How to Install Roof Shingles

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how to install an asphaltic composition shingle roof we've compiled the footage of that class and condensed it to show a quick step-by-step guide to installing a simple roof this next part we are going to install the drip edge on the shed we started with the eve on the far side and as you see now we're working kind of on the corner and coming up this far this closer rake it's shot there about every 12 to 16 inches apart here you'll see me cutting the bottom portion of the drip edge to allow the drip edge to scissor over the ridge drip edge is installed before felt this is to mitigate water getting behind the drip edge on drip edge the nails should never penetrate the front flange in other words they should not be seen from the ground nails should all penetrate the drip edge and shoot into the decking of the roof in other words on the back of the drip edge you'll see here we're going to make the corner of the drip edge we've seen drip edge installed on corners many different ways some ways look like serious crap in other ways look good this is the way that we've found looks the best overall and allows for support under the shingles installing felt felt is installed from bottom up starting at the eve of course it's next after the drip edge so that the felt goes over the top of the drip edge allowing water to flow over top felt is rolled out by one person and usually plastic cap down by the other the plastic caps are shot down along the eve or the bottom of the felt every eight sixteen to eight inches in other words in high wind eight inches in lower wind every sixteen inches usually plastic caps are distributed throughout in the center about every sixteen inches as you see the feld is cresting the top of the roof overlapping the bottom layer installing starter strip starter strip is installed along the perimeter edge of the entire roof as you see here starter strip is installed an eighth of an inch further than the drip edge and then the shingles are again installed another eighth of an inch overlapping creating a solid quarter inch of overlap most shingle manufacturers require starter strip to be installed on the rakes for a higher wind protection starter strip should have four to five nails installed close to the tar line but not penetrating through the drip edge starter strip also should not be installed directly on the edge of the rake and the start of the eave you should cut six inches off to ensure that the starter strip does not share the same water line as the shingles above installing shingles after the starter strip is installed shingles are installed shortly thereafter the first shingle is installed along the bottom of the eave and against the rake the second shingle to establish a proper book is installed six inches in from the previous shingle on its mark cutting off the edge and keeping it for later the following shingle is then laid into position on its mark six inches in further than the previous shot down cut down to size keeping the remaining shingle next shingle same practice shot down remaining balance of the shingle is cut off the previous shingle from second to last shingle shot is laid above that shot down and then the shingle from the very beginning is shot on top of that allowing for that nice straight diagonal this clip is illustrating the spacing of nails first shot is shot an inch from the edge and then the second shot is shot a foot from that particular shot going back to the shed now you can see the shingles are shot in a diagonal pattern moving up the roof so the lines are not overlapping or landing on the same line as the previous shingle shingles are shot six times on the windward side of the roof and five times on the leeward side of the roof or as otherwise directed on the manufacturer packaging installing ridge cap and the last part of this project the first thing you do is you establish a chalk line at the very top to be able to follow the chalk line for a laser straight line each piece of ridge cap is shot on the tar line two shots on either side of the ridge scaled across the top of the ridge until the last shot is then covered by a piece of cut ridge cap the last thing we do of course when we do any roof is clean up removing all the loose granules from the top of the roof and cleaning up all the grounds to ensure that the customer is always happy thank you for watching our video we hope you enjoyed it and hope you learned something this was a very simple video in the next videos to come we will be installing turtle vents pipe boots step flashing roof to wall and installing shingles in a valley to show those different practices go ahead and call cc exteriors for all your roofing siding and gutter needs to learn more about roofing siding or gutters or if you want us to film a test class again on a different topic please leave a comment below
Channel: CCX Roofing Siding Gutters
Views: 2,331,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install roof shingles, how to shingle a roof, how to shingle a shed roof, how to install asphalt shingles, CCXteriors, basics of roofing, how to install shingles, roofing
Id: 4z0_QHE7a4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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