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[Music] thank you hello everyone exforts here and welcome to all stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 7 steel ball run in this video I'll be covering every single stand and the other various stand-like powers that appear throughout the part in order of appearance explaining their ability who the stand user is the Stan's musical reference and the original Universe counterpart if applicable because steel ball run takes place in an alternate universe described by a rocky as a parallel world to where the first six parts took place so things work a little bit differently in this part and we'll start off with an introduction of stands in this new world but for a full explanation and history behind the new alternate universe you can check out my previous video on the topic why a rocky reset JoJo's Bizarre Adventure so while there are no stand arrows or stone masks in this new world there are various ways that one can obtain a stand the origin of stands in steel ball run can be traced back to a Native American Legend of a shooting star that fell in the Arizona desert at the point of impact the ground itself became imbued with a supernatural ability as it began to move and distort the area around it forming canyons and changing the landscape of wherever it traveled the land formation was called The Devil's Palm by the natives and was said to have been traveling the continent for tens of thousands of years the devil's Palm is the first known cause of stand abilities as the natives discovered and recorded that when coming in contact with the devil's Palm it would either swallow you whole or spit you out and leave you cursed with an evil spirit at least that was their interpretation but the devil's Palm's true power is to awaken the dormant abilities within humans granting a stand paralleling the introduction of stanzan part 3 where jotaro had mistaken his stand for an evil spirit the other way to obtain a stand is through exposure to the holy Corpse The self-preserving Corpse of an ancient Saint which will assimilate with people's bodies and sometimes awaken a standpower or allow the user to use the power of the corpse which grants abilities similar to that of a stand and like the original Universe there is also the possibility of natural born end users so with that said let's ride into the wild and Western World of Steel ball run [Music] the first ability we see used in steel ball run is actually not a stand but rather the spin a technique which allows a trained individual to control the rotational energy found within nature through the use of a physical conduit ideally something with a spherical shape such as a steel ball or soap bubble but a varied amount of spin can be applied to really any object the concept of spin is somewhat a law of nature within the alternate universe similarly to hormone or the Ripple and our steps towards achieving a stand during the Inception of Steel ball run a rocky would become enveloped with this concept of spin as after years of drawing nature and objects he had come to the conclusion that rotations and spirals gave a clear explanation to nearly every phenomenon in the world Iraqi had even thought that if he were to create a stand based on the concept of spin itself it would be too powerful because of its presence in nearly every aspect of the world for this reason the spin is more of a natural phenomenon which certain stand powers can manipulate and work with similarly to how previous stands could influence time and gravity the spin again similarly to hormone has been used in a wide variety of different instances as the power allows its user to manipulate pretty much any object or Force early examples of spin involve manipulating the movement of people's bodies through rotational energy via steel ball affecting bones muscles the nervous system making people unable to move controlling other people's movements and allowing a paraplegic to move their legs again more specific examples include using vibrations of a steel ball to scan the surrounding areas and show a projection of the terrain through nature imbuing a horse's legs with rotational energy or transferring energy through the body like an electrical current so generally the spin can control just about everything or at least everything within nature such as plants water air living beings and even gravity although in order to use the spin to the fullest of its potential one must utilize the golden ratio which brings one spin closer to an infinite spiral creating an infinite source of energy masters of the spin are able to recognize the golden ratio within nature and use their surroundings as references to help guide their Spin and produce more consistent powerful rotations so the spin is a huge concept within steel ball run in which the fabric of the world is built upon as well as guides the characters through the story so we'll come back to the spin in the golden ratio and more later on when we see the stands that utilize its power but being a technique the spin is used by multiple characters throughout the part although mostly used by gyro zeppole as well as has a long history originating from Naples Italy where it was studied and passed down through the zeppeli family for Generations who are renowned doctors and Royal executioners who use the spin extensively in their practice the spin is also the alternate universe equivalent of hormone but the first real stand to appear in steel ball run is just the arm of in a silent way in chapter 1. although this stand wouldn't make its full debut until the second half of the part it does appear very early but since we just see a glimpse of it I'll wait until it's