How EVERY Stand from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Could Kill You | Power Systems are Deadly

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[Music] foreign do you ever have an idea and you know it's dumb but also you really really want to do it that's what this video is I had the idea a while back of what if I talked about how every ability present and power system could kill somebody so for those who don't know a power system is the way supernatural abilities are handled on a piece of media then I thought about what power system to start with George's Bizarre Adventure has a very interesting power system stands stands or manifestations of someone's soul that can be unlocked from a few different methods someone who has a stand is called a CN user and the only thing that can attack a stand is another stand this video took a while I had to scroll through all of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Wiki Pages for part 3 to 6. huge thank you to the Jews bizarre Encyclopedia by the way they're Linked In the description and then the card and read through part seven to eight I unfortunately won't be covering the stands present in part 9 as they're still in the very early releases and I won't be covering secondary media as that's even more work but like I totally will just not right now too much magician's red can control fire and when someone is on fire they die strangulation strangulation is made really easy if your stand is just made up of lines it's only Vines it's just Vines emeralds are going to shoot through your body and obnoxiously fast French stand with a Rapier you're gonna get made into swiss cheese all it has to do is build a sand castle around you kick it and you choke on Sand and die it's miniature xenomorph looking thing has been shown to cut through people foreign ebony devil can possess dolls these dolls have extremely sharp teeth some super good Jaws some amazing molars some superb munchers let's be honest here I can definitely rip through someone's jugular a giant disgusting blob that consumes flesh need I say more just point a mirror at somebody a gun it's a gun I don't think I need to tell you how a gun could kill somebody self-explanatory a fleshy humanoid thing that'll actively try to kill anything it's attached to Dan that takes the form of a car a big mean ass car big mean ass cars are mean and therefore extremely deadly also it can just run over here I think that's what makes it deadly actually Justice can manipulate a victim's body through their open wounds once it has control it can just have the victims kill themselves possession is the easiest way to kill somebody goes into the brain of a victim and makes any pain that the user experiences affect the victim all the user has to do is beat their own ass and you're dead son is literally just a miniature son I don't know who you are but you're not living in a fight against the literal Sun big ass Scythe overwhelm someone with Clay copies of their loved ones can transform into anything metal or made of minerals it could literally just transform into a heavy metal shape and crush you like a Looney Tunes kid a hand of water that has been shown to literally rip off somebody's head just alter your appearance to look like one of the victims family members then [ __ ] shoot them or something I don't know man a comic book that gives its user prophecies all the user has to do is just wait for a prophecy to show where their victim is going to be at a given time and then its user can easily just know where to kill them a sword that is one extremely fast two extremely strong and three can cut through solid Stone something tells me your measly little limbs aren't surviving the god blade an outlet when someone touches it they become extremely magnetized let's put you in a situation do you think you would survive a car throttling towards you maybe like 60 70 miles per hour yeah I didn't think so either you're dead you're gone you're not there anymore you've been buttoning someone until their non-existent is so [ __ ] funny bet you can't beat me in rock paper scissors I have this [ __ ] thing impales you with an icicle or it freezes your blood you're dead either way bet you can't beat me in Mario Kart can just create an illusion of your house over a cliff cream deletes anything it eats you're going to get bored to death you're going to get bored to death [Music] [Music] not even counting its broken ability to repair anything it punches its punches have been shown to break walls and motorcycles completely apart along with punching a hole clean through someone anything swiped by the hands handy hand is a race from reality all he has to do is slap you and you're gone right Spang on you and hopes it's enough to just scare you into cardiac arrest rights burn on the doorknob to a room you're in trapping you inside call out act three and it just weighs your hand down until the bones break ow that just sounds like it hurts this has to write walk into oncoming traffic and your roadkill takes the form of a liquid and can possess people if they drink it possession is kind of an insta kill honestly like never get possessed by homicidal maniac overall bad idea a miniature toy army but like with real guns same round as Emperor gun violence except this time multiple guns baby can bring humans into circuits going through circuits isn't great for the human body guilt inflicted suicide or you can just like hit someone over the head with the lock it looks heavy okay it looks like it has some weight to it I'm just saying surface will cause anyone who touches it to do exactly as it does so so it'll just snap its neck and then your neck goes crack as well being strangled to death by hair makes food so good that no one can bear to live without