How I Beat the Hardest Nuzlocke of all Time (Emerald Kaizo Hardcore Nuzlocke)

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real youtube oh um real youtubers  beat emerald kai so if you thought   this was over you were incorrect i don't know  what's up with me today i feel like i'm kind of   moving with the writing department anyway hello so  yeah uh as you can probably tell by the title in   the intro we did successfully beat emerald kaizo  as a hardcore nuzlocke um this is like kind of a   it was a big it was a big accomplishment for me um  those of you who were following on youtube you saw   how run nine ended um i presume if you haven't you  should go check that out because um i think it was   really good content and then did a phenomenal job  with it as well um but yeah after after i lost in   the to stephen as the champion um i was definitely  discouraged i took some time off um and then i was   like you know what i really enjoyed that game i'm  gonna go try again and yeah um i was finally able   to to successfully beat it um it was a really good  run uh obviously most of the content was over on   twitch if you are not already following me i do  recommend that you do that if you want to see more   content from me slash wolfie dc um  but we decided to go through and obviously   because we won um make kind of like an ended down  version of the major boss fight and kind of the   main events of the run so that we could share  with everybody who's been watching on youtube i   really enjoyed uh the game i really enjoyed  the run overall um and yeah i'm excited to   share it with all of you so um yeah without  further ado let's go ahead and jump into it we've never seen a tailor ever which  probably it's a one percent counter right   still about two percent it's slip look good i   guess battle armor subcook would be  good slubber would be good oh okay all right give me something usable on the  other route the thing is that this upward   pasture grass right this tile right here  this is where all the good pokemon are   rolls taylor goldman goldberg not bad not  bad all right i don't want to zero okay i   didn't want slug much slug must look like  give me slugman let's try to be not now catch a magikarp this could be a really good  lawn it's often very bad but it could be really   good there's a ton of good mods here never  explodes right yeah no speed up no speed up   to speed up speed up even if it's stalling  we're not gonna speed up so okay chad this   is a fifty percent roughly chance to  actually citrus we really don't want it to um   we really don't wanna activate citrus here low roll low roll super high roll okay that  makes this fight a lot more consistent i think   okay i waste my item here waist but it's actually  not a waste because it's actually really good   all right now it's in water pulse  range and i should be faster i'm faster   this should always kill thank you bold nature  this brings into anarift which is perfect   and they're supposed to go for brick break here  because it's the strongest move and i'm not faster   so i'll go for rocket tune should be about 53  maybe we've got like uh 20 hp more or less 18.   um that's fine enough faster thanks to rock tune  should this have a rule to kill uh i might not   kill but that's fine um that should be range of  mega drain um but the hp doesn't really matter   on kabuto anymore so i'm just gonna go for the  ah that's the right to make a dream there's no   way it doesn't do that much even though yeah  i'm old nature it should be afflicted enough   okay i get the kill it has to go for  giga drain and that's exactly what   we want because sludge bomb can poison  and we don't have an item on chimecho   and ancient power can boost and we don't have  you know we can't really do anything about that   but [ __ ] drain can't boost and it can't  do that much damage it doesn't even do 25   or shouldn't give you 25 and what this allows me  to do is use my favorite strategy yeah as you can   see that's the strongest move which is 11. um and  the reason you have to use giga drink is because   my chameco happens to be very high defense iv  and very low special defense id so even though   ancient bar is typically stronger it still has  to jiggle drain the flow rates at education it's   doing 11 damage so i need to stay above 22.  um and with t-wave and potential confusion this puts the odds very in my favor i think   i do a decent chunk of damage oh sorry i used  to be up all right i'm sorry i'm gonna recover in the long run i should win this encounter  because eventually cybeing will confuse and i'm   not weak to grits also paralysis is broken yeah  perfect like that's a good trade for me right   because it just undid i ended three  of its attacks i did one of mine   yeah parafusion is kind of broken i mean i  need to make sure i actually want to take   the ko chain echo though i didn't actually  see who this would bring in siberia doesn't   do that much relics isn't that much return  though um i think i was going to take the   kill here because chimecho doesn't have  any use after this so what i can do is   because okay i might you might have remembered  i mentioned earlier that this thing is faster   than my um this thing is faster than  my sunflora but thanks to this you wave okay i go to sleep because like this is this  basically just means that i traded sleep on   chemeko for oh yeah i can move mega drink one  shot i tried to sleep on chemeko for relicanth   earlier which means i now no longer risk chesto  on this um this is the scariest part of this fight   although lunatone creating is also pretty spooky  um i'm gonna try and deal with this i have two   moms dedicated that only deal with this i could  growth but i want to charm it down first i think   because i don't want this to be  like this thing is really bulky   so i really don't want this thing to  get out of hand so that's plus one minus one   i believe this is five yep okay i kept quickly  uh and then all waterfalls for some damage   because this the maximum damage here is 10 and  i can't get quick gotta get a little damage down   as well it's so scary okay okay okay cool it's  rollouting again okay i'm just gonna yawn it and   stop the stop it because i really don't want it  to creep me right so i'm just gonna do this first   because i don't want this thing because if i  like let's say a sludge bomb first and i get   poisoned right like if this thing starts to really  run away on me it can be really scary i think   go kirby this one doesn't quit me okay perfect  kill it okay chicka drain over acid right   i should not be weak to lunatone here i  should be i should not be in okay i'm not   in death range of rock slide i don't get the  one shot here wait how many trucks do i have to   ah don't [ __ ] me don't flinch don't  cry no flips no crit don't flinch   okay don't don't cry this doesn't one shot  however it doesn't need to one shot right okay i'm not in range i'm pretty sure it  wants to moonlight our hypnosis here okay   perfect and that's the game all right xerox  rock's hand let's go that was really spooky   was really spooky we got a little lucky  there um the best encounters are jude   onyx and fancy with battle armor cubone's not good you can get meta here hold on wait wait wait   wait wait wait wait i've never run into  medicine here i've never intended here   i did not realize this was an encounter that  was an option it has detect wait i have to   catch this hold on i have to catch this did i  just get plus attack pure power model protect all right hit on top of the first um on out this  is good what this allows me to do is go intimidate   immediately um but i'd rather i really put the  level up on kabuto because mine is one fake   should be doing very much damage cool this allows  me to level up in kabuto early i lost it for one   like for one damage i gotta level up for free  which is super nice um i'll go into chemeketa now   this is not a secret power a rock side should  be 50 50. it crits me that's not a big deal   though it's not a big deal i might even be able  to recover once if i don't get paralyzed um i'll   go over side because i'm faster we need this not  to crit that should do a lot of damage a favorite   of damage there rock slide i'm gonna recover  once here because i have cherry berry anyway rock slide perf okay it creates me i'm going  to recover again doesn't matter just again let's watch him echo so nice part of the reason  why is so nice rockstar again ruxin is totally   fine we just don't want to avoid being paralyzed  okay cool rockstar comes out i'm cherry berry here   this shouldn't do too much i am really bad  at that's ivy though i'm as weak as possible   rockslide comes out i need to not  flinch here that's kind of important   i flinch that's actually really bad  this hip on top is really good rng   against me um i could have actually  okay flinch again that's really bad   getting double flinched there means that  my primary counter is going to screw you okay it's fine you know this earlier i guess  not faster in the end it works out better   for me i didn't even have to use my cherry  braids yet my first damaging gyarados here well like it comes out okay i'm just gonna go hard  time echo here i am leveled up the issue is like   i need to stay out of range of rocks like crit  um i should do a fair bit i'm gonna recover back   to full i don't see a reason not to i'm really  worried about flinches okay i'm back to full   it could also be going for secret power  i guess it is more like the rock slide   sliding is a good test to just bury so  that's not like you know perfect but   i did a lot of damage to it okay perf can't get  flinched can't get paired i mean i got parry but   that's fine so now we're in a position where both  outcomes are good either hariyama comes in here   yeah okay so haram is going to come in a bit  earlier than i would have liked however that's   okay i think oh it's hitmonchan uh i didn't  realize that was gonna happen oh right right   because if lee comes in first and hitchhike comes  in okay okay so this wants to go for shadow punch   this is where now we set up  on it so this is minus one cool minus six hit on top channel okay now  we've been in this position before chat   with sunflower we better this exact  first of all it's just gonna hurt me   nice okay no crit last time  i just got qrik back to back   which is really bad i have to stay above 50.  once i get 50 or below i have to synthesis okay in theory this is only two max rolls  but yeah i'll just go for synthesis now that's the first crit i'm not  arranged but if it crits me again i am   this is exactly what happened last time  as a crippy back to back also i'm probably   arranging a rock slide flinch now she had  a punch please don't do it don't do it okay   i might still be in range of  another one though i need to get   i need to heal back up to full oh please don't do  it please don't do it please don't do it god okay okay okay i'm on range i'm on  range i'm not in range okay it's not going to one shot but it's okay we  don't need to one shot we're back to full i should have been mega trained earlier by  one turn no crit okay cool we're a foolish p   i believe this brings in polygraph  which gives us a free free kill   and full hp unless the ice punch  freeze me perfect okay really good all right now we need to find a  way through meditate and hariyama the question is am i ever in range of meditate  crit chance i don't know i believe is lumbery most   moms love lumber in this game at this point so if  fake out or brick break chris i'm gonna have to   come up with a different plan here fake out does  not crit me um max damage break is 40. so i have   the option here i think i have to stay and go for  mega drink and pray for no crit so laura please   get me through this just one last time good jobs  in florida really good jobs in florida get the one   shot all right i think i'm done using some flora  for now how fast does it do bro oh i didn't want   to do that i want to check the speed it create  me okay um well i think i have to charm now dodge crit nice super good okay dodge crit  endorsed pera okay cool it wants to force   pawn me right i got his minus two already so that  means jerry takes even less damage this is -3 now i think that's in range but i can go  for one more because i can't get crit   it has lumber okay it's fine it doesn't matter if  i get it off or not but i've preferred it enough   it never activated okay okay guaranteed three  here and now i'm gonna switch out one turn   preemptively even though i can get one more  attack off because what this allows me to do   is pivot guerra guaranteed  because it has to force upon me   don't quit me don't quit me don't quit me okay  it's fine it's fine it's fine that shouldn't have   happened it should not have been able to do that  why it was a slight overlap it was it was it's   possible but so unlikely but it got it all right  that's fine okay and now i can't get paralyzed   and i don't know how to crit i don't quit i don't  do the quick okay okay and that should be game   do you think my mom's not