How To Build A Shed - Part 1 Building The Floor

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hi it's Shannon here from house improvements comm and today we're going to start our series on building a shed so we're gonna do the first video here and basically what we're building is a 6 foot by 8 foot shed it's going to have a gable roof with a 612 pitch so one of the videos we'll be getting into cutting the actual small little rafters for it and other than that basically this first video we're going to start with building the floor structure getting it on some skids building the structure making sure everything's level and putting down some sheathing if you can see behind me we've got pretty much all the framing materials here and some of it is pre-cut so we won't be showing you on more some of the basic things we won't be showing you the cutting once we do get to the rafter video we will show you how to figure it out and cut it so you can see we've got some pressure-treated lumber in this first stack this will all be the flooring materials so we've got the 4 by 4 skids which are right here and then all the 2x4 framing that we'll use to actually build the floor structure and we'll cover that with five-eighths inch pressure-treated plywood as well that way you know if you have any moisture issues or you know snow and that sort of thing the the floor is the first thing that's going to get wet so we want to make sure it's pressure treated the rest we are just using spruce lumber and yeah that's basically it we're going to build the shed it's going to get vinyl siding and it's going to get a steel roof and also a steel roll-up door which in this area is getting pretty popular for sheds they're they're a nice feature to have so so anyways we're gonna get reset up here and we're gonna start with the setting up the skids getting things leveled up and frame the floor ok so we've got the basic frame of material over here to do the floor I've just set the skids out of the way for right now as you can see we're working inside for this video just so we can control the elements a little bit so normally you're gonna be working outside you might be building the shed more than likely rate in place so one of the first things you'd want to start with is probably getting your skids sitting down on a level surface you know you can be on the ground but you obviously the ground isn't always going to be level so you might need to put some flat cinder ricks or some kind of stepping stones or something like that set into the ground or however you have to do it to get a level surface lay your skids out and then start framing your floor on top because we're working inside today I'm gonna assemble the floor at least the floor framing and then I'm gonna just flip it out of the way put the skids in place do a little bit of a shim job if I have to on the floor here on the concrete floor lay the framework on top and show you how I'm gonna attach it before I sheet the floor so like I said I've got everything marked out I'm going 16 inches on center it's all pressure treated lumber you can reference to my framing video wall framing video as well just to see how I measured these out I'm not going to duplicate what I've already shown everybody so if you haven't seen it you can go there and have a look and as as I showed in that video as well you know you want to look down every piece of lumber four arches and lay all the arches the same way so if you're gonna if they do have crowns you want to put them all up or down whichever your gonna do I like to put them up they sit better just so it stays fairly consistent these are short enough there isn't much of a crown in them at all so okay so what I'm going to do like I said I've got everything pre-cut I'm gonna go ahead and nail it fasten it together we're using a 2x4 framing and so I'm gonna attach at every floor joist which is what this is I'm going to attach using two nails into each end you could use screws if you want I prefer nails myself they're a little stronger so we just want to flush the top of this up to the top here and of course on this first one I'm putting it flush on the end all the other ones there's a mark and I you probably can't see them on the camera there's a mark every 16 inches on center that I'll be lining those ones up too but also still flush to the top so I'm also going to put on my safety glasses for those of you who haven't seen this gun this is a pass load gas-operated framing nailer so it user uses a combination of a battery pack here and a gas cartridge here to propel the nails [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay so that's one side I'm just going to do the same thing to the other side [Applause] okay so there's our main structure of the floor and I'm just gonna lean it up out of the way and then put the skids into place okay so I've laid the four by fours out just roughly approximately where they need to be I've checked with my level in a few different places both directions just to see how far out we are like I said we're working on a concrete floor here so it's actually pretty good so what I'm not gonna bother Jimmy the worst spot is about a eighth of an inch so that's not anything to worry about on this so what I'll do I'll just get them spaced out here a little closer to exactly what I want and then we'll lay the lay the floor out on top of it and move everything into position okay so you get the basic idea what I'm doing here the next step I'm going to look after is and you can see here i