full reveal to talk about its ability and stand user so now finally the first stand to fully appear in steel ball run is hey ya whose ability is often disputed because it does something but it's difficult to identify what that something actually is the stand appears to make its user lucky allowing Poco Loco to follow the flow of luck of winning any mishaps or difficulties although all the stand really does is talk to Poco Loco it doesn't physically change anything only encourages its user through positive affirmations and premonitions as the only Supernatural ability the stand seems to have is to occasionally foresee future events and use that knowledge to keep its user in the flow of luck although a rocky would go on to stay in the JoJo vellor stand encyclopedia that hey ya doesn't really do anything saying it doesn't make you lucky but it can help you feel more optimistic which is almost true if you omit the Stan's ability to foresee some future events but it's hard to ignore Poco Loco's ability to essentially Mr Magoo his way through the most improbable scenarios like riding his horse through a dense forest blind and making it out relatively unscathed so it seems this flow of luck is mostly due to Poco Loco's increased confidence as bad things will still happen to him but through his optimism he won't lose faith and almost like the bad luck will correct itself as a blessing in disguise such as when he was knocked off his horse allowing him to take a more optimal path and then be knocked back on top of his horse although he was still hit by objects so it's easy to say that Poco Loco is just naturally a lucky person and his stand is the manifestation of that characteristic further enhancing what he already had although interestingly the biggest theme of the alternate universe is the flow of energy within the world the positive and negative flows which one can interpret as fate and how characters either endure or try to change their flow of energy so I've always found it fitting that the first hand we see in the alternate universe is essentially the embodiment of the positive flow hey y'all's name is in reference to the outcast son of the same name the stand user is poco loco who would go on to be the winner of the steel ball Run Race and the stand can be seen as the alternate universe equivalent of cheap trick from part 4 as they both attach to their users back and will try to influence their users confidence by speaking into their ear and they have similar designs and are around the same size next up is not a stand but a stem like power that I'll quickly cover because I'm sure someone will ask about Mrs Robinson this character was a short-lived minor antagonist who modified his body to Nest insects within an empty eye socket and learned to control them he used these insects to attack and Trigger chalice which shot out needles as a form of self-defense he also mentions that he comes from a village where Losers of duels are chained to a cactus for a slow death and that afterwards the cactus would place a curse on people bringing them back from the dead I don't see how this information was relevant to the character other than it possibly alluded to the fact that Mrs Robinson himself was cursed given some sort of an explanation for his missing eye and special powers as eventually we see another example in the alternate universe where a stand manifested in the form of a curse but this ability is not a stand just a special technique Mrs Robinson's name is in reference to the Simon and Garfunkel Song of the same name and his defeat parallels that of Donovan from part 2 being tied to a cactus and left for dead as well as the skull within the sun to indicate its intense heat was also Illustrated in both part 2 and 7. shortly into the second stage of the race we encounter to move the boom which is one of the first examples of how stance are a bit different in the alternate universe as the concept of a stand user is more fluid than before as this is one stand controlled by three family members although The Stance design will change depending on the person and they use the stand in different ways but according to Iraqi their abilities are nearly the same so this stand does a few things first of which is the ability to control the iron in people's blood in order to create weapons that protrude from inside the body but the stand can also control any kind of iron such as a steel ball or the iron found in sand the father of the family uses this ability to put iron under his skin in order to change his appearance and disguise himself and I guess can also make extremely detailed and accurate mock clothing out of iron as well somehow and the stand's last ability is magnetization as anyone who comes in contact with a family member or their exposed blood will become the center of a magnetic Forest attracting all of the iron around them so it's kind of like a rocky took three stamps from previous parts and just just mash them all together as the stand demonstrates nearly the exact same abilities as kanum the stat and Metallica simultaneously Tomb of the boom's users are Andre Benjamin and la boom boom in reference to the song of the same name and the members of the hip-hop Duo Outcast next up is olon Sami which appeared during the boom boom family Arc and is a stand that allows its user to disassemble their body as well as others and Slide the disconnected Parts along a rope with full control this ability derives from its users Western cowboy-like character as a rocky considered the lasso an essential tool for the cowboy the Simplicity of the stand is a reflection of the role its user would play throughout the part as the stand was never the focus of a particular Stand Battle