Why Galarian Slowpoke is a threat...

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okay so many of you will have seen the title of this video and are now looking at the team before you and might think that this is one of my videos where I take a Pokemon that is you know clearly very bad or whatever like Leafeon or whatever and just try one with it just by being a really good player right well you would be wrong so let's talk about glory and slowpoke so basically here's what happened I was just in my house I don't know what I was doing and at some point Putin was like here's glory and slowpoke okay doesn't matter um and they basically added glory and slowpoke who's coming in the expansion pass in July I think - Pokemon sword Jill but they added him early there's probably gonna be glory and Slowbro or maybe a new evolution of slowpoke snow queen or whatever so it's gonna be poison-type I think but anyway so they just threw in slowpoke random others like Haley versus Pokemon it's probably not very good whatever whatever anyway so slow book on the hole it's got good HP it's got bad defense is not great special attack it doesn't seem that extraordinary right it doesn't it really doesn't seem worthwhile but there's one very interesting duelist two very interesting things about slowpoke the first is that it gets trick room and the second is that it's one of these flows Pokemon in the game um and is effectively the slowest Pokemon in the meta game in terms of Pokemon you will actually see apart from trapinch who I did fight at Regionals but other than trapinch it's very very slow okay so let's take a look at this team and the reason that matters is because slowpoke is slower than excuse me torkoal and that's relevant because slobo gives the trim room up and then can go for serve activating torgul's weakness policy and doubling its special attack it's one of the few pokemon that can understand mid speed torkoal and that's a big deal because pokémon like dusclops you you know and dari can use bulldoze you're not be running faster torkoal at oracle faster than dusclops and that would mean other dusclops could eat you first with nightshade Ferrothorn cannot speed you ask a valeer couldäôt spiezio other tor other torkoal is a big one being able that eruption before your dusclops can go for Apple does but let's slow poke you can always get your weakness policy off so I think I should the rentals healers make sure yep there's a replica if you want to try it out for yourself let's just go ahead and take it on the ladder um I'm not claiming that slowpoke like the best Pokemon the format or anything but I do think that this is a strategy that's a little bit I wouldn't I would not say that this strategy is like just a gimmick right um like it's like I I do think that we just follow suit Oracle and trick room is actually pretty threatening ooh okay that's not good listen ranking but yeah let's go let's go ahead and run it so this team the other program when I eject button in DD who I also had from the from the solises team if the exact same set what excuse me wait I'm so glad I got a camera what the heck what was that did you guys saw that right I'm not crazy it's a no and then I tried again and it said yes that's like the equivalent of unplugging or like turning it off and turning it back on again well I guess I'm maybe I'm not supposed to be but I am laddering on slowpoke I wonder if this is legal okay so this is not a great matchup I'm not gonna lie to the people at home this looks tricky because the opponent has trick room of their own and I don't really have that much for Butterfree so um I have a couple things that I could do here I can do venusaur stuff I can do slowpoke stuff they have the anchor I mean honestly torkoal intricate looks really strong here I think I'm gonna go for Venus or upfront with like I wanted your Vitas rhetorical because that kind of that does really well against a lot of their potential leads and I want to bring slowpoke and I think Conkeldurr in the back yeah I just be like I need you I'm really worried about Butterfree right now I do up I do I've like two pseudo immune needs to Butterfree with venusaur and then a flame or Conkeldurr and but yeah this is looking a bit of a tough matchup I'm gonna have to be careful with torkoal as well because torval is my main source of offense against a team like this so yeah but good luck have fun to reborn with a zero I think let's go ahead and see what they lead off with because it should be interesting I probably Butterfree or a DD or both okay and gdn rhyperior are the leads so when I see this it tells me the thing that I'm worried about is indeed he could very easily be safety goggles or Lum berry which would not be ideal but I think yeah this actually isn't even that bad because my main goal here is torkoal and DD in rhetorical slowpoke in the right situation so even if this term goes really bad like I think realistically right periods in the Dynomax here never sleep utter I I'm wide legend venusaur because I have sash and right you but I just you know do this it's a bit it might look like a bit of a weird play but I'm just trying to think about my endgame here which is burn a couple turns Dynomax and then try move torkoal so Conkeldurr comes in here they're probably the diametric here yeah the other thing is maybe like sludge vomit indeed you wear them better there but I didn't do it so let's see what they do here I do need to make sure I can get through there Dynomax that's kind of my one concern it's like I want