing billing um but you know so i passed that along to the team at steinberg but i believe that there is a shareware plug-in so i know some people just put it in like the master bus or in the control room and anytime that you start the project it starts like a little time calculator that could add up all the time that you use in a particular project so nothing that comes stock with cubase but i believe there's a third party option that's free okay okay i just see from uh [Music] from our steven music is there any way to smooth the playhead movement in cubase 11 so it's always seemed to you know move pretty well for me so um i know like the there is if you have like the metal acceleration on mac so say if i just so say if i just zoom in here as we zoom in and out [Music] so you know it seems like the i don't have any issues with the playhead position you know there's on pc there could be a lot of variables with um you know different display drivers but if you could maybe give a little more indication of what platform um but i haven't really encountered many uh performance issues where i felt like the playhead and you know i run cubase pretty regularly on four or five different machines so but if you get a lot of snow all right okay so i see a question hi greg just upgraded from 10.5 to 11 but every time i start a new project i lose my sound card setting in the control room so i have to set up manually every time how do i fix that so if you want to you know you could try i'm not sure if you're starting off with a template but if you're starting off with a template that should work i've seen sometimes on if you have like hdmi monitors that sometimes on a mac platform that could trigger like it you could see like the passing of an hdmi port as an audio um you know as an audio interface that that has sometimes you know had to have people select their audio interface on mac but um but if you set it directly to like within your template or your startup template you should be fine all right okay just reading through some of the questions um [Music] all right so just seeing kind of a little discussion on um colors and like color choices so let's go ahead and show a little bit of so let's say if we have a chord track so i'll just come here and add a chord track quickly because this could make a difference in how this is displayed so let's say if i have a chord track and we have it set to a c major chord and i have a midi part here okay so one of the options is you could colorize based upon the scale or chords so as i come here let's say i put in a c sharp uh in the key of c that that would automatically um make it red so if i put a c a c note that would be within the actual uh scale so we could you know just colorize again you know based on the scale and chords so you could see exactly which notes um you know are going to be in the chord or out of key so red would be out of key within the very audio editor you could also if you come to let's say if i wanted to go to very audio you could see this as well so let's say we go to our very audio and we have it it do its analysis and we choose to colorize based on the chord track so here you can see you know these green notes are within the actual uh chord red is out of key and blue is within the actual key within you know not in the chord but within the key so and if you see a bright blue note that that indicates that it's within a chord but the chord tone itself is out of key so okay so question 10.5 pro sometimes when i press x to crossfade it will crossfade other times it opens up a crossfade window i just wanted to crossfade without the box opening any ideas so i think this was a question that was sent in a bit earlier so [Music] let's say you know if i come here let's say on this particular part i'll just do a quick edit here so let's say if i split right there and i will just select both events and hit x that will do a cross fade and we could zoom in and see the crossfade between the two selected sections kind of as we zoom in we'll see just the ever so slight you know crossfade so if you hit x again so let's say you know if you're to the point where you know i come here so let's say if i i'll select these two so we see it across a and then if i hit x again you'll see the crossfade editor so my guess is that there's already usually when you hit the x it's going to do the crossfade and then if you hit the x while there is an existing crossfade that's when you get the crossfade editor to open up to edit the crossfade so if it's opening it up that means that there's a cross fade that's already present uh so a question from ted springman hey ted hope you a happy new year um so do you know if overtones get affected when cubase does pitch correction on the notes fun fundamental so you know the whole note will get you know so if we've done if we do pitch shifting of an audio files let's say just drag in a particular file here okay so and if i move a particular segment here that will move the fundamental and reset all the harmonic overtone series if you wanted to actually just edit you know the fundamental without affecting the overtone series then you could use spectral layers um where you you know you could do that and if you have spectral layers pro one of the things that's super cool uh this might be in elements as well but it might just be limited to the pro version is let's say if i go to you know so if i wanted to decouple the overtones from the original you know we could just say okay let's go to our extensions here and i'll just kind of blow this up so so all right so at this point we could choose to select um the frequencies and you could select kind of based on the harmonic content so as you make a selection here you could choose to you know to deselect the fundamental or you know you could treat the overtone series kind of independently so once you kind of see the so let's say this is our fundamental here so this would be our first overtone then you could delete and you know alter that but generally when you go into very audio the overtone series will be affected with that okay uh so a question from uh i'm having an issue where my mouse pointer is slightly offset in the edit window i have to click on the lower part of a midi note or below it to select it any advice and a fix for this so i think that's going to be related probably to like a video display driver that's where i would take a look for it i don't think there's any way to um to you know have cubase offset that it's going to be just kind of fixed in the display driver settings um all right so going back to spectral layers does spectral layers have a way of automatically split overtones onto separate layers i'm not sure but let's take a look okay so let's say if we go to the [Music] overtones so let's just say if i just do so we could have kind of just the layers but it doesn't look like each overtone series could be placed on into its own individual layer all right so i just see please make plugins and ui like ableton live so uh i don't i don't run ableton live so if you maybe give a little more context but obviously there's different use cases for that all right okay so question from rude hi thanks for your time as always is there any possibility to create hit points to several tracks at once thanks in advance uh greetings all right so let's take a look so i will just come over here and let's revert this so let's say i'll do a kick snare and a hi-hat now as hit points you know as audio is recorded you know generally by default hit points are automatically calculated upon recording but let's see if we could do this if i do i'll just see if i could group them together so here it's you i could just select them all and then it looks like it's gone through and found and i just group them just hit control or command g and just clicked on edit hit points and it looked like it just automatically calculated the hit points so as i do this for all of them let's set the threshold like unnecessarily high for all of them if let's see if that threshold is yeah so that threshold is consistent so let's say if i adjust my threshold higher if that is kind of the same so you could try selecting them and just going to adjusting the threshold like that but once again hit points are automatically calculated by default upon recording so you may not have to a question cubase 11 pro can i add custom graphics in place of the gray default vst icon in the upper in the right pane when i've set up added a hardware synth so we had a kind of similar question emailed in about like external effects so i think when we do this that we'll take a look so i don't think it's possible in the external effect but let's get to my audio connections and let's say i have i think we set this up for like a jd 800 and when i come to add let's say an instrument track i'll choose my external jd 800 yeah so most of the plugins when we go to instantiate a plug-in so i don't think that there's a way to do that um maybe with you know midi 2.0 and the ci as that gets implemented um but i'm not anticipating that so much but um but you know most of the time when you run a software plug-in you can get like a little camera icon here to take a picture if it's like a third-party plug-in to take a picture so that it will you could have the default picture show up but for external uh instruments and external effects there's no camera because there's no plug-in interface to take if the if the plugin itself has um i think you know if the plugin itself has a vst editor which some of the instruments do you could do that by just clicking on the little icon here so let's say um so here like the mo xf8 we could do this and we could open up the vst editor and now you could actually take a picture of that so it's really you know could be a limitation if there's an actual vst editor for the plug-in for the piece of hardware itself and then that could do the trick all right good to see gareth on the hangout happy new year hope you hope that gareth and everyone else had a wonderful holiday i should be working on the base for the second track this week all right good to see john from chattanooga tennessee been through there many times okay so j for vice hello what is the best way to avoid latency when recording and monitoring live vocals thanks so you know the best way is a lot of people i see when they go and start mixing they have lots of like a full mastering chain i