rather appeared periodically throughout the first half of the party in a supporting role which was enhanced by his simple but effective stand o lonesome's user is Mountain Tim and the stands names in reference to the Don Gibson song of the same name and Mountain Tim can be seen as the alternate universe counterpart for Robert EOS Speedwagon as he works alongside Johnny and supports sarcastic in various ways as well as he is Afflicted with a wound that leaves a scar identical to speedwagons before Johnny Joe star's stand is given a name or we even see its physical appearance he first uses its ability against the boom boom family where through the spin he is able to rotate his fingernails and shoot them out like bullets which have an effect comparable to a high-speed saw blade this ability is stated to be something greater than the spin itself as gyro has never seen anything like it before and it reminds Mountain Tim of a stand proclaiming that they must be within the devil's Palm this is just the First Act of the stantosk which is an ability derived from the spin similar to other stems which control the laws of nature like time and gravity-based stands the aspect of this ability that makes it something more than just the spin is its connection to Johnny's body using his fingernails as a conduit for the spin and causing them to regrow at a rapid rate the first time Johnny uses this ability it makes a ripple effect in the sand referencing the first time we had seen hormone used in part 1 when William zeppley had made ripples in the water while it was first suspected that Johnny stand was caused by the devil's Palm it's later revealed along with the sten's physical form that it was a power granted from the left arm of the Holy corpse which had assimilated with Johnny's body at some point and when the corpse part was removed he lost control of his stand in this early stage the stand can also shoot Johnny's toenails and will sometimes use the force generated from the spin to make him Jump Around Tusk is an act type stand similar to Echoes from part 4 which grows alongside Johnny and his spin so we'll see more from it later on in the video tusk's name is in reference to the Fleetwood Maxon of the same name and Johnny is of course the counterpart to Jonathan joestar for a full comparison between these two and their counterpart nature you can check out my previous video Jonathan vs Johnny next up is Boku no rhythm wokitikide an explosive type stand with the ability to play small bombs onto any form of matter that comes in contact with the stand user once a bomb is placed multiple small stopwatches will appear with slowly releasing pins the timer seems to be a predetermined amount of time that the user cannot change although the explosive can be delayed by holding down on the pins after the time runs out like holding down an active grenade the stand can create as many bombs as it wants and deploy them in a variety of ways as simple as touching someone or by applying the bombs to various surfaces such as water smoke and bees the stand user was an explosives expert before entering the steel ball Run Race and recently developing his stand while in America presumably by encountering the devil's Palm this stand while not the direct counterpart to Killer Queen still possesses an extremely similar ability the stand user is oyakomova whose name and stand are in reference to the song oyakomova by Santana after the damages gyro sustains while fighting oyakomo VA he tracks down an object with healing powers provided to him by the king's servant from his homeland of Italy this Supernatural object is called Zombie horse and it was stated that it has been prepared implying that someone made it from a special material Johnny and Gyro find the Zombie horse on a Cliffside decorated as a mural of a horse the string which outlined the horse is the Zombie horse a strain that magically heals any wound just by stitching the skin back together while Gyro's family does have a history medicine Johnny deduces that this is not a special technique or a form of medicine rather it's more like a standability although gyro refutes the theory and claims it's simply a gift from the cane and it's never really elaborated on further than that it seemed that Iraqi just needed a way for the characters to heal themselves without introducing a whole new character to join them while we would see a healing stand later on for now zombie Horus is an unexplained convenience given to the characters that they frequently use throughout the part and it is apparently not a stand although its name is in reference to the Guns and Roses song Dead Horse during the second stage of the race as our characters arrive at Monument Valley they are suddenly attacked by the stand wired this is a bit of a weird one and only seems to be effective in the most specific of situations the stand allows its user to use a pen of water as a portal to get a bird's eye view of an area directly below them assuming the stand can only be used when positioned above your target the user can then send out two hooks attached to a winch located in their mouth although the hooks must be attached to objects that are also placed in the pan of of water and those same objects will appear in the sky of the area projected in the water pan so after all that's set up the user can then attack by hooking onto people and objects and dragging them up through the small projected objects which then portal them through the pen of water the objects in which the hooks fall from also act as a two-way door so if you notice where the hooks are coming from you can either throw something or shoot objects back towards the stand user again a bit of a weird one that was