to work well to come in after Dynomax is ended they go follow me okay so if they've asleep they've safety goggles we'll find out right now let's see we go for a sleep powder we either miss or yeah hey that's Martin it's a good item and they over max lair so it's coming into my venusaur I'm unfortunately not focused so I will feign to that which is not great this is a rough start probably the worst turn one that could have happened realistically and their life will right here so I don't have to be afraid of attacking into that with em with slowpoke at least I forgot who's slower between calm builder and rhyperior but I guess we're gonna find out so slow poke and definitely get hit here for sure I'm gonna trick room and I think I'm gonna go for detect or is it better for me let me check out slow right here here's really quick so rhyperior is base 40 and I believe actually Conkeldurr is based 40 as well 45 so call go ders faster than right earier so I'm gonna drain punch and DD here trick I'm a drain punch I think it's my best fight I believe that should be the case I'm not yeah basically this game I'm gonna it's gonna be win or lose with with torkoal which is a bit unfortunate I could die max Conkeldurr but I really do want to die next Oracle I think this game they over psychic yeah I mean I knew that was coming but I coulda detect it but I figured I would survive I should detect it that was really that was honestly just lazy Rock fall comes out alright that's bad slowboat takes a lot of damage but I'm still alive this is not over I know this is looking really bad but the thing is now is where I just I wish I detected their Oh actually it may have a better justice at Conkeldurr because am i detected then I lose both Pokemon this turn so actually maybe that was actually the right place so we're down forwarded to sand is up which is a problem but it's not all bad um the real problem here is that I don't have a way to protect torkoal however I am about to get before I do get four turns of weakness policy foods tutoral which is really good um I'm gonna go for surf here there's no I don't really want you on I need to get my weakest policy off and I'm gonna dynamics my torque will hang go for I have two options I might think that they're going to go for or follow me which I honestly do then I should edgy the max Flair engine GD but I'm gonna I'm gonna try I'm gonna catch them trying to be lazy they probably think they can take a solarbeam anyway because they're Dynomax so I'm gonna see I'm gonna I'm gonna go check them and say okay like this might not work out but um if they get if they get greedy here it could we don't be very good for me cuz torkoal does under speed their whole team and I for trying to district them so and I honestly believe that torgul can take a max move from right here maybe that's stupid but okay we are dynamics Candide which is a big deal let's see if they were follow me alright yeah okay there yeah they play well I respect it so I don't know if plus team XL rookies DD I would feeling it doesn't I was gonna say we don't do very much damage at all to our tour pool which is really nice yeah I should have him DD that turn if I had him would have be a better space I thought I was hoping the Plus New Mexico Roku ko but I'm not sure it will that's unfortunate yeah that's on me that's a me if I'm ex-player there and assuming torkoal survives this turn I think we wouldn't be in bad shape at all what do they go for like oh they actually have a rockfall okay into who'd slowpoke yeah torkoal all right so I just survived as I expected but um yeah unfortunately I'm kind of taking a lot of damage left over here again it's not it's still not over like it depends a lot on this next turn if I can indeed you there I could heal pulse and like threaten right here okay which would've been good but yeah I made a mistake there that's my bad they're just gonna follow me again they've got no reason not to which is also a Pokemon let's see so I actually I don't think I could take a rockslide from here which is unfortunate but the truth is though I don't really have anything better to do so I'm gonna heal pulse ends max flare this will KO ng D um for sure so yeah just again something goes wrong I'm still gonna go for it like I'm probably going to be a wholesome vegan DT here but I'll still care with Max Claire so yeah this is not like if oh hang on a second wait a second this isn't over tell my is that still too fast oh my god it works okay wait a second I'm gonna heal up a really good chunk and I'm actually got over at the stand as well and I still the turn left the Dynomax yeah that went really well I mean I wasn't like a Hardy or anything I think they read me well they didn't have to UM but man it worked out and dumb eyes is slow but there's no way it's slower than normal right dumb eyes this base for oh yeah no it's nowhere near slowing the torkoal chocolate or cool so yeah I'm still close to of Soga I've actually healed a good chunk now I don't look into what this last Pokemon is because I still have two turns of trick room left which might be enough to win this game I also don't have protective torval which I do need to keep in mind cuz I got my share of Gianna's better year of couples is better if they go into dusclops so huh I don't know if plus 2 max Flair is gonna KO dusclops I have a couple options here I can heal pulls my torkoal wait am i helpless my torkoal do I think plus 2 max Flair is gonna ko torkoal I'm gonna count this really quick guys oh yeah it's super kills all