getting crits in florida  quick gyarados got crit cobblestone clearance   aren't allowed to get crit should i go go crit  the only one that didn't get crit was azumarill   who was only on the field for oh no every pokemon  on my team got crit every single pokemon on my   team got crit except for the two that couldn't  get crippled because the game wouldn't allow it   a zoom real quick fake out tribeca crit uh  or something rock slide derek uh shadow punch   and then shadow punch also on some flora every  single pokemon on my team got crit there well   do i deserve this am i being punished hang on i  have to do some reflection what have i done wrong   do i need to like pray do i need to apologize  who have i wronged wait okay i've had that rng   since at least 2011 when i started competing  which means i must have done something pre-2011   what did i do i was a kid you're gonna punish me  for 10 years i couldn't have done like what what   am i what could i possibly have done by the at age  14 that would deserve me 10 years bad luck wait 10   years bad luck i should be close to expired by now  oh i expired july 4th my luck gets better on july   4th if it's 10 years all right so this is likely  an electric type it could be like one percent   porygon which i've gotten twice i wouldn't get the  third time right that'd be crazy that'd be crazy all right didn't get it nice oh two  baby actually let's make this boom three   so that if so if someone comes in they're like  like they see boom they see from three they're   like oh boom two must have boomed but now there  was no boom two oh okay it's a bite here we go   chat artillery is super bad remember to be super  bad chin chow tentacle chin chow right chat   this could be a turbo hyrule or a an  immediate failure ah chat i love i love i   love how it makes you it gives you hope  just to immediately take it away eliminate thirty percent of the time it's corsola  you think it's gonna be corsola again   okay second chinchou we're high rolling in  that aspect but we need it to be voltable or   else it doesn't count and we actually prefer  chinchilla not to illuminate here although   it doesn't work i don't know which one does  more mental damage shock wave oh we got okay i'll take between 20 and explosion damage here sonic will catch 20 damage it's fine i don't even  write her to attack after this so having it be as   healthy as possible is good because i need to  switch into hyper voices get the one shot this   could be static it doesn't matter at least i  don't want to get frozen here because i could   it could do something versus the gobat ice punch  okay now also thunderbolt because it sees the kill   t-bolt nice now i'm not in range of crit ice  punch so i got to go for mudshot the freeze   would be really bad you can size my toss though  so i can't get crit that's excellent vibrato   remains somewhat healthy it's not a big deal  but it's not bad either it might come in handy   later who knows i don't know over mudshot here  this is a lot of damage but it's in one shot um i'm faster now i'm gonna try again  because even if they were to switch   um i would at least get like to get speed  drop razor leaf isn't doing that much damage   unfortunately it's not mega drink here the  issue is that this thing is either going   to tear damage me or it's gonna water pulse  me and both confuse me still confused with   these views i don't need that much health on  goldman but i need to get a little bit healthy   both okay that's fine that's fine that's fine  um if i get the attack off it's totally fine   otherwise we're in some trouble okay we're in big  trouble this is what this fight sucks because this   is my only answer to ludicrous if this thing  dies we're like actually i think going eighth i don't think i want to take too much more damage  with gyarados i also don't think i have anything   to do with gyarados here don't say gg tea punch  right it's too much maybe you shouldn't cherry   very okay i need to get one attack off here  i don't need a lot i just need one attack   go for sludge bomb water pulse okay that's fine i  don't think i'm in crit range yet i might be there   because i wasn't talking okay it was exactly range  this will not kill but it will now be forced to go   for waterfalls at least okay just don't confuse  me please use me okay i get the concybean kill   okay getting intimidated down i want to get  two intimidates down so that it stops using   sludge bomb on me and that way i don't worry  about crits at that point okay don't quit me nice and peachy berries that's fine i have to  go right horn it's unfortunate but it has to   happen it might also look confused right  here there's no guarantee of someone's   because i'm not confused at the moment so john  please don't poison me please don't wish me   we're comp you don't have  to jiggle drain this turn   okay we have one more chance to get poisoned  i think okay poison poison piece of poison   okay i'm super lucky but we're still not out of  the woods yet so now it's at minus two meaning   it does it now also quick heat wave in front of my  chem echo but it still is confused raise the issue   chica drain okay   okay i want to recover now i believe  i count this right i don't think it's   about me anymore okay waiting oh thank god  okay i can burn me but whatever like it cuts   me okay that's fine i get to replay the situation  confused right it was about to happen eventually   oh god it's fine it's fine i haven't i know  what to do i know what to do i noticed you i   just have to i have to get through a confusion at  some point okay that's really bad but it's okay   this sucks it's floam berry i can't i hate  this thing so much it crispy but i'm alive and it burns but i'm hornberry i had not to burn  i wore merry okay oh but now it's beating random   move because [ __ ] burn dude i hate this thing  so much that was one of my best answers no sludge   okay don't [ __ ] me don't quote me don't cry  don't cry crippy don't be chris again i wipe   nothing is faster and i did not get okay well  goodbye right horn i'm sorry about this hopefully   your death will save the rest of this run because  yeah this is cool bad i i hate this go back so   much and they don't even give you they don't  even give you the tools to deal with it anyway   i'm gonna rock slide well then i swear to god i  swear to god i hate you so much i might attack   again because this isn't the last pokemon i  still have something to deal with after this this doesn't get a one shot but it should do a two  shot easy i only got through this with good rng   i bet it burns me too wanna fake out it has  inner focus big you got me okay hang on we're   still in this but i don't i don't watch out the  louder of the issue and i am in range of loudrid yeah i'm sorry about this whole thing but  then again if you didn't have did you if you   had simply gotten your attacks off and not  been confused into instant confusion on   the ludicolo then we would have been fine all  right so now they go into karate chop is a roll   it is a roll and if i don't get the roll i will  lose them on here however i also have the odds of   creating with karate chop so all right  meditate you're gonna save your own life   okay we didn't wipe at least it's not fun to  play against confusion when you don't have a   person marrying like i don't i genuinely dislike  it it's not fun all right you two are great right   horn i'm glad we brought you you were really good  i'm sorry to let you go like that um i would have   liked to use you versus the electrode but like  frankly we'll see what we can get at this point   people of the wolfy vgc twitch  channel today we attempt a rival an enemy perhaps even a nemesis   and one of the major stumbling blocks on my  road to maxis crobat have we made it here before   yes have we faltered here many times yes will  today we falter again i don't know but the only   thing i do know is that this stream shall no pain  watson to call you a friend would be disingenuous   your gym has never failed to make me  lose pokemon and i resent you for it   and now i am here for my revenge or another  chapter in my sad sad tale i don't know which   way the future will go i don't know which way the  battle will go but i wish you only the worst good   luck have fun watson all right the jolty i'll  need it um i have to run some calc's mid-fight   because i didn't do it beforehand but it's fine  the reason we're leaving with merlock here is   because the level lets me out speed these uh  the amp for us just hidden paragraphs okay   not big damage i'm actually really especially  bulky let me move this the first slot   oh it can bite that's fine okay this will put  it out of range of thunder wave so it doesn't   want to thunder wave anymore 36 is crit rain  or no 36 plus eight plus 18 i see about 54. okay uh it's i'm so bulky okay how many  do i need to kill the lantern right   i should i should just go plus five right from the   um i'm gonna sit this is once and  then just attack go back to full   yeah i don't want to be greedy i don't need to  be greedy i'm risking crits in paris like what   happened to that hit on top that would hurt  mitchell one time unfortunate i have cherry   berry but yeah yeah definitely not going five i  wanted to be full hp for this though to make me   less likely to be a trouble versus the lantern we  really just need to dodge a second paralysis here   a second thunderbolt para it's pretty likely for  us to not get paralyzed so i feel good about it   all right t-bolt don't hear me no parameter  crit is okay para is really bad no crit okay   good this is maybe technically not guaranteed  i mean that that range has got to be guaranteed   okay this this thing freezes me i'm screwed  this thing's free i don't think i got a crit i   don't shouldn't have quit but freeze this game  over i think no crit okay that's really good   it's really good this is now winnable  for sure i am dead to some fire punch   crits i believe so we have to  be careful here no crit no burn i crit i've never did a crit so  there's no reason to switch yep depending on how much i do i can actually heal  back pretty close to not being fringe again   firebridge crit maximum i'm not  in crit range i'm going again yep okay i don't need if some floor dies  that's fine i don't have any reason to switch   i don't want to risk variance here because  my the thing is the reason i'm staying in   this can kill this is a very likely this  is a extraordinarily like the role to kill   oh i didn't get it that's fine okay  now i switch because now now i'm in   range sometimes and i have no more reason to stand   15 damage not bad cool enough burn that's great  okay no pera or no i'm table that's not ideal   i was dead to crit but like i i wasn't i was  i was dead to some non-curve roles and so like   i'm willing to stay in and like just play the odds  because it doesn't matter if the floor dies there   but i'm not willing to like at that point with one  of the metrics to stay in is just it's greedy for   no purpose right uh i'll bump me once all right i  have to bump moving at least once right because it   doesn't know about i almost switched it together  it doesn't know about cultiva right now dude going   to land in there i'm electric do you want to let  you that's true that's true yeah i mean uh but   i figured yeah yeah dude was better right yeah  i'm sorry okay there's two with me that's fine it's fine i can always pivot through  it's only a serve i can always put   that through garbo if i need to there  we go all right cool now we're in shape what's the ability to lantern 110 down to 83.   