it Acton baby turns its user invisible once invisible it is remarkably easy to kill someone melts anything it shoots one shot to the temple and you're liquefied Harvest has a tiny Stinger that can be filled with any liquid just give Harvest a little tiny bit of poison just a Teensy bit and wait for one to crawl up your arm make somebody so ugly that cars want to hit them cosmetic vehicular manslaughter is interesting to say the least yeah we'll go with that just traps you in a photo and if you lose in a game of rock paper scissors boy to man gets to control your body it just needs to grab a sharp object and stab you multiple times Earth Wind and fires user can morph into anything as long as it's not super complicated or strong with that being said I wouldn't Class A Bullet as being strong on its own so if the user can morph into a bullet load itself into a gun and shoot you Fair it's fair right yeah yeah you're getting shot by a weird morph bullet thing my way star can run at 60 miles per hour towards its Target once it touches a Target it saps away their life I don't know about you but I can't run 60 miles per hour and I seriously doubt that you can't without a standard building you're gonna die you're gonna die to this weird [ __ ] purple thing a weird cat plant stand hybrid thing that can shoot air bubbles capable of tearing through flesh all it needs to do is aim for your head and you'll die to an invisible force of nature not fun convinces someone to enter Superfly with minimal to no prior supplies quickly leave Superfly before he can get out and eventually you gotta starve to death because humans require food for some reason finds out what makes you scared traps you in a piece of paper and user exchangers cheap trick with you in an extremely crowded place think of how many people see your back on a daily basis now imagine that every time it happens you die yeah not so nice is it killer queen has already touched every object in your home effectively and hilariously turning it into a giant bomb as long as your body is you know warm You're Gonna Go Kaboom my name is Kira yoshikage think of how many animals can kill you gold experience could just turn a rock into a lion and it would Feast on your corpse you're not winning against a lion Rock thing I'm sorry you're getting eaten by a rock oh cool there's your heart oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uses Moody Blues to follow you back home and then kills you this is the fourth stand to utilize a gun you're gonna die God I hope the next stand doesn't just shoot you it's a [ __ ] plane with guess what a gun you lose you get shot you die you bleed on floor no lift no live for you a stand that will just kill everything around it with a virus it may kill the user but it'll take you with it at least you wake up in the morning and obviously if you want to go anywhere in your house you have to open the door what you don't know is that Spice Girl broke into your house punched your door and has been holding it back in a slingshot the moment you put your hand on the knob Spice Girl will release the door and you'll get flung through a wall convince someone to enter Mr President walk to a dangerous area say an active Highway a cliff anywhere really and remove the key the person inside Mr President is thrown out immediately into life-ending danger will suck the soul out of your body award craftwork just has to lock you in place and then tap you until you shoot out like a human rocket makes you into Stuart Little and then just steps on you locks away your limbs into just a bunch of random mirrors and then just murders you oh oh [ __ ] I think I caught something oh [ __ ] oh whoa oh let me let me uh let me reel it in oh oh yikes that's a human heart [Music] oh [ __ ] he's dead oh yeah he's definitely dead oh [ __ ] i s I need to stop using my stand for fishing man this is a terrible idea unless you live in the Arctic you're gonna die of organ failure did a good old old age disgusting human Stan gross hybrid thing that will slice and dice you into mince meat cubes if it so happens to touch you you'll freeze to death and die I immediately assume that Clash could just warp into your body and start biting but that's unfortunately not the case as it can't enter closed spaces but if it were to be let's say raining Clash could easily warp around the pools of water formed by you getting drenched in the rain and just cause massive blood loss to its little munchers little tiny little munchers all talking ahead has to do is attach onto you wait for someone particularly peeved and aggressive to come around and then get you to lie your way into getting your ass beat is that another flesh eating stand I wonder how that could possibly be able to kill you it's also you know extremely fast it's crazy that's insane that's awesome that's great no razors shivs scissors knives swords hooks giant Metal Sheets noticing a pattern all made of iron you know what else is iron your blood a deadly mold move up or down on a hill by a few feet and you're instantly dead no more flesh for you you're just a moldy humanoidish pile of goop A Simple Touch and your flesh is going to liquefy if its ability to instantly kill you wasn't you know deadly enough I think a giant rock dropping on your head would definitely kill you maybe just maybe once it just erases time in a section all King crimson's user has to do is just within the erase time and wait for time to resume again you're dead if you're being fought with the intention to kill you're gonna fight back right now with habitat you won't its user will see every attack you make before you do Dodge them and then attack right back you're getting your ass beat by [ __ ] like Clairvoyance you're losing if you don't die from transforming into a