right I'm gonna go for uh I'm gonna go for heel pulls into torkoal and well I'm gonna help both torkoal and I'm gonna max Flair the dusclops oh I think I might loose rhyperior if I do this but um that's fine I'm gonna heal up some more of my health a little bit about nipple whatever flower comes out the should KO dusclops it is plus two in the Sun yeah just coffee Goes Down which I don't think I could have expected and I'm gonna take some damage here and let's take over oh the over rocks like wait I survived that yeah I am really bulky so I do survive that and now I kind of have a choice to make because I don't know this right here is gonna protect yourself we noticed Rock move we notice fire move like we assume it has protect but that might be the problem is that it's like a big assumption to make um so I have to make a choice here I can go for my eruption or I can over solar beam because it looks like da mais really can't beat my torkoal in the end based in the United and without pudding they could also just go over predict on both and it wouldn't matter what I do this turn but um I think I am gonna heal bull steer there's not really a better move for me to go for and I think I can go for a solarbeam eruption I think I'm gonna go for gross in here the one thing that makes me kind of wary of this is that they didn't predict right here earlier when they that like seemed like a good move and so they switched it down wise to try and waste my attack they did over protect them rib here so even if da hua's goes for protect it's like I made the right move okay they didn't go protect so I didn't make the right move I'm gonna heal all the way back to full I'm gonna go for up ssin so there's gonna K on the down by some blessed sash which I didn't really consider but I don't think it's gonna be sash okay yeah it almost goes down so torkoal takes a third ko and now it's just if rhyperior can one-shot torkoal or if it can double flinch me and the nice thing is the grass still up so even something like earthquake like if they have earthquake it's reduce power and torque will is such good physical defense that I feel like I can take a hit but I mean if I range to be seen it's crazy that circles all the way back up to full as well by the way right like it started that really low health and then ready for solar beam because Sun is still up they over rockslide they connect on both but that won't cared worklist as long as one of my Pokemon can move is that crit okay okay I was like that shouldn't be doing that much let's even get a double flinch you the good double if they get the double flinch I lose okay now Island well that was close alright that was really close and I think you can see why slowpoke is actually not bad if you're not if this is your setup like it took a bunch of at axis game right it took a maximum from right here it took a couple trees of sand oh I guess we healed Sun back as well and it took a life of rock sided from my period to peroxide online so yeah um I really do think the strategy is you know as you saw it was looking kind of bad there for a second and I think it's possible that if the opponent play differently we were lost um but we didn't lose because you know the opponent made maybe you know one misstep and then we were able to win so hopefully this next game will play a little cleaner I was really kind of unsure in that matchup and I made a bad turn I mean I lost my 52 Pokemon turns one and two so it was a bad start for me without a doubt um but yeah I think we were I think we were able to you know Keep Calm keep in mind that torkoal's our win condition and yeah go from there yeah my first three turns were actually really bad like I didn't care when didi when I should have because if I Karen D there would have been I would have been fine I think indeed he goes down and then I can KO any Pokemon I want from there which would have been you know nice although I guess the Scopes could have come in and then that would have been a little tricky because I can't code it scoffs is that the Sun being up I think it's really funny tor below coat dusclops by the way alright posing traders that found number 194 okay so close to our ranking let's see this guy is gonna be good this person to be good Gotha tell Lapras always makes me nervous because it makes me feel like they're going for para song um and sin or dragon poll this person is a bunch of resisted torkoal but that's right and GD slowpoke is gonna be my lead here I'm a newly torkoal in the back and then my last poem lunch can be either Conkeldurr who is not actually great here in this videos Lapras but I have torkoal for Lapras or Venus or or right shoe if I do the thing about doing torque or I don't know me to bring in the back here like I have earth power for its enormous I'm not sure that we're done sooner all right torkoal beats kind of everything I could bring Venus or for sleep we're gonna bring right you for speed swap or I can do I'm gonna do Venus or because I want to put things to sleep I think Congo there's a better ship rum sweeper but like I think I need to I think I like with this team I'm kind of betting a lot in torkoal so I don't think it like of torkoal goes down and probably not gonna win even if I have Conkeldurr realistically I guess I could but it would just make me like it wouldn't it would basically mean that I'm relying Oh like I'm betting everything on trick rum um what you don't really love doing see ya laughs it's called the DA I mean this is really expected um I don't know anything about what