Wedgie Hangman (GAME)

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Let nobody say these two men are not committed to their jobs.

(Rhett and Link did well, too.)

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

What a wonderfully painful episode

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/2TALLTYLER 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is one of their best videos this season. Everything about it is perfect.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JaiiGi 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
- Today, we enter the wedgie machine. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat electronic music) - Good Mythical Morning! - Hey, a Mythical Society membership is a great gift this holiday season for your friends, your family, or yourself! - Whoa. - And remember, the next 3rd Degree collectible is an exclusive set of official Chia Pet Rhett and Link heads. - [Rhett] Right, yeah, just our heads this time. - If you want truly exclusive VIP experiences, sign up now at - Ever since us humans had our little butts booted from Eden and henceforward invented underwear to obscure our sweet cheeks, we've been wedging that fabric inward and upward for epic wedgies. Check any history book! - Yeah, and as for contemporary history, we literally built a giant wedgie machine and willingly played a game in it. - Crank that fool! (laughing) Yeah, crank it! (groaning) (machine clicking) - Oh no. (groaning) Watch your head, watch your head. - Look, Lena, Lena. (groaning) Oh yeah! (clapping) (laughing) (groans) - And since that was so fun, hey, let's do it again! As Cain and Abel once said, for thou views. It's time for Boxers or Briefs? It Sure Doesn't Matter. The Wedgieman's Comin' And He's Mad as a Hatter! - Welcome to the keister crank tank of Burbank! - Good gosh, this is industrial. - Hi guys, we've been here before. It just hasn't looked this nice. - Right. - Or this terrifying. - Now it can support my full weight! - So, you get how this is played. It's like Hangman, except for it's Wedgieman. There's gonna be a phrase or word above me, it's gonna be blanked out. We're gonna ping-pong back and forth between the two of you. You're gonna be guessing letters that might be in the word or phrase. If you guess a letter that is in here, the other person will get a crank. If your letter that you guess is not in this phrase, you will get said crank. - Oh, there's gonna be a crank either way. - Yes, and the crank crankers will be Crank Franks number one, no name, number two, no name. - [Rhett] Okay. - Please do not address them by their actual real names. - Done, that's fine. - If you would like to solve, you have to say, I would like to solve. - Okay. - If you are incorrect, that means you get two cranks! If you are correct, it means the other person gets two cranks and you get two relief cranks. - Relief cranks? - So it pays to be correct. - Can I use the word crunk? At any time if I choose? - I will accept it. - Bringin' it back! - Past-tense crank. - Oh, let's just do it. (rock guitar sting) Gentlemen, your first puzzle has arrived. - [Link] Look at those blanks. - [Rhett] Wow. - [Link] It could be anything. - It is above me. And you know what? Last time, I remembered that I gave you the first go. Because it happened so shortly ago, shortly. The shorter one gets to go this time. - Oh, congratulations. - I'd like to buy a vowel. - [Host] How much would you like to pay? - An A. - Give him a crank! - You said an A? - A. - [Host] There are two As. - Whoa! (clapping) - Uh-oh. - That means a crank's goin' over to this one! - [Link] Crank it! (clicking) - All right. - All right, Rhett? - Oh, I'm not going to guess an N or a L yet. (chuckling) I'm gonna go with an S! - [Host] There are zero-- - Oh no! - Oh, you get another crank already! - Crank it up. (clicking) - Okay, all right, I felt that one. - All right, I'm gonna guess an N. - [Host] There are two Ns. - Whoa no! - Oh, guys. - Hey, hey, guys-- - What are y'all doin'? - You know the show. Let's crank him again please. (clicking) - You're gettin' all the cranks! I love this game! - Okay, all right, I'm standing a little taller now. Okay, L! - [Host] There is one L. - Seriously, guys? - That's right! - Come on! - That means you get a crank, sir! (clicking) - Hoo, I do not like that sound. (laughing) Man, I, a T? - [Host] There are two Ts. - What? - Yes! - How are so good at this? - Crank it up! (clicking) - Oh, anal TNT, that's a dangerous thing! (laughing) - (laughing) Yeah, I don't know that. - [Link] Oh, okay. - Don't sign me up for anal TNT