How To Clean A Gen 4 Glock 17 - 5 Minutes

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hey folks pew pew Dave here let's clean this Gen 4 Glock 17 in about five minutes first step unload the magazine make sure the gun is unloaded look for an empty chamber feel it with your finger looks good you'll release the slide pull the trigger and on each side of the gun there is a takedown lever with one hand pull back and hold the slide and with the other hand with two fingers pull down on the levers slide goes forward and comes off cut the frame slide barrel and recoil spring simple take it apart take off the spring barrel just slides right out and you got your slide first we'll take care of the barrel get your board brush and t-handle coat your brush run it through your barrel coat your brush one or two more times and just run the brush through the barrel as many times as you like next step on the barrel is to run a patch and jig through poke a jack through the patch just coat the patch and just like with the brush you just push it through and there you go every time you run a clean patch through the patch will get cleaner and cleaner dirty cleaner final step on the barrel we're gonna use a brass brush such as this we're gonna coat the outside of the barrel with the same cleaning fluid Hoppe's number nine top bottom make sure we get the feed ramp and it's really just simple matter of putting it on and just brushing away and the feed ramp a lot a lot of dirt gunk builds up here make sure you get that finish off with a shop rag try it off next up will be the slide just like with the barrel you can just coat the insides with your cleaning fluid just scrub away not one spot you want to make sure you don't miss is the face here once you've brushed to your heart's content just take your shop rag and your eye it off moving on to the frame really it's more of the same we're gonna use the same Happy's number nine cleaning fluid however or what I like to do personally is I like to use an old toothbrush and set up the brass brush coat my toothbrush and just go at it it's really not rocket science really just simple matter of planning or cleaning fluid and just brushing away all the gunk unburnt powder etc and like before just take a shop towel and just dry up all the excess reassembling the gun is just a matter of reversing the original process barrel slides in recoil spring we are going to put in just a couple of drops of gun oil and you really only need one or two drops on the slide rail just a little drop hold the slide vertically and just kind of let gravity take that oil all the way down once you've got the slide we assembled and oiled up simple matter of lining it up on the frame sliding it on only goes in one way all the way back and that guy's is a cleaned Gen 4 Glock 17 that's it for now folks click on my little guy that subscribes or not notifications to be alerted when new videos are posted get three free concealed carry guides by signing up for my mailing list at help support me on patreon at slash upp dave when you're done come back check out my other videos and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Pew Pew Dave
Views: 495,373
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Keywords: pew pew dave, how to clean a gen 4 glock 17, how to clean a glock 17 gen 4, how to clean a gen 4 glock, how to clean a glock, how to clean a gun with hoppes, how to clean a gun with hoppes 9, gun cleaning basics, cleaning gun after shooting, cleaning gun barrel, How To Clean a Gen 4 Glock 17 - 5 Minutes, how to clean a gen 5 glock, how to clean a gen 5 glock 17, how to clean a glock 17 gen 5, how to clean a glock in 5 minutes, how to clean a glock in five minutes
Id: hvueHLCWwAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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