Top 10 Most Toxic Pokemon EVER

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okay so first of all there's like this weird banging that's going on outside of my window I don't really know what's going on because I live very high up and apartment building so if you hear it hopefully you won't hear it but if you hear it then maybe you know what it is because I don't know anyway so there was thinking about which video I wanted to post today actually that's why I'm posting this what two days from when I film it so anyway it's Wednesday right now it's Wednesday evening so anyway I was thinking about topics that I thought could be interesting for a potential video and one thing that I thought about if I could be cool was top 10 most toxic Pokemon of all time and I'm not talking about poison types and talking about really bad for the competitive meta game so I have with my friend Erin trailer shadows - Erin trailer gone through and compiled the list of from our experience the 10 worst Pokemon for the meta game and so we had a couple of criteria here cuz what do we mean what I mean versus by like worst you know what I mean by toxic here what does this mean so there's a couple criteria we're gonna be ranking these on the first is power versus bull honkey basically power like power being how overpowered a Pokemon is Pokemon is so much stronger than everything else it's generally pretty bad for the meta game for example imagine you had something like I don't know Kyogre and a meta game like 20 20 right where there wouldn't be maybe as many counters as you would like or you know even a meta game like 2011 right there's obviously never been a case of that but having Pokemon some Pokemon are always gonna be stronger than others right you would never expect Caterpie to do as well as like Garchomp for example however it's not when there's when it reaches a point in a format where one Pokemon is so much stronger than everything else like there's a gap between the top and the next highest thing is significant that's a problem for the format and the other is variants or bull honkey or luck or whatever you want to call it and so Pokemon that basically introduced a lot of chaos into the game and and make the game much more luck oriented and they're just generally a horrible nightmare to deal with those are the two things the two biggest criteria we were looking for some other things that helped to shore up the arguments and also it helped us like rank within like once we had a list of ten helped us rank some higher versus lower other questions are did it change a mechanic did it cause the mechanic to be changed that's a big one other question is does a counter itself generally a Pokemon the counters itself is generally it's it's a problem it depends none of its offensive or defensive countering but that's something we considered and then did invalidate a lot of other pokemons so whether that's because a Pokemon was too strong on the power ranking and the power scale or whether it was such a good support Pokemon that it made other Pokemon invalid by just like my opportunity cost those are other things that we considered so once again the four categories we asked our how powerful is it and how lucky oriented is it did it change the cause of mechanic to be changed to the counter itself and did it invalidate a lot of other pokemon whether be it offensively or defensively now that we have our criteria let's talk about the list so fans of this channel will be no not surprised at all see that our number 10 pick is in sinner or so and sooner or is on this list it is the lowest pick on this list though it's the least toxic of these talks of Pokemon let's talk about why instant or was problematic in VGC 2019 it was on virtually all teams I think it was on about 85% of the teams and it was just it was just a nightmare to deal with and the reason it's not higher on this list is let's go to red criteria it doesn't rank super high in the power scale although people didn't run dark NEMC on it where it's in dmz I should say allowing it to do damage but for the most part it was just a really good support pokemon however it's also not super high on the BF scale like it doesn't include that much variance on its own so yeah therefore that's why it wasn't ranked higher however it did cause a mechanic to be changed not like on itself but intimidate did change this year so they added certain abilities that would make you basically immune to intimidate in addition to clear body and like full metal body and stuff like that they added new ones like oblivious and a couple other ones that inner focus for example that prevent you from being intimidated so yeah um it didn't counter itself in sin or I guess yes and no because it's not it's like neither an offensive or defensive well it's a defensive piece but it's not like a variance heavy piece you can bring in to intimidate other in center or but it would it was not in Senora was not an intern or a counter it would just lower the damage output however the reason is on this list is because it did invalidate a lot of other Pokemon it was such a good support Pokemon that you really if you didn't have a sinner team there weren't that many better options and so yeah just because it was on every team and allowed positioning to be so I don't know it made it basically dragged out games and allowed quote like allowed uh how do I say it it crew was like the perfect defensive piece