5 Weird Ways To Start A Fire

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- Today we make fire. - Let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - Good Mythical Morning! - All right, Mythical Beasts, we need you to keep tweet-voting so that we can win show of the year at the Streamys! - We can do this! - Yeah! All you gotta do is to tweet "I'm voting for #GoodMythicalMorning for show of the - year at the #Streamys." - Yes. - A hundred times. You can do it a - (both) hundred times a day! Okay, thanks for that. Now, one of the things that has separated us from the rest of the animal kingdom, as humans, is our ability-- - Bipedalism! - to HARNESS FIRE! - Like ostriches. No, harness fire. - You ever seen a parakeet start a fire? I don't think so. I've never seen one start a fire. You ever seen a worm start - a fire? No! You have not. - No. - 'Cause they can't do it. - No. They're lame. Worms are lame. But we can start fires. And humans have devised all kinds of interesting ways to start a fire and all kinds of interesting technologies. We've got lighters, torches, and all kinds of stuff like that. But what if you're out - in the wilderness... - Without any of those technologies? Yeah, and you're just like an animal? Just out there in the wilderness. - How do you start a fire? - Well, you gotta get weird with it. - ♪ (dreamy music) ♪ - (Link) Let's get weird with it! (Rhett, gruffly) Making fire. - (Link) All right. - All right, this is the remote campsite that we have set up in the parking lot. We each have our own tent... - Mine's bigger than yours. - Unfortunately, we have not brought - fire starter stuff, like a lighter. - Like a lighter. - What do you have in your pack? - Oh, my camping pack! Maybe you got something! ♪ (dreamy music) ♪ I've got a piece of gum. I've got scissors. - (Link) Okay. - (Rhett) And I have a double-A battery. - A double-A battery. Okay, so... - (Rhett) I've been-- - Can I chew the gum? - Nope, I have to use the gum. - I have to use all parts of this. - Oh! You're like a true survivalist. The first thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to cut this into an hourglass shape. And I'm making the kindling here that hopefully will just go up in huge flame - in a second. - I think a fire might just start on my jeans out here just from being in the sun. It's basically a hundred degrees out here, almost. So basically I've created just a thin part in this gum wrapper. Now I need the gum. - All right. - I need the gum to be in two different pieces. You're gonna take this and put it on the non-shiny side. And this is gonna serve as, like, a heat buffer. Heat shield. The next thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna take our battery... You're gonna connect both ends of this to a battery in order to complete - the circuit? - Mmhm. - (Link) But do it down here next to the... - Yeah, I will. I'm just getting this into position here. - (Link) Okay, you got-- - (Rhett) Here, and... ignition. (Link) Contact. Ooh. It's burning immediately. Come on, fire man! Come on... You got generic batteries, that's the problem. (Link) It's no longer smoking, but it smells like fire. It actually smells like gum. I think you're cooking the gum. I think that's all that's happening here. You wanna just eat the gum? - Oh, it's warmed up. - Oh, really? It's like gum that's been in somebody's pocket for a long time. That's not bad. Okay, so step one to survival is make sure you have warm gum. Mission accomplished. ♪ (dreamy music) ♪ Okay, my gum and batteries were a little bit of a fail, but Link, what do you have - in your special pack? - Well, Rhett, I've got a battery from - an Android cellular telephone. - (Rhett) Oh! Yeah. - Hold that for me. - Who doesn't have one of those? - (Link) And I've got some steel wool here. - Oh, yeah. And if you take the steel wool and scrape over the... I'll call those "diodes." I have no clue what they're actually called. - Okay. - ... of the battery. And Imma do that down here. Oh! I just saw a spark but I'm not close enough to the... (Rhett) Are you just cleaning now? Or are you still trying to start a fire? - (Link laughs) - Wow, we're gonna die out here, Link. We're gonna die of heat exposure, ironically. We're gonna die of heat stroke while trying to start a fire. - (Link laughs) - (Rhett) You know what? I've got some other batteries we can clean. I brought a 9-volt. - (Link) Okay, let's try that. - Should've told you about this earlier. - (Rhett) Try it with a 9-volt. - Hold this in your hand. - (Rhett) Oh, yeah. That's gonna work, man. - (Link) That leaf right there's about to - catch on fire. - (Rhett) You're shaking so much. Are you okay? Are you shaking from the cold? The extreme cold? (crew laughs) (Link whispers) Come on. (sings) Come onnnn. I've always thought that we were gonna be a good team in the zombie apocalypse. I'm beginning to second-guess that now. ♪ (dreamy music) ♪ Okay, man, let's move on from batteries. What else do you have in your pack? Well, Link, you know, I'm glad you asked because I've got this pan where we just cooked that bacon, back when we used to have fire, you know? - Oh. You've got a... - I've got a bacon-grease-soaked paper - towel that I'm gonna set down there. - 