you know some people send me to projects and they'll have like 12 plug-ins on their master bus you know like they need seven different types of compressors on the master bus so anytime that you have a plug-in that's active in the system that is we could think of it as having like a tax and the tax is latency so you know try not to have you know try to have fewer plug-ins in the signal chain because a lot of people will crank their buffer all the way down you could do this and just say okay when i go to my control panel i'm just going to crank the buffer all the way down to get latency low and then they just shoot themselves in the foot by adding a bunch of latent plug-ins on the back end so if you wanted to get rid of all the latent plug-ins on the back end you could come and just turn off and enable the constrained delay compensation so try to run fewer plug-ins you know you know think if while you're tracking if you really need to have a compressor a software compressor during tracking or if you're gonna kind of run that afterwards you know so anytime that you're gonna instantiate a plug-in that's gonna have a latency tax on it so try to minimize those as as much as possible and try to and then that could free up your system and you could adjust the buffer size lower for the particular track as you're tracking the vocals and that will make the vocal tracking much easier okay so have a question from matthias in hamburg uh how can i copy all insert effects from one track to all other tracks by single command so like copy paste okay so let's say i have a number of inserts here okay so i have all these so if you actually kind of click here um you know you could just drag it over just like that so if you just kind of drag it you see the little plus sign pop up and then you could just do that you could also i think once you're here you could right click and choose to uh i think there's just a copy and paste so let's say if i come to this particular track so let's say if i have this i think we could just do command c come here command v and let's go back to the inserts and that will just kind of paste the inserts so you could just select this copy you know control command c come to this particular track and command control v and cut copy paste just like that so those are a couple ways you could drag it to the new one or just cut copy paste just by selecting the tracks in the mix console all right so you see cubase or nuendo help um so if you're going back and forth between cubase and rendo you can think of nuendo as having uh just about every single feature that's in cubase currently so if you have you know nuendo 10.3 is parity to cubase 10.5 new window 11 is parody to cubase 11. i think the one thing that's not innuendo is vst transit it's not the most widely used feature but that is i think the only difference between them but nuendo is going to add other additional functions such as dolby atmos and atmos rendering inside the box it's going to add adr functionality network collaboration it's going to have the ability to do reconforming some advanced naming it's going to have game audio connect for if you work with audio kinetics wise and you're doing a lot of you know sound design functions there's particular function like plugins for randomizer for making kind of robot sounds as well as you know some other specialized sound design functions you know if you're doing music you know the two programs could function identically for you it's when you get into post-production game audio production more advanced audio stuff facility-based stuff that's when nuendo can make a big difference so you know if you're thinking i really need to get into atmos you know then nuendo is where you want to be headed and you could try trial versions of both i think the cubase 11 trial version is out and we should see it soon for nuendo 11 as well okay so why cubase doesn't close correctly with heavy project every time i need close it by task manager so generally what's happening is you have a plug-in that's not releasing from memory so in when the plug-in doesn't release from memory that's when you probably that could be causing you to have to go to task manager to close out because that plug-in is still hanging on so it's probably going to be related to a third-party plug-in and when you say a heavy project that means that you're probably using more plug-ins that are susceptible to causing that so you know check i know some people will close the project before closing out a cubase and that could help but often it's going to be just a particular plug-in it's not doing it's not releasing memory and that's what's called causing your cubase to need to be exited by task manager okay so i just see questions sorry i dropped out did you maybe answer the question about lanes and audio channels what are they for can i combine first lane from audio version one and three from version two um so yeah we did go with like lanes and uh you know lanes as well as you know the track versions earlier okay so i just see how to sidechain with shaper box um so i'm not sure which shaper box is maybe envelope shaper so let me just revert this quickly so let's say i'm not sure [Music] so let's say i want okay so i say let's get a side chain and let's say i wanted to have the base side chain [Music] and let's say we'll hide the base [Music] so if that's what the shaper box is you could just activate the sidechain capability and then choose your source between the two of them let's go ahead and [Music] [Music] so if that's what you mean that's that's how you can kind of activate the side chain with the envelope shaper okay so you see unfortunately gareth was late and missed a free backbone so maybe next time gareth all right okay so we see henner is also checking in from hamburg uh thanks for the helpful sessions you're welcome it's good to be back doing them i think my son is not gonna adore his virtual schools over for the afternoon let me just check in with him bear with me all right i'm back sorry for the discussion sorry for the interruption rather okay so i see a question i'm wondering since cubase 11 i missed a value when drawing a line for instance for velocity so let's check it out so so it looks like the velocity is still the value we just see directly here so as i adjust the velocity up and down you can see kind of the red line there go up and down and i see the value box so it's at 76 93 37 so it looks like that's still kind of working as expected here but maybe it's for other notes so let's say if i have a series of notes so it looks like i mean as we enter in velocity values let me know if i'm doing something differently than how you would do it but it looks like that those velocity values are kind of there as expected okay so to see sorry to bother you with lanes and audio channel questions i'm trying to stay tuned from croatia but we've had an earthquake and my internet stops drops over and over just because to get you through the earthquake and i've been through a number of them in california uh so i will sympathize with you on that i hope you're safe i was getting ready to take off in a plane when the northridge quake hit in 1994 for the namm show so i got to be in california the day after for numerous six point plus aftershocks so it wasn't fun all right so let's come back to this particular project again and i'll revert the project right so here i'm gonna have lanes and you know as we mentioned before uh if i wanted to take you know different lanes you know and come up with a comp we could use kind of the hand tool so these are different recordings on the same track and we could pick and choose to make you know actual different recordings and do an edit of that now if i wanted to take these lanes and turn them into track versions at this point what i could do is select them and go to your project under track versions and we could choose new version or not not new version rather but convert sorry let me just so go to project and under track versions we'll say create versions from lanes so now instead of having everything laid out for you you could choose to switch between the different track versions here and you may you know if you did that initially you may have to just unmute when you go back and forth because that may be just kind of muted so at this point i could just switch between my different what was eight lane is now just set up as a particular track version so you could kind of go back and forth between those two now if you wanted to haven't done this in a long time but let's say if we do a new version so just click here and let's do a new version and what i could do is let's say okay i want to start with um just grab my range selection tool and i wanted to take this particular part from take four let's say so i could copy just a normal copy let's go to my new version here and then just a and here you may want to just do a paste time so and now i could say okay i wanted to go to this take for this i'll copy and this way we could do kind of a comp version of of track versions so and at this point we'll just say again range to paste time so and that way you could kind of take different track versions and make a composite within a new empty track version or just kind of do it with lanes so good luck with coping with the earthquake i hope it's not too hope you don't have any damage to your property and you and your family are well okay um it's a question i phrased my question wrong can a drum track like a drum loop be separated into individual drum sounds by spectral layers pro so i don't think there's presets for like kicks and snares um but you could let's just just find a quick beat here okay so let's say i wanted to take this drum and kind of you know separate it you know so if you have like the spectral ears pro let's come over here to extensions you know and at this point you'll you know start to be able to see we switch to kind of [Music] all right i'll just solo this okay right so let's say you know as we want to take you know you could try to unmix components and this would allow you to do um you know like kind of the transients versus kind of the tonal material so we have tonal transient and noise so that's a noise all right but let's say um if i just you know and after a while you could kind of figure out so let's say if we're in kind of our composite view um you know then you could start to say okay you know we want