How to Become Love?

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hey it's on the guys knees here hey somebody asked me yesterday I don't know if you know but I try to read as many other comments as I can and somebody asked me Tony what does it mean to become loved because you hear me say and I made this up years and years ago when I was just writing tweet and I said if you chase love if you're chasing love it will elude you but if you become love it will surround you so what I mean by that is you attract what you are and understand that attract does not mean who walks up to you because a fly flies up to you but that don't mean you smell like boo boo so you have to realize that just because someone walks up to you that doesn't mean that's what you're attracting when I say you attract what you are I'm talking about the person that you settle down with the person that you agree to be with that person is a reflection of you so if you agree to be with a doll with a cheater with an abuser and you don't see the red flags that means that person is a reflection of you it means that broken person saw brokenness in you and that brokenness could translate into being gullible and naive but see when you become loved now I have a thing that I created called the four levels of love if you hear this somewhere tell them to copyright infringing and on the four levels of love what I'm talking about is lust then like then love then self-love and see a lot of times we always say you have to love yourself before you love someone else and that's not really true it should be that way but it's not that way because it's a lot of people who love their child hate themselves it's a lot of people who will kill for or die for their child but yet let somebody take advantage of them and abuse them in a relationship so we oftentimes love people and love you know things that and don't love ourselves so you can be in a relationship and you can absolutely be in love with somebody and be loving them everything about them but they cheat on you and you do nothing about it you stay they beat on you and you stay so what that means is you love them but hate yourself so we are able to love someone without loving ourselves and we could be arguing semantics here because the word love and the interpretation of it may differ from person to person but I want you to think about this and the reason why I say self-love is the highest level of love even the Good Book says love your neighbor as you love yourself a lot of times people try to interpret what the good word means but it can say what it means it's enough words in a vocabulary for the word to say what it means and it's intentional that it does not say love your neighbor and hate yourself or love your neighbor instead of yourself they say love your neighbor as you love yourself it tells the man to treat a woman as you treat yourself and treat a woman as you would treat your own body so what I'm saying here is that really self love should come first but most often it doesn't so when I say the highest level of love is self-love what that means is you've already that self-love can income those other types of love so lust is actually a form of love and what I mean by this is it's a level of love because love can be defined as a strong affection for someone so or a liking of someone a lusting so just like you said I love those shoes you're not gonna die for those shoes but because you like those shoes so much because you have a strong affection for those shoes I love those shoes and you really love those who you might slap somebody for you're not gonna take a bullet for nice it might be some shoes you'll take a bullet for so I want you to understand you love your dog you love your cat you love your favorite food you and at the same time you love your child you love your mother your father your brother but when you think about all these types of love you may get a different feeling you might love someone but be distant from them and you love them from a distance you may love someone and you want to be right up under them you may love someone and you never talk to them you may love someone and you have to let them go because of where they are in their life so I want you to understand this and really feel me here that when I say self-love is the highest level of love what I mean by this is you love enough you love you can love someone enough to be selfless but you love yourself enough to walk away if they only want to be selfish so you can be selfless but you require reciprocation so see when a lot of people are in love they stuck in love which means that you stay with somebody because you love them but that person might not be treating you right that person might be disrespecting you but see when you elevate to self-love you still have love see self love is not selfish self love is self respecting self love is still selfless but what it means is that you got to reciprocate self love means that I'm gonna love you regardless of whether you love me but whether I be with you or not determines is determined by how you treat me so what this means and this when we talk about adult relationships we're not talking about parent to child because your child is your dependent until they hit the age of eighteen so we're not talking about that so what I need you to understand is self love is saying look I'm selfless I'm serving I'm in submission to you man to woman wanted to man we submit unto each other we submit one to another so we are at that place people get stuck in love because they don't have self love so they are in a place where they're loving this person but this person is not truly loving them back but when you have that self love you say you know what I love you but I got leave you I'm not gonna hate you I'm not gonna disrespect you I'm not gonna mistreat you I'm just gonna remove myself from you because you are not reciprocating the love and see that's what self-love does now when it comes to becoming love this embodies self law but when I say becoming love truly think about this now truly think about this when you become