What I hate about Jojo's bizarre adventure.

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[Music] so before the video starts I want to clarify real quick I am a little bit sick so you can tell the difference in my voice here is because of that however even when I'm still sick I can still be a hater and especially a hater to one of my favorite franchises JoJo's I have a wide variety of opinions in the NE ative connotation for this franchise for several different reasons some personal some a lot of people share overall you can see this video as a bit of a critique slash the things I just don't like about this franchise after spending so much time with him and a side note here I'm not going to criticize the manga too much here I have a much bigger araqi video planned where I will go a lot more in depth on it in the future and if for whatever reason you're watching this in the past and I've already uploaded that acki video please check it out you might be interested but just to do a bit of contradiction I we'll talk about the manga very briefly and what I dislike about it to a very minimal Point as I can go on for hours now one of the first things I want to talk about here that kind of grinds my gears is monthly waiting slash the byproduct of monthly waiting for Jojo chapters trying to keep your audience engaged month to month is extremely difficult cuz to put this into perspective you have to make a really good chapter that lasts basically a whole month in somebody's head to therefore get them to read the next chapter that is in insanely difficult and I have to give credit to where credit is due anybody who's able to successfully do that is a master at what they are doing but then to all of a sudden get some joeo to tell you that like I hate waiting month-to month it makes the experience worse it's bad etc etc dude I get so belligerently angry dog and it's not the whole like I have to wait month to month part I I understand that I at sometimes get bored of it like okay man I really have to wait month to month for this [ __ ] but then to just say the story is bad for for some reason because you have to wait month to month because it feels slow is the single dumbest thing I've ever heard and the fact that it's recurring makes me angry if you have a problem on waiting monthly to read something just binge it it's okay I'm not going to hate you for it what I am going to hate you for is when you complain about it for being monthly and then by product of it being monthly say that you hate it no just don't do that I'm going to roast you in my comment section if you do that and this isn't a recent issue too I've noticed it with part nine and part eight during its entire run only then for those same people to come back and say those parts were actually pretty good what you snake ass mother you know what I'm going to let it go I'm going to let it go but it it makes me angry it it it definitely makes me angry anyway I'll move on like I said I'll keep Monga criticisms for a much bigger aroi video in the future but I will talk about a few here that I think I can get to the point pretty quickly so the first thing I want to talk about is the Jojo antagonists I personally hate this is in terms of all fiction when a villain shows up too late to the development party and sadly for me this happens in JoJo's quite a few times the biggest example of them would be Dio from part three solely looking at him not his overall Grand character especially tou as well and dioo and maybe a bit of cars in there too I'll throw that in the reason why I point out these characters is because other JoJo villains just do the villainy part better to use an analogy to explain that think of a villain as a lollipop dangling over your head you know he's there you know he's probably sweet but you can't really exactly taste him always just being Out Of Reach until the very end where they shove it down your throat and you really can't you know digest them and really fundamentally understand them as a villain basically this entire analogy is for character development and just seeing them on screen doing villain stuff all the villains I previously mentioned fail at this well all the villains I didn't mention like Kira poochie and funny Valentine let me taste them every so often maybe even fully on lick them if I need to insert gay joke here now this isn't a complaint for JoJo's in its entirety this goes for all fiction I have ever watched a lot of the time I find it very perplexing how a author or a writer does not build up their villain like they build up their hero these are two main characters that we have to constantly deal with why not elaborate on them why is one evil why is one good this is why example here berserk is so awesome we get to know a lot about Griffith and his actions it's why he's such a compelling villain to begin with now I want to clarify something here I don't mean mean I want more sympathetic villains that's not what I'm talking about here that's a completely different archetype and a different conversation in general what I want here is more screen time for the villains here so I understand why they're villains it's very simple but for some reason a lot of people just mess up on this especially in JoJo even JoJo can be criticized by a guy who loves JoJo's criticize your favorite media it does honestly make it better so this next one is probably going to feel a lot more individualistic than like a broader scope everybody can agree with like the villains one previous I want previous JoJo characters to show up in JoJo Parts a lot more but since we're so close to probably the end of rocki's career this complaints more like a why didn't we see more people from previous Parts in newer Parts with a major role clarification here not a cameo or something a major major role like they're a key part to the story I think this has gotten better with time but my critiques are in the earlier Parts JoJo's universe and especially JoJo's Earth is relativistically pretty small and with a stand rule that states stand users will attract other stand users I find it very funny that we attract very little stand users that overlap in between certain parts and to clarify I'm not talking about heroes here I want villains I want the whole horses the OG like stand villain showing up doing mercenary jobs for certain characters or just randomly showing up in morio or something or poochie hiring the guys from Dio's previous idea or cult or whatever you want to say it was mercenary group for part six I think that would be a very interesting idea it would make the parts feel more interconnected Beyond The Joe star bloodline and by showing off these villains or Heroes more whatever you want to choose you can give them more character development than they had in their original part or something like that so why doesn't aachi do it he just doesn't