technically the safest to switch here yep no  it's t-bolt just in case like crit into pera all right body slams there's even less damage   okay and that's it no death watson we  definitely high rolled there sinclair   like a goodson floor is just legit broken  oh man i hate kirk i hate guitars kirk register my friend can i introduce you to  my timid golem all right golan big crit   here big crit here would be super nice save me  some hp big quicker from golem big quit from   golem golems no crits don't get crippled  golem no crits golem no chris alemno chris   okay it's fine okay fine we're still fine second  earthquake get the kill all right it's fine   it's fine it's fine at least we didn't get crit  that's the that's the most important thing here   hp grass perfect now the hound was used to  kill with overheat and fortune only takes   12 damage we didn't take that much damage in  fortress right and the thing about overheat is   that in this game overheat doesn't drop your  special attack and instead um just recoil now   my rapidish with soft standard level 42 only  does only kills the sound of about 30 37.5   of the time right however after overheat um it  takes about 11 recoil and that that 11 that it   just took is exactly enough to guarantee that  drill run which is faster and never misses in   this game with soft sand is a guaranteed kale on  the houndoom allowing rabbit i should kill the   hound normally you just tend to go over this but  mine wasn't good enough so we're using rapidash so   now is where i have to start kind of improvising  a little bit this is earthquake perfect and now i   have to decide what i want to do this is not a two  shot but it does enough damage that it shouldn't   change the overheat rolls i think didn't quit okay  that's fine the [ __ ] would've been fine they're   flinch psychically that's fine now what this does  for me is that um now i have a fortress and i get   to stay some hp on it because saga comes out don't  drop me please don't drop me please don't drop me   no drops only a little bit damage okay that's  fine and now signal beam is killed and i've   never did explosion crit well i guess sorry it  wouldn't be just explosion crap i can't create me   that's not enough to activate my um my  oranberry but it's fine i have more hp   here which is really nice fire punch  comes out we burn doesn't matter okay   it doesn't get crit that's perfect um  on faster exercises guaranteed to ko and even if i get paralyzed which  is what happens here i actually   gave a cherry berry just in case to  cover for this specific situation   now my sceptile is faster than this ex scissor  which you taught it just for this fight and i'll   use it for this fight faster as you can see the  x scissors should be guaranteed kayo from there   poison fang is more likely perfect now  crobats need to kill with heatwave here   here it comes out i think i might have forgotten  to do raspberry actually now my dewgong has a roll   to kill it's a pretty good rule but it's  not guaranteed i'll go for ice cream here   um i should have pizza or here i don't know if  i can flinch off this okay i get the attack off please kill um i need to get some damage on this  thing because i want to encourage it to rest okay it goes for willows picnics this  is where ross would have been nice uh   more rolls now kill me as the thing yep  okay that's fine 38 down to 24. okay   34. because that's my bad now it's  size making that was a mistake um where you did great slightly less  can't credit okay a little misses   okay shadow ball don't drop me don't quit me  you don't quit don't drop don't don't drop   no print okay that's perfect and that should  be it and that little chip damaging earlier   should make it to the heads smashes of  two shots from here i think but we'll see okay it's a lot of damage seismic toss i'm  in a range of another one but it doesn't   check damage right it doesn't take damage  and i'm pretty sure that's wait mid damage   head smash is uh 50 that's below  50 it should be guaranteed kill glam use head smash please kill all right  douglas maxi let's go this is now my second   furthest run ever but we're more likely to get  new mel or um magaby here or not anymore vulpix   yeah i mean whatever it's probably going to be  mccargo or machoke it is not my cargo machoke   or spoink i'd be pretty surprised macargo  yeah it's my cargo i mean it's just fine   okay extra key and all right this is where  things get very dicey so we'll start off somewhat   strong's crosstalk it can [ __ ] me i prefer it  didn't though doesn't get the crit that's fine all right now that brings in hariyama earthquake  perfect okay should i be getting a crit here to   be ideal it's not necessary though tremec  only seek a psychic wait am i an idiot   i'm very stupid i am your stupid this doesn't  actually work this is the same as using a   water tape rockslide comes out okay okay i  might have to sacrifice here in hindsight   like i don't think chameco does that much after  this and i had a section like i should never   wipe because i thought of using crunch but it  actually isn't i think i just sacked chameco   here if i switch into over if i should  be switching it to overheat here um and yeah i think i have section echo there's no  safe way to do this i don't think it's that   good at this point sorry tremeko yeah if this  crits if either this or the next one crit me   then i would i would wipe for sure so i  have to be i just have to attack i'm sorry   michael you were really good if i could have saved  you i would have because otherwise you're risking   double overheat crit which just doesn't feel  smart okay i didn't get the crit that's good for   me because it's good because i think victorville  comes in next although now i really need gyarados   to beat the artillery otherwise uh we could  stack polygraph here phoebe actually slow me in okay minus one hang in the garage okay oh if i could crit twice i would  still lose but i'm this makes it   so even if i can recruit once i should  i shouldn't die gunk shot that's great   but they're both special in this game i'm  intimidating it down not for the gyarados but for   the torpol because now it can't click don't shut  on me and go was the strongest move they shouldn't   be able to click hp rocky there so that's  why they're rolling me here do not quit me   it needs two any back-to-back crits in order to  kill me in wipey that's the first one okay it's   fine as long as we don't get print the second  one well there goes nothing swirl you got me okay good job purple this is one shot fireblast okay that's not a deal if  this burns me in really bad shape   i can take a crit um i don't get the two shot  here but i can set up for gyarados killing with   double edge oh i hyrold don't don't quit me okay  i'm still alive okay as long as i don't get burned   it's a lot of damage okay i should kill it  now kill it shouldn't that recoil all right inner tails is in first so this nine tails is  about 50 50 overheat or hypnosis if hypnosis   is much better for us um we're never going  to overheat crypt but overheat could be like   worst case scenario um our drawrun concrete we  are faster and um drawing crit or hypnosis are   about the same thing for us um we don't create  let's see if it's hypnosis we really want to   be hypnosis the perfect it misses that's really  good this actually might seem rapid edge later   so this is going to be a kill i think unless  they switch they don't switch they could've   listened to charizard in theory but i couldn't  do anything about that so i'll go for the second   german put the ko okay that was the more likely  scenario i think i don't really know how it works   um but yeah sometimes all right now the sceptile  we leveled it up mid fight to give ourselves a 15   out of 16 chance to kill with rock slide alone not  counting flinch not counting uh [ __ ] so go for   rockslide here we are faster sceptile most of the  time you're totally fine uh let's see if we get   totally omega bones here we got omega bone flinch  okay never mind okay that was a 1 in 16 chance to   not kill um so uh uh it's in blazer range now but  okay good job step tile oh that's a good thing i'm   a vgc player otherwise it wouldn't have flinched  flamethrower comes out that that's not even a crit   this thing is insane okay strawberry is dead to  some solar beam crit roll so we need to not get   crit here however it's not guaranteed to click  solar beam for a number of reasons um based on   the air works um earthquakes should kill so we  need to see not solar beam here okay as long   as doesn't quit we're fine we plan for this  as long as there's a grip we're totally okay   okay i would have died to crit this is  a role to kill but a pretty good one   with soft side oh wait no it's guaranteed  scaring you to get a soft stand right bye-bye   i could live this way there's there are rules  that i survived this okay straightforward you   could save myself hang on it's good to be okay  now we're going rapidash so in theory earthquake   earthquake won't kill me but earthquake crit would  do a ton of damage uh which would be really bad go for jordan here we're faster we're  playing do not wipe here we're playing to win   no okay just don't [ __ ] me if it cris me i'll  die i won't wipe but i'll be in really bad shapes   this is about 80 no crit  that's nice over drill run   i might have sack again because i took too much  damage so if lotion goes down okay two left   all right but i saved your own life with  joel run save your life with jordan agree   crit nope okay sorry rapidash yeah i would  have survived unfortunate sorry horse all right blazer guns down last mod i'm  gonna confuse ray yeah okay that's fine   i'm gonna do the crit i'm gonna decorate  after this but i'm not dead right now kurt would have actually been good there  because we're guaranteed to do the other one yeah like i can still lose  this with the cargo right   nice okay free switch thank  you confuse ray all right chat   those are the leftovers our grenine okay still  confused the other hit would be nice okay it's   fine not solar beam is great and then there's not  solar beams good and also the recoil is nice here   there's a favorite of damage though i might be  in solar i'm getting close to solar range i think boost oh i got it oh okay okay i see dodge  one crit jean valjean bring him home   no no solar beams yes i don't  find this i don't have a crit that should be it that's true that flannery  that's true that's flutter that is not bad at all   that is not bad at all cargo let's go shiny shiny shiny  shiny shiny shiny shiny shiny   this game sucks all right big one here we go all  right it's not shiny it's fine what is boom two one two three nice i i think i think it's  always our model here maybe not always but yeah   salamance mild nature oh it's good 16 hp 18 attack  18 defense 11 special attack 29 special defense 18   speed okay so the way that the ai works here  is that it's forced to skill swap turn one skill swap slaking now flinches and now i go for rock  tube to lower the speed of the slicing   espn's living around because of  truant i go next with rehearsal get the one shot now this is either  swallower kangaskhan if kangaskhan   comes in it is guaranteed to be swallow next if  swallow comes in it's 5050 kangaskhan or tauros   the i think we'd rather have kang  come in here it could be it could be   on tauros though i forgot that i wouldn't be  faster after oh what did i do what did i walk to okay well i didn't mean to i meant  superpower here i think oh boy that's bad   all right that's bad i meant to superpower i think   although maybe i can turn this around  actually it should be ground into my boot   okay there's a little bit of damage superpower oh  we actually got both oh my god i'm glad i switched okay i'm still alive hp ground into the armaldo  and supervisor maldo 17 damage   a little bit more sky attack into the armaldo this  is also why i didn't want a superpower in case   of recoil and i want to get another timidity down  9261 that's actually now guaranteed kill which is   okay i'm super going into either slot i'm not sure  which one okay finally gets the incorrect slot i think it's theoretically possible to survive  but like it's pretty unlikely okay swallows   down let's bring some taurus iron tail oh it can  miss i'm lit super power to fortress that's fine   okay doesn't do too much damage minus one  kang minus three kang iron tail into the   uh golem that's fine the 38 into  122. super power into either slot kara nice cool power unfortunate unfortunate superpower unfortunately unfortunate  i don't even recover either however   now we're in a really good spot because  we kill the kang ep again it's fine it's   targeting correctly but whatever confirm  that it's only 17. okay it drops my defense   i think that's okay i mean i know it's earth  powering me too so i can oh wait i still have   armaldo yeah if i really want i can switch  out but i don't see a real reason to because   even though i'm minus one defense now max  damage is 25 always targeting correctly   is it 50 50. so you'd expect to win it  like a couple times right okay no drop okay battle armor is so broken   okay three consecutive correct attacks  it's fine it's still not gonna kill me okay   all right and now it's just this relax okay  how many is this at now yes snorlax moves moves   arrest curse snore and stockpile so it can't  attack me it's plus four defense now i think   this will this is this will not  kill but uh it will kill after   yeah i can't rest right now and yeah as  you can see here you pretty good damage all right no deaths norman not bad  at all betty james kind of it was   like kind of legit oh my team was like  i had so many good encounters for this okay i gotta intimidate the exposed fake  out take a little bit less damage from   that scraper cut uh this thing wants to go for  i don't really remember but this should be fine   this game like a frozen okay um there's a way to  do this so basically what i can do here is i can   go dement immediately on the body slam pray it i  don't compare it it crits me good thing i switched   now there's always ice beam so i can just try  this again i don't get frozen this time and now   i'm not in range of octazuka i'll just give max  damage 114 um so i can go for gunk shot here it   lowers my accuracy which is fine right um it's  going for octazuka always i believe so i can go   back into tentacro okay did a lot of damage but i  got to go into this on the body slam okay where's   my accuracy again i missed i missed all right that  was that i shouldn't