I used the Dracovish to destroy the Dracovish

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hello uh once again you're gonna think i'm making this up but once again uh my opponent is early so unfortunately no uh no lengthy intro let me just find my items safety goggles oh i don't want to take it off of that don't any other safety goggles i'm looking for scarf and safety goggles both of which are there i think i have more somewhere sash no lifework no scarf that'll work there's any goggles um so it's wbe week i literally have no idea i think it's five i think week five i'm pretty sure week five um and we're going up against kay cray now kay cray has a really scary team and she's also a very good battler i've watched some of her matches this season and i believe she's only dropped one set uh i think she's very underrated as well i think i think in general she's a very strong battler battlist and am i going to move the safety goggles do i have a second pair somewhere i'm pretty sure i have an extra pair somewhere um yeah she's a very good she's a very good battler i think i know she's also been working really hard i know she's been grinding vgc so i think work ethic is especially scary in pokemon because um you can that's definitely how you get better grassy seed um dynamics candy dynamics can dynamics candy let's make sure this is g-max this week um yeah um yep that's gmax cool um so she basically long story short is i think she's a really good battleless uh and um her team is also like really scary which makes things even harder now for some reason i like didn't i mean i was busy but like basically i didn't prepare that much for this battle uh and the fact that i like the team that i have um i think it's solid but uh i didn't like think through every option which is what i normally do like so there's i feel like if i'm gonna be caught off guard by something unexpected this week uh or if i'm gonna get caught off guard by something i didn't prepare for this week is a really good chance for that her team has two really distinct weather modes um and although i have good terrain control i don't actually have any weather control so i kind of made a pretty rushed game plan on my head that may or may not work but i guess we'll find out it's funny at the very least uh um but yeah basically i think there's a pretty good chance we lose this but otherwise we'll win it and that's how things will work it's really quiet turn it down slice better um yeah basically this week we're bringing driftlim with uh i didn't like i don't know i i thought about running strength zap um as the last move but we actually have hypnosis uh it's pretty bad though so uh yeah i feel like i'm gonna get baited into using it but um yeah basically her team has terenator like it's very top-heavy in my opinion uh but not because the wrist seems bad just because the top is so incredibly good gmax venusaur neenah tails tyranitar and dust clops are like the first four picks that i think she took which is like insanity like that's like incredibly an incredibly strong first four picks uh and then she has other pokemon as well to deal with those so i'm bringing an offensive g-max really boom i do intend to gigantomax my real boom and for the first time we actually don't bring jolteon to team preview uh i i like thought about doing something with quick feet jolteon so i could out speed venusaur and sun uh but it doesn't really like it doesn't beat tyranitar and it doesn't beat um sore and so like it doesn't really matter if you're going first because yeah you probably lose anyway so um let me tell her good luck have fun good luck have fun yeah so we're going to jump into it we'll see which one she's brought i don't really remember anything on her team oh she has solazzle as well which is kind of scary like i don't i don't you know love the idea of going up against the lazzle just because i have like a couple of my main pokemon this week are really weak to fire and she's a racquet okay so no tyranitar yes moe life um we're just gonna i like pretty much pretty much completely regardless of what she brought i was always gonna do this game one and then game two i'm gonna do scrafty masharna escavalier and dragofish so we're gonna hope that this is enough to win a game um and we'll go from there um yeah does this work this should work this should work ah when you source such a pain i don't like dealing with when you swore i don't like dealing with wanyosaur at all um there's a couple of ways this could be very scary for you boy uh yeah nina tails is scary uh iraq would need a scary it could be water absorber equity to beat my drinkabish uh drakovich isn't even coming game one so i guess we'll find out if she brings uh araquinid as you can see the combination of like dusk clubs plus arachnid is scary and we also have to respect comfey so uh the good thing is that i have hypnosis which means if i got lucky then things start to go in my favor but um yeah world champion clicking hypnosis without any accuracy boost so my drift limb very nice um okay click button click button click button let's see it should be one you sort of something on the lead oh nina tells dust cops actually okay um ah it might be willowish do i think it's willowis it's probably willow whisk right and if it's willowist how screwed am i oh i hope i have grassy surge okay yeah grassy uh uh hmm like i can't really stop hanging on the track we'll click running calc against the wall okay finds my weakness policy no my weakest palsy okay well uh i think i rain dance and i don't think that i don't have knock off oh that was bad wasn't it uh let's just rain dance high horsepower i think um i could have noticed here i don't