Installing Metal Roofing Panels

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all right in this section we're going to be talking about how to install the panels now that we've got the roof all stripped out with our wood strips we've got the drip edge trim installed where we need it we've got the pipe flashings all blocked out and ready to go we're ready to start screwing down the roof but before you start putting screws in I want you to think about a couple important things first important thing about this particular type of metal panel is that it has two different edges and you want to make sure to put the right Edge down first before you lap the other one over so on this panel I like to call it the skinny and the fat laps one is smaller than the other and if you look it up close it'll be obvious this Edge ends right here on the curve this other Edge which I call the fat lab has this little leg that sticks out from the side you want to put the fat lab down first and overlap it with the skinny lap this is a common mistake that I see people make by lapping the panels the wrong way before you start screwing your panels down there's a couple things you might want to keep in mind as as far as deciding which part of your roof you're going to start running your panels from if you live in an area of high winds or your house is particularly exposed to the elements you're going to want to start running your panels in a dire Direction so that the lap on the metal faces away from the direction of the prevailing winds so that the prevailing winds won't tend to want to get up under that lap and damage the metal if you don't have that to worry about there's a couple other things you want to keep in mind when deciding where to start for this side of the model it's pretty easy we've got one ful length piece that's going to run the whole way so I'm going to start on this open Gable end um if you're working on a part of your house that has a valley or a hip at the other end you're going to want to start at the end where you can start with one fulllength sheet that you don't have to cut and run towards the hip or the valley that you're going to have to cut to to determine how much of the panel is going to overhang the edge of the roof you're going to need to decide what type of edge detail you're going to use first if you're using a drip edge trim I recommend running the panel so that it over overhangs the edge of the roof just as much as this first rib so you align this this crease in the metal up with the edge of the drip edge and let just this much overhang the side of the roof in this instance we're going to use the Gable end trim so what I'm going to do is line this this edge of the panel up flush with the outside of this strip wood strip in the fascia I don't have to worry about seeing this wood strip and the shingles in the edge of the facial board right now now because I'm going to come back later after I've got this panel installed and install the Gable in trim over top and it's going to hide all that now that you've got the panel pulled up on the roof it's time to start setting your screws this part of your project is always best to have two people on hand you're going to have one person at the top of the panel and one person at the bottom to help hold it in place and square it up the person at the bottom has an important job because he is going to need to measure both edges of the panel against the drip edge to make sure that the panel is running Square against the drip edge take your time lining this panel up correctly because once you screw it in place the orientation of it is going to determine how Square all the rest of your panels on this run are going to line up in accordance with the fascia all right so now that we've got the first panel on it's time to talk about something that can cause you fits later if you don't pay close attention to it now and that is the fact that often times the panel is not going to run square with the house either it's not going to run squarely with the edge of the facial board on the outside of the Gable or it's going to run off Square along the bottom Edge and this is due to a simple fact the panel is going to be perfectly square but the rest of the house that you're putting it on may not be even on new construction projects I've often found the house is not completely square and this going to show up in the way that you install your panels there's a couple things you need to take into consideration when you're dealing with this problem first of all if your house has gutters on it from the ground you're not going to be able to see this bottom edge of the metal so really in my opinion it's okay if it runs off a little bit it's going to get a little bit of a stair step to it as it goes along and you adjust for the out of squareness but that's okay because no one's going to see it from the ground if you have an edge of the panel that's going to be very visible from the ground like it's over a deck or over your front door you're going to want to make a is to make sure that all your panels run straight and that there's an even line on the bottom there's a couple ways you can accomplish this first one is what we just showed you measuring off the first panel making sure you get it really Square that's going to help you make sure that all the rest of the panels have the exact same reveal all the way down another way that we accomplish keeping these panel square is by installing a string line down here at the bottom all the way across you can make sure it's the right set for the correct reveal in this case we're doing 2 in in so we set the string 2 in off the bottom that's