they want to do here I don't know if they wanted you guys to max I don't hope they want to this could be bad actually I'm gonna go for a mystical fire into Lapras feels don't quite follow me I'm not really threatened by anything and I think I'm gonna yawn as well this is really good at that you can to Maxon quite bad if they go for perish song but the thing is because I'm eject button EDD I can always force myself out they go for a light switch so no trick room in there which is kind of bad i mystical fire they're gonna go for you they're gonna go for um that's actually not that damaged I'm not gonna lie they were a pair of song oh yeah this is fine because I'm a checked button if I weren't eject button I'd be kind of worried but um yeah this is also fine because I can actually go into I can surf myself out yeah I think I'm just gonna surf this turn Surf's Up um because that way I can go into goth until next turn her into torkoal next turn because they've set para swung up we're pretty confident Lapras is not gonna Dynomax here ooh actually this move that I did is actually really good for two reasons yeah yuan was actually there allies of John are you on Lapras but actually getting y'all Gotha tell us better I wasn't predicting it um mr. Popper's out actually so let's see they go into and sidon or that makes sense that makes sense I can take it um now the best-case scenario is they okay haha they psychic my indeedy here the way I do doubt it okay so they allies which again go see the weakness palsy in sanur because that would be kind of bad - too goth and I am gonna force myself out I could have said trick him up there but it wouldn't have it done that much I just really hope they don't we just all see in Sonora because that is a set that people run I don't know if the timing if they both would activate at the same time but I mission to an Oracle here and just fire up a powerful move I think like max flare into the capital realistically they're just gonna go for another yeah doesn't look like they are it doesn't look what they are we just all seems Nora okay call that all falls asleep actually so I can actually just max flare that slaw right oh you know what I know they're gonna do here they're gonna what they're gonna do here is they're gonna parting shot my um I'm just gonna erupt I'm gonna erupt an end trick I'm here I don't need to dynamite just yet I'm not really like if they party chop that's fine eruption will cover a lot of things they could do I think realistically and there's gonna yeah switchin parting shot what's do they go into but this doesn't mean I get an interruption down on both Pokemon which is still really good um the governor shot yep this should be back gonna go off the towel I did you know a thing or two about parents trap believe it or not I know it's surprising we have to give mine gone Fidel's no sleep turns as well so that's that's really really useful and now okay even though I'm losing slowpoke here and my torgul got intimidated or you know snarled or whatever you want to call it um eggs and the situation's not that bad at all we're gonna hit them with a big eruption here and this is only gonna this is gonna kill anything don't get me wrong but it's good the chipmunk dragon pulls really nice um they eat the berry that's fine I'm not really that worried about that and now I get to go for surf stuffs and we got five turns to trick room as well so yeah so I will lose slowpoke in a second but I'm also gonna get a helping hand in with my which is extremely threatening so I'm gonna go for max quake and dragon ball here and surf I think um Orsha I mean I can just honestly I could just got the coffin doubled with max quake and surf right maybe I should just do that so I can switch freely who's that who's the who's the bigger threat here I'm not really that worried about the dragon poll maybe it should be like I know this thing can't protect and I know that if it switches yeah let's take out the golf the doll I feel like that's the better play because I think there's also a tiny chance Gothel switches into antenna or I was wrong I do think that +1 max quake should KO cavatelli I know it didn't take that much from eruption I've been doing nothing mine my mystical fire is doing like 20% and this is a plus one it's only plus one cuz of a parting shot but that's still fine the reason also I feel kind of safe to nor Drago polt is because if dragon pool um if draggable Dynomax is like dragon pool is kind of only threatening in my opinion if it is I could just kill nothing it's mostly threatening if it oh they do protect okay um I'm glad I went to go to the capital and it so basically if it's physical and torkoal doesn't take as much damage from it and if it's special then I just boost my special men to the max quake now I'm not again I'm not positive to school ko and it would be really good for me if it did ko I'm hoping plus one max Quinn cares I don't really don't know torkoal is actually not that strong it mainly gets its power from the Sun boost yeah and that's actually really unfortunate I'm not gonna lie that's really bad yeah I really maybe max flares better there I think on a special defense boost but they're mainly fighting the pair song so yeah let's go eat here it's not the end of the world at all um I think I can just helping hand max flare here I think that should be actually be stronger the max quake and I'm not worried about interest reaching into that slot and even if it does it'll still take a ton of damage yeah hoping that max work should be stronger