only utilized in a way to separate Johnny and Gyro to further develop Johnny's abilities Warriors user is pork by hat kid and its name is in reference to the Jeff Beck album shortly into the third stage of the race as the participants enter the Rocky Mountains we encounter scary monsters for the first few chapters of this Arc we are led to believe that this is Diego Brando's stand and that he is developing it over time as he is exhibiting Strange Behaviors and slight alterations in his physical appearance slowly turning into a dinosaur specifically a velociraptor although nearing the end of the arc it's revealed that Diego was merely infected by the stand and the real user was using him to get close to the corpse Parts the Stan's ability is an infectious virus that will slowly turn those who come in contact with the user and other infected into dinosaurs that can be controlled by the user when fully transformed the rate at which the infected transform varies as Diego was a very slow transformation while at the Rocky Mountain Village the villagers transform nearly instantly while it's never directly stated the rate at which a transformation occurs may be correlated to the range from the stand user this stand was originally possessed by Dr Ferdinand a geologist who had known about the corpse Parts before the steel ball run and developed his stand through the devil's Palm although after his death this ability would transferred to Diego Brando as at the time Diego was in possession of the left eye of the Holy corpse and still infected by scary monsters so because Diego was already naturally able to control the stand before having a corpse part he was deemed the leader of the dinosaurs and retained his individuality even while fully transformed so because of the circumstances he was able to retain a slightly altered version of The Stand Diego monsters unlike the original allows him to transform his body at will into a hybrid human Dinosaur State often only using sharpened teeth or Raptor Talons although the transformation provides a variety of General physical enhancements like speed stamina and vision Diego is also able to turn other living beings into dinosaurs and fossils like the original Stand as seen with a bunch of small plants and he often transforms parts of his horse the Stan's name is in reference to the song scary monsters and super creeps by David Bowie as well as Diego's enhanced physical state through his dinosaur Powers referenced those of Dio from Phantom blood after his vampiric transformation with enhanced strength and sharpened teeth as the two are alternate universe counterparts during the scary monsters Arc there is a battle for the eyes of the Holy corpse which demonstrate a few stem-like Powers first of which is the guardian of the eyes an impartial statue-like stand which simply holds the corpse Parts it doesn't try to protect them or fight against those who take them in fact the guardian helps those who possess the eyes which is an ability that every corpse part seems to have to some extent as there only will individually is to reach other corpse Parts as the left arm guided Johnny and Gyro to the eyes and the eyes reveal the location of further Parts the holy corpse Guardian is a bit of a mystery throughout the part that's never directly addressed by any of the characters although my prevailing theory is that every corpse part has some sort of Guardian as when the eyes are separated so is the guardian half attaching to Diego and the other half to gyro and the next time we see it is in chapter 62 when all of the corpse Parts besides an eye are brought together and the guardian looks more complete having Angel wins as well as has a greater will of its own being able to physically grab Lucy steel and it talks to her I believe the guardian is some sort of linger in spirit of the saint like a mummified stand manifested through the corpse but with no permanent Consciousness to control it yet another example of the abstract fluidity of stands in the alternate universe although the guardian was never confirmed to be a stand or given a name the eyes themselves are some of the more powerful corpse Parts which after being taken result in a few stand-like abilities the first of which being gyro scan which manifested because gyro was using his steel ball when assimilating with the eye combining their powers allowing gyro remote Vision through a steel ball as well as x-ray vision and a general enhancement to his spin similarly to Diego's ability to retain scary monsters because of the left eye and they both had slight design changes to represent their possession and power given to them by the eyes they're also used multiple times to reveal the location of other corpse Parts through coordinates and can even create a projection when used together at one point we see gyro uses scan and the corpse part Guardian manifests from his steel ball although it's a common misconception that this was an early design for the stand ball breaker which appears later in the part but that is not the case as it's clearly the right side of the corpse guardian and manifests when gyro is specifically using The Corpse's power for a full explanation of the corpse powers and guardian be sure to check out my holy corpse analysis videos that really go in depth on the topic but following the aftermath of the Rocky Mountains we can get back to some of the real stands as next up is cream starter inability bound to a physical object being a spray can that can be separated from its user and used by other people due to its material nature cream starter is able to reproduce the Flesh of whoever uses it or is in contact with the user so it doesn't create flesh rather it takes existing