ENSHROUDED: 50+ ADVANCED Insider Tips You Yish You Knew! | Buffs, Skills, Gear, and Food

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Hello Flameborn! You have just awoken in Embervale and you have no idea what to do and what to expect. Don't you worry, because I've been around for a while and I collected a few tips and tricks that might help you to get around. I try to not put in too many spoilers, but this video is absolutely not for people who want to blind explore the game, but for those who love to have some knowledge before jumping into an adventure. These are my tips and tricks for you to become the best Flameborn in Embervale. First of all, you have the freedom to do whatever you want to do and whenever you want to do it. Not everything might get you progressed, but ultimately it's up to you how to play the game. These tips here are things that I found helpful in my first 70 hours of playing and within my first early access playthrough. I would love for you to add even more tips into the comment section to let me know what helped you. First of all, you can skip helped you. First of all, you can skip the night and let's be honest torches suck and we don't like crafting wisps all the time and the night is really dark, like really really dark. Skip the night by laying down in a bed. If you're not at home but close to a city or a camp, you might be able to push a skeleton to the edge of an abandoned bed and then use that bed to get some rest. If everyone in your game lays down at night, time will be sped up by 60 times the normal speed, but if only some lay down then the 60 will be divided by the players online and by how many are sleeping. On servers, things many are sleeping. On servers, things outside of your base flame respawn after 30 minutes in your single player as well, but no one can enter the chunk in that time otherwise the timer will restart. Technically you can cheese it by restarting the game or the server, but I would advise against it because you will break the immersion and I see a lot of creators suggesting to log in and out for a few hours farming certain chests. You will get all the good gear you need most likely, but the progression will be gone and the content after that will be boring. So this tip really is don't cheese your way up to the top because the game will not be fun anymore. When you die you will be fun anymore. When you die you will only lose part of your inventory, mainly resources. That means you do not need to keep a replacement armor or weapons around. It also means sometimes it might not even be worth going back to do a corpse run. Find a play style corpse run. Find a play style you like in the skill tree. It is important to mention that it looks more overwhelming than it really is. Usually you try to stay within one of the color categories and find your path through the skills there, but you don't really have to do this either. You can mix and match how you want, but I would tell want, but I would tell you try to specialize to become stronger first and then add broader skills later. While survivability is great and being a master farmer as well, if you can't kill things you have a problem. I personally prefer to two shot bosses even though I need to farm twice the amount of trees to get the same amount of wood. Don't be afraid to amount of wood. Don't be afraid to reskill your character if you dislike something you leveled in, but make sure to take a screenshot of your skills before you do it, especially if you only want to reskill a few points because resetting them on your flame will completely wipe all of the skill points instead of letting you opt out of certain skills. If you have certain skills. If you have 14 skill points left over, invest them into the updraft skill for your glider. This is in between the trickster and the assassin skill tree and the double jump in between the survivor and the athlete tree. Those two are not needed to play the game, but it makes getting around the area a lot easier. And if you anyway plan on skilling in one of those tree branches next to the skills, it might be worth just getting them anyway. Enemies have weaknesses and them anyway. Enemies have weaknesses and strengths. Your job is to find out what they like and what they don't like. Certain damage types might simply not work with certain enemies. As a mage, your attention is on the element that you use to do the damage. But even this is not set in stone because a weak but effective element attack can be worse than a strong ineffective one. As a spell ineffective one. As a spell caster, you want to invest into the eternal spells. You will get some through quests and some can be crafted. They are pricey but so worth it. They're stronger, but they also don't block many slots in your backpack. Eternal fireball and eternal acid bite make you the star at every boss fight. Eternal chain heal helps with group play. Unfortunately there is no eternal lightning spell in the game yet, which means skilling into lightning as a mage is not endgame viable. mage is not endgame viable. Don't miss out on leveling your character as you progress through the story and the quests. If you simply go from quest to quest, you will quickly face the problem that you might be underleveled and undergeared for the area you are in. Considering almost everything