than the Sun I went for max quick because I was trying to cover I thought there was a good chance this was too soon or but I guess they didn't expect that was kind of double me cuz they didn't expect weakness policy yeah they have not Dynomax it's the first thing we need to keep in mind the second thing is goggles already burned to turn asleep so he'd to be afraid of that and I've already used to turn of Dynomax I've used turning Dynomax I'm burning through trick room turns they didn't dynamic dragon bolts as long as Gothel doesn't get I Alice which here they go over the double and fail let's see if they wake up they woke up no that's so annoying oh my god ah one turn sleep into okay that's really annoying well that's unfortunate I'm not gonna lie that's a super unfortunate cuz I could've just ko dragon pulled there and been in a great position but instead I basically got nothing for my trouble which is unfortunate to say the least and we do solve the stupid dragon but we have to worry about so I would just destroy dragon hold there and then in a really good position I could have taken kill every tournament or call most likely its dad here we are Lapras is a switch so I'm in a helping hand let's see so let's think of that things max over growth is 280 base power max Claire is 150 225 hang on we I can't I literally can't do this right now I'm pretty sure a macular gets a 1.5 times boost for being stabbed and don't point my boobs to reading in the Sun it's way stronger alright next play here into Lapras and helping hand as well into Lapras right I should try and kill a pers here I think it's the right play Lapras might just protect himself but the library's gonna protect so is dragon pool so yeah and I could have set the grass up but I don't think it throws out much for me did you Dynomax the should be oDesk well might be dragon hold actually I actually don't think dragon pulled on two Mexicans that bad though it might be that for us to see okay it's Lapras all right let's see if we can do this so we know all three of their Pokemon that are remaining kind of wonder I'm kind of worried I'm not gonna have time because they're probably never guys are this turn and what the rate like I guess it's gonna depend on if they max card here or not if they max card things are gonna get bad real fast I think ah that's bad oh they didn't even predict Ripoll - a dragon pulled those here dragon darts alright that's fine I guess big damage holy cow yeah and this is where I've caught the Devils on the field to the dragon pool things would be very different and my son is gone oh that was extremely bad turn of events we're kind of getting rolled I'm not gonna lie I have to sit out here into Venus or I think which is not what I want to do but I have to do it kind of I concur in the back right now and then it's the last furniture from as well so that's I can actually that's not the worst thing that's ever happened I'm gonna psychic the dragon pool for damage I think there's almost no chance they'd go 40 max resonance into my hole here so and that's know if they can hard to read me for sure but I can't what they want or and slept in two alleys which geyser comes out this should be into Venus or the only problem is this might be another dragon dark CF which apparently is very strong my terrain is gone which is really bad I'm gonna psyche Gogh here not gonna do a ton of damage but should do like forty to fifty yeah and all that much dragon arts again ninety-six done day thirty how much we've taken this wondered and to down to fifteen that's a crit dad doesn't really matter frankly although just put me in takeout range um okay so the problem is that this turn they're just gonna go for like G max resonance and like I could so I can sleep out of the lappers here but I then I missed dragon bolt and I can sleep part of the drying a bolt with Ana Lucia Lapras I don't see a way for me to win this um cuz the dragon arts we've got redirection as well I don't know if I can win this I could put Lapras to sleep I can't but I was gonna protect so I can yeah it's not gonna work either they have a turn off the dining I accepted this as well I can't lie yeah that stuff I can't win this I'm sorry yeah the thing is even with like yeah that's it like I don't feel like I played this match badly or anything like I'm genuine think that of Iko dragon pool earlier the whole tide of the game changes because I'm about to get them down to the last two pokemon go over sleep adder I think so wide lens we do connect but they can just easily resonance here and then there's really like literally nothing I can do about it I'll probably put one chance to be blonde that's a dude something stupid like max resonance Chintu in DD which I don't think they would do because they're playing well yeah that was the right plan yeah the guy said there's nothing I can do about that idea I don't I don't see why if we're doing this anymore yeah roar bells up and I just can't do anything about that if I call it as my last Pokemon I would have won if I had but I still probably lost because oh maybe maybe everyone I don't know maybe maybe this maybe bring home glitter would helped here but yeah they have a turn left to Dynomax they have lavrov ale up and I just kind of feel like there's nothing I can do um but yeah I don't know I don't know I really feel like this was a winnable matchup and and things just oh I counted on MX wrong wait a second account of Dynamix wrong does that matter that probably doesn't matter I would need like some big crits or