Why You Should Never Underestimate Piloswine

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you should also have to turn the game over as well can you tell the bean story or any camera yo yeah nope okay later okay yeah now we're not in the mood so here's the deal it's 11 30 p.m at the evening time i am so tired here's what happened so i went to bed last night i got so i have insomnita which means that when i fall asleep i can't fall asleep okay um and so what happened last night is that it's aaron traylor's fault here's what happened i got really into this show why can't i hear the audio wait what why can't i hear the audio but i can see that there is audio wait why i can't hear the audio okay i guess i don't need the audio but i kind of wanted it um wait why did the audio not work what happened to my computer i can see that the audio is playing but it's not working for me anyways aaron trailer's fault he got me hooked on the show and then i finished the show like it's like 75 episodes i finished it like mad quick like less than a week easily i think um and then there's like the show doesn't finish so i was reading the manga and then i like started reading at midnight and i was like i'll read like midnight to two like that's like pretty good then it was five in the morning and then i got into bed and like i don't fall asleep immediately either um so i am very tired um and it's 11 30 p.m and i've had some scheduling issues with kyle but it's all good um although we were supposed to play three minutes ago and normally i don't care if people are late um but i i do want to go to bed at some point as usual i did not prepare i you may have been prepared less than last week like last week i had like 30 minutes this time five i like basically like looked at his team and then i was like and i like couldn't i like didn't have the i built last minute because i thought we were playing at 4 p.m um or like somewhere in the early afternoon it was like 3 p.m so like i had to get the pokemon so i just built super fast and then that's my subscriber thank you subscriber for pokemon but then like so basically i looked at a semen that i built just like a general vgc team that's not especially counter teaming like i tried to add some stuff in there like i had it in mind but yeah um why can i ask you the in-game audio is it the shoe here oh why did that work i could hear it now i'm really sorry that was loud for a second i turned the volume to like maximum and like it wasn't working i turned it up really high and then it just popped on for some reason i don't know why anyway kyle's late okay he's trading for the team i'll say okay please hurry it's nearly midnight and i'm very tired i just want to go to bed um i didn't prepare an intro because i figured like okay it's so late like i don't know although i guess this is like how the old interest started ever like for those of you who don't know i've mentioned this a couple times but like the reason i do long intros on draft league battles is because for a while all of my opponents were late like every single one of them was like 15 to 20 to 30 minutes late so i guess the tradition continues um but yeah kyle's actually when he knocked us out of the wb last season at singles with like insane good prep like really really good prep um he had mental herb hallucia which like yeah super caught me off guard it doesn't sound that crazy i had encore whimsicott but like it like very much did what it had to do um so yeah but this is vgc uh this is a format that i'm more comfortable with uh although i am underprepared and he's known for bringing stuff that is unorthodox to say the least so um yeah he has like he drafted porygon he might actually bring it like yeah he has vicky volt which he might bring he actually has some scary pokemon on his team um i do not have the energy for this right now i'm i don't know what to do do you have any stories we played tennis today we played tennis today that was fun i'm kind of sore now maybe i'll be more short tomorrow tennis is fun tennis is a good sport honestly hey if you're like a high school kid or like if you're anybody if you're either a high schooler or you're anybody think about learning tennis no i can't play tennis but i think it's a good sport because you can play it even when you get old like my great aunt my great aunt and uncle i'm not saying they're old okay they could be they could be any age but um they like play regularly it's like not a sport like that like i don't know you can always play so i think it's a great sport but i don't really know anything about it so if you know a lot about tennis you think it sucks then i'm not saying you're wrong okay don't yell on me but my impression of tennis that's a pretty good sport i played ping-pong for like a little bit just like with my friend in his basement actually it was good as a garage and that's my story i'm so tired um but we want to look at the team we can look at the team there's no point i don't know what's in like i don't even know what i'm doing um so i think we've pretty much cinched playoffs i'd be really surprised if we didn't i guess i can look at it where is it okay so current standings uh house standings current standings um we're up there i think we're either i think we're either second or third seed i think i think we're behind aaron because we keep winning two games two wins one loss which i think puts us behind yeah i think we're like currently third right now um but yeah i think we're guaranteed playoffs at this point we only have this week one more and yeah so we're guaranteed for playoffs at this point which should be interesting um yeah i don't know i like my team i kind of wish i had done things a little bit differently i find that some of the pokemon are hard to be flexible with like for example arcane is a pokemon like i've done some cool stuff with it but like it is hard to be flexible i really wish in hindsight i drafted glory and wheezing like i i really want like i after using it on ladder like it's such a good pokemon and like you could do so many different things with it um but that's okay i don't i don't just like my team at all i have like a lot of solid pokemon but yeah they're not super flexible like even with drakovici i've been trying to be creative and like i did like iron ball i'd band i did scarf i think i did light for one week um i did substitute but like there's only so much you can do with it you know or at least there's only so much that i've felt like is able to do with it i feel like that's an underrated thing in draft league is like um is like the ability to like or like the ability of a pokemon to run multiple different sets like it's kind of the same about rhythm as well like really moon was like you can run band you can run scarf you can well you don't really want scarf if you're in band you're going to solve fest you can run um weakness policy you could run life orb um you could run like a defensive item like sash or a lumbery but um oh like your flexibility with your moves is kind of limited like you're always gonna want grass to glide and then you're almost always gonna wanna knock off and then i don't know like you can fake out you can protect your high horsepower and storage dance and like there's acrobatics if you want to max it but