The League Begins! WBE Week 1 VS aDrive

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okay so here we are um this is wbe week one season five season six don't know season something um and i'm going up against a drive now many people have been asking about the battle and where it is and what's going on long story short dan lost power uh he lost power for like i think it's been over a week at this point and so i feel really bad and i told him basically like listen like don't worry about it we'll play the game when we play the game like it's not a problem but um like he has no idea when his power is coming back on so he's hot spotting right now um he is like using a hotspot to connect to uh me um and we're gonna see if it works so he just did a practice game on the battle like on on you know wi-fi it worked fine he's been along without disconnections um but yeah um so we'll see like there might be disconnects we might have to recreate we're just kind of gonna play it by year but currently it's what uh what day is it it's tuesday and we were supposed to like have the match up on sunday so we would have had to play by saturday so you know we don't want this to build up we don't want to you know i i personally like i don't like um i don't like doing two matches at once so i don't like i haven't started a thing i don't even know who my next opponent is i'll be completely honest um just because i find that it's distracting to me if i like you know uh start focusing on on too many games at once um um so yeah so basically like we do want to get it done of course like you know we don't want to hang over our heads um but yeah anyway so this the matchup is kind of weird basically like a lot of my team is very strong against a lot of dance team but there are a couple problem pokemon um pokemon like tojukis for example my answers to are actually pretty limited so um a lot of dan's stronger pokemon of a poor matchup versus oh there we go let's go he says have fun i'm going to say good luck and also have fun um yeah so basically like pokemon like really boom pokemon like dracovish of course are pretty strong however um like he has tojikis which is a pretty hard matchup so you can see my team here i've got um jolteon i intend to bring this match jolteon to scavillier are kind of my main the main points of this team scarf drakovic should have speeds everything on his team it's actually slower than jolteon so i can do some fun stuff there with max shadowball dropping defense and then vicious rend um we've got rhythm with sash i didn't really know what i needed to put in it i already used the solfest and um i figured like stash could be good potentially like if he decides to bring gmx blastoise plus serena um citrus machar is also really good here i think it's bulky with citrus berry um and then archangel is just a solid sport mod i already had citrus very used i figured pasture berry might be useful so yeah um i don't think we could lose this uh the only time dan and i have played vgc as i recall i lost so um yeah i definitely like don't think that this is like i don't think the matchup is super easy nor do i think like like i know that dan could beat me okay one of the things i was most worried about he doesn't bring which is luxury and the other one of the other things i was most worried about which is um which was the whoo huh actually that's not bad um okay cool so he doesn't bring luxury also doesn't bring ryperio both of which are kind of hard matchups for me so hmm i was originally gonna this wasn't my original plan but i tried to build a team that was flexible i kind of like this one two three and then i could also just leave a schedule lead to cavalier if i wanted like there's definitely an option here i didn't expect sand slash and i didn't expect drapey on ah drapion could have taunt although is that really that bad it could be like shell smash tornado as well yeah i think i'm gonna do this and then three and then last slot i think we'll just do this though the issue is that if he does like maybe jolteon up front maybe jilting up front um yeah maybe jolting up front actually let's do this i do like want intimidating of course but i also want to have multiple max pokemon so um i think this is pretty solid i can do some stuff with this i think um because turner could be bulldozed weakness policy which is what i expect but it could also be shell smash and i do want to cover that option uh so even though arc union is pretty strong here i do think i'm just gonna go with jolteon up front say good luck and fun to dan our canadian is pretty strong i think once i know i have a better idea of the sets i'll consider doing that for game two i'm really glad he doesn't bring rapier and i'm really glad he doesn't bring luxury i think his pokemon almost all lose to a scavenger as far as i can tell so um yeah we'll have to give that a shot nina tails and drapeon okay cool so that's interesting for sure um this looks kind of like a do i want a dynamic just out of the gates or do i want to maybe wait a second they can't both be focus ash draping could be assault fest let's see um i think i helping hinder i think we're going to dynamics jolteon like it's pretty strong um this is sasha nina tails which is more threatening in the long run the long run drapion is actually more threatening to what i brought so um maybe just helping him max