love you become pure at heart let me give you a simple example if you watch my videos every day but you have not hit the subscribe button you not you have not become love now I know that may sound like you know Tony you want me to benefit you but let me explain to you in a different way and I had to check myself on this I was watching this guy I watching a brother videos every day he talked about cars he talked about his cars he talked about his his super cars and he's from Florida so he's kind of funny to me because he's like my father's age so me watching him try to do you to help me out with you it's never fun it it that will find it to me okay but I watching this man every day I'll say you know I'm wrong I'm wrong for this for watching this man every day and ain't hit the subscribe button I was watching two other guys who was trying to teach people how to build a YouTube page neither one of them know what they're talking about so it was kind of comical to me but I'm watching their page every day and I say I'm stealing from these people because I'm watching a page every day but I didn't hit the subscribe button so guess what I hit the subscribe button I hit the subscribe button because it just adds to their subscriber count and that benefits them it make the page look better so guess what YouTube's told me that over 50% of my views for all the love and support I get from the blessed tribe over 50% of my views come from people that are not subscribed to my channel and one of the ladies she told me she said Tony I just hit the subscribe I didn't even think about it I'll watch your videos didn't realize I won't even subscribe but see on the other side some people are saying I'm stealing I'm gonna take everything from you I'm gonna let you feed me give to me give to me give to me and I'm gonna give nothing back to you even though I don't cost me nothing but just doing this guess what that's the place of your heart one lady said to me Tony I hate your long videos because it's so many ads guess what if you to put an ad on the video that's how they compensate me now you to get 45 or 50 or 55 percent of what they add me and when you watch it that company may be paying one cent for your view now that one cent is not gonna help me put my child through school but if it's enough one cent then they help me put my child through school but when the lady said to me Tony I hate how many ads that I have to see when I'm watching your channel guess what I said to myself cause he machine thinking of the way I look at it I said you haven't become love because you in a thievery mindset you want to be served but you don't want to serve now though just look small examples that relate to YouTube to try to make it make sense to you the same thing happens when you at work and this person over here get a promotion and you sitting there and you just foaming at the mouth you ant you mad you angry you get what the world she got her raise high where she got most out of video busting my butt and you got nothing oh my goodness guess what you have not become loved the same thing happened in business I was just talking to a software developer and I got some things I want to create and he gave me a price and it sounded like a fair price and I said you know what you could have did a cup of things I say most people when they see me and they see my brand and they look up online and they see what I'm doing they Google and Google have my network that's not my real network but that's what they estimate that I'm worth when people see that if the price for the job is a hundred they'll tell me three hundred so when this man gave me this price I said you know what you could have tripled that and said this probably just because you think I got some money to get but I said I know bull when I hear it and what you just told me is not bull so that let me know your heart is in the right place that you operating from the right place you know I'm a life coach and I coach for two hundred and fifty dollars whenever I get on the phone with one person I'm losing money because I'm talking to one person when I could be talking to ten thousand people I'm talking to one person when I could be writing a book that will earn me hundreds of thousands of dollars I'm talking to one person for two hundred and fifty dollars I lost an hour of my day that I will not get back so for that $250 session I technically should be charging two thousand dollars but I don't charge two thousand dollars just because that's what I may earn if I'm working on other projects that's what I may earn per hour I don't charge that because I think about this person and I asked myself who in the world can afford to pay two thousand dollars an hour so just because I have the ability to earn that does not mean I should charge an individual debt because that would not be fair and when I get to the point that my price has to be astronomical then I was just stopped doing one-on-one coaching because I would never feel comfortable with charging people a crazy crazy amount of money to sit on the phone and talk but what that is is I'm thinking about that person instead of just thinking about myself and that is what happens when you become loved see understand this when you become loved you don't have a scarcity mindset you have an abundant mindset so you will take and you are just looking for a win-win situation see a lot of people before you come love you look at you looking for a lose win situation you want the other person to be losing so you could be winning what I told that man this is just an example what I told that man I say listen I'm gonna pay you what you say you won't and get you equity of this hill project on the back because I got abundant mindset listen I want your absolute best and if equity gone equity gonna make you work harder gonna make you further develop this project and I may sell this this particular tech project for 50 million dollars one day but and you get your five percent of it but I want your absolute best and I want you to keep working so lot of people come to me and I could take and blow their project