Glock 45

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he cocked 45 here with a Glock 45 oh man look at that nothing like big old 45 ACP bullets is there big old fat boys so much fun to shoot I love them but can't use them today it's a 9-millimeter yes the Glock 45 is a 9-millimeter don't tell anybody okay that doesn't make sense does it let's just shoot it and see if it'll shoot so far it seems to shoot we'll save a few Ralph or later how's that yes it is a Glock 45 model and as you may have learned recently if you know anything about Glocks the the model numbers simply reflect there the patent number okay yeah where they are in their patents the Glock 17 was their 17th patent and etc and Glock 19 with their 19th patent has nothing to do with caliber size of the firearm or anything it is maybe that's okay you know because you know there's no rhyme nor reason that you know that the Glock model has nothing to do with you know the size of it and then the caliber generally speaking so anyway that's what we're looking at today y'all been requesting it and we would try it out requested one from Bud's gun shop calm and we appreciate their sending it to us that we always appreciate their help helped us out a lot and we appreciate you supporting the people that support us like federal look I don't have my box but I've got federal 124 ammo dumped enough of it in here and I loaded magazines with it and we're shooting American Eagle 124 grain ammo which is one of my favorite 9 millimeter range loads okay I also have some HST and more my carry mags I'll shoot that just to make sure it works and the Glock 45 we may just go ahead and do that so appreciate all that and and again if you're not an NRA member go to the link in our description and join at a discount ok you'll be helping us helping the NRA helping yourself helping gun rights ok men join every organization you possibly can afford to join it's my recommendation so it's not a 45 and you know we have this with Glocks now we have the Glock 40 and of course it's not a big issue till we get into you know like that I know when the 40 came out the model 40 you know because because 40 caliber Glock you know a really common is really popular kind of thing just like 45 caliber Glock so whenever that patent number he'll hit something like that that it's a parallel to a caliber cartridge it's it can be confusing gannets goes so so the the Glock 40 is act model 40 is actually a 10 millimeters it's actually in the ballpark right because they 10 millimeter is 40 caliber but still there's no relationship there this is random it's random like me so this is you know the story on this firearm basically is it you've got the Glock 17 frame size and length with a Glock 19 slide size okay like the 19 X that came out not long ago except it was a flat dark earth I guess or and and it was only available in that that color and it was design you know mainly for the military you know I had the lanyard loop and all that and apparently it was really popular it's from what I have read they sold a bunch of those people flock to that more so than I would have expected really I kind of bash the trigger I mean if the firearm is fine but it's really sewing well and I think now you have kind of the same gun a little different I point out some of those differences in you know in the black finish which most people tend to prefer I think and it was kind of targeted for law enforcement and civilian use I think this will do even better okay got the front serrations and we've got a Glock 19 slide on a Glock 17 grip basically and a lot of people like that a lot more people than I would have expected so let's go ahead shoot these hollow points and I'll pay some lies about it is that you might even believe some of them you never know we had a little fire going in to burn barrel then they stir it up a little bit let's shoot a pumpkin since it's October yeah no pumpkin get him on the run let's put one in that big pumpkin oh no let's smoke some pot first yeah so those were hollow points the points of those bullets were hollow alright this one is not still smokes a pot let's shoot that target I think the sights are right on that by the way again those targets go in the the box with the firearm we send them back to the buds and for the e gunner auction so that's where those targets go on these firearms on the others sometimes up I put them on eBay and most of it goes to charity or take them to a meet-and-greet or whatever let's put one on the Gaul I woke up the old Gong and it's all the ammo I have on me like it's smell that I keep forgetting to tell you all for I don't know three months I guess I've been using Lucas Oil gun cleaner the CLP on the farms we get in from buds that go back just just to experiment with it any and a few of my own it's just experimental then it seems to do do fine I don't know a lot of you all use that so I'm just kind of experimenting with it and verdicts out but but it seems to do okay I can't get used to a different smell but I still use bounced on most of my firearms but I'm using that on some of my own and then on all of them that come in and go back just I don't for consistency's sake and try some different things hmm alright so yeah I'm not gonna do too much compare so I don't have the 19x and comparison with it because I really think it's more important to talk about where it fits in the Glock lineup for firearms that you're going to be buying you're considering not as many of you I think I could be wrong or looking to go buy the 19 X if you did you already got it probably but it's like that in the sense that it does have the 19 slide on a 17 size of frame or grip but they've you know you don't have the finger grips and they've filled in this gap down here and unlike on the June 5 like this is a Gen 5 Glock 19 you know you've got that cutout down there so they've done away with that and of course on the 19 X that you had a lip down here