want to wait are you serious yeah I'm being serious damn honestly full criticism full hate here on acki crazy amount of potential wasted just like I I can't explain it any further it's honestly [ __ ] and ever since reading that he just doesn't like to it grinds my gears heavily why not just because you don't want to or it's going to ruin something it's not it's going to add to it it's going to be more interesting the world's going to feel a lot more lively and connected it's just I I don't I don't understand them it's just weird I just got to accept it I guess but it's just like okay but you're wasting stuff here let's move on to the anime which I do have a few opinions to talk about the biggest being the changes to the part one anime now I've always heard the part one anime has been kind of hard for people to get into for several reasons but wasn't up until recently during a rewatch with my girlfriend is where I fundamentally understood these criticisms to set the stage my girlfriend understood that Dio was the villain this is pretty obvious through how the anime shows him however it did not show how he was very cruel when I went to show her how the manga portrayed Dio as a villain her tone completely changed it was the Danny scene by the way I showed her the Danny scene in the Manga she understood that Dio is a complete psychopath and is literally just pure evil the anime kind of showed her that but once I gave her the full context she fully understood that I then showed her the alternate scenes and stuff that the anime cut out and then she kind of had this Eureka moment of being like Oh I finally understand why it's called a Bizarre Adventure there seems to be a lot of high jinkx and funniness to all this crazy [ __ ] that's happening and that's when it clicked with me I Now understand why some people can't get into the JoJo's franchise in general through the anime because it's not like the manga now I'm not trying to make a Manga versus anime thing here it's just the anime is different enough to where it just doesn't feel like the correct way to get into it therefore leading into not getting into JoJo's at all and that honestly kind of sucks man JoJo's is hyper fascinating it's just an overall good franchise it's a good series but due to this hiccup in the road some people just can't get into it and it just sucks I just I hate it now I really do it's just like wow man all the potential fans that could have loved this franchise just had a little bit of a tripy on the road and now we're here talking about it but I'm going to do a bit of self contradictory here I do think trimming of the JoJo fat in terms of making it into an anime adaptation is good however David Productions does a mediocre job at doing this to a failing point like I previously said when they do it some people just can't get into the franchise and when they don't do it JoJo seems very oddly long and just kind of drawn out like it was in the manga which an anime adaptation should change full honest criticism the weekly stand fight you know theme that part three had was terrible some of these fights did not need to happen some of these fights just were plain boring they could have been cut and I'm going to be honest I don't think a lot of people would have complained and that goes for other parts too some scenes just didn't need to be adapted and sometimes DP does a good job at this a good example of this is the weird characterization weather report had in the manga where he injured some girls with heavy weatherweather report the anime didn't adapt that and it was good because even in the original manga adaptation that was weird I don't know why weather report did that and yes I will give some Grace it is pretty hard to cut some things over others or to cut things in general because you don't want to change the original Source too much when adapting it overall I just wish DP just did it a bit more however just being a bit more smart about it so moving on from the actual series to the physical media I have a lot of things to actually discuss here personally the biggest one for me being the current publication of the JoJo's manga what do you mean metas you say Well they're actually is a lot here uh more than I think I could actually talk about in the single video cuz there's a lot of people that are pressed about this thing now in specific with me and what I hate about it is the fact that we are still on part six context here Stone oce's manga ended its serialization back in 2003 the current year is 2024 meaning that it has taken over 21 years for this manga to get a proper release here in the West in specific and it's not even done yet and that just doesn't go for part six it goes for all of them by the the time we got halfway through part eight we were barely on part four here in the West on top of that it's been decades since part four finished why are we barely getting it now answer viz is just blow for some reason now you might think I might be joking here but I'm not that's actually probably the case viz is pretty notorious for having a very slow publication cycle other than using JoJo as an example you can use chainsaw man for a very long time there would be a massive gaps in between the Japanese release and the English release of some manga volumes why I have no clue they just did that for some apparent reason because when it comes to more relevant series they'll instantly drop it once they have enough Pages for a manga release kagachi being the example here but you can't say here that in terms of the JoJo manga's quality it is really good so it probably does take a while to produce that type of stuff right metas nope now I will give credit where it's due in terms of JoJo's hard covers and the actual manga volumes themselves they are ridiculously good I own a lot of them person ly myself but the actual quality inside the book is where it actually truly matters and I'll honestly say it's a bit wishy-washy for whatever reason they cover up a lot of manga art for cover chapters why no clue I buy these books to see the art why cover them at all it's really perplexing and what makes it funnier and just to Twist the dagger sideways while it's already in you both France and Italy have been up to date with the JoJo manga for a very very long time time now I think if I remember correctly they are just a volume or two off from the Japanese release of part N9 that is equally hilarious as I am equally mad at viz what the and if memory holds correctly I don't think they started serializing it until like way after so there was a massive gap for them as well but they caught up very very quickly unlike us I'm extremely disappointed and angry moving on the JoJo color scans up until recently have been hot garbage they are 100% s ass for a very long time before we got to part seven the JoJo color scans weren't that half bad while sometimes