really think i can stop triggering going up but both of my back pokemon have trick room so um yeah i just don't want to dynamax here and potentially lose the game immediately because i got burned because like i don't have to dynamics yet i i was mainly planning on dynamaxing if i if um i was i was mainly planning on dynamixing in front of venusaur but in front of dust cloud's nine tails it's not as strong in my opinion she actually dynamics is nine tails or dust spots um which is interesting i wasn't expecting that um i'm gonna rain dancing i think plus two hyper star okay oh although yeah i'm pretty sure i'm posting my first arcade i'm pretty sure but um i could be wrong i've been wrong before no i'm pretty sure chaos maybe not but at least we don't get burned i'd much rather get hit with max flare than hit with max burning and by max vernon i mean willa was uh yeah we're in it rain up this is a great answer to sun she's gonna go for max flair uh it's not as powerful in the rain i should have gigantic max in my head i might have won the game you can still see i take a lot of damage from that almost actually over half of my health um she's gonna get the sun back up so in some ways a mill turn another weight is not an old turn because uh yeah like the good news is we got rid of the dynamics right away uh as long as we connect high horsepower we do they should do a lot it is not enough for a knockout however if they don't hmm oh that's oh keyberry not what i expected sugar comes out okay um interesting well uh not really sure what to make of that trigger being up means that weather is up for them time being um i kind of just want to hypnosis here it's dust box and i guess grass glide into the nine tails um or should i yeah yeah or i could go for shadow ball as well if i maxed there i could have taken out no i actually i honestly think my play was correct with the information i had should i go for hypnosis knowing well like she couldn't analyze the gym as well um i just think this is forex about here i think like they need she needs to have ally switch and i'm not convinced that she does like she's got i'm gonna force her to show me allies which before i believe in it actually just max bar totally fine this this might be rules this might be a nightshade um but if i hit hypnosis i'm gonna be in a really nice shape and i've already used two for dynamics turns let's see what it is it might be less just a nice shade that's fine uh ontario boom i should be i have 101 so with grassy terrain even without crystal strain i should be above um hypnosis is a stupid move and i feel a little bad for using it i'm not gonna lie um but not so bad that i'm not gonna use it of course yeah that's unfortunate this is like uh jeff loom using hypnosis is kind of just like the rich get richer like i was already in a good position and now i'm in a better position um i'm gonna go for a i'm not actually i'm actually not gonna overwrite the sun just yet i think i don't need to um do i want a grassy glide again i'm not going to grassy glide because there's a part of me that doesn't believe it will chaos so i'm just going to shout out all the acrobatics here um get some damage off her dynamax is wasted and um hypnosis is stupid yeah like she can't use her dynamics anymore i haven't used my dynamics i've boosted with protect i've gone through two turns of trick room just obviously zero turns of sleep on it overall things are looking pretty good i think uh she just switches so i use acrobatics here because in case you switches to one new sword or which is like a decent possibility i think then i will occur it it's actually recommended that also works uh that's why i have that access term because i figured the pokemon that we're likely to switch in our pokemon that just straight up died acrobatics so um yeah this is plus two acrobatics with no items so goodbye but keyberry ninetales i wonder why yeah we're getting our like our lead is increasing um i also rained out some macharna so kind of regardless of the board position i should always be able to like i should always be able to make sure rina's up and not sun yeah i feel like i'm in really nice shape here uh we know nightshade tricker and we don't know if alexa willis but i kind of feel like if she had alice which are willows if you would use them instead of nightshade uh there might shade protect and then sleep switch hypnosis is so dumb like there's nothing nobody has an answer to hypnosis you're flying the answer is if you missed you missed but like it's actually such a dumb thing oh all right uh that isn't i'm still plus one i'm just gonna go with the ko in the desktops i think that what should i protect my wheel is not super strong or i can hypnosis two drinking tricks left um i'm just gonna go for shadow ball and grassy glide or should i protect my wheel is not strong i don't know why she brought it maybe if it has an item now um i could obviously try to stall the trick room but yeah she protects so that's pretty nice for us um and like this may not ko but if it doesn't like uh yeah it's close she's she's in really bad shape i'm just going to call it like her season this is not going to kill just barely yeah but now it's in grassy glades range uh social defense most likely doesn't matter because i hit my hypnosis uh i do feel a little bad of it uh i mean i i put hypnosis on knowing full well that it was like a i would use it when i didn't have anything to lose and i feel like that's what i did um i should click hypnosis this turn because it's the most it's the best thing i have and just grassy glide um this game should be over if i found a way to lose this like i wouldn't even know what to say i'm gonna be completely