How to Cheese Every Legendary Pal | Updated #palworld #palworldguide #tipsandtricks #legendarypal

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go up his backside and throw this ball deep inside howdy pal guys and gals and welcome back to another pal video today I'm going to show you how to find the legendaries in power world fight them some tips and tricks and if you so desire cheese them into Oblivion let's get started now you don't need to cheese the fight for the legendaries in power you can fight them if you match the right typing against what type of boss you're up against uh take them down and capture them the normal way but if you're interested in a way to cheese them I'm here to help so let's get started first off I recommend starting with frost stallion the Frozen bird pal I mainly recommend starting off with frost stallion because it's very easy to get fire type Pals uh which fire is really good against ice and on the screen here I'll have the typing uh rock paper scissors kind of thing for power world what strong against what so we're here all the way up in the Frozen North uh negative 355 501 and for context this is the beginning area so finding fire Pals not too hard which would be strong against frust alion and frost alion will be strong against jet dragon which will be the next one we take care of now the arena Frost alion has a lot of ice crystals around where you can hide of course you could build a couple uh walls here and there uh it can't get up here unless it goes out to the left or right side and up a ramp um and same thing for down here it would have to go around to get you so getting away for it is pretty easy also it appears like they've changed some of the aggro range for the legendary Pals they will uh chase you if you hit them but depending on where they start at they will end their Pursuit a lot sooner so you can't just they won't just chase you everywhere so you can't lead them everywhere but you can deagro them which is will be important a little bit later for example if I were to Ping it and run away it Chas it it will start chasing me but because it agged over there and it has the range won't allow it to come all the way over here there it goes and it turns around uh that seems to change based on when and where you aggro it if you if it was to be like 5 ft in front of me it would chase me for the same distance but from that first starting point of 5 ft in front of me uh since it was all the way over there it's not going to come all the way over here uh and just it will wander around its little area so bear that in mind if you're trying to Agro it um and whenever you're fighting it now what's nice about it showing the health at the top is that if you were trying to find a more healthy one leaving and coming back we'll reset it and spawn a new one uh from like right now we're looking at 13 um 3 28 and now its health is at 13801 uh so bear in mind don't run away too far from the arena because you will reset it and all its health will come back now for fighting this guy I do recommend fire it's going to be strong against it you can either run around in this Arena on a riding fire pal or up here you can throw down your pals and just have them fight it down there the two ramps on the left and right side can be blocked off these are just Stone foundations they're just pushed upwards um preventing it from being able to get to you now when fighting and this goes with all of them if it gets stuck it will reset itself if you do not damage it constantly so just try to damage it if you're fighting it normally but that's the more of the appropriate way to fight him if you're here for the cheese well let's go all I've done is take some uh foundations raised them up as tall as I can build them across put a fire pin on each side and whenever I hit him like so he will just aggro at me and try to pathfind to me now my goal is just get him St on that side oh not too far and then get him to where the fire is and then there it is and then we just wait the queso is strong and for I mean this is what 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 Stone 20 wood legendary down and like I said if they do get stuck without being able to move they'll reset it's not a big deal just bring them right back over as long as we don't leave this area they will continue to come back and still be damaged and we just try to no need you not to be stuck right there don't worry we can get you flipped around the right side come this way if you don't mind thank you there we go oh oh no no no over here over here there it is perfect and then just take it away now wiggling back and forth seems to help keep them from uh despawning but you don't want them to go too low of course you don't want to kill them so we're just going to move them a little bit off that fire place hopefully we don't get him too low here 390 is a good number and we're just going to leave him about right here we don't want to catch him on fire again we're just wanting him to respawn back over there beautiful perfect so now he's responded over there health is still all the way down what's nice about this is he's not aggroed on us which means if we can walk up right behind him we have a back bonus of 15% better than if we were to try to aggro and try to catch him so let's go ahead and start off with our legendary sphere here yeah didn't get that time now something else I'm not sure if this is a bug or what's going on with the uh coding on this so right now it says 3% catch rate but then it goes back up to 15% I don't know what number is correct uh but if we want to we can just deagro him again go ahead and set up again and try to hit another back shot uh higher percentage supposedly higher percentage I it I would imagine it's supposed to [Music] be [Music] finally Legend ice emper cold blooded not too hard not too shabby on to the next one jet dragon or jet dragon is at 789 327 uh for context the beginning is over here all the way to left jet dragon the fastest flying mountain in the game it has a pretty wide wandering zone so bear that in mind when you're AGG gring it because it will lose interest in wander back to where it was um now this one does come with some built-in cheese a queso Bowl in fact right here you can get him stuck in this little thing uh he won't be able to get out in certain areas he can sometimes fire um and you can stay stay on the