the game gives you experience and level ups, it's worth to do some chores around the base before you get to the next quest. Face tanking enemies works maybe quest. Face tanking enemies works maybe the first 30 minutes of the game. After that, it makes sense to learn the enemy's attacks and how to dodge. Especially as soon as you are sent to the first boss, you need to know how to dodge attacks even or maybe especially as a ranged fighter. This can make a difference between dying and surviving. Even if you want surviving. Even if you want to go melee, it's handy to have a wand as one of your first weapons because you can do ranged attacks while not being super tanky yet. The wand does not use any mana and you can block while attacking. Just farm a few skeletons early on and make your first wand from bone. Later when you get boosts through your skill tree, the wand will become less and less effective. Then you can drop it for your main weapons. drop it for your main weapons. And as a mage, use staff and wand and switch between both. The staff does insane damage, but it needs to charge longer and it doesn't allow you to block. And it needs mana and charges. With a wand you can block and spam weaker attacks while neither using mana or charges. Both complement each other very well. Build a complement each other very well. Build a base and improve it with decorations to build up your resting bonus. The resting bonus is crucial for your gameplay. The better the comfort level is in your base, the longer is your resting bonus. The resting bonus increases your maximum stamina and stamina recharge. Stamina is a universal stat you don't want to let run empty. Leveling want to let run empty. Leveling up your flame will increase the building radius in which you can build. You will later have even enough space to build a little village in which every of your NPC has their own house. You can has their own house. You can either choose to use pre-made building elements shown in the building menu or you can build voxel by voxel. It's up to you, but you can be very creative with the building. When you place a building. When you place a structure and it clips into the ground and then you remove the structure, it leaves a hole in the shape of the structure within the ground. Use this to make quick and perfectly shaped basements. Keep in mind that this won't give you the resources though. For that you will need to farm manually with your pickaxe. Exploring manually with your pickaxe. Exploring through the biomes will give you access to a lot of different building materials. Mix them to create a more interesting looking base. Check photos of real life buildings and analyze how they are structured. Coming back to a pretty base makes you feel much better after a long day of slaying monsters. If you want to build in a monsters. If you want to build in a specific style but the comfort items that give you the highest boosts don't fit that aesthetic, build a basement room and just stuff the shiny bronze and golden items into it. Let people wonder how your little shed can give you such an insane resting buff. can give you such an insane rest above. Switch to magic chests as quick as you can craft them because they enable wireless crafting. Once you have the resources to make magic chests, try to get at least a few to store your crafting resources in. Resources in these chests can be detected by most crafting benches that do not need the resources in their own crafting inventory. And that makes crafting new things super easy and quick. Upgrade the amount of chests that you have as you progress. Crafting things often as you progress. Crafting things often unlocks more things. So craft stuff to make sure you know all of the recipes possible. One great example is the boss head trophies. They unlock better qualities once you have crafted the quality below them and it goes all the way up to legendary trophy quality, boosting your comfort level with three points. Upgrade tools level with three points. Upgrade tools like pickaxe and axe as soon as you have the upgrade available. Not only will the farming be faster but you will also get more resources and more rare resources. I noticed the difference when I upgraded from a normal pickaxe to the next better one while farming amber. The old one gave me one amber stone every six hits. The new one gave me one amber stone every three hits and sometimes even two. That was a life changer. The rake is kind of crazy. It changer. The rake is kind of crazy. It can dupe certain rare terrain blocks like roadblocks, flower dirt and farmland. It seems to be intended and it's worth using it if you want to spread these materials on the ground without having to craft a lot of it. It also helps you to even the ground when you want to build. The only difference between the normal and the improved rake is the range that you have and you can also even make ramps with it. You only have to change the angle. only have to change the angle. Items can be repaired at no cost at the workbench. This is really handy because you don't need to collect resources that may otherwise be needed to craft the items. You just need to open the interface of the workbench and then you close it again and you're good to go. close it again and you're good to go. Don't be like me and wait until you craft the