Palworld - Secret Legenday Sub-Species! How To Get All 4 Legendary Pals - Palworld Best Pals Guide

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it's finally time we go over the four legendary Pals in pal world where to find them how to get them and every single thing you need to know about the strongest Pals in the game now there are only four legendaries in the game we've got jet dragon Frost alen necromus and palladius now Frost alen does have a variant called the frost alen knocked which is probably one of my favorite looking Pals in the game and honestly these things are just ridiculously powerful now many of you have been asking what the fastest mount in the game is and boy oh boy is that jet dragon and this is going to be the first one we go over today the speed on this thing is ridiculous just its movement Speed without hitting shift is faster than pretty much every other mount in the game let alone when you're actually flying and you activate the Sprint mode this thing absolutely cruises with a speed of 3300 now it does burn through stamina really quickly but honestly it doesn't really matter just because of how fast fast it moves now when you craft its saddle you do gain the ability aerial missile which basically just turns it into a massive rocket launcher which can do a ton of damage now it is a little bit frustrating to use because for some reason the camera goes like inside of jet ragon I wish it just like zoomed out and allowed you to use it that way cuz the way that like you really can't see it's actually kind of frustrating to use and I find myself not using it at and I find myself not using it at all because of the obstruction to the camera it's really just not a pleasant ability to use like many of the other Pal's activated abilities I love that I just saw a giant blur at base what you uh what you murdering over there King now jet ragon has Dragon meteor Fireball and beam Comet which is its exclusive skill it flies These unilluminated Wings while firing innumerable beams the beams explode on impact it's pretty cool we've also got Spirit fire dragon burst flar storm and a draconic breath jet wagon's missile launcher saddle isn't going to be available for you to craft until Level 50 it's going to require leather 200 refined ingots circuit boards and padium fragments then you have palladius and necromus available at level 49 both of which are going to require 200 refined ingots and 300 regular ingots and the first legendary you'll gain access to be able to ride is Frost alen and frost alion knocked requiring 200 refined ingots ice organs and padium fragments leather now since Frost Allen is going to be the first legendary you can actually ride I definitely recommend taking it on First and honestly it's just an absolutely beautiful Mount we're also going to go over exactly how to get the frost alen knocked variant now Frost alen is the second fastest mount in the game certainly pales in comparison to Jet ragon but it does have a really cool like icy trail that it leaves behind which if you're into that kind of thing then uh this might be the mount for you now the stamina does does last a lot longer than jet dragons but I think you're going to end up covering about the same amount of distance anyways just because of how fast jet dragon moves but one of the reasons I like Frost allion and frost alion knocked more than jet dragon is because you can use them as a ground Mount and they can stomp smaller level Pals which you can use to be able to capture stuff if you're farming up certain things to use the pal condenser or whatever it may be it's actually just super useful to be able to just stomp everything to death now Frost alen comes with a couple of different moves on it it's got blizzard Spike which has a cool down timer of 45 seconds and power of 130 Crystal breath with a cool down timer of 22 seconds and power of 90 and then Crystal Wing which is its exclusive skill this is actually really nice it's a forward Dash that creates frigid air around its wings using them to slash enemies this can actually freeze targets as well it's also got ice missile air cannon and icicle cutter as well as iceberg that you can equip at any points in time this Crystal Wing ability has some decent range on it and it has a wide birth so that way if there's a lot of enemies in front of you you can use it to take many of them down you can also just use it as a dash to be able to move forward at a quick Pace I think the thing I like most about the crystal Wing ability is once you hit something it doesn't stop you can keep using it past your first hit which can make it pretty beneficial in certain circumstances now you'll notice something interesting about the legendary pal Alpha versions when you capture them they're going to keep the same amount of Health they had in the wild so this one has 14,24 Health which is way more than your average pal if we looked at Frost alion knocked which we got from breeding with the frost allion we've only got 4,586 Health 10,000 less than the frost alen Alpha version so there is a major benefit to using the Alpha version over breeding and using the babies and we'll get into that a little bit more in just a second now like I mentioned Frost alion knocked is absolutely beautiful and the way you get a frost alion knock is to breed a frost Allen with a hell ZR hatch that egg and you're going to get one of these wonderful creatures now this can be written as a flying mount it also doubles as a ground Mount just like frost Allen and it changes the player's attack type to dark and enhances dark attacks while mounted this also has Crystal wing on it I was really hoping we would get a dark version of it but unfortunately we do not you can also have nightmare ball Shadow burst dark ball and spirit flame as well as air cannon now you'll notice that even though our health isn't as high as Frost allion we actually have higher attack and defense so the attack and defense stats can get just as good as the alpha Pals but you will have substantially less Health if you use the non-alpha versions you'll notice the same thing with the baby that I made from breeding to chromis is together chromis have 8,33 health baby they had is not going to be able to get up to nearly that much health I mean it's only level 12 right now but once I level this up to 50 it's going to have right around 4,500 Health rather than the 8,000 that the parents had so that is just something to keep in mind with these if you want more Health you're going to need to use the alpha versions so there is a reason to keep farming the alpha legendaries for perfect stats but it's completely up to you now if you are wanting the best ground mount in the game that is is going to be patus necromus is pretty cool as well but patus has one benefit going for it if we check out its partner skill we have Holy Knight of the firmament which means it can be ridden and can triple jump while mounted triple jump It's the only pal in the game with triple jump it's also got mining level two and lumbering level two mine has 984 attack right now with 844 defense 10,996 Health it's got Celestial emper on here which increases neutral attack damage we have we've got runner and we've got Legend and we've got pow blast as one of our skills spear thrust which is an exclusive skill it clads itself in holy power before charging forward with its spear the shield in its other hand protects from attacks during the charge we also have a blizzard Spike Power Shot ice missile Iceberg and Power Bomb now if you like ground mounts you're going to love the triple jump on this