up take it to the next level but they're not thinking equity they thinking let's get you a one-off people literally will come to me and offer me one hundred two hundred three hundred dollars for me to do something to them that will turn into tens of thousands of dollars worth of value and why scarcity mindset hateful mindset spiteful mindset have not become loved so this is what I mean when I say become loved it's not about sitting down and writing on your vision board your list of the qualities that you want in a partner becoming loved is in here it starts on the inside so what you got to do is you got to evaluate your life in every aspect of your life every aspect in your life who you hate know I used to hate on people I used to hate on people in my mind I will hate on people and just sit and hate you death man you got followed you got money man way better mental nobody talking about man it man a scam artists man that man this man that man that and when I had evolved I changed my life and I evolve and I say you know what to each their own I'm gonna let him do what he doing because he may have X amount of dollars he may have X amount of followers but I know it's gonna be a lot of temptation that come with that it's gonna be a lot of pain and come with that it's gonna be a lot of heartache and stress that come with that Lord bless him Lord bless him give him what he needs to carry out that mission and Laura helped me to carry out my mission see I shift my mindset so I don't have any competition people may mention to me this man or that man or this woman or that woman that's doing this guess what I don't watch any of them I don't watch any of them because I need to hear from God about what I need to do and if I'm spending time watching people do what I do then I'll end up carrying their message instead of carrying out God's message because of the way the subconscious mind work and then what what you also do is human nature when you watch this person or these people jealousy cassette in and if not jealousy a spirit of competition could set in so you could end up watching this person that you working with or that you live by that you follow online and you secretly competing with that person and you may be competing with somebody that don't even know you exist you may be competing with somebody who has become love and they operating from love and so you fighting a losing battle we already one time I tweeted this I said lord please don't let anybody be competing with me because they're gonna end up feeling suicidal and I don't say that in an arrogant way what I mean is I cannot lose because of who I serve and because of why I do what I do so I cannot lose my my failure will look like success my struggle will look like success my pain will look like a praise report because of who I serve there is no competition it don't matter what the numbers look like cuz see God had taken magnify and multiplied the little that I have he'll turn my to fish and five loaves of bread or whichever way it was to feed a multitude see God had taken touch what what you doing with Joe fifteen twenty dollars I gotta touch them and take and bless you to where you're fifteen twenty dollars an hour and up you got the wizened to get a seven fifty credit score and up to where you can get alone for your investment proper and up to where you can take in you got blessings coming to where you got people coming and sowing into your bosom people coming to you with your money where it may not be where you want to be when you become loved and you know who called you and why are you doing what you're doing somebody coming so into you see the Lord the Lord and being good to me he doesn't bless me and you know what it's still people to this day that say Tony what's your cash out y'all probably seen it on some of the lives and I'm like man Lord how can these people see I had to ask myself I said man do I look broke busted and disgusted I'm like man why didn't they want to give me five dollars like but real I had to realize it's not that she feel like I need five dollars is that she sees that I become loved and that she wants to show into that see that's what people were and I had to learn this so I'm not sharing this what the man told me I heard a man say this in multi-level marketing when I was young I was 21 22 and I was trying to do the multi-level marketing because I was trying to make money before I started to focus on purpose I was thinking about money and I went to sell that prepaid legal and the man said in the meeting he said I don't say this to impress you but to impress upon you I said whew I said bother to you that I've been saying that ever since I don't say this to impress you but to impress upon you that when you become love the windows of heaven open it flows because he guess what before I became loved I got married before I became loved and my wife was a reflection of me so what I mean by this is her heart was not all the way pure because my heart was not all the way pure so what it means is that if I was gonna play a game and try to scam her and get off on her she just will play the game better and get over on me and I realized that in the first two years I said listen hell didn't want me gonna be able to play this game smarter than me and better than me so I need to get my life together so guess what I stopped trying to control her cuz while I was trying to control her she was making a whole plan of escape medical school had her friends had her allies in place had a couch to sleep on if she had to leave she was setting up things on the side to where she wouldn't have to depend on me didn't her master's degree and getting ready to go to med school when I was playing games because she saw that but see the games were not too too too bold or disrespectful I wouldn't cheat on her I wouldn't be Nona but I was just being rude and nasty and condescending I was not loved so she felt like okay this is not a kingdom issue right now but if I don't have a back-up plan this could become a major issue so she had a plan in place I eventually found out by that plan in place