Can You Recognize Your Own Body?

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Weidly enough, I didn't get any of them correct until the bellybutton one, where I got both of them smh...

Also, Twinkie Fingies in GMMore was hilarious haha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thatdani πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

One of their more enjoyable non food ones for me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/insubordinance πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Stevie’s shoulder is the only one I knew immediately because of how bony it was 🀣

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JordanRomansky πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

They never even guess eyes right?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/guessthisisme30 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loved this episode!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Smooth-Airline-606 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

My partner was more accurate than they were. I'm actually a little weirded out by that. At least one of us will instantly detect if we're ever transported into a simulation.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Splendid_Cat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- How well do we really know our own bodies? - Let's talk about that. (gentle, upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning. - Okay, don't freak out, but how do you know that your body is your body? - That question kind of implies, especially when you say don't freak out, that it kind of makes me want to freak out, because I actually have not asked myself that question. That's like saying, "Are you in a simulation?" Like, how do I know this is mine? I guess because it comes when I call it. - How do you call it? - Like a dog. "Come here, little doggy." (Rhett laughs) I don't. I just know, man. - Okay, with ell, if we were say, tasked, with identifying body parts from a lineup, how do you think we would fair? - I just call it. - It's time for, " I know my own body like the back of my hand. Wait, is that my ear or Donald Sutherland's?" - All right, I'm with this. Now I gotta balance it by seeming smart because I seem pretty stupid. - You better ramp up fast. - It wasn't good for my image. So I'm gonna give a little- (mimicking electronic beeping) Research. We found out some interesting things about how our sexy brains recognize sexy bodies. - Studies have shown that the following experiences collectively tell your brain that your body you're seeing is in fact yours. - It doesn't have to be sexy at all, actually. - But it can be. A, being able to look down at your own sexy body from the point of your own sexy head. B, the perception of control over your own sexy body's movements. - Comes when you call it. - And C, the ability to see your sexy body physically experience something that you simultaneously feel yourself. - Like, did you see that and feel it? - Wasn't sexy enough. So all those things together convince you that your body is your body, but trying to identify, say, disembodied pictures of your own body parts is a whole another story and not dimension! What about identifying the body parts from other people you supposedly know well? - Don't do that! In each round, we're gonna be presented with a lineup of body parts. Sounds gruesome, but it's not, and then we'll try to identify which one belongs to a specific person. Points are gonna escalate each round. The loser must give the winner a hand anytime that the winner feels they deserve it in Good Mythical More. - Now, show us those head, shoulders, knees, and toes. (upbeat music) - [Stevie] Okay, boys. First, we're gonna test out how well you can identify body parts that belong to your closest coworkers. Every correct guest earns you two points this round and we're kicking things off with Jenna's lips. (Rhett laughing) - [Link] So are all six of these lips- - [Rhett] Oh, my gosh. - Mythical crew members? - [Stevie] Yeah. These are Mythical lips, but one of them is Jenna's lips. - Well, two of them. Two of them. - Two lips. - [Stevie] Yeah, well. - One set of lips. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Okay. - This is not going to be easy. First of all, we've all been wearing masks for a long time. - Yeah, for real. I forgot she had lips. - Yeah, what do you mean? - But you know what? If I go back in time to pre-mask days, what would make this easier is if these lips were yelling at us, like Jenna always yelled at us. - Yeah, yeah. - Like, shut up! Get to work! (crew laughing) Like, you know what's wrong with you! - She mostly does that to you. I don't think she's ever yelled at me. She hasn't yelled at us ever, okay? - I'm gonna tell you right now. I immediately know which one it is, but I'd like to also guess the other five. - [Stevie] Okay. - Is that part of this? - [Stevie] Now it is. - I value and know the Mythical crew, but let's just start with Jenna. - You really feel strongly about which one you think it is? - I would bet $25 that I'm right and that's a lot from the Link-ster. - Wow, 25? - [Link] Yeah. - [Stevie] That's crazy because I know that my lips are in here and so I looked, try and look for my lips, and I guess the wrong lips and then looked at my cheat sheet to see that I guess the wrong lip. So the fact that you're that confident. - [Link] Oh, your lips are on here, too? - [Stevie] Yeah. - Okay, I wanna know that, as well, I guess. All right, I'm ready. (crew laughing) - Okay. - Just my gut instinct, right off the bat, I think I knew. - Okay. We're gonna turn around? - [Stevie] Yeah. - Six. - Six. - Oh, see, we agreed! - Yeah. I feel relatively confident that those are Jenna's lips. - [Link] It could be two, though. - [Stevie] Here's the thing about number six. Those are Chase's lips. (Rhett laughing) - And we agreed. - [Stevie] Jenna's