glider and the grappling hook. Make them as soon as you can, especially once you reach the part where you have to do puzzles. A glider and a hook are essential to progress. There's no way around it and there's a reason why the blacksmith keeps reminding you. blacksmith keeps reminding you. Find gear that suits your skill tree. The gear that you find is often catered towards certain playstyles. Read the descriptions and the boosts that you get. Also compare weapons and armor to test it yourself. Sometimes mixing and matching armor can make sense as well. Experimenting and comparing things is the key here. Don't comparing things is the key here. Don't hoard gear you never use. Turn it into runes for upgrading your gear, which you by the way should always do, or resetting your skill points. There's no point keeping the same version of an item over and over again. You can only use one at a time anyway and there's also no point in keeping lower gear because there's no reason for you to still use it. Right click things and turn them into runes if possible. Once you runes if possible. Once you can craft backpack extensions you should. Nothing more annoying than having to head home when farming because your inventory is full. There are better extensions later on when you progress through the hunter storyline. You can the hunter storyline. You can get water at the very beginning at the well in the ruins. There will be more wells you stumble upon later on. It's worth emptying them when you see them and much later you will even be able to craft wells that take away the limitation on how much water you can get. Especially when you go into growing plants you need a lot of water. Food will give you buffs on water. Food will give you buffs on certain stats. Use your three food buffs you start with. You can mix and match different foods to boost yourself depending on your class or even what you're planning on doing. It makes sense to have certain things always on hand or rather in your inventory to buff yourself when you need it. Don't bother with the need it. Don't bother with the lean meat at the very beginning. Use spawns surrounded by wolves and the grilled wolf meat will carry you a long time through the game. It gives you double the health buff that the lean meat will give you for the same amount of time. Of course the lean meat buff is better than no buff but wolves should be plenty around you and be preferred. Keep and be preferred. Keep purple berries, dried purple berries and later strawberries around for a constant healing buff. Especially when you don't want to craft a lot of healing potions these can be perfectly substitute them. Later you will get things like fruit bowls which are even better but they require cooking utensils and late game resources. Even with food that buffs you resources. Even with food that buffs you for a long time later on it's worth keeping early tier foods around as well because while a 40 minute buff is great maybe you need the buff for a shorter time and you do not want to block your food buff slot for that long. Especially regen buffs are not needed to be up at all times when it means that you miss out on applying a damage buff. At that point it might be worth using potions instead. If you using potions instead. If you stay on the road you will get a buff that makes you use less stamina when walking over the road. This is handy when you need to travel longer distances. It shouldn't be your only way of traveling though. your only way of traveling though. Explore! This game wants you to look around and find stuff. There are so many hidden treasures in easter eggs. If you strictly only follow the quests and never leave the path you will miss out on high end loot, resources and lore. Chests hidden under rubble, jumping puzzles lead to loot. Be brave and look around. Doing the elixir wells will not around. Doing the elixir wells will not only give you that required boss head to build your flame up but also skill point when destroying the root for the first time, ultimately making you stronger. If you destroy the root before killing the boss then you don't even have to worry about the shroud in the well since it gets removed. Shroud timer reduction attacks won't have any effect and you can do boosted shroud damage attacks yourself. You can repeat these bosses every 30 minutes. Prioritize getting the NPCs minutes. Prioritize getting the NPCs rescued early on. The NPCs act as crafting benches and also give you quests. Get them rescued as quick as possible as they make your life easier helping to boost yourself and be prepared for the next quest to come. The further you progress the tougher the puzzles are to unlock them. Make sure to craft the flame altar nearby their vault so you can come back easily in case you die. And the NPC back easily in case you die. And the NPC quests are your guidelines through the area. Make sure to follow them. The NPC quests should be one of your main targets to follow up with. They send you to new areas, new biomes and they also often lead you to boss fights. In exchange you get extensions to their crafting abilities which make following these quests worthwhile. The higher the level of worthwhile. The higher the level of your flame is the more flame altars you can place on the map for fast travel. Place them on important