have done that i should slow   down uh this is bad uh skywarp is my strongest  move anyway oh it's a range it's a range oh   pre-left over there's a range guy over quick  it's the kill jumper loom all right that was   really bad all right whatever this could  be worse it could have been worse honestly   it could have been worse that's fine like  electrode no it's not great to lose electrode   i don't think that we're that susceptible to bad  luck is the truth i think we're really settled   with me being stupid and having bad planning  because i have a lot of plans just sitting   in my head and if i did something wrong which  is totally possible then we could be in like   pretty enormous trouble so this is medi-chan  plus armaldo i'm going to enjoy the first slot   because that's the movement clicking i'm going  to ancient barrier and detect what's nice about   this is that they're forced to double into my  mod this is the first kind of split path and   one of the more important ones if articuno comes  in here then we're in i think pretty good shape   if moltres comes into here then that's like  the harder variant but like in the end yeah   they both can be difficult we go over ancient  power um we should one shot there at actual here   if we don't then i'm going to be very upset  because i thought we did it's for sky attack   yep so we take double flying with this turn  dodging crits on a register could be really   helpful later um we don't get crit which  is nice i didn't think about recoil but   i don't think it matters the sky attack  that's the more likely of the two nice   i can't take the mouse off unfortunately  because i'm on my laptop and only one monitor   okay i take a little bit of recoil on both  that's fine for ng power into the zapdos t-bolt doesn't work hp grass we would like  to judge a crit here it's not the end of   the world if we do get uh getting quicker  actually would be kind of bad in hindsight   okay that's fine it's still good roll for us sky attack into our model that's  really bad there's nothing into   the world but like any damage in  our mall is kind of a big deal okay overeating to mince this is fine  dodging a crit would be nice here   doesn't it would be super nice okay no crits i really should have been jiggly drain angel  butter kills the moltres here i'm gonna eat my   lepa berry as well pretty soon can i get some  boosts boost would be super nice this is ice   shark because he's killed with it yep i really  need this to be into the um into the men's slot   please mince that's really unlucky  this is why i wanted to be citrus berry okay oh that's really bad   because now i think i might be in range of  some fly gun attacks is the issue yep because   this guy attack damage the crowbar took um i'm  it's always in range ranging power because it   was it was a pretty close roll before figuring  your ring trigger drain chickadee perfect okay okay didn't get any boost but that's fine um  it can no longer it could have seen a kill   with earthquake before but it can no longer see a  kill with earthquake dragon claw into stelix right   and i'm pre-damaged perfect flamethrower  yep can't be burned cause i'm raspberry cool and that is zero deaths winona nothing risked we  actually managed to risk nothing there let's make   sure we give a shout out to like include the  comment of the person who suggested medicine   armaldo because i didn't realize i didn't realize  armaldo could um i didn't realize our model ko the   the aerodactyl all right eggy  come to me my friend absol man didn't release this faster okay random move okay that was really bad i knew that trainer  was tough too and i just messed it up   got him patient uh verloom that's really bad  i'm sorry berlum oh you were actually really   good you were my best fighting type by far  first race baby give me a first give me first   i'm gonna throw up i'm actually gonna throw up  you literally can't catch it oh it's literally   uncatchable what is the point of this why  won't it shake do i need to get closer fun game fun game by the way oh thank you  executor thank you for showing up thank you   for showing up executor oh i could have gotten  anything oops sorry i'll get out of here gasoline   would be good as well here getting gasoline this  early i think it's really good for the hideout   oh ghost type ghost type please please okay ghost  type okay let me look at the moves to this thing   okay sure peter that's fine   oh that feels really bad i should i  was like wait am i in range oh man oh i should have damaged it   no no i'm in range wait what do i do i need to  catch this thing oh losing tentacle there's so bad oh man i lost zero monster winona and two monsters   stupid balogna oh that's really bad that was a  really good mod chances of wiping i think low we'll do a pull for maxi i don't think  we're doing here all right cool the one shot merrimack i got nothing to  say to you you were garbage   bye-bye could have been a dawn fan could  have been a dawn fan had to be a marowak   have you had the club we could have  talked also you're calm nature why this is calm marowak how much it takes all right chef the really scary the scariest  part of the fight i think is coming up soon   all right sunny day time baby sunnycast forum  we have to sack here because even though we   could have pivoted into flamethrower  if we like went through steelix um   the thing is that casper must be full  hp to never lose to venus or ap crit   so we're playing around we basically stack  merriwick to not lose to ancient power crit   all right here's the moment of truth this  thing can do a couple things it can uh   it can sleep powder which is great it can solar  beam which is good which is also great or it can   hd power which is bad engine or crit we don't care  about ancient power boost is extraordinarily bad   not again i'm having a flashback i'll i'm  having flashbacks no crit no boost no boost   oh wait it doesn't raise speed chat you lied to  me i was gonna icy wind to play around this but   it doesn't raise speed in this game got the world  doesn't matter the other world doesn't matter   the other world doesn't matter it  doesn't matter it doesn't matter   oh that's really bad it's really bad  because now i'm in crush called print range i can do this as many times as i want but the  thing is okay wait let me actually make sure   192. i'm actually not in quit range and  message p isn't that important after this so   i'm just going for the two shot with  flamethrower if this crits it kills   no crit no do encrypt me don't hit me   nice nutshell doesn't matter i have  a guaranteed two shot with charcoal taking the ice beam if you create your  first flamethrower and then we go from   fireblast you can save yourself you just need  to crit we're not going to gamble we need to   guarantee we need to get guaranteed damage here  you're not dead to anything here okay no chris   weatherball is just like this is like sixty  percent i mean we don't we're not gonna gamble   we're not gonna gamble now we because gamble is  assuming we had two fireplaces and dropped the   crate we dodged the crit but if we get crit there  all right magmar is up to you hyrule fireblast   can kill i'm gonna go for fire blast all right  i hit high roll crit get the cricket the crib oh magmar you're so close i speed uh okay uh man  i could have gone from fireblast to fireblast and   it would have killed oh i was talking with  charcoal and that was never a kill whatever   oh i was never killed okay i just  rolled my flamethrower that's all   all right now we have to play the counting  game count ancient powers with me we need   to count eight powers and then um and  then go from there a p okay one no boost over g clause now it's a special move  in this game so i don't worry about it it doesn't really matter if a booster or not  is the truth because at this point it only has   earthquake counter and self-destruct so even if it  boosted like eight times like if the only thing i   was actually in danger of is um is explosion like  once it runs out of all the other moves so like   yeah as you can see so in this game ancient  power doesn't boost your speed it turns out   fun fact yeah we could have saved magmar here  if i'd realized that a buddhism speed before   oh attack defense speed specialty  expression defense okay that's stupid   then okay that was then there was no there was  no way around that it was magmar was always dying   up until eight four this is like the single most  dangerous fight i think the biggest thing for   us is does my torpedo actually get an attack off  this game if it gets one attack off we're like oh   super good if you guys want to tackle it to get  this two attacks off basically eq crit is fine   here okay this critic is like preferable to  be honest but it's fine we couldn't go into   large speed guarantee be knocked out with a brick  break i'm faster get the one shot on teacher okay   when i'm stacked bringing sharp safely  i need to attack my other mons okay okay not that much damage okay so now because of this  i'm not going to solo being   crypt because i switched in like in this order yeah i'll start calling right over my cargo is polar more valuable no crit it can switch oh that's really bad that messes up all of the  passing oh no that messes up all the pathing   okay it's fine it's it doesn't as long as we  don't get crit here it doesn't change that much sharpedo please don't get crit here please look at crit it doesn't change this part of  the plan this is always the same   okay okay go for ice beam i'm faster to get the ko   we're not out of the woods yet this fight isn't  over but this lets us kill gengar earlier than   we would have otherwise okay this is a role to  kill it's not guaranteed it's unlikely to kill   it's like a small role to kill but we're planning  on stacking torpedo to get damage on this gen jar yeah it was a roll goes for ice punch um that messes up the pathing is a rough skin rough  skin right okay gengar killed itself all right   good job sherpito but now i don't know what  happens all right i think i think it's what you   send in in which case this might actually end up  saving us a month if it needs to be exeggutor eggy   eggy okay okay this saves this attack the same  terpedo got two for one because i killed it   okay okay which gives us x scissors oh it didn't go for a strongest move uh  so fine right okay now we're still we're   chilling out of the woods yet even though  we saved them on here we're very weak crits please don't quit me burn is fine no crits  okay no chris we just need to dodge one solar   beam crit it doesn't see the kill so it's  actually not even guaranteed to go for it   thank you took fab a zoom roll this is the  first time okay thick fat actually was super   clutch here we really want to get a charm  off here because what charm allows us to do   is it makes it that it never um nice yes  okay that's super good that's super good because i've never did to crit  here because it it stupid ai'd me   and now i'll stack a zoom roll  sorry zoom roll you did it great you did really well i'm really worried  about that there's so many there's still   a couple things that can go really wrong  here two percent chance into it ko meaning   it's not guaranteed i can never flinch it  because it's inner focus but i could crit it   i'm not gonna crit though okay i think that's a  decent role that looks like a pretty decent role   to me secret fire comes out i can't use agent  power please don't quit me please don't get me okay nice i'm in a range of crit but mineral from  rockslide is 47 that's pretty that's 47 i believe   i'm going for it i heard all the first time  this makes the eyes better my favorite second   okay okay perf okay now i just need to remember  this entity still has um this argument still has   extreme speed there are still hidden power ice and  it has intimidated as well yeah i mean i had the   high roll and stack to do it kind of you're right  i do remember that i was told that okay um this is   now either heat wave or citrus berry first chris  solar beam all right cargo you got me pog cargo okay it's a roll to kill it's not guaranteed okay but now that changes the um the boost  actually didn't change anything solar beam yep   and now this doesn't do that much damage and   because we intimidate it sees the couple  of hidden power ice but i'm faster than it   that's really good that's super good i almost  i i planned to lose my polygraph as well but my   torpedo like sharpedo got super lucky there like  i think the one crit was fine to risk personally   probably oh polaroid lived right a zoom roll you  were you were good honestly you were there when   we needed you we needed you you got us through the  early game um like i have no i have nothing bad to   say about you you did a great job you didn't  get crit honestly all my moms did a good job this is guaranteed slowpoke it's not shiny we were okay let's  get some rage any parades in chat   we won't confuse her to fail because of own tempo  chat it did not fail all right oh one tempo is bad wait does this go i just have to run wait wait  