and although that sounds good in theory when everybody has it it just made things like I don't know very like tooth and nail battles and it just wasn't a good potent one for the format in my opinion um it gave people too much room to work with it was it was just too good of the supporters especially when you paired it with things like Kyogre and xerneas and alike so yeah uh we should say it did invalidate Lu Nala in a sense but people still use the Nala lean all actually would go on to win the World Championship so it clearly didn't invalidate it too much in terms of what Anora actually did I guess I just assume people knew but I should actually explain it I will definitely spend the other ones more in-depth and sooner or would you stake out in in two minute and you turn in addition to really good recovery via via the berries or a good Pokemon to use the really good recovery of the varies I should say which is a lot I would allow it basically to stick around for a really long time it could run snarl if it wanted I didn't have parting shot in 2019 however it's still ad you turn to allow it to switch and you can also like I said run defensively you were gonna take out flare blitz darkness lariat you turn and some of the people would run snarl or roar you could run roar on it over the flare blitz have you wanted as well so yeah overall just a really solid defensive piece that look like intimidate shuffling you turn swooshing out with primal abilities and sometimes terrain abilities it was just very difficult to deal with and there wasn't any there wasn't like that many quick ways to get rid of it I started like Kyogre so yeah just just a really frustrating Pokemon to deal with overall again the reason another reason it's not higher is although it was introduced in 2017 it didn't really see usage until 2018 and it wasn't it wasn't that problematic of a Pokemon in 2018 in my opinion it was popular but not not like overpowering and in 2020 although it's been introduced it's not thanks to the success of the bandits in our merch it has not been as overwhelming as as it could have been so and Sid arose number 10 on the list in part because it's it's although it was really dominant for the format of 2019 it didn't seem like it wasn't eyes were powered and the other formats that have played in so that's why it's loud next up number nine we have a ogre but specifically wait where's Claver oh yeah something Games had to go to well that didn't work we give you this Djinn seven watching types there's probably better I'm doing this but this is the way I did it we're do two Kyogre neck so specifically scarf Kyogre um I guess you might be able to argue that primal Kyogre was bad as well but I wouldn't I wouldn't put it kind of like primal Kyogre on this list personally scarf Kyogre however is higher than in sonora because it have a significant impact over one and a half formats the flu the one format is 2010 there was a combination of scarf Kyogre and hip Montauk and it was just very difficult for people to deal with it was actually technician hitmontop and I believe it ran faked out in faint among other things but yeah it was just a very very powerful Pokemon I can't speak that much about 2010 because I didn't play back then and I don't like to speak about formats that I haven't played but scarf over is well known like extremely well known of the VGC community for its dominance in 2010 and in VDC 2019 there were three formats there was Sun Moon and ultra and and Sun and Moon scarf Kyogre it was very good it was very very good that was before primal Kyogre was allowed and so yeah scarf Kyogre kind of dominated both those formats Kyogre xerneas was really good there was a popular team with tornados which would use tailwind and Cortana it was just a very dangerous team and really hard to stop and the problem with scarf behavior was it gets drizzle which sets its own water and it gets waterspout which is a spread move that has 150 base power so yeah boosted by rain boosted by Tigers high special attack and then boosted by the choice scarf it's very difficult to deal with and yeah it's very very high on the power scale if you remember what we were talking about at the beginning of the video so on the power versus the long enough scale its power its power ranking is very high it was much more powerful than a lot of Pokemon in the format and I would say I don't know if I would say defined a format however it definitely contributed to - it was like you couldn't you couldn't enter a tournament and be like oh I'll just won't play any scarf pay over nor could you say oh I could just enter a tournament I won't think about my KOCO matchup neither of those were acceptable you would lose for sure that was a very popular Pokemon and its power was significant and even if you build a team that you thought could handle it oftentimes you'll lose to it and I'm speaking from personal experience like it was with the support Pokemon it had access to it was very dangerous and it was not super easy to counter so yeah that's that's what I thought I feel about scarf Kok um in terms of other moves different origin pulls for another good spread move it's called or ice beam or thunder generally five of this or four of this five ice beams called origin POLST under and waterspout yeah yeah we're so we're specifically talking about a scarf kayo go right now primal Kyogre is a whole nother thing I don't think primal Kyogre is that