Testing Portable Urinals

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your days of road trip bathroom stops are over let's talk about that good mythical morning thank you for making us a part of your daily routine mythical beasts your questions are like the world's tallest and fastest roller coaster with five loops in a 723 foot drop and we are like the three inch tall answer sneakers that you use to get up to that height requirement so you can take the ride of your dream whoo at your own risk we ask you to ask us theme park related questions and you delivered as usual Bret writer asks I've been waiting in line for an hour for the most popular ride and I'm the next person on but oh no I have to pee what do I do help turns out that there are a crap-ton no pun intended well okay pun intended there is a crapload of products out there that can help you relieve yourself without the use of a restroom yes and today we're gonna test those things out it's time for your products you must have portable pee edition alright first up we have talked about this product before but we did not test it until today it is the Euro Club that's right the only Club and your golfer bag that you can pee inside and here it is look at that it's it's just a normal chipper with a really big long grip on it let me go ahead and try this thing on out here try it on well it's got well first of all here's the triple seal on top so there's the hole and then you know golfers typically have their shirt tucked in there do it the breeches yep for me if we're golfing together and you asked me to hold any of your club like this I'm gonna start asking question you clip it really this feels like a plastic Club first of all clip your golf towel to your pants which is that something golfers do know and they know it doesn't reach inside how is this inconspicuous I'm gonna ask so many questions about what you're doing right now in the ad it says it just looks like you're checking out your club no it looks like you're hiding something in a towel I'm just checking out my sub you know just see why are you checking it out for a minute a half I could do it out here on hole number nine or I can go behind this go behind the curtain and we'll listen in and you give us a play-by-play okay little stage fright but I think I got a little dream mounting oh yeah is it filling up yep all right it's silent man all right I'm putting the lid back on okay success how full is it well I know there's other ones to test so I kind of you stopped short I stopped short I think I could easily fill that whole thing up I have to pee so bad right now because I drink so much water oh what a rain stick triple stay off but I don't want it to rain around here brother of course the ultimate test let me throw down it's not to be used as an actual golf club although link is about to use it as if someone accuses you I mean you just pee a new golf club no no that would hit strike a club chuckle ball was booking like a regular golfer almost right into the lens I guess you know I'm glad that's a 3d camera so we got a really cool now it's your turn let me rain stick it you didn't do too much conserve okay but what so I mean would you use this I probably just you know hold it and going a restroom arrest they have one like every few homes yeah all right so you wouldn't necessarily use this but now enjoyed it yes all right moving right along now I think this next product could be legitimately useful because the place that you find yourself having to pee and then thinking I don't want to have to stop is when you are in a car well yeah and then sometimes you can't stop or there's nowhere to stop and you're like Gatorade bottle that's awkward as a risk of drinking it later right if it's in the lemon-lime right right so that's where the go pilot comes in very very handy the go pilot is a way for you to go while on the run why I don't think you're supposed to do it while driving but you can do it from a parked position in the driver's seat yeah you don't want to necessarily be driving the truck down the road but if you if you just pull over to the side that's fine let's open this sucker man let's go pilot so from now on when we say go pilot that means I'm gonna pee while sitting it's something that's not a toilet okay so this it's a pretty simple thing to configure here is essentially a tank with a vacuum cleaner hose attached to it holds your urine is there suction I hope not I'll let you venture forward I'll let you know because I'm about to use it hose extends from 11 inches to 22 inches well you want to get some extra length you just just pull up like that and then you see I would set this down on the ground and then I would undo this now you're in the driver's seat of your 18-wheeler and I think you're supposed to put that down I'm just gonna take this thing back behind the curtain tell you all about it okay go for it and I have another one I'm looking you can create a P optical course - that's cool hope you make it in one piece this isn't use this oh sorry you back there yeah now I'm peeing oh I had I've had a piece so bad oh this feels so good listen this thing is going to fill up you need another one because I'll throw it over I might need an X X oh man right are you going pilot or what I'm peeing longer than the commercial for the truck driving commercial it says right here on it it says do not use while operating a vehicle I'm not operating a vehicle I'm just standing back here behind a curtain I'm capping her I gotta say it's very warm oh wow look how for this oh my goodness Rhett you really went pilot you went full pilot on that thing this is a useful product you just don't leave it at your own your flow board at all times yeah I mean how many times have you been in a car I thought man I don't want to have to go through the hassle and you go into a dirty nasty bathroom right and look and it's like a little carrying thing you just take this into the guest pour it out in your yard use it like a weed killer yeah there it is ready to go okay as you can see we have removed the privacy screen because this next product creates its own privacy screen it is called the gotta go poncho it's basically just a trash bag you wear and who knows what's happening under there here we go we have one look it comes in a I mean I could put this in the back pocket of the jeans yeah you some chinko genius no I'm gonna open this up gotta go poncho ultra restroom one poncho one