and so I started to realize I said listen I'm not gonna be able to manipulate my way to the top I'm not gonna be able to control my way to the top I'm gonna have to become law so when I became love this what happened I became selfless so I started to wash her with love I created a love calendar so every day I would do something to show her that I love her and even if I didn't get a chance to do something I would make sure I tell her oh girl you look sexy and my wife don't know how to receive compliments so she'd be sitting there trying not to smile a lot will you hush would you hush stop please please stop and I'm just sitting there and I'm meaning this from my heart and I find something to lust after at my wife and my wife you don't she got blessed but it's not like she went and did all this stuff to get this out you know perfect not a single flaw or anything she loved herself and she's a beautiful woman but she didn't go and work out 50 hours a day and all of this but I will find something to lust after and I say are you looking good girl I'm squeezing on booty you know I'm kissing on I'm rubbing on you know and I'm and then I just would do something Monday my calendar pop-up rush you read bath water Tuesday it'll say massage chérif feet Wednesday was right Sharia poll Thursday is said for nothing gift Friday is said date night I hadn't done on Saturday could we soccer and all of that and so I was creating a love schedule until it became a routine now I didn't continue to do that and I don't still do all of that but I still serve so when she lay down in the bed to go to bed she'll fall asleep real fast I'm rubbing her back I'm massaging my shoulders are we sitting on the couch I grab a foot and I'm massaging our feet and listen to me guess what I'm trying to help you understand fellas I'm doing all of this and she not working an outside job she's working in our companies she helping us so she don't have to work for somebody else bringing in outside money what we earn is what we earn together so I'm not doing this because my woman is a breadwinner and I'm riding off for her that ain't why I'm massaging her feet cuz because she's been on her feet for thirteen I was working in the doctor's office or wherever no I'm massaging her feet when she could've been sitting down all day you know she might have been folding laundry or cleaning up the house or some or running errands but I'm Safi even if she barely feet ain't barely touched the ground because I became loved see what I want you to understand you know I was runnin bath water and doing anything we don't take baths now we take showers so it's a little different cuz the house we in some time that water don't get it how does it need to and that bathtub and she liked that she liked that hot water that melts your skin off so that come on the shower but I still take care lotion on legs you know J lotion or body and what I'm doing is when I became love and I say I'm gonna stop questioning my wife where's she going what's she doing who's she talking to I'm gonna stop sneaking and peeking in a phone to see if she cheated scrolling through text messages I'm gonna stop making her feel controlled or consumed or violated or or not respected because when I was in that space I was 23 21 22 23 years old so I was giving myself an excuse to be immature but I realized I had to mature and I had to change my life so I started to become loved now here's one thing that I need you to understand see I went from lust because I was lusting out there first then I went to like started to really like the person I was talking to then I went to love see what you love is where you sacrifice you start to sacrifice and you love a person but you might not treat them all the way right you'll love them but you might not be all the way right so you kind of teetering back and forth between lust and love lust and love see Lycus is a pure space and sometimes we go from lust right to love what I mean by that we end up sleeping with somebody and so therefore we thrust into a relationship and we don't even like the person that we sleeping with so a lot of people skip over like and you were loving someone that you don't even like and see loving mean that you sacrificing in this so sacrificial love even though you don't like this person's personality you don't like the way they treat you yes you could be loving somebody and not like that person well see I went through these phases and that's how I created the 4 levels of love but see self love self love let me show you how this played out self love the way this played out is I love myself to where I'm not hating on anybody I'm not jealous of anybody I'm not competing with anybody I'm not trying to scam or get over on anybody so in my business I could be trying to scam I could be trying to scam but I'm not trying to scam and everything I do is with integrity so people write in they buy a course they write in they have not used the course it might be a month later they say can I have a refund they asking for a refund not because they don't like me it's because they shorten a bills and they trying to look where they could get some money back from now this money don't went into the account it then went into the system and then went out into the world it had already been utilized but I will go to them and I and I say the customer service you know email I'll say yeah give them a refund and we'll refund on when I could just be a stickler and say no no refund you bought it you bought it but guess what when I say no refund I've noticed that some of those people that I've refined not they've used the course they went on through it then on principle technicality no can't refund you already consumed the problem but if they have not utilized it then we'll refund and what I noticed dumb people will come back and spend five or ten times more money then they have spent on that one course and let me tell you why it's a couple of things happen when I give them a refund knowing that they beyond the normal refund window knowing that they shouldn't be asking for no refund when I give them a refund