to be able to select um you know this particular frequency range so we could say you know i just wanted to take you know these as my kicks and if we wanted to you know make a new layer of those different components you could do it but it's not kind of an automatic automated process kind of like the um you know on mix stems okay would be see comment would be great if instrument tracks for instance from groove agent can be directly recorded to audio tracks without manually routing them through group tracks so you you could you know route them through group tracks uh but you know since if you have just a virtual instrument track that's already in there you know and let's say it's going to multiple outs so let's say if we start with um i'll just do a new i think i have a project we could do this quickly you know so let's say if i have this particular project here all right so you know and let's say if i have my kick and snare going to so i'm playing this pattern and i go to my mixer so let's say i want you know my snare to go out of its own independent output and let's say my hi-hat [Music] so now when i come here we can say okay we have our different tracks here going to different outputs [Music] so at this point if i you know just doing the render in place you know so if i wanted to you know you could just hit render and place and have the audio file done quicker but you could also just say okay i want to go to my render settings i want to include my effects to channel settings so say i'll do that and now all of my different you know my kick and snare will all be kind of separated so as i want to just play my room and overheads [Music] so you could just have everything kind of separated by that just by doing a quick render and play so um so yeah while you do have to route through a group if you want to record you could just simply render and place as well so there's like you know four or five different ways to get get it into an audio file quickly uh hi greg what are the challenges with opening up projects created in older cubase versions is there a general method to archive or should i keep the older versions installed on my machines you know the only you know the biggest problem was and i think you know we went from eight five to nine i think is when we dropped 32-bit plug-ins you know the actual program itself like you know if you go to download cubase 11 the program itself is like 500 megs so i you know to me it's like the hard drives are inexpensive enough where i'll keep the other versions just in case um so if i need to have a you know a 32-bit if i had a project from 15 years ago that was using a 32-bit plug-in that doesn't in the company went out of business and we all have plug-ins like that at that point i may keep an older version just for compatibility but you know i've you know opened up you know projects from sx1 you know i may have had to remap a couple plug-ins but the only real you know concern or thing to be aware of is you know some of the plug-ins may have slightly changed you know so like you know but cubase does a pretty good job trying to keep the older plug-ins in um you know some companies that may have some technology may go out of business that's kind of out of control of steinberg and third-party components but you know that's the only reason i would keep an older version so but if you you know if you're thinking it's like okay you know this is a project that i want to live forever you know render it as audio in the old computer you know as you do it keep the midi information you could change that but you know the biggest concern is you know especially going from 32-bit to 64-bit plug-ins so okay so we have a question on my track version question sorry for tuning in late i didn't want to rename a track version i wanted to change a certain track version's id uh id determines the grouping so um so i let me just see if we could come over here to the track versions okay i'll just do a quick experiment here okay so that's [Music] all right and i will just do new track versions for all these [Music] [Music] all right we'll do one more [Music] okay so let me just see if there's okay so let's say i wanted to now take these and switch them to version two all right and now we'll select this let's go to project to track versions and then we could assign a common version id so now when i go to switch let's say to track one and now we could go here to version four we can see that this version the currently active version has version four and version 2 kind of mixed in together so try going you know once you have everything kind of set up under track versions to assign common version id and see if that will do the trick for you stefan okay so we have uh what from tanmay good to see you on a hangout what's what does the option block event in render and place settings do all right so let's say i have an audio file here here so let's say i have these three audio files and i go to render in place and we'll have so let's get to the render settings so we could do is one event so if we do one event these three separate events will all be rendered as one contiguous event all right if we do as our other option that we're going to have is to render as separate events and we do this we'll have three separate events underneath each one and i believe that if we do them as blocks that this will basically extend the length until the next one begins memory servers so i could do some reading up on that i'm just having a little brain cramp what did i thought maybe it would extend it until the next one began and that's what blocks would do um hang on just one second real quick just here quick so just says uh they're both kind of independent audio files but i'll see if i could play around with it some more tamay and if you want to send me an email or a message on facebook all right okay so just see from uh gant what was the function that allowed you to isolate stems trying to find it and i forgot so under if you go to um in spectral layers what that's going to i do so if you go you know there's a spectral layers pro you get spectral layers one with cubase 11 and we could do this by going to selecting an audio file going to audio to extensions i'll just go back to where we were before so and let's say if if you have so cubase 11 comes with spectral layers of one which would allow you to unmix the vocal uh but if you have the full spectral layers pro at that point you could go to layer and choose to unmix stems so in the spectral layers pro is kind of an add-on to cubase as well so it's sold separately but it's pretty scary tool you could see on a hangout gant hope you had nice holidays with your son and daughter okay uh from black fractal hi first question here when i installed cubase 10 pro some content was not automatically installed like retro log groove agent reverence impulses etc instead i had to manually install from additional content folder why are they not installed automatically so they're different versions of the download so you'll probably see like a cubase 10 full installer versus a cubase 10 update installer and the update installer if you're updating from like version 9 or the previous version probably had all of those different content so it didn't need to redownload it and so instead of redownloading all the sounds that you already had so a lot of people when they run into that situation you know make sure that you get the full content installer um as opposed to just the update so a lot of people say oh you know the full one is really big it's going to take forever i'll just get the update and i could be up and running quickly and and don't do the full download installation so at 10.5 we made it where to mitigate that problem where you know the download was the full content file of 20 gigabytes and then some people you know were having problems if they didn't have fast internet access where they live so with cubase 11 they've made it so that all the different components are individually downloaded so generally when content is missing it's because it was an update install it was installed from the update assuming that the update would have the content from a previous versions install versus the full version installation and there are a number of drum kits for instance that are sold separately as well so and so it could be other stuff that is maybe you know not licensed that is was downloaded okay uh all right hi from uk how can i color code multiple tracks at once so it's pretty easy to do so let's say if we have eight audio tracks and i wanted these all to be the same color i'm just gonna select shift here i'll take all these tracks i go to the color tool and let's say i want them all to be i guess this is magenta and then you can just colorize the tracks just by selecting the colors like so okay hey greg i'm on mac whenever i open frequency 2 in cubase pro 11 cubase will crash every time apart from this issue cubase works fine my system any ideas i don't have any problems um kind of working with frequency on my system so let's go ahead and just open it up here you know something like that you may want to make sure that you know when you start cubase you may want to try starting it in safe mode where you could hold down alt hold down command option shift as you start cubase and that will start and that way you could bypass the um preferences for the system um but when i just come here open up frequency i haven't had any crashes but often kind of resetting the program preferences and a lot of those preferences may be inherited from previous versions but try doing that and i bet that will kind of take care of your frequency issue for you okay how can i create a key command or a macro for half time midi and audio parts thanks okay so let's take a look i think we can do this in a project logical editor so [Music] if you wanted to take the tempo track so let's say i'll start off here this project thanks for all the great questions if you've learned something new make sure that you hit the like button and that you subscribe to the channel okay i'm just going to revert this and you may have to have a tempo track active for this let's say i have a my tempo tracks active at 100 beats per minute here let's say 100 beats a minute [Music] okay so let's go to our project logical editor um let's say we want to take our media type is equal to tempo and our track operation we want to trim we'll multiply