lightning let's go for some big damage here yeah arcane would have been very strong here but i think it might be taunt drapion which i didn't prepare for so yeah um i think it's probably like clay but i'm not that worried about it maybe i should be yeah i'm also i originally was gonna dynamics of cavalier but i don't think i have to although i do need to be pretty careful about the terminator now but i have some tech to help with the coordinator so i'm just going to dynamic right away jolteon can do a ton of damage with helping hand life orbit modest it's modest nature because dan's fastest pokemon is this nine tails so um yeah i'm not sure early dynamite is good for me here but i think like because i love this and not arguing a i was kind of forced to make an offensive play because i don't really have defensive plays that i can purchase okay i do have dynamics candy which is nice let's see here no dynamics from dan that makes sense these are more defensive pokemon i really didn't think about drapion no scarf okay lightning comes out this is also going to power up future jolteon packs okay we just one shot drapey on that's really nice um so even if you get aurora velop this is still pretty good i think because um we got a one-shot turn one which is nice uh and we gotta let your train off which is gonna power up future attacks so that's all good let's see it should be aurora vale yeah robot comes up okay so i think maybe the trade goes to him but i don't know getting rid of drapey on right away and like nine tails always loses to a scapulae right and i still have scarved dragonfish in the back so yeah i think mosharno is a good ring here uh yeah i like that turn one we did because nine toes might have had the sash we're gonna find out this game and then i can make a more educated play game too um but yeah helping him light for jolteon okay turner comes in are you gonna shell smash on me what is turt newton's base speed am i am i faster than it tur to nature um it's base 36 meaning it's min speed is hmm it's not going to be mid speed if it's shell smash right i'm not oh you guys can't see my moves i'm actually just going to power swap the terminator and max lightning into the details uh this way it can't shell smash on me i think very likely it made dynamaxx here um which is okay but i don't think i once shot the nine tails either without helping hand because of a rory though i'm actually positive i don't well not positive but i'm pretty sure i don't um however this way i think it's called a weakness policy terminator but like this way it can't set up its fight at all offenses switch nine tails out okay this is probably runs on okay this should do a lot of damage though we actually dynamaxes right away okay okay all right okay so excavalier isn't looking that strong here in the end uh let me run some damage calcs jolteon i actually only loaded jolteon oh i didn't even never mind i didn't do it modest life orb let's see modest life orb versus bronzong max lightning comes out how much we're going to do oh my god jolteon's actually insane joel scene is actually insane okay it's min speed it's it's weakness policy that confirms it quake comes out okay uh it's probably physical right i should survive this oh i don't think anything from that yeah that's nice hmm i'm sure anything faster than it is kind of a problem but maybe it's like iron ball bronzong i actually don't know i wouldn't be that surprised the iron ball bronze on here um i don't think it's going to be ghost berry on bronzong okay it is okay it's iron ball bronze on okay okay okay so that so okay oh so then i know the item okay um so i can just psychic and max phantasm here right drop the defense stat um yeah you actually might lose this terminator though i think uh it's actually kind of close because my back pokemon both lose to terminator and escavalee can't protect itself which is kind of bad i think max lighting was better i think that this is a little greedy i think this is actually super greedy ironball bronzong not good like what i'm thinking here okay this is it was greedy but it worked so basically what this is nice is because i'm gonna drop the bronzong special defense stat uh sorry i'm gonna drop the ternator's defense stat which now can no longer reset um i crit it didn't matter that's lifeworks super effective damage um but my both my last pokemon are physical so um yeah i get a little bit of strip damage here it's gonna be like nothing but you never it doesn't hurt um let me go for another max plate which is nice um okay so how do i win this is now my question because i do kind of lose this terminator it has one turn left of dynamics and the issue with what i brought is that none of my people want to protect except for jolteon who's now dead so um none of my pokemon having protect is actually really bad for me uh okay ternator is okay i know i know what's happening it's meant to be terminator i have to make a bait here i think i have i think i have to go for a bait i think i go drakovich and then a heart switch into a scavenger trick yeah into scapulae i could still lose this unfortunately especially if he hard reads this and goes for max fire then i 100 will lose because then i'll have to trick him up and drink a vision and i can't i can't win at that point ideally nine tails protects itself here that's like the best case scenario because it doesn't want