anyways they say wow it's something about that company it's something about that man is some about that customer service you mean indeed what they say yeah they start to feel bad because now they saw an example of love so they start to feel bad and say man this man got a family to feed and I'm mighty responsibility Island got paid and I miss spending my money buying shoes and clothes trying to impress people that don't even like me that I don't even like and now I need to go back to him and ask his company to give me money back for a product that actually will help change my life and so I'm taking food out of his child table when he ain't did none to me I'm getting money back from him so I could go put it back into this toxic situation show so see they started to feel bad and then they come back and they just so and so and so and so because they saw example of law now I'm using myself as an example not as to what demand say not to impress you but to impress upon you because I don't know your situation but be wise and apply this to your life and how this can show up in your life when you operate from love and what it says to other people the Good Book say when you nice to somebody that's meaning you it's like heaping hot coals on their head see me I operate by principle you gotta live by principles and see your principle has to be rooted also in your morals and your values and your morals and your values should not change for the worse they could change for the better but you should never lose your morals and your values and never go against your principles so if I have something on contract and a person say do this for me and we sign the contract and the contract say it needs to be done this way then we stick into that contract and that's on principle you see what I mean so what I need you to understand is that becoming love don't mean being taken advantage of it does not mean that you let people run all over you it don't mean that becoming love means that you're not gonna argue fuss and fight and compete with people you're not gonna be chasing people that don't want you you're not gonna be bending over backwards trying to love people that's trying to you know dog you out beat on you and abuse you you can love that person but you're gonna distance yourself from them so when you become loved in every aspect of your life stop yelling and cursing people out you know I used to I used to pull guns on people in traffic and so because I was Hulett minded and I and I when I left my parents I got around goons and I'm rounding the goons and they was hot-headed it was hot-headed and we were in the streets and we was in the streets and we would move and work in the streets and so I had winter to that lifestyle because I saw that as a rite of passage to becoming a man that's what I thought because of where I come from so many people travel that route so I was in there and I was doing that and what I notice is a lot of these men they will hothead it so I became hot-headed so I'm in traffic you cut me off you do something like this mmm I got that tool in your face right but when I became love you know what I started to somebody cut me off in traffic and I did laughs I said oh Lord oh Lord Oh Lord Lord you don't bless me with is here foreign idea farm boy your rent I mean your insurance him to be mad with you that's how I talk to myself I'm talking to myself in a car and it stood me on the horn hey hey and driving by shooting birds and and all of this and changing my energy for them I've become love so instead I'm like whoo but hey okay if you want to okay I'm gonna get everything actual insurance you hear me I'm talking my Joe insurance me to cut me a $50,000 check when the uh L miles pull up now I'm saying ambulance but when I'm from we call the ambulance when they am around pull up I ain't gonna do that because then that wouldn't be becoming love but I'm gonna let that spine get hurt you want man so that's what I'm saying to myself and and then I say to myself I say man I wanna probably just got done that one project got ghost she texting this man is Manning texting her bag she didn't gave you what the cookies eating went all through that cookie Josh ain't got now Oreo left in that cookie jar and she's speeding over trying to drive a test cut that man a ghost and she want to respond before she clocking in at 9:00 so she got have a good day at work that woman's gonna have a terrible day at where Lord bless the Lord bless again with a shrimp get a little wisdom that's literally what I do I pray oh I say man in person parents just died the person parent probably just they probably just lost their mom with a dad and I say I don't know what they're going through and I say but I'm blessed I'm blessed and highly favored lord I thank you lord thank you when I Drive past somebody that then got in a wreck and I say Lord bless them blessing that they got insurance bless him thereby the healthy air by the whole but Lord thank you it won me 19 Lord I'm not wishing him that it was them but Lord thank you it wasn't me Lord bless her you said I'm saying when you become loved you move differently you move differently not just one thing about me now I've become loved but I'm not going live for anybody I'm not gonna take up for anybody that's doing wrong so you asked me about a scam artists out here I'm liable to tell you oh that's a scam artists 9 hey I'm just telling the truth becoming law don't mean line for people now I become a look could also mean just I plead the fifth no comment that's also becoming love but I'm too transparent for that slice that's the area I'm struggling in to stop telling the bad about people when somebody asks me about somebody but the reason I do that because I'm thinking about this person and I don't want them to get scammed or taken advantage of by a wolf in sheep's clothing so that's one area that I'm struggling with with this but when you go through your life I want you to think about every aspect of your life think about the way you talk to your children if you have children are you taking your job stress out on your children