grotesque monster I think you would kill yourself once you realize that you're some weird alien hybrid thing now traps people in death Loops where they are forced to die over and over again foreign itself into a piece of sentient stand human string I can strangle someone with ease stick as many stickers as possible on an individual and peel them off all at once see what happens while Burning Down The house's ghost gun can't actually kill somebody it still produces the sound of a gun it's usually could probably scare the [ __ ] out of somebody it would be a real shame if the loud sound gave somebody a heart attack wink wink nudge nudge so since the entire stand is comprised of Plankton it can do two things shoot itself as a gun and control somebody's body it's a two-for-one deal this is the best deal of deadliness in a stand so far I don't know if you knew this but weather is pretty deadly striking someone with lightning might just kill you I've heard about it I don't know for sure slips inside your body and messes with your necessary internal organs so over complicated organ failure very nice again make soon to Stuart Little and then just steps on you floating sniper rifle that can redirect bullets into your chest user just has to shoot themselves and oh no a bullet hole appeared in your chest who could have seen this coming Marilyn Manson just needs to enter a casino and make impossible Bets with people who've already lost money then it just steals people's organs and you really hope you really hope that they're not organs in need and you can live without them because Marilyn Manson is going to steal them and if it's your heart you're probably going to collapse on the floor and die little revolver cuffs that can make random objects shoot out extremely fast say goodbye to your major arteries due to an acorn being shot out with the force of a bullet lures you into a graveyard so you can have a rave with invisible zombies and by Rave I mean a feast you're going to get feasted on by a bunch of random [ __ ] dead people spill some water and call out Survivor in a large crowd activate survivor's electrical signals and increase the anger of the crowd causing them to fight each other eventually bring you into the brawl if the user is lucky the mob will kill you two words meteorite attraction let's try again meteorite attraction user has Dragon dream find fatal weak points and then exploit the living hell out of them rapidly dissolving saliva gross but effectively deadly it's usually just has to get as close to you as possible like uncomfortably close stand user activates jailhouse lock and overstimulates her mind with as much stuff as they can get like place you in a crowded alley play the loudest rock music possible and give you an encyclopedia to read after a while your brain will just collapse think of a character that experienced an extremely painful death in any piece of media by just thinking about this character you would have activated Bohemian rhapsody's ability killing you in set way not fun not fun at all you're gonna die not fun Cryptids speeding at 120 miles per [ __ ] hour could just Ram into you and take out all of your necessary organs you are swiss cheese now good job on Earth's the most pain inducing memory of your life and forces you to relive it forms a bunch of goop that just causes you to hallucinate whatever White Snake wants you to basically makes you trip acid while it's user just [ __ ] stabs you while you're like high out of your mind what if your body was just like flipped inside out wouldn't that be funny would that bees are super cool if your body just whoops and all your organs are outside would that be super cool what if time was like super fast dude wouldn't that just be wild also what if the user can move super [ __ ] fast man he could like totally out speed you wouldn't beat this [ __ ] out of you man peace and ten fingers that's 20 shots that are equivalent to or stronger than a high speed bullet I mean it's a gun but it's a cool gun at least a whole gun the user can create moving holes with their fingernails that's one weird two scary three just a tad bit gross if the hole goes onto your body a hole in your body usually presents a few problems you know just a little bit of uh what some people call a blood loss same whole gun but the user can hide in the holes the user can either pull you through the hole effectively breaking all your bones and turning you into mush or they can attack you from the whole dimension thing same outcome You're Gonna Die toscak 4 so happens to touch you your body will rotate until you turn into dust there's no way to stop it unless toss user stops it themselves you're gonna just keep rotating keep rotating and you're just saw dust and you're gone bye-bye what if you wanted to age normally but an Italian man with a metal wall aged shoe nearly dear [ __ ] death the moment the user Cuts you with their own tears the entire world is going to be against you because there strangles you with a rope then strangles you with his hands going through the Rope you know strangling squared scary monsters user just has to touch you to turn you into a dinosaur and then command you to jump off a cliff store the sound cut within an object that the victim will touch then just wait for them to be shredded into pieces when they obviously touch the [ __ ] object now killing someone isn't an easy task there's a lot of regret and convincing required to actually go through and kill a person that's where heya comes in handy hey I can whisper motivations in the user's ear to make them feel more secure allowing them to murder someone much easier God that's a really bad sentence and I phrase that really really badly metal cosmetic surgery to look like the victim's loved ones so you can kill