which is a little bit problematic because the Gen five magazines wouldn't work in it or they hit on that so that's something to think about to me that's a big negative on that 19 X to have a Glock and and there be any magazines that don't work in it they're long enough I wouldn't like that so this would be my choice if I decided I wanted you know the 17 size frame and a 19 size slide because this will take any Glock magazine that is long enough for it okay I mean you'll take a 19 I've got a 19 here somewhere but you know what work doesn't go in far enough that's that's the same for any any gun okay it's not gonna flick because it's too short this is a long grip so you know that would be an issue okay so you got that lip on the gin five mags okay I guess you could change out the base pad and you know plate and correct that you know but anyway I like this would be my choice if I wanted this configuration all right and it's got that new all the gin five stuff you know the new finish that I've not crazy about because it's so slippery it's like going back into the 90s I hated the finish on some of those Glocks and the 90s traded them off for that reason and I like the Gen 4 finish much better than matte finish and get a better grip on it I just like the looks of it even better more like the original Glocks but this is supposed to be a super duper finish and whatever they say that might be why they put these separations up here well we got this super slick slide again maybe we better give them some fronts aerations you know to help them out because you just don't even with the serrations you don't get that sharp feel where you get as much of a grip on if you do with the Gen 4 Glock he's above Gen 5 this is the 19 gen fire okay it's a little better than that terms of the grip so Gen 5 stuff you know basically you know no finger grooves you got your flared magwell just like the 19 you don't have that cut out people were pinching their their hands on that and I can understand why I've done that with firearms before where it catches you up there you know as it's going in you need to like 19 mind for it to catch you but you know with us with a big blip on it and you get pinched down there if you're squeezing that thing and you get that mag up in there easily pinches so that's good no reason to have that really anyway I'm not crazy about the flared the mag well down there at all but yeah whatever some people like it so it's kind of a gentle it is a gen 5 you know glock so you get your C rations you you know you've got all your Gen 5 characteristics they're done away with the cutout like I say there's no lanyard loop like you have them on that 19 X and of course it's in black interesting gun and I think it will do well from what I've read it was kind of targeted for law enforcement I think a lot of people like the the 19 X but they wanted kind of the same firearm in in black the standard you know color of a Glock everybody didn't want that the other color and you know it from what I read it's hard to believe it makes that much difference but having a shorter slide does if you're in and out of a car a lot I mean I understand that is but I'm just saying that that little bit of difference I'm surprised that's a big difference when you've got a big duty belt you've got 19 things hanging on it anyway but you know every little bit helps so that's a little more attractive and you know if you're wearing it open like like police would or or anybody could in most states you know the grip is not a big deal and if you have a good holster and you know how to conceal a firearm if you're carrying and get your carry permit and everything a lot of people carry a Glock 17 I prefer as you know by now the Glock 19 grip but it's just much more convenient shoots great but a lot of people like the bigger grip the night the 17 size grip and so so for me bottom line I think is the 19 X is fine firearm it's got some limitations there I think and you know the color and everything so it sold a bunch apparently I haven't going forward this is the one if you're looking for that configuration this is the one's gonna sell probably like probably ten to one or five to one over that 19 X is my guess and I think this will you'll really like this if you'd like the 17 maybe you carry a 17 the grip doesn't bother you the length of the grip now this one's all Frankensteined up but it feels great it feels great this is a 17 it's what it takes for a 17 to feel good to me if you like the 17 the as of the grip is fine with you I think you're the one who's probably the market for the Glock 45 so all you need to decide is is how it feels to you and have it a shorter slide 17 kind of with a shorter slide that's really what a 45 is essentially and so you might pick this up and think wow I like that that's why I don't need that long a slide and it balances better you know I've seen suits talked about he really likes the balance of it and I'm gonna shoot all three here and see what I kind of discerned from that I know I really like and you know I do because I've done two or three videos on the FN 509 and it's this configuration is essentially it's the long slide on occult 17 or grip with the shorter slide but one of the main reasons I like that firearm so much is the grip feels so good not because it's long it just fits my hand like a glove and it's just a well-made firearm the Glock 17 grip doesn't fit my hand like a glove it never has you've heard me badmouth them and that's why I prefer the of 19 and always here for a long time unless I can Frankenstein one up enough to where it's kind of a straight back here and none of the replaceable back straps do it for me none of them none of them fill it in and give it a really a straight back strap okay this sort of does yeah that was a work of art so Trent threw a lot at you there are no too fast but but that's what you've got you've got on June 5 Glock that's basically of kind of a combination