hang on is this good oh wait we don't want own   tempo we want chill armor i almost ran wait hang  on wait i almost ran i got confused what i wanted   caribou thank you very much i was about to run  if you hadn't said anything i would have run i was literally about to run  okay okay good go me i'm the best   all right the ideas actually are pretty good  24 hp 9 attack 13 defense 29 special attack 28   special defense okay wait this is if this were  modest this would be like the best slow bro ever you start killing it said are you just various  faster actually okay there we go all right chat   this thing is very good to catch for a number  of reasons super bowl please hit this or just   don't die here don't just just hypnosis it's  gonna blow up it's a hundred percent blowing   and knock down is dead super mario you  suck so much you're actually so bad   all right well knockdown's dead that was the  worst case scenario specific launch failed   thank you super bowl extraordinarily cool all  right cloister all right please confuse me first   please don't go boom just  hurt yourself in confusion okay okay all right chat page praise praise praise   please please he's getting the ball it's like  a one and three one two three please oh no it's   getting a boom no no could you give me a save  you can use confusion okay it's fine it's fine   i'm still on this okay it's fine i'm not i  shouldn't be the hydra hydrogen quite to do   whatever i'm just throwing balls come on  come on come on come on come on come on one two three please oh thank god okay okay legally that's what works it it works all right good job good job  glaily song show slider here we go do not like the twins go for detect they go for decline into betty jam  and random move into many champ   hp fire yep and i go boom which  does not break protect in this game one shot the latte house nice protect is not banned um they removed  protect and detect from almost all   mods medicine is one of the only ones  in the game that still learns detect you know fake out don't quit me okay nice ideally  it's hp grass here we take pure power again just   like last time hp psychic okay that's fine it's  not the strongest move to vote to the strongest   don't quit me nice okay that's really good  there's a ton of hp so we're gonna imprison here kill the god of war in one shot so this does one  of two things the perfect scenario is jirachi   comes in here the less perfect scenario is um  stormy comes in here stretchy okay unfortunate okay can't you shadow ball okay cool  this is a 15 out of 16 roll to kill   nice comes with ko and what reflect allows me  to do is it means like okay it's basically i   can still use one of my moms to crit but it can't  use ancient power even if the medicine quits me   and it shouldn't be able to see if the medium goes  for like hp psychic into my mischevious then um   they wouldn't see the kill here so going very  psychic probably into missy nope degarding nice   that's such a good crit wait i think that's  like a huge crit i'm gonna give up on my   uh in prison but i'm gonna kill the betty jam i'm  faster this gives me a level up on my toes as well you're matching to nine tails and two nine  tails nice and that i believe should be death   for this jirachi doesn't do that  much damage 45 damage now i can't   use ancient power but the trick is that both  my moms are faster and because i'm charcoal   and i basically the the idea within prison here  is i imprisoned signal beam so even though signal   beam was stronger i was able to run charcoal oh  that's a big crit i was able to run charcoal so   that i could never get confused or like and so  to play around the fact that i could get confused   if i switch to signal beam i imprisoned signal  beam that's why you imprison signal beam that's   why prison is broken here because i stalled a turn  with imprisoning the shadow ball off the medi-chan   and then forced the jirachi to do his meteor  bash and never signal beam which meant that   shadow buffalo flamethrower would always  kill and that has got to be the cleanest   state in liza i've seen him in a while well maybe  that's not entirely true but that's my of my two   team lines that one is way cleaner without  good rng we would have been in omega danger   oh i'm having giovanni flashbacks not again i hate  i hate tag battles i hate hydroponic i hate hydra why is taurus level 71 he's above steven's  level cap can we just qualify this thing   good job david all right this kills gender  this is the guaranteed part of the fight this brings in charizard steven i swear not to  tell the chat your secret again if you just if you   just don't throw if you don't oh my god throw okay  iron tail should we iron tail match don't quit me   okay okay i'm not gonna raise a double edge all  right starmie you make me very nervous my friend   i hate hydropump this is the only time i'm gonna  rely on it in the entire run it is an 85 percent   accurate move starmie i know i'm a vgc player not  a singles player but just this once can we pretend   can we pretend oh thank you oh stormy you're so  good you're so good you're so good you're so good   nice damaging the q again okay   start me maybe in double edge range  but i think i stay in anyway because my   primary goal here is yeah i'm definitely double  edge range my calculator actually don't be down don't let me down start me i think  steven normally prefers to iron tail   but it that might be just because i'm normally  healthier all right i heal a little bit here   this is going to put me it's going to be a range  for double edge to kill me now but it will already   have chosen to move oh i've actually might not be  arranged that healed a lot more than i expected   irontail any irontailers in chat starmie  you got me there shouldn't be a kill okay nice nice yeah i would have died that's definitely  see it's definitely successfully   how much do i need i don't know that's  probably fine anyways i'll go back to full here okay now let's turn fly gun goodbye gun fly joan okay okay flies drum down wait why is there  actually getting experienced stephen   why did you edge your mind all right i just need  to make sure this is a i should now if i lose it   from here i'm an idiot i'm just gonna say it  because i think it meteor matches this turn   yeah cool i feel like let's just go  to full hp silver's battle armor yeah   like flamethrower and flamethrower would  have won but i don't care if he kills steven big damage this aerodynamic will never  die that's crazy i mean now it's dying all right this should be  that should be pretty clean stephen didn't even die this time maybe that's   a good omen because last time  steven died and then killed us does it you better not get one shot stormy   who let this guy leave his house   you need parental you need parental supervision  stephen you should not be out here with zero   you're starting to get in one shot a tale of two  starmies am i right call me charles dickens talk   to the kid for luck okay all right i'm not  i'll listen chad knows what's up right chad   nicole you and me are going on a vacation all  expense paid now the kid isn't looking   he's might look he's watching my back now no one  can sneak up on me oh this is me or me's team this   laughs molten wings think of the prime yeah  now we're moving see this is where these other   streamers they don't understand that's what we  got to do we're falling for timid i'm not listen   i'm not asking for a miracle i'm asking for  something passable we're not even i'm not i'm   not praying i'm not so arrogant as to pray for  a good ludicolo hot tub stream i live in a city okay it's not shiny but it's fine 52 okay one two he was ready to join she was ready to join   brain dish neutral nature okay brain dish  is really bad british is really bad it's not   bad it's not bad at all it's totally fine it's  actually pretty good 12 hp 15 attack 17 defense   21 special attack 26 special defense 25 speed  not copium not kopi i'm not copying good ideas   i'd rather have i'd honestly rather have  raindish good ideas than swiss with bad ivs all right this is fun all  right fun game by the way   all right i'm pre i'm pre-damaged this is the  easy part of the fight the hard part is when   the kingdra comes in all right i'm gonna dive and  i'm an explosion here i'm diving into the speaking all right this is like a 70 chance to kill the  suicune it doesn't change too much realistically wrecker always dies here bye kill the sweet [ __ ] kill it i don't actually think that was good i think  it was bad that i killed it i shouldn't have   been scarfed perf that's fine it's fine um okay  i just messed the dragonites it goes for thunder   into the uh almost almost are you  this is your only fight you came to   you were very necessary here um i  appreciate the work that you did   thank you for thank your service i couldn't save  you i couldn't think of a way to save you because   my royal cup is too bad now okay originally i want  to see well this year now we want to see kendra all right it's a four versus three  so they only have three mods left   it's metagross kindra and um cold  fish this is octadoka into ludi   doesn't do too much damage drops my accuracy  we're switching out again it doesn't matter   ep basically speaking that didn't matter because  in the end metagross was protected anyway and then   i dove into that slot anyway so this fight is  either anticipated this is the hard part that   you're dealing with that you're seeing now um so  yeah all right we do have to kingdra this kingdom   is the one i'm most worried about that's so bad  it was just beyond don't drop me don't quit me   that's so bad that's so bad please connect that was the worst case scenario even  a crit is better there it's a one of   four for elections to survive here  nope just dead all right well kent   you were honestly you were good i  i don't feel good about that okay i really need psychic to pick up the kill here doesn't matter okay that's fine that's  fine that's best case scenario fine oh wait i need to kill this this needs  to kill please kill slo-bro please okay nice dodge nice dodge ep okay i was worried about ep crit plus  please kill please kill please kill   please guilty skill i don't remember the  skills okay adam is slower still moving it's a great okay three deaths that's  not bad that's not bad we were prepared   to lose relevant there it was unlucky it  was very unlikely to happen but it happened all right shiny below 34 below 34. below  34. okay so i got my prison stop teleport   okay he's teleport all right getting the ball  disco one two three okay all right not bad it's   docile that's neutral nature okay moment of truth  iv check dust claw adjustable 11 hp 15 attack 22   defense 6 special attack 18 special defense  for speed so the special attack and speed are   awful but we don't care about those at all i have  feelings in the style i think the style is the one   okay so if this is swallow i will yell no  okay i will yellow oh i have a yellow dude oh   kladov no you stupid mon oh i can't  even catch it she's gonna go boom   are the catch rates effective i don't think so  so it's probably oh it's gonna go boom turn 100 it'd be kind of funny if like you know what do  pokey pokemon do in their pokeballs right like   we do when the stream is  off do you think that we uh   you know we just sort of like exist in limbo and  kill the stream right right right well what do you   think pokemon did when you're on the pokeballs  that's a great question bro i like the things   they're on twitter i hope  for their second i hope not   bro this is the most legendary cutscene of  gaming agree i agree dude i can see each and   every one of the pixels and i love them all  every pixel is my friend this is the best   it's so funny hey cute kids one  of you leave the fridge open okay that's scary this is probably  brick break but could be eq break okay it's fine this is  that strongest movement to me   okay i should be faster now i'll get the kill  with air slash oh don't don't punish me for   being timid crowbar it's a one and it's a chance  not to kill 116 not to kill kroy you're so bad   all right this is where i got punished for not  having shadow sneak that was 15 to 16 to kill i could air slash and not lost grow bad it doesn't  matter probably just really bad kramat what the   heck truly what the heck are you doing like  actually like what was that all right we're   gonna peep install this kingdra until it dies  or slap off i'm gonna use me up just for this   section because it's guaranteed and it always ends  up the same way i can't get quickest of shallower it's just fork on full screen  oh sorry oh i'll speed up anyway well this game is kind of long now  because if you if they kill themselves   like before you attack like i don't  get to get the sock off now perfect [ __ ] me okay that changes it changes what  move the um lapras is gonna go for here or it could change the move that doesn't i  don't think it matters that much to the fluid   okay unfortunate that means that  i never get healed on this thing   whatever it's probably looking random move