I've pre-drilled some holes what I'm gonna do these holes are so that I can attach the frame securely to the to the skids so what I've got is some six inch leg bolts with a washer and I pre drilled these holes so that these will go down through them and attach rate down into the four by four and that will allow if we in this case we have to actually move this shed around afterwards to get it where it has to go so it's going to make it a little more secure maybe not necessary if you're just building the shed right on right on the spot it's gonna stay you could lay your floor down on here and put some normal deck screws or nails or whatever down into the four by fours just to hold things in place but because we're gonna actually move it around I'm gonna attach it a lot more securely and then we normally probably would so to do that I'm gonna use an impact driver and I just have to grab it okay so I've got my bolts ready and my impact driver with the socket and driver I'm just flushing the four by four the skid up with the side and the end here so I can do my first attach my first Bowl I guess what I didn't mention is the reason I pre-drilled this and also drilled a larger hole so that everything would go down flush so the heads of these bolts wouldn't be sticking up above here when I put the plywood on so you can see they aren't sticking up at all it's all tucked down in there and it's out of the way of the plywood when I sheet the floor so I'm just going to move all the way down along this side just moving the skid Ian flush to the side of the framework and then putting the bolts in okay so I did that one side I'm gonna do the other side and then up the center in the center I've done the two ends and then I picked one floor joist in the middle to attach but they're attached the same way so I'm just going to do those up and then it'll be all attached to the skids and we'll square the floor up after that okay so we've got our in this case nine bolts all attached down into the into the framework it's worth mentioning that anytime you're using pressure-treated materials you should be using hot dip nails stainless steel nails or ceramic coated nails the material the pressure treat the preserve the wood with is corrosive it can be so standard fasteners will rust over time so I thought that would be worth mentioning and also I guess while I'm at it I used three inch nails is what I nailed all the floor joists in with just I don't think I mentioned that before so we've got things sitting there right now I want to square the floor up the easiest way to square up a rectangular square shaped surface is to measure diagonally corner to corner and you should end up if it's square or when it is square you should end up with an equal measurement I'm just gonna see what we're sitting at here and we're very close right there but I'm a little bit longer in this diagonal that I'm hooking on again so that means I need to just try to squeeze it a little bit which makes it smaller and actually makes the other one a little longer it's not gonna take much I was less than an eighth of an inch so in reality I'm going only had to move it you know sixteenth basically that'll be good right there okay so we've got things squared up and we just have to be careful at this point until we have the sheeting on that we don't bump it or kick it or whatever cuz that'll swing it out of square again the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to just toenail with the pass load a couple nails one on each side of each of the floor joists so that didn't get bolted down and I measured those out 16 inches on Center on the skid just so that when I do the plywood I know that the flooring members are all street [Applause] [Applause] okay so that secures that all up I'm just gonna double-check I know what my measurement was diagonally so I'm just gonna double-check that I didn't move it I'm sure I didn't know it's good okay so we've got that the basic rough framework for the floor is all sitting there and switch my nails out to two and three eighths nails here and I want to put my sheathing on now so what I'm gonna do I've got my sheets leaning here I'm going to drag them over I'm gonna start from this end so I'm gonna be flush here and flush here and I'm gonna let the excess hang over on that in my sheets the eight-foot direction is gonna go this way that because I've laid it out from that end that should end up being right on the center of this floor joist so then I can lay my other sheet down starting there flush to this end and tight to the one I just put on so I'm going to start with one of them and I'll just trim them off to two lengths afterwards okay so I'll just again I'm just being careful I don't slide the actual floor because I don't want it to move out of square and I've got that first corner where I need to be so I'm gonna put one nail in it just to help me out here so that'll kind of give me a pivot point so I can come down to this corner I want to bring the plywood flush to the end of the floor just like that I'll put another nail okay and that brought me right flush here already so I'll stick that nail in and the same thing here okay so I've got that now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to put five nails across the end of the sheet here just like so and I'm gonna do probably about seven along here spacing them approximately a foot apart and I'm just gonna leave it like that for now I'm gonna get my next sheet on get it all tacked down similar actually I can I guess