Interview With Store Owner Who Shot Robbers Exposes The Failure Of Gun Control

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so not too long ago i put up a video about an 80 year old and store owner who used his gun to fight off a robber a couple days later the fox 11 los angeles news went back to the store and interviewed the store owner i want to break down this interview because there are a ton of nuggets in this interview that i think a lot of people can learn from especially those people who are on the fence about the second amendment when this happened to you on sunday and you saw them coming in that door with that weapon that appeared to be an ar-15 what did you what were your thoughts there wasn't much time to think about it it was just the guy pointed the gun directly at me it does him or me the moment you present a deadly weapon to force me to do something i don't want to do that means you're willing to kill me if i don't do it is this always the case no but i'm not giving the benefit of the doubt to someone who is trying to rob me with a gun people comply with robbers all the time and they still get shot some robbers just want to take a life and you never know which type of robber you're dealing with so it's either you or them you acted right away frankly if it had been me i i'd probably be dead i wouldn't know what to do i'd freeze but you knew most of the people who have her mentality are people who rely on the government for their protection learning to shoot a gun effectively is not hard learning to shoot a gun extremely well is hard you don't have to know how to shoot a gun extremely well in order to be able to protect yourself effectively with a gun against the vast majority of criminals the anti-gun lobby doesn't want you to know that most criminals are not navy seals matter of fact most criminals don't actually know how to shoot well because they don't train this reporter could take one good firearm self-defense course and be more than adequate enough to deal with most criminals people have to stop thinking of themselves as helpless the gun is the equalizer because no one including criminals want to be shot i am not going to give him the chance i mean if i recognize the weapon that's a semi-automatic gun as fast you can pull the trigger maybe someone converted to automatic it's equipped with a machine gun i'm not going to let him get the first shot off at that point the first thing you'll learn when you take a firearm self-defense course is that situational awareness will put you in the position to win most gun fights it wasn't that he was such an amazing shot that he saved himself it was the fact that he had a situational awareness and a tool to deal with the information that his situation awareness gave him the reaction not just here in norco but in southern california has been incredible people and business owners who say we are so tired of this crime wave we are so glad that you defended your business yeah well i don't know that i did anything that somebody else wouldn't have done but two things we we need more people to stand up but more than that probably get on the wrong side of some people here but the politicians there's people out there that are not the best of people there's people that choose to be burglars there's people who choose to be armed robbers and that's the i had one guy one time he told me specifically he was a burglar i mean i had him in handcuffs he was going to jail and he's talking to me he's a burglar he says that's what i do he says i wait until it gets dark and i go burglarized places so these people that can continually get let out now it's been really bad the last year those people the majority of them are going to go right back to what they used to do so the crime rate is escalating it's going to continue to escalate until they start putting the people away that are doing the bad things and as far as here and my place um they wouldn't do any good to call the local sheriffs they can't get here that quick this whole thing from the time they i saw him coming around the side of the building to come in the door and what happened 10 seconds the actual thing from when he pointed his gun at me half three quarters of a second because i'm not waiting when you point that guy directly at me and you're that close to me and i see what you're carrying i'm not waiting a lot of people in california live in a fantasy world they think they can virtue signal their way out of problems criminals don't care about your virtue signal as a matter of fact they thrive on it because they understand how naive it makes you and thus makes their job so much easier all these virtue signaling policies don't do anything but embolden criminals that's why you see stuff like this back here in san francisco where five walgreens stores around the city will be soon closing their doors for good brazen robberies like this one have become an epidemic reality also doesn't care about your virtue signal you can make all the gun laws you want criminals will still have guns and they'll use these guns to victimize you and the cops won't be able to do anything about it because they can't get there in time to do anything about it this means you are the only person responsible for your safety now you saw them in the parking lot and the first tip off was when he put his mask over his first tip off i saw him through the front door drive into this parking lot but they didn't park where a normal person would park so that was a red flag then they parked on the side of the building where they're basically out of sight that was the second red flag when i looked and saw them getting out of the vehicle they got gloves masks a weapon that just solidified the deal for me i knew what was coming this is situational awareness 101 it's not just about having a gun it's about being aware enough about your surroundings that you can get to your gun fast enough to protect yourself too many people walk around life like nothing can happen then when it does they say stupid stuff like i never thought it could happen here situational awareness will save your life pay attention to what's going on around you because a gun means nothing if you can't get to it in time now right after the shooting you got sick you had a heart attack how are you doing as far as i know i'm doing better i'm doing a lot better than i was that night was traumatic yeah i don't know what caused it uh maybe i'm just old well you're you're 80 years old and we're all in shock and just amazed at how you reacted in such an intense moment with that man walking in with that weapon that's the reality of using your gun in self-defense you carry a gun because you value life so much that you want to protect it however the paradox is that sometimes people will force you to take a life in order to protect life that comes with a massive amount of stress that's not even factoring in the added stress and money that comes from situations where you have to go to court to defend yourself if there isn't a video to make it clear that it was justified what's your advice to business owners who are just so fed up with this crime okay yeah you can do what i did but but what you really need to do is put some pressure on the politicians because they got no clue what's really going on out here in the real world i can start naming names but there's a whole lot of them that are creating major problems for business owners but for local law enforcement they're creating problems for them i'm sure they go out and