by 0.5 or you could divide by two all right and we'll set this to transform so let's say as we play [Music] so now at this point i can hit apply all right and let's see if my let me add a tempo track [Music] see if i have it selected [Music] okay so i thought that we could do it right from here so let's say our media type is equal to tempo [Music] so i thought that would do it like i think i've done it before in the past let's just see if it's i know i've set this up for different people i'm just [Music] so i know i've done this before using kind of the project logical editor but you could also have different track versions so if you wanted to just come here and say okay my track my tempo is set to 50 beats a minute and now and you could just go between [Music] so it's a new version [Music] 200. [Music] so that's one way you could do it but there is a way to kind of take the tempo um let's see if i have different tempo events if that makes a difference with the project logical editor i know you've set this up in the past before but yep so if you have multiple tempo events you could looks like you could do that so but you can make a project logical editor preset like that so you play around with that see if that makes sense for you all right you could see that gareth liked the bass track i did for him so so i'm looking forward to getting the fretless done i think it's for michael's tune to voodoo moon so okay so can you explain what all the parameters in sidechain routing tab and compressor do how does it affect the sound in sidechain like pre post fader etc okay all right so let's say if i have um like i want to do side chaining of the base and the kick here so i will come to this particular channel and so i'll go to this compressor and say we want to activate the sidechaining and we will set our sidechain input from let's say this kick okay so and we could do this via our send okay so as we have this now we will take okay so now let's say if i wanted to set that send so what that does in essence is take a particular send and send that signal to the sidechain input so we'll come here to we'll see our synth our side chain compressor input here so and we could have this set to pre or post fader so if we wanted so right now it's in post fader so as we adjust the fader of the channel so when i bring this down i could have less side chaining [Music] but if that send is set to let's say pre-fader now when i adjust a fader it's not actually adjusting the side chain so some people may want a sound to be side chained but for it to not actually have the sound of the sidechain trigger and pre-fader you could adjust that so that you don't really hear the source and another way that people will do this also is just to go to the channel and you could route the output of the trigger to no bus and still doing the sidechaining but we don't hear it now i can set it to the stereo out so those are some of the different options for how the pre and post fader could adjust the side chain and the sound okay so we have people checking in from poland and trinidad tobago caribbean sounds like a nice place to be now all right my chat field jumped on me so bear with me while i get back okay i may have lost a couple of questions so i apologize for that okay okay so hi greg is there a way to change the default trim tool to edit the start instead of the end without using alt okay so let me just okay so uh i guess the default trim tool to edit the start instead of the end without using alt so let me just see let me just do it on this so i'm not sure if the trim tool if this is what you mean by the trim tool okay so i'm not sure if the default sub403 i'm not sure if the default trim tool if this is what you're talking about here or if you're using the split tool so maybe sub403 if you could uh just let me know if it's on the project window if it's a trim tool in the editor uh i think it may be this may be in the editor maybe the midi editor let me just add a quick instrument track so i think this is maybe what he's talking about so if we have a number of notes here and use the trim tool here without holding down the alt just to do that so when you hold down the alt it does that if you want to trim the edges the ends you could do that but let's see if there's a way i'll look one place so try the trim start here so if you go to editing trim tool modifiers go to trim tool and then i think if you change that you could change the so let's say a sign so i'm going to click here assign let's say none and now when i just use a trim tool all right all right sorry let me just all right so i think he wants the like for these three notes so it looks like you could set a different um a different trim tool but you could experiment you know experiment with go here to preferences to tool modifiers and the trim tool and you could set different modifiers and one of the modifiers can be set to none but it doesn't seem like it's doing what i think you want to do of just being able to hold that down so you could change the modifier but yeah it's you could experiment with that again preferences tool modifiers to trim tool um so you could try that and see if you can get the combination that you want okay so question i use cubase to play tracks in live situations as a programmer when i press the spacebar to play it does have the latency like 0.5 seconds slower is there any way to press play without any lag so you know the reason and kind of as we discussed a bit before the latency is going to be determined by how many plug-ins that you have in the system so you know you could you know come over here and let's say if you're in the large mix console we could go to the mix console here and if you want to determine exactly what plug-ins are causing lag in your system you could just come right over here to channel latency monitor so let's say if i have my inserts here at this point let's say i put in a couple of multi-band compressors so say we'll get to our dynamics so as we have a couple of multi-band compressors we could see that we could see this latency on this particular track so anytime that you have latent plug-ins you may want to consider rendering those plug-ins to the files if you're doing a live thing and you know you could also obviously come right over here to your studio setup select this and then whatever the latency you have on your audio interface for its buffers that will have an impact uh but probably just you know if you have a lot of plug-ins in your system that are causing a lot of latency you know try to render those and coming over here to the little setup in the larger mixer you could just say channel latency and that will give you an idea of which tracks have the most latency that are causing the lag for you see a nice comment from matthew ellison thank you greg great answers glad it's helpful all right sorry you may have lost a couple questions in the middle uh so greg your hangouts are great and so useful and grateful for them but is it really necessary to go through the torches first 10 minutes saying who is signing on so there's lots of people that are signing on throughout the whole world so often if we started a bunch of people would miss questions so but if a bunch of people say hey you know you could skip the sign-on section i i'd be happy to kind of change that so if other people uh feel i should kind of skip that some people like the sense of community it creates as well knowing who's on a hangout and personalizing it but you know but we could maybe get it down a couple minutes if you want so but let me know in the comments if we could if you if everyone wants that to be uh paired down we could do that but i figure within four hours you know we get a lot of questions in okay so question from tanmay so i was composing a song for a video and there's one part of the video that contains that comes three beats before the actual hit how do i synchronize the video and hits so they don't look out of sync so once we have you know one of the things that you could do to synchronize different components of the video is to if you go to your transport menu you could activate this use video follows edit mode so let's say if i have my video track enabled so i'll just come here so let's say we have our video player here and now i as i move my events um you know you could just place different events directly at specific specific points in the video and this could be for a midi note so if i'm here and i have just one single midi note and i just want to take that and move that to specific point in time like the transition here and that way you know that this will occur right there you could also just you know if you need to create tempo maps you could come here to the time warp tool and just say you know this is where measure 36 needs to be and i need you know four measures of even you know music between point a to that point in the video and this will automatically calculate you know you can say from here to here i need measure 40 to end right here at that point you could just adjust the tempo to fit the video as well all right so question if i have a piano track playing chords is it possible to make a chord track some kind of automatically yes so let's come to let me just find a project that's a good example of that so if i have uh my piano part here and we could look at it in our score editor if you wanted to as well um all you need to do is go to the project to chord track and choose create chord symbols so have that part selected i generally had the first top two checked and now your chord track will automatically be created from the piano part all right uh hi greg i upgraded to 11 and i'm hoping to delete a thud on a guitar track using spectral layers could you run through that process to do so okay i'll just revert this quickly i think i have kind of an annoying kind of thud so let's say if i this would be kind of very similar then this is just a voiceover of me talking with no windscreen you may blow into the microphone accident so as we listen to this i'll just make this a little louder so you can hear it better you may blow into the microphone accidentally so let's say there's a big breath with a lot of low end to the microphone accidentally so really all you'd need to do is we'll select that let's go to our extensions to our spectral layers um i usually like to kind of do the composite view and as we kind of you know because the