Are Gen 5 Glocks any Good?

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ever since the FBI put out their new requirements for service pistol everyone new Glock was working on a new gun based off their specs and there was a lot of discussion and arguing and various hijinks on the internet about the new generation of Glock coming out well the generation 5 is now here but no amount of discussion and arguing on the Internet is going to change what Glock has done there's some things that could have done that they didn't and people aren't very happy about that but I'd like to talk today about some of the things that Glock did due to the generation 5 some of the things I do like and some of the stuff that really doesn't matter so today I was shooting a stock a new stock jenefor and comparing this to the new gen 5 and I'll talk about that and a little bit how they both compare but so here's the Gen 5 and let's go over some of the differences and some of the things that Glock implemented some of the upgrades some of the things that they made different the first is that everybody's talking about for some reason is lack of finger groups Glock is saying it's revolutionary but honestly that's not the truth because the Gen 1 the Gen 2 didn't have finger grooves and then they added finger groups for Gen 3 and Gen 4 and said that was revolutionary and now there's no finger group so a little odd that they would do that but it's just how it is for me I honestly don't care there's no finger grooves I'm used to shooting Glocks with finger groups I've got some gen fours and Gen threes where they were shaved off so doesn't make a big deal to me I honestly don't care but I know some people are whining about not having finger grooves some people say it's great honestly does it make that much of a difference when you actually start shooting like a stage like this or start shooting defensive style drills not really it really doesn't make a big difference only if you're really feeling the gun and thinking about it and go yeah I like to finger grooves or no I don't but as soon as you get down to really running and gunning you don't really notice it the next is the beveled front so for some reason Glock decided hey let's start doing a rounded front to help make our gun look a little less boxy but the problem is the Glock is a boxy gun to begin with you can't add some curves and then it magically become like P or magically become like another type of pistol so I don't really like that but that's an aesthetic thing that's not going to change performance they did say that it's going to create less snag net less of a snag hazard in holsters as a holster maker that's not a rubbish that's that's not the case at all this fits smoothly into a holster just like a regular you know boxed edged Glock like a Gen 4 or gen 3 so I think that's rubbish and I think that's a selling point they said just because they wanted to say a selling point that really doesn't make a difference at all even with a leather holster one of the big changes that Glock did was they added a flared magwell into the pistol and I know some of you guys out there that hate Glock because it's block and you have your other brand of pistol that you like you'll say oh well my pissed so all I said i flirt mag well for forever well be that as it may Glock is added one because that's what the FBI wanted and I think it's kind of cool but there's one thing I want to bring up that I haven't seen anybody else bring up and that is because there's a flared magwell that's actually adding some width to the pistol so if you're concealing that's gonna make it a little hard to conceal because you've got that edge now and that's why I don't conceal with one of those mag well add-ons like an agency or is ever salient because that adds some width it makes a little harder for me personally due to the clothing that I wear and my body type to conceal that pistol so take that into consideration if you're getting a Gen 5 makes it a little harder to conceal from appendix 3 o'clock 5 o'clock you know whatever [Music] so another thing that Glock did and it's probably because there were so many companies making aftermarket barrels there's probably about a dozen companies now and last year was really the year of the Glock barrels they started making a barrel that they're calling a marksman barrel I find that a little funny because what really makes a mark so when it comes down to pistol shooting is not the barrel and not even the sights it's how you main it be like that trigger are you consistent at effectively breaking that to the rear without deviating the pistol itself most people can't even out shoot a generation three or generation four generation 2 or generation 1 Glock barrel I am a big fan of improving things I think it's great that they have made the barrel better but don't think this barrel is going to magically make you a marksman that's not how this works it's not how any of this works but I am a big on improvement so I think that's pretty cool but training is what you're going to need to invest in if you actually want to become a marksman so another thing that Glock did that I think is actually kind of nice is they made it a little more ambidextrous back when they released the Gen 4 they made it so you could switch out the mag release either side which is pretty cool for lefties but they stay added a left-handed slide lock and that's probably because 10% of FBI agents are left-handed and that's why they put it in there as a requirement for their new service pistol so obviously this is not apply to me I'm a right-handed person but I think that's pretty nice if you're a left-handed person and you want to shoot like a right-handed person shoot a Glock like a right-handed person definitely consider picking