are you taking your relationship stress out on your children are you taking your financial stress out on your children think about the way you see your friends are you truly happy for your friends or your family members are you truly happy for them even though they make more money than you even though they may have a relationship and you may be single as a dollar bill are you truly happy for your friends and your family what are you telling yourself are you telling yourself she doesn't deserve a husband because she was lose the booty when you was a tightwad are you telling yourself that or are you saying Lord bless her give it a strength because I know everything and what it seems and ain't no telling what she could be going on behind closed doors Lord bless her and while you at it loss in my eyes on the way send my husband I'll send my wife you see what I'm saying when I used to get jealous when somebody win the lottery man you don't even look like you deserve that lottery man what you gonna do with that money but I but now I see somebody hit the Mega Ball only and play the Mega Ball but I see somebody hit the make a ball and I said Lord bless him cuz it's gonna be a lot of stress a lot of pain lot of heartache a lot of fake friends everything coming with that law a blessing ain't him envious that it's not me with that 500 million or 200 million you see what I mean every aspect of your life not just in love and relationships and every aspect of your life with your friendships with your family with on your job ask yourself have I become love am i stealing am i stealing see I got members of the blessed tribe who pay a dollar ninety-nine a month to be a part and be able to ask questions on the live Q&A now it was the lady she said Tony I'm questioning becoming a member of the blessed tribe because I don't know if you're gonna give enough value I said Lord show me no was he talking to I said I said Lord show me understand a favor that you don't bless me with I said she only knows he talked too soon you know is he talking about I say this woman talk about a dollar ninety-nine ain't in respond to I just pray for a lord blossom Lord blossom because it's a way you could look at it you could look at it like somebody robbing you like somebody is stealing from you or you could look at it like I'm sowing a seed into something or somebody who is given to me who word has helped me so it's a way you could look at it and that's what I mean when you become love you change the way you look at the world so you change the way you look at things so instead of me looking like the government is against me and everybody is is racist and prejudiced and discriminating when I became loved I started looking at hey all I got is opera all I got is opportunity to beat the odds all I got is opportunity the shocked people the the blow people like the water so what I started doing let me explain it I'm trying to hurry up I'm trying to hurry up but let me explain this to you in another way that's what I started doing and I want you to y'all gotta forgive me this son I told my lady my wife help me give me one little skirt up get my skirt up yeah tami up you know I call on me not forgiving let me explain something yeah I'm telling you real life not because he songs sometimes people they'll see you and they'll get jealous I yeah you hit me it's people they'll get jealous like people you're not got friends and family member and they say Tony man what you doing even work how you make a living ain't even work but listen to them and understand what I'm telling you listen understand it what I started doing I started a thing that I call shift the culture so what I mean by this is it was always said black people don't tell black people don't tip always heard that said and the reason why that was the case is because black people in America always got shortened on a stick was abused was discriminated against we literally were slaves so everybody knows that so you take that type of person that person gonna be bitter that person gonna be hurt but that person was also set up to fail so that person was not given the same access to education and was not given the same opportunity to climb the corporate ladder that's just the truth of the matter no matter how you want to look at it what you want to shake it now a lot of people have beat the odds but when you notice a lot of the times the people that are allowed to beat the odds are people who are willing to be a puppet that's why I told myself I don't even want no TV show because you're gonna be a puppet because if unless you own the network you're gonna be a puppet so if they want you to snap a certain movement you're gonna stamp that movement or your season about to get cancelled at the end of it so I said I'm sit right here on YouTube and guess what because I don't own YouTube all of my messages still cannot go forth on YouTube I would literally have to create my own website but guess what because I don't own the domain hosting the domain GoDaddy can literally take your website down if they feel that it's harmful or it's doing something they don't want it to do yes so unless you own everything you got the answer to somebody and at the end of the day if you do own everything guess what the system still could put you in prison because they say you are a terrorist so you are that's hate speech or or you leading this agenda or something like that they'll find a loophole to still get you so my point is is that you can be in this world and feel like everything is against you and so what I started to do when I say I'm gonna shift the culture I start to say you know they say black people don't tell so I started to notice a different treatment from waiters and waitresses because they probably had somebody who come from poverty who come from nothing who comes from being discriminated against mistreated and dogged out and fought through that got a job but barely making ends meet go out to eat take a family out to eat but the person so sensitive and the person is so hurt and they so full of pain you make one mistake your tip counsel not