going to help keep your panel Square all the way if you don't run the panel Square it's going to get a little bit of a stair step to it that looks like this and there are a few ways you can deal with this one of which is to let it run off square and then come back later try to trim it off straight that might sound like a good idea it's a lot more difficult in practice than it might sound to you to begin with if the bottom edge of the the panel runs a little stair stepped it's really not that big of a deal and honestly you can't see it that well from the ground and no one's going to notice it I wouldn't put a lot of time and effort trying to get it exactly right because often times the house isn't Square it's not going to run straight you need to keep in consideration what's the most Vis visible side of the metal and make allowances to keep that side as Square as possible if the Gable end is overhanging a door or garage where you're always going to be see it seeing it you want to pay more attention to that take more time getting that edge square and let the bottom Edge run off vice versa if the bottom Edge is going to be more visible take spend some more time getting this Square don't beat yourself up if it doesn't run perfectly because often times no matter what kind of house we're putting these roofs on we often have a little trouble getting it perfect now that we got our first panel installed we're happy how we got it set it's running Square to the roof I got my second panel ready to go here I'm going to make a couple important points about the way that I want you to run the screws on the roof first of all check that you got your panel lined up well with the other one I'm going to double check the measurement off the facia like we did on the first panel to make sure it's 2 in just like the other one we've got this screw the string line that we installed in place that's going to also help us make sure that the panel is running Square to the rest of the roof all right so when you start running your first screws I always put my hand or if the roof's not as steep you can actually stand on the edge of the panel make sure that this overlapping rib the the short rib is seated very firmly you're going to put a screw in right next to the rib to hold this panel down you might be inclined to start running your screws horizontally I want you to actually run the screws vertically in the correct places first along each uh rib before you start running them horizontally that might not be a terribly obvious point at the beginning but I'll tell you I've learned the hard way that if you run the the screw horizontally to begin with it can actually tweak the panel a little bit and cause the the lap on the panel not to sit as close closely as you wanted to all right we got our pan all screwed down now I'm going to show you exactly where each screw needs to go this is very important I see a lot of people try to skimp on the number of screws they use don't do anything but exactly what I'm about to show you here okay as I said before when we were putting the strips on the screws are going to be every 2 ft on Center or approximately every 2 ft on Center every 20 in every 28 in it's going to be okay you're going to put a screw starting as I just described next next to the lap over the other one we got the short lap over the fat lap here you're going to put a screw right in the middle of this flat pan if you have a different style panel that's fine just don't put the screw too close to the the ridge don't put it too close to any of these other corrugations you want to put put it right in the flattest part of the metal and you're going to put one next to each rib as you go along as I said we screwed up this run up this run up this run and so forth you got a screw next to each rib this panel has five ribs so you got these screws next to this one and then on the last panel okay on the last little section here you're going to put two screws in that's because we want to hold this fat lip down real tight to the roof so that the next panel short lip that comes over it is going to seat really well so you got two screws in here and one in each other one now you'll notice at the bottom of the panel I've got two screws in between each corrugation and that's because the bottom edge of the roof is where you're going to get most of your wind uplift so if you're ever going to have a panel get ripped off the roof it's because it's going to be weak down here at the bottom it's going to start here the wind's going to take it off so we always do double screws down here at the bottom Edge just to be careful now you want to take be careful and take precautions to make sure that your screws are running straight now this is something we've learned over the years if you have a really steep roof that's very visible from the uh from the ground the screw lines are going to be extremely visible and if your screws are going all over the place you're going to be able to see it from the ground so pay close attention if your roof is extremely steep if your roof is pretty flat and you don't really see the screws from the bottom it's not as important but you do want to take precautions to make sure the screws are in a straight line because it's easy to get off as you're screwing and miss the board however you'll notice to get the screw straight on this panel all we did was line up with the other screws that we had already put in and snap the chalk line on it that's probably the easiest way to do it just as you go along snap a line on each run that you're going to want to put in sometimes we'll mark the panels with a pencil on the ground every 2 ft if we know