'Cause bacon grease is flammable. Don't let anybody tell you anything different. And I've got my reading glasses for those romance novels that I like to read - while camping. - (Link) So... I'm gonna throw some kindling on top of the bacon grease. Now, we would be using my glasses, but they're not thick enough. We've determined that these reading glasses are thicker. - (Rhett) Yeah, brother. - (Link) I think this is gonna work. My excitement is building. My expectation, my sense of survival is kicking up a notch. (Rhett) You know, as a kid I would do this with my brother, but I used a magnifying - glass. - You wouldn't happen to have one? Oh yeah, well, speaking of that... I've got a magnifying glass. - (Link chuckles) Here, lemme use that. - A, you need to turn it around. - Ooh! - (Rhett) This is gonna do it, man. (Link) Man, that is bright. Now look, there's smoke coming out from over here. - (Link) Keep going. - (Rhett) You know, we should've just kept - that fire we were cooking that bacon with? - Right. - We should've just kept it. - And then used that fire to start a fire. Yeah, yeah, we should've kept that fire going. I think that's the lesson here. If you get fire for bacon, don't quit! (Link) Yes... yes... oh ho! It's happening. That's flame, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - (Link) That was fire. - (Rhett) Oh, ho ho ho ho! There it is! - Oh, whoa, whoa! (caveman voice) FIRE! - (Link, caveman voice) Me make fire! (roars) FIRE! Oh! You know what? It only took a magnifying glass and a previously - lit fire. Oh gosh. - (Link) Look at that, guys. - Hey, that was so easy. Now what do we do? - (Link) Why don't we put out this fire and - try to start another one? - Okay! ♪ (dreamy music) ♪ Okay, well, we've already effortlessly started fire, so we have nothing to prove at this point, but ah... what else do you got in your bag, Link? Well, on the heels of that victory, I have some plastic cups... - (Rhett) Oh, cool. - Some rubber bands... - Yep. - And some cling wrap. - Huh! - Now, if my research serves me correct, we take said plastic cup, fill it with human urine... - Oh! - And then take the human urine and - make a baggie using cling wrap. - Oh, fun. - And then use that as a magnifying glass. - Well, I've got some urine brewin'. - Oh, no. I'm going first. - (chuckles) Oh, we're both gonna go. - Oh, this is gonna be fun. - (Link) All right, I'm goin'. Everything comin' out all right? That's a joke I like to say when somebody's using - the bathroom. I've done it for years. - All right. - Whoa, that was quick! - See if you can top it off. (laughs) Can't have too much. All right, so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this empty cup and I'm gonna make a... some sort of a template to then pour the pee into. - Hey Link. Man, we've been drinking! - (laughs) It's good to stay hydrated. - It's kinda yellow. - I don't know, it's pretty yellow though. - I think that was you, man. - (Link) All right. - (Rhett) Okay. - I just made a little hole. - I don't think that's how I would do it. - Pour a little bit of our combined - urine sample. - Couldn't this just be water? No. 'Cause you don't have water. We drank all the water and - converted it into pee. - Well, there's a hose right over there. All right. Do not pour this on my hand. - Pour a little bit. - I think I'm gonna throw up. Ick. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! I kinda wondered if it was gonna separate, like oil and water? Like your pee, like, layered on top of my pee. I'm gonna set this over here next to the bacon grease pan. - All right. - (Rhett) Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. - Where're the rubber bands at? - (Link) The rubber bands are right here. (Rhett) Okay. Oh yeah, oh yeah. You're a pro! Look at that, you got a little pee bag. - (both) Oh! - Oh no, breach! Oh no! NOOOOOOOOOOO! Just come sit down. I'm not gonna throw it on you! (Rhett) I've known you long enough to know that you're gonna pee me right now. - Sit down. I'm not going to. - (Rhett) You're about to pee me. - (Rhett) Just let me hold it. - (Link) All right. Gosh! Wow. That's the most traumatic thing I've ever experienced on this show and it - happened to you! - You know what? Don't worry about it. - Oh, gosh! Come on, man! - It'll be okay. - We're in this together. - Get your pee hand off of me! - (Rhett) Don't touch me again. - (Link) All right, so here we go. See if you can get a beam of light directly on the kindling without dripping - pee on the kindling. - The sun is right there. I don't wanna get it sideways. There's just so many crinkles. We need something that's - smoother than this. Like more Saran Wrap. - What about a Ziploc bag? - (Rhett) Oh ho ho ho! - All right, so I've got a... Thanks for lettin' me know you had a Ziploc bag. - (Link) So, here, put that in here - (Rhett) Icky. - (Link) Icky? - (Rhett) Yeah. All right, so now, pour the pee in there. Pour half of my pee and half of your pee - in here. Whoa, whoa, whoa! - No, man, full! - What? - Yes. I'm trying to make a beam, man! - Now, should we label this? So someone... - I'm never peeing again. After seeing - my pee out in the open like this? - All right. Have at it, steady hands. - That's too big. The beam is