like your move pool is just limited um and what i like about a pokemon like gloria wheezing is it has a really good defensive and offensive set um and actually and three good abilities so like yeah i think i should have drafted gloria and wheezing in hindsight it's such a good pokemon but i like my team like i said like i'm not complaining um and my tier two pokemon which i think i would have to drop glory and we'll like drop one out to get glory wheezing are all really strong um so yeah like i don't know like would i drop a scavenger scavenge is very important i think if i drop scrafty for glory and wheezing like i think that could have been better in hindsight um yeah oh i'm not very good at tennis by the way i don't know if i said that but i'm okay at night tennis and high school my friends and i used to like go to the courts when it was like dark and like they would have lights on but it's like a lot harder to see and like that was like the main way that i played tennis so i'm like okay at night tennis because i think that night tennis is that other people get worse at a greater rate than i could then i got worse but it only gets a competitive sport night tennis specifically today was that we had a really good volley today yeah we had yeah yeah i was i was surprised like i haven't held a tennis racket since i was like i haven't held another 10 in probably like six years at least um so like they came back to me pretty quickly i mean i was never great by any means but like my only goal is to like like as someone casual playing tennis just for fun like i always want to hit like be able to hit the ball over the net most of the time and i really like in a way that the opponent can return it so i was able to more or less accomplish that i'm so tired i like i actually i'm like really surprised he's late like it's so late and he's late was that late all around late all around i uh the other thing about my insomnia is that if i play games or like use any media close to bedtime it like really messes up my ability to fall asleep so like by like the later it goes now the later longer it takes me to fall asleep especially games like something like videos can be depends on the kind of video but the video can be okay um like some videos are some videos are worse than others i should say but but playing games is like yeah um what else i played in the rvtc tournament today i ended up talking i went six wins zero losses and then i wanted to go play tennis so i forfeited my last two games so if i'd if i won them i probably could have like a buy through top 32 or two top 32 because it's like a top 44 cut or something the number's a little weird so um yeah if i've been able to if i'd played the rest of my games i might have been able to like top cut and get a buy but like it's fine like i'll do my best my team is not great in fact my team is pretty bad but i didn't lose a set today so at least it if i play very well i can maybe do okay so it's like a funny feeling like i feel like if i just use like average teams i'd be like really strong but instead i insist on building my own teams and building them to be completely awful and then like it's like trying to win anyway like i get freezed a lot as being good at pokemon but like i'm not saying i'm not going to pokemon but i i am saying that i am confident that a lot of the teams that i bring to stuff are like way worse than like the average team there but they're also surprising a lot of the time so like maybe that's an edge but like in terms of like overall team stability and like uh team like soundness like i think bridges have to have like a score or else the bridge will fall apart like i'm sure you have to have like bridge score you know what i'm saying like you want to like walk on a bridge and then the bridge is like it's an f and then the bridge falls apart like you can't have this so somebody has to score the bridge and make sure it's structurally sound that's the word i want i don't think my teams are structurally sound i think that like they're shaky right like if you're very light and you walk in them then like the bridge is probably fine but if you have like a bunch of semi trucks that like the bridge will probably collapse and then you're gonna lose a lot of profit that's bad for the country so um is he ready win or lose i just hope it takes two games i'm not trying to play a three game set if i win game one i will absolutely win game two and if i lose game one i will do my almost to lose game two as well i'm not playing three games i'm so gonna have to play three games okay win game one or lose game one and then just destruction one way or the other game two that's the game plan people ask you for game plans they want to know like what pokemon should you bring what like how should you think about it the plan is simple you win game one and then you win game two i don't know how to spell it out for you or if you're in a hurry you lose game one and then you lose game two a dvd is a year or if you're really in a hurry you open up battlefield you say i forfeit i'm going to go play tennis and then you forfeit your match because you already have cut but that only works in certain situations so it's not a troop it's not real tech it's only like matchup specific tech wolf i normally record in the mornings or like at the worst day afternoon so me in the evening is like my filter's a little down but you guys probably can't tell because i'm so commonly collected and composed and also good at running in circle around pokeball long day roadside it's like toes look at it it's got toenails that's disgusting i don't want to see it i can't run from it i have to leave the pokemon center oh i don't like that i don't get it oh wait what is it i don't even understand it's uh did i freeze my game i don't know i don't know what it is what is it what's up with the browser i don't know much tech that has brown at this moment that's colors you know i hate rotten toe for me am i recording my audio okay all right you ready yay cool all right i guess 15 minutes late isn't the end of the world i played so many pokemon games today and i didn't record any of them i played like wait i played like six rounds and only two of them were two games and the rest i had to win three so three times four is twelve plus two times two is four i played this this is my 17th game of pokemon today and no it's 17 18 and maybe 19 because it's best of three that's crazy i'm like playing pokemon a day think about it connect am i not connected oh i was trying to search i'm so good at connecting to the internet okay so here's some tech for you if you hit the b button to accelerate but you're standing still it doesn't work what's the window okay so here's what i learned all right we're gonna do some experimentation here so you can press the b button and then release so like here okay i'm pressing the b button it doesn't work i can tap it and then press b it doesn't work so we're going to try and figure out the window at which like it'll work i think there's okay okay interesting oh okay our experimentation ends anyway good luck have fun to kyle uh i think he brings goodra marowaka lola sablai urshifu water type for me okay i can't play run okay i don't oh god wait shoot okay so the issue is that i accidentally downloaded