contrast could be a little easier to see so let's come in here i'm just going to kind of zoom in all right so as we see this could be like the thud or my breath you may blow into the microphone accidentally so at this point what i want to do is just say i like to you know depending on the shape of it like i found it like on this one the elliptical selection worked really well so i'm going to select that particular phrase so where i see that thud right there and then i'm just going to hit delete or backspace a couple times and now let's listen to it and i'm going to blow into the microphone accidentally so and again if we redo it you may blow into the microphone accident and you may have to have speakers or headphones on to really hear this so i'll just again just delete that particular frequency range below into the microphone accidentally and you can't tell so like for doing little voice overs and lip smacks and guitar thumps and stuff like that it works super well and you can do that same exact thing in the spectral layers one that comes with cubase pro 11. all right uh can you please explain automation virgin territory okay so let's say uh i'm gonna in a i have automation on this particular track so i'll just have my fader here so and i'm gonna go to my automation panel and we can do this by just hitting f6 or clicking here and when we go to settings i'm going to enable virgin territory so generally a lot of automation will have kind of a common beginning and end but now as i go to write automation here i stop there's not going to be automation kind of before or after that particular [Music] so if i am playing along from here so this way i don't necessarily have automation before after it's only going to have that automation at that very specific point in time and if you wanted to come over here and join those together we could just you know one of the functions you could do is fill gaps on the selected tracks and that will kind of add those points so some people especially with different control surfaces may want to just do a quick touch up but they don't want the value to be for it to be a value that's recognized by the control surface for editing purposes so that's why there's kind of virgin territory to only write automation and not have it contingent upon previously or automation that's written afterwards in the project in time all right just reading about people asking about the discord servers so yeah check out jazz dudes one it's very good all right so hi greg is there any way to pan the main output in the control room so you know generally i think the control room is really set to you know output you know the audio from you know you know the concept of control room is to monitor the audio that's being sent from the mixer so you probably would want to actually have the control you know have the control room reflect like any panning that's on the master fader i can see where there may be exceptions to that but generally is a good rule of thumb because unless you're doing like maybe room correction or something like that you know because effects that are applied in the control room when you render the file aren't going to be included so but an effect that's going to be here but if you wanted to go to um you know we could just go to the inserts and you know set up your panner so you know if at this point you wanted to just set up um you know like the panner on you know so at this point you could choose to just pan in the control room itself just as a plug-in so and depending upon your you know configuration you know [Music] so you could just run it as a panner plug-in directly inside uh once you go to the control room to inserts but you know again i think the best place to do that is going to be just you know right here on the master fader or on a particular tracks and have the control room monitor the panning changes that you're setting there okay so question is there a way to turn on extended logging when doing an import of an aaf i receive a rather cryptic error however google doesn't return where the import is failing so i think if you go to uh preferences to general that you should be able to do you know the enable usage logging so let's say you know so you could read about this in here so you should be able to automatically you know keep track so i'm not sure if you're doing the usage logging from the the preferences here so try that and but if that's what you're doing just just let me know okay uh so you see a question hi greg do you agree with the minus 18 db input across all tracks for working in the box or is that just a myth being as steinberg started whole vst thing you may have an answer many thanks justin so you know i i try not to worry so much about you know i i was i i obviously try not to get too hot in my mix um a lot of people started doing minus you know certain gain structures based on analog gear and then found that in some daws that they didn't translate well meaning that some would have depending on the era of their audio engine they may have been fixed point versus floating point uh so a lot of people may have come up with kind of tried and true rules for a fixed point system and assume that's how all digital systems worked um so you know and that makes sense and a lot of people would try to be a little hotter on digital because if it was a fixed point system and you had very quiet material that you weren't using all you know early on all 16 bits and it's like oh you're only using 12 of your 16 bits or 22 of your 24 bits or you know 30 of your 32 bits so you know with floating point i think a lot of those you know die hard kind of rules are not as applicable as they were for fixed point systems so but the you know the workflow is very embedded as in like a muscle memory for people so you know so some of those kind of concepts keep getting propagated over and over again so i you know i try to keep stuff you know under like around minus 6 db i try not to push things too hot and you know just simple you know sound kind of gain structuring concepts so but it seems like -18 db might be a little low would be kind of what i would think but i and a lot of times i just kind of i don't worry about it and just kind of do what sounds good and sometimes we're all there it's like oh you know i i screwed up and i had to bring everything down and you could do that easily enough by scaling automation down so okay so why doesn't cubase support m4a files my phone records voice notes and m4a i cannot import them you know so most of the times you know i know it's a commonly used format for phones but a lot of people don't record you know you know so sometimes you know you think about every possible compression permutation you know it's easy enough to convert it to a wave to an mp3 in any number of programs you know so it's like you know should we you know it's like cubase does a number of file formats already so you know just because if you want to record you know an idea you know as a voice memo you know you could you know there's a number of utilities to convert it to mp3 or wave so okay so i see uh question chord track doesn't seem to let me add major seventh chords is there any way to add them so let's take a look okay so i don't think i'll have any problems let's say i want to add a c major seventh okay so no problems there now it could be that your voicing may only be set to triads so let's say if i have the chord track um and now if i try to put in a c major seventh chord so but check just to see uh if when you go to voicings you know i would check some of the setup voicing options there and see if that's kind of doing the trick for you okay okay so i see a question uh how to export different midi lines from groove agent not using dissolve parts [Music] um okay so you know if you're not familiar with this the concept of dissolved parts i think that the dissolved parts may be the um so you know i think you could manually copy but if you're not familiar with this concept i'll just show it for people okay i'll just revert this quickly oh yeah okay so let's say we have all of our midi drum parts here so let's say we have our pattern and i will so this is our drum pattern here i'll just i'll just revert it quickly here get it back to where we were okay so let's say i have all these different events so what the dissolve part function allows you to do is just to come and say i wanted to go to under midi and we could choose the event select the event and then we'll see dissolve part and this will we could separate pitches just kind of like that and now when we look at it the kick will be on its own lane to snare hi-hat etc so each of the different sounds each midi note is now spread across multiple lanes now if you don't want that to happen you could do a logical editor preset where you could choose to extract uh type is equal to note um and let's say our context variable is denote is equal to highest pitch and now what we could do is hit apply and that will automatically take the highest pitch of that particular part and you could run that multiple times and now each of the pitches can automatically be split so if you don't want to use the kind of automated process for it just come over here choose function extract type is equal to note in the filter target and the context variable is equal to highest pitch or lowest pitch and then that will take the existing midi notes and extract them into a separate track so okay so it's just saying comment from uh thank you so much for explaining the audio track lanes you discovered new world to me with the possibility of turning ones to the others and vice versa cannot find it in the manual i think it's a way in the back of the manual just kidding okay so i see gareth's just saying just so i know that the kerosene track i played base form on we finished this week if you do any other arrangement stuff you need me to do anything else or a completely different idea just let me know gareth be happy too okay question from tanmay is there a way that i could detune only one note in midi editor and have a different patch for only one note in my chord progression um [Music] so if you wanted to [Music] okay so let's come over here okay so you know if you wanted to take you know there's a couple different ways so the detuning could depend upon the instrument so if you have like a hallion based instrument uh patchopp retrolog you know howie and sonic haley and