honest like i feel like there should be like it's a two versus four maybe she gets uh really mister if she's like whiteboard but she can't beat triflin firefang comes out oh she had fire fang okay that's being realism probably okay well we like stinks but it actually doesn't fail um and i just go for hypnosis because i have no drawback why for my relay okay yeah but honestly i might have needed that i missed my second hypnosis not a huge deal um sunlight ends keyberry knight tails with max guard and um something else uh okay i have i mean in theory in theory no i really can't lose this um can i lose this there's really no way i'm gonna go scavelier i will reveal protect but i have to attack with this cavalier at any point so i'm going to reveal on life orb so i don't mind showing that information off i haven't dynamex yet i could literally dynamics like if i dynamics driflam i probably win as well this desk office is kind of annoying should i stick with my original game plan or should i adjust uh making a shadow ball protect she can start sucker punching me i guess but if she sucker punches me i'm just gonna rain dance and switch like if yeah she protects or she protects her punches i'll run dance switch actually okay chris sucker punch one shotting my driftwood in theory i could lose have i showed all my moves rain dance no i haven't joined clear smog so she doesn't know that i have clear smog which is good that could actually be super useful now that i think about it that could just be super useful i might do the same leaves again the scavengers protect nine tails does not go for protect so that should seal it up i think um shuttle comes out this is gonna be firefang most likely she should probably go for dual fire moves if i had to guess nine times goes down good job drift and there should be fire fang yep firefighting comes out i don't really want to dynamics here because i don't really want to watch the animation but it's optimal so i better because i can't flinch if i do this like i don't yeah i feel kind of it's just kind of dumbed up actually you like probably will win anyway but it's it's like the guaranteed one so i'll go for it um but yeah rain dance like really really shuts down nine tails um uh i got lucky on the acrobatics which she corrected um i think that perhaps if she had gone for like some more while switches at some point it could be hard for me but i think because i max or because i have a horsepower initially once um yeah yeah yeah rain has takes a long time firefighting is not just nothing even with life orb like it's probably lightweight it's like the mobile oh it's gonna say the sheer force but it has um it doesn't have shear force it actually has intimidated but yeah even with the burn it shouldn't matter that's why dynamics just because it's like something crazy happened like if she flinch burned me i could have lost maybe uh but yeah the only thing that this changes is now my triphala gets the ko i think instead of the cavalier um we know she's firefang we know she has protect we did not see any other moves um she may be running sucker punch uh she also may not be wearing sucker punch this also makes me very glad that i did not go for a that i that i added rain dance on my charnet as well because now in or out of trick room i have something that will let me set the reign up keyberry ninetales why does she have key very nine spells like if i saw that i would expect willowis but it's probably not real of us right it's probably uh okay protecting not really sure why uh maybe she wants my scavenger to take the ko maybe just time to think about her next uh game which is totally reasonable um yeah is it a little loud i feel like it's a little loud i'll turn it down that's probably better what i should probably do is just go back to my normal volume settings hang on it's like here i wasn't looking like i figured oh it didn't care i figured this policy relevant would be like hard for her to deal with but i was it depends like a lot in her sets but i didn't even get the setup off as i intended like it basically no i don't um just go through okay um i was intending to clear smog myself she doesn't really suck her punch it doesn't mean if she has it or she doesn't have it it just means that she doesn't reveal it um but yeah we basically win rio we only lose which i was okay with so that's game one um my original plan was crafty game two with macharna do i want to do that do i want to do that game too like i meant to give scrappy eject button and i forgot i like totally forgot it might if you look at my team builder it has a check button but i forgot to give it eject button which means like oh what do i do should i do the same thing again like that was good and she didn't stop it which is what i expected but she also didn't bring venusaur which is like kind of the the switch that i expected [Music] i'm gonna do my game plan was this i'll go back to the first thing in game three if i have to um this could absolutely backfire for sure however i hope that it does not backfire this is my game plan um if it doesn't work it doesn't work she locks in quickly it's probably going to be venusaur if i had to guess basically my game plan with this mode is like try and get trick them up stall like get it scavalier and trickerman um and then like do some damage with the scavenger sent reynolds and the basharna at some point and then win with drakovic in the end or win with a scavenger and trick girl that's the idea but the issue is that because i don't eject button i don't have an easy way to get scrappy out um venus or nine tails this is what i expected uh it doesn't mean that i can beat it though no it's not fake tears nine tails unless