series five i don't know if he has any band pokemon shoot i actually i downloaded series six and i can't access dude series five um okay i'm just going to tell him to this will be fine just like good luck for fun i don't have series 5 rules so make sure you bring only four because the game will let you bring a six okay uh my team is not that way just this way no no this looks right lumbery bloomberry boom safety goggles yeah i hope pilot's mine doesn't get one shot by something by everything i was like i don't think for gujarat and then i was like pilot swine beats goodra and then like pilot doesn't actually beat good job but we can pretend it's like fine it's fine to pretend uh i don't have a goodra answer but it's oh wait i was gonna say it's badger not gudra but it's or it's badger not good drug but it's good you're not badgers maybe i'm in trouble oh good i don't like i don't know how i didn't draft a goodra counter i think it's because my only fairy type is really tough and my whole team is either physical and doesn't touch gooser or especially [Music] like i could max my drakovici and hit it with max dragon but then i'd be slower than it which defeats the purpose i don't remember the other oh they have tango that's why i've saved goggles okay tangrowth goodra or shifu sablai marowakalola no gudra it's gujar not badra oh um i think the plan was why is dunsparce here for rattled why is dunsparce here uh is it beat up urschevu with rattled dunsparce oh it's watertight it doesn't even get okay so this looks like a trickrom team i don't remember exactly what my plan was but i think it was this like a scavenger kind of goes to town here um i have to make sure you take out that sambala like asap um [Music] i can just smack things honestly like yeah maybe i jigen to max my real boom here although like i'm pretty weak to goodra yeah whatever i'll just beat the guru with something else like helping out a scavenger should be strong-ish and i can still smack gujara with max grass this pile of piloswine good here no not really it looks like a trickery team but like i have a trick from team too so i'm not really sure what's going to happen here um i just can't i think my goal is to just all my friends are dead goodra just like ignore it and then yeah the stable is annoying as well but i have stuff for the sableye so i'm not that worried about it the hadrian is annoying but i have the scavenger the goosers annoying and i have nothing um done sparse uh beat up no it doesn't get rapido um what is it glare is it gonna like blare me i have a lumberylube which is nice i'm not that worried about i don't know i don't know why dunsparce is here i think my team is actually kind of weak to say why but yeah i guess i'll just give it a shot um i expect to save light to come on the lead simulator or something why what does it do i don't know what it does is it's gonna have rattled okay we've got a speed race but why why speed razey wait why did it not speed raise what are some of their abilities oh is it serene gracie is it gonna like do the flinching stuff oh whoa okay let's play what is his ability does this get i i don't want to ignore it because it's just going to be annoying don't sparchi it's abilities are rattled run away it's got screen grace okay so it's probably gonna like try and flinch me or something i don't want it to flinch me uh max drum slow is not gonna ko but like i think i'm just gonna play the let's ignore the goodra game right if i if i jack max here do i lose no not necessarily i mean i can just steal damage just rather than raise me with intimidator if i have i lost my marbles oh please because you got the banks i didn't check please did you get to max oh god oh please bg anti-max [Applause] oh the drums thank you whoo i think a lumbery real boom was pretty nice tech this week honestly is good you're gonna have your hand to max no wait oh oh good and gigantic i was kind of counting on it again to maxing okay it didn't like five percent to go draw i don't know that means anything i expected to glare me because they're not supposed to glare me oh it's slow weird does that counter is he gonna counter me okay oh it lived oh it's baton passing okay it wants to baton pass into something and i lost my priority move which is unfortunate wait it gets the compass right flamethrower that's a lot of damage for a little goodra ah i'll explain it it does learn baton pass okay cool so we know that gucci's special on his flamethrower and it has light for him that's better than a sulphur scooter for me so i'm okay with that um the thing is can a baton pass there's nothing that really wants there's nothing that switches in on gmx drum solo so i'm just going to click gmax drum solo again and i'm just going to snarl again um snarl may just ko that done source out right and if it doesn't then i'll be sad um rockstar wants to flinch me okay well that's why i doubled they have string grace rock slide which isn't great but i mean i don't yeah there we go yeah i mean it's serene grace like makes sense i think the trade is more in their favor than mine but um i don't think this is awful anyway so we'll see might be water this time okay interesting so they're trying to get the probabilities in their favor they drop my real booms accuracy that's going to be relevant in a second now um i have not revealed my lumbar yet which is nice so like i don't think the i don't the momentum is that far out of my favor i just be careful though um with my real room because like yeah the scooter is kind of annoying um it's slow so it's probably like max hp so according to my calculations it could do like up to it should be like 63 to 75 percent with gmx drum solo so depending on what they go into here i might just target it they don't have marowak so i don't know how they plan to beat a cavalier but they also haven't dynamexed yet which is like scary so henry is the switch in here um i'm honestly not that worried about hatarini who should i target um i can do way more damage to katarina but the scooter is honestly more of a problem in the long run so i'm going to smack the goodre here because like halloween i can always be with a scavalier i want to get some damage on the goodra um they do not dynamax they do not protect either so i could just one shot the hadarini um if i wanted but i chose not to because i thought they might protect and also i really need damage on this goodra i think depending on how they're trained there's a chance that i came out here um let's see okay that's some good damage unfortunately because of that flinch i will not carry out with snarl really focusing on marketing for some reason a little more life orb damage see this is trick room okay tripping comes up it's not checking out by tatarini it's just regular dynamics but i mean the momentum feels like it's in my favor right now um but they haven't dynamics like dynamics can absolutely change the the momentum of this match in my opinion however like yeah there's no guarantee that it will i'm curious as to why they've been targeting their relevant archangel though i'm also yeah this is this this play is very interesting like is vicky volt the last pokemon because vicky what could be a problem since i've had vicky vault the last time but they wanted to agility into thick evolved all