$8000 Bulletproof iPhone vs H&K P9s!!!

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[Music] it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood a beautiful day for a neighbor would you be mine could you be mine it's a neighborly day and the beauty [Music] would you be mine could you be mine i have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you i've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you so let's make the most of this beautiful day since we're together you might as well say would you be mine [Music] welcome to demolition ranch i'm glad that you're here my name is matt and we have something very special today i have a brand new gun this is the hkp9s more on that in a minute i want to show you what we're going to be shooting at today this is from caviar royal gift come in close you're going to want to hear this [Applause] that's pretty cool come on come on ready [Applause] i've been out here just for hours listening to this the box plays james bond when you open it pretty cool this is a bulletproof phone this is a working iphone and it is bulletproof so you can see this back is a little bit thicker than what you've probably seen before so the back has a bulletproof plate on it this is my iphone here and this one is mine's the mac so it's like a little bit bigger in screen size but you can see this thing is a little bit thicker than a normal iphone but it also is bulletproof i think it's hardened titanium on the back so it's really not that much heavier it's a little bit heavier than a standard iphone but not a noticeable amount you wouldn't notice this in your pocket so this company just sent these to us we know nothing about them except they are bulletproof and they're fairly expensive their price point is like uh over seven thousand dollars for these and they sent us another one they also sent us the bigger ones so you can see we have one small size and one big size both with bulletproof backing on them you can see the big size next to mine without a bulletproof backing on them and then apparently they also have models with camera holes this one they deleted the cameras to put these in but you can get them with cameras apparently very expensive phones um that work i could go down to the store and get my plan on this and uh it's a perfectly fine phone uh but instead we thought maybe we should just shoot them the hk m9s heckler and coke what all this stuff means gmbh obendorf neck car made in germany and this thing's probably 40 years old-ish we're guessing it's really good condition we picked it up used of course and it is a single stack 90 millimeter it is a roller delayed blowback system so not anything you can see here but it's kind of interesting how it kind of clicks together right there but it makes it to where when you fire this thing it fires the bullet out and there's the delay before the slide starts rocking back and knocking out that shell so theoretically it makes it more accurate and it's supposedly a very reliable platform so this is hammer fire there's our single stack empty mag right there and it does lock back on the last round there's no slide release here like that is the slide lock there but it's not big enough for you to grab onto and push it down so you have to actually drop the mag or put in a fresh mag to close that slide it has a little indicator here saying it is ready to fire so i can go ahead and pull that trigger and you'll see this go down and it also is double action so that was a single action because it was already cocked it is double action you can see that thing pop up and then drop down so you can fire double action or you know if you are normally firing it's semi-auto so it'll be single action it does have a decocker which is super weird so check this out this is your decocker here but some decockers you just push them down and it decocks you can see we are still cocked you have to push this down pull the trigger let that up we're decocked and then you let the trigger up so while you're on fire you have to pull the trigger to decock it we're gonna test today to see if that actually works does have a safety left-sided safety pretty simple and it has some uh decent iron sights i've never shot this thing before we're gonna load up that single stack mag right now and see if she runs fully loaded mag but as i was loading it i kind of noticed something that's just a little feature those germans put into this mag in case you don't actually want to fire bullets they just go off oh man look at that that round's like no don't shoot me so i don't know if that is a thing that normally happens or if because this is like a 50 year old mag maybe it's like a little a little stretched out okay we are chambered ready to fire let's see where does my thumb go here okay we're just gonna have to figure it out see what she feels like and those sights are weird whoa the reset's way high very uh easy recoil not kicking up a lot which i think that roller delayed kind of has that effect that's the same as in the mp5 too that same kind of mechanism i like it i don't like the reset the reset's huge oh man yeah interesting runs great as most hk's do the only thing that make this better is an epic [Applause] matt we can just do that in post oh you can yeah oh i thought i had to make the noise it's called editing read a book [Music] so we're gonna shoot it at our 100 yard range over here see if i can hit it i did it off camera and i hit it a little bit that is a hit i can't really tell where i was hitting though there's a hit there's a hit four in a row happy with that probably should quit on the head but let's go ahead and miss one did that on purpose called it all right i got a couple more shots i think it's a nine round magazine that was me that was me remember that time and i was like should quit when i had four hits all right steady editor just show the first part let's do this again [Applause] that's sick we're gonna shoot the big phone first i mean even their like phone cords are in like fancy boxes down here i love it big phone first we're just going to tape it to our buddy over here to assume like you know you got it in like a jacket that's got a little pocket right here that's where you keep your phone and if someone was to shoot you would it stop an h k nine millimeter although i carry my phone right here maybe we should yeah i feel like we should make it realistic let's let's tape it right where i would keep it if it was me we are going straight at the phone since it is titanium we're going to be behind this thing but i don't think anything would bounce back at first glance it looks like it did the job because i can see his bulge and it looks great beautiful bulge that's that's a nice bulge phone maybe not so survived that's a battery i think probably probably best just leave that on the ground for a little while that's our plate took a bullet like a champ right in that plate now you can see exactly what it looks like that's the bulletproofing of the phone but destroyed the phone i mean still saved him which is the goal the goal is not to make your phone like bulletproof to where it still works you can call your mom after you got hit in the phone it's so