anytime soon. - Sir? - E. - [Host] There are three Es. - That's fine, give me a crank! (clicking) Whoop! Okay, I'm startin' to feel a little tension and I'm gonna release that tension because I'd like to solve the puzzle! - Please go ahead, sir. - Anal retentive! My middle names! - (laughing) You are correct! (bell ringing) - Yes. - I live and breathe this every day. - Which means! You receive two cranks! - Two more cranks! - I'm gettin' so crunk over here, oh God! (clicking) (hooting) - And you, sir, you have won yourself two relief cranks. (grunts) - Hoo, ooh, it's silent! - Which don't have as fun of a noise. - Yeah. (rock guitar sting) - Get your anals ready because we have a new puzzle on the board. Link, you won the last round, please take your guess. - There's a lot of blanks. - Yeah, a lot letters can fill those blanks. - I hope one of them is an E? - [Host] There are two Es. - Yeah, crankin'! - Please make it look good! - Oh no! (laughs) Hey, hey, Crank Frank, that was a little bit more than, I mean, that was a big crank! - [Host] There's a little kick. - It's time to show your true colors! - That? - No, I'm talkin' about your underwear. - I feel like if I pull up on this side, it'll keep it from goin' up the back. Okay, I'm gonna go with, there's gotta be more vowels in there, I'm gonna go with A. - There are no As. (shouting) (laughing) - God! - No As in all those blanks? - [Rhett] Oh God! - A crank, please. - Crank him! (shouting) - Whoa, okay, whoa, yes, sir, I do have a crack. (laughing) - All right, Link, you need to catch up in the behind department. - Are there are any Rs? - [Host] There is one R. - Best day ever! - Let's go again on the crank, on this side, please! - Oh, something released. (clicking) Oh. I don't know if it's my body or the underwear. - The underwear has started to rip. And I am glad that's what was released. - Oh. - [Host] There are two-- - [Rhett] All right, thank you! - [Link] Okay. - Crank, please. (clicking) - Ooh, F! - There are no Fs. - [Link] Oh gosh! - Crank, please. (clicking) - Woop! - Hm, I'm gonna go with a U. - [Host] There is one U. - Oh gosh, now I'm startin' to feel a little tense. - [Host] Crank, please. (clicking) - Crank that boy! Crank that fool! - [Host] You're lookin' a little tense. - Y. - [Host] There's one Y. - Only one. (clicking) (groans) Ooh, that's a funny sound. - S? - [Host] There are three Ss! - [Rhett] Okay, all right! - Dang, you're rackin' up! Whoo, okay! (clicking) I'm startin' to feel some security down here. Okay, I. - [Host] There are three Is. - [Link] Ooh, information! (clicking) (groans) - Oh, there are other noises coming out that I don't like, too. - Okay, I know every word except the last one. I'm gonna go with T? - There are no Ts. - Okay, crank it! - Yes, crank, please. (clicking) - Oh. - Yes! - [Rhett] At this point-- - Oh my. - Ooh. - I kinda, yeah, I'm just, yep. I'm in full wedgie mode! - P. - There are no Ps. - Oh gosh! - Crank it, please. (clicking) - Okay, now I'm startin' to get a little, gettin' a little nestled action in the cheek zone. - That last word has gotta be super obvious, and I just, I, but for some reason, seeing those letters, I can't make anything out. I'm gonna go with C. - There are zero Cs. - Gosh! (cranking) I'll tell ya what, there's a red sea partin' behind me. (laughing) Whoo! - Ew, why is it red? - Oh gosh! Oh, something's pinching, oh! - All right, Link. What are you goin' with? - M? - M. No, there are zero Ms. Crank him, please. (clicking) Guys, come on! - Ooh. - Come on! I mean, I know, I know it, but-- - Okay, G. - [Host] Yes, is one G. (laughing) - My E is, is sooing! (laughing) - My E is sooing! (laughing) - My, I have the plans for me-- Oh crap, I don't know it! - Just guess a letter, man! - I don't know it, N. - [Host] There is two Ns. - [Rhett] Oh, thank you, Link! - [Link] Oh no! - There are two Ns. - Oh, yep! Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo! - Which means that you get a crank. - I get a crank, I get a crank! - [Link] Crank him! (clicking) (shouting) - But I get a guess! And my guess is your weenis is showing! - Yes, your weenis is showing! (bell ringing) - No! - Which means two relief cranks and two not-relief cranks, please! - Oh, good God. - [Link] Oh! (clicking) Okay! (laughing) - Oh. - Oh yeah. (rock guitar sting) Link, you got anal. Rhett, you got weenis. But can you guys guess what this final puzzle is? Because if you do not, you will get frozen veggies in your wedgie. - Oh gosh. - And! - Actually, that might feel good right now. - You will be fully cranked up. So, a lot is on the line. - Oh