on  me as well so i can't really justify switching   actually i could no no i can't  it's doing about a 3k surf okay it's only job is to beat this thing and  then like in theory if it was hot enough i could   use versus my lodic but like clean three  ko looks like it doesn't matter slumbery   all right we're coming up to the scary  part i'm coming for the really scary part   coming to the part that i'm afraid of hp bug  i'm slightly pretty healthy which is good   just in case things go really wrong um okay it should kill now got my switch into who  owned swamp yeah it's true but it doesn't change   that well it doesn't change my plan i'm still  going with cash on the earthquake i beg you   okay chica dream don't [ __ ] me please  don't quit me i won't die to [ __ ] but   it won't mean no grass whistle okay okay so  this doesn't see a kill so it's very likely   to grasp whistle i have an 81 percent chance of  killing it out right with gunk shot um faster so   i go for gunk shot i'm only dead to [ __ ] and  crit here and miss the thing that's the range okay okay another goldfish and kill  something else just to make sure   okay got the max roll that was the only rule that  killed me okay but it's fine because that's it's   fine i get much off which lowers the speed okay  this thing is super dead okay kill me please   okay good really good good job musket you saved  us big time okay swampert was really spooky this   is just safer than listed uh risking ancient  powers in my opinion okay unfortunately all   right now we have to hope the whaler beats this  thing we have other options though we still have okay that's good do you wipe if you  agree to keep push cash there might have   i risk ancient power i risk wiping i don't  guaranteed wipe but i risk i risk angel power   boosting on me because my luna color doesn't  kill and i can't run miracle seed because um   i can't run miracle stage because i'm  also a swim so i could go because like   i could have gone ludi there on the  earthquake and then fake out and um fake out plus magically for the kill   well let's check because i don't have i  don't have an actual team here my whole   team is self-destruct self-destruct detect  explosion explosion and then this thing please again okay cool cool please jolly lax is  neutral okay that doesn't do anything it's got   really good ivs though 14 hp 24 attack 18 defense  one special attack 20 special events 25 speed   so it's pretty strong but it's not fast  enough see that would be jirachi at least okay we got it wait wait i can catch it hold on um   wait i didn't really think that we would we're  gonna get it i okay hold on hold on page break   plus special defense minus special attack  that's not that's not bad right that can't   be that's not that bad 21 hp seven attack  nine defense for special defense six speed   build on my tank build them a tank belt  melting melting building bella build a building   i still have to catch it i still think  it has teleport wait it has like super   low catch rate it might cut my wall it's  gonna kill my wob please stop using that   wait i didn't see a movie used but i  can all pour it teleport okay excellent   i shouldn't use speed up here even though i want  to i can't always teleport if i don't go teleport   again and i switch out and then it will just  teleport i don't know what to do please please   no please oh god okay teleport i'm dead i'm super  dead i quit me i have to switch right i don't know   what to do i think i go garty here in prison okay  he has another attack boost okay i'm nearly dead okay i'm just going to target down  this side protect it's unfortunate uh i like this is probably faster i'm down  to just double t-bolt here oh it's just oh   that wasn't smart it's always big okay sorry i was you were not very good oh i  probably shouldn't attacked you but then we   got that many champ earlier sleeking  tauros okay that's still a good one   hello okay eq die cloister switch to lantern ice  beam freeze t-bolt kill metagross okay agility go   this thing if this thing blows up i'm  dead meteor mash bye bye bye caliber   good job i could have switched there um no  fortress play it all cue signal beam okay okay okay let's count shadow balls for real this  time one oh that's not good oh okay i gotta stand   okay i was at the crit but that's fine  oh couldn't blow up i'm so dumb because   i've run in last week bud so close so  far all right cool this is just clubs   count pp okay and i kill  it not bad okay mentions it oh um this is always there slash  we killed this okay almost wiped ah okay and now this is flamethrower by taking more i take a bunch of damage here  that i didn't need to take because we flipped her   yep perfect so i'll kill with it  hopefully don't get burnt here okay i get uber i don't know ice beam i  don't know ice cream i don't know my spoon   it's okay it's okay i have to go for double  cheering kingdom i don't need a kindred for   anything after this sorry kinder that's super my  bad that's super my bad i like omega messed up   like i messed up in three ways here okay sorry  king drum thank you you were great i'm sorry   about that i'm really sorry that's super  my bad all right but i have a backup right   those clubs in the back up so it's fine just  to get something wrong strength okay declaw strength all right mentions now sorry kendra   sorry sorry sorry that's my bad so this is super  power so i got mistervis and then i click psychic and this is shadow wall so i got taurus strength this is superpowers or mysterious  see there's low things like strength this is   shadow ball mystery mist this is sloping something  strength credit okay this is mysterious um psychic   okay i go into fortress here  this thing attacked us on me okay   eq 172 and 107. we should  have a lot of damage there   am i in range i really would prefer not to  lose fortress it's really been i'm kind of   emotionally attached to it right now i'm gonna  go get right here on the eq and then i go for please tell me rock i don't want to move um  please tell me gyarados can kill this thing   uh frustration kills okay cool alexander punch  okay shadow ball it creep me and drops but it's   fine and then my load comes in and then i can  finish this off with jerry surf ice me okay   okay if i get frozen twice i'm actually  in trouble okay i wouldn't get me out okay god king jr i'm super sorry you were amazing  this whole run you were way better than the last   run i was ever bringing to the elite four but i  still wish for your sake i wish that that happens   oh really important before i get started i do want  to say thank you to a few people who helped me out   um big thank you to manat i just spammed with  a bunch of ideas i also would like to say sorry   to midnight because this is not what we're not  recommended so but i like i appreciate the help   nonetheless i just want to say thank you to  xavion um who's like the as far as i know the   premier pokemon emerald uh ai and uh understand  ist so they helped me a lot with understanding   specifically the advanced spreadsheet of the  calc which i was using very very very wrong   um incorrectly so yeah big thank you to them and  i also want to say a thank you to um pearl i don't   know pearl personally but they were the one who  initially did the walrus run um and so yeah walrum   is kind of the center piece of my run here so  hi so uh i totally blanked and i forgot to thank   someone very important um during this section of  the uh game prepping for e4 of the elite four um   i want to thank my friend to wobble that who i  messaged who did not have any experience that   with kaizen my knowledge but helped me understand  uh the probabilities of certain aspects of the   game specifically he helped me understand um  the swampers section figuring out what my odds   were of wiping there and then also kangaskhan  vs latios i was really struggling to understand   some of the things i can't say that i totally  mastered them but um it gave me a much better   idea of like basically what the odds were of  like what i was risking at each specific part so   you'll like that will make more sense probably  once you actually get to that section of the   um of the run but um yeah i do want to say thank  you to double that because it was a huge help and   i was not able to do the math on my own so yeah  thank you figgy berryman's aerosplash dragon claw   rock slide hydro pump longberry dust gloves with  shadow ball shadow sneak earthquake nightshade   lumbery wolverine with encore superfang  surf and ice shard blazing of the shell   ball quick attack sky brick superpower overheat  and ross when all these kangas found a fake out   frustration double at superpower oh thick thighs  forever bless this run who thank thank you huh all right chad here we go i  will not be using speed up   all right one of the worst deaths run we can  lose we always will lose kangaskhan this run   the question is do we lose we have to go through  sydney first this is a little spooky with really   bad rng i could be in some trouble this is  gonna take like 100 turns to beat so buckle   in get some get a snack all right suit  you're going down this is in power rock   so i'll switch into my slow birds nickname  power rock that's one hbr i can't get crit okay i'm back to a full pp and full hp  i think i can switch slowbro out here so   the reason we did all this is because we wanna  give desktops a safe switch in here it's very   unlikely to land an attack i think each slackhofst  is more than enough i'm gonna go dust clubs here   it should be arranged in a shade pray that it  doesn't hit me or else this was all for nothing   okay that's why we did that and now we can  kill with nightshade okay cool one down   did i not recycle again wait oh no   wait what happens what happens if i switch  out wait what happens if i switch out oh no   ah god dang it okay what happened to my switch  oh wait it's whatever the last item is used so   we need to not get we need to not activate lumbery  it's fine as long as i don't get paralyzed here but the thing is that this  can paralyze and it has static   oh i think i threw please  don't okay it's crit quick i can die to crit i have to go for shadow  sneak all right this could be really bad i   please don't static me please don't sound like  me oh god i'm so sorry please don't stack me   oh okay okay okay okay can't miss gonna get a  superpower but it's about the same power as hp   goes so if i get crit it would activate the figgy  berry and then i would lose kang into men's same   issue i'm dead to crit all right i'm going men's  pray for no crit prayer no crap make my life easy   no it's just a random move on kang which nikon  rock side just don't quit me don't create me   don't [ __ ] me don't hurt me please please i'll  leave another channel on ben never punished i'll   never never punished okay okay okay we're still  fine we're still fine okay just one more slide   i don't want to find out how it works  just give me my very back two hps okay okay okay chat moment of this is the this is the part  of the battle that is potentially this is where   we could wipe in this battle if things go well  we most likely will not wipe if things go poorly i shouldn't check for that very oh  you always switch back i guess okay   okay cool very good okay my head slipper  very right i do okay wolverine surf okay this brings in alakazam always kills this  alexander wants to go for thunder punch on me i   never did i'm only dead to three of the 16  crit rolls so most of the time it will not   crit i don't lose the powerful para i won't  run hang in there okay that was a quick roll   ah tear up my lumber okay okay okay okay  okay that's fine that's fine that's fine okay and we got the roll or what is  that the crit oh that's so spooky   that's really good damage that's enough  damage okay perfect all right we've just   don't crippy and we're home don't crit and  don't pair and we're guaranteed okay we're   guaranteed i think oh crashed just kidding um  okay fake out always hits this is synchronized   that might be a roll wait it doesn't  look like enough does that look like   enough tail this is a psychic okay it's only  just 25 percent oh i'm shaking don't quit me okay please kill please kill please kill okay all right so let me just  run calculator make sure i'm   not going to do something stupid  i believe i'm always in a range of   double edge here and nothing else but  i should double check that to be sure i heard a baby level 100 uh i'm arranged to double   edge i'm in range of nothing  else so let's count pp here okay perfect all right chat last month of sydney  let's hope we get to switch in safely and make   this vision safely i think we've won don't attack  don't attack don't attack para para para para para   yes okay sky uppercut for the kill foliage blaze again fish shelves kills   okay and now last month hound him this thing  can kill any of my moms with a crit except for   my blaze again which is why we went through  this whole convoluted process to set this up   so vroom versus houndoom i am intimidated  but i factor that into the planning   and