toxic in the format I don't think it's not over like it's very strong but I don't think it's that I don't think it's the same degree as regular Kyogre especially because grab primal Groudon is kind of a built-in primal Kyogre check so I don't know moving on we're actually gonna talk about a Pokemon I think a lot of you'll be surprised to see we're gonna talk about Heatran so kietryn might be a pokemon that you guys you know might be like like I said this is probably surprising to a lot of you because heatran like isn't as well known for being like overpowered or anything however similar to scarf kay ogre we're talking about only one variant of Heatran which is by the way another reason that scarf Kyogre and this Heatran are low is because we're only talking about one type of them whereas for the Pokemon higher the list I can talk about pretty much any kind of them and it would be fine um the reason he shirt is on this list is for VGC 2013 where for one tournament the world championships eruption Heatran was extremely popular I think it's all play in Japan as well before that however yeah basically for the World Championships excuse me eruption he trend was a big deal and you had to have solid answers to it and the reason it's number eight on this list is because eruption Heatran is only available via pokemon ranger it's an event that you have to get in fighting pokemon ranger and it's overall just a nightmare to get the might even been an event within Pokemon Ranger I can't recall but yeah basically it was nature lock to be quiet so basically this Pokemon defined a tournament and the tournament happened to be the 2013 pokemon world championships and you can only get at the event and that's really really not healthy for the game I'm having an event Pokemon like this from fourth generation be meta defining and even apart from that it's a very similar just kind of scarf tigers damage output people were on fire gem eruption Heatran and if you got out of position you weren't taking that like maybe your Pokemon wouldn't be Oh code but like a single hit of fire gym eruption and people were pairing it with Cresselia who would helping hand it sunny today often getting either like a sunny day fire jump news interruption or a helping hand boost interruption is extremely dangerous and the way that gems worked back in the day is that if you were at a gem acted like I wanted to Pokemon and let's say I would like let's say I'm like okay my opponent is fire champion I'm gonna protect with both my Pokemon to burn the fire gem gem doesn't go off so you had a guarantee like I mean as long as you launched a fire attack you couldn't misfire basically like it the worst they'd protect one Pokemon you hit like Tyranitar or something but yeah very dangerous Pokemon and it wouldn't be on this list I think on its own but because of the difficulty to get and the nature lock it makes the list next up okay next up is a Pokemon maybe he doesn't expect to see higher we're gonna talk about Landorus therian for him so Landorus therian is a pokemon that did very well for very many formats it was used in 2013 when it was first introduced and it was you know meta defining for sure oh sorry let's talk about Heat really quickly he turns really high on the power miss scale of the power versus balana mechanic it did change a mechanic actually it was responsible in part for a mechanic change in that you could no longer bring old generation pokemon in using the VGC that was started in 2014 I think because of things that happened in 2013 it did counter itself with earth power and it didn't validate a lot of other pokemon thanks to effective coverage okay now let's talk about Landorus so first of all let's go through the rankings first of all power it had a lot of power it was significantly significantly powerful and it also ranks high on the BF scale because of rockslide rockslide flinching things people were on scarf Landorus myself included today and yeah very very high on the BF scale because well no not very very high but high enough of the BS scale because a rockslide that it's actually ranked unlike Heatran which isn't really very high on the BF scale or Kyogre or in a row those guys aren't really high on the BS gavel Andrus is did it change a mechanic you could argue with intimidate it did it kind of counters itself defensively like you could switch Landorus into Landorus and it had validated a lot of other Pokemon both on offensive coverage and a better support choice yeah so Landorus is a really good pokemon it has incredible stats we can take a look at the stats right now the theory inform is down here it's 90 180 105 90 145 that's the big one in 89 so good defenses I'm blocking special events good defenses are really really good at axed at a decent speed stat and really good moves so the ground and flying coverage is nice to only or only weak to ice and water I think and intimidate is huge intimidate was is an amazing ability and in 2013 like you basically like if you if you want to use something like Gliscor for example of her Landorus there'd be no point you would just be like the biggest idiot in the world basically so in the worlds but yeah like it's just a super strong Pokemon that's involved in a lot of other Pokemon because it's raw power you need encounters to it it has really good coverage move so not only does it get earthquake and rockslide it also gets you turn into super power so 2013 alone just they