right it's either vicky volder should do it's gotta be the key vault i'm gonna protect here i haven't realized protect yet um and i do wanna start repositioning so let's just go to masharna switching into a cavalier's whiskey here um and i can psychically use your next turn as well so yeah yeah they really seem unconcerned about the willow boom which makes sense that they have pick evil to the last and to be picky volts what i want to do is i want to stall as many turns as i can and then i also want to kill either pokemon except for the key vault and then i also want to have arcadine in the end so we don't want our community to go down because it doesn't take attacks well for marketing i think yeah that one snarl may have killed the goodra but i'm not even sure if killing the guru there was good like we might have wanted to stay alive for another turn uh i think that means they don't switch out do not switch out and reload to so we know drink a meteor flamethrower muddy water we don't know if they have a poison move uh i don't think they do i think they're probably protecting the goodra physical fire comes out into my ruler boom makes sense and they're gonna go for a draco meteor actually into my mishandle but it misses i think i might have preferred to get hit with that rather than have a dodge but you know can't complain too much i need to dodge the attack um okay we're gonna go for a grassy glide here into the hatterini just good to get some some concise damage down or some guaranteed damage now i should say um and we're gonna i'm almost wondering if it's even worth attacking into the hatterini like because i once know with the scavenger it's probably good just in case it's focus so i'm just gonna get some guaranteed damage down and just in case they dynamax here i don't think they will excuse me i don't think they will i also don't think google goes down to psychic but there's a chance i'm also running out of grassy terrain turns which is okay because i'm also burning their trigger returns i guess i could reverse the trigger if i wanted but since my last pokemon's a scavalier which under speeds his whole team anyway um yeah grassroots comes out this isn't gonna ko it actually is nothing holy cow the thing is bulky that's very bulky i'm really shocked actually oh a nice mystical fire actually i don't make sure that i don't care the uh goodra hey regular still minus two special attacks so it's not like yeah oh i actually do survive and they flamethrower into my real boom so this isn't going horribly um i do survive for another turn did not burn me which is gonna keep my lumbery they're under the last two pokemon so let's see that grassy glided 30 like 35 to 40. so another one would do like with helping hand i would do 40 however i don't think i'm gonna get the opportunity to use helping hand because the grass is gone yeah so their last pokemon was probably vicky volt if i had to guess like they wouldn't be talking to targeting that arcanine if they had something that wasn't fake evil in the back yes there's vicky volt um i'm tempted to switch here actually like i don't think they're gonna mystical fire me and even if they do i'm not in that much danger this is a risky switch though like i think they're gonna hit me with max bug right i think they're gonna mystical fire and max bug like i don't think they mystical fire machary here because it's not really threatening anything however i could also just let a pokemon go down i really want a scavenger to come in before tripper manages the thing so i'm going to protect riley boom and switch into a scavallier um this is a little risky but i think that i don't want to lose a pokemon just yet i could still lose this for sure it might be battery barrier like that's clearly a max defense hattering given how little it took from drastic glide so i think it might even be badbury berry so i had to be wary of that um have we have seen the life form so i wonder what item would evolve has yeah now this is just a like a a game of can i sell the uh dynamax in time no dynamax interesting are they gonna like i don't know what they're doing actually this is oh that's not good are they gonna fire me oh they reversed trigger actually interesting okay all right interesting okay interesting okay interesting all right interesting um i think if we take out hatorini here we're gonna be in pretty nice shape so i'm just gonna knock off an iron head both into the hatterini i don't think that they have a good way around that like they can kill my religion yes however this still forces them into a one versus three and i don't think that's a favorable position for them so i'm gonna yeah wait did vicky vote oh bug passed yeah it's also good just to get like like you know i don't need grassy terrain anymore and in some ways grassy chain returning will hurt me more than it will help me so just getting some damage down um and getting confirmation on the item i'm pretty sure it's fabrybury based on how they've been playing this but there's no guarantee so let's just i do want to knock off the vicky volts as well like that is an important part of my game plan but um i will need i want to make a one it's just a one versus three so i can stall and make it arcane a versus vicky volt in the end good in them to not check into your dynamics there though now the i wasn't sure what okaberry although sulfur would probably still be better here here comes the dynamics so i said to get through three terms of this it's in a dive ball that doesn't tell me anything i guess it's fake evil because it's like green but this is a blue also i don't really know um i'm not afraid i had arena here though i'm only for the yeah i think evolved so that was all right that was the right dynamics target i think so now we have to figure out if we can get through these three turns um without losing too much momentum but since all four of my pokemon have protect i think i'm okay but like yeah famous last words i also don't know vicky moveset extremely well okay they don't protect which is good let's go to the item it is a power band so that was a really bad knock off by me oh they went for trick remember mine was a good knock off by me okay so powerbang cut the speed in half so it's min speed had a ring i might have been able to tell it from rashard i wasn't paying too much into speed tears for a second steel spike raising defense okay that's probably the end of my scavenge wait what's steel move this again is it physical um let's see b is for vicki volts nikki volt what steeler does it get steel is special what steel move does it get oh get squash cannon okay cool so that converts a special only learned special moves um special steel type move so we now know it's plus one defense and special so i'm just using arcane here i don't actually intend to fight the vicky volt head on i just intend to waste a term with protect so i can protect it and switch and then come back um the vicky volt does bug buzz it has flash cannon we don't know the other moves on it um i'm guessing it may be a saltfest and it may get mud shot to try and raise its special defense however i will not go down too much through protect so i'm just gonna protect the knockoff um and yeah like since yeah okay it's powerband as well it's they're trying to understand my