something I would need to quit the lab restore or about I think I just I don't actually need all my texts to crit and I would eat a three turns sleep on the dragon pole wait a second flappers came in at Dynomax in mouthguard if i forgot about that i was only thinking about the attacks are used yeah you're right it you're right I'm right it did go for Mac's card yeah for Orville hadn't gone up there maybe I should sleep out of the Lapras money was the last year to Dynomax I could have sleep out of the Lapras and had no Aurora Vail but then lost both my mom's know I needed to sleep better dragon pool good sleep hydro pump Hydra miss freeze dry uh-huh they're playing well stop it all right Oracle gives the world I don't think we can win this yeah I think this is over this is also this heat waves getting lost powerful one I use let's even get some Chris didn't do bad damage I wish it wasn't a crepe with a crit I would have kayode put lappers and rays or another heat wave I think I mean they could miss I mean on the one hand they got they've already had to they already had two turns of sleep so like if this were one versus one I would feel okay I would be like maybe there's a chance maybe I should have erupted there and has taken a risk I think eruption was better there because I could okay a dragon pool though I'm not even sure if it's forcing its Ana rain is any good for me all right we got the three turns sleep so we get another kill here again if we crit the lappers I think there's a chance oh never mind they protect this is gonna come down to Chris I think but the odds are definitely might wanted to be roads also see if we can even hit this you wave if we miss okay we connect this should clear drag a pole you should have died ages ago but whenever whatever [Applause] all right and signore or and laparis against Oracle if I was boosted maybe but I don't think I can win this I mean I need like a Hydra pup miss or I would need them to really not know how para song works and go for perish so or they'd like forget about psychic training go for take-out basically if they play well I shouldn't be able to win this even freeze-dried freezer I darkest lariat will probably beat me go for a pickup although there is one thing that's worth noting which is that okay never mind sometimes in Sonora Parris trap teams or take out protect parting shot and then like snarl oh god why is dude oh it hurts me okay I was up talking about critical hits but not like that oh yeah I know with this that was frustrating that was that was a person way to lose because yeah again if I if I like if they hadn't gotten the one trench sleep and also if I just can't golf with my earth power that's I guess it's my real mistake is that I didn't ko golfing with my earth power but yeah I don't really wanna end the video on that because I do feel like that was really winnable and there was a couple things that just you know I kind of messed up on um so yeah for that reason I'm gonna do one more we're now we're gonna try and do a little better than that yeah actually looking back on it the wandering sleeping gothic dog was really unfortunate but I if I just gone for a max Flair there if I just went for max Flair there then I think I probably would have just I would have been a really good shape right because draggable would have been in the field called it over three versus four and I could switch out and I would have had a boost of torque also and yeah alright so let's see you can who are up against this time alchemy Italian Lapras goodra hitmontop and colossal so colossal looks like a bit of a problem colossal Khan looks like a big problem colossal is actually a huge problem I'm gonna go for a slowpoke and right you I guess and I really don't want to do it but I because I have eject button in GD I genuinely think I haven't oh wait it's not gonna be serpent telly on it's gonna be the Aquajet will go into you here torkoal and this team is actually relatively slow so Conkeldurr is really good here so is Raichu I don't think I wanna be Venus or I think I think he deserves not to play I think we are a little out this week so maybe I do Conkeldurr that's an option ride choose also not bad here righteous not bad here I'm gonna do right you like I just want to show it off I don't like it's like necessarily right but I I do really think this what you can do with Raichu is cool on this team so I'm gonna show it to you guys but yeah let's think about what we have to do here colossal is a big threat Claus was a massive threat I brought there I brought I brought the food one and I think I might lose if they leave colossal and Italian I most likely I'm gonna lose this which is a very bad thing to say and I don't think they're gonna lead colossal telly on because if I'm looking at my team I'm thinking Toro venusaur is the most likely lead and that with sash venusaur that's really the truly you really don't relieve colossal venusaur or colossal on telly on there but we'll see decorate alchemy and Lapras is another option they have clearly so yeah I don't know this is kind of this is a scary matchup they have a lot of really threatening things they can do it I don't even remember I got it I haven't even considered everything and my boot off punch it on top as well that is Lapras alchemy frankly that's fine [Music] okay so I could turn this up I'm gonna follow me here I don't I don't know I think realistically they're gonna go for fake tears but I really don't wanna let them get decorate off so I'm gonna trick room and follow me here I