it's not horrible dinosaur um keyberry as well makes this really annoying uh i don't really want to fake out the nine tails because of the keyberry so i need to i need to get rid of those nine tails right that seems like kind of like a leaf storm okay at least okay good to know not a frenzy plant um version close calm but the nine tails and trick room i think think she probably gmax's venusaur and goes for max ooze plus slug uh heat wave perhaps but close combat oh ah hypnosis stuff it's hypnosis stuff i could have fake out which is interesting but i chose not to fake out um wait is minus two of asian sweet oh no hypnosis comes out into my macharna yeah that was a good play that's a good play i could have fake out and i just avoided that all right we're hypnosis for hypnosis but hers doesn't miss is the difference um yeah we're gonna get a nice close combat off here though it doesn't do as much as i would like it's gonna be pretty close to the threshold i need truthfully um i may lose this now because of hypnosis nine tails ah that's actually really scary because if we just play the noses game i may lose i was prepared for sleep powder but not for hypnosis maybe i should have been lumbering instead of safety goggles sweet scent leaf swarm plus two probably weatherball right i'm just gonna make the same play again i can't really afford to switch with this um scrap these might minus one special events ideally scratch gets ko this turn or scrap decay's nine tails um i eat like one of those two and then um and then mishandle wakes up and gets trick remote because if trigger doesn't go up i think i'd probably lose realistically they are going to get the max venusaur here that's not great i most likely will lose my scrafty i think or my uh yeah miss crafty um i don't think i'll have a chance to get a k out here yeah you know search against max is this is probably an l i probably should have led the same thing i brought last game realistically um yeah i can can i stop sweet sand plus i should just take out a tournament gx vineland that's going to be the end of gravity most likely it's in a misharna which is bad she may go for hypnosis though it's that's not life is it hypnosis heat wave actually just does some damage yeah i think i lose because i don't think i get triggered up anymore she doesn't burn me it doesn't really matter because i have one berry um but yeah i think with a trick this is an l i'm pretty sure uh scratch unless i wake up this turn if i wake up this turn we can win we get rid of ninetales so like again if i get the one turn sleep then i may win um but i think it's unlikely because this whole strategy is predicated trick room and i figured with safety goggles and oh i'm so lucky oh my god i'm still oh i'm still gonna lose aren't i um i think i still lose but that's super funny um yeah i did not deserve that i may still lose because i said trick her up and i need to have a scavenger last long enough i need to have my trigger pokemon last long enough that drakovic can come in at the end not at the beginning like i can't afford to lose both my pokemon here so i had planned to switch crafty out into uh scavenger but yeah like if i stay asleep they're 100 lose okay this actually gives me an opportunity though she gets an intimidate down uh i've used her dynamics uh i think i just switched to a scavenger somewhat safely here and go for rain dance um interestingly enough i'm pretty sure i don't think like i said i can't lose both my pokemon this turn um so i think we're gonna switch dance if she goes for play rough if she goes for fire fang these are all fine options if you go through sucker punch that's fine um yeah is she i have random machina to cover for like weather ball and stuff and just because like i wanted to set up for a late game drinking this week if the scavenger takes too much damage it's definitely an l uh this is like a really rough start i did not cover for sweet scent hypnosis which is really cool i i forgot sweet sound was minus two of asian but i wouldn't have prepped for it anyway i know she sucker punches perfect that means at least one pokemon survives uh we are going to rain dance off as well again i have rain dancing because she has weatherball with gmx venusaur because i can't actually kill it um but yeah brother is now up i'm just trying to stall for enough turns that i can win the game in the end with oh that's not good oh i'm so oh oh oh a scavenger is not weak to ground i forgot scavenger wasn't wasn't reached to ground i was about to be like oh i lost wait max quake max we know it has leaf storm because we scoured it we know in a sweet set it may not have weatherball uh i am taking a lot of damage though i'm about half health and michonne is taking so much as well okay i can still win this too many turns of vine lash i could switch again but i don't think i should i'm just gonna steal spike and helping head here um i will take some damage but i think that if i do this and scavenger most likely survives i took sixty percent i'm not sure if cavalier will survive and how many terms of trip are left like there's too many turns of tripper left three i think i lose um unless i want to sack scrappy this turn but no unless i want a max guard no i'm gonna go for the kill on my way let me lay i should have saxgraph i don't even know like i was in a bad spot from how much damage he output is this truth um i should have faked out into the nine tails turn one that way like i wouldn't have i could have taunted turn two and then we could shape but yeah i really wanna i wish i had quake right now not having quake is really hurting also assault this would have been so much better i did not eat lifeboard she probably