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hello so here's the deal the other day i posted a video where uh i was using espeon it was my second draft of an svon team i said hey i'm gonna use this on youtube just to like get a feel for it test it out a little bit before i stream with it then i'm gonna stream with it and kind of take it from there now i did this and it felt pretty bad so we are now looking at my third draft of an espion team i think this one is potential of the three that i built i think this one is probably the best but uh it's unclear i guess for me the thing that i like the most about this team is that most of the pokemon look like good pokemon like of course we have noivern um and we have espeon but other than those i actually i honestly think espn is kind of okay uh or noir is kind of an okay pokemon um looking at my opponent's team we can see a couple things they do have two justified users with no beta they have a mungus which is slightly concerning um they have tarakion which is okay i don't think this looks like an awful matchup and honestly i think espn is kind of good here um the question is how am i going to deal with the uh the amoongus i don't have great amungus answers on this team unfortunately um rotom watch looks okay like wheezing looks honestly wait wheezing looks pretty strong here offensively yeah actually i like wheezing a lot here um i think ferrothorn is a pretty nice matchup as well all things considered i'm a little worried about snarl arcanine actually maybe i shouldn't do this um let's see sorry this is a tricky one espeon is definitely coming though it's espeon plus espn plus wheezing would give me a pretty good matchup against everything that's not the let's do one two three four it's too slow i need to bring noir into this right i think espeon plus wheezing is okay up front and then i'll bring noiburn and ferrothorn in the back i think and i'll try and sweep with wheezing yeah because if i get rid of the yeah all i really have to do here is get rid of the um get rid of the amungus and then or get rid of the arcadine and then my ferrothorn is in really nice shape so i think that's kind of the way i'll be playing here uh i expect an arc union a lead truthfully uh we'll have to see what they lead with i think it's probably it could be a lot of things i think archangel is the lead though yeah this is what i was expecting more or less our community plus brave area are the leads here uh not amazing we do have a nice esp on a counter lead here um i'm gonna turn off all abilities immediately i need to remember that if i've turned the abilities off i can be spored that's one thing uh we're just going to reflect right out of the right at the gates and i kind of want to protect here i could just dynomax right away get some max ooze damage off as well now i think i want to protect and start stalling i won't reveal that i'm offensive uh yet anyway and getting eight turns to reflect is pretty nice in this matchup not all of the pokemon are physical but the really heavy hitting hitters and the ones that i expect to dynamax are dracheon and braviary are the two most likely dynamics targets i honestly think that if you're leading bravery you probably are not oh interesting i thought they were the dynamics there but i think you probably don't have tyrakian in the back but i've been wrong before they go for old scarf bravery interesting oh i didn't expect that okay scarf bravery i'm gonna go for a snarl here interesting interesting it doesn't do very much damage as you can see my espionage is pretty tanky uh we now know that bravery is choice scarf that's very valuable information we're just gonna get a reflect up so i mean overall they got talon and snarling my esp on but i got reflect up for eight turns i think that's not a bad trade at all the question is who are they gonna switch into here like they don't have great switches to well really anything oh i think i go with light screen for with espeon and then i do think i want to max ooze here or should i switch into ferrothorn like they're not gonna nothing they have switches into i don't want to get burned though um because i really it's these snarls that are annoying like i didn't really i don't really have great answers to snarl or can i i guess i can just light screen and then max ooze here into whatever into the uh what was it the arcanine i think it's not a perfect play like i am going to get snarled again which is unfortunate um yeah they have to switch because they were choice carved into tailwind they go to sylveon i mean i'm about to get light screen up and i do have offensive dynamics tweezing on the field as well so it's not a terrible position to be in uh obviously i would prefer if wheezing was not snarled because then i could really kind of start going to town but um yeah we also like eight turns of screens is really nice in this matchup i think and we've burned two turns of their tail one so really it's just a question of how quickly can i get rid of this arcane and what's like what is my special attack gonna be at the end because like i'm using my dynamics earlier that's one of the downsides of my plan here they do go for now they do connect on both um i don't think sylvia i'm super threatening here with light screen up and with pixelate turned off like it shouldn't really be scary at all truthfully um my espn's gonna be at minus one and my wheezing's gonna be at neutral at the end of this so i think max news will do like 40 but i could be wrong it could be to do less than that i i hope it does at least 40. it isn't uh minus