would make the list but then you consider its impact on 2015 where it was extremely popular got some use in 2016 had some use in 2018 I think it did pretty well in some tournaments and then don't remember that much use of 2019 so yeah but basically I would say that it defines 2013 it's a it's a Pokemon to met at a Pokemon that have helped to find a meta game in 2013 I would argue similar things in 2015 so it has to meta games on the on the list and yeah has both high power and high variants that we were really torn to number 7 versus number 6 and the end we put Lander is number 7 over number 6 because it is less like it had the fact that the UPS counter itself in this case defensively not offensively is treated as a negative for that for this ranking if that makes sense when we ranked it lower because it adds a defensive check to itself which means it's like less variant I guess um anyway yeah so basically I think that's all I mean most people who have seen VGC before the snow that Landorus is problematic and it was so popular as well however it's kind of a trap is what like Aaron and I concluded both lenders and in Sonora is because like they aren't that toxic it's just that their usage is super high so like of course it's not a good Pokemon in my opinion to have in a format but it's mostly it's May the main reason that looks as bad as it does is because it's so popular which isn't necessarily a factor of like how toxic of a Pokemon is is it is it's just like a very good Pokemon so definitely still toxic don't get me wrong but definitely not healthy for a meta game but not as bad as Nick it looks next up we're on number 6 I'm moon goes so moon this is a Pokemon I don't hate a mungus sometimes a humungous introduced in generation 5 mungus was an extremely popular Pokemon in 2011 has some bees in 2012 had a lot of used in 2013 had a lot of used in 2014 had a lot of used in 2015 had a lot of used in 2016 wasn't legal in 2017 had a lot of used in 2018 had a lot of used in 2019 it okay going through the scale power no it's not a powerful Pokemon but Bs ranks extremely high it's a very variant pokemon its ability originally was effects poor they gave it regenerator which ended up being more used after 2014-2015 it was almost always regenerator however effect support was used before then but the thing about amoonguss is it's an amazing support pokemon it's got really good bulk we can take a look at it to bulk together really good book defenses are low but the high HP compensates for it and the freedom and item choice helps as well and it's one of the best spore users you might argue with the best for user because there's high natural bulk its ability its ability to regenerate and heal its health and yeah overall it's just it's just an amazing defensive piece and it also gets rage powder so going through the other things did it change in mechanic amoonguss on its own is solely responsible for two mechanic changes the first is that you cannot score grass types the second is that grass type cannot grass-type fill ignore powder moves these two mechanics in my opinion were changed solely because of a Mobius amoonguss got both of those mechanics changed which is pretty significant the thing about amoonguss is that sleep is just ridiculous it's a broken status condition with you know the ability to knock a Pokemon to basically take a Pokemon out of commission for three turns that's ridiculous and in previous generations it was even more than not the generations where movies is legal yeah but sleep it's just broken there's not much to say about it does the counter itself is kind of a hard question I would say it didn't in Gen 5 or you could spore itself where you explore it although I guess you can't I don't know it's really actually hard to argue for this morning that counters itself or not but in terms of invalidation it invalidates a lot of Pokemon so a lot of support Pokemon just can't keep up when you have a move this is an option like yeah and also a lot of Pokemon there's like a lot of slower teams that can't like remove a move is fast enough really suffer because the mughals will score everything that you can't get rid of it quickly enough so I don't know I think I think I moombas is not a very healthy Pokemon it's just too good at the support piece especially when you consider a route generator so you can switch it in now to kill it without sacrificing an item and when you consider like you can tailor it for a meta game if talent is really popular can run mental herb if mega kangaskhan is popular you can run rocky helmet if you know you want to run max speed amumu it's like I have done you can focus a sh you can run oka berry or co-vary if you want to survive certain hits it's a very dangerous Pokemon and it requires very specific counter play they also added safety goggles in large part because of amumu yes like I don't think it's in my opinion I don't think safety goggles was added because they're like men sand and Hale are so powerful like what if there was a way we could stop it no they added it because of a munis and because of how powerful Anubis is so I'm a monk it's got kind of three major changes to the game on its own and I think that warrants the number six spot on our list number five okay number five might surprise people is gonna be talonflame so talonflame is a super super toxic pokemon in my opinion not anymore okay you know what we're talking about specifically Gen 6 