where the boards are that sort of thing but I think the chalk line is the easiest way to go now here's a point that might not be obvious at the time we're using uh a red chalk on this red panel but if you don't use red metal I definitely recommend going with like a blue chalk or a white chalk because the red chalk is going to stain in the panel no matter what color chalk you use go back and wipe it off later that might sound like a lot of work but the chalk does not wash off the roof as easily as you might think I've gone back on roofs we did 5 years ago and there's still red chalk all over the roof so make sure you wipe it off it's going to make it look better in the long run all right now that I've showed you where the screws go on the panel I want to make a really important point about one of the most important skills that you're going to need to pick up on to install your roof correctly and that is exactly how to drive the screw and install it now if you look closely at the screw you'll notice on this particular screw there's different types of screws but they all going to have a rubber washer on them covered by some sort of metal cap on this screw the rubber washer is slightly smaller than the little metal cap that protects it the important point to make is that when you drive the screw you don't want to drive it too far most people's inclination is to really bear down on it and tighten the screw as tight as they can every time the problem with this is that it can damage the rubber washer by overc compressing it kind of spaying it out and breaking the washer that's going to cause it to break down quicker and could lead to some leaks in the future what you want to do when you install the screw put it down tight enough so that the rubber washer is well compressed so that it spreads out a little bit but just to the edge of that metal cap on top of the screw if the rubber washer extends past the edge of this metal cap too much what you want to do is just back off it a little bit there's a certain art to this as you do it you'll get get better at it but take the time with each screw to make sure that you install it correctly if you're not sure if the screw is tight enough a good way to tell is to put your fingers down on the washer and try to twist it if you can twist the washer on the screw it's not going to be tight enough put another half a turn or a turn on it to make sure that it's tight enough sometimes also you'll notice that this the washer will get compressed the screw will seem tight but that the panel beneath it is not fully compressed up against the wood strip below if you if it looks like there's a little bit of a bubble in the panel push on the panel around the screw and if you can push and move the panel a little bit and push it down so that it touches the wood strip below it that means that you haven't screwed it in quite tight enough put uple another couple uh turns on the screw to pull that panel flush with the wood strip below it now that we've reached the end of our roof we're going to have to rip our very last panel to length to fit over top now because we we got drip edge here the panel is going to extend over top of the drip edge and overhang the roof a little bit I'd recommend letting the panel overhang the same distance we do on the bottom about an inch and 1 half two 2 in Max as with the other measurements we've made make sure to take this measurement from the inside of the fat lip and you're going to want to make two measurements for this last panel one at the bottom and one at the top that way if the roof is a little bit out of square uh that me measurement will help take accommodate that so we're going to look at this down here it's 14 in to the edge of the drip edge I'm going to do an inch and 1/2 over we're going to call that 15 1/2 in down here and up top you see that it's run off about half an inch that's 14 1/2 in up there we're going to call that 16 in we're going to transcribe that onto our last panel we're going to make our rip and install the panel as I mentioned in the introduction this 5B crimp panel can be installed using all the same techniques that we've described in this video series the only real difference in installing this panel is where you put the screws so make a quick point about this style of panel it's got a a short lip and a fat lip just like the Georgia Rib panel that we installed throughout the series you can tell that the fat lip has a little wider Edge to it here that's the side of the metal panel that goes down underneath the short lip Okay so make sure you get that right as far as the screws go you're just going to put one screw on each side of the rib you put a screw next to the double v here you're going to put a screw on either side of this middle rib and then another screw next to the double v on the far side by the fat lip that's going to give you four screws across the width of this 2ft panel and those are the basics for installing metal roofing panels to see the other 13 segments of this video series please go to
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Keywords: do it yourself roofing, how to install metal roof, how to metal roofing, install metal roofing, installing metal roofing over shingles, installing metal roofing panels, metal panel installation, metal roof, metal roof instruction, metal roof over shingles, metal roofing, metal roofing how to, metal roofing installation, metal roofing instruction, metal roofing tips, metal roofing video, roofing, steel roof installation, tin roof installation
Id: cRWZWcVqhIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2012
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