Pole Building#2 -Rafters and Metal Roof

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well hello my friends this is my second pole building video and in this one I'll show you how I build the rafters and install them and how I install the steel roof and sides I'm going to show you how I build my rafters for this shed roof now my shed roof will look like this here and it's really half of a regular roof and so if you were going to build a building and put a roof on it you build your after is the same ways I'm going to show you right here now we know we're spanning a distance of 12 feet by building this 12 foot wide here and so when they say that a roof has a picture of say 312 what they're talking about is for every foot of distance across that building which they refer to refer to as the run this distance here so for every foot we're going to go up 3 inches and so if you were to actually add this up I'd be 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 and 36 so you just take you know you're going to be going up 3 inches for every foot so 3 times 12 is 36 inches so we're rising up 36 inches in this particular case but that's what they referred to as a 3 12 pitch roof so in order to know where to cut off these posts I knew that they had to be 36 inches lower than the peak of that roof which is up there on that plate on the back of the building there so I used my circular saw to cut around this post and the blade won't reach all the way to the middle so I have to finish it off with this reciprocating saw here so I go down through and cut off all three 6x6 bolts now we had a 2 by 6 and I'm attaching to these posts right even with the top of the post on the outside there I screw a screw in the son of mine to help me hold up there while I get them nailed in and then this is a 2 by 8 right here that goes across the top of the post and then I nail down through into that 2x6 down below and that'll make a real good plate there for those rafters to sit down so we'll get the other one measured here again this is a 2 by 8 and they set it right up there on top at those posts and then right out even with the edge of the 2 by 6 down below make a real strong header there this is rough sod hemlock longer here and I get it from the local Amish mill and when they say two by eight they mean it's a full two inches by eight inches now I've got a treat it to my floor right there we're running along the bottom of the building and that's at floor level and now I measure up and it's 62 to the top of the post and with another two inches for the header it makes us 64 inches so that's all higher than that outside wall is so if I measure up here 64 inches that's the height of that other wall and if I go on up here there should be 36 inches if my planning is worked out right and and it is it's 36 inches so we say that this will have a 36 inch rise on this roof all right now for the fun part and actually laying out these rafters you take your square like this and you measure over three inches and then down this side of the square you measure 12 because it's a 3 12 pitch roof and so I have these little gizmos and I can clamp on my square and that that enables me to move that square and just shove it up against the rafter board and I don't have to mess around with was lining up on 312 every time those those little buttons there they just let you slide right up against like that and easily keep that 312 angle going so I mark across here this is up at the peak of the roof and admit and draw a line there all right so I got my square up against there's a line now I've been down to the 12 and make a mark on the outside and you're gonna step down make 12 of these lines and at the 12th one is where your outside of your wall is so there's number one right there and you just keep doing that all the way down one two three four five six and keep right on going seven eight nine ten eleven twelve now when you get down there that's where it sits on the wall that's number twelve and so it's a two by eight is when I'm making these rafters out and so we've got to cut the bird's mouth out and that's the part that sits on the wall and you take a third of that two by eight which is about two and five-eighths and measure up that line two and five-eighths inches now you line up your round square on the inside like that and draw a line and then you have bones rolled off here we go that's the part you're gonna cut off cut out for the bird's mouth right there so once again we laid the square down and I'm counting all the little step downs that I've done right there number 12 for it sets on the wall there's a bird's mouth and then this is the overhang so you go ahead and cut this this rafter and this becomes the template for all the other rafters so you make real good straight cuts here you're gonna be laying this this rafter down on the top of all the other ones and in tracing around these cuts and you can quick and easy layout all all ten rafters I got ten of these to cut out so here's this bird's mouth one down through the air and just cutting to the lines making sure the cut reveal careful this is reading lumber this is a stylish lumber and so sometimes you'll be going right along it's and it could be real wet and thus all kind of lumps down and so on there we go go right through that point there now I'm gonna take my reciprocating saw off and although I guess this time I use my so if you did your figuring right you get a nice clean tight fit there and the other end this time I decide to use these rafter hangers here these these metal hangers and it helped me this time to be able to set these big two by eights up in there and get a mailed Amazon so if you if you work smarter not harder one guy can do a job like this I know it it's easier if you have two or three people one guy on each end of that two by eight and so on but if you just lift one end at a time you can you can get the rafter up in there without straining too bad now sometimes you have to make some adjustments there on that first rafter that you cut out and just so long as you make that adjustment and then use that as a template for all the rest of them they all have to be the same down on this end I just toenail in a couple nails on both sides of the Mumbai eight in the top of that plate there now when I put those brackets up I learned that you put one so you nail one side and leave the other side over so that allows you to drop that 2x8 down in there and then you can just pull it over and nail it afterwards so I just nail one side to begin with so there we go we've got all the rafters up and so next will be they lit up those one by fours so now I nail on those one by fours horizontally across the roof starting down at the edge and working my way up I'm almost up at the top now these are two feet on center and so when I go to put the metal roof up there I'll be able to nail to that grid there okay so my overhang is going to be four inches so I'll go up there's a six inch mark there and that'll be right in the center of that board that I'm gonna screw to up on the roof you'll see what I mean and I learned a long time ago if I just take the time here and measure these out I will have a nice looking roof when I'm done as far as all those screws being lined up so now I just have to mark every two feet because I know my grid up there is on two feet two feet on center and so I'll just mark this whole sheet that's how you screw them down that's the part that goes against the roof right there and then the other side overlaps it you'll see what I mean here in a minute the metal roofing roofing is not heavy at all so it's easy to maneuver and shove up there on the roof and of course for this 312 pitch I can get it up on there and walk around so this is gonna be an an easy roof to screw down so here we go that's how that overlaps right there so I just make sure I've got my four inch overhang and then you can see the mark right there and so I start to put the screws in now these screws have a little rubber washer on them and so when I screw them down you screw that in just until you see that rubber compress a little bit you don't squeeze that rubber right out completely you just just enough to make sure that that's rubber washers gonna seal around that screw and so now it's just a matter of putting a screw in all those places that I've marked ahead of time there with my permanent marker it just makes everything line up and look good when you're doing so in just a matter of half-hour so I can put these seven sheets up now right here this shows you those 4 by 6 Timbers that I put in there to hold the the earth back on the outside because that's I higher out there than it is inside my building here you can kind of see I have to bring in some dirt and fill in there and then I'm going to put in a piece of trim that looks like this right here and then the metal on the back of the building there's that trim up at the top it angles down off the building and then out of the top of the roof so those those are those Timbers they're below grade you just have to fill right up to to the the right height there on the back of the building so I get run off into that ditch all right I got my metal siding on and that goes on just like the just like the roof metal you put on your first piece and then just overlap and and go right around the building didn't take any time at all to put that on that's what it looks like inside the building and there we go that's the outside so I hope this this video would kind of help you if you go to build your own building your own lean-to like this this is how I go about it thanks for watching everybody we'll see you next time
Channel: TimTools99
Views: 162,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pole Barn, Metal Roof, Rafters, Lean-to Shed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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