se so let's say if i come here and i just have like a generic piano part if so say it's just g b and e but i wanted the uh the b to be flat what i could do since this is going to hallie and sonic sc not all instruments do this it's a vst 35 vst instrument um you could go to uh your midi inserts and there's a micro tuner plug-in so you could say i want to take the b's and make those flat so as we play so let's say okay i want it to be sharp [Music] and if you wanted to play back uh let me um so you have d2 and only one note mediator and have a different patch for only one note so if we have this set to a midi channel any so let's say if i come now to um let's say my hallie and sonic here so you know you could let's say add a midi track okay so let's say i want this to be a bass sound okay so what i could do on this is i'm gonna take this from the electric piano and instead of just midi channel one i could put this to any and now i could say let's take this low note here and i want to set this to uh we'll have pitch and let's say channel i'll put this to channel 2. so now we should have these going to channel one let's [Music] okay and so let's make this so that's how you could you know set it to midi channel any and then the different notes could be different channels here so let's say [Music] so depending like how you have the instrument set up so that way you know make sure that the for the actual channel here that it's not predefined to channel one or channel two put it to channel one and let's see if i just set this the original one may have been on 13. [Music] so you hear the bass is playing this we could have the one note detuned our b pitch sharp and going to a different sound like dart electric piano so that's how you could do it all right uh to see uh hello sorry for my english i'm sure your english is much better than whatever my attempting to speak your language i'll be the quintessentially uh ignorant american all right that only understands english and a little bit of spanish um so is there any way to set up metronome and adjust grids automatically according to imported audio track so if i come here let's go to [Music] our tempo detect file thanks for all the great questions okay so if i wanted to create a tempo map based on this file so we see that we listen to the metronome is no correlation but if i go to my project and say tempo detection click on my offbeat correction and now i have my tempo map so and and what it's going to do is you may have to add just like a where the downbeat is it'll give you a time signature of 1 4 as it figures out where the beat is say your downbeat is there [Music] and then even if you wanted to come here you could have different patterns so you can do stuff like that as well and that's how you could kind of make different grids based on on an imported audio file okay so i see from tamay we should have a spectral layers master class like cubase nine it's been a long time since we've had a cubase masterclass don't you think greg um so let me know what you want to like have accomplished in the master class so uh but you know we could you know we try to do these things to be kind of very targeted to what people want to see but if you wanted a master class we're more than willing to do that and there's also different spectral layers hangouts as well that mike scheibinger does so okay so you see question can you show me how to use the reason rack effects on another track sample or vst if you have reason rack so i i don't have a copy of reason rack um i could try to reach out my my friend you know founded the company i think he's retired now but i could see if i could maybe reach out but i think reason may show up as a vst instrument now but i'm not sure if all the re all the their internal plug-ins would show up uh if they do they would just show up uh when you go to your vst effects and you know here you could probably see all your different reason effects so sometimes some of the plug-ins may be fixed to not work as a vst plug-in and a host but only internally within their particular suite or their environment so if the plug-in is kind of designed that way you may not be able to just use it on other cubase tracks but sorry i don't have reason racks unfortunately all right so we see chris garcia's new endo user saying hi all right so you see the last cubase master class was on cubase nine two years ago and sonic scoop just checked um so that was just uh that wasn't necessarily a master class it was just a a demo that i did in new york um so um you know so you know it wasn't uh like a purposely done master class but you know we could definitely do master master classes like that if you want you know there may be some stuff coming up with what was kind of you know the namm show since it's not meeting in person and it's a virtual it's called believe in music we may be doing some more master classes uh in a couple weeks for that okay okay so to see from cube android user wait what version of cubase is this so i'm using cubase 11 you may see that some of my projects may say cubase version 8 or version 10 but even though the project was created in an earlier version it is uh cubase pro 11 so don't worry about what you see in the project title bar it's just i will build different projects to to show a different functionality and i may not save it in version 11 so uh hi greg is it possible to make a shortcut to set the selected instrument or midi tracks to the same chosen midi input um select instrument track 136 with a shortcut and all tracks to midi input port five okay so okay so let's come here i'll just do a new project all right so let's say i have eight instrument tracks here um and i want these all to go to the same input so i think it might be so i just held down alt and shift and this could change it to all them to not connected for my input or to all midi inputs so just selecting them instead of having to do it manually um yeah so try holding down alt or option plus shift and then being able to change so i think if i want these all to be on midi channel 4 let's see if that works as well so just the top but if you want to set a new input or output port try just to hold down alt plus shift and make sure that they're all selected and then you can change them simultaneously foreign uh so hi greg when i set my loop points and i jump to a marker i've set the loop uh turns off is this normal or can i keep the loop active thanks so it is normal behavior so but i think let's take a look or maybe okay so let's see if i come here there may be a little so let's say independent track loop okay so it's a all right so say if i jump here all right so let me just set this to all right so so you may want to you know generally cubase is always going to be you know as a set up as a linear daw some people you could do you could experiment with the independent track loop um and let me just see if i set that for three bars here and now my song will continue to play on but just that little section will continue to loop over and over and over again so if you wanted to loop like three and a half measures and just have the song continue to play on and on and on while this continues to loop you could do that as well so just make sure you may have to come here to the setup window and just turn on the independent track loop and you can do that for midi or audio all right so um see a question don't want to get off top off subject but has cubase integrated machine better yet i've i've been off the grid for a while and it's been driving me crazy so generally we don't like you know you know we have you know we don't necessarily go and make everything integrate with every controller and you know generally controllers you know if they have unique features they should kind of you know be in a workflow that's kind of amenable to other daws so i you know i'm not sure what cubase would do to make it work better with machine and probably should be machine that's working better with daws so so make sure you also send your question native instruments um all right so just see is there a shortcut to set the delimiter delimiter around a clip on the track instead of ctrl alt plus click at the beginning and the end so i'm not sure what you mean by delimiter around a clip um so maybe um excuse me uh maybe if you could let me know what you mean by let me just clear my throat so i'm not sure what you mean by delimiter around a track um instead of ctrl alt click at the beginning so if it's just kind of like the you know if you're doing like just a range selection you know i'm not sure if you're doing that where you know you could just say i want just that particular portion to go so but let me know if you could rephrase the question maybe we catch it before the end okay so see gareth may have their tune for me to play bass on it'll be good fun okay so i see question how can we use two different sample files in the same sample track um so the sample track is really designed for one single sample you could kind of split it if you want it to using the slices but if you wanted to have multiple samples you know try dragging it directly into groove agent and there you could have you know 128 pads with 32 velocity layers for each one okay okay so we have danielle checking in from london all right so i just see from jetley hi greg wondering if you had to look at my external effects email i'm trying to record my live performance on my pedals while monitoring the track in the background thanks i'll make sure to go through i remember seeing it uh right before the holidays so i'll i'll go ahead and dig it up i think if memory serves you sent the original one on december 1st from your email but i'll see if i could dig it up for you so all right good to see mandy lane on the hangout all right and just see why am i using cubase 10.5 still so it's probably the project was created in cubase 10.5 so but i'm running version 11. uh hi greg i've noticed that if there is processing on tracks via insert where there is no audio the mix down takes a lot longer you'd expect the render engine to be smart about this um so you know i i i'll pass it along but um it still may have to do just to check to make sure there's no audio you know because sometimes people may have one sample uh you know you know in a two hour film that may be just one sound so it may just make sure so you know but what you could do is if you don't have any audio