urinal / one fecal toilet and there are two cloth wipes in here let's pull this stuff out here here's the here's the pee bag in the poop bag this is poncho why isn't the poop bag brown honestly all right if you get green poop something's wrong with you so I'm gonna put this on please do like and go ahead and open up the tea bag cuz I'm not gonna do a poop out here okay we have standards for this show but I got it's like a ziplock bag in here and then there do I take this stuff out and sprinkle it in there okay so it actually has I got the trash it's got some powder linked super absorbent powder seems like the hood might be alone necessary you're not putting the super absorbent powder in there so now you're just gonna create a pee jello that we will not eat didn't see through it just this part go down you feel okay you want to take your pants off and then come back in I mean if I was on a street if you if you're on a street I I would be running from you so so what about the big v-neck I'm kind of nervous man hey link maybe you back up back to camera maybe turn around why don't you turn around all right ignore my friend over there who's in a poncho on a 98 degree day and ignore the pitter-patter sound that's coming from his nether region okay okay I'm lined up there it is look like I'm just standing on the street we can almost we can see the bag and my bag I mean national bag you're holding up when I'm holding the bag the bag has a zipper a ziplock bag oh there is a see this isn't gonna cause any problems well I got to put it down you're just putting his bag of tricks down okay how you doing did you pee a little present oh just hold it man now I don't know what was in there no it's just jelly in there is it jelly it's warm jelly it's warm jelly hot in here how was that would you recommend that cuz I wouldn't so I wouldn't recommend it to a friend because I just watched a friend do it and it's like crawling in a trash bag and peeing in public I mean have you ever desired that no no me neither man how you feeling link relieved like I need to take a shower okay I just feel emotionally dirty I feel emotionally dirty being watching that yeah okay this product is another one that I think like the NGO pilot serves a practical use I mean that one you just did with the poncho it's like people gonna know something's up when you bend over right yeah but this one is designed to be the most inconspicuous portable P product that you can imagine oh the stadium power you can take this with you to the stadium it fits right on your person underneath your jeans and you can pee inconspicuously that's not even their slogan but maybe it should be well let me see it so this thing is it's actually the medical term for this is an external catheter so basically it's a tube that you put around your yep and then there is a long tube that goes down your leg and connects to a bag that you velcro around your ankle I think NASCAR drivers use something like this they're racing and peeing the whole time man leg is a lot longer than that I can't get to my ankle it's gonna be on your knees I think for this one I'm going to go to the restroom I'm going to put this on and then just come back and out like we're just watching the game together you're not even gonna know that I'm peeing down my leg he's back about those bursts so let me get this straight you just went to the restroom to put on something so that you won't have to go to the restroom but if I was at my house and I was like hey let's go to the game I don't want to ever get up well I'm at the game let me see that on your leg there now your pants are so tight that you can't get them over the bat well no I'd have to wear my big jeans but I wanted you to be able to see it fill up problem oh thanks I'm a lifelong stagefright ER there's no one watching especially people just sitting there waiting for me to pee oh and that yeah but you cuz it just feels like I'm gonna pee in my pants you don't think you're gonna I'm so far from relaxing go to a happy place where your bladders full and your mind is empty what if I could get it started around better around the corner yes don't stand up use that blanket and cover your face don't worry about its a poncho I'm not even here he's really enjoying the game his face is just really cold oh there goes the bobbleheads come on fill up that bag play some music just it's consensual it's happening yeah yeah he did it it's a half-full bag of urine the man just peed down his leg in front of everybody on the Internet oh so difficult but that mouth trumpets what did it man it loosened up the highway to pee down your legs Volume one man you know what if I had to bell bottoms I'd be all about this so what's your assessment I think I want to have this on all the time so warm on a cold day at a Bears game yeah really warm you right up until it froze iceberg of urine on your ankle and then you throw it in the cooler with the beer drive the whole process over oh good okay well this was a success I thought the two ones that I tested definitely very practical I would use them again hmm and I'll try those out later but I'll get brand new ones thanks for liking commenting and subscribing you know what time it is make your life more mythical with the mythical hat and the good mythical morning tea available at rhettandlink.com/store click through to good mythical more we asked some ladies on our team to assess the female portable urine nation products go girl and another one so we're gonna get that full report bad lip reading hey people you don't like me because of my beard and it's so stupid looking but it's not my fault it's your fault it's your fault that was really bad so you aim that at a yeah tanaris see wherever you wanted to get the lucky winner clothing drain any training of your choice
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,506,901
Rating: 4.8917937 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, Testing Portable Urinals, good mythical morning Testing Portable Urinals, Testing Portable Urinals good mythical morning, Testing Portable Urinals rhett & link, rhett and link Testing Portable Urinals, Testing Portable Urinals rhett and link, GMM portable urinals, GMM Rhett Peeing, GMM pee, GMM testing portable urinals
Id: xopifeZpBC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2016
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Season 10 is the best season

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