to take vicious run plus psychic but i don't like i don't want to officially run psychic because i do think that drakovic is my only way of beating maybe fishes rooms and nina tails and then trigger more than better but yeah i don't think this is a super obvious play i don't think you max flair drakovich here because if you get it wrong you're kind of in trouble protect max guard from tertinator interesting okay he didn't know how much helping him would do so he goes for freeze drive oh that would one shot me for sure that would super much hurt me i hope it don't get frozen okay all right so i got trick room up i don't have overcoat because i figured shell armor is better because together the scavier then turned her then sharna oh i actually might be in some trouble here hang on a second am i in trouble how much i am in trouble how much trouble am i in quake [Applause] last turn of hail last return of roryvale i think yeah it would be the yeah nine times turn one okay wait this is actually kind of a tricky ending let me think this one through i think i reverse trigger an iron head here or wait maybe i go for now because helping hit knockoff isn't going to do enough right it's got to be slash nine tails i think is kind of a bad play i hope he doesn't have he's gotta have protect no it doesn't go for protect oh snap okay it is sash okay this sash hmm okay well this is kind of awkward if i had one shot it then i heat wave oh it's special oh it's special it's dragon pulse uh oh hang on a second this is kind of bad ah i know tert neuter has wave i know what is earth power i know it has a protecting move crits me please no freeze i don't think the matters personally personally um it might matter and i'm going to reverse trick room here and now it comes down to drakovic versus the world hail stops so wait how much does turn near turner kind of sucks right isn't that the whole point of it oh wait this thing doesn't have any special attack dragonfish oh draco meteor doesn't oh it's dynamic dracovish hm dragon pulse won't kill but draco meteor will okay okay okay okay okay okay freeze drive will definitely kill so hmm freeze dry will 100 kill me is the problem so i think i have to make a read here he's plus two special defense on tertinator i am not even sure that the nine tails has protect actually i'm gonna go for the i'm even sure the turner has protected either though um he probably has he's gotta have a dragon move on that thing should i hard read him i haven't revealed my no i've revealed all four of my moves oh this is so tough this is so tough dragon pulse might not even kill me oh wait rock slide i have rockslide oh yeah oh right i have moves that aren't fishes round i totally forgot i forgot the night moves that weren't fishes around wait i should have earthquaked it earthquaked oh no why didn't i earthquake okay i just have protect okay well if i had earthquake i would've done more damage but this gives me a flinch chance and i dropped his defense and his defense is actually really good never mind i bet i miss okay i hope i flinch if it lives with just a little bit i'm gonna feel i think helping an earthquake may have ko'd oh right weakness palsy i forgot i totally forgot oh i don't live i need a flinch i super need a flinch okay draco i should have fishes render that was my bad that was super my bad and the worst part is the crit may matter now because i'm so close but i'm so far oh i should have gone for it that was that was i mean honestly well played tornado was a problem for what i brought but yeah that was definitely oh no i super had this uh psychic a doom nina tails earthquake would have put it in psychic range that was just really lazy play i actually think helping an earthquake what a kid with the defense drop but i'm i'm not positive but it certainly would have been a psychopath that is just psychic psychic um but yeah i wish i had scishok right now i'm not gonna lie yeah but i think i lose game one this is definitely winnable like it's not that bad but uh it's not that good either dang that was super lazy ah so lazy like i guess my team is kind of weak determinator but i see wind oh to drop my speed so you're faster okay i respect it um i'm so especially bulky there's just a ton i'm not especially bulky okay i think i lose all his moves aren't 100 accurate draco comes out i shouldn't take that much from this i think i survive at the very least though i don't know i don't know anything about tornado apparently i survived but barely and yeah now i now i most likely will lose there were a lot of ways that i could have won this game um i just kind of was moving too fast but yeah gg today this is a two out of three so i can still win this set um i know nine tills has sash um very interesting very very interesting i wonder what he was going to do if i led what i was originally planning on leading mine just like having protect protect icy wind freeze dry aurora bell okay we know the movement nine tails we know all the moves in terminator i guess it gets earth power or scorching sands maybe he's probably wondering earth power or scorching scandal ko my gut says no i only have 12 hp left and probably will actually i forgot about telepathy helping an earthquake helping an earthquake i forgot that i like totally forgot the dragon moves worm fish's rend yeah i'd be really careful about this terminator is the truth