is try to just disable the particular tracks and then you could hide the disabled tracks okay so i see uh shaperbox is a plug-in by cable guys so i don't have a copy of shaperbox but if it's not doing uh so you know part of the vst3 specification included sidechain so if it's a vst2 plugin it probably won't support sidechain so so make make sure you have the vst3 version okay okay reading through different comments all right read through discussions between pablo and gareth and michael all right uh so you see a question if i make music with virtual instruments can i still publish my songs to spotify sure no problem at all you can make however you want to publish music and create it you know i don't think spotify cares whether it's a real instrument or virtual instrument or what the difference is so music is music okay so we see from aj i've been using cubase 4 pro for a long time just upgraded to cubase 11 pro and spectral air 7 pro finding this hangout is great thanks greg good enjoy your new versions and you'll have a lot of great new features to work with so okay are you going through okay so to see a comment from mark these hangouts are incredibly useful i've been methodically going through them with with the help of thank you greg for your patience and expertise you're welcome glad to help and as michael mentions on the cutting edge la lache all right um so i just see james uh had a question do you ever do a hangout just using elements for us to uh for us that have been using elements for many years but can't afford the full version um we we could maybe do something but you know if you have like particular questions on elements we're always and happy to answer them you know as we do new endo questions spectral layers you know we get d'orico questions wavelab questions so much of what i see when i do watch i can't do in elements 10.5 anyways so we just leave i'm sorry you feel that way but you know if you wanted to do something just on elements we did do uh like during the start of the pandemic we did a there there was a stay home collection so we did do kind of just one on elements but we're trying to teach everyone as much as we possibly can on all versions so but if you want one in elements you know feel free to send me an email to club cubase at dot d and if we get a couple people who want it uh be happy to do it so the hangouts are really just you know for the users to get the most out of their product so all right you see gant i think's checking out all right so let's go through finding some more questions here are there any plans to have the steinberg download assistant provide notifications when product updates are available for the licenses one owns so you know generally i i don't know if that's kind of you know there's kind of a migration to a whole new system and we kind of see the first parts of it with the steinberg download manager so we'll see a lot of changes i'm not sure if it's going to migrate beyond you know like just targeting particular licenses that people own you know a lot of people will just kind of get um like when you do go to the hub you know you could see a lot of information on you know different new versions as well as you know deals the forum support that you can you know get a lot of information from there so that may be you know that may be kind of the chosen path to you know have it updated within the hub so but i'll i'll inquire about that okay just see a comment or greg hoping we keep these hangouts going through 2021 any positive feedback from corporate um so i don't know if the you know i if people at my corporate know that i do this actually so or the extent of it so but they haven't stopped me so uh i think they kind of have a sense you know you know once a while post a facebook post of you know we have this many hours and questions just so that you know people in my corporate office are kind of aware it's like oh you know greg's busy so but um so i they haven't stopped me so i'm just going to keep doing it i know for the rest of our fiscal year that we're not traveling so you know that's through april 1st so we don't have a travel budget so i'll probably you know i don't anticipate any changes um coming up to the hangouts you know to the hangout schedule where we'll try to do as many as we can so until they kind of take me away but you know i think we're okay for a while okay so how can i save and still have them after i restart cubase what attributes i want to see on media rack um so if it's you know if you want to have you know i think this may you know this information here may be reset on cubase so if it's if the question is like if you wanted to keep like a particular set of attributes always checked when you restart i'm not sure if that's something that's actually saved within the project um but that may be reset upon um i could do some experimenting to check to see if those different things will be will read will be preserved after a restart if you want to email me at club cubase at steinberg dot d e okay okay sorry my my chat feel just jumped on me bear with me see if i could okay uh so greg how do you record the audio from a rewire slave into cubase um so probably what you could do is send and you can do this with any audio source i'm not sure i don't have any rewire uh slave devices anymore uh i don't have any installed in my system but what you could always do is take the outputs of the rewire route it to a group so let's say this is our audio track and i know you may not see audio on there but you could uh add this track to a group channel to the selected channels make it a stereo group and then add a separate stereo audio track and for this audio track set the input from the group and then you could be able to hit play the audio gets routed out to the group the group serves as an input into this audio track and so you should be able to record it like that worst case scenario okay so question when you pass the cursor on the eq will not show the band and the note unless you activate a band is a bug so i think we'll see a resolution to that so um i did pass it on earlier last month when you brought it to my attention so i think that it may be resolved already in the next maintenance release okay so a question i named my drum parts to the name of the song section verse one course one is it possible to convert that info to marker track without having to write in all the names and locations again so see if we could maybe come up with um see if we come up with the solution i don't think that there's a clever way let's see if we can do it with project logical editor yes i don't you know you could maybe select let's say if we have a marker track here something to speed up the process so let's say if i come here i hit p to set the locators and let's insert let me just see if there's a key command for insert and name cycle markers okay so let's see if we could do if we could make this process a little less annoying so let's get a key commands let's make a macro all right and all right so let's see what happens if we so i'm going to select that and i'll all right sorry you may hear weird disney music in the background my son's watching all right let me just all right so say if i copy this manually i could work on you might be able to do a macro i could play around with it some more but we're basically you know you could set the locators and then do uh insert and name cycle markers and that should uh you know open up the cycle marker create that and allow you to name it but you might have to you know but once you have here you could just paste you know so you could kind of do that without too much of a hassle without having to type things over and over again okay so please provide the signal chain to avoid latency when recording and monitoring live vocals so you know if you want the best signal chain for that is not to use any plugins so but you know but you could always just try to quickly turn on the constrained delay compensation here all right so we had a bunch of questions that were mailed in let's get to those before it gets too late thanks for all the wonderful questions that people have sent all right so we had a question mailed in is it possible to set a key command to fold and unfold tracks okay so the key command for this can be found and you can do it from the project menu and you'll see track folding and you could have let me just get my project open i had kind of prepared for some of these so if you had a number of different tracks you could at this point uh go to your key commands and under project and then you'll see under track folding or folding rather so you get to folding and then you can choose to toggle tracks and that will open and close uh the folder so once again just go to project to folding toggle tracks okay so we had a question that was sent in about uh moving uh and the person had an issue with kind of moving up you know one of the tricks you could do is you know you could move a midi note up or down you know by semitone using the up and down key when it's selected or just holding down to shift and up and down and that will move it up or down an octave and the person had uh on their system when they pressed shift it was actually deselecting the selected note and i couldn't repeat that and they were kind enough to send a video show i showed i tried on four different systems and it's still kind of behaved as you know so i'm going to come here select a note hold down shift and as we do that it didn't deselect the particular note so that seems to be kind of working as expected on my end i would see if maybe you know for some weird reason if it's a keyboard that's causing it if you have the ability to maybe try a different computer keyboard and see if that happens i know you said you tried on two computers but um but it seems to kind of work as expected on my end and someone had sent in a question about using the chain uh the arranger track when we go to the arranger track you get to go to let's say uh like our next chain so once the ranger track is open you could go to next or previous chain in the arranger track and that it works here but not when using the keyboard shortcuts so and the keyboard shortcuts you could find under edit and go to key commands and you'd see them under the arranger track um so i set mine up for like uh command option shift n to go to the next one so let's say if i'm here and it seems like to me that