talonflame talonflame in 2014 was honestly just a menace it's gell wings ability used to work that all flying-type moves were just + plus one priority or increased by one priority stage which meant it had priority brave bird so in 2014 people were slapped the choice band on their talonflame or a LIFO brother talonflame and we just clicked a brave word button and that was a format where the Intimidators were a little bit lacking like intimidate wasn't as easy to come by you could run non mega salamence which is very popular you can run scruffty which I use personally mega Mawile picking up helped kind of weaken talonflame but also it was a steal and fairy-type versus a fire-type so it didn't help that much um yeah but Tom's leap on its own kind of defined him at a game in my opinion 2014 in choice band talonflame were a real a real thing you had to consider and like there was so many Pokemon that just couldn't handle talonflame power choice Brent brave bird was just ridiculous and very very many Pokemon couldn't switch into it because you know the opponent would have a partner as well they'd have Garchomp or than have making a canyons conner they'd have amoonguss or they'd have salamence and it was so hard for for a pokemon to keep up with his choice man Pokemon that many people were just not not able to be used in my opinion because you had a priority 120 base power move with the choice band and even though Tom claims offensive stats which we can take a look at aren't especially high 81 attack and 74 special attack the high base speed and the priority choice band brave bird which is a powerful move was significant enough that it warrants the number 5 spot in our list in terms of power versus belaga it should be clear that the power is the real thing that Nets damaging talonflame here on our toxic Pokemon list did change of mechanic it changed its own mechanic talonflame was so good that it caused him to can't it's own mechanic gal wings to be changed and it was changed that it only works in the Pokemon is that full HP which might not sound like a big deal but because brave bird has recoil it is a big deal it's a really big deal it kind of nerfed talonflame significantly to the counter itself hard to say tell of them could one-shot other talonflame so I would say yes personally yeah and then um you could also run quick guard and talonflame people would do that at times quicker Talon was a thing yeah and we've already talked about excuse me invalidation it validated so many Pokemon in 2014 and you know got some views in 2015 not very much though and actually you know what no hangar there's one more thing I want to talk about with talonflame talons leg was on the original big six team it was talonflame Groudon xerneas Smeagol kangaskhan and I believe salamence double mega yeah and prankster tailwind was kind of problematic when you had Pokemon like primal Groudon and mega kangaskhan and you know like xerneas so and smeargle although you wouldn't really do talent lips before most of the time unless you were just chaotic or are you just like rolling dice I guess it's the same thing but yeah so for those two meta Games 2014-2016 talonflame was a really really big problem and it was such a it was like how do you stop prankster talent how do you stop prankster brave bird says you really don't have access to good intimidate users and you still filled Pokemon they can make a kangaskhan and amoonguss and Garchomp I don't know it's really it's really hard to deal with um decision win world just talonflame who did the talonflame yeah he did say 2001 worlds of 2014 yeah next up anybody who played Jim sticks pgc should not be surprised with this we have mega Kangaskhan so back in Gen 6 mega kangaskhan was introduced the way that it worked is it it had it had parental bond where is it oh yeah and had parental bond moves which allowed the first move to hit for full damage and the second move to is hit for one point four point five times the damage so it's ability is a built-in choice band however it's better than choice Bank as it hits twice which caused all secondary effects to be doubled and also broke focus ash so let's talk about kangaskhan this thing was horrible 2014 meta defining 2015 meta defining 2016 may be not met in defining but extremely extremely powerful on the best team for the whole format up until worlds let's look at its stats phase 105 HP 125 attack 100 defense 100 special events and 100 speed this is reducer ridiculous stats like truly truly ridiculous fast powerful and bulky and as if that weren't enough an amazing move pool so it has access to fake out which is already kind of problematic and then you give it power a punch so power of punch kangaskhan plus amoonguss was so powerful in 2014 2015 people were uncle Feri people would power punch themselves they didn't in 2016 as well power punch Kangaskhan ruled those formats people would just power punch themselves and you know like cuz because you like it forced this horrible mind game where you relieve Kangaskhan and let's say smear or moon guess right let's say let's or anything Kangaskhan concerning us right maybe not Serena's Kangas compost ground on whatever if you didn't have a fake-out user immediately in play your you wanted to make a defensive move turned one right oftentimes that would be protecting with both of your Pokemon however if your opponent read that they get side power punch power punch to partner and give