of the 19 slide 17 grip and it does feel good one thing so let's go ahead and do it you know that way I've got three guns I have to clean I'm gonna go ahead and take a few shots with each one I'm not sure this feels all that much better than me in terms of balance although you know me I like smaller firearms even Glocks there twice 627 so a short slide is not going to bother me how it feels in conjunction with that longer grip and everything let's just take a few shots and see what what I think okay not that what I think matters laughs it was due there's the Sammamish in the same I'm on each one okay that's good if I have it I got loads lock 19 mags I said they're all flush filled same and the 1779 of course same ammo all right so we've got a Glock 17 or get the Glock 45 and the Glock 19 uh well guess the biggest comparison well I don't know is the 17 in the 45 see how much difference I feel okay same MO same spring and everything all right let's take a few shots with this baby and I'll just share share the wealthier okay I'm gonna put in my holster well that's fresh on my mind and get the Glock 45 out alright Glock 45 let's shoot up late shoot a plate with the other one still hot I noticed just a little more job through with this I don't know they're both empty now so if I pick them up both empty and just feel the weight and the feel of it and out of the holster it's it's a handy obviously it's a handy little pistol I can't tell a lot of difference in just the quickness decided I'm gonna try that again let's get two more mags I'm gonna come out of the holster see if I can tell much difference here all right it'll make them both hot all right lock 45 right yeah good little shooters no complaints walk 17 I don't know I I can't tell a lot of difference I like the trigger a little better they have different triggers this one has more of a wall like I like and these new Glocks is Jim five Glocks tend to have kind of a rolling trigger I kind of like a reminds me a little bit of a an LCR Ruger revolver which I kind of like you know they've got a nice even they're rolling and they come back and break but you don't have the wall that I like you know what I'm talking about with a trigger where you've got take up and in a distinct wall and you know that that wall is what you're looking to break when you break that wall bang well you get kind of a stop stop sort of wall but then it comes on back further with some creep sort of and rolls on back and then fires it doesn't affect as much in reality just shooting as it as it does if you just pick it up and and evaluate the trigger you know for example I don't like that trigger as much as this one but what I'm actually shooting it I remember having that experience with some XD M's yeah about the trigger got some creep that feels like and all that but then when you load it up and come out here and shoot the thing you shoot it just fine so you know that's this kind of perplexing i but it does have that trigger that's kind of a rolling trigger no wall really fix the nineteen ex was like that that I had and everyone I picked up tell you the truth but a lot of people like that they like that trigger so but I the only biggest difference I can discern is force of grip feels different but a little more a little more jump but not much you know yeah I tell you he's just not a lot of difference not a lot of difference now as far as picking up the site you know maybe maybe you don't have as much site radius it might be a little quicker to acquire the front sight you know on the shorter slide and that's kind of a characteristic of a shorter guns let's go ahead and shoot the 19 and remind myself about it all right all right 19 10 5 feels good yeah and of course the grip is shorter so you don't have quite as much support but you don't really need it you know so a lot of it will come down to your experience shooting I think there's not a a lot of difference you're talking maybe 5% difference you know across the board for me you know if you're a new shooter it could be 50% difference you know between this and that because you've got the short grip you know I would recommend so I'm not a lot of help right I would recommend you you know at a range you really rent this you know Glocks are so common you can rent these get an indoor range and shoot them try to shoot the same ammo see what you think and you know just based on your experience but you know I take a block 26 and pretty much hit whatever I want to hit with it so I have shot small Glocks large Glocks of pretty extensively your evaluation would maybe be different than mine you know if you haven't shot a lot but let me do it one more time it's kind of what we're here about the 17 some of you may be looking to decide between you know among these three actually my choice is the 19 still especially if I'm going to carry it okay and it's just handier they just hand you over that short grip and I've got a Mac here yeah I've got a couple let's just shoot this one a couple more times I know what I'll do that's uh yeah I'll cut loose on the stop sign five or six shots out of the holster alright let's put that same magazine in the Glock 17 out of the holster I think yeah a little more control little little less muzzle rise imagine that you know the heavier slide just a little less but not enough to matter not enough to matter so it really comes down to the I think your size requirements you know whether you want a firearm that has a shorter grip for carry it's not going protrude as much maybe what your experience is there are some people who think that cannot stand a pistol with a grips shorter than a Glock 17 whatever make you're talking about whether it's an ex DM or Ruger or M&P they've got to have that long grip and for you folks you definitely want to look at this because you really don't need the long slide yeah so this might be really what the doctor ordered apparently it's what the doctor has ordered