flesh from someone and sprays it out as a malleable goo which is used for a variety of purposes such as healing wounds altering one's appearance like changing your face or sealing someone's mouth or eyes shut with flesh the stand also allows its user to control parts of their body remotely by sending a body part through the spray can and still being able to control the limb from a distance this can be taken to the extreme as the user can spray their entire body through the stand turning into essentially liquid flesh for a short period of time cream starters user is hot pants although the stand can be used and seen by everyone including non-stand users and the sten's name is in reference to this on Fire Starter by The Prodigy and hot pants is in reference to the James Brown song of the same name shortly into the fourth stage of the race in the forest between Colorado and Kansas City are cast encounters mandum a time-based stand similar to the main villains of the original Universe allowing its user to rewind time precisely six seconds instantly although the user states that he needs to reach for his wristwatch and manually turn its dial back in order to activate the ability this was merely a self-imposed limitation followed by the stand user that he uses in order to maintain Fair duels as the stand is often used only to save himself from unfair attacks or from attacks from those not part of the duel so in order to win the duel and avoid the ability activating you would need to kill the user in a way that they deem is fair when time is reversed everyone affected will still remember the undone 6 seconds which distorts those unaware of the Stan's activation and results in the feeling of deja vu the stand also has a 6 second cooldown meaning you can never turn back time further than 6 seconds you can only replay the same 6 seconds for as long as the user wants making people feel like they're moving in place when the stand is first used it's similar to polnerv's encounter with the world when he kept being and backwards as Johnny and Gyro become lost in the woods retreading their steps for hours mendham's user is Ringo Road Again an admirable enemy who gave his life in order to bring gyro into the true man's world the stand's name is in reference to the song lovers of the World by Jerry Wallace as well as Ringo's name and appearance are in reference to Ringo Starr for more insight into Ringo's purpose and the significance of the true man's world you can check out my previous video analyzing the two following the Truman's World Arc is another stand user who is uninvolved in the race itself rather being a highly skilled assassin hired by present Valentine who possesses the stand catch the rainbow this stand is very powerful and versatile when used specifically during rainfall and is described by its user to have the ability to stabilize rain just like crossing a rainbow the stabilization of rain allows the user to freeze raindrops in midair but this is just part of the stance overall rain manipulation as we see the user is able to walk on raindrops and also seemingly teleport between the rain being able to move extremely quickly and track down his enemies the stabilization is also used offensively by freezing rain in the way of enemies which when stabilized can be hardened and sharpened like razor thin glass during this Arc the user sustains multiple gunshot wounds but is able to postpone the damage by completely suing the wounds with stabilized rain although this does not heal the wounds only delaying their impact as once rainfall stops the stand will weaken in power and eventually become completely unusable as the stand only works with rain and no other form of water or liquid making the user for the remainder of the storm a dead man walk in while the stand takes the physical form of a mask worn by its user part of its ability is an integrated type stand allowing the user to disassemble their body and reassemble certain parts through the raindrops in order to avoid attacks or attack from unexpecting angles similarly to the previous stand olones to me which actually went head-to-head with catch the rainbow one of the rare times in JoJo a rocky specifically made stand users with similar abilities fight each other giving you guys a sort of in-universe standoff moment catch the rainbow's user is Blackmore in reference to the song of the same name and Blackmore is in reference to the guitarist from the band's rainbow and deep purple Richie Blackmore during the catch the rainbow Arc we see the ghost of the Holy corpse reveal himself which is different from the previously mentioned Guardian as he appears in a human form presumably the soul which once belonged to the corpse and although it's never outright said this ghost confirms that the holy corpse is the body of Jesus Christ as he is donned with a crown of thorns and bear Stigmata the ghost appears from time to time to those in possession of certain corpse parts and will either talk to the people or offer them wisdom so not quite a stand but certainly some Supernatural force in this universe during the fifth stage of the race on the eighth day we encounter in a silent way this Arc has a strong emphasis on the mystery of the Stan user as from the beginning we can assume it's a participant of the race we've met before because of Diego's interaction when he's recruited by present Valentine and of course the classic Iraqi Anonymous silhouette the real stand user isn't revealed until the later half of the arc when Sandman attacks nurisuke higashikata and then explains he wants to steal the corpse parts and use them as a bargaining ship to get money to buy back his family's land I'm explaining the stand user for this one