lips are in fact number five. Jenna, would you like to come out? - Oh, Jenna. - Why you got your mouth a little bit open in that one? Is that how you? You normally just stand with your mouth a little bit open like that? - Yeah, well, I got the Invisalign now, so. (Rhett laughing) I can't really close my lips. - Her lips don't. - It takes effort to close my lips all the way now. - They don't touch. Your lips don't touch anymore. (Rhett laughing) - See, here's the thing. You've been wearing wearing your mask since Invisalign, so that was a disadvantage. I take issue with that. - But just yell at us a little bit, like you normally do. - Shut up! Get back to work! (Rhett laughing) Get back to work! - Yeah, see, you can tell that it's doesn't come natural to her. - You know what you did. You know what you did. Clean it up. That's usually what you say to us. I know you did it, clean it up. - I usually clean things up. (laughing) - But Stevie's- - And you all apologize. - I promise I'll go outside next time. - Stevie's are number two. - [Stevie] Link? - [Link] Stevie's are number three. - [Stevie] Interesting. Okay, I also for a moment thought my lips were number three, but they are in fact number two. (Rhett laughing) Yeah. - All right. - [Stevie] Number three are Maggie's lips, in case anyone's wondering. - Do I get extra points for that? - [Stevie] No, and also, this is running pretty long. We should probably get to the next round. - Okay. - Okay. - [Stevie] Okay, next year we're looking for my shoulder. (Rhett laughing) - Okay, so number five is a freckly shoulder. - Boy, there's a lot to go on here. - One, two. One and three are kind of the same. Stevie, you got a freckly shoulder? - I don't think so. - When the last time? When would we have ever seen Stevie shoulder? - The pool parties. - The pool parties. - Oh, you're not invited. I forgot. - The pool parties? - Yeah, the office pool parties. - The spaghetti strap parties? - The office pool parties. But the problem is, is that the thing you did at the first office pool party, you haven't been invited back since. You remember that? Code brown. - Do you have? (Rhett laughing) Do you have your answer? Because you're not even looking. - Yeah, I've got my answer. - [Stevie] Code brown. - That bony one in number four might be it. All right. Okay, I'm ready. You ready? Three, two, one. I'm saying number three. - Six. - All right, Stevie. - I thought you were onto something when you said that bony one at number four might be it because it is it. - You got that bony. - You wanna see that? - See that bony bony! - Yeah. - That's your shoulder? Well, who's number six? - Is that how you were holding it? - I'm not near my. I was holding it like, Morgan very specifically wanted me to hold it like. - [Carney] Number six is Jenna. - Thank you, Carney. One time, I posted a photo on my Instagram stories and I got a DM that was like, why your arm look like a grandma arm? (Rhett and crew laughing) - I'm sorry that happened to you, Stevie, but nothing. - Thanks. - Okay, so we're basically still oh-for-oh. - Don't put your head down and exit. - Oh-for-two. - [Stevie] I gotta go back to the mic. - Yeah, you do. (upbeat music) - [Stevie] In this round, correct guesses will earn you three points and you'll be taking turns identifying each other's body parts. If it hasn't been made obvious enough, Link, you'll be identifying Rhett's ear. - Ears. - [Stevie] That's why they are currently covered. Let's take a look. - Oh, well that all looks so unnatural. - I immediately know 100% which one is my ear. - Look at that lobe on number three. I'm sure it doesn't look that weird when it's attached to a body. All right, number six has a piercing. Number three has a little bit of a piercing. I know you have a residual piercing. - Number three has a residual piercing. - I don't need to write this down. Six. Rhett is number six. - Hundred percent right. Hundred percent right. - [Stevie] That is Jenna's ear. - What, no! (laughing) That is number six? - [Stevie] Number six is Jenna's ear. - Really? - No way. - [Stevie] Yeah. - You're saying number three is my ear? - [Stevie] I didn't say anything. - [Rhett] You're saying that the gremlin ear is my ear? - [Stevie] The question for Link is what is his second guess as to what your ear is? - None of these look like ears anymore. They look like coral, like some sorta coral that's washed up and wind blown. - Hold on, I see a hair coming out of number three. That's me, man. I'm 44. I've got hair in my ears. - [Stevie] Okay, well, at this point, you're you were guessing your own body part, which comes later, but do you agree, Link, that three is Rhett's ear? - It has to be three because of the residual earring. - [Stevie] Yeah, it's three. - [Link] Good God, Rhett! Look at your freaking- - [Rhett] Is my lobe really that pronounced? - Oh, my gosh. That is crazy! - I've never even noticed that. Because I keep it covered. Like I needed to put these earmuffs on. - [Stevie] We'll try this again. So Rhett, it's your turn identifying Link's body part and you're looking for his elbow. - Oh, let me hug my elbows. - I would expect that it was one of these that had some hair kind of coming down the tricep area, which leads me to one, four, and five. I actually don't. I know that everyone in this office's elbows are significantly less pointed than my own, so that really doesn't help me at all. There's a little mole there on number five, but I've never really inspected your elbows to that degree. There's a possibility that it's five. I've got it narrowed down to five and one. One has more of like a baby hair kind of thing going on, whereas five is sorta like, this could be a caveman. - I know which one it is. - I'm going, oh, it's either one or five. I'm going with five. - Nope. - [Stevie] That's Jenna's elbow. I'm joking. (Link and Rhett laughing) - Is it really? - [Stevie] No, no, it's Link's