they were very muted and not very like vibrant and colorful like some JoJo color illustrations by acki they're pretty decent for the most part actually I like part three starters Crusaders color scans a lot actually but during the early parts of part s they were pretty notoriously bad just having very weird like color choices and the way they colored them it just looked very off for the most part eventually they kind of corrected it and it looked pretty decent for the most part but somewhere during part 8 it just got really really weird somebody started oversaturating a lot of the colors for these part8 characters color theory is very important when designing a character and when coloring them so when you completely disregard it it is extremely noticeable and especially noticeable in a series like Jojo which uses colors very heavily to emphasize a lot of things both in colored illustrations by Rocky himself and the anime so when you don't take that into account and make whatever the they were doing in part eight it just looks bad however in part n they somehow made it worse doing a worse coloring job and having coloring errors all over the place personally it's so bad that I just prefer to use the part nine black and white illustrations when showing something from those parts because it's like an eyesore looking at part n right now colored it's just really bad I personally do not like it it's just a no weno on my side dude it's just no just no their unpaid intern who's coloring all these mon and needs to do a better job that's some harsh criticism but they need it I I definitely know they need it anyway moving on to a grander look at Jojo I want to talk about the content here or the lack thereof in specific here where the hell are the JoJo movies no I'm being 100% serious where are the movies like every other like major anime has like multiple different movie adaptations if the series is popular enough but JoJo's has been mainstream for a long time now and we have one movie and that movie is not even readly available for anybody to see actually it's lost media so nobody can see it so we basically have nothing in this department JoJo's is almost 40 years old and we have one unseen movie that is absolutely ridiculous but then you're probably going to say metas maybe there's just not enough content for a standalone JoJo movie or special not going to lie bro you sound really dumb for that purple haast feedback golden win Golden Heart Genesis of the universe the multiple part four Stories the part two story that showed up and that just finished with Lisa Lisa there's like five I just mentioned off the top of my head not to mention George joar you can make a lot of content off of that alone so in fact yes there is a plethora a massive magnitude of extended JoJo media content you can make into specials and movies and that's just the non-canon stuff I can talk about a lot of different Canon stuff that I would love to be seen turned into movies one of the biggest ones that I want to see is a story take place after part three where po Nerf and jodo find the stand arrows I think that would be a really good concept for a movie but for whatever reason Su show or David Productions just haven't came up with the idea for this even though it would make them a ton of money however I do think I know the reason because if you know your JoJo history OVA and the movie adaptation of part one Phantom blood has a little bit of a sketchy history behind it they probably just don't want to touch the idea of a JoJo's movie for a very long time because it's kind of quote unquote cursed I guess or maybe they see it as tainted because the Phantom Blood movie did not do very well so they're just like nah let's never do it again which honestly is a pretty shitty excuse just because you failed once doesn't mean you shouldn't try again that's a losers mentality there are key reasons to why that movie failed if you figure out what those key reasons are which a lot of fans would be able to tell you don't do them and you'll have a successful JoJo's movie it's really not that hard I swear if I don't get a wacky JoJo's movie I'm going to start throwing things man I swear to God now moving on to an untapped Market that I am very disappointed that has not been tapped and I want to see more of and if I don't I'm going to start throwing things just like the previous example JoJo video games as the same time as the anime has been out there's only been three video games that have been released in correlation with JoJo's one of them just being a remaster of an older one so in reality we've only ever truly had two JoJo's world is vast and large having multiple different story lines taking place at once that can be turned into games I would honestly love to play a game where I'm jke running around in a Persona esque morio doing random things it would be awesome to experience that world with juk or on the other hand maybe exploring an open world game as Johnny exploring the American West looking for the corpse parts or a more personal one even more personal than the last two a fighting game but actually with net code and a way better fighting game like system the whole thing needs to be revamped I I want a Fighters esque Dragon Ball Game or like a street fighter esque JoJo's game I just I I need it man I I I need we were playing old stuff I want new stuff man like I'm I'm giv a lot of ideas out here I I genuinely get frustrated how I want more content I'm willing to pay for more content but these guys are not providing anything man I I want something I can't keep on playing Heritage of the future I know it looks good but it's dated as [ __ ] please make something new it doesn't even have to be a fighting game just give me something now that's all I have to say for now I genuinely think I can probably make an you know I'm just going to leave that in I can probably make another video if I wanted to criticizing JoJo hating on certain parts I love this franchise a lot and I do have my problems with it and next time I won't be sick but I still do find it pretty ironic when I want to make this video I get sick is it an ill Omen no clue is it hilarious by God yes it is anyway like comment share subscribe follow me on Twitter stay hydrated see you in the next one ladies and gentlemen deuces
Channel: METAs
Views: 48,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: METAs, META, Anime, Manga, Review, discussion, Things I hate about Jojo's bizarre adventure., Jojo's bizarre adventure, jojo villains, part 3, part 4, stardust crusaders, diamond is unbreakable, phantom blood, golden wind, steel ball run, jojolion, part 2, part 5, Hate, rant, jotaro, Dio, stone ocean, Jolyne, pucci, Giorno, Tooru, wonder of u, Jojolion, JOJOlands
Id: omHfiDB5ypY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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