How is Twitter free? #21

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laughing my ass off I just got home and this was inside a package addressed for me amazing and this girl's just tweeted out an image of her burrito blanket and it looks pretty good I'm not gonna lie this is so unnecessary where do I buy one left my number for the waitress that called me hon four times last week she's yet to call me why even show interest in the first place I mean I'm just gonna take a quick guess it might be because he ordered eleven mountain Jews tries to watch as quietly as possible the girl in the video me a few years ago tries to leave computer and that headphones get unplugged caption this and this is the image by the way just a guy chillin Anna's been having a great when you take a 30 minute nap but wake up four hours later he fakes tweets are saying a study found that when sober rats prefer silence but on cocaine they prefer jazz what are we supposed to do with this information sparkling water should only ever be purchased by accident I'm not gonna like ice I think he has a point with this one it's intimate and sacred your body is a temple and you shouldn't share it with anyone who's under six foot and then some guy reply to suite of this image here quotes he needs to be six foot all taller with a nice beard drive a BMW and have its own house huh and it's just me I can't even scroll in peace truly I'll never understand the bullying that has people on the six forget it is absolutely awful Oh God Oh looks like you forgot your Spanish lessons again you know what happens now Ivan is a DT sense of a notification say it's true there alone back door proceed record on the Julian goes coming to get this kid because he skipped the Spanish lessons whatever you do kids do you not mess with your lingo caption this I don't even know what this video is supposed to be but his kite looks live it however II enter the queue at McDonald's after they forgot my sources next up we have the Daily Star tweeting out young men aren't having because quote they'd rather play video games yeah for tonight doesn't cheat on me this is a really sad epic game a moment right here kids yeah cool and all but have you ever played lego starwars with your best mates honestly the best thing about all of this is the fact that there's actually a genuine study taking place which found that there's been a depreciation in the amount of people having said nope wait let me make it family-friendly a depreciation and the amount of people smashing when we first me versus when you get to know me okay so this when you first meet the guy you know he's looking smart when you get to know him he's got anime sucks on there we go boys anime girls once again prevailing in society let's get it I want to start in a Netflix series Twitter do your thing we supposed to do he makes a good point to be honest like I mean if you just post a couple of selfies of yourself saying yo guys I want to be in a Netflix series Twitter do your thing I mean unless Leonardo DiCaprio gives you a cheeky retweet I can't really see it happening hello is this Netflix yeah I'd like to make a request sir this is Walgreens yeah that's what happens when you ask Twitter to get you featured on a Netflix series they think they're calling up the Netflix hotline but it's actually Walgreens looking for the worst tweet on Twitter okay this guy's got a pretty good choice right here what's a time to be a gamer I caffeine this guy might be right this genuinely could be the worst we on Twitter no longer a virgin 100 emoji hashtag marriage rocks as an epic achievement right there oh my god how dare to give this man a verified tic and not me next up Benji tweets are saying if you can't finish a capri-sun in under a minute you are literally the biggest [ __ ] sincerely your local alpha male Benji make the first line of your Twitter bio is Rd Benji five-foot-seven and pretty definitely an alpha male lads is it just me who spent like four plus years learning a foreign language and cannot speak a single words trust me it's not just you kara don't even get me started on my abilities to speak French after saying it for like eight years to most like it says I play football with my son and I don't even have a son Prince Harry says fortnight's shouldn't be allowed in the UK when you come second in fortnight I guess that he ain't too gamer what a casual am i right next up this good tweets out saying we deleted light theme oh no discord please God please no I mean D tweeted this out on 31st of March they could've at least tweeted out on April the first come on next up we got the guy who likes to put copyright claims on everybody's reaction videos you disgrace me just kidding I love the bloke swell guy dr. Phil tweets out saying well I did it this truly is a sad moment in the history of planet Earth dr. Phil shaving his mustache you sent your mustache to the ranch everybody get down quick it's a morgue stweet yo guys give me some crazy deaths that we've never done before give Kira Brita to fainted XD good to eat bro very good to eat what does he Miguel by day servant of Cthulhu by night this is probably the most cursed image to ever feature on the house twitter free epic series um come pick me up I'm scared okay so I peed on his pregnancy test how long am I supposed to wait for results I don't know who the father is but I really hope it's not me caption this now I don't smoke as one sip of alcohol me so I thought this guy was checking me out at