protects my uh maui but i didn't want to go for protect here max guard because i need to get kos uh she actually goes for sucker punch i like that play unfortunately for me um i like that play a lot because i feel like between life or between quake and between she might not even have ooze is the other thing she may just have weather ball and then she can't be with max rayne because i definitely lose michonne in this turn and so if max quake plus vineland has like 4k as me which i think it does i'm gonna be in really bad shape she goes for quake again okay that's fine i guess uh there's so many ways i lose this unless i survive 21's too too little i die yeah she's gonna win this game ah that's really bad i'm lose both of my months to vinelash a scavenger hang in there just barely yeah that's her sucker punch was needed otherwise i probably could have done this but um the worst part is that i'm pretty close i'm just like i scarfed drake wish in the back and i didn't get i needed to get trick him up earlier because like i almost wonder if rain dance earlier would have been better but i yeah i felt like i had to go for trick room i didn't know i was gonna wake up um uh okay it's technically a two versus two and nobody has dynamics but i have drakovic and rain which is good but um intricate which is quite bad and if it's araquinas which it probably is yeah i don't see how i win this i also don't know if this thing has a water absorber or not i'm trying to think of is there any way i can win this i don't think so right unless i want to lock into like psychic fangs uh i don't think she has to protect wait i think i can win this i'm gonna psychic fangs the venus war and fake out i'm gonna lock myself into psychic fangs i'm pretty sure ko's an adamant um i'm just gonna have faith and say i think he has venusaur i don't think she has protect so we know leave storm quake and sweet set so if she's focus sash then iko here and if iraq win it who iraq normally only has is that enough oh lord didn't expect that iron his body press i can no longer win i think flinch iron defensive racquet it's probably iron defense water absorb right it doesn't ko oh my god oh right this thing god this thing is strong okay i'm i i think i'm i'm not in great shape i'm gonna be honest i should have stuck with my leads from game one um but i can't really do anything against sweet set psychic fangs and lash out i just have to pray that this works uh actually it's technically better to double target here uh we will see a slower between scrafting and rack when it's going to be recommended but um just to confirm it is good i guess if it's body press and i didn't realize yeah my team is so physical so i guess that makes sense um i kind of cheesed for game one and then even though i got lucky i still okay it's not min speed that's good to know i mean i lose one oh so it's not the end of the world and technically i mean i hate to say it first of all i don't even know wreck when it gets body press um awkward iron defense if vine lush ends this turn which i believe it does yeah it definitely does then i could i'm doing what 25 i don't think i win this like if i get crits and like does she have like toxic it doesn't learn toxic tiara's up if i get crit flinches i could still win this uh and i don't think she has a quick way to remove my arachnid or my uh uh drakovich but i can't see me beating this thing ever unless she has no attacking moves and her plan is like no it has to have an attacking move i need chris and flinches basically i think two psychic fantasy crits may do it um as you can see one does 25 so okay protect comes out wait protect iron defense aqua ring oh never mind she heals back to full protect iron defense awkward ring cool set honestly kay um i would take her to timer but i don't think that that will work because um i will lose because she'll have full hp requiem so unless again she has no the one condition is she has no attacking moves um that she has like what would she she has like if she has mirror coat why would she do that no she has to have a move that can strike a fish if it's toxic i win uh second phase comes out let's see if we crit we do not do we flinch scald ooh okay yeah that's going to do it yes crafty goes down um yeah i can never break through this thing without taunting it because now even yeah i never win this um i think that i will struggle before she does truthfully like her skulls aren't going to do anything but as you can see i do literally net zero damage so iron fist scald body press or i don't even protect skulled rock ring um yeah she doesn't protect she knows that there's not really a point ah she's burning me once and the game is over i do not flinch if she burns it's actually just a lot wait a second that should not be doing that much damage that did hang on a second we're going to use this time to calc i had 140 and i have 118 that's 22. she's gonna be like max bulk right how much of skull doing without water bubble without water bubble she should be doing 14. wait okay with water bubble but with water bubble should we do she should be doing she did 22. that doesn't make sense ish wait doesn't make any sense she should have done more damage than that that doesn't make sense oh and rain um she's water bubble she's wonderful she's not a mean deficient friend which makes sense you don't need to be immune to fisherman if you're gonna do that uh i would forfeit but i'm not gonna forfeit because i don't know like i think it's better to let her kill me um yeah because i think that i don't wanna mess up with like the kill leaderboard or anything so i'll just keep psychic hanging and technically like cr flinch flinch like if she never attacks