it isn't it just takes you to the end uh and not directly it doesn't do the same functionality that it does here so i'll make sure to pass that along okay so we kind of had a question about uh you know is there any way to add my own custom graphics for external vst instruments so we covered this a little bit earlier i think fred asked it again on a hangout so there isn't a way that i know of um okay so we had a question uh in the user manual it is described that the content of a pattern pad can simply be dragged and dropped onto the instrument track that includes groove agent five when i try to do that it always it's always the case that nuendo creates a new track and drops it into this new track i cannot find out what i'm doing wrong so if i wanted to let's just add an instrument track with groove agent as e so let's say if i'll make sure this has patterns in it so when i come here and you know make sure that you're not dragging it onto the track or you know when i just drag it directly into the project window directly on the track it just kind of shows there without making any particular midi files but you can make sure that you know it's a if you could let us know if it's a user defined pattern or if it is a you know one of the patterns that comes with the library that could be helpful but it seems to kind of work as expected here okay we covered this question in the hangout okay so i'm setting up touch osc to work with cubase is there a way to have these uh send panner addressable through like a midi cc message so let's say if i go to uh this particular track and i have uh let's say a send going to so let's say i have this going to my revelation reverb how we could have this particular function uh controlled for panning of that reverb so i'm going to add just a let me go to destination here and i'm just going to add a let's say to channel two and i'm gonna make it a stereo revelation here okay so now when i go to my panning we could pan this particular element and the question was how to actually get this controlled so i would do it through quick controls and what you could do now is just come over here click on the learn and now as you move it this will automatically populate that so when i click on the learn function now my quick controls and i could assign this by going to my studio setup and go to my track quick controls and i could just set up whatever my midi controller is click on so let's say this is set to you know controller 42 but i hit learn and this will auto populate that midi cc as i move the knob and that will automatically now my quick control will control the panning of the effect so at this point or i did it for the wrong channel so let me just come here and i will just so we could just so i'll come right there let's go to my quick control setup again and i'll just do for quick control number one here so let's just say learn and then you could just have that controlled uh directly from your quick controls so but i'll pass on to see if we get it added into the generic remote control okay hi could you go through the follow chord track options i get very different results with varying degrees of success sometimes it sounds out of scale is there a pre-prerequisite for the midi files that you want to follow correctly you know so if you're working with you know let's say our chord track here and let's say i have simple chords okay so you know once i have kind of simple chords here you could go into uh the chord so let's say i'm gonna come here and we'll go to the chords and i could say follow chords let me just make this down a little bit so we'll just say [Music] on the particular track here so i'll just say we want to follow you know only the chords and once we do this we could synchronize the track data um so we could just say okay there's our root notes we could do that and now that will kind of automatically follow the chords if you're doing it from existing midi parts you may want to make sure a that you have the chord this the key defined here so you may not notice the key on the chord track but once you have that chord track make sure that the key is set correctly so if the key is set wrong and you set it to follow chords and scales then it may be out of key if the key is set incorrectly so if it's set to like maybe a mode or you know the relative minor then you may run into some issues there so just check that and make sure that you have the actual key correct okay so we had a question i can't get the generate harmony voices to work on my main vocal can it have anything to do with the double lines and the top bottom of the track uh how do they ever get there so and he was nice enough to send a particular track as a reference so when you know let's say we've done this earlier where we answered the question how to get the chord track from the piano part so when we do this um so i'm going to just take like just a little [Music] just a little phrase so i'm going to just say let's just take you know this particular phrase and i'm going to add a harmony to that so once we have make sure you have the chord track defined uh then go to audio and you could generate your harmony voices like so so i'm gonna say just give me one harmony voice and we'll listen to it [Music] so what you're seeing with those two lines at the top so make sure you have a chord track to start with to give it kind of a reference point um that could work musically with it but what you're seeing in those two lines is when we go to the uh they're in a folder so what you're seeing is there's two events kind of within the folder track so that's where that has come from because it's just showing you the contents of the folder that you have so make sure you have a chord track and that should kind of work as expected okay um so i usually keep my record mode on replay so if i want multiple takes to take advantage of the comping lanes should i change the record mode to keep um should i change the record mode to keep history mode any shortcut to change this mode or toggle them so if you wanted to toggle between like the different midi record modes uh all you'd have to do is go to your key commands and i think it's under transport and then you could um i think it's gonna be midi recycle let's look for midi first okay midi cycle record mode so let's say if i wanted to come here um okay let me just so now when i have my midi record mode it's set to merge i hit the keyboard shortcut and the midi record mode here will just kind of toggle between those so you could just kind of so now it's set to new parts so once again just go to your key commands and midi cycle record mode or midi record mode so one of those and that will allow you to just kind of switch back and forth between them okay so this is from yon the cubase demanders brought us to cubase um so we had a minor problem with cubase 11 we used older pc laptop their place uh we was on it was a fast one but the screen resolution is only 1024 by 720. the problem is we had when to do mixdown export the export windows is more option in c11 than it is also bigger the problem is that the ok icon was out of the screen and not possible to click on the ok icon however it was possible to resize the windows to get the okay inside the screen so the workaround was okay but the window size was not stored so we have to resize the mix down windows for every new mix down we think that is an issue the second issue um is that we found no way for a key command to access click on the ok icon maybe the macro can be used instead so some functions like the enter key often is a tricky thing to incorporate within the macro um you know so like a 1024 by 720 resolution is kind of you know not ideal it's not optimum you know that's kind of you know very windows 95 ask for a screen resolution so i'm not sure maybe if you hook it up to if you have the ability to hook it to a different monitor or something like that if that gives you more of a resolution or if it's kind of like a netbook um but let's say if we go to our export audio mix down um you know so you probably juggled around but let's say once we add to a queue so let's say we do our stereo audio mix down we add it to the queue so once that is there and this window is open it should automatically just seeing if sometimes see if that's if it's the active window sometimes see if you hit the enter that'll take you let's see if i have anything yeah so you may have to you know with that resolution i think it's kind of below what you know the minimum resolution is so you may just have to kind of toggle that and kind of go back and forth you know so um and just kind of constantly re-stretch to make that window fit um but you know you can resize the window a bit and if we close maybe some of the different features so i don't know if you've resized this window and kind of working within your desktop space as well and see if that makes a difference for you all right let's go back to our live feed thanks everyone for great questions and let's go ahead and we have just a minute or two left let's see if we get one last questions in before we wrap up like thank everyone for the great questions okay uh hi all maybe you can help i'm using elements 9.55 when i have a mix i'm happy with where on earth are the mastering and where does one start i have tried finding this out for a while thank you you know you could try to just take you know once you have you know some people will take the stereo mix down and do a master of that um you know and take that stereo wav file and run that through processing like you know limiters or eqs so that may be kind of the um you know or that may be the best place to go and it also kind of depends on what you're considering mastering so um so with that we'll go ahead and kind of wrap up we're just about out of time so i'd like to thank everyone for all the wonderful questions i want everyone to please stay safe and healthy um you know it's okay to be boring and healthy so i hope everyone's able to stay safe and healthy and we'll see you guys on friday if you want to send questions in advance send it to clubcubase at and we'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: Cubase
Views: 9,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: cRfjyqtNjE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 20sec (14360 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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