heat wave comes out connects yeah that's gonna be the game okay yeah i kind of threw this i feel like i i honestly feel like i kind of threw but that's okay gg dan um [Applause] and a special terminator okay and a special weakness policy terminator which is unfortunately i only prep for bronzong i didn't prep for a turnaround so my merchandise too fast which means that if he goes for bulldoze he will be able to do it um he will be able to bulldoze and then we just policy and then attack which is a problem and i don't have that much for that is the truth um apart from not letting trigger go up in the first place so let's see i have to bring this team that's the team that i have um it's basically what he brought i don't think really was good but i do think that my initial impression of bringing arcanine is pretty solid here i have flamethrower or heatwave on our continuing what's my air conditioning moves and why did i understand why i got rid of this nintendo's way earlier because if he's got turn nature in the back which he's gonna bring i flamethrower okay um all right i have more tricks up my sleeve that i haven't shown yet i could do this but drakovich was actually pretty good here and being able to out speed the the oh i locked in way too fast i didn't mean to do that i just meant to oh no well okay this is what i'm bringing i know drink i used this game which is kind of bad because drakovic is really strong however yeah no however so that's just kind of bad um i can still win this game with this cavalier i can still win this game of scavenger for sure for sure for sure but yeah actually i'm not sure i can because my best answer to tertinator was um was drakovic that's like what i was trying to play for in the end game oh why did my earthquake okay i definitely need dragon fish in this matchup so not bringing it's going to make this a lot harder however we know now what we're getting into um we have arcadine which is good uh we know sweet just paul's we knew it was weakest policy going in but we've covered for shell smash anyway we know it's really slow on tertinator i have yawn that's an option that i have um i have snarl arkanine so he's got like he wasn't able to trick him up last game oh also it's definitely heat proof it's 100 heat proof um bronzong lead would be bad i think i don't know if he's gonna go for bronzong lead but i think he actually will i think he's definitely going to focus more on the bronzong this game sand slash near tails okay interesting i wonder so that's four times week to higher which is definitely interesting [Music] he doesn't know what my items are i don't get max quake i feel like there's no way he just left me like if he if i'm in his position i've got to expect something like i feel like he's got supposed terminator here you know because the the heat wave is so obvious um that being said should i keep him honest and just flamethrower time for detect like it seems so obvious so i don't really want to do it but um i think it's fine it's not weakness policy stance like i'm pretty sure nader comes in here however i could have also max lightning that's a lot but i think i might want to dynamics of cavalier this game because it's my trick room sweeper and i wish they'd given the ground move over a water move right now but that's fine okay it just stays in interesting maybe earthquake or joe run okay drill run into my jolteon which is good aurora comes up i don't i might it probably is okabe if he's leading it like that if he's ignoring it like this like i feel like it's gonna be okabery flamethrower comes out no okabe okay maybe it's maybe it's a soulfest actually that would make sense nevermind it just dies okay so just like last game we got a ko turn one but as we saw last game we just lose which is a problem so um yeah but i do have some more tech on my team that i haven't revealed yet so yeah i still have that at least bronzong comes in okay okay um okay we know it has freeze dry which isn't that strong let's go for flamethrower and yawn here we really don't want to let this terminator come in right this covers all the options wow wow wow okay freezer it comes out this is going to be jolteon we break the sash as well which is nice we're going to need that later doesn't do that much damage i just don't want to let him get tripper man shook him up at the wrong time no burns no burns okay trick room oh actually i can cover everything with flamethrower or yawn but then do i lose to hang on a second yeah okay so it's heaper that confirms it um wait a second if i go for flamethrower and yawn here what happens like i take out nina tails and i get yawn on bronzong or i take out or is it just a certain and i get yawn but then what happens that is then it bulldozes and sets up his thing and then i yawn snarl and then i power swap and then i can win yeah yeah you want jolteon okay just switch so i get the terminator to a yawn on it unless he goes for safeguard which i didn't think he would bring if he goes for safeguard here i'm in trouble he raw hypnosis isn't into my jolteon okay that's not good uh that's actually really bad uh actually okay um that's not good we got a little chip damage on the terminator which is gonna be helpful later because again i didn't bring drakovic so this is all i have however like this is still not a great position i think i don't really have a way to stop that either