outside and fire in that is why I recommend going for the uh Frost alion first because it's ice and it will be strong against this guy but if you want to fight him normally I do recommend any Ice Pals such as Frost stallion um or anything that's quick and can move move around be careful about going outside of his Zone uh cuz it will reset him and respawn a new one you don't want to lose all the health damage you do on him and before he gets back uh one note getting him in this isn't too hard you just run around to the other side while he's on one side and he'll just slip right in there are places where he can slip on out uh and be careful if you get caught on burning you can accidentally kill him so you want to keep his health low but not too low keeping and not attacking him for a while will uh make him respawn behind you so be careful about that okay there we go oh let's just hope for the best just want to try to lock him in on that side if we can oh that's okay he's on top of it which is [Music] something there we go now I do recommend wiggling back and forth to keep the Arro prevent him from respawning just as a reminder this doesn't have to be placed here it can be placed in any other area of his Zone um whenever you're placing them put a fire on both sides I recommend just in case if he follows you around to one side or the other all right it's getting down to a good health pool I don't want to go too much lower perfect so now we're just not going to move let him reset now I want to reiterate you do not have to cheese them you can fight them normally it's completely up to you just make make sure you focus on typing whenever you're fighting them get some strong Pals or you know you get eight stone and 10 wood all right he's reset Health pulls all the way down and we're going to just kind of go up his backside and throw this ball deep inside let's hope for the best on that first one lucky one [Music] nope and we're just going to run away run away run away try not to catch him on fire again too ow pokes me trying to get him to deagro here now don't you dare get into that lava and just stay in the ball yes yes no I'm going to try a lucky one lucky ball told you was lucky hi Roman NE hell yeah and that's two down now for the last one and for our final two legendaries padus and necromus dragon is strong against dark and dark is strong against neutral so Dragon moves will be good against necromus and then of course any dark moves will be good against paladius now if you're fighting this normally uh if you come at night the paladius it will be asleep and that way you can take advantage of necromus fighting him oneon-one uh putting up some barriers here and there just kind of make your life a little bit easier uh than capturing him before uh paladius wakes up um or you can take them both on at once um deag gring here and there just to try and make the capture rate a little bit better when if you get them low but since we're also doing cheese that's right we build another little thingy so let's go ahead and bring them on over Bang Yeah I'm over here come on get me oh I ran into the fire myself all right here we go now obviously there's two of them so this is a little more complicated uh-oh uhoh he's doing his too my [Music] body um there we go just get them both on one side they're deag gring got a little too far that's fine that is fine let's start with you this time well if you just stop moving okay it didn't matter someone oh there we go there we go ah there it is now we're just going to get both of them kind of cooked up there we go now we're cooking and we're just going to wiggle back and forth oh and hope that he doesn't find his way oh he's smarty boy he's smarty boy definitely a lot easier with just one of them but it's okay we're much faster there we [Music] go somehow I have one of them aggroed and not the other I will take this so once again doing this at night is a lot easier uh just go for necromus first get him stuck on one side burn down his health try to capture him and then take out uh palladius now he's at a pretty decent Health see if I can't get one more burn on him I'm going to see about trying to deagro here so I can get a good try to catch rate on platus just need go a little bit further hopefully diagra there we go perfect and now we're just going to try to sneak up on them ignore the stupid dig toys who are being dumb yeah 14% you mean 100 % nope oh no 14% fine lucky ball you have to call lucky ball and sometimes it's lucky see you call lucky ball it just works all right now we just have one guy now I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but I found that if you leave the area completely um after capturing or killing one of them the other one will despawn so I don't know if that's a bug or not so I would suggest don't go too far um if youve just caught killed one of them so I believe there's round 18 takes of fire damage that uh happens whenever they do catch on fire so if you undo the math like he was taking 50 damage that should be about what 900 damage so I don't want to catch him on fire again so at this point I'm just going to jump over him and argro him away from this thing so I don't kill him there we [Music] go di gring perfect and then get behind him again beautiful [Music] almost yeah got another one baby got another one or last one technically so I hope you enjoyed my legendary cheese video and hope you get your own battle bus if you like what you saw don't forget to hit like if you want to see more don't forget to subscribe until next time bye missile stupid ah in your eyes I see us lighting up as we're getting away as I'm going back and I'm holding the Chas where you go I fall I give it never in the bre
Channel: Trav Is Gaming
Views: 10,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pal world, palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld release date, palworld early access, palworld review, palworld pokemon, palworld game, palworld guide, palworld xbox, palworld tips, palworld best pals, palworld multiplayer, what is palworld, palworld advanced tips, palworld base building, survival game, palworld reaction, tips and tricks palworld, palworld guide for beginners, legendary pals palworld, legendary pals, legendary palworld, legendary pal locations
Id: ClppNmcHfDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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