a waiter or the waitress had nothing to do with the way them eggs were scrambled but now this person is mad so they don't tilt or they tilt 5% instead of 15% and so I started the sense different treatment and being I'm sitting there and I could tell I'm being ignored I could tell any but getting the treatment and instead of becoming a victim I said watch this watch this I say watch this cuz cuz I'm blessed and highly favored now my bank account could be on e you me beneath the line you know when it hit a red line on E when they hit the red line on it you still got 50 miles in the tank but this here my my bank account could be below the e but I said I'm blessed and highly favored because I've become love so then what I do and what I say is okay watch this here what we're gonna do instead of tipping fifteen percent instead of tipping the suggested eight percent see they're not up this stuff stuff going up price going up they used to tell you 10% 12% 15% not as suggested as 18% tip and then some people got the nerve to say 20% on their receipts depend on what you eat met some people got the nerve to say 22% I say i McGill 25% that's what I tell now that's what I tell I tell 25% and the tip really don't make no sense because why should you get more money just because I'm spending more money on myself when if I ordered a five-dollar plate or a $500 plate it weighs the same and so you doing the same amount of work but from five dollars to five hundred dollars it determined your till I started tipping 25 percent and guess what happened see what started to happen is sometimes they'll glimpse at that they'll see that before I leave and they're oh thank you so much thank you so much have a great night anything else I could do do you need eliminate to go do you want a water to go do you need your drink to go and hold on it up um in one second let me let me get that to go cuz you left your cup on the table let me get it for you to go okay thank you thank you oh oh I'm like no problem problem but then you come back to that place again they fight me get your table they want to well hey I got you hey when you come in you tell them that you want to just ask for me just ask for me it doesn't matter where I am just at for me so now then shift the culture because they so used to being treated a certain way they so used to being talked to a certain way because they end up in a place of customer service and I went one time the dentist I heart with my mom and my sister and it's a prime example anything come out they sending it back because for the first time in their life somebody beneath them somebody's serving them because they've been serving the world now I'm okay sending my food back but i'ma send it back with respect because if you sent it back with disrespect it's gonna come back with some spit massage didn't know that you can't even see and the person sitting back there looking around a corner watching you to that spit you think you eatin good and you even spit so a woman so they're like scuse me scuse me whew oh no way y'all went to school and I said I want the ed cook like this get the eggs on my feet he is on my face Oh Lord I'm saying he I say Mimi whatever they bring back that's y'all eat that ain't even because the way you guys talked uh trust me it's coming back with some extra sauce hey Mimi I'm good and I had to learn that so what I started to do is I start to go to extra mile I Selma shift the culture because I see when you look at me you might be judging me you might think one thing about me you might put me in a box even with when I'm on these hair videos I got to talk long because everybody mind process things differently so I could give ten examples and you don't understand any of them but you understand the 11th one and so God gives me the ability to do it so i'ma do it but somebody may look at me and say man what in the world a 35 year old know about life and they'll put me in a box but if they give me the opportunity they'll see that garden and give me some wisdom that can help them take their life to the next level so you cannot realize your full potential let me hurry up stop talking you can't realize your full potential you can't get everything that is for you in life you can't receive your blessings in life love or business until you become loved see as long as you operating from a scarcity mindset as long as you operating from fear as long as you operating from hate from jealousy from bitterness from anger from frustration from hurt and pain as long as you are operating from any other place other than love you will not realize your full potential or benefit from the fullness that life has to offer the spirit in ready to leave it now so imma gonna be quiet the spirits that you're gonna talk too long now let me help you understand this when you become law you will be entered into a season that does not end you will have a piece and a prosperity and a blessing from season to season you will go from winter to spring to fall I mean to summer into fall and right back in the winter and you won't feel it you will be blessed going you'll be blessed coming you'll be blessed what they say in and out of season you will be blessed I am a living witness I'm a living witness when I became loved and I stopped making my energy react to the energy of somebody else and I started responding from a place of love even if that means politely bowing out even if that means turning down the offer even if that means walking away from somebody even if that means blocking and deleting I did it from love because he from hate would be to stoop to their level call them names belittle them just respect them come at them and just rip them apart but to operate from love is to say okay hey I love you got it god bless you I love me I'm out of here you you you have the you handle that hate in their frustration on your own god bless you put that thing up like they do in church put God bless you and yet walk right on out when you operate from love your whole life contains so you want to attract love become love you want a new job you want to earn more money become