one and it's not a super powerful move yeah just a little under 40 which is a problem like i'm basically doing no damage here um yeah the snarl arcanine is tough truthfully um i don't know if they have a switch into max ooze of salvian but again i think the arcane is kind of the bigger threat so i'm just gonna psychic into that and max moves into that again uh i do need to get rid of this thing at some point sylvia i can beat the ferrothorn um they do not protect which is interesting i wonder if they're gonna hypervoice i definitely thought they'd protect there yeah snarl arcanine is a bit of a problem i could have brought rotom wash but the amuga spooky okay they're really committed to dropping my special attack and also there's a ton of it out there me yeah that's pretty bad uh big crit there now wheezing to minus two yeah they've really mitigated my damage output which is not what i was hoping for uh espn's minus both my pokemon or minus two we do a little bit damage here we do a little bit more um but yeah the sylvia just kind of go into town okay we got arkanina really low which is nice we're back to minus one on both but yeah like we're dropping too fast here um they'll see if they have a berry they do a berry that's really bad it's just papa berry yeah i can't get through this arcane any easily unfortunately um i kind of want to double the silvion here like i think i definitely psychic again i don't have anything better to do and let's get some damage in the sylveon um arcane a is pretty much where i need it to be so yeah we can double that also they stayed in last turn so yeah uh it's not a great trade by any means like all this damage on my pokemon specifically the fact that i've used my dynamics and haven't done much damage but yeah they just out here let's see who it's into it's bravery again okay so they want to reset their tailwind which i mean makes sense to me the governor hypervoice is not a fairy type attack so it does nothing um and i'm actually back to neutral uh offensive stats which is nice do a little bit damage and drop really big oh we had to drop i was kind of kidding but we actually do get a drop uh we get news off as well so overall i mean this isn't going awfully we have a lot of damage on the board we almost took a ko there like two of their pokemon are near k range um not not actually k arranged we're getting closer i'm back to neutral special attack wheezing's taking a ton of damage which is pretty bad but i do still have a couple more turns on my screens um the real issue is this arc and unity in the back and my ferrothorn and the other issues they have in dynamics those are those are my main concerns right now i'll go for psych and get to sylveon and just go for a sludge bomb into the brave area i think is my best option we know scarf i'm neutral on both thick and braver but then they lose speed control which is i think better for us than it is for them like yeah they probably they may even dynamics their breviary here actually i think dynamaxx back to airstream would make some sense i think that ko's wheezing because i'm not very bulky but might not yeah that snarl arcanine was really problematic i maybe should have like my lodica primarina over burton wash although rachel marshall made a lot of sense in theory i think rotom wash espn should have it would have been a better lead here because i could have yeah original watch espn i think it's stronger they actually do dynamics this is going to be bravery uh would you get a psychic off first unless they want to protect yeah having roots and wash in the back hero i like i don't know why i didn't bring road to wash this matchup it was really strong i think i just got so focused on like speed control that i forgot that i actually don't need to control if i have screens post dynamics wheezing as my main sweeping thing um so yeah we do to be really careful we're on this thing should we protect from sylveon yeah protecting soybean is unfortunate for us because now they get a speed boost um which is bad psychic fails into the sylveon they're gonna go for an airstream here into i think wheezing unless they want to take out espeon wheezing i do go down actually that and abilities are reactive which is really bad um oh i'm in so much trouble holy cow and my neuron actually doesn't have moves that can ko unfortunately so i i'm in big trouble here um we have a couple more turns of screens left i kind of feel like i have to go into ferrothorn here honestly like i can go noivern but um i should have written washington back that was really bad i haven't taken a mystical fire here it's not the end of the world it's just not ideal um i definitely lose this i shouldn't you can't okay i think i learned that you can't bring espeon and uh together that's a bad a bad idea let's go for dryer ball uh yeah i lose now ah yeah if i had rotom wash in the back bringing richard washington here would have been really nice virtual motion screen should be really strong so even though i lost this i feel like the team is still pretty strong um and i feel like i learned something valuable like it was just it was just poor pokemon picking here more than like actual fundamental team building issues like yeah snarl archer 9 is a little annoying but this is why i have light screen roton wash for example airstream comes out again uh into my espn presumably actually do my ferrothorn huh okay so i guess they want a mystical fire and just get damaged on my get damage on my um oh i just want to go for hyper voice okay yeah even with light screen up i do not survive that i have a feeling i