because he is quite relevant as this was the first stand we saw on the part foreshadowed in chapter 1 as well as its revealed sandman's native name is soundman as he was known in his tribe as the one who creates sound which is because of his stand in a silent way which has the ability to turn sounds into physical objects as well as store sounds within objects and use them as a vessel to attack and release sounds remotely which was used together with scary monsters to apply sounds to hordes of dinosaurs the ability is really similar to Echoes Act 2 from the original Universe which also transferred sounds into physical objects although in a silent way has a few unique properties as it's able to store multiple of the same effect on different objects as well as can create physical blocks of kanji as a means of protection for example Johnny shoots some men with a nail bullet and he's able to create a swish sound effect with his knife which the bullet then bounces off of or rather is redirected because of the sound being a fast swinging Motion in a silent Way's name is in reference to the miles David album and Sandman is in reference to the song of the same Name by America during Johnny's fight against in a silent way he is taught the fourth lesson of the spin respect your elders which results in an evolution of his stand this lesson involved pushing Johnny to see the golden ratio in nature and use it as reference to replicate The Arc of the infinite rotation to increase the power of tusk's spin the golden ratio also known as the golden rectangle is a 1 to 1.61 ratio commonly found in many natural shapes that can be infinitely divided in half and when creating a spiral that flows outwards at a sequential rate of 1 to 1.6 it creates an infinite rotation in theory if replicated by Johnny and imbued into his ability would create a spin with an infinite source of energy through this technique Johnny evolves his stand to Tusk Act 2 which gives his nail bullets much more power and keeps them alive after they've hit something as a whole made by the bullet will begin to move and automatically track its Target this energy and persistence is a result of Johnny's spin getting closer to the infinite rotation also after this Evolution Johnny's no bullets now spin around his finger rather than just on top of them creating more powerful impacts and a drilling effect on targets Johnny also uses his spinning nail to brush his teeth shred cheese and eat spaghetti in the middle of the inner Silent Way Arc and around the halfway point of the part there is an interlude at chapter 42.5 where Rocky gives a brief explanation of stands including the nature of the phenomenon as well as some rules they adhere to and through this explanation we see various stands throughout JoJo so they technically do appear in steelball run these include Geb Harvest dark blue moon tower of Grace Cinderella Purple Haze The Grateful Dead Foo Fighters Red Hot Chili Peppers Crazy Diamond Anubis Sex Pistols ebony devil the lock Osiris Wheel of Fortune Heaven's North strength stray cat Empress silver Chariot the world sheer heart attack gold experience and Echoes act 1 in act 2. this chapter also acknowledges the counterpart nature between the standeros and the devil's Palm as well as hamon and the spin and how they can be used as steps towards achieving the ultimate goal of a stand which is seen through characters like Joseph joestar evolving his Ripple into hermit purple and Johnny joestar evolving his spin into tusk as the race progresses into the Midwest we encounter Sugar Mountain sprain which is a stand without a will of its own or a conscious user to control it rather it belongs to Nature with the stand user being a tree the stand's power begins in the spring at the base of the tree and if anyone were to drop an object into the spring it would disappear and appear in possession of the tree's Guardian the guardian will then present the original owner with a more valuable or improved version of the Lost item if the target accepts the more valuable item they will be punished and absorbed into the tree but if they are honest and refuse the more valuable item they will be rewarded with the original item as well as the initial offered valuables however you must use the improved version in a transactional exchange by Sundown or else you will be absorbed by the tree this includes the improved item itself or any money or possessions in which it's traded for so for example you drop an iron ax into the Sprint it will be lost and you will then be offered a golden ax by the tree's Guardian if you refuse the golden ax and say you want your iron in ax the guardian will give you both items but you need to sell the golden ax before Sundown the second part of its ability is its absorption and guardian control the girl we meet who hosts the offerings is not the stand user but rather a victim of the stand who in the past was once part of the tree so anyone who is absorbed by its ability is placed in a queue to eventually become the guardian which could take hundreds or thousands of years Sugar Mountain Sprint stand user is the large Tree near the Sprain and the sten's name is in reference to the Neil youngson Sugar Mountain the ability reads more like a piece of folklore and that's because the ability is based off of the folktale the honest Woodcutter I like the idea of stance existing in nature because it's very likely that even in jojolian this stance still exists and continues through its victims passing the title of Guardian unless the tree was cut down or destroyed by industrialization while Johnny and Gyro are trying to sell their valuables from Sugar Mountain they are attacked by the stand tattoo you and the 11 men