too big. - This is what our life has become. We're sitting out in a parking lot with a bag of our own urine holding it up like this, trying to start a fire. ♪ (dreamy music) ♪ All right, Rhett, what other goodies do you got? Well, I've got an empty plastic soda bottle. - (Link) Okay. - I've got some brake fluid. - Of course you do. - I always bring that camping. - Right. - Might need to brake. I've got some pool cleaner, chlorine. You never know when you're gonna find, like, a hot tub out in the wild that you wanna disinfect. - Like hike to a pool or something. - (Rhett) Yep. I've also got some rubber gloves that we're gonna need. - Oh! - I've got a mask for your face. - Oh, wow! - (Rhett) I'll take those. - (Link) Okay. - And I've also got... is that it? - Yes, that's it. - (Link) You better hope you have goggles. - Oh, goggles. Yeah, where are they? - (Link) I wanna reiterate: do not try - this at home. We're not at home. - (Rhett) We're camping! (Link) Don't try this camping. Unless this turns out really great, which I'm sure it won't, because we're getting all protected. I'm wearing one glove? (Rhett) Okay. I've never put this kinda stuff on while camping. Yeah, this is how I look when I'm camping at all times. - (Link) All right, so what do you do here? - Well, first thing I do is I get my mask on. Then I take our chlorine... we didn't find any hot tubs on this trip, so we can use it to start our fire. I'm going to fill this up. - (Link) You've done this before? - (Rhett) Nope! I've just been on the internet. Okay, that's good. Pour the brake fluid. Now, if we have any braking - problems on the way down the hill... - (Link) We're screwed. (Rhett) We're outta luck. (Link) All right. Nothin' happenin' yet. Little bubble action over here. (Rhett) Now, I've been instructed that we might wanna stand back a little bit. - (bubbles) - (Link) Whoa! - (Link) Look, look, look! - (both) Oh! - (Link) What-- - (explodes) (Link) Oh, gosh! What-- (explodes again) (Link) What the crap!? (flames roar) (Link) WHAT?! - (Link) WHAT THE CRAP, GUYS?! - (Rhett chuckles nervously) - (Link) Is everybody all right? - (Rhett chuckles more) (Link) I'm a little afraid! Stay back, stay back. (Link) You know what? I'm glad I already peed in that cup, 'cause I would've just - peed in my pants and yours. - (Rhett laughs) (Rhett) We made a couple a... you had a couple-- - (both) OH! - (Link) My freakin' chair is on fire! (Rhett) His chair's on fire. You should-- you should-- yeah, there you go. That's - exactly what you should do. - (Link) Yeah, Edward! Get it! (Link) Get that too. (hisses) Okay, I'm gonna sit back down in my perfectly intact chair and think about what just happened. - (Link) Do NOT try that ANYWHERE! Ever! - That was stupid. I'm gonna go ahead and - acknowledge that that was-- that was-- - (Link) Wow! That was stupid... on a lotta levels. But that's why we're doing this and you're not. - (Link) Whaa haha! - (Rhett groans) Gosh. - (giggles) - Okay, I'm in one piece. Are you? Nothing is burned, rather miraculously. That was stupid. Yes. Let us acknowledge: we've been telling you the whole time to don't attempt these things at home, but let me say... We had not pre-attempted them, and then when we attempted them, - we over-attempted the last one. - We put too much of whatever those materials were. The brake fluid and the chlorine. Too much. - (both) Don't do it at all. - But especially the way we did it was incredibly stupid and irresponsible and we're lucky to not be burned. And, so we won't interpret it as a reward, but we still wanna invite you to like, - comment, and subscribe. - Why not? You know what time it is. Hi, I'm Anna and I'm from Orange, California. Today we're at VidCon. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality! We got a special edition, limited time hoverboard t-shirt only available up through October 21st, 2015, the date on the shirt. - Check it out at rhettandlink.com/store. - Click through to Good Mythical More where we share some camping mishaps from our high school days. (Rhett) My Strange Addiction: Mashed Potatoes. (dramatic voice) Hi, I'm here with one Link Neal. Link, I hear you've got a - problem. Tell us about it. - Uh... no, I don't have a problem. - What're you eatin' there? What's that? - Just some mashed potatoes. - Mashed potatoes. - There's meatloaf there too. Can you believe it? How much do you like those mashed potatoes? - Looks like you're really into 'em. - I mean, they're good. They're creamy. - I mean, it's just, uh... They're good. - He thinks they're creamy. How often do you eat mashed potatoes, Link Neal? - Ummm... once every... quarter, probably. - Once a quarter. That's four times a year. How strange is that? [Captioned by Caitrin: GMM Captioning Team]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 9,830,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, season 8, Fire (Quotation Subject), making fire, starting fire, how to make fire, campfire, camp fire, fire starter, firestarter, camping skills, fire safety, big fire, scary fire, dumb experiment, experiment, fire making, How-to (Website Category)
Id: c-vUeAXjQTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2015
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