don't have any more turns of light screen or an error reflect left after this as well which is a problem gerbils can take out sylveon so we get a ko but it's too little too late i think truthfully uh bravery is too much speed and without like i need bulk to beat this like if i if i can go to rotom wash right now instead of noivern again although it works and watch though probably wouldn't be enough in this case but at least at least we could pretend you know whoever comes in here i'm gonna frisk the items on the tarakion actually oh okay yeah root yeah i i bet a whole game plan around ferrothorn without adequate support to like support it weakness policy tracheon i can't really do anything against this i can superfang the tracheon and gyroball the tracheon in the hopes that they mess up somehow but i think that's unlikely and even if they do like i don't see how i can ever be bravery without rotom and with wheezing taking too much damage so yeah even though i lost i do feel like i learned a lot from this um and i do feel like this team is solid like i don't this doesn't feel like a team problem so much as a me playing poorly problem it wasn't even so much a playing issue it was like i didn't bring the tools to deal with the things that i had to they go from max drake that's one way they could lose here if they go for rock slide uh and they miss the rock slide although honestly it'd be so hard to lose like yeah it's near impossible to lose now that i actually think about it should we rock slide oh there's close combat i don't even with reflective i don't think i live that yeah i just do not live that espeon was good here i'm gonna be honest espeon was good the issue wasn't like unlike the game was yesterday where espeon was bad speed was actually pretty nice here the issue was uh the way that i positioned around it i really like this reflect light screen espeon i just i let the amoonga spook me that was the thing like espeon plus rotom wash should have destroyed this team but the the uh mungus really really spooked me so um yeah heck even charizard they weren't gonna they were never gonna do rotund wash or they were never gonna do a moon this into espeon plus rotom wash or espn plus charizard plus among us i think that's what i should have realized um yeah that would have been a better yeah there were way better modes of this team so i honestly i'm gonna say it i think this team can do it i think this team can do much better than the others after like sometimes it's not about winning or losing so much it's about how a team makes you feel and how a team feels to use and this feels good to use like i feel like i have options i feel like i have a lot of options let's see let's try again maybe it was just maybe just a good matchup and i lost because i like like the team had a good matchup i lost but it still felt good but maybe i'll play a different team and it'll feel bad so it's kind of what you can't judge too much on one game but in general i typically find that i get a good sense of a team after using it once i can tell how much i'm going to like it and i feel like i'm going to like this one but let's see what we're phasing out but this person's pretty high ranked i didn't give porygon z much thought when it came to prep i'm not going to lie um porygon z plus azumari a lot of weird pokemon here zoroark is oh i can turn off illusion okay let's see if we can learn from our mistakes um charizard's pretty strong here they don't have redirection they do a fake out though um i really like wheezing plus esp on here i think in the back i do think i need either rotom or charizard i like roots i'm here let's learn from our mistakes from last game and then um last slot is gonna be i think ferrothorn i think ferrothorn this is a bit more defensive than i would like um but yeah i don't know how wheezing interacts with his work by the way i'm just assuming that i will cancel illusion so i won't have to see it like see illusion that's part of the reason i wanted to lead wheezing because i don't want to have espeon accidentally get blown up by something that i wasn't expecting uh i do need to make sure i get light screen up this game that's a big thing here so yeah we do have we have a goal here that's um from the end chow okay mian shell plus azumari ah this is super fine number one zimmery doesn't even have huge power right now number two oh but what if it's dorark what if one of these is oracle uh let's just set reflect up wait reflector light screen i think that neutralizing gas will turn off zork i think god if it doesn't i'm gonna feel super dumb but let's just go for kind of the obvious play here like we don't want zumarita boost up on us is the truth god i hope one of these isn't zoro okay i was kind of worried about coordinating switching in there so i'm glad that it didn't uh if neutralizing gas doesn't work with zork the way that i think it does i'm gonna feel super dumb if i just get like night dazed here i feel like they fake out wheezing i feel like fake out wheezing is the obvious choice here but yeah my i i have dynamic squeezing so i i'm dynamic again a lot of the time because it is very offensive they're kind of making a zoomery actually okay well i turned off huge power and i got reflect up prices uh i might not have gotten reflected but i i did turn i did turn off huge power it could be weakness policy that would be bad but i'm honestly kind of no if it was zurich i would have dynamics first so orc doesn't copy the speed stat just the just the uh appearance god i don't know how zoroark works here they're gonna go for oh they're