scavenger iron ball but that means it's hit by ground moves oh i see a cac okay okay i did way too much i'm not gonna take another one of those that did too much damage okay so good to know um it is iron ball and power band so they both can underspeed my scavenger and trick room but that also means that i don't have to set trick him up if i want to win uh which is also bad because my whole team is centered around getting to come up so oops oh but i have pillow swine pillow sweeney and i can max wait they don't have a middle of max quake immunity do they hatarini or shafu or should we meet pillow sweeney but it doesn't mean kill this vinay plus i know yeah we just don't want to let uh arcanine go down here so let's just max bug thunder okay it's thunder boost oh wait interesting steel spike again not a bad move um they're plus two defense now um did a ton of damage what the heck a ton of damage thunder bug buzz flash cannon and one more probably protect but we can't be sure who can never be sure i think we should win this like it has no item like it has no dynamics it doesn't have doesn't benefit from the terrain whenever i used to protect this game yet my body is nothing hang on i have to move can i use protect how do i oh i haven't used protect okay then i don't want a real connection i'm gonna help you i'm not a psychic psychic makes sense i mean i'll die to a bug buzz right how much you know i'm gonna psychic it's better not to reveal information because i think that arcana should put this anyway like i don't think vicky volt can be i don't think he volt beats um oh thunder a cavalier yeah this would be scary if it got the boost but it doesn't get the boost and it would have one shot you've got the boost um they do get paralysis which isn't great but i think that like they're going to be arranged in flamethrower at this point and they are plus view defense like it's not like oh it doesn't damage why scavenge it feels like it hasn't missed a mega horn this season knock on wood knock on what knuckle would like it's not a very accurate move and i was paralyzed but yeah all right so it's a 3-0 win the team is scary but not uh not just terrifying i would say they led goodra plus don spars i still don't know why they had done sparse it doesn't really make sparse to me um [Music] wow they were good food that's awesome okay so we won game one we have to win game two so i can go to bed it's already been 30 minutes oh my god okay all right okay i just need to win again i have to bring pillow sweetness right it's a pillow sweeney game they don't have a timidocte they don't really have anything that can scare my pillow sweeney um does pillaspina just auto win here because like if they bring the scene for pokemon it might okay it like does damage to harini and then like it can max quake in front of vickyvolt they brought a bunch of special pokemon um hey if you're watching this i think you're a special pokemon um i kind of do like missharni pilaswini but then if they leave hershey who i'm kind of in trouble what else could i do or can you nape sweetie the issue is the stupid critical hittable it's really i'm going to max plus sweetener right so i don't think i need scrafty here it doesn't do anything like they're only physical yeah i don't i don't have to eat um i could do like religion was really good against against the thing however is this cavaliers cavaliers kind of needed here but then i don't have macharna but i have pilar sweeney is that enough i mean people ask me it kind of just wins here uh unless they leave us hang on hang on wait if they leave with if they leave with stable i'll just lose right because they can just burn me i can't do anything about it okay i can't lead with it i have to do okay i have to do this i think because like okay so people sweetie outspeeds vicky vault at speeds hatterini it doesn't care about dunspar so i just to get rid of the stabilize that's my goal my number one goal is to go to the satellite but this also means the can't gigandamax marilla boom which is annoying everyone was trying to boost the defense versus me because my whole team is physical and it's very annoying i can't believe i didn't bring a trick from center to this that's actually incredible i never cease to amaze me um double power items okay save boy is the lead so we gotta get rid of that thing asap we gotta this is an asap removal operation the level of operations that i would like to remove with asep flamethrower does so much damage is the issue they might just muddy water me though like are they gonna quash me like i just really i really can't afford to let them i need to get rid of the save line this is the biggest flip to my team but i also don't want a gigantic car really because i want to dynamax my um i really want to dynamex my uh powerless wine here so ideally google doesn't dynamics if it does it might have some problems um so ideally it doesn't like i should be like the other issue here is that they could either fake out or they could um they could fake out or they could ally switch into my uh i guess alice wouldn't be that bad but like if they take up my opinion and max geyser for example then like i might actually be in some trouble because they would get the rain up and they would get uh uh yeah if they do that i'd probably lose i should have protect i should have predicted i don't know what i was thinking that was a really risky play er staple has a problem like it's not that much of a problem but it is a problem ideally they would willow spear i just like kind of tunneled on the music but if they don't willow us like i am in trouble maybe they'll trick me maybe they'll trick my boom expecting the same play from game one fake out oh no take out okay okay guys that's fine this is probably trick then oh it's not a trick quash into my ls even worse shoot okay not good not good not good not good not good geyser oh i'm so sorry i'm so sorry everyone it's not gonna love that yeah that's what i have to say to that uh big loser for me okay i don't think i'd be good i could still win this i should have protected i had a safe protect plus grassy glad they're given my play from the previous game so like that's a bad play by me the other thing is like i really don't want to okay i'm gonna go into scavenger here i'm gonna win i'm gonna win or lose with pilots wine that's why that's what i've resolved um i don't feel like i'm in that much danger i mean they're gonna max flare me right oh wait i can just do this then if they're gonna max flare me then what i can do is i can knock off take the item and i can grasp the glide into the save life or the ko and basically just say like okay well you're getting one but you're not gonna vote like you can only max play one of my pokemon ideally he doesn't switch i guess if they have the key volt in the back it could make sense to switch it in like i have okaberry and the rain is up so google isn't that scary to me right now um in terms of my cavalier and like i can't really oh they switch that's a good move vicky volt comes in it's also a good move this shouldn't do too much damage i mean that's not zero we'll take it flare comes out oh warm wind actually interesting okay they don't want to overwrite the rain i take way too much huh is good strong and i didn't realize it