the gym then he comes up to me and says hey can I tell you something your form is trash engage your core humble dish out of me laughing my ass off time to deposit my check you give fans to understand this I love you feeling a bit lightheaded mate me after lurking and putting 1 and 1 together and getting 47 we need a Disney Princess that drinks free vodka cranberries and text her ex-boyfriend said to somebody on Saturday me you don't like the bloke out of Emmerdale and he turn around goes you're gonna look like the bloke of casualty in a minute huh stop laughing about it since how'd it go in my little brother's room say no we can't your purpose next door so I've just got ready and left best get some good karma while this man is a true hero if you believe me when I say I'm five minutes away that's your own personal only people who are late for absolutely everything will understand this which is a bigger flex like for airports retweet for rich boy Winston on route 104 using a full restore on its level 7 Zigzagoon I bet British boy Winston has his own airports I bet a Zigzagoon has a certain airports I bet the pokey bully keeps his Zigzagoon in has its own airports I bet the belt he keeps the pokeball on which contains Zigzagoon has its own airports buddy our bet is pokedex has its own air pods I put the full restore has its own airports ok I'm gonna stop now gave myself whiplash whilst editing I need a holiday give me country recommendations Smithwick Birmingham wow breaks it's really done some great things to Birmingham truly one of the finest globes in all of history nine-year old me I need supplies for a project due tomorrow parents at 9:15 p.m. you knew about this project for a week and waited till the last day to tell me what you need for it go to bed you're getting a zero five minutes later what do you need I'm going to the store yo this your favorite rapper really and he's attached this image here I guess he's trying to roast this guy's out feel something some to make millions others make memes my friend got dumped last night and this morning we had a group FaceTime cool where everyone shared how much we hated him was about two hours of going through what garbage disband is at one point I said NASA is still looking for his hairline another back together it's gonna be pretty oak with the next time she sees her friend's boyfriend I'm not gonna lie do other people fall in love with characters from TV programs to the point when you finish it you were genuinely sad cuz you missed them or am I just nuts no trust me I feel this too seriously every day I think about Heisenberg and Jesse Pinkman if you haven't watched Breaking Bad already by the way go and watch it is incredible where she pops up with so you think I'm an idiot and 28 attachments [Music] genuinely if you've never had this happen to you I have to say it probably is one of the most terrifying things of all time like literally if your girlfriend hits you up saying you think I'm an idiot and then you see 28 attachments you know she's probably up some naughty screenshots for things you've been saying or in my case it'd probably just be me appearing online playing cs:go after telling my girlfriend I'm too busy to see her just kidding I don't have a girlfriend yo any girls want to hit me up just DM me okay next up we have a tweet of Jacob sutorius playing with everybody's mind by this next tweet genuinely will make you question life and planet earth and the cosmos into University wait universe your future self is watching you right now that's right kids you're probably sitting on your couch right now without a girlfriend of course living a very lonely life watching how its Twitter free episode 21 what you're living right now will soon be a memory of you in the future Thank You Jacob sutorius for making everybody trip out choose whenever I watch have fainted how is Twitter free video my day gets so much better thank you bro already appreciate it and hopefully you're watching this video right now going oh my god mom I'm gonna house twitter free episode is we going live with one viewer bro human face time so yeah there we have a guys that is it for this episode of house twitter free i really hope you guys have enjoyed and if you have feel free to go check out the other episodes because this is obviously a very large series so if you're new around here just click in the top right of your screen there should be an annotation that directing you guys towards the series playlist or alternatively you could simply just click on the end screen or the link down below in the description that's just for those two you guys that may want to flow through the rest of the episodes of those you guys who've already watched all the episodes just want to say a massive thank you to you guys your support has been absolutely incredible on this series I truly can't thank you guys enough and as always guys don't forget to send me your funny tweets at feinted sad on Twitter and hey maybe just maybe you'll be featured in the next episode so yeah I'll see you guys in the next video have a great day much love peace [Music]
Channel: Fainted
Views: 1,055,731
Rating: 4.9165134 out of 5
Keywords: how is twitter free, how is twitter free?, twitter, funny tweets, funny, tweets, funniest tweets, fainted, How is Twitter free? #21, how is twitter free 21, top tweets, meme, memes, episode 21, part 21, series, playlist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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