not gonna go for a reply uh fake out all right let's see if let's see if it's all arc oh i don't like that i don't like that i'm very glad i dynamic squeezing and set reflect and turned off uh turned off abilities because azumari without huge power is not good like it's a very bad pokemon it's a pretty good pokemon with huge power oh we do like no damage though interesting okay special attack rises that's that's um assaultfest fast assuming it should be taking more than that i think i think this is going to be liquidation as well starfall actually they want sp on damaged okay yeah thanks even with plus one attack because of wheezing uh it doesn't do that much damage i'm wondering now how much max so okay hang on a second it can't protect itself that's the first thing we know for sure the second thing is that the first one did about 35 percent so the second one should do about 50. so then i think psychic will chao i think psychic plus star oohs chaos here because i'm plus one special attack on my espeon even though i'm not invested oh i actually thought alice would just coming out uh i think the next one ko is they go over to their coaching which is fine yeah reflect plus no abilities is kind of scary to deal with zoomery like actually it's a pretty hard counter i think this goes down okay cool dynamax is over i got plus two on both wheezing and espeon i have six turns left to reflect i could have said sunny day there as well if i thought like if they had liquidation turn one and if i don't like a little bit less with max use i would have said sunny day just to kind of invalidate them um okay so like basically what i was thinking when i was like why would i use i was like okay i can use dual screens espeon but why would i use it over grim snarl like what does it do the grimstrom doesn't and this answers my question a little bit uh number one it's not as bulky i think because you have to invest in speed but you do get access to sunny day which is not something you have with grim snarl okay poor gunzi we are taking this thing out asap um misty train is up we're light screening here i could go for psychic into the mian ciao but i think the poor against is just so much scarier um i think starfall is the right move here i'm gonna star fall it's slightly stronger well i mean plus two ooze chaos as well but i think starfall is probably my best bet get and like if they protect it get some damage on through the protect uh i'm gonna get light screen up here oh yeah but the other thing is that after max ooze espn actually does damage and like it does damage quickly which is nice so close combat comes out this is gonna do nothing uh yeah espeon barely hangs on just might just pour event step because i have reflective i feel like this has got to be pretty close to over hyper meme's probably coming out here it's actually just tri-tech they can't even status me do nothing they can't even status me because uh the misty train that is zoomer reset and then it should go down here i think okay pc goes down i could still lose this in theory like it's not impossible um but i am in pretty good shape it's just that i took a lot of damage but with rotom washington in the back and screens up like it's pretty difficult to beat rotom wash without screams and like me and show is gonna go down okay corbin yeah with corbin in the back here i think i win of course it's not impossible that i lose but um yeah i think i'm just gonna definitely psychic into the mian show here i think i'm just gonna force them to double attack me in order to kill me um like if they want both chaos they have to attack with both although with close combat me and show maybe this is bad because i think maybe yeah focus huh i'm wondering maybe if i should have protected wheezing i was a little scared of talent here um or are they gonna coach themselves no they're just close combat okay i will faint to that i ah wheezing may survive like i think i have very little bulk but i do reflect up hopefully i survive i think i survive here like i feel like rotom should be able to solo this anyway but oh i'm actually just faster than the coordinator oh yeah i put speed ev's on this right right that's why i don't know as much hp forgot about that i let's see if i survive let's see if i survive an iron head oh after life work probably not yeah definitely not there's no way to survive god wheezing is so good i love wheezing um let's go rotom here and then that should pretty much be the game we know roto is faster um i think it's technically optimal to nasty plot and protect i think is optimal and then we just flamethrow the t-bolt i think they forfeit this turn though they should realize that they probably can't win against real time and reflect nope they don't forfeit i mean i don't blame them in theory like demanding my last pokemon maybe yeah but this game went pretty well uh espeon actually did a lot of work it was able to put pressure on the end shout out it was able to help kale the ozone marine and not get killed by the azumari um which is like both of those are pretty good things um and wait have you dynamax wheezing and set misty terrain then what you can do is switch rotom in so you don't get supported by ammunition because you take away your levitate you can actually like wait you can also dynamics your rotom set electric terrain and then no that's what you should do if you dynamics road top and then they bring in among us and they like protect spore you switch in wheezing and then block the electric you block the spore of the electric grain that's actually genius um but okay yeah that felt