i'm stalling out the aurora turns like i'm stalling out the chicken turns like all this is good um oh i'm helping hand i don't protect what i thought i gave it protect oh god wolf what are you doing um flamethrower bronzong and detect let's get some damage on it putting in max knockoff range how many times left of everything he's gonna switch this turn right he's gotta switch to turn into nina tails so that way we won't let him uh we won't knock out the neenah tails he's not going to bulldoze here is he there's no way and take this take a sleep yeah hypnosis trick room bulldoze plus one driver he takes the sleep i think what's he doing i don't understand hypnosis into my arcanity but misses scorching sands comes out he doesn't care if he falls asleep which is interesting okay oh it's a single target move i thought it was double target okay um we're not doing very much damage is the thing dimaggio we're stalling out trick returns which is nice um gnosis is annoying i mean you don't lose that much by falling asleep i don't disagree with the play but yeah it's a little awkward now turns left are one and two okay let's go for a snarl here in case it wakes up and just hit him with a shadow while stronger um eventually he's gonna make me fall asleep but it's not the end of the world i think damaging this bronzong if notice comes out this one should hit yeah into my jolteon that's fine honestly i actually would rather have this league turns early on jolteon and i can snarl now i wonder if he bulldozes this turn and just hopes for the one turn wake up i missed the oh it's oh it's not iron ball did i mess up my shoulder speed stack because it kind of feels like i messed up my shoulder speed stat because it should i even need to be one point slower than this thing i'm supposed to have oh my god i think i looked at the wrong speedster i i am actually the dumbest person i've ever met in my entire life i even for ie for a carrier oh wait no no i did it on purpose that's what i meant to do okay i did what i meant to do what i meant to do was just stupid i meant to write okay i remember what i did dang it okay turns left lost in the trick room um okay now i know the item i should probably build this oh actually it's probably hypnosis okay he wants aurora back up that's fine we're definitely being annoying i think he's just playing green he's just praying for sleep stuff right now like he wants to hit he wants to pray that he gets good sleep rolls and everything uh second hypnosis this one misses again which is nice arcanine goes for another snarl which is good this is actually kind of annoying if jolteon wakes up here i think i win for sure but if joel's gonna doesn't wake up like the thing is i could very like i very well could get like um totally soloed by like because what i have in the back because i didn't bring dracovish um what happens if jolteon doesn't wake up here that's gonna be my main question like if jolteon doesn't wake up then then we start to run into problems right i need to make sure this turn is correct because like i could feel the needed tails but if i carry the knee details without getting a yawn on the board then i think i probably lose so i'm not going to kill the knee tails i'm going to let them get real back up i pray for the two turn sleep but i got three turns it actually would have been better to fall asleep earlier i think but that's the game i am guaranteed to wake up this turn which is nice however yeah what's not nice is this i haven't even like i think i've only hit bronzong with snarls i think maybe flamethrower was better there but just in case he switched and made an aggressive play i wanted to do this trick goes back up okay cool okay i can make the same play from earlier flamethrower yawn i'm gonna get bronzong with hale and snarl that's super funny i mean a scavenger can always at crayola bronzong which is nice um it's not intimidating is it i don't know if i live in bulldoze i'm gonna be completely honest i have to pray that i live in bulldoze i should have maybe considered burning it earlier uh flamethrower yawn both into nina's house switches out okay this is probably bulldoze if i had to guess it's still asleep oh it's oh no oh no no no no no okay well that was a really bad play by me i forgot i was still asleep now i'm going to wake up and uh and knock here the bra if i kill bronze on here i'm probably in pretty good shape however i didn't kill bronzong instead i yawned into the turd nader slot i forgot i was still asleep i'm playing really poorly honestly i'm really just pointing to myself okay well he's only slept for one turn as i recall so um so it's okay do i think it's gonna i'm gonna go for snarl and switch to masharna i think like i need to make sure yeah i'm just from shauna here i think saving jolteon is kind of in my best interest i think he bulldozes his turn i think i just get destroyed but he might just keep hypnosis thing it's kind of a goofy game like i didn't bring drakovich which makes this so if i had drakovic instead of macharna here i think i'd be in really nice shape because what i could do is go into this cavalier once these two dies set rain up and then like i just saw the iso to time the trip from turns correctly so they get raining at the right time um the worst part is that he doesn't even have to dynamics here he can just like pray wakes up and my gut is telling