again i'm surprised i haven't quit honestly or flinched um but yeah if she never attacks again i could win this also she let herself get too low uh and i never get burned like in theory if i crit now um if i get two back-to-back crits they might be enough like one of them is doing about 25 percent i think so a crit would do like wait chris second thing is actually does a ton hang on a second chris psycho fans should do like seventy-five percent yeah yeah right move like psychic fangs it's like fangs adamant on a crit oh it's 60 if she is yeah does that make sense it's doing less than i thought it's doing 20 if she's no bulk does that mean she's a special attack investment is she quiet okay yeah she's quiet if she has she's not max special attack come on give me a crit or flinch like two consecutive crits should do it at this range uh i just needed a burn dragon can't be burned let's go trickle-dish dodge the burn i mean two more skulls and i die anyway i bet she burns the last one um but yeah like i said two crits on slogan fans does it so i will keep playing or maybe one omega hyrule crit uh nah even though mega hyrule doesn't do it it doesn't protect i i agree uh give me the flinchy okay no secondary effects no crits no no burns she did 20. she's doing 22 damage consistently still no burns um so she's got some special attack investment she's quiet with at least 24 28. um question is what am i gonna do game three because i don't know what i have i'm sorry k i'm sorry for acquainted but drinkabish is going out on its own terms this is why we never forfeit draco dies to itself only um so we can't get i think what we've learned here is that dracovish is not very good in this matchup uh what we've also learned is that i do not have a way to stop ninetales venusaur hypnosising me drakovich goes out on its own terms dragofish won't get killed by a spider go trick-or-treat struggle quit the struggle quit the struggle big damage okay well gg didn't expect to lose on struggle there but i guess i should ppmax technically people max is optimal but i wasn't winning that game nor did i deserve to like if she had played purely optimally i could have never won if she just protected every other turn so uh it wouldn't have made sense for me to win anyway she was playing fast for the purposes of entertainment so i wasn't going to try and win or like even if i i wouldn't i didn't want to win there um because in a perfect world i never have a chance um okay so we lost and it was kind of bad um what do i do the thing is like i i really like oh thanks for subbing um i really like the i really like the gorilla boomers or the the real of them driftlim but if she just leads with nine tails of venusaur i can't really do anything about that but scrafty isn't consistent instead of trick room right scratchy well scrapped from shauna sets up trick room but the issue is what do i do once trigger actually goes up i'm also not convinced she's going to let me just like do that again uh this is why i need to get more thought here she's gonna do the same thing again in front i don't know what she does in the back um probably my wheelie again like really boom is so good here but i don't should i just click the hypnosis button because i kind of feel like i should click the hypnosis button no it's not consistent um scrafty masharna i think is my best bet but turn one i'm gonna fake up this time i think a scavenger on the back makes sense as well the issue is the stragovich like i have to have faith that i can beat the macha the araqua need without it's gonna be really rough but i think i have to have faith that i can beat the iraq win it without this sucks and i haven't seen the fourth movement being stored yet either which also sucks ah this i just doesn't work oh nina tells confetti interesting okay um confe is a faster draining kiss than i have this isn't great i can't really stop the draining kiss right i can't protect either like she's just gonna reverse my trigger is she gonna floral healing heat wave we already knew that um fake out trick room i think actually this is okay this is okay i think uh i'm gonna give her the keyberry i could get like something annoying can happen here for sure like don't get me wrong something annoying could absolutely happen here however um i think i have to do this anyway growth you've got to be kidding me what am i dealing with here okay sacking's crafty time okay honestly amazing prep like i'm not gonna give up like i think i can still win this but um really really really well prepped in my opinion freaking comfy too hard to hit and where's the focus ash scrafty's not living a draining kiss from this range yeah that also means she's probably just going to blindfold this with me yeah all right this isn't awful it's just bad she crits me i'm gonna be honest i think that matters zero percent i think that did not matter if it's growth draining kiss it's probably giga drain i'm so surprised she did this because i could have just done rid of him again uh we're gonna have to reign up let's see if it's hypnosis it's heat wave okay that's good she probably covered for the scavenger switching um i'm gonna say that gives me a chance okay scavenger switching in now we have to win this game in the next few turns or else it's over it's curtains kid uh a scavaliere i can kill the comfey right i have to max the cavalier and start going for kills i'm going to max darkness and so i can get to the neenah tails so that i can with drakovic in the end max darkness has the added effect of lowering special defense so um yeah she can dynamics nine tails but i'm not tr i'm truthfully not that worried about it because the rain is up um confey i don't think should