How To Build A Shed - Part 4 Installing Sheet Metal Roof

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hi Shannon here from host improvements comm and we're back with our fourth video in our five video series on building a shed in this video we're gonna cover putting a sheet metal on the roof yeah we aren't shingling this one it will be sheet metal I've already got the strapping and metal on the other side so we're gonna demonstrate what we did there over on this side first off it's a little different than shingling we want to actually strap the roof with either one by fours or in our case we're going to use 2x4 so they'd be running this way usually most people recommend about every 30 inches on the roof it just depends on your snow load and those sorts of things things your Building Code that sort of thing but anyways I've got all that stuff pre-cut so we're gonna start with the strapping and the reason for the strapping that's where rows the screws go to hold the sheets down so that's why we need them because our sheets are running this way so obviously we can't just put a screw on every truss or it the sheets would be flapping and moving around so so we're gonna put the horizontal roof straps on so to start with the first one like I said I've got them all cut to length and to position this first one you just want a straight edge or anything street so that you can put it against the outside of your fascia slide the strap slide the strap down I might have to put a nail down there just hold things still here until I get one in just give me one second I'll just keep it from sliding off okay so as I say we just want the straight edge put against the fascia slide the strap down to it and then we'll nail that strap in place just like so and you would just work your way along the whole length of the roof they can take this screw out of here now so we're just going to move along we skipped one but we'll go back to it and nail it I just want to get things held up here okay just like that [Applause] okay so once we have that started on the very outside edges I have some blocks cut for spacers so I figured out what I wanted for the center of my next roll and I cut a block two blocks because we're dealing with the shed we're just going full-length so I'm putting it flush to the outside of the fascia on this end a right tight down to the strap we already installed I'm going to place one at each end [Applause] like that now I can take another strap right up on top of there and we've already got our spacing all the way along so now I just need to flush it up here [Applause] okay so that's that one now I've done exactly the same thing with the next role and I've got them pre-made here so like I said most places if you're you know building something bigger or whatever and we're doing this you could space these straps usually about thirty inches apart like I said you just have to check with your local Building Authority okay so we got that on we've got one more strap throw up there [Applause] [Applause] okay so it's as easy as that for putting the straps on we've got them all nailed now we're gonna pop down to the ground and cut our sheets of metal that are gonna go on here Oh first actually I've got to put a piece of flashing down here then we'll cut our metal in this case our sheets we've got eight 8-foot sheets and we're cutting them in half to get us four-foot pieces and then that doesn't get us right tight at the top at the peak but once you put the ridge cap on there it all covers it up and closes everything in so I'm gonna get down I'm gonna grab a piece of beef lashing bring it up here and get it tacked in place okay so I've got my Eve edge flashing it's much like a drip edge that you would normally use on a roof except a lot larger in this case we probably could have used a normal drip edge and I just simply cut it with some everyday run-of-the-mill tin snips to their eighth length and I'm just gonna put it on here and we just want this face just pushed up nice and tight to do the fascia and I'm just gonna tack it in place with a few shingle nails you don't have to nail the heck out of this because when you screw your sheets off it's going to get lots of screws all in it anyways a couple more in it won't be good okay so that just helps direct the water down and end off of the building okay so I'm gonna pop down again we're gonna like I said we're just cutting some 8 foot sheets of roof metal in half to get four footer so we'll go down and set up for that and show you what I do there okay so here's our sheet and just laid it out on a on a sawhorse I'm gonna measure four feet just in a couple of spots use a straightedge to get myself a straight line okay so there's our cut line and what I'm gonna be cutting this with simply a four inch angle grinder with a zippy cut blade for cutting metal I've definitely need safety glasses and hearing protection so what I'll do is once I get fired up I'm just gonna simply follow that line that I just drew on there and we'll get our sheets cut in half just be wary of what's around you there will be sparks you could cut this outside if it's better but just watch I mean you don't want anything flammable behind you or around you where sparks could cause a problem okay so that gets our length cut like so and we're gonna be starting from this and you want to pay a bit of attention as far as the wind direction or the direction the wind would generally come from in your area so that when you lap the sheets they're not facing in the direction that the wind would come from you know because the they do overlap you know one edge overlaps the next edge and you just want the prevailing winds not to be able to get ahold of it so this one we're gonna put back there or up on that end we're gonna orientate it just like this that would be the top this would be the bottom of the sheet I've predetermined my screw locations so I'm gonna pre mark those all out on the sheets so that my screws look good up on the roof nobody really sees it but it's just good practice and if you're doing a wall or something you definitely want to try to