me he probably gets the one turn to sleep yeah the three turn sleep i didn't need that i a two turn was fine but a three turn sleep is pretty bad um i do have jolteon kl the two pokemon that aren't ternator but i didn't bring drakovich which is a real problem unsynchronized i don't have synchronized but it doesn't activate on okay he misses he wakes up as i expected goes for scorching sands into my arcane day i think i survived please wake up okay snarl okay okay minus one hmm no y'all that's bad please scale it's not gonna oh ko's oh okay no weakness policy oh then we're gonna chase oh this is good okay i think i think this is good um i can still lose this for sure for sure but how how do i lose this now because i have a cavalier as the last one i don't have um i don't have drakovich and honestly he could still win this because my team is so weak too um tertinator like i had to be really careful with how i time everything to turn to trigger left which is actually really bad um i think i want to fight and trip from here what do i do um okay i think i know what to do flamethrower engineer hill is better there but this is fine too oh wait i think i timed the super wrong i think i might lose this actually i think i just choked i actually think i just choked this scorching sands into my can that miss please miss okay i get a little bit of damage off though which is nice i mean he is minus one which is good i'm gonna get a psychic off the issues that trigger was ending at the wrong time i actually think i had to reverse trip from this turn oh i did a lot of damage hold up freeze dry i better get frozen no freeze no freeze no freeze okay i don't get frozen hail is gone so nintendo's no longer really it's not really doing anything anymore the issue here is that he can just dynamex and max quake me and then it becomes a machardo one versus two so i think i actually have to i think i actually i think i i see this play i see the play i see him play assuming mike steal spyko's genie tails through aurora down through um let's see here's lost your royavel yeah the trick returns wearing off are like really bad for me here but i'm gonna go for steel spike and junior tails and i think helping hand probably works here it's minus one terminator oh wait i'll leave this hit okay wait i'll steal spike helping hand i think it'll probably chao even without it truthfully but just in case we're gonna steal second helping hand here make sure we kill the ninja tails then trigger men's then i yawn then like uh he has to ko my scavolier next turn [Applause] i wish i'd won game one because if i won game one the set would probably be over here and i could close it out but now i have to play game three with this dang internator which is really annoying okay here's the dynamics that makes sense that confirms that the scavenger is slower though doesn't it actually would be better if we were faster but that's fine yeah power swap was cool in theory but in practice it's not doing enough however helping him because just in case he protected i wanted to ensure i'd ko through protect because if i don't care protect then this game becomes a lot trickier and i figured like the minimal psychic chip damage on dynamaxx um wasn't worth it but okay it doesn't even matter we should go for the steel spike helping hand way overkill he has nine tails near tails get the defense boost defense boosts don't really matter at this point his special defense boosts you though sorry close that i will close i would close okay let's get into the tails this game could have gone differently if sleep turns on like another way though so to keep that in mind i reveal it on the soulfest okay so at minus one it's not a 2k but in the sun obviously it will be um yeah but yeah i mean aurora bell is now gone and tiara is up so tr ending is why i thought i messed up because i figured he can like he can just 2k on my scavier but i realized that with jolteon having yawn um i don't want to reveal my guys are here with jolteon having yawn then i can uh psychic here and then like oh it does a lot of damage i gotta be crit wait what did i drop a special prince why do they do so much i also haven't revealed what my electric move is so i'm just turning me to go for a shadow bowl okay scavalier goes down i like macharina michonne and jolteon have definitely been mvps this set but all right i have helping hand an arkane i mean i could stop aurora though from going up if i wanted right shot a ball here because i don't think i've revealed thunderbolt i'm psychic ishiko and then we will win yeah so i end up winning game two i could have won game one but there's no use kind of dwelling on it too much oh i didn't know how much psychic was i did way more than i expected because game one he was getting special defense um he's cobra berry [Music] hmm yes this is really quite difficult all right game three let's go ah helping earthquake game one i could have won this but that's okay no need to get tilted just need to figure out a plan for game three i feel like a scavenger has been really underperforming so i feel like that's the one i can leave the issue though is that like my team doesn't really wanna i only brought one protect what am i doing my team doesn't really wanna like it doesn't love fighting in trick room and i've been okay with tricking going up because i've been able to reverse it if i needed