so we got one two and three it basically can fly through the air I mean it really can't fly through the air but I don't know triple jump is pretty nice now spear thrust is a pretty massive speed boost although you do have to stop to use it and you stop at the end so it's really not super beneficial to use as a charge like on Fang Lop the direwolf or the deer that I can never pronounce its name and I just gave up completely trying but otherwise it's pretty cool n the chromis on the other hand can only double jump it's got the skill Dark Knight of the Abyss it comes with a dark laser on it twin spears which is its exclusive skill it clads its twin spears with vicious whirlwinds and charges forward thrusting them one after the other we've also got rock Lance Shadow burst Spirit Fire Spirit flame and Nightmare ball all legendary Pals also come with the skill Legend on it which gives attack plus 20% defense plus 20% and a movement speed increase of 15% this skill can be bred down to any other pal in the game so the passive skill is not exclusively locked to let legendary Pals it's just the only way that you can get it initially and then you can breed it into other Pals now let's go over how to get necromus and patus you're going to have to fight both of these at the same time and they can be found in the northeast corner of the desert biome the closest fast travel point is going to be the deep sand dunes if you do this at night time you're going to need cold weather gear because the desert does get very cold at night now if you really want to make the necromus and patus fight a lot easier I recommend going to fight them in the desert at night time time plaus will be sleeping and necromus will be awake so what you can do is you can actually fight them one at a time rather than having to fight both unless you do what I did where your Frost alen hits patus instead of necromus and uh you have to fight both of them anyways I cannot believe that happened now the main thing too is if you are fighting these through the night and it switches the daytime you are going to need heat resistant armor during the daytime you're going to need cold resistance during the night time so make sure you bring both with you depending on how long you end up fighting these things you could end up needing both now I definitely recommend taking down necromus first padus is far more tanky than necromus if you try and take down platus first it's going to take a lot longer and you're going to end up fighting both a lot longer than you should be so definitely Focus down necromus first and then take down patus after oh my god did just get yeed Cannon bonus Works oo I got one of the legendary schematics I got the cold resistant pal metal armor schematic now if you're going to be going out and capturing these I definitely recommend bringing the legendary spheres these are platium fragments Palm metal ingots carbon fiber and cement can capture them with Ultras speres or even hypers spheres but the chance is super low and you're probably going to end up burning through a ton of these lower level pal spheres whereas if you just take the time to craft the legendary spheres you're going to be so much better off and you won't get super angry during the process next up we're going to take on Frost allion with 14,24 health this thing is an absolute Beast now Frost alion spawns in the very northwest corner of the map and the closest fast travel point is going to be the land of absolute zero and frost alion spawns just to the West on this frozen lake now being an ice type pal obviously going to be weak to fire damage now thankfully I've got my op sweeper with some fire moves so that's what we're going to be using and luxara is going to be using the relaxasaurus rocket launcher I think which is always entertaining to see happen but what's great about is it does stun lock the pal which will be great for capturing it later on I definitely recommend bringing a rocket launcher and making sure it's always loaded if you find yourself in a bad position and about to take a lot of damage from a big attack you don't think you can get away from you can just hit Frost allion or any of the legendaries with a rocket and'll stun them for a second got Legend ice Emperor and Burly body on there before you go to Jet dragon's location I highly recommend bringing some heat resistant equipment if you have a heat resistant undershirt plus two that should be all you need or you could also use the heat resistant refined metal armor that gives level two and then you need at least one more accessory to get you to level three now the best fast travel point to be able to get to jat ragon is going to be the ruined Fortress city which is north of the Volcano Island the reason I like going this way is because you avoid a lot of the lava which means you won't be catching on fire and things like that cuz even with heat resistance level three or level four if you fly over lava you will catch on fire and you will take a lot of damage so if you go to this fast travel point and then go over this little Fortress wall and then just follow the road up to Jet ragon now jet ragon will just be running around this area just be careful not to run over any lava cuz you will catch on fire and take a ton of damage now jet ragon being a dragon type pal is going to be weak to ice damage so if you have any Ice Pals make sure to bring them along they're going to make it a lot easier you can also tame a frost Allen before this and use it for the and it's going to be a massive help otherwise just try and make sure to avoid all of its big attacks it's pretty self-explanatory and another little trick is if it is queuing up a big attack you can actually recall your pal and that way your pal isn't going to take any damage also if you haven't made yourself an OP sweepa yet I definitely recommend it they're super good and also rocket launchers come in super handy because you can actually hit the legendary Pals with them knocking them to the ground and stunning them for a little bit which is also going to help with capturing them which we'll get into here in just a second once we weaken jet dragon a little bit more if you really want to up the amount of damage you're doing too what you can do is swap out your pals let them do three attacks so let them burn their three skills and then once they've burn their three skills just swap to a new pal and then let them use those three skills as well instead of waiting for coold down timers you can do that which means you can stack your most powerful abilities onto your pals and just cycle through them like that instead of waiting for a cool down time having a rocket launcher for catching the legendaries at the end makes it so much easier because when you hit them with the rocket launcher they'll fall to the ground and be stunned for a moment and if you throw one of the legendary spheres or any other spheres that you bring with you while they're stunned for that second you're going to have an increased chance to be able to catch them so those are all of the legendary Pals I do hope you all enjoyed the video and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 175,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld legendary, palworld pals, palworld legendary pals, palworld tips, palworld best pals, tagbacktv, palworld tagbacktv, palworld best pals guide, palworld frostallion noct, palworld frostallion, palworld necromus, palworld jetragon, palworld paladius
Id: kqdVjQgGhng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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