mark them out so that they're consistent when when a person looks down the wall so in my case these first ones are going to end up at two inches and on the bottom edge of the sheet I'm gonna put a screw in each one of these locations that I'm marking I'm just putting a little tick there it's easy enough by eye to Center it up there's actually a little bit of a rib space there so by eye you can Center that part up my next row ends up being 26 inches now once you get away from that leading edge these ones you really only need that screw on in this position that's towards the the edge of the sheet that's gonna overlap the last one you lead so 26 we're just pre marking this oak because it's much easier to do down here on the ground and you would just keep going like that depending on the length of your sheet our upper row is actually going to be secured with the ridge cap so I don't need to really mark those out they'll be they'll be hidden away okay so we've got that and now the other thing actually that would be on the next sheet on the next sheet because when I lay this on the roof this would be the next sheet and it's going to overlap that rib flush up the bottom so we'd have a row of screws down here again out to inches in my case another row at 26 but then we'd also put in a stitcher which ends up on this high rib on the one that overlaps the other and it would just be spaced in between the two the two screws you have here so we'll put a screw here in the high rib one in between one lining up with our roll another one in the middle there so I maybe I'll mark the sheet out as well while I'm down here to six [Music] oops I didn't mean to mark that one don't need one there okay so those are our two full sheets it ends up being a partial sheet our last row so again I'll have to cut it I'm going to throw some screws in my pocket so these screws are to come color matched for whatever color your sheet is there's different lengths different screw types depending on what you're going into these ones are actually a little long for this application but that's gonna be alright when you put the screw in you've got a hex type head that we have a driver in the drill that fits that there's a metal washer and then there's a rubber gasket so when you put these screws in you want to just make sure you're not just squeezing the living life out of out of that rubber gasket you wanted to come down and make contact and just just be solid not over tightened we also will have these foam closures we need them along the bottom because otherwise birds and flies whatever can fly up through the high rib area here so this gasket actually fits underneath and when we screw we just push it up to where our screws will go right through it and hold it in place so it just fills in that that void that's underneath there it makes a bit of a weather drew seal so we're gonna need those up there I've got my drill so I'll take this first sheet up get it laying up on here so now so we want to start out with this edge of this sheet not sticking over the end if anything it can be a little bit short of the edge wouldn't matter I've got a block here just marked with a mark for how much I want to overhang that's a little bit up to you I like to have about an inch of overhang and so I just kind of get things lined up here so we're really quite close there just like that so I'm gonna put the first screw hole I didn't put my that all lined up and I don't have my closure under there okay so we're just gonna lay the closure there some of them have a sticky back that you can peel off and then it'll stick in place this particular one doesn't happen these ones don't seem to have it so we'll get our sheet sitting down on there we'll get lined up again like so I'll get one screw in this corner okay so we got that one in I'm just getting this side lined up another screw just making sure that closures up there high enough okay so one thing you have to be careful of when you're screwing off these sheets is you can actually stretch them or shrink them in width because this will flex when you're putting in the screws so if you're putting your screws in on angles it's kind of distorting the sheet from how it should be so you have to just be a little bit weary of that that can help you at time sometimes you get off a little bit and you need to stretch a sheet or string Koosh shrink a sheet so you know just be be aware that you can do it if you need it but you're trying to avoid that of course so that all looks pretty good so I'm just gonna put a couple more screws in just to hold it we'll move on to the next sheet I can screw it off later you want to be careful all these edges are sharp some people will wear gloves all the time okay I'm just going to step up and get a couple screws higher up so like I said we put all those pencil marks there and I will go back and put those screws in but just for time savings here I'm just gonna move along to the next sheet these foam closures kind of have an interlocking piece at the end so you just have to orientate them the same so that they have to loosen the screw so I can pull this up put that back down I'll just hop down grab my feet and basically we just keep going like that so you can see we've got the overlap they're so sad over that I'm bringing it down flush to the sheet that we already put on I'll put this first screw in the corner so grab my little spacer block you should be able to come down I just want to make sure that the ribs sitting right just like that and I can put this one in again I want to be sure that foam closure is up and it's actually slid now in about I want to try to be screwing through it so it keeps it in place okay so you just simply continue along just like that like I said our next one is actually a cut sheet so I will have one at 4 feet but it'll be sliced narrower than the three feet that these ones are so I'm gonna get those finished getting this all on and then when we come back I'm going to show you how to do the rest of the trim there's a gable eave trim here and then the ridge cover okay so I'm back and we've got all the sheets on