themselves +2 attack +2 attack in a single hit and +2 kangaskhan is an is a menace they also gave it sucker punch for priority return which is an amazing normal types tab and double edge so in terms of power versus BS it ranks pretty high on the power scale I'm not gonna lie it kind of outclassed a lot other Pokemon in 2014 and never won worlds though I think unless I'm confused but I don't think it ever won worlds which is surprising given how good it is but yeah did it change a mechanic yes parental bond was nerfed to 1.25 and they removed power punch from from the TM list I think specifically because of kangaskhan did encounter itself yes and no they were people were done locate Kangas gone to OCO other kangaskhan that was in the meta adaption that happened to 2015 and someone to 2016 as well so yeah I would say it countered itself and did it invalidate a lot of other Pokemon yes both for offensive power and for the support it provided fake out pressure on a bulky pokemon is ridiculous but mostly for the offensive power the just the ability to boost your attack and even without the built-in choice ban in the bulk it's an amazing pokemon as in Jenin gem 6 and yeah i mean it was it was actually super broken and it was not easy to play around and there wasn't that much counter play people would run like specific poem like people would run I was talking to actually it was errant trailer and he had I don't remember anything about like the context of the story but I remember he played like five different rocky helmet users in the first like nine round sort of a tournament or something like everything in rocky helmet people would run effect sport amoonguss that was the thing because you wanted you were trying to like punish Kangaskhan for hitting twice people would run rocky helmet on everything suicune and moombas Cresselia like every demos for 2015 yeah yeah i think that stories for 2015 but yeah basically rocky helmet was used to stop this thing like people were trying everything to beat it and even still it was very powerful and it actually did well in 2019 as well 2019 ultra it was on a team that was popular 20:18 and had some use and then 2017 it wasn't legal so yeah Megas kangas called super toxic moving on we have a personal this might be my number one most hated Pokemon endevour words at the top three so there were three is thunderous distinct sucks I hate thunderous so much um thunderous originally was introduced in 2011 with pokemon black and white and VG 2011 it was a fine Pokemon it wasn't great for the meta game but it wasn't terrible people just ran max speed max special attack and would use offensive items on it right focus ash or life orb or whatever that or chardie' berry to beat rocky on who was an autumn honorable mention on this list along with primal Groudon those two our honorable mentions but thunderous so thunderous was fine it looked look like people were gonna use it the way that the developers most likely intended it to be used which is a fast offensive pokemon then Along Came Ray Rizzo Raymond Roman RZA Rizzo and what Ray Rizzo did is he went to Japan and he said okay Japan what are you doing I'm actually not sure if you switch from Japan but he may he may have been may not it but regardless ray rolls up to the 20 2011 World Championships with a different thunderous with a thunderous that was bulky and defensive and held a charge Barry and his intention was to spam thunder wave or wasn't necessarily spam thunder wave but it had the ability to stick around for a while and spread thunder wave and this is before jumping ahead of myself this is before thunder wave was changed so that it said it's you know well thought or it was changed in a lot of ways and paralysis has changed a lot of ways but we'll get there so with the introduction of bulky thunder instant 2011 world's which ray one people realized how good it was and it it took over the 2012 and 2013 meta games it was used in 2015 as well the next time it was legal and somewhat in 2016 as well it was ridiculous it's a Super Bowl key it was not super bulky but it's a very bulky pokemon it lived from you good evening for dragon gem Latios Draco meteor um you can see it as really good special attack really good speed and then decent defenses but if you need or they put all your investment into the defenses you can easily easily live some hits so yeah it actually became pretty bulky especially when you considered pairing it with bulky pokemon or with intimidate users like Landorus therian was intimidate like I said I don't know it's a very very very honest understeer I'm sorry sorry-sorry sorry-sorry didn't even thunderous that's faster and weaker and his higher base attack was doesn't matter unless you want to run defiant but it's a whole other story anyway what the thunders would do is it was sitting around in the field it would spam thunder wave and taunt and swagger which had higher accuracy and higher confusion rate back in the day and it was just so hard to get through it if you couldn't remove it quickly it would pero para fusion or just paralyze your whole team and it could do damage as well so it was a super toxic pokemon on the power scale it wasn't like that much more powerful than everything else in the format but it was so much more baloney there was so much more spaghetti coming out of this Pokemon that is pretty much anything else so it ranks extremely high on the BS scale did it change in mechanic's