you can walk away and i don't know the rest of it is though we're missing oh that's glass the glass all shattered and went everywhere you can see little specks of black glass everywhere so i think our phone pretty much exploded still bound to be some electronics somewhere i just gotta find them that's literally everything else i can find we have the armored panel we have the part that still looks like a phone and had the battery in it and that's it the screen i mean you can see the screen it's everywhere there's like little black pieces everywhere and then i figured there'd be more like a circuit board looking thing like this that's the only one i've found and it's it's definitely from the phone it's got glass on it it's fractured but it's tiny i don't know where the rest of it went safe to say you will not get a call from your mom today look 545 not a bad day after all we've been tricked check this out uh i thought we had probably just exploded all the circuit board out of this and it disappeared and i thought that was the battery after further review that's a piece of metal i didn't tell you guys this but this phone didn't turn on i just thought this one wouldn't take a charge it still had a charging port just like the other one but the other one turns on and works and is a normal phone this one didn't and we just assumed like you know that the charger was broken or something so we couldn't charge it this is not a real phone i mean i didn't pay any money so like i didn't really get tricked but i don't understand i mean it's a solid piece of steel you can see there's a dent in it from this bullet hitting here denting that and denting this so we tested this unfairly because it was backed by a steel plate which i would assume if there was a normal phone in here would not have which is also why there are no electronics on the ground anywhere after i looked for 30 minutes for electronics and i was like man vaporized tricked this is a russian company the russians tricked us they did send one real phone though it's obviously real so i guess we'll shoot that one and see i just don't know why i wasted so much time on this why didn't they just tell me that they were gonna put armor inside their armored phone [Music] check it out we have a real phone it does real thing okay we're not gonna set up oh we don't have wi-fi out here yet okay but it does real stuff you can you know play with it also has a back we're going to go shoot the real iphone now that probably has electronics in it i'm sorry i knocked you i just was angry and i took it out on you and that wasn't fair so i'm duct taping your throat i'm gonna put a phone over your crotch there's not a good way to do this okay check her out she's on there she's turned on and we're gonna shoot a nine millimeter at hk and hopefully this time we'll see what actually oh wait i was gonna do it backwards just in case because the armor is in the back man you guys aren't gonna believe me that's on okay let me load the gun we'll show you it's on we'll back up no cuts shoot it so you know it's a real phone there it is you can see that it is on we are going to shoot it one time in the backside you know what i mean and see how the crotch fares i may have missed because that didn't move the phone very much bad shot my bad i'm pretty sure the phone's uh yeah it's dead yeah i just knew i nicked it on the side like 90 of my bullet hit it let me pull it over a little bit that was on me uh turns out there are electronics in this phone that is a real phone ladies and gentlemen nothing came out his butt which means we probably actually did take away most of that energy i think he would still be alive painful but alive this time i won't miss well i still might i don't see any new holes in his groin so probably oh watch out bigfoot up on the hill got him that's a target you guys never see because it's hiding back there in the woods but uh sometimes he pops up and you just gotta take bigfoot out look at that when it's a real phone there's a lot more parts in it than when it's a fake phone there's your screen right there some electronics on the back obviously did not go through the phone because screen's still intact that's your battery right there try not touch that thing first hit second hit totally stopped it but still would destroy your phone i was wondering if there was a way to protect your phone you know but normally every time i've been shot at it's been with a nine millimeter or bigger so i think uh that pretty much says your phone will not survive if you get hit but you will which is kind of cool and it is lightweight like you wouldn't notice that in your phone i have another hk which i love shooting and we might as well shoot it for no reason let's do that the hk mark 23 45 acp we've got all of our three phones lined up the two pieces of armor and the one random piece of steel and uh let's see if i can shoot these things with this suppressor blocking my sights what was that what just flew oh yeah that just hit there and knocked out the back huh right yeah we only hit that once so in my um mind i i didn't see this move at all i just saw the back of it fly so that was a direct hit i thought i missed and hit something else behind there matt's an idiot that may have missed that steel plate so quiet with plugs on whoa did you see that it ricocheted up and hit the uh oh it hit the wood i see what's happening here there we go yep so my sights i'm not not great at being able to see little things with these sights because they're totally blocked so i'm kind of guessing but i figured out where to hold now okay so took care of that uh i still got a few rounds though let's go ahead [Music] go this thing's so sick that one's got a hit in it that is a piece of 45 acp it got flattened out this was turned on this way so what came in here hit there bent that real good bent the other one real good five four five there's so many treasures on demolition ranch five four five what a day there's some electronics i don't know where the steel plate went but it took off in a hurry so i assumed that the bullet did not go through it marvel at my collection of hk's got that thing as you guys saw in december and it's freaking awesome i love that gun and got the uh the january hk edition and i may or may not have got another hk that i haven't showed you guys yet so that'll be coming up in a video soon i'm really digging it people have been talking about hk's forever they're just kind of one of those more expensive guns that i always thought would be super cool but there was always something i wanted more and so now i'm like delving into hk's and i get it they're freaking awesome i love them so let me know what you guys think of this one i think this one you know just never took off really the p9s it's it's cool but it's not as cool as that mark 23. it's an interesting little pistol though thank you guys so much for watching this episode of demolition ranch i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] we're really gonna enjoy what we have here [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 1,962,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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