farm spots together with a working bench to be able to repair gear while farming. That way you only have to teleport back to empty your pockets. Don't step into pockets. Don't step into the red shroud or into the red lava like floor. Both drain your shroud timer to zero immediately killing you. This can be especially annoying because the game does put your death bag onto the next best safe spot but sometimes the game doesn't understand that you can't run up a vertical cliff. To avoid a several hour death run like I did once, avoid these areas or be very careful around them. Read the letters careful around them. Read the letters because they can give hints or hidden treasures. I found treasures hidden and only letters hinting towards their location. You don't have to fully read everything but just quickly scan the text if it mentions the hidden treasure because it might lead you towards your next legendary item. Place towards your next legendary item. Place additional flames at strategic smart locations. These locations can be farming spots for resources close to certain bosses you want to redo or close to high value chests. The flames allow you to fast travel to them and if you solve the spires these can also act as fast travel spots. You can save yourself the flames close by because the spires will help you to get distance by height. Stuff within your base flame can be dismantled for easy resources so you don't have to chop down trees or pick away the stones. Scavenger trees or pick away the stones. Scavenger and scavenger camps are where you get metal scraps early on. Also destroy every single metal structure that you see on the way. Make sure to visit the camps once in a while. Scraps are the first bottleneck you will experience in the game so it's important to know where you farm them. You can to know where you farm them. You can place flames next to pre-made buildings to dismantle structures and this gives you resources you might not have access to yet. Once you remove the flame from the dismantle building it will respawn within the next 30 minutes and then you can repeat this process. repeat this process. Start growing food and resource plants as quickly as you get the farmer. Saving time through being able to place resources at your home will make more complicated recipes more accessible. Setting up farmland and seed boxes and creating your own little homestead might take time but it's worth it. It is also worth stopping at it. It is also worth stopping at abandoned farms on the map to get access to new plants like corn, tomatoes and paprika to be able to grow your own seedlings for infinite food. your own seedlings for infinite food. Don't process all of your ore and food right away because you may need the unprocessed product for certain recipes. Nothing as annoying than farming iron ore for a whole day, getting it all cooked and then you need the ore itself for a recipe. Are you need the ore itself for a recipe. Are you out of resin? Look for the orange trees. They can give you up to six pieces of resin when taking them down. There are already some in the starter area but there's a lot in the revelwoods later on. It's worth going back because you will never not need resin for certain things. Most things can and for certain things. Most things can and should be broken because they contain resources. If you see chests, boxes and barrels it's worth to destroy them especially early on you can find fiber, string, wood and even metal scraps in them. Farm enough to have some resources at hand so you do not have to farm for every new craft. Nothing more annoying than wanting to craft something really quick and you don't have the resources and you need to go resource hunting first before you can progress. By the time you come back with the resources you already forgot what you left the base for. When farming something make sure to book farm. It may take some time initially but saves you a lot of time later on. When you go you a lot of time later on. When you go farming use the water and honey buff to keep your stamina pool big and the recharge quick. Also never go farming without your rested buff up. This is super affordable early on because none of these things require you to prepare anything. Later on cooked eggs are a nice addition to these two buffs as it gives you an even bigger stamina buff. And these stamina buff. And these are all the tips I have for you when you start freshly into enshrouded or you feel like you're stuck and you don't know how to start or progress. I would love to read even more tips from you because learning together is getting better together. Head to the comments and let me know what you didn't know yet and also the things I forgot. Thank you for watching this video, stay alive and thrive!
Channel: TiiaPlaysStuff
Views: 16,599
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Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded trailer, inshrouded, inshroud, enshrouded new player guide, enshrouded pc, enshrouded building, enshrouded gameplay guide, enshrouded release date, enshrouded tips and trick, enshrouded beginners guide, enshrouded guide 2024, enshrouded early access, enshrouded early access guide, enshrouded game
Id: jr_hg8-npSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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