no it changed what three four Thunder wave is now only one-half speed rather than one-fourth Thunder Wave is now only 90% accurate electric types are now immune to prowl or the mutant paralysis that wasn't true back in the day swagger is now 85% accurate rather than 90 confusion is now 33 percent or 30 percent confuse rate 32 percent confuse rate instead of 50% what else prankster no longer works on dark tights that's six mechanics I just listed and I might have forgotten about one or two thunders change six mechanics on his own because in it and it was still good well after all that it wasn't as good I'm gonna be honest but it's still not bad I didn't do very well in 2018 or 2019 truth be told but they had to nerf it to the ground to the ground because it was so broken six nerfs is what it took to stop thunderous that should give you some idea of how incredibly powerful and toxic it was and it was horrible to play against and thunder is some kind of counter thunders because they would run taunt and it was a stupid speed tie war and your bulky thunderous to taunt the other thunder as first it was awful it's not possible an invalidated so many Pokemon because of like slower teams just couldn't get through I couldn't remove thunder as quickly kind of like a mungus just found themselves like getting cheese did too all all heck so yeah um that's thunderous terrible terrible Pokemon to deal with number two on our list I kinda wanted this thing to be number one but we're putting at number two it's so smeargle I like two things that made Smeagol horrible three things the first is mu D mu D for those of you who don't know will graze the snap by two stages at the end of every turn and lower one by one but there are like basically on a Pokemon likes miracle which doesn't care about its offensive stats it was a very high reward and low ish risk and if Asian boots could end games like many players would go for like a defensive turn one whether it be fake out and protectors is predicted both or faking out an attack knowing the opponent would protect it get a speed or an evasion boost or a defense boost and just win the game from there smear all the horrible Pokemon it started picking it was used a bit in 2010 I think or 2009 I think I don't remember I wasn't around back then so I don't know um but yeah in 2012 it didn't see much use since 2013 I didn't see much use I got a better use in 2014 actually lost to at Worlds because it's able to copy any move at the time so what that meant was it could copy Dark Void Dark Void is one of the most broken moves in the entire game it's an 80% accurate move on both targets that puts both targets to sleep do it you would have won in you would like a basically a what is it point 8 times 0.8 a 64 percent chance of putting both both pokemons asleep which then adds a ton of variance and yeah I was just miserable the stats aren't good and the move pulls I mean obviously broken I get sketch which learns any move in the game but there's so many good support moves on the power scale it doesn't do very well but on the BS scale it's ridiculous people would run spore know people are gonna dart void people would run you know moody they'd run follow me that run fake out they'd run spikey shield they'd run crafty shield like it had so many good moves and they were they were gonna transform two copies earliest so smeargle was broken in 2016 it was horrible people would leave Kangaskhan smear go fake out Dark Void power punch Dark Void etc etc or smeargle xerneas follow me geomancy GG dartboard geomancy protects Dark Void protect geomancy horrible mind games horrible guessing games and there was just so much variance around this Pokemon I wouldn't say countered itself I mean it depend on who at Dark Void and who wants to beat eyes but that's just not a good thing for like you don't want to he determined by smeared all speed ties and invalidated so many Pokemon like so many Pokemon just couldn't play 20 2016 or even 2019 it was it was really problematic and they didn't even run Dark Void Dark Void was removed and 2019 Oh from smeargle but people still ran it with Spore because it was still such a good Pokemon it and it's it's just incredibly incredibly stupid i hate's miracles so much did it change a mechanic let's talk about the mechanics has changed Moody number one moody now no longer will give you of Asian or accuracy booster drops I wonder why Dark Void is now fifty percent accurate instead of eighty percent accurate and smeargle can no longer to learn Dark Void so it change three mechanics basically and it's still good it's still unfortunately very good I mean it's not used in 2020 because it's not in the game thank goodness but I think of it like it will be used again we haven't seen the last Vista me at all yeah you couldn't you couldn't play 2016 without a semi bro answer you couldn't play twenty nine you shouldn't play twenty nineteen without us miracle answer though that well he's like was a bit more reasonable I also want to say for both talonflame for talonflame amoonguss smeargle and thunderous the taboos and their abilities and my opinion rotted in part to nerf this Pokemon electric and misty terrain blocking sleep like electric puts whole thing blocking only sleeve I think is interesting and shows that like the developers know that these Pokemon are broken so electric train blocking sleep mister dream blocking sleep and psychic dream blocking priority