to or like i had a cavalier who could fight in trick room my original plan was to lead jolteon dracovish i think he doesn't bring sandslash again it was too bad against arcane day um yeah my original plan was just to go jolting on drakovich and then go from there but it's very offensive and i don't know if it's gonna um hang on a second let's run some calcs how much is jolteon doing to bronze long modest life orb okay the chaos oh it's super chaos wait really it does that much okay okay so this will drag his jolty on arcane name sharna beats okay wait do i even want arcane here like has a scavalli even better this is probably dynamics jolteon and then the issues that i don't really have well i mean everything on this team is weak to arcane a right so i'm just gonna put all the pressure on to jolteon how much is drake of a fish is wren doing to drink a fish versus tertinator that's max geyser that's not what i wanted not enough not enough at all not enough at all okay well if he leaves with okay yeah i have a plan he's not gonna he's gonna be more wary of dynamaxx i think i'm just gonna have to bet it all in jolteon drakovich i think because my back pokemon are just kind of there in case he gets going um and michard actually chips away at things an arcane day because he has like all these all these um pokemon that can't really touch it three ice and one steel um that's good as well but yeah i i'm gonna have to be pretty careful with how i use guilty on here but nice because i can set up max electric too okay runs on drapeon that's actually really good um to my knowledge he doesn't have a way to stop max ghost officials around here at all like nothing switches into it and yeah and i don't think drapion has a way to really like do that much so i'll just max goes fisher's friend or do i want to match lightning like how much does drake of christian doing to drape down anyway um it probably kills but just in case let's just set myself up for wait fish just ran into bronzong and then max ghost into it just dripping on their knock off i hope not this kid has anything right there's nothing i can switch to this yeah this is just kale i didn't need to dynamex here is the truth but um like because this is my offensive mod i want to kind of number one i want to drop defense because i need that i mean i actually don't need to take out the max lightnings or a shadow ball but um yeah i want to make sure my that my bulk sticks around like i'm not going to dynamics anything other than jolteon on this game so i may as well just do it okay no i thought he was a dynamic straight down for a second which would have been okay but oh we almost one shot bronzong that's actually crazy um that's actually crazy okay defense falls fence falls fish's ring comes out bop okay no trick from this game this is good i can now use micron as a pivot or i can activate the weakest policy cross placement oh it's crit driving on okay scope and sniper okay so it's a 50 chance to crit but he gets it which is all right um alright could have been worse i guess um this is still fine though ternator comes in okay um we're just going to fish this right into terminator and max lightning at the drapion i think yeah uh that actually doesn't work right we're going to fish this right into drapion and max guard uh this is kind of awkward isn't it because i can't ko i need some fish's red and this drapey is definitely going to protect this turn unless it expects hmm this could go really badly if i get it wrong it goes super badly if i get it wrong i really just like this play no dynamaxx interesting okay fishes around chaos drapion okay but in order to kill a dracopa she has to go for a uh draco meteor then maybe stuck at minus two for the rest of the game scorching stands into jolteon okay okay [Music] all right all right all right good max guard by me all right we're up four to two tojikis is the last pokemon okay all right so i think this is okay um unless he wants to dynamics toejikist which is possible but it's not weakness policy so i can just and it could be it could be credited um i kind of want to double the toe just here but um i think just going for damage across the board is good i could still lose this is the kind of the crazy thing but yeah i'm just gonna go match lightning official trend like either way it gets some good damage it might be dynamic toejikis uh it's enough premiere ball it's probably dynamics dojikis but uh i'm gonna do a lot of damage here with max lightning [Applause] okay it is dynamics together i wish i had a scavier as the last but i don't um it's gonna depend a lot on how this turn goes i think on whether or not i can win this game at least it's not weakness policy let's see max guard okay so he just wants to kill my okay i agree i agree my collecting comes out vicious ring comes out i could have done more here but that does a lot of damage scorching because i think i died of this oh my god oh if it burned okay i think i win now so what i can do here actually is kind of nice um what i can do here is i can hardly read or protect it i don't mean it's not really even hard i can but i can switch and i can yawn here um and this is why i added dawn specifically for togekiss so i can switch on here um it could be quick kiss which should be kind of annoying but yeah i get yawn off and then yeah like that's the thing about ternator is it's very bad