be able to put that much pressure on a scavenger she actually just nine tails out that's probably a good move um and she goes into a racquet now i really want damage on this thing because it is one of the answers to my drakovich in the end i think this comfe and uh nine tails and sun are the things i need to watch out for but i also get rid of the defense boost which is nice what i'm worried about here is that i don't know where the sash is actually comfy protects itself here ideally company does not reverse trigger because that's where things start to get tricky um knock or max darkness should do like 50 maybe maybe a little bit more i'm not entirely sure how she's trained this thing company goes for draining kiss into my it's gonna floral healing me it doesn't do that much yeah comfy is not that strong fortunately ideally we get the ko ideally this double up gets the ko it's light for max darkness it does 60 and then it's -1 special defense yeah i need to get kos because i need sun to not be up at the end of this although honestly i think draco is still chaos but yeah just barely not enough okay and i'm taking a lot of damage here as well um i'm going to go for a max steel spike into the comfe and psychic into the arachnoid i think she's if she has she's probably got floral healing but i don't think i could stop it unless i want to go for a um i could actually no i think i i think i have to take out the config this turn max steel spike and psychic into the do i think it's sash comfy i i really don't but i i have no idea to be sure i have no way to be sure right um i could actually double it to be safe stupid company stupid comfy she also like she may have drain she may have trick room although i think she would trick her and she would reverse its turn floral hand comes out it's my bad um i get a defense boost but doesn't matter because she's special i think i'm also gonna get burned on this turn um wow this is tough this is really tough i can still do this don't get me wrong i can absolutely still win this okay it's not sash that's good um convey goes down that's one of the chaos we need we need to get one more trick turn we need to get one more kale for tripper men's um and then we need to get dynamics we need to get rain dance off but she sold out my dynomax and her last pokemon is venusaur which it most likely is um i think we're in some big trouble crit nice damage iron defense okay iron defense is fine i think um we're gonna be relying on mushroom to get that last bit of chip damage so this is so tough yeah we need to make sure iraq wouldn't stay is not healthy because that can absolutely beat me right now but shawn is doing really well though like the rain nets is absolutely saving me she can go nine tails she can go nine tails and max flare me and that's where things get tricky she's gonna maximize kills um and i can't really stop it can i wait but then i come with dracovish right then dracovich can win if she maxes ninetales so we're gonna max bug here i don't think it will it won't kill through protect right do i max bug rain dance here or do i go for the chao into nine tails with knock off i think i max bug rain dance i don't think it works but we have to try it i think she max's nighttails unless she's maxing a racquet in which case she's out of her mind she maxes a record and she's actually out of her mind um i can stall a little bit here which is nice nine tails is maxed okay i think i can win this not to be cliche and say the thing that i always say but i do think i have a chance here got some damage on nine tails it has no item um and although yes she can get sun up she she's gonna waste stop protecting it's not fair i can't do anything about it um max bug oh double max okay good move by me uh there's one return of wait this isn't the last turn of stripper visit this is not the last turn trigger there's no way even if it is it's fine i think i think famous last words rain is back on the field which is what i wanted i drop the nine tails of special attack which is also good um i think i have one more turn of turn one's fake out turn two was ko this is the last turn trigger am i counted wrong i super counted wrong didn't i oopsie oopsie oopsie um hmm not ideal i'll be honest um i have to use psychic into michonne this turn that's pretty clear to me or psychic into nina or yeah so i get into that thing she's going to max flare me time for drakovic to run a calc dracovish versus ninetales fish's friend in the sun and dynamaxx does not do any damage actually that's not true it does 50 damage 50 with helping hand just 70 percent i cannot let this thing stick around right if it gets awkward up it can actually beat me so i have to psychic it uh i don't see the point in attacking a scavalier just yet so i'm not gonna sack it flare comes out i mean good move drakovic doesn't take anything this is minus one end of the rain um that also means skald is less threatening which is nice two turns of dynamics down i just have one left this is such a like an awkward spot she goes for a scald into my no please don't burn if it burns i probably lose okay still no burns it's like the 10th 10th skull and no burns and psychics should take out the arachnid here okay two versus three but she still has dynamics and it's her weather on the like her in play right now but i've scarfed drakovic in it i have a scar of dragon vision a dream um but if sun stays up i don't see how we win this mall relay oh it's all right in that case i think i can win this this is this is this is just tricky okay um without a helping hand without dynamaxx oh that's oh oh i calced very wrong oh my god this just this oh wait i could one shot i could one shot here drakovic is