because that's what it's looking like right now okay we've run into an issue the issue is i'm in trouble big damage huge damage a big crit i don't think it matters because i think we're gonna lose anyway um i've seen me i have seen me win these press one if you see me win these i'm in trouble i'm in huge trouble okay um buy this one go use polish one blast okay i should not have committed sorry to the pilot's point i think they're gonna max geyser me so i'm not gonna let them okay i think i'm max guard here not let them hit my pile that's my max geyser and then try and sweep with piloswine somehow yeah okay it's not a great plan but it's the only plan i got all right don't yell at me there's a lot of ways to scoop it poorly um i think they're likely to either max guys or piloswine or maxwell into pilot's wine is why i'm max guarding if they just like max flare into this cavalier i probably lose um in fact there's a lot of ways i could lose this but i think that gujar probably wants to target down pilots wine here yes the willow is this problematic i also don't know the stable item i have a couple times left of grassy drive after this i'll have two turns up the grassy train yeah because pilots can't ever write it i don't think goodreads thunderbolt 404 404 okay or 14. i have candy okay all right i mean i've seen me win these like i know that this pokemon in the back or sableye with low hp um i really need to have gotten this correct i don't think they're gonna flare here truthfully but i could be wrong okay i was correct it was a geyser okay um i might use some luck here i might need to dodge the thunder i don't know if i can but i can try i never snarl it either which is a problem ah this is annoying okay i got through goodra all we know about stable is that this quash is the other thing like yeah so basically the situation this turn is that i have if this cavalier wasn't intimidated uh they're gonna muddy water me and do some damage um i'm gonna hail storm into the goodra to overwrite the rain and take a ko which means vickyville doesn't have a guaranteed thunder because pilots wanted like a theory pilots one of those cavaliers should be pretty difficult for him to beat at this point like piles when assuming like let's assume that he misses either a muddy water or a thunder on my scavelier um which i don't think is super likely but like yeah like assuming that a scavenger makes it through the turn then like either a scavenger piloswine should be able to ko haverini vickyvolt misses the pilots one okay we'll take it his death cavalier okay that's a lot of damage doesn't drop accuracy hailstorm comes out i don't think i live a thunder yeah i think it's gonna do three grooves i need to dodge the thunder here the pilots wanted a good job let's go pile this one kills goodra okay miss thunder miss thunder miss thunder miss thunder miss thunder miss thunder miss thunder miss thunder miss thunder please mega horn connects nice crit crit crit crit i just thunder mist under my thunder no uh low accuracy players are always rewarded live live live live i don't think i can win this anymore i only have one turn left with max as well no maybe i say let's say that mrs willows if i could do it maybe yeah if this is louis like or if it doesn't have lewis but i might be able to do it pause one's actually really good here it's just like getting it around the stabilizer is going to be difficult i don't really see yeah like stabilize plus goodre is actually a pretty scary lead and this is why i had to kill this thing before like because if i was up and poke or like if the sibling already been kayode i would have a pretty good chance here but unfortunately it was not so i guess we'll go for a quake into the sable eye um the vicky vehicle doesn't scare me too much the stability does like i can win this if they miss a willow spear i don't think they will like they hit a bunch of their low accuracy moves like they missed the muddy water but it wasn't they didn't miss the target that they mattered on um so this is gonna be difficult to win like i'm so close is the crazy thing if i don't get burned like i can probably 1v2 whatever they have in the back unless it's urchins in which case i definitely lose but i think it's most likely had arena with the way that they've played this ah yeah okay well that's the game dang okay well i did my best it was not enough pilots weren't strong i might be a crit that's i felt like i did a lot of damage i did a ton of damage wait how much is how strong is pilots swine flash cannon comes out i am special boosted i kind of wish i was snow cloak right now i'm so close i'm so close it's gonna be had a rainy and then you know maybe i can win like icicle crash flinches or something but i don't think so i'm back to baby for me as well if i had one more special event to boost yeah like i was really close i was really really close but i mean i won't give up like maybe i can win that max quake was stronger than i expected on the stable i don't know i i was this close i literally just had to get rid of the stabilize and like conserve pokemon well enough um okay let's see the thing is that like i want a dynamax okay wait which is stronger this is 85.90 this is 95.95 i'm gonna it won't ko though this is a 30 flinch rate i'll go for that that was wrong move no i mean it was wrong moving my part i wasn't going to hard to read that though they haven't even revealed protect yet so i wasn't sure they had it it could have been something weird okay tripping goes up yeah that'll seal it i mean i don't think i could win from here seriously if i had snow cloak it was no click there's always a chance but uh yeah i mean with two orchards of hell it's probably in range i just wasn't burned yeah okay i'll go for high horsepower i think i'll live this turn but i don't think i'll live much longer wow this one's so good but it didn't do enough ooh oh that's actually super sick i see the strategy okay that's actually super sick they're gonna bug buzz me now okay in that case i don't think it could have won at one versus two because i don't know i don't have any counter plate of that pile this one's amazing holy cow that's actually i actually cannot believe i live that wait mystical fire trick room high uh magic powder alright i lost my stab i would have paid otherwise um ah 36 down to 24 down to 12. so i can't live another one of those um high horsepower didn't do enough i could just protect them let myself go down to the hill i'm gonna protect him let myself go down the hill or to the burn i'm actually not sure what happens first i think it's hella okay magic powder trigger mystical fire had a rini where i went wrong here is i didn't get rid of the stabilize but i don't really have a great stable answer [Music] truthfully i wish i had the last move i feel like there's got to be some kind of damage move though although actually maybe maybe it doesn't have to be a damage move oh hell stopped i didn't pay attention all right we'll go down to burn all right i have good information this vicky volt's annoying um [Applause] i don't really have anything good against goodra i mean i knew i was weak to kudra gujar plus sabla is a smart lead like i went to three games i lose regardless of the outcome man i really don't want that i really do feel