this side all cut and secured so that's all done we've actually put the gable flashing on the backside and we're gonna do the gable flashing now on the front side so that's what this piece of tin here is and I'm just gonna lay it on here we have to do some cutting and putting your to make it work so I'm just pushing it tight against the face here and tight down and I'm sliding it down till the two corners kind of match up a little bit and I want to get a mark here so we're gonna cut out this corner right there and we're gonna cut a line up here and then I'm gonna fold this underneath just so it closes that off some people will do that some people won't I don't know I just like to do it to keep bugs and stuff out of there again so just getting another mark here so I'm going to cut that corner okay so again I'm just using the tin snips side so I cut that little piece out of there and I'm gonna cut this lip off and then this piece here is actually gonna fold fold down here and then watch this stuff is very sharp so that's just going to kind of close off that and you'll see it better we'll try to get a picture of it after but set it back on here everything is sitting the way I want it that looks all right and I'm gonna get a screw in there hold it up there for me so I'm just gonna line line these screws up with the ones we had in our other rows there and they're gonna go down on this this flat area over on the other side that sits down on the roof down here okay so that will just keep it from moving on me now we're gonna go up here we need to make a couple cuts here in the center as well so I need to follow this this joint in the fascia boards I'm just going to kind of eyeball that up get my angle make a pencil line there to follow and I'm not gonna mark a line right across but I'm gonna come just to the back corner here so I need to make a cut there as well so that basically this piece will fold down so make this one first one doesn't have to be pretty because it doesn't get seen again you could do this in two pieces two we really wouldn't make any difference the ridge cap itself will cover this when it's done and then I'm gonna cut straight up there just to this corner I know you're not gonna see but it's I gotta do it this way and then I'll show you okay there we go okay so then this will just fold like that the other side goes down and one more little cut here and that'll just allow that I'll sit flat once it once it's done so we've got this back piece bent fold it it just allows us to come down so we can get over on this side and basically fit it and cut it like we did on the other end there where we started I need this I'm really just doing the same thing at this end I'm sure I'm gonna have people come on a comment that that's not how they do it but anyways that's how I do it okay so we've got that all fit I've got that side good we're gonna put our screws in down this edge to hold that down once we have our other aluminum fascia on and tucked underneath there we'll be putting a couple screws in all this just to hold that all tight but we aren't at that stage yet okay so we got that all on there another one up near the top here I want to be near the top but I want to still be below that where the ridge caps gonna come to okay so there's your gable end flashing another step down so really all we have left to do now is the actual ridge cap so I'm gonna cut up to length and it's gonna go really just right into end I'm probably gonna cut it back just a quarter inch short so it doesn't hang over at all so I'll cut it to length and then I've gone so got to cut it so this that it are sorry no I guess it is gonna sit right on here and we do have a foam closure that goes in here as well it's kind of the opposite of what we use down there now it'll be thicker in the in the main part here and thinner where it goes over top the the ribs the other thing we have to be real careful now at this point too because we do have to get rate up there this is slippery obviously and it can be a little bit dangerous so you got to be careful getting up there and find a good spot to perch and not fall off of okay so we're back up top here we're gonna put the ridge cap on we put on the foam closures these ones were sticky so they stick in place we've cut the ridge cap to length I'm just gonna bring it over and this is going to get screwed down into every every High rib there so I'm just gonna get one in here I'm just centering it up on this part pushing it down tight just like that actually I pulled it a little bit off-center there buddy whoo again slippery up here so we'll just do the same thing over here got ourselves kind of lined up and straight we're just making sure that's tucked in over there and I'm just gonna put a few screws in here I'll come back and screw it off after we're done so we'll get this in over here and you can kind of push that form foam closure in if it is sticking out it's not really usually that big of a deal and just like so anyways I'd go right along like that and finish screwing that off like set a screw on every High rib one out on these corners and that would finish it up okay so there there you have it we've put the steel sheeting on the roof and all the trim on for the roof and I think we give you a bit of a basic idea on how to do that obviously it's gonna change a little bit on the bigger if you do a bigger building but the same principles are all the same so I think that's good we're gonna wrap things up and you can always come and check our for mode on the website if you have any questions about this or any other project you're doing or you've seen us do just go on the forum and ask about it then yeah keep watching for the fifth video and we'll get things wrapped up on this project
Channel: HouseImprovements
Views: 3,105,337
Rating: 4.7965007 out of 5
Keywords: roof, shed, metal, sheet, roofing, cut, grinder, tin, aluminum, rafters, screws, flashing, gable, Design, Repair, Installation, Construction, vicwest, leak
Id: vvDurqjtcYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2013
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