very strong i think i have a pretty safe play which is i'm gonna switch to drakovich let me make sure i'm backed out all the way i am i'm going to switch drakosh back into a scala layer to reset the intimidate and i'm going to go for a rain dance um if rain goes up i think i can win this um and i think that northern decayo my mushroom which is i think what she wants to do this turn i think she has to double it and i think if she lets rain go back up i always not always but i should be in pretty good shape she max flares into the sharda the special attack drop comes in clutch i'm not that physically bulky player comes out into my scavalier that's huge that's really big and rain dance is going to be uh the weather of choice resetting the rain uh and sun is now over so or dynamics is over so this weather should be permanent so i think what this comes down to in the end is a battle between a battle betwixt if you will um what do i do it's no item nina tails and while we lay is it just like is it just i hate to say it but is it just like hypnosis stuff because i feel like it's just hypnosis stuff at this point i think it's just hypnosis stuff that sucks she doesn't protect there's no reason for her to protect soccer bush comes out fails into that slot um that was not great i'll be honest that was actually pretty bad it's gonna be dragon vs versus two and it's gonna come down to um it's gonna come down this sucks okay it comes down to it's a 50 50 and then a 60 chance uh so she has to get both correct if i fishes well not necessarily actually scorching's hands come out that's not a fire move though okay doesn't do that much damage gets the burn i can't be too upset about that because i did dodge all right all righty the burn i might lose in the bird okay maul we like do or dragofish is not going to take multilayers player off here right so it comes down to oh wait i have earthquake did i really do this again did i really just say wait how much is earthquake doing to mobile mobile i have earthquake that does nothing oh it's that's intimidating though what if it's neutral and i'm helping handing eighty percent she's attacked twice that's good enough for me folks helping hand earthquake time do i know my macharna from here i probably do why am i not telepathy i didn't think it was going to matter ah what about single target how much does this do just less i'm gonna lose i'm gonna lose because i'm not helping head earthquake myself ah no drink a don't kill me no attractiveness please i'm super gonna kill my sharna oh i threw this i knew she was going to protect but i felt like i had to go for it and because i'm not telepathy here i never really thought it would matter that i that i could i thought i could always like afford to do not telepathy but i think because of my hubris major is so good uh boy okay well that's really big that's really big um i may lose this i mean according to my calculations helping an earthquake always doesn't minimum 80 and she's taken two life orbs so uh so it should ko but it's only like assuming she doesn't have like she's got to be max attack max hp right there's pretty much no other spread that makes sense but michelana took like nothing with that which hasn't been worried she does knock sucker punch that's the correct play dragon which is super effective you're adamant and you're helping hand boosted okay i won but oh boy was it close honestly phenomenal prep uh from k and very well very well played as well um i thought i probably lost this one and although i pulled it out uh it was not easy and yeah i got kind of lucky a game one i had hypnosis i don't know how much that would have mattered in the end like with my red lip setup um game two i got lucky and lost and then game three um i think i think i did things well honestly game three but like comfy growth comfy and sun didn't expect that um sweet scent and when you store with hypnosis like you guys saw that i had safety goggles masharna it didn't matter right like safety goggles machar and it doesn't do anything against uh hypnosis which maybe should have been lumbering i keep having my mushroom fall asleep and having the wrong item on it um i think i'm going to run earthquake drakovich i may need to run telepathy even though i much prefer for warren because it's such a cool thing um but yeah really well played decay make sure to check her out go watch her some of the battles as well um um and yeah i think i think that's pretty much all i have to say it was definitely definitely sweating but we are still undefeated that's our second game dropped in the wbe i think we're 5-0 in sets and 10 and two in games so yeah that was um that was a very very very uh difficult battle and i don't necessarily think that i should have won like it still came like at the end it still came down to um two roles and i think things could have gone differently as well so um yeah i mean i knew basically that this was an opponent that i shouldn't under prep for but i under prepped anyway because i have stuff going on um and i think i very nearly paid the price for it but we do remain undefeated we are one of the players who's undefeated so um yeah anyway thanks for watching hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 151,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 20, vgc 2020, wbe, wbe pokemon, world battle entertainment, dc dracovish, no moves, ran out of moves, no attacks, struggle pokemon, struggle attack, pokemon draft, pokemon draft league, draft league pokemon, no attacks pokemon
Id: OO9_aAZL_9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 22sec (2902 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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