like polish one can win this but like how do i get around the sableye i've got my lum gorilla boom but it's not going to be enough i guess what i could do is i could check i could take antibiotics my real boom and just take out the stable lighter one or at least but it's probably focus actually apply right what if we focus on stability i'm not sure like what is what are they trying to survive i could also play like a defensive style lead like we know some eject button like i could use scrafty plus arkane and snarl and quick guard turn one but that loses to fake out but i'm not sure that they have fake out um sort of my options i can max grass and protect how does that set me up for turn two like at least i don't lose a monterey one and i don't get burned turn one on because i have lumbery and the new pilot swine masharna in back like i feel like i need a scavenger i'm going to try it i'm going to do these two i mean i can i think i want to remove how this one i don't really know what mushroom does here is the truth like i think this bleeds okay but i i have to go to sablai and then i'm going to beat goodra with snarl plus i'm going to be using this no pressure effectively if they do the same thing as last game so i'm going to bring the same pokemon but i'm gonna play it differently turn one i'm gonna i was i really felt like dynamics pilot swine could win and i don't think that i was wrong per se but i think that i miscalculated the how much of how much heat i had to pay to the goodra so i think what i want to do is yeah i just want to be very aggressive this game burn their dynamics turns use magic and max early put a lot of pressure on thriller boom i wish i knew if the stabilized focus ash like i don't know if you weren't focused on stable here because like what are you afraid of right i don't have a fairy type that's relevant the drakovic you burn i just don't feel like focused stabilize very good here but then what items does it have it could be something wonky like it could be like citrus no it's not such as very aggressively but yeah it's probably going to save light front again i expect the same lead yeah um okay i'm also doing the same lead but i will play differently this game um graphic line did graphically did over 50 percent and it's max graphic glide over double bass power so i will one shot it here um the worst case scenario is of course that they go for a that's a focus that'd be really bad knowing kyle i honestly think that he's just gonna max flare me this time um although if he does like it doesn't the trade doesn't work out in his favor as the thing so i'm gonna yeah i'm just gonna protect here um and i'm gonna max gmax drum solo into the stability and hope that it doesn't have focus ash i haven't revealed my lumbar yet like if you're kyle what you could do is you could just either muddy water or max geyser and you could burn the willow boom and say basically like all right like yeah you're like in trouble one way or another and it would be a good play minus um minus the possibility that i'm lumbering like i really want to snarl here but i can't afford to let arcane go down right away and since i didn't max last game and i brought piloswine in the back i think there's a decent chance that they go for a max flare this turn which is like not phenomenal for me because i will take like a good like a lot of damage however um it'll mean sun is up which should make arkanini more likely to survive a good dry attack because i really i need to get snarls down i basically need to slow down the gujarat um as much as i can i'm maxing really boom we know guterre is slower some surprises there i mean life of google hits way harder than i planned for it but like i don't even know what it's supposed to do versus it like i don't know like from gujarat like i have snarl i guess i can try to set screens with like jolteon but the same one makes things difficult as well so here's my health up i think maxwell is still easily used to ko um they do dynamax okay i mean that's fine like i honestly would rather deal with dynamic scooter than dynamics with kevil since i pile this one in the back i guess we'll have to see what they go for is it going to be willow is it going to be ally switch is it going to be fake out is it going to be quash we only have seen willow's been quashed so far so we don't really have moves um presumably fake out maybe not faker though if you're quashing maybe you're not maybe don't have fake out um so let's protect this time i don't think i revealed this game one i mean you normally would expect it they go for a willow wisp okay cool so i could have snarled i knew they were going to probably attack at least with one of the pokemon gorilla boom um i am a lumber i just have to hope that they're not focused ash because they will go down if they're not and getting rid of sable is going to be big for the late game also just yet so my rhythm doesn't get burned ah they were sash that sucks they warm wind into my grill above i could i knew i could snarl safely but i didn't go for it and that's you know that's my bad that's 100 my bed ah man that was a rough turn and they don't even set the rain okay that was a really good move um if i'm in my opponent's shoes this turn what am i doing i might as well attack i know i should snarl that turn okay let's see that's okay i don't think i'm in an awful position because i have this i have pilots one in the scavenger in the back let's say i snarl here worst case scenario is they quash me and one shot me and then i have one turn left to dynamax it could be difficult but saving arcanee doesn't really do i mean it doesn't do nothing for me either it's like pretty valuable to save it i think i'm going to snarl on gmax drum solo though they have to invest both attacks to ko me um so yeah i can make a defensive turn on the last turn if that happens i really was planning on getting a snarl off though um so this could be bad this could be a bad number of ways let's see like so whatever stabilizes is going to be annoying i think ideally i'd actually like it to lower me okay that's fine like goodreads or really has done its job here uh we're just trying to stall the dynamics turns and lower the uh the uh goodreads damage output so we get rid of the stabilize which is very important for my late game power swine we we can google a little bit which gives me a chance to survive a max geyser which i think is the move of choice for my opponent and then we're gonna do very minimal damage here is the truth yeah i mean but i mean it's a gujarat so it's like the chip damage might matter geyser comes out i think i live this i'm not that especially bulky though so i could be wrong okay arcanine survives very very very narrowly um the rain is up which is not the weather i want i actually really don't want the rain to be up it seems like that dynamic exposure setting the rain up is a kind of crucial part of kyle's game plan here did about 90 so through protect it would do like thirty percent no it would do like twenty percent twenty five twenty two point five but then another one point five i can't say careful i can't say for sure if i'd survive um i do think a snarl is important though vicky volt comes in okay so really what now we have to do is we just positioned properly i need to