could do on the lockers because the the Dynomax is so obvious here and but I don't really want to do that I wonder how much torkoal this to lapras not that much actually yeah doesn't do that much so yeah so how can we run fake tears some of them to only run decorate so um so and gde I really don't wanna let them get boosted laparis cuz without as long as opera system boosted we should be fine but yeah the dudes you guys do max oh and we knew that was coming Cybertron is online let's go ahead and see what the dude here right let it's probably a fight because it would probably take to your stuff most likely take to your stuff but you know could be it could be something else could be decorate it could be dad oz live one we'd be kind of bad you're not gonna lie Oh alchemy protects against sleep so I have to give before I do anything else I have to get rid of that before Eon I mean take over fix yours alright that's expected yep so in DD I actually do think we'll survive this though yeah the residents comes out there or avail up respect it I will be getting us which end here either I get ko door I just hit ko time a little surprised by that actually no crit alright that's a little bizarre not gonna lie okay well it's not it's not the end of the world we losing the UT turn one not a huge deal we have to stole the duel a person's Dynomax come that's my main priority right now but it could be worse we're second didi but we get trip them up and that's one again that's not the worst trade because now we're gonna get +2 torkoal in and Plus you torkoal is really good so I'm gonna surf here alchemy don't let's see it's probably got dazzling gleam um fake tears decorate I don't think I'll giri's gonna run protect here I think it feels safe in the aurora bail never run if it goes were protect here in the next turn it decorates we're gonna have some problems I think um yeah Allah briefings faster than me is a kind of a problem because it can always max keiser after I max flare like so basically it's good to be slower if you're going format here weather moves I guess it's kind of the same though like there max guys there's not gonna do any damage and then it's gonna make my max flare not do any damage so yeah but I feel like I still have to go for it I generally need alchemy gone and then my game planning gear is trying it the Sun up at the ends and then with Torvill because as long as Sun is up I feel like yeah I feel like as long as the Sun is up I should be able to leg sweep up torkoal in the end especially with right you in the back so yeah it's nice that I mean ideally both slowpoke and torkoal stay alive it's one of these Teufel goes down I'm probably gonna lose the game okay no okay I was really afraid to protect lappers does not have a weakness policy that's good to know wash water it's off excuse me so ready up close to torkoal big I think this will still ko alchemy because even though jor Orville it's still plus 2 max layer in the Sun yeah goodbye alright so are going to goes down we're three to three and now is where things start getting a little difficult because they got to go for a whole thing over resonance the don't go for geyser very weird very very weird I don't know why they did that but it's oh my god what why don't you so much damage its scusi why does it do so much damage and this is the de la Serna Dynomax so um was that goop droop all right goodra in Gooch is really annoying I just have to smack this thing I think I'm gonna yawn the laparis and how many of you on the laparis and I'm gonna max quake the goodra just to give me a chance to hang on at the end of this regenerator is not legal or I would I would really have it on this slowpoke cooter and Aurora Belle's looking kind of unbreakable I don't think max the quake is a two ação like I really don't think max buddy's going to again go over back to quake here because it'll give slow but slow but good chance to survive resonance this Lapras is very offensive clearly gone off so that's not that's not you know amazing or anything but it's not terribly their quake comes out and get boosted torkoal that's gonna be assault that scooter if I'm not doing anything to that alright I am gonna have to get creative with how I beat that thing because the answer is not super clear to me makeover guys at this time right there wise up torval takes not that much surely a lot of damage stop taking so much damage torkoal i'm counting on you and they go for what muddy water Draco meteor okay now that's actually good because oh I hope I hope I don't get ko to this I probably do I'm offer especially bulky even though special boost is not enough and I will go down which is really bad okay this is not over it's looking rough I'm not gonna lie it's looking really rough but it's not over how many tons of Aylor left surely like two they went for a turn one and that was turn three so I have to tighten up the veil hopefully they're gonna have to switch out this turn so I'm gonna go for a nuzzle and max flare I need to get the Sun back up so I'm gonna go back flare even though it's not gonna do very much damage I'm just afraid of colossal maybe what I should do here is actually I'm gonna nuzzle into this and max flare into this I'm gonna double no I can't live a Lapras just get a zit I'm gonna nozzle goodra and I'm gonna max flare the Lapras and hope it's the hopeful ASIMO c'mon isn't colossal because if it's colossal I'm giving it a big boost this is Rudra actually okay hitmontop alright good that's that could be worse I've seen worse cuz lappers does