and jolteon actually is pretty good special defense so um yeah like it actually it takes a lot less from specialists than you'd expect so really good job by jolteon to survive and actually i ran a little bit of bulk i don't think it was enough that it influenced that but like i have like like 28 hpv's yeah so like yeah if he had done four more damage it would have ko'd but um if i hadn't run bulk but yeah i'm running a little bit of a bulk because i don't need max speed but yeah i think his win condition year is probably double protect but then he's already used two turns his max so um yeah unless unless this together is touching the ground it's gonna have a bad time protect from turn nature i agree i thought that was the right play that but i didn't i didn't want to just give him my drakovich for free so um i figured maybe as we'll get a yawn off because i can still win in the end with tricky fish depending on if he goes for starfall so unless this is either macharna yeah so either michonne takes damage that's a lot of damage there's gonna be a crit let's definitely create a max max with sharna yeah [Applause] psychic string goes up or mr train goes up excuse me i've got a helping hand thunderbolt here it still does a lot of damage and that would probably be enough to close out the game although yeah actually kind of just want to take damage and touch you guys here help my hand to jolteon and then thunderbolt into tojikis i think just get like a ton of damage off with jolteon probably lose both my pokemon he would need to crit to lose both and then arguing a draconis cleanup yeah i like that yeah yeah i like that a lot actually yeah machar and jolteon was really strong here which is funny because i intended to scavenge it to be the main like force but yeah oh my god ah wait para's actually really bad the pair is actually really bad i wanted it to sleep oh if it was bloomberry i guess i might have been able to lose there okay he gets full paired i'm gonna say it didn't it didn't matter i'm gonna say it i'm sorry the like i would have much rather had a sweep there than a para um that's a crit no that thing is stronger than i expect i guess yeah that was i mean i should still win but if i if it goes to sleep there then like i could lose i didn't consider that could be lumber but since the first one crit i kind of figured it's not lumbery um and i was kind of confident in arcane a plus uh arcanine plus draekovich potentially winning this one anyway although it had yeah actually without amount of damage actually all the time anyway but yeah in this position i'm faster than like arguing is faster than tochigas and um bashar and his fashion the terminator so i can just flamethrower psychic it was i was going to snarl but this covers pretty much everything i think so yeah start with the pera although like i said like i think it was only cosmetic like if tojikis is asleep here the game ends the same way like you could kill me sharp but then dracus comes in um so i think i don't think it matters um but yeah good game to dance sorry again for all the power issues um really honestly really good prep like i didn't prep for turn it at all i was worried about luxury i was worried about blastoise i wasn't worried about ternator in the slightest and like my team was really not prepared for it um i do think that's like what kind of got me through this game was my my jolteon 100 i think i identified pretty well that it's a really strong pokemon against his team um and like yeah with yawn and stuff like it was like my original what i originally thought he was going to do is do something with bronzong ryperio but it totally makes sense that he doesn't because i have brillo boom is like it doesn't matter if you boost your you know rap heroes because um you know you can just grassy glide it and it's priority so um i really like the tertinator bring it was really like you guys saw i like only had dracovish for it pretty much like every other pokemon on my team lost to it but um yeah i don't know i think i think that like modest jolteon was really good here i think that masharna was really good his team was mostly special uh and all the pokemon he brought were special so max hp max especially vince macharna um i didn't explain it explicitly but power swap was because like he has a couple pokemon like a weakness policy and he also has blastoise who can shut up set up uh and terminator as well can shell smash so power swap is so that if they set up um with their um if they set up with riparia or you activate this policy by accident you can just take away the boost um but yeah gg to dan um it was a close set ggs dude and yeah we're back on sunday for the next uh wbe week two who i don't know who we're playing against but i'm sure it'll be a good fight so um yep okay that's it thanks for watching and also goodbye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 209,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 20, vgc 2020, wbe, world battle entertainment, dc dracovish, wolfey wbe, wbe wolfey, minnesota vikavolts, adrive wbe, wbe adrive, pokemon draft league, draft league, draft league Pokemon, WBE draft league, adrive draft league, wolfey draft league
Id: nzwua5ZDWg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 11sec (2651 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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