like a nail off this side okay now I'll lay my other sheet on there get it all straight and everything and then cut my my excess off and finish all my nailing and including the ones down the middle I'll get the sheet laying in here and again we're using all pressure-treated for the whole floor structure including the sheeting so I'm just pushing it over tight to the one eyeball the sheet I've already secured they're getting it flush on this end I'll put my first nail there to make my pivot point now I this is overhanging here but I can see because of where I put my nail where basically where my outer edge is so I'll put a nail in there and because of the design of this shed I've designed it so it's actually 8 by 6 to the outside of the plywood when the walls are up so my floor is just slightly smaller because my plywood I'm gonna run by and you'll see that in in the next couple of videos but so that actually gives me an inch of overhang here so I have to keep my nails back a little bit and nail across the end like I did before like so when I come in and just nail this corner like that ok so now I basically got the sheeting tacked in place I could I could actually throw a couple in here again this is on that centered on that one up the middle [Applause] okay so we're nice and secure we don't have to worry about the floor system coming out of square again the sheeting and the nails and the sheeting are gonna hold it all straight I'm going to use I'm gonna use a chalk line which I think I need to go grab one okay so I've got my chalk line and what I'm gonna do first is snap a line to get this outer edge and then I'm gonna snap a line to get this outer edge so to do that I need to just get a couple pencil marks here so I'm looking at the framework underneath here I'm sliding my little square up against it just putting the mark there so that's where I'm gonna hook my chalk line go all the way to this end and then this end I can actually see the framing because it's so plush to the end so I just want to line my chalk line up at the edge of that snap the line there so now I can cut that whole edge right off and I'm just gonna use my cordless skill saw I'm going to set the depth of the blade just slightly thicker than the plywood or deeper than the thickness of the plywood okay and I'm just gonna cut along that line and get rid of this excess plywood here okay so we have that end cut now the main reason I didn't nail this whole edge or this one is that once I have the plywood cut I can actually see exactly where I am I'm not guessing as to how far in I need it to nail so now we need to snap a line along this end to cut this back edge off so I can line it up with the edge of the framework underneath and I'll just do the same thing there with my saw get rid of that little one-inch lip that's there okay just like that so that'll make that easier to nail as well now that this piece is gone get rid of that so then the other thing I'm gonna do is get rid of some dust here the other thing I'm going to do because you noticed I didn't put any nails into the center floor joists that are in there now that I've cut these this excess plywood off I can see where the center of my joists were you know just put a little pencil mark lining up with my nails right here and what I'll do this just makes it easier again so that when you're nailing you're actually sure to be nailing into the floor joist I'm just gonna snap some lines there just for your nailing purposes that just gives you a guide so we're gonna have one there one here now the center one is a joint in the plywood's so we can easily see that so skip it go to here and one last one here okay I'm gonna use the past load again I'm still using the two and three eighths nails and I'm going to nail right along here again about a foot apart okay so that's that outer edge done I'm gonna do this back side you're trying to nail a straight down you know as you can otherwise the nails may come out you know if they go on an angle they can protrude out here you don't want that now I'm gonna nail along those chalk lines those guidelines I put in [Applause] okay just like that so right there we've really we've basically completed our floor so we've got the floor structure it's a good and solid I like to use the 16 inches on Center for the joist just simply because it is more solid you could use 2 by 6 framing if you wanted for that you know on a bigger shed where it's maybe spanning more or you're gonna load it up with heavier materials or what have you you may want to buy six framing in there but in this case we just went to buy four I think that's pretty much all I can tell you I think we're good for that part of building the shed floor thanks for watching our first video on our shed building series you can also see all our other videos and find other videos for the shed series on our YouTube channel where you can subscribe to it or you can also come on to the forum on the website and ask any questions you might have thanks for watching
Channel: HouseImprovements
Views: 3,380,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shed, floor, yard, garden, build, diy, home, backyard, Do It Yourself (Website Category), construct, plan, How-to (Media Genre), Simple, base, ground, pressure, treated, lumber, wood, nails, framing, skids, dirt, concrete, Design, Life, Construction, Repair, sub floor, pressure treated, walk, level
Id: Xh_QMJALct4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2013
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