up a Gen 5 because then you'll be able to utilize that slide lock in that fashion so they changed some of the internals they changed the safety plunger from being circular and round to then being a square with little angles and that's so I guess it's a little smoother that may affect trigger pull but honestly it didn't affect trigger pull the trigger pull too much for me as I was shooting this today and then they also did some stuff to the trigger they added a couple parts and people were saying oh the trigger is awesome it's great it's not a Glock trigger well I've got news for you all I disagree it's just like a Glock trigger it breaks like a Glock trigger it's really not that much better this one sure wasn't and I've been shooting shot probably bout 800 900 rounds to this today on this stage and I really didn't feel any difference versus this and my new Gen 4 so don't think this trigger is amazing it's a 1911 trigger it's a drop-in you know $200 Glock trigger you can get it's not that it's still a Glock trigger maybe once this is broken in with 5,000 rounds they'll end up being a little bit different but don't think this trigger is super amazing because it really isn't so a lot of people are asking so do Gen 5 blocks fit in holsters well we run a holster company so that's some stuff that I know about this is a right-handed sidecar this is our very popular appendix only holster that comes with a extra magazine carrier this is what I carry with everyday I have one that carries with a enforce APL and yes it does work we're having to change some of our molds to accommodate the left-handed slide lock as you can see on this right-handed one it's exposed so not an issue but as soon as you start running a left-handed sidecar we're gonna have to block out some of that and all of our molds should be done by the time this video goes live now there's one issue though the distance between the top of the slide and the rail was widened by point zero two inches and so that does make a difference when you go fix a wet pin like this is a surefire x300 ultra a u-boat and this is an x 300 ragnarok and it's a little bit tight but you can loosen the screws here because these have a decibel retention and you can make that work just fine this is a Safariland active retention secret squirrel holster it seems to fit that just fine I could loosen a little bit here if I needed to so yes the Gen 5 will fit existing holsters there's a couple of modifications we're doing to make them work a little bit better but the Gen 5 for all my right-handed holsters because I'm right-handed works great works on our ragnaroks works in our side cars or Raptors or nomads different things like that we're tweaking our molds a little bit to make them a little bit better so you may want to email your holster company that you buy holsters from and just ask them hey what's going on with your holsters and Gen 5s but t-rex arms we're making them all work fine and a lot of the existing ones already work to begin with so I set up this course of fire today to kind of see if there were any major differences between a stock Gen 419 and the stock Gen 519 and honestly I didn't notice a whole lot of differences between the two I was looking for were there differences in reload speed my split times because the Gen 5 triggers new and cool and better and honestly I didn't notice any of that I was shooting steel at 40 yards I was performing reloads on the move always having some targets up close and I don't notice any major differences between both guns and I'm sure if you put them both and did bench rest shooting and did some other stuff like that maybe we shot some bill drills and used a shot timer you might be able to find some little nuances and differences between both but is that enough to justify switching it or Gen 4 for Gen 5 I don't think so and I want to say something real quick to everybody on the internet you spend hours and hours and hours debating pistols and debating upgrades and barrels optics and different things like that and some of you guys out there that don't like Glock because block well the fact of the matter is none of that stuff matters at all what really matters is do you have the skills necessary to deliver accurate fire if you are in a dangerous situation if your family's in a dangerous situation if you are called to protect society ultimately those are the things that matter not whether you have finger grooves or flared magwell are these plastic sights versus metal sights all that stuff can be great in Kanab little advantages but it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things if you don't have the skills to back up the technology that you have so I want to commend you guys to get out there and start training you don't train already put in more time leave the forums leave social media don't spend so much time there because your time invested in training is going to be far more effective to yourself your family and society and that ultimately is what's going to make the biggest difference thank you so much for watching I'm Lucas with t-rex on kind of 2029 you you
Channel: T.REX ARMS
Views: 1,221,434
Rating: 4.876399 out of 5
Keywords: police, law enforcement, swat, srt, military, socom, ussocom, usasoc, special forces, green berets, army special forces, army, delta, seals, teams, glock, glocks, glock 19, glock 17, glock 34, gen 5 glock, glock 23, glock 22, pistol, handgun, pistol training, handgun training, surefire, sidecar holster, sidecar, ragnarok holster, ragnarok, lucas botkin, kestrel performance, t rex arms, trex arms, t.rex arms, t rex arms kydex, trex arms kydex, t.rex arms kydex, uspsa, idpa, 3 gun, three gun
Id: JZ9ixWAs9PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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