I Built an Alien UFO in Enshrouded at the Top of the World

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welcome Flame born this is Eerie night of the pseudo posi never mind that I'm sitting inside the chair instead of on it we've got more important matters today we are undertaking a new project nope not a castle or a treehouse or a house house no no no that's too normal I've Got the Feeling to build something completely different today and I recently received the perfect suggestion something out of this world yes a UFO why you may ask I say Humanity has had it coming and they've had it too easy with all this shroud no we are going to make the ultimate threat high in the sky which is perfect because we just so happen to have an alter floating at the top of the world so convenient and meant to be let's grab our blocks and get to work now at this juncture I have no idea what materials I want to use save for the fact I don't want to use any wood a spaceship made out of wood is just utter nonsense so I'll make some blocks that are metallicy H and also glowy now I think another excellent look for our build would be more of the blue stuff except not the crafted blocks rather the Luminous growth itself it's got a very otherworldly look to it and I think it will look fantastic except it is rather slow to mind so I'll grab as much as my sanity will allow and we'll just need to pick and choose where to place it that was quite exhausting but we've got a ton of work ahead of us and I don't think there'll be any help so let's head on up up at the top now and no that isn't a barcode scanner that is quite literally the top of the world any higher it is just redder now because we are at the High point the only direction we can go is down though it took me long to build up to the top I'll need to lower my altar a bit so I can have some building room it would be tragic to constantly have our bod scanned every time we want to return home speaking of which beat me up Scotty this next part is going to kill me a little inside but after all the time spent reaching the top I now need to lower my alter a bit and move it over cross the mountain region is also a noo zone so I will have to shift the altar over a fair distance to make room for my ship to prevent as much falling as possible you know in vain I'll be constructing a temporary platform around the build area now your classic UFO is usually depicted as a flying saucer circular type object and well in a voxal game curves are in short supply so I'll need to do the next best thing and discretize my circle into a bunch of Cubes that approximate a circle similar to what we did in our Treehouse except we may need more circles you see the other thing about UFOs is that they are threedimensional and if I take a look at my circle that's looking awfully flat so I'm going to need to construct a bunch of circular cross-sections and connect them all together fun right to make my life easier first I la out all my Dimensions each of the four wooden lines running across represent the size of my circular diameter just to double check that every side was equal in length secondly the blue columns represent the height profile of each circular shape the edge of every new Circle I build will start at the blue column and I'll work my way around and lastly getting the shape of these circles just right would be very timeconsuming and would use up all my remaining sanity left over from mining the Luminous growth fortunately I created these trusty Circle block charts to reference where I need to place a block see for example this 82 diameter block Circle which is my outermost Circle I need to place the blocks in all of these positions to achieve the desired look well given all this preparation I'm ready to pop on some music and just repetitively build away let's do it that sure took a while and we are not close to finished you see the third thing about UFOs is typically they are curved top to bottom and our bottom is very much a giant flat circle right now which basically means we'll need to go below the Altar and do the same exact Circle cross-sections except going downward though the bottom circular cross-sections will be a gentler slope so I've now got to reposition all my temporary building platforms lower and Deja Vu we're back at the old Circle game again except this time we do need to connect the top to the bottom which we'll first do by using the column shapes and we'll do that all the way around the [Music] preter and with that done we're back at the Circle grind except going down though at least the view is starting to look better gazing upward as we are starting to get the full shape okay we are finally done with those dang circles but you see the other thing about UFOs are that they are solid gaps wouldn't exactly be aired tight in the vacuum of space so it would probably be a good idea to fill in all the holes and there are a lot of holes oh my word this is going to take a long time I take back what I previously said I might actually miss those dang circles [Music] now I heavily debated with myself on the material to use here I really really really really really really really wanted to use something metallic and definitely not W which created very limited choices ultimately color one the day and we used the weather stone block yes yes UFOs aren't made of wood let alone Stone Eerie yeah yeah yeah right but the other metal choices are just too dark give us some lighter metal colors Keen really if you want to blame anyone one for this Choice blame the devs anyways Circle gaps in general fill the straight sections with stairs for all the other sections place blocks level with the black metal frame along the Outer Perimeter follow that up with placing blocks one block higher along the entire inner perimeter you'll need to place some temporary blocks to later remove after you fill in a gap and finally fill in the last remaining gap between the stone by going along and placing and removing blocks as needed now we'll need to do the same exact thing but for the bottom section the main trick with the bottom is to use the 2 m ceiling shape aim at the corner such that the blueprint region fits right inside a metallic corner and place overlapping it like that will create a nice pattern underneath so now my great debate how to fill in the gaps of my sides ultimately I decided to go with bones as I think it is fitting our alien overlord should use our bones to build their ships sorry I'm feeling utter sorry I'm feeling utterly morbid right now after all the Gap filling and long yearning for the circles again and yeah careful what you wish for circles are now back but this time around they are vertical so different the other thing about UFOs well some at least are that they can potentially have a dome-shaped part in the middle protruding out of the saucer section now it would be extremely cool if they had glass blocks in the game hopefully in the future at which point I may want to revisit this build but for now we are going to make do I'll start with Consulting the old circle chart again and make a series of overarching half circles including diagonal arches which are created in the same exact pattern just you know diagonally you'll need to temporarily Place some blocks for attachment points but make sure to remove them when finished next I'll wrap a metal block ring around the Dome and fill it in with some more bones recall long ago when I mined all that luminous growth well now's the time I think for that I kept debating how to best use it but I decided to Adorn my Dome with the blue stuff I did have visions of creating blue pulsating beins across the hole of the ship which would look really cool I think but would require an ungodly amount of luminous growth and I don't have the time to mine all of that so the Dome will suffice first a place some across each of our Dome [Music] supports afterwards I Fallen some underneath and have some randomly dangling growth to give it a mystical look [Music] back on the inside of the Dome I'll fill in some luminescent blocks and a layer of metal all around the perimeter next I'll put a ring of luminescent blocks around the top of the Dome filling some more bone and a step-like pattern all around plug some gaps with more blue and wrap some Stone around the top one of our last little touches will be doors on every side doors to where you might ask well doors to jump out and glide wherever we'd like to go I'll wrap around some luminescent block along the edges Place some diagonal metal blocks to add some [Music] Contours and so when we exit our doors we have a little platform and lastly a place in the door frame and other luminescent block columns and with that done let's have a final look wow the inside looks absolutely Cathedral the roof looks absolutely artistic and I would definitely feel bad about putting in some floors to make the space feel small certainly you could do that but I like the open space plus the last thing about UFOs is who the hell knows what they look like inside well if you are lucky enough to ever see the inside of one of these you are probably one of these guys so I'll let you decide whether or not you want to find out anyways I hope you all enjoyed this build and learned some things along the way you certainly could apply the build we did here to other types of structures like Cathedrals the Coliseum whatever you want if you enjoyed the video please smash the like button and board the mothership by subscribing I'd like to thank thank all of our patrons whose generosity helps us funnel more into the channel this is Eerie Knight signing off see you all down [Music] below
Channel: Pseudo Posse
Views: 5,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, Building Tips, UFO, spaceship
Id: 3F7O2OttNt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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