this is another shared type stand similar to the Tomb of the boom from earlier in the part as its one stand shared among 11 men who all have a similar design and tattoo-like marking on the back of their neck which is the physical form of the stand these tattoos allow the 11 men to merge with one another and transfer between each other using the markings like portals the 11 men also seem to share a Consciousness and motive as they never talk to each other but all seem to understand what to do at all times and cooperate with each other planning different attacks with multiple men disguising themselves as one person this is a short-lived stand which is one of the most straightforward and action-oriented fights in the entire series with the battle being a full-on-western shootout inside a casino which lasts for only one chapter the stand user is said to be just one of the 11 men who is also their leader but the stand user is never revealed the stand's name is in reference to The Rolling Stones album of the same name the next stand to Blair Bells is described by President Valentine as an advanced guard mechanism which is used by one of his personal bodyguards the stand allows its user to convert metal objects into balloons which he can further shape into balloon animals which have slightly different abilities based on their form for example he can turn a nail into a balloon dog that can remember a specific scent and act as an automatic tracking stand attacking any person or object with the same scent we also see the user create balloon swans out of tin shutters which float towards their target and revert to their original shape as they approach making for a deadly projectile the stand can also attack by invading someone's body in its balloon form and revert back to its original metal while inside destroying someone from the inside out two Blair Bell's user is Mike O in reference to Mike Oldfield and his album Tubular Bells and The Stance ability is also inspired by the album art being a bent piece of metal coming from the Tubular Bells instrument as the race progresses into the sixth stage we reach the snowy Cascade of the American Midwest where we encounter a Duo of Assassins hired by Funny Valentine whom one of which possesses the ability wrecking ball which is not a stand but still a stand-like ability being based on the spin this technique is used primarily by the Imperial guards of Naples and is passed down between Generations similarly to the zeppeli family's tradition of using the spin to perform executions although the Imperial guards technique of wrecking ball utilizes a steel ball with 14 smaller balls referred to as satellites attached to the outside that can separate from the main steel ball while a direct hit from Wrecking Ball is deadly the satellites even if avoided create a Shockwave which affects anyone they pass by causing momentarily left half Ataxia which removes all physical senses from the left side of your body making you unable to feel your left side or perceive anything within your left side's Vision while this effect in the manga is Illustrated as characters missing parts of their body this is just a visualization of how it feels for the characters as its ability is only meant mental and doesn't physically alter or remove the left side wrecking ball was developed as an offensive attack used to protect the Imperial family of Naples the logic behind the technique is that the satellites act as a Fail-Safe in the event that a steel ball doesn't make a direct hit so even if an attack misses the target will still become disoriented and unable to attack properly wrecking Ball's user is wakapepo in reference to the sold out song of the same name and the steel Ball's name is in reference to the Neil Young son wrecking ball fighting alongside Waka people during this Arc is another assassin possessing the stand 20th century boy a defensive type stand which ideally needs to be used alongside another offensive stand or in this case wrecking ball this is a completely defensive base stand which is very simple in nature yet extremely powerful as it makes its user completely Invincible when activated protecting him against any physical attacks stand abilities nature and even preserving his body unable to die of old age or starvation while activated the stand could also be activated indefinitely as it doesn't require any energy or stamina to be used the only downside of course is that the user cannot move while this ability is active and must remain in a fixed position of kneeling down so if he is left without a partner to distract or attack his enemies he's pretty much a Sitting Duck as the enemy just needs to wait for him to deactivate his stand or can easily set up traps around him the protective nature of this stand operates by absorbing and redirecting all physical energy that comes in contact with the stand which can sometimes result in redirecting attacks but cannot be controlled directly which is the stand's only form of offense and to make up for its weakness the stand user has a gun the stand user is magenta Magenta in reference to the sold out song of the same name and the stand's name is in reference to the t-rexon 20th century boy the fate of magenta magenta also parallels that of cars from the original universe as he used his stand while being sunk to the bottom of a river to prevent himself from drowning and if he were to deactivate his stand he would almost certainly drown so he waited at the bottom of the river and eventually stopped thinking moving into the seventh stage of the race and after a short 12-day time skip we see the participants have begun making their way towards the Northeast which is where we encounter our next stand at