them knives appearing all over somebody's body has to cause at least some damage to them forceful blood removal sounds really painful in all honesty the user could literally just blow on you and you would explode in a few seconds you ever die to a mofo with a winch in their mouth you shoot a bullet and you miss rewind a few seconds and [ __ ] shoot them again step one wait for it to rain step two catch the rainbow finds you and activates their ability step three the user picks you up and jumps from range up to raindrop and finally step four these are drops you and you break your legs eventually you dive blood loss either you get greedy lie and then immediately die or you fail to honestly give away all the gifts you have and you become a tree imagine being shot from 11 different angles by 11 Stan users all with weird as [ __ ] tattoos makes the most dangerous metal object into a [ __ ] balloon animal that will hunt you no matter what non-stop you're gonna die to Oblivion user pushes you into a room where there's only one way to exit they stand in the doorway and activate 20th century boy it may take a bit of time but there is no way out of this room now you will now starve feel guilty about literally anything enjoy being [ __ ] crushed to death all chocolate disco's user has to do is activate their ability drop a bunch of knives and click in what coordinates you have want to get made into fleshy Square cubes because d4c brought an alternate universe version of you you don't really have a choice in the matter but you can feel free to answer I hope you really enjoy dealing with a nearly Invincible wall of pure Misfortune well the stand just [ __ ] swats at you like a fly from within it oh what's that you can't say because I use soft and wet soap bubbles to erase your eyes oh no oh no I'm so sorry stab stab stab stabs have you ever been spotted on a security camera well Paisley Park knows exactly where you are now dumbass the user just has to [ __ ] breathe and Paisley Park will find you letting the user murder you pretty easily hand skin wire crossbow shooting a fork strain to your brain is definitely going to kill you make an easy rule take a bunch of memories then crush them till the person is a husk of who they are oh hell yeah ego death let's go different form of death you want to start from that one do you really want to be a hyper realistic ice statue just open literally any door cabinet window or book in your house and that's her fate let me just unscrew your neck real quick and you're dead because you can't breathe since you know down on the neck or ahead place a bunch of knives on the ground and make someone perceive them like they are completely harmless I hope you enjoy the user breaking into your house and just murdering you because of just a few puzzle pieces remembered your son touches you until your blood starts to boil like a nice kettle of tea hair stringulation which is slightly different a four meter long heel Spike being stabbed or your brain doesn't sound super comfortable oh step right up pick a card any card oh yeah that was the wrong card yeah that one had a bomb in it so honestly you're just you're just really unlucky there and so sorry sorry mate the user decides to make a vector model and uses it to shoot a knife at you with the speed and the bullet waits for you to be in your house sneaks under the roof and waits until you injure yourself then fun fun fun Chucks you out a window adios bye-bye pull a Johnny Joe star and accidentally get your head swapped with a [ __ ] boulder oh my god oh oh that hurts oh oh is that a rock oh my God it's going my skin uh oh I'll hit the bone if you breathe at all you're going to get your body torn apart by a miniature Cyclone spinning so [ __ ] fast grabs your face with his left hand and proceeds to have it leak out of his right mustard gas in a soccer ball it's goop time so I'm having a lot of money is really [ __ ] awesome but when you get crushed to death with it it's a little less cool just just slightly less cool than originally gets you to accidentally touch a part of the user and then has you run in a straight line directly into a brick wall same way calculen and abachio died becoming a good old Donut that hurt that hurt a lot it's for you to go outside for your blood vessels to pop like over inflated balloons that's [ __ ] disgusting gets you to inhale all of Dr Woo's particles then enthusa reforms its gross dust while still in your body Kaboom you explode in two flesh tongues are you following me I really hope you enjoyed like the entire world being after you now chuckle [ __ ] good luck have fun make someone so ugly that cars want to hit them won't won't to hate them that's going on the blooper reel talking head has to do is attach on to you wait for someone particularly particularly particularly locks away your limbs into a bunch of random mirrors and then oh I stopped I was doing fine right sport born burn it's burned on use uses this is the fourth stand to utilize a gun you're gonna go [ __ ] makes Foods food I meant food dumbass a comic book that gives its user prophecies all the user has to do is just wait for a prosecutor [ __ ] I misspelled not misspelled I miss said prophecy that's crazy what was that anything swiped by the handy hands [ __ ] anything swiped by the handy [ __ ] a hand of water that has been just nope I didn't even say anything there Benjamin [ __ ] how can I not say Benjamin buttoning Benjamin buttoning Benjamin buttoning Benjamin buttoning okay well now I said it I pronunciated it too much is that the right word I don't care
Channel: DylanIsCozy
Views: 131,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JuoAlYE6diQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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