elbow. You got it right. - Hey! - Well, then, who's one? - One is Nick. - Oh, me and. Oh, and dang, look at your elbow. - Dang, well, it's actually less pointy than I remember. - [Stevie] Oh, my God, it's so pointy! Oh, my Lord! - It's less pointy than I would have. If you got me to draw my elbow, it would be twice as pointy. - [Stevie] It's like a tool. You could use it for something. - I've opened bottles with it before. - I call that a elbow proboscis, man. (upbeat music) Now, you see it. Now, you see something else. In case you missed it, we dropped an all new project earlier this month called Sike! It's an apparel and accessories brand where the graphics change when you activate them or they trick your eye when you look closely. So go to right now and be the first to grab these. This one's just the Sike shirt that's very tricky to the eye and very cool looking. - And this one's just a sun and then when you go outside, it becomes misunderstood. We just took this one just out into the sun and it's blue. And now the blue is starting to fade away because it's inside now. - Yeah, yeah. - But it changes in the sun. Sun activated. - Sun to misunderstood. You feel me? Get it. - [Stevie] Okay, now that we've made it to the final round, it's time to see how well you boys can identify your own bodies. Every time you do so successfully, four points will be added to your total. So how successful will you be singling out your own thumbs? - Thumbs. - Okay. I pick mine. You pick yours. Okay. All right. - [Rhett] Do you immediately know yours? - Not immediately, but I would bet a hundred dollars. - I feel pretty strongly about my choice. - I'm gonna put yours in parentheses, just to see if I'm right about that, too. - Okay. - All right, I am number one. I thought Rhett was number three. - I am number three and I think that Link is number one. - Yeah? - [Stevie] You're both correct! - We know our thumbs. I kinda have to look at it all the time. I'm like, good job, buddy. - You're a thumb gazer. - [Stevie] Okay, let's try this one. Which of these is your own belly button? (Link groaning) - [Rhett] Can I not ever see this again? - That's tight. You need to zoom out. - [Stevie] This is a horrifying image. - So who's am I trying to identify? - [Stevie] Yours. You're trying to find your own. You can do the same thing, where you have been parentheses what you think the other guy's is. - These are all Jenna. She just combed her belly button hairs in different configurations. Number one is hairy and shallow. Number two is hairy a little deeper. Number three, there might be a bear lurking in there. (Rhett laughing) - [Rhett] Something's gonna crawl out of there. - [Link] What's coming out of number six? There's something in there. There's like nasty. - Okay. I'm gonna do the same thing. I'm gonna guess mine and I'm gonna guess yours in parentheses. - Oh, my gosh. This is rancid. - [Rhett] Number five seems like they were in the midst of twisting. - Yeah, yeah, like a little yoga pose. - Yeah. Okay. - Morgan, you took these photos, right? - [Morgan] I did. - And thank you for that. - Sorry for that, actually. - And for whoever made these grids and had to look at these this close up. - I would not bet any money. I might bet a dollar. - I'm pretty confident that I'm right about myself. - Okay, go ahead. - I think that I am number four. I think that you're number one. - Number four doesn't have hardly any hair. I agreed that I was number one. I thought you were number two with a lot of hair. - [Stevie] You have not gotten any of these correct. - We haven't? - [Stevie] One of you is number one. - Oh, that's Rhett? - [Stevie] Yeah. - Wow, we both thought that you were me. - Well, who's number four? - What does that mean? - [Stevie] Remember when you were saying one of them looked like something might be crawling out? - Number six? - [Stevie] Yeah. - [Link] Yeah. - [Stevie] That's you. - Oh, something's crawling out of me. (crew laughing) You see how there's like, tracks. - You can hide something in there. So you thought that you were one and I thought that you were one. - [Stevie] Yeah, so Rhett, you thought you were four. That's Paisley and Link, you thought you were Rhett. - [Rhett] Well, here's the thing. - There's nothing in there. - [Rhett] I've still got a bald spot from the live stream. From what I got waxed. You see that? But I'm pretty deep. I thought that four is pretty deep and I'm pretty deep. - I'm gonna measure how deep yours is compared to mine. All right, so mine right here, without pushing, and then I'm putting my thumb right there. Mine is that deep. Oh, gosh. I had to do it the other way. That's how deep yours. Yours is over twice as deep as mine. - Yeah, I put Tic Tacs in there. (crew laughing) - That was gross. Is this over? - [Stevie] Yeah. Surprisingly, there's a winner and a loser, even though I think that we all lost on that last round. - Did I win? - [Stevie] You won, yeah. - (laughing) Hold on. Did Link not get no points? - [Stevie] No, Link got four points. - You got seven point. - Oh, okay. All right, okay. Well, you got to give me a hand. - In More. - Just a hand. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Vincent David from Cornwall, Ontario. Just got this tattoo and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - That is being your Mythical best. - That is sweet, man. I like the location, too. You know what I'm saying? - Click the top link to watch us guess what part of Napoleon's body is not buried with the rest in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. Get psyched on our new brand of apparel and accessories, Sike! No, really, it's called Sike! Shop the first collection now at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,482,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: gISuH65K8CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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