not take a nap I mean a Priss we got a max flare off here they go over protect our they protect okay whatever that's not mine is this fine I'm not that big a deal max lair comes out not gonna do very much can do like 10% yep but Sun is up and that's what matters because I mean when this game is gonna be with well paralysis for one thing and Anna rapid fire moves for the other so knows what comes out let's see if it's eject button it is not so we get status of both Malin to this turn glad I didn't knows little Lapras I'm now back to babby form which is not great however it's not the worst thing either I'm gonna go for volt switch into Lapras and eruption here no yes no I'm gonna go for yeah volt switch into Lapras and eruption heat wave eruption I'm going for heatwave he with full power would be really nice right now and being too loud so my secret tech here is that I have speed swap um take out I forgot we both forgot wait your absorb excuse me oh wait a second Barry it's okay if it makes you feel any better I also forgot opponent weightless forgot dude um well that's really good I'd never love you to turn left your room I wasn't paying attention and I guess um voltage comes out okay I'm really free two white guard though okay oh okay good oh they're not we just policy okay trigger was gone weirdness has gone and his Aurora gone oh no wait a second Ezra will still up are they like clay oh god that's really bad um well I'm gonna speed 12 into torkoal here interrupt and hope that they don't go for white guard slash hope they don't have my guard this is why bar try to in the back is because one Stricker men's I can use it to speed swap torkoal and then triangle with it okay they go for they protect go to be wide guard okay speed swap comes out so we're now fast with tor hole we get a +2 special attack in the Sun eruption off and despite the Aurora veil I think I'm on top we'll go down to that yep so now we use it to beat this goodra [Applause] now this is probably a solve s mudra and Aurora Vail is up so my taxes aren't as strong as they should be but I'm still plus two and now it's a single target eruption that we're dealing with which is significantly like it's it's not gonna oh surely but we also to keep in mind we got that special defense blues from the mask max quake earlier which is gonna pay dividends right now so it's Gujarat lease office we know it has we know that it has trigger meteor and we know mall the set of Russians but might work was really fast and that's kinda or banking on here I've got two eruptions left probably lonely walnut one of them is gonna be worthwhile after that I'll switch to you wave so this one is really down to the wire um I don't think anyone expects torkoal and Raichu with no physical moment moves and it protects to be able to beat a goodra but here we are man I kinda icon was I can toss a little bit but forgetting tricking was up but then again so to my opponent about forgetting psychiatry was up I go for up chin because I'm now ride she's feet stat which is nice I think actually oh god I didn't do anything sludge bomb wait a second they're gonna win this is gonna be up the poison 1:21 done just hit all right we might I think we lose this I actually think we lose this that's I think because yeah it's gonna be really close but I I think we lose this yeah I'm now in range of another attack which is so unfortunate I'm gonna hold switch here and heat wave I think would've entered is it why should a speed swap first and then and then nuzzled be I'm gonna go for heat wait here come on give me a full para I deserve it I hit anyway that's good no crits who have no para okay alright the toe story it's wait a second we're still on this bolsters comes out as you can see ride shoes knock I think I'm gonna genuinely no matter I'm out of steam I think I'm Ernestine son is gone and then one turn left at this dang Orville 50 down to the 28 okay I can take it one more of those Oh Oracle's go on okay wait maybe maybe maybe maybe all right well let's switch you to breath power we know the result best we are plus two special attack man this is a good thing we have earth power Earthcare comes out this isn't gonna do that much damage but oh we're so close drop special defense oh I don't feel that bad because without the para with other poison they would've been fine so yeah and I guess that one didn't matter as much because they don't have protect well yeah that's gonna be the game we're gonna narrowly win this one so I think that was a good showcase at the team I like I did lose that one game but I do feel like overall that was a solid it was a solid showing so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this team I think it's really fun to play and it's cool to kind of sit up and I'm glad I showed you guys a bunch of the different modes that you can do and yeah I'm sure they don't seem to be in the video so you can check it out thinking of the video excuse me and yeah I think that's it so if you wanna see more teams like this make sure you leave a like and subscribe and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 226,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 20, vgc 2020, slowpoke, galarian slowpoke, galarian slowpoke evolution, slowpoke team, slowbro, slowking, galarian slowbro, galarian slowking, wolfe slowpoke, slowpoke galar, new pokemon slowpoke
Id: 7I9PD2E7ZnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 29sec (2729 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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