risk their lives taking people into custody to see them get let out with no bail and these a lot of these people are current criminals i'm not talking about the guy that you know goofed up one time one mistake i'm talking about the career criminals their career criminals they need to be locked out he won't name names but i will gavin newsom he spends more time researching the best hair gel that he can use than he does the policies that could actually help the people of california but i don't really blame him i blame the people who keep voting for him and people like him stop doing this stupid [ __ ] and then cry about the crime in your community you voted for it some of y'all need to start voting with your ears and your brain it doesn't take a genius to see that the california policies aren't working nobody wants to live there taxes are insane cost of living is insane crime is through the roof and the politicians care more about looking progressive than doing anything to actually solve problems if this were to happen again you would not hesitate no your message to the bad guys this isn't a good place to pick criminals are not looking for fight they're looking for easy victims i'm almost certain that the guys that tried to rob the store saw this old man and thought he was weak little did they know this old man had a gun and he knew how to use it the only things criminals respect are consequences california politicians all but removed any real legal consequences for criminal actions and they've made gun ownership as hard as possible for their citizens so very few people have guns to defend themselves so the criminals know that no one will have a gun to defend themselves if they decide to do something and they also know that even if they are caught they'll just get a slap on the wrist so what do you think they're gonna do they're gonna keep doing criminal [ __ ] once good people start fighting back and defending themselves with their own legal guns criminals will start rethinking who and what they attack it's that simple it's why mass shooters always go to gun-free zones gina one question for him was he in the military does he have much experience with shooting where you know how is he such a good shot it's honestly really annoying when people ask you if you're a cop or if you were in the military when they find out that you can shoot bro we have a whole second amendment protecting your right to own a gun without having to be in the military or police force you don't have to be a copper in the military to learn how to shoot there are gun ranges all over the country and trainers all over the country ready and willing to train regular people how to shoot use them when i was a kid when i was 10 i had a gun and i grew up in illinois we had a lot of small game squirrels rabbits quail i put a lot of food on the table on a regular basis and i had a single shot so ammunition was expensive when i had to buy it myself 50 cents was a lot of money and you don't want to miss you single shot don't miss yeah sure still holds true people keep talking about raising the age limit on gun purchases how about people stop raising shitty kids and we won't have to worry about what age they have a gun because they were raised correctly there was a time where a kid with a gun was normal and there were no issues the gun didn't change so ask yourself what did this man said he had a gun since the age of 10. did he become a mass shooter no he became an 80 year old man who used a gun to defend himself against someone who likely knows less about guns now than this man did at the age of 10. the issue is not the gun the issue is people and parents who raise shitty people all this talk about raising the age limit on when someone could buy a gun he had one at 10 but because he wasn't raised to be a shitty person he grew up to be a perfectly normal person people you are not a victim you can be a potential victim if you don't do the things that are necessary to prevent that from happening but that's why we have the second amendment because we understand that cops can't always be there criminals will always be criminals and it doesn't matter what laws you put in place criminals will still find a way to get their hands on guns so what does that mean for you that means you have to be in a position to defend yourself and that's what i'm the militia is about it's the idea and the accepting of the fact that i can only rely on myself when it comes to protecting myself and protecting the people that i love and care for so do what needs to be done in order to put yourself in the best position to do that get training get a gun learn gun safety because at the end of the day no one's going to be there to help you you might get lucky in some instances but you only have one life are you willing to put that one life up against the small chance that somebody might be there to protect you or will you take your life into your own hands get the training you need to get and be able to defend yourself if someone comes up and tries to threaten that life and that's what this is about because you are the militia when it comes to protecting yourself when it comes to protecting your family and even when it comes to protecting this country that you live in so for those wondering i'm the melissa schertz and the essential guns are essential hat are chopped alright and also for those who want to learn more about getting concealed carry insurance and learning about the benefits that come with being a uscca member i'm gonna put a link in the description section of this video you know how frightening it is to think about what happens in the moments before during and even days after having to use your gun in self-defense when you first start carrying a gun for protection it can be a very scary and nerve-wracking experience especially if you haven't got any education and training you need to feel confident i've been there myself hoping i never have to go through a self-defense shooting which is why i'm a member of the uscca as a uscca member you can eliminate some of the stress of carrying a gun for protection by accessing the amazing wealth of firearm education training and current state-specific gun laws of your state or states you may travel to this can help you be prepared for or hopefully even avoid a self-defense incident as a bonus members automatically become insured on the self-defense liability insurance policy purchased by an issue to the uscca click below to learn more you know we talk a lot about empowerment in this country except for when it comes to the second amendment however i can't think of anything more empowering than having the most effective tool to protect you and your family so help me spread this message by liking and sharing this video with everyone you know and don't forget to subscribe and leave a comment because the second amendment when it said militia it wasn't talking about the government it was talking about you also if you want to know where to find the i'm the militia shirt in merchandise click the i am the militia link in the description section of this video and don't forget to subscribe to the channel and most importantly make sure you hit that bell symbol
Channel: Colion Noir
Views: 1,185,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Colion Noir, MrColion Noir, Concealed Carry, 2nd amendment, second amendment, 2a advocate, the right to keep and bear arms, 2a news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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