love you want better friends you want your family members to change the heart in these spirits award should become law now let me remind you now let me remind you son I forgot to say this and forgive me for those of you who was listening to me talking I jumped on another point when I was talk about my wife when I was showing my fangs to my wife in the first couple years of us being together showing my fangs but not being blatantly nasty not cheating and throwing it in her face or nothing like that not being abusive but I was being passive-aggressive I was showing my fangs when I was showing my fangs what I noticed is I start to see her fangs grow because what happens is we learn as humans to adapt to the environment that we in so if you're in a savage environment you become a savage if you're in a rough environment you become rough you come tough because you focus on survival so I started to realize that if I was gonna play a game my wife was gonna be able to play the game better until she was able to exit stage left but when I changed my life and I became love and this ain't take long it probably was a few months so she had time to enact her whole plan because God got ahold of me and I changed my life before she had to exit stage left so when I changed my life and I started to wash her with love when I began to wash her with love because I was operating from love guess what it renewed her heart it renewed her mind it renewed her spirit I started to see her insecurities fill up I started when I say fill up I mean the void I started to see the void in her heart before I started to see the childhood pain the Daddy wounds the mommy wounds the ex-boyfriend wounds I started to see those wounds heal the wounds would heal and the scars would start to even fade the where the scar would fade away I started to see a change I started to see a glow and an energy and a spirit that was so exuberant so vibrant so excited about life her whole entire being her aura changed and so when she changed it changed what she was giving me so now instead of going along for the ride now she was able to actively deposit inspiration hope encouragement support and what I started to notice is that because she started to change and she started to glow everyone around her who knew the old me they started to get confused because they were like I have put this young man in a box because I was reading your energy Sheree just what they sat in the head and it was looking like that she was kind of happy but not really happy it was looking like you might have been faking it and getting ready to leave some people probably have been made privy of her plan one day getting rid of the lead if I wasn't gonna change all the way but they start to change and so they start to it went from hey Tony - hey Tony hey Tony the hatin hey their energy changed because they saw the one that they loved their daughter their sister they the daughter-in-law a the best friend they saw her energy change so when they saw her energy change they started to look at me different and it took it took some years it took two three maybe four years I've been with my wife we'll be married 13 years in 13 years we've been married just the first year that her dad got me a Christmas Gil is this light right here behind me they're like right here behind me we've been married 13 years you know why cuz dad had the hardest one to please a dad the hardest one to please because that's his baby that's his daughter and so even when I even though I made the change 10 11 years ago it takes that long for a man to really believe that you real but there's someone we went to Europe and I paid for my family to spend six weeks in Europe we did eight countries and 20 cities a dream of my wife got to see so much of Europe and we stayed with her father for probably - neighbor week week and a half of the two weeks at that time and he got to see her energy he got to see her glow he got to see who I really am that's the first time we stayed with him that long without any distractions so he got the realest seeing realized that is real that I've become loved he might not know how to label it might not put that word to it might not see that or call it becoming loved but what that does when you come love you start to renew and transform the hearts of the people around you people start to see you differently and they start to treat you differently because they know you pure they know you're honest and that's when you truly and fully reap the rewards and the benefits of life so in so many terms in so many words let me tell you this stop being a hater stop being jealous stop being insecure stop being bitter stop being frustrated stop being angry and just operate from love don't feel like you taking a loss so you get in the short end of the stick know that you blessed beyond measure that you are abundantly blessed know that even when it looked like or it seemed like somebody else getting the upper hand in a deal or opportunity that you know you way more blessed and yours coming on the back end know who you are and where you operate in from it is Tony Gaskins god bless you and again I apologize for somebody told me to listen to this at the end of the night if you need to do that then do that there's a lady told me she said it's on I wish you video a shorter cut I'm so busy but maybe you find another time to listen to it and if you got this far put be blessed in the comments and I really hope you got something from me I hope you understood at least one of the things I was saying to the Blessed tribe thank y'all so much for your support that dollars ninety nine you to take you know all day percentage but it just to me it just says keep going and it's a blessing blessing my heart it really is so thank you all so much for those of you who are members of the blessed trial god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 73,331
Rating: 4.9425879 out of 5
Id: 5ALZh-hehwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 39sec (3519 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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