sky uppercut i can never die to crit it can't  pair me it can't or can't flinch me it doesn't   have any moves i can do anything with me it  can't burn me obviously because it's a pound noon   does not get the crit i survive i go for sky  uppercut and this kills even through intimidate no deaths alright we did it not bad all right chat buckle in so here is the first scary  part of this fight where's my um i'm not guaranteed i needed i needed  flash for this actually i mean i made a   slight mistake but this is okay shadow sneak  is extremely likely to get the two shot here   it's an 80 chance of two shot and if i get credits  even higher or if i get the crit i should say   that's a good roll hypnosis miss whoa that's good  okay if that finishes off this is a great start please kill good start really good start okay one  down so the getting at the struggle part isn't   going to be bad the uh i'm getting it to kill  itself with struggle is going to be really bad   just a heads up let's count pp okay all right men's don't just dodge it time to  kill two months here and then and then comes the   scary fight of the battle the timing is the  same actually i think it's the fourth one in   both fights that oh no was the third one and  that was the fourth one nice okay men should   kill us with aerials all right aerialize  never misses which is why i'm running it   okay plops down this brings in duty  fill this with one shot air slash and now is the hard part crowbat this crowbac  can ruin our day we're gonna wall run on that   okay no crit no crit no crit no crit it crit me okay okay this is hypnosis would be  ideal here oh don't quit me please don't quit me   okay this is too much damage i'm a crane  all right well i gotta do it now then   all right this is it this is make or break  i gotta get a thunder wave off at some point   i wanted to intimidate all right  air slash no flinch or miss hypnosis yes okay okay okay we can't lose anymore stupid   i apologize for yelling i was getting  men's flashbacks after equipment wait y'all you always want to be homies can i  just run a bunch of ads or like while i stall   all right chad thank you for  your service see you in a minute   they're invading each with powers more awesome  than the next pokemon are burning with flame power   their whirlwind power blows them away there's  nowhere to hide can they be mastered you could   put pokemon power in your pocket gotta catch  you all all right we really do not want to get   we really don't want to get creepier  we need to stay above like 40 basically nice it's one i think roxanna's a two  shot i don't know the better move so   i'm just gonna clean it anyway without counting there should be a two shot i think uh looks like  a roll i can't flinch because under focus but this   is struggle all right this is the only part of the  fight where i can in theory lose now after this   is the guard of war it should be going for  thunder wave because i'm faster but i think it's   like technically not guaranteed non thunder wave  psychic crit air slash no flinch no air slash no   crit perfect i could lose to that combination like  and then i would wipe but it's so unlikely it's   it's almost it's almost guaranteed to be psychic  here or thunder right here so i'll go for air   slash this one cherry was um asleep i can still  not get paralyzed and that's it that's gonna be   it cherry berry let's go well technically there's  a mom left we haven't technically one yet but um but that should be the end of the garden walk   all right not bad so this should be shadow  ball or more likely double team i think   so we'll go into kang shadow all  right i can always win this now   i have to save up 95. i'll switch  out when it's like 100. it might   not even be in my immense range and  um yeah phoebe done not bad good jobs i don't really yeah i mean it's  just like i can get crit i can get   i can get exploded on with glaily i can get  thundered randomly i can get um ice beam   frozen and then the swampert is supposed to be the  hard part but it's not even the only hard part so we're starting this is this is it this is it and i have  to get through this without losing him on   i have to go through this without  losing mine oh god all right clearly   chat we played the song we need  weather ball show me weather ball   show me weather wall it's like a 25 chance show me weather ball weather ball okay  let's find you crit cris shadow crusher   spikes isn't a huge deal we  prefer no spikes but it's not   the big deal it's also it was always  good to go up okay okay weather ball   weather will not ice beam oh if this  freezes me please don't freeze me 90 okay it's not over yet it's not yet don't  quit don't quit don't cry don't crit   oh actually crit is okay i guess okay i  think it's at 9 18 is that a 17 i think   it's too high i think i have to deviate from my  plan because i think i low rolled a little bit   i'm gonna deviate a little bit oh  my hands are shaking okay all right kill this thing all right now now is this turn is   these next three turns are make or break now  if we get kurt with kang we legitimately wipe   like we actually lose the whole run here no crit  and even if we don't get crit we can still lose don't quit me come on can you got me if nobody got  me kangaskh's gonna got me can he's gonna got me good good good good good good good good i  mean the freeze is bad but the no crit is good   okay now is the moment of truth  we have two chances at this with two chances of this that should be out  of range it's not an ice cream range anymore   it's probably going to counter here  it's like an 80 chance to counter   maybe 75 between 75 and 80. it  can also explode our ice beam   we need it to counter please counter  please counter god please spikes counter yes okay okay we get to play okay now is where  the scary part starts we got through the pretty   scary part we got through the pretty scary  part the reason i'm using wall right here   is because i get to go for encore  and lock this thing into counter okay brain dish i'll be back to full  leaving full hp is extremely important here   i go for super fang it ensures i can't switch   okay keep an eye on core no anchor  ending i'm gonna super fang again   by now surfing i guarantee  they can't switch out on me   counter again okay rain falls zonker ending i'm  going to super fang once more and kill the surf   superman one more time all right here comes  the scary part chat pray for me pray for me   i can tell you with surf now ankara ends always  in surf range i have no reason i have a small   reason to not on for surf isn't range it doesn't  matter it was it tripped us about 25 percent   chat here it comes so here's the swampert  let me tell you what can happen here   the swampert is 50 tion it also is 75 or it's  like 35 chance to engine power and 15 chance   to earthquake those are the moves you can use if  it crits me turned one we're in really bad shape   if it yawns into yawn weren't really bad shape  and it hits both um ap boost is always really   bad and your crit is bad so you want to see eq  yawn miss or ap non-boost please don't please   tell me swamper please don't do it don't do it  don't do it don't quit okay no crit no boost   okay i am only dead to crit ap  it's so likely to be on here walrum you got me it's so likely on it's 50 it's so  likely chat please let you on yes okay okay it was in our favor but even still  it's so scary we don't kill with this   which is why i heart scaled ice shard and that swamper down okay okay okay hp grass this does like puts me around  50 percent and i would spam slack off   for a little bit para put your speed by into a like it makes  it a fourth you a fourth of slow oh swift swim i messed up it's faster than me i made a  huge mistake i made a huge mistake it's   fine i have a backup for this just in case  but that was a big mistake i should have   why didn't i think it was faster i was a big mistake i should slack  off again that's faster than me   oh i don't have bad boost on oh i'm way  faster i don't switch cold okay i didn't   have bad boost on my calc i don't know wait so  i've been talking all oh that's one of my moms   oh i was way more likely to win than i  thought oh my god i was worried for not   i was so careful on the other fights it  could have had a little bit more leniency we don't need to count anymore i think joe run is progress night oh wait  no this one doesn't matter this one   matters and he does not get the full  parrot here perfect okay cool and now perfect now i lock it into ice beam with  wolverine so i can't use hp grass into me anymore   and i get to damage this thing a  little bit okay it hits doesn't matter   walrum is such a crank what  this allows me to do chat super fang okay and now it's in blazing range you  cannot freeze ice tapes in this game   which is why i was comfortable switching lauren  in there i have a lumbery so i don't die to   oh it doesn't even mat it matters a  little bit miss okay great i'm faster it's not it's probably not awkward  anymore that's fine though because   i'm faster i never miss and skyrockets  under accuracy in this game right   100 accuracy get the kill  and what this does for me is kill the dugong and what this does is it brings  in the wall rain last or the whale or last which   means i don't i know i i have eliminated the odds  of me losing to self-destruct uh wailord randomly   because lapras comes in here and fun fact  about this lapras is i'm about to murder it   and send it uh to the grave shortest  live lapras in the world say goodbye   i do not click the wrong move super  power is the right move it is lumbery   p homie and it's just two things for us number one  of course it um um actually just [ __ ] facebook   water spout i don't think i should be paying hyper  waste at this point take about 40 recoil okay   i might be in hyper race range now but it's  fine um i can still just go hard into um bro okay now we have to count eight water spouts  chat count them with me it's just hopefully one cool it's now no longer able to use  water spout because it's used all i agree   any agrees and its other moves are amnesia  hypervoice and self-destruct however horse   it is none of these moves affect dusk flops  so dust clops here is able to shadow ball   as wheeler blows up no that's  glacia okay we're this is very good it's gonna come down to kang and whether or not  fake up those frustration kills a crit here is   basically if kang doesn't get crit i'm in a pretty  good spot um if kang does get [ __ ] things are   going to get very spooky very quickly kangaskhan  i've known you for a long time you've been   phenomenal this run so far so far you've dodged a  pretty important critical glacier if you don't get   creepier you might you might you put us in a great  position here we go fake out guarantee damage down   crit is actually really really really big  good job kangaskhan that's good damage to   get that regardless please don't get  rid shout out stronger i don't know please don't be afraid kang you got me if  nobody else got me i know kangaskhan got me   if nobody else got me and no can got me oh that's  so good that's so good that's so good kangaskhan   it's so good okay king dress in watch  this watch this watch this watch this   how do i avoid wiping to teach our hd power  boost right do i just pray for no boost   nope we go slow bro here i'm ice b i'm  lumber so ice beam freeze won't kill   won't little ice cream won't freeze  me i don't time to jerk onto draco uh draco's there's kind of bad to  be honest because i have more damage   on slover now it should be fine though  okay never to do a trick going to draco slack off as much as i can here i need to make sure this thing  doesn't die to drink a meteor recoil okay i gotta switch now i have to switch oh actually  this is fine this is wait this is what i prepared   for it no no this is where i progress okay okay  thank you for everything you've done for us   i don't feel good about losing you here but um   i have no choice this is my only safe  place okay thanks for everything buddy   please tell me you were great you were the  best mom we could ask for here you were the   best mom we could ask for here i have no regrets  with how you played take a rest you earned it   okay now my blaziken is good ivy and it's  not perfect iv it doesn't have to be the   jirachi but it's faster than this kingdra  which means i can go into it now get a free   switch in here and this is how i'm gonna beat  the blaze again sky uppercut kills the kingdra and tyrannosaur comes in now what's good about   this is teacher comes in now and i kill  the superpower even through intimidate so i never risked ap boost here   good job blazer ken   all right now i don't want to ap  boost so now all that's left is   meant which all right all right chad who's having  flashbacks because i'm having i'm not gonna lie to   you guys i'm having a few flashbacks we all  remember what the thing did last time to us   it flinched and critics now here's  the cute thing about this wall rain i never died a crit here ever and i'm ice shard which means i guarantee  