good like so why don't play one more let's do one more just because i'm curious because that was a pretty good matchup like azumari does not be wheezing easily like especially azumari versus reflect wheezing but the strategy makes sense like i see why that person was high ranked like assault as a zoom role with defense boost and dynamics and attack boost seems like impossible to deal with but i had i had like a great counter team so um another zoomery this time it has yeah we're gonna do the same lead again i swear i plan to do different things with this but i just am not doing that um at least i don't resort this time wait let me slow down like i do need i really want wheezing here because i want to turn off the abilities of everything but the alakazam spooks me and the volcarona spooks me as well it looks just like a hard rely on a zoomery team right i have i mean i have i'll bring ferrothorn in the back for sure because that will help me with azumari and alcazam um but what's the last month it's got to be the roadmap charizard that's what we learned in the first game that we can't bring neuron in the back so rotom gives me a better matchup against uh i it's a little risky basically this is risky because the combination of alakazam plus vulcarona kind of beats my whole team um i can also just dynamics to zoom real though truthfully and actually i don't need to dynamics using this game because yeah with light screen and stuff i should be able to survive unless it's like again like unless it's the same we did last time the end shadow plus a zoomery i'm pretty much i think i don't dynamax squeezing here i think i just use it as an early game damage dealer hopefully the screens will help survive the turn um and then i will go from there if they leave alakazam or volcarona and not a zoom roll i think i can just set the light screen up if they leave with skulloped or something i think i said reflect clefairy myanchow this to me looks like it wants to do baton pass stuff that's kind of my inclination um no abilities which is good like why are you leaving fake out plus follow me user here's my question what does that do for you um i could just dynamax here as well i know i said i wasn't going to but with this lead i should be able to pretty safely yeah i'm just going to do it actually let's go let's try and get rid of fairy i don't think there's chaos but um like i almost feel like this miyancho wants to like set up in the baton pass which i prefer not to let happen and with max ooze even though i'd okay oh here i can know next turn and put a lot of pressure on um because the intro is probably not fake out in here right that's kind of my impression they actually dynamax i'm gonna go ahead and assume yeah because if they're dynamics and clefairy i'm just gonna throw up yeah i don't know what they're doing maybe max airstream like i'm not really sure i've never seen dynamaxx mienchow before um i'm not really sure what it wants to do here but getting reflect in front of the opponent's dynamaxx pokemon is very valuable um and i don't see how they can stop reflect given that espn is faster here so yeah i mean maybe manchester united's like max steel spike or something or i mean i'm sure it gets max quake but um yeah a dynamic squeezing should be pretty difficult for it to deal with i think i should make sure i don't take too much damage here but again between reflect and dynamax i just mitigate the opponent's damage output a lot let's see if they helping hand or follow me they go follow me that's the perfect move we didn't really want them to do anything else helping hand and sing would have been the scary moves there um i'm glad we dynamics like i definitely don't want reason to take too much damage here uh especially since they're not going to dynamic something like a zoomery or all kazam or something they go for flutter by actually that's going to be coming off of light screen so they are dropping my special attack espeon hangs on just barely which is super nice it's going to allow me to light screen up um i mean basically it's the same situation as game one except unlike game one i should actually be doing damage this time they're not life-form they might be assault best or something um they should still do a chunk oh it actually does nothing interesting very interesting okay we do like no damage which is interesting um we're gonna end up pretty much trading dynamaxes here for clefairy and wheezing i could psychic here into myanchow i could like double me and she would try and take it out or i set light screen up since we know they both have both uh they could have either alexander orville coronia in the back i think we're just gonna go for light screen here my question now is should i star fall let's see okay so my my goal is to win with rotom after this right nothing stops rotten wash anymore i think so i'm just gonna i definitely set light straight up and then i think i just want to start folding the ant chow the ooze is so obvious i'm gonna start folding me in show basically i think they're gonna follow me this turn if they protect which is another option let's go follow me okay i made the wrong move here um which is okay it's not the end of the world um yeah but basically i figured like either way probably i'm losing in uh oh they just go for airstream actually okay so i made the wrong move or did i make the wrong move actually i don't think i made the wrong move i think i made the right move because they won't speed boosts um speed boosts are kind of irrelevant here because they're i'm not like they're not gonna there are many