for a lot of people if what I'm hearing and reading about the 19 X is true that they've sold a lot of those things so apparently I mean I'm surprised there's generally surprised at that that that has been so well received if that's all true so based on that I think this might be worthy of your attention and if so many people like that configuration you'd probably want take a look at the Glock 45 unless you're a Glock hater you know hate clocks okay so yeah what else could I tell you about I didn't tell you you know that pricing I think it's the same well mostly for Glocks you know there's no big mysteries about the Glocks you've got the ambidextrous slide lock on on the gen faj you know and all that so so that's something that's appealing to a lot of people the reversible mag release and of course their guess what they break down like a Glock you know and it kind of looked like a Glock inside all right they've got that that's special what's that thing called I was for it's that in be something but it's a it's a kind of a match barrel with a little deeper rifling supposed to have better rifling it's crowned in the front so it's more of a match barrel okay again just shooting you're not gonna be able to tell the difference you know offhand messing around but maybe maybe somebody could so it's supposed to be an upgrade you know the for the gin.5 nothing essential of course so if you if you kind of like Glocks you've got several and you're looking at these models the 19 1740 excuse me 45 you have something to look at I don't think you can go wrong with any size if you're looking for a 9 millimeter and of course there's others but as far as a defensive firearm a carry firearms home defense or whatever in nine-millimeter and you want a Glock you're good with any of these you know these are very very popular right all three of these well these two and this one probably will be black 45 so I'm pleased to get the opportunity to shoot it and kind of give you my impressions and again I should block so much on one hand I can see the subtle differences because you know John and I shoot them so much but then again because we shoot so many different sizes so much and you know sound on an arrogant here man we can handle because we shoot them so much we can handle any size well enough okay so it's hard to know what might suit you based on your experience and everything because I know when someone hasn't shot a handgun before I see videos of someone shooting a nine-millimeter for the first time or they've just new shooters and they're aiming on an indoor range often you know and boom you know boom boom you know it's just a big deal to pull the trigger on a centerfire pistol for them because they've not done that before so it kind of depends where you are that'd be kind of the one into the continuum then someone who shoots thousands around a month the other end so it's a little different evaluation for based on your experience but anyway I'm rattling on and a but the 45 is pretty cool just to remember if you don't remember anything else the Glock 45 is is a nine-millimeter and it actually changes the way we kind of talk about models doesn't in a way we need to say that's the Glock model 45 rather than yeah I bought a Glock 45 because people if they said that in the past it meant they bought a Glock 21 you know or a clock 41 or something so that's about all I know that I can lie about a good feeling gun and you know not much to hate unless you just take locks but glad to have a chance to shoot it and and show you and you know you know another amazing thing happened today you notice that we emptied most of the mags here and guess what there were no malfunctions with any of these so you know what I got a mag left I can't just let that dry let's say it yet let's uh let's go over there and shoot the gong a little bit and something whatever I decide to shoot [Music] like 19 hard to beat I'm gonna try that pig palate at Buffalo with he's not gonna fall let's try a plate hang in there see what I mean I don't like the trigger on that it doesn't have the wall and everything I was talking about in the crisp nice crisp break but when you go to shooting them I don't know I do alright you're alright so all three of them very shootable and you could not go wrong with any of those in fact just go by all three right no I appreciate y'all stopping in and you know taking a look at the block 45 with us it's a new Glock and one you might have some a pristine so life is good oh hey folks the end of the video just clear out this pumpkin for our annual pumpkin carving video but since you're here I want to remind you to check out our friends over at s di the Sonoran Desert Institute they're a fully accredited online distance learning program where it can be certified in gunsmithing or get an associates degree in firearms technology so it should go check them out at SDI edu and also while you're on the internet make sure you check out our own website we have merchandise like this some of it will be limited this trip may not be available but we have several that are gonna be available across the board Hickok 45 calm we kept it simple for you so go over to Hickok 45 calm check that out we got merchandise over there there's links to all of our other social media like hit got 45 on Facebook he got 40 follow on Twitter the real Hancock 45 on Instagram I have an Instagram page that I use quite often I just them back behind the scenes and different things like that John underscore he got 45 Instagram and then there's a Hickok 45 and son YouTube channel and there is full 30 calm don't forget to check that out and I think that's about it I appreciate you guys I'll talk to you later
Channel: hickok45
Views: 962,536
Rating: 4.9200292 out of 5
Keywords: 9mm, Glock, G45, G17, G19, Glock 19, Glock 17, Gen 5
Id: d-wcOYqGqJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2018
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