get damage off here even if i flinch   or get crit so i get like 60 year  warranty can save itself here with um walmart can save itself here with good rng  basically if it doesn't if it doesn't um   get crit here all right well ryan i would love  to have you live with this final fight buddy   um i don't need you to win but i wouldn't you're  my friend you've made it so far let's go let's   go let's go okay cool 84gb is really good to be at  as well piss off got stuck between like not saying   whatever ah okay we're not done yet we can  still this dragonite has rock slides so we're   jeff we're definitely not out of the woods yet  dragonite okay i shouldn't add any crit here okay don't quit me i don't think i got  any speed there's no way that usb crit   yeah uh that was actually kind of close gg  that's fine it's back to neutral that's fine um it's neutral so what i need to know now  is how much is slow rotating from this thing   um it takes 99 damage so i have a safe i have a  safe ice beam here um where this can go wrong now   by the way is if i crit on the next one right this  is always it's neutral i'm slow bro max damage   is 99 i have to save ice beam okay it's plus  one um it critting here wouldn't be a big deal   me cutting here wouldn't be a big deal so because  actually okay so my slover's adamant which one i   caught i said was a bad thing it's actually  amazing because ice beam should never two   shot this thing uh i don't think i can two shot  actually i'm a little surprised to do that much if   i kill it here i'm in really bad shape nope that  was max roll that was literal max roll it never   kills earthquake me perfect okay slower just don't  quit here if we don't quit here i think we've won   don't crit i can't kill it with  a roll i'm living with low hp   don't crit it please don't crit slower you've  been so good don't don't do me like this all right now i don't know what to do that's  really bad okay let me think let me think that's really bad i can't stack my slow bro my  options are sack wall we're gonna grab dust clops   all right sorry warren blend slow bro it's  not going to calm mind it's easy to kill sorry warren i would love to  have you alive for stephen sorry warren you guarantee us when well  actually in theory i could miss here but   slow bro this is why i didn't attack the slogo okay finishing off shout out to me the issue of losing water in there  is it opens me up for about rng on it opens me up for bad rng on  steven hydrophone crit specifically   all right my second time making it to the champion  i wish walrun is still alive two months went down   there more than i would have liked it could  have been just kang if only i hadn't quit   because if i hadn't credited the switch just  stops into these feet and killed a shadow sneak i only heal an eighth of the  damage ideal i already tweeted guys   i wonder if there's ever charcoal here all right chad this is it  we can lose with that orangy   we can lose a better ng all right chat ready   this is the easy part this is a guarantee  one shot i can never miss i take the recoil okay that's guaranteed here's the hard part well  here's the beginning of the hard part prairie chat   this jirachi's always extra censoring me  so i can stack blazing here to get a free   switch but i'm still doing the meteor mesh crit  anyway i'm on to the extra sensory crit so i'm   gonna go into here and stay blazing  for later i'll find out why in a bit   don't hurt me don't hit me  don't creep me don't quit me nice okay this is a pretty important  turn this is 5050 meteor masher extra   sensory i will not i probably won't diet  extra sensory crit i will die at a meteor   mash crit so we wanted to go for extra sensory  here faster i guarantee the flamethrower off   a crit here would just save us the  like the risk of them getting the crit   okay and crit shuttle activates all right chad  pray for no meteor bash pray for no media bash   please don't quit me please don't don't  like this not like this don't quit me okay it's fine it's fine it's fine okay mance  you did a good job you'll kill the jirachi here and now is the most terrifying part of this whole  battle jirachi goes down which is really good this   is typically a problem on for me so this men's  has to die here i can't save it sorry mince okay here is this begins the pivotal part of the fight  this is the most important part of the entire   my dust collapse has to kill this thing   oh yeah i have to go dust clops thank you  for service man stuff clubs i need you   to dodge a crit here it's going for hydro  pump if it misses we're in such good shape   if it misses we're in such good shape dust  clubs please drop the print please doctor crit   oh my god that's so good wait  that's so good that's so good okay that's really big that is phenomenally big   kill this army okay there are three mods left  mewtwo this is the most problematic modern   remaining on the team i'm gonna calc really  quick to see which move is more likely to use   a crit here would be super bad uh it's more likely  to shadow ball it could use flamethrower though   best case scenario here is shadow  defense drop okay defense drop me please okay no crit nice okay didn't drop that's  fine um i'm in range of shadow ball crit   so what i'm going to do here is here's the  issue unless i crit or drop oh it didn't   drop okay i don't critter drop um that  thing is not in range of my it's not   over yet chad it's not over it's not over i  can still lose to crit because my dust clops   my dust claws um dies to shadow ball crit here so  what i'm gonna do is i save blaze again pray that   this is shadow ball it could be psychic it's much  more likely to be shadow but it could be psychic oh my blazing i'm sorry i  need to get a quick attack off   all right i can still lose because my blazing  dies here i want to get quick attack off to   put in a guaranteed range oh no chat if i don't  get current here i should win if i get crazier i   should lose if i get the crit myself i should win  the entire run comes down to this turn probably   all i need dust clubs to do is get the kill  here i need that quick attack please don't   quit me oh god please don't quit me psychic  is less damage psychic okay don't quit i would have lived i would have lived  okay shadow sneak for the kill hold on hold on arrow can still ap a boost  on me okay we killed the shadow sneak it's a guaranteed kill i think i didn't  count this it should be guaranteed right   okay and i heal off of this okay  just cops shadow ball perfect pee come on dusk clubs come on  buddy nice damn sit down defense drop okay desktop saves itself with  the shadow sneak crit right isn't that correct okay it's large p   a p don't boost it should be fine it should be fine i can't hide  anything it should be fine it should be fine   it's probably shadow snake just in case it should  be fine it should be fine it should be fine   all right slow bro you are the last mon standing dude there's no way you go to this yes oh that feels good oh my god that was so stressful oh my god   thank you for the gift songs stephen i freed you from geratnia  chad i can't believe that   i cannot believe that how many hours did  we spend stalling how many hours we'll   do a recap let's do a recap of everything oh  you're gonna fight me in this game oh my god   i can't believe that we got so close last time we  fell short and to do it this time and to do without looting hold on without wobble  pet two pokemon which are like real mainstays   i don't know i'm really proud of that i think  that i showed off a lot of my building skills   and my planning skills um yeah once again  thank you by the way to manat for helping   uh like theory a little bit with me  and uh uh pearl for coming up with   their the original walrus strat user and  of course avion for help with mechanics and   understanding spreadsheets because those  things are confusing to my tiny brain um thank you for all of you guys for watching  like i don't know like if you told me a year ago   that like the thing that i'd be doing the most on  twitch and that would people would be so excited   for was playing a nuzlocke i probably wouldn't  have believed you to be honest like or i also   wouldn't believe that um i'd be so into this game  either but i've really enjoyed it this game is   like honestly like oh there are some problems for  sure but overall i would say that this game like   really holy cow 50 gifts of simplicity holy cow um  oh blaziken you were so good dust cops you carried   us through you didn't give up when the going got  tough dodging that hydro pub actually might have   saved us here like legit might have saved us thank  you man thank you for your help slow bro you might   have been you and you were probably mvp on the  z4 run walrus you were so good when the going   got tough and we were really in a position that we  needed some we needed a hero that was while we're   in kang consistently good throughout the whole  run just phenomenal performance men's you did   great as well all these months pulled their weight  and did exactly what i was hoping they would do   um and it wasn't seamless like we did we overall  didn't get really bad rng so we were able to make   it through i think that like this game is really  what i love this is like the perfect pokemon game   in my opinion we're pretty close to it like it  has like it's very difficult the perfect hard   pokemon game i should say it's so difficult  but i don't know i don't know it's like it's   you so much room for skill expression by taking  away your like you're all your tools they like   really force you to ah streptob they really  force you to to get creative right and   to like to you like use what you have  the best of your ability like when i   imprisoned when i used imprisoned signal beam  shadowball gardevoir to beat tayden liza like   that's something i would never have to do in a  normal nuzlocke but because it was so difficult   i was forced to do it um so again shout out  to sinister sinister hooded figure as well   um they're the maker of the original um game and  if you want to support them they have a patreon   i'm sub to it myself um like they don't they we  all anyone who's played this or watch this you   do this for free so if you want us to check  it out um yeah i'm happy to link it as well   oh man my mods were so good honestly this one was  so good i feel such attachment to all these mods   fortress carried us through dusk clubs didn't use  that they didn't use it all in the regular room   but came to the elite four like i was definitely  discouraged after losing and like i don't know   i made the mistake and i went the internet i  read a lot of like mean comments about myself   which like i don't recommend doing um and with  regards specifically to emerald kaizo and it   was definitely discouraging but i don't know for  me it was also a lesson that even if people like   aren't like super kind to you like you don't have  to let that ruin your enjoyment of the thing right   like i don't think those people are just suddenly  gonna be nice to me already they're like not gonna   say mean things about me but um you know like  they didn't ruin my enjoyment of the game and   i really enjoyed this run and it was it was fun to  go through it with more of a mastery right having   been through once before so i don't know yeah i  feel really good about this and thank you everyone   for watching like i said like i it's really hard  to step outside of your comfort zone with content   like i've done it before i'll do it again and  it's it's always difficult um and like the fact   that there's so many people here watching me and  supporting me um that means a lot and also big   shout outs to pokemon challenges as well because  he's the one who like i want for him i probably   wouldn't heard about this game um and using the  time when i was learning to like help me and give   me stress and you know kind of point me in the  right direction um so to say thank you to him as   well and thank you also to everyone who came to my  streams um i can't remember everybody off the top   of my head but sega um guapo um everyone came in  and kind of helped me when i was especially when   i was first learning i really appreciate  you all what do you plan on doing now um roxanne all right well call roxanne rock and  whiz all right roxanne what you gotta say that's right you're gonna need a lot of  time before you open the gym hell yeah
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 655,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, twitch, twitch streams, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pro gamer, gaming, gamer, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, emerald kaizo, emerald kaizo nuzlocke beaten, emerald kaizo nuzlocke, emerald kaizo elite 4, wolfeyvgc emerald kaizo, wolfe glick emerald kaizo, emerald kaizo hardcore nuzlocke, hardest nuzlocke, hardest Pokemon Game
Id: GPZ62QvzaGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 15sec (7395 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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