already had to use the rest of the book when i brought um though they didn't know that they didn't know that so i don't blame them for going for it but basically i was thinking like this isn't gonna ko okay not what i expected i crit them why is starfall so much i guess it was non-intimidated and it's just much stronger move than ooze okay okay all right i see you um using just chaos so we've got wheezing with both screens up and roton wash against miancho is still dynamaxxed and something else roosevelt's coming in here they have u-turn they have airstream they have fighting move they go for vulcaronia now this thing could have quiver dance but it could also just i'm just gonna double it like we need this thing gone right hydra pump ooze into volcaroni even if they max bug me it should be okay i've got both screens up um i think i do this like i'm not i think i could kill the manchester but i think the volcaronia is kind of like that's the bigger threat manchester i wasn't doing that much in screens anyway they're going for fuller by they don't protect yeah they're gonna drop my special attack to minus one for the turn uh it actually does a good chunk of damage to my rotom kind of more than i was expecting given that i reflect up but yeah for a second i was like does miancho get infiltrator and although i don't know the answer i know that it doesn't matter ooh psychic volcano oh that actually did a lot of damage if i miss hydro pump i think we're in some trouble here i also don't think this ko is the combination here this should only be like 60 and i think it was gonna do like 30. oh it did like 80 okay we just possibly just policy this should kill there's no way ooze doesn't do ah no the should chao there's like four without life or but wouldn't chao but okay cool so the situation is pretty i don't know not bleak like it looks kind of not bad for us uh we've taken two kos the issue is my last pokemon is ferrothorn which is like isn't great against myancho um but the good news is that they have it's probably a sulfus man show um and i like these screens are so helpful honestly azumari comes in okay um they don't have a good way through my they don't have a good weight number one they don't go through any of my pokemon they especially don't have a good way through my wheezing um my wheezing hits both these pokemon for a ton of damage uh and isn't really in ko threat from either so what do i do though or me interest plus one speed doesn't really matter i could double the azumari i don't know if it's assault fest or not right we didn't see sash anywhere i don't know oh mitchell was a wait no miancho has assaulted so azumari probably does not have a solid quest so i'm just gonna go for thunderbolt and sludge bomb here no i'm going to thunderbolt the azumari and i'm going to strange steam the manchow because i'm neutral this actually make ko i think i don't think miancho is a steel move yeah it has rock slide fighting move there's a decent chunk flinches could be bad here i got thunderbolt off though which is the more important one we just don't want this thing to set up on us um oh they don't they don't have a setup move okay i think this is a sulfus man show yeah i think it was a soulfest so we're just gonna take the kale there uh i mean she goes down i'm lucky i didn't flinch with either one like i think if they weren't belly drumming it was probably fine but yeah liquidation comes out uh a good move targeting down wheezing is smart there because like i can't explain enough how important it is that azumari has huge power like without huge power it's not a pokemon it's like uh it's like a ledian without his without huge power gg though yeah azumari is a pretty rough matchup for wheezing but they had a cool team um but again we were able to win so um i felt like the screens and the support that espn provided these games were really good and this is the first time where i feel like i like this is a team that i think could do well in the latter so i hope you guys enjoyed seeing this uh maybe it was interesting to kind of see the evolution of um of the espion team i mean i've built three i know my twin subscribers all three i think youtube has only seen two of them but i think it's like you can clearly see like the different approaches that i tried right at first i'm just trying to make sp on the focal point as the sweeper now it's serving more as a support role so um i think that this role is definitely better for espeon like i brought it to every game i didn't feel like i was forced to bring it like i thought it was good to bring and it just really like screens are very very valuable that's why we see lapras using them and to support offensive boosting pokemon with them i think is pretty valuable um i don't think the team is perfect i probably will have to make some adjustments at some point like for example we didn't bring charizard a single time which is probably a weakness and the speed tiers feel awkward with my three main sweepers being pretty slow or the three pokemon that i was bringing consistently bringing pretty slow but um overall i think this is a good start so i'm happy with it but anyway thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 75,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 20, vgc 2020, azumarill, bullying azumarill, marill, maril pokemon, marill pokemon, azumarill pokemon, bullying people online, bullying azumarill players, azumarill pokemon team, azumarill team, azumarill vgc
Id: M0HYNLoI4o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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