get a little bit of damage down on this vicult to make sure that it's in megahorn range i think the key vault most likely will protect here but i still think it's worth it to get some damage on it to protect max darkness or special events which isn't super helpful in this position okay they don't protect really i just want some damage in the video well because uh mega horn doesn't decent chunk um i'm hoping that in this position like basically i can use piloswine to ko the goodra um and that i can use scavalli or chao de vicky i vols think that's in range unfortunately they're gonna go for a warm win this time okay uh who's that into oh interesting i have a pokemon to ride this turn which is i think okay like i don't think it's phenomenal but i don't think it's awful either or like four damage i'm also bringing more rain turns okay they actually just double oh i actually didn't expect that at all but that works out really well for me actually because now i get to snarl and icicle crash and i don't think there's great counter play or do i ever want to snore on here i could just icicle crash uh muddy water could draw my accuracy and then i could miss though which would be bad but um like i don't feel that threatened by minus from vickyvolt truthfully let's see here i i don't like i don't need to lose a pokemon here if i don't want i think piloswine is the answer because i really want to get rid of this gudra right oh the last pokemon is ursula water for me ah wait i might have i think i misplayed this really badly at the last pokemon 100 hershey water tape for me uh that explains the play okay that means i have to do this i just assumed to be hatarini again that's why they were focusing down real boom so hard um i may i think i lose now because i didn't bring my sharna i should have brought my shirt up because i uh i can't beat the hershey water tape for me and i can't protect in front of it either okay at least there's no switches muji water comes out that's gonna draw my accuracy oh even at minus two it doesn't do bad damage yeah i can feel that one i do connect this one though i think i feel it i'm gonna hit i'm gonna hit and then hit i do miss that's actually pretty game ending okay alrighty um and the rain hasn't ended yet either all right so if it's urgent water tape for me in the back can i win this game because i think the answer is no right there's one turn of rain left as well which is a problem no two turns of rain left okay if it's urging a water tape for me in the back i can't beat it right no i don't have any pokemon that can beat it they got rid of my little and the way that he targeted that real boom i'm pretty sure it's or she feel in the back but let's say it's not let's say it's not okay if it's not then what i would want to do here is flame throughout a school crash again because in that case i could win if it's not but if it is i lose so i'm going to flame through it just get a little damage down on this thing if i'd killed the guru that turn that i could have won actually because i could have burned the irshifu um but yeah now my arcane will go down here unfortunately and uh yeah like with that yeah that i i was i'm just gonna assume it's georgetown in the back and then i lost anyway um i actually missed again which is kind of really unfortunate in the thunder okay i mean like maybe i can get into a two versus one situation but i didn't bring any pokemon or like moves that could hit the urchin for at this point so yeah it's looking really rough grass is gone rain's about to end which is i guess good um for me i'll predict both stalled the rain and then mega horn i still crash and try and kill both pokemon but yeah like i i think of the last pokemons are to do which i'm fairly like i don't know why you target down or uh really boom so aggressively and this is where if i had just brought my michonne i'd actually be in really good shape here um but yeah that's this is a good example of multi-game conditioning i think that kyle like figured that i bring similar pokemon and not bring macharda or he figured i don't know i don't know exactly what he assumed but he he conditioned me to expect havorini in the back with vickyvolt um would really tatarini wasn't good in the last game so he can absolutely bring um or shifu and i can't do anything about it so yeah well played um i like if it's urgent within if it's not original then like the misses may have mattered but i i'm pretty sure it is and so i don't like i'm not gonna be upset about misses that didn't end up impacting the game um oh my god it's been an hour i've been recording for an hour i just wanted to go to bed interesting okay i guess he didn't want to let me take both kids in the same turn so guruji didn't have protect i think i'm in this mega horn here okay flash cannon rain ends i don't know i don't think pilots might live striker meteor at this point though again like it all comes down to what the last pokemon is right um i'm gonna make a horn the vicky volts and then this is minus two i'll icicle crash the google for the third time flamethrower oh all right well the two versus one if i hit both my moves but they're both inaccurate so it's unlikely uh they might burn me off flamethrower two there's so much damage holy cow my four recoil i just go crash misses for the third time megahorn misses as well ggg uh well i can't believe i've stayed until 12 30 for this no i'm just kidding he played a while i mean again i don't none of this none of this mattered at the last pokemon was our true so um although it looks bad like it doesn't matter like yeah um i brought by this one that's what i wanted to do probably that's why i'm strong here but yeah i mean if it's sharp if it's hattering in the back then i 100 would have won i think if i hit one of the first yeah i didn't hit a move at some point um gg ggs it's multiple games okay well that's the game um hope you enjoyed that was definitely interesting um yeah i think i had probably like a decent team matchup once i got through goodra but i didn't get through gudra so um yeah but again like if it's urgent in the back um it didn't matter so i'm if he messages me now i'll ask him just kind of curious um but yeah i don't know that's pokemon like i didn't prep very hard i didn't necessarily feel like i deserved the win um i think it was winnable i think i made i just i played sloppy right i'm basically like i'm i'm having trouble being motivated for the regular season if it wasn't obvious uh i feel like eventually like a lot of my game's been close i will lose sometimes um but in playoffs i'll be i'll be more uh i will prep with actual um i'll put actual prep into it so um yeah doesn't look like he's responding so i'll just i'll just i'm just gonna assume for my own sake of searching for water um i'm pretty sure it was basically he was playing so uh gg kyle thanks for watching see you next week goodbye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 103,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 20, vgc 2020, piloswine, pilowswine sword and shield, mamoswine, vgc 20 piloswine, wbe, wbe vgc, wbe week 9
Id: hv01NZnUih8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 23sec (3623 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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