from thunderous and busy train blocking status from thunderous and yeah I don't know and and obviously Satan train from stopping talonflame that maybe is Marbury so I retract the talent I'm on but the others I think it shows that the developers knew that these Pokemon were broken and this is their attempt to weaken them and it worked I mean thunderous got nerfed smear go was still good even with the lecture to missy train even with like everything it was still so good so yeah anyway number one on the list my one of my least favorite Pokemon all the time xerneas I hate the xerneas it's so bad it's just a terrible terrible terrible Pokemon and the reason is that they had an opportunity to make xerneas fine and then they didn't take it yeah what makes Ernie's broken is its signature move GM NC which gives you plus two plus two plus two and special attack special events and speed however is a to turn move turn to charge however power activates GMC immediately so you only you can basically spend one turn and an item and get plus two plus two plus two and your ability is a life-form boost on fairy-type moves stronger than a light for boost it's a 1.3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 or 3 times boost on all your ferry to on all fairy-type moves on the field so you can boost your partner's fairy-type moves as law which came into play a bit in 2019 let's go through her criteria power vs BS BS not super high power ridiculous xerneas is so much more powered powerful than anything else in the format that it played in either of the format's have played that it defined both 2016 and 2019 and even though it didn't win worlds either those years it's only because the entire format revolved around journeys in my opinion to change a mechanic know why this is everything this should have changed it mechanic it's so easy just remove power just don't let geomancy work with power and it's fixed it's super fixed but for some reason journey has remains unnerved they tried to nerf it I guess by adding more steel type Pokemon it didn't work so Vallejo is not a xerneas cancer Mike in theory it is but the journeys player pairs it with Groudon and sinner or and moon yes and now now what are gonna do like it sets up at a three-hit caves you or to a Kalos you after any chip it's horrible xerneas is terrible it's an awful Pokemon to deal with did a counter itself depends it came down to speed ties a lot which is stupid and is not good for the game and it in validated everything like you had to Evie your bulky steel type Pokemon your bulky amoonguss just to take ants from Sarnia it's just to be 3 8k advisor Gnaeus meaning you could switch in meaning also even took any other damage you were screwed right like bronze one can be three at kayoed but if you don't if you bring it in too late games over right xerneas swung so many matchups it was such a powerful Pokemon like there there has never been a trailer said to me we were talking about this is something along the lines of like xerneas is the most powerful Pokemon in a format like to ever exist there's never unlike as of right now there's never been a Pokemon stronger than xerneas there's like mega rayquaza no not even close primal Groudon primal Kyogre not even close domain laughs erroneous ridiculous absolutely ridiculous and yeah just just too powerful way too powerful should not should not be and it's all gmc's fault without geomancy to be fine looking at his moves like his move slide is like it's moot Poole's okay people return moonblast dazzling gleam protect and geomancy but look at these stats like even in an uber meta game it's it's stupid it's so stupid yeah it should never it should never have been allowed to exist in the format and in my opinion it kind of ruin 2016 and somewhat 2019 these formats would be so much better without xerneas but yeah I mean that that's just my opinion but anyway that's my most hated Pokemon my the most toxic Pokemon I think competitive pokemon has ever seen even more than smeargle even more than thunder s even more than mega Kangaskhan it's earnest it's so azureus speaking of mega kangaskhan baby Kangaskhan xerneas was another nightmare lead they could go take out in geomancy or they could predict power a bunch and it was like well yeah or they can just move boston attack like a smarty our newest player would place like well enough of the dirtiest that they would always have options and if you'd like I don't know it just made it just was so hard to deal with her attorneys kind of single-handedly popularized haze and like roar and all this stuff that you wouldn't see otherwise so I don't know I hate Sarnia s-- anyway those are in my opinion the ten most toxic Pokemon of all time let me know what you guys think down below in the comments and if you disagree or if you agree or if you think I'm really great at everything thank you so much thank you so much my head's getting really big but yeah anyway that's the list I hope you enjoyed this video let me know if you want to see more of this type of content and I'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 495,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, worst pokemon, worst pokemon games, incineroar, landorus, landorus t, landorus-t, most toxic pokemon, toxic pokemon, worst pokemon ever, bad Pokemon, worst pokemon every type
Id: oiNbzzwC3YQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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