gosh, full crank? - We're gonna go with Rhett first on this round. - Ay, A. - [Host] There are two As. - [Rhett] Oh. - Crank over here, please. - Oh gosh. (clicking) Oh, no! Ooh, that was a sound. - Was that your body? - I don't know. - Was it your body? (laughing) Is that your body releasing something? - S. - [Host] There is one S. - One S. - Yes. (clicking) - Put him on his tiptoes! - Oy, ya wagner. - Oh man. - T? - There are two Ts. (sighs) Crank over here. (clicking) - [Link] Ooh! - [Host] Uh-oh. - [Link] Oh, there's a rip. - We've started to rip. - G. - There are no Gs. - I don't know why I said G! - Crank again. (clicking) - [Link] Oh man, I'm rippin'. Ooh! Ey. - [Host] What are you goin' for next? - R. - [Host] There are two Rs. - [Rhett] Okay. - Another crank for Link! (clicking) - Ooh, ooh, ooh! - Ooh, oh my. - Ooh, what's happenin' back there? - [Host] That's not lookin' too good. - Oh! I can't think! Have I guessed G? (laughing) - Give it, give him a G! - L! - These are no Ls. - Dang it! (laughing) (clicking) Oh! Oh! - Okay, there's something, there's definitely some noises happenin' over there. - Aw, oh! - [Host] Pretty soon it's gonna be-- - This is the part that's hurting! - [Host] A little bit of a necklace situation. - Oh, I'm gonna go with E. - There are two Es. Which is not good news for you. - Dang it, I forgot I could guess vowels! I keep thinkin' this is Wheel of Fortune! (laughing) (clicking) Oww! (laughing) - O, you say? - Yeah? - There are zero Os. (laughing) (clicking) (shouting) O? (laughing) Oh my. - Wow, the tables have turned! (groaning) - He got his G, though! His g-string! (laughing) Rhett. - I. - [Host] There are two Is. (laughing) - No! (clicking) (groaning) - Oh my God. - (shouting) I would like to solve the puzzle! I would like to quit! - You really wanna solve the puzzle? 'Cause you know what that means. (laughing) - Nope. H! - [Host] There are two Hs. - [Link] Yes! - So a crank over here. - Relief, gimme a relief crank! - No! (groans) (laughing) - Now, we didn't have these things to hold up with our hands last time. - Are you like reporting on yourself? - Okay. - So therefore, should you let go? - I can't let go. - Okay! (laughing) Rhett. (groaning) - I know it, I know the first three words! - Please sir, put your foot over here! (laughing) Just put your foot, put your foot right here! - No. - Come on, Lucas! Come on! Crank Frank number two! Lucas! It's me, Link! - [Lucas] It's not Lucas. - Just put your foot here, so I can put my weight on it! (laughing) (groaning) - It's me, Link. - What in the what? - I'm gonna have to ask you for a letter because this hanging by his-- - Yeah! N. - [Host] There are two Ns. - Oh, oh, oh, oh! (clicking) (groaning) - [Host] Wow. (groaning) - Okay, all right. - Oh gosh! Oh! - Hey Link, you look great. (groans) You're sweating a little bit. - I'm freakin', I'd like to solve the puzzle! - Okay. - Thicker than a snicker! - [Rhett] Dang it! - Oh my God! - Thicker than a snicker! - You're right, you're right! (bell ringing) - Is that a phrase? - Release, release, release! (groaning) I think we can go, we can-- (shouting) Okay, all right. Well, now it's time-- - What even is thicker than a snicker? I've never even heard of that! - Yeah, I was gonna say, thicker than a sticker? - We gotta crank this man up! And crank this man down. Let's crank him up! - Yes, crank him up! (clicking) (groaning) Yeah! (shouting) Whoo! (clapping) (shouting) (laughing) Crank him all the way! Whoo! (laughing) - I'm in so much pain! What did I do? I'm thicker than a snicker! (laughing) - Guys! Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing-- (shouting) Can you guys say, you know what time it is? - You know what time it is? Time to get me down! - Hello, I'm DJ. This is Mr. Kitty. We're from Turlock, California. And it's time to spin the wheel of Mythicality. Aww. - He's not a fan. - That's a giant cat! - Click, well, it's depth perception. - Ah! - Click the top link to find out what underwear is best for gettin' a wedgie in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land! You can now secretly snag some Mythical Society swag, logo tees and more are available now
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,043,819
Rating: 4.9481654 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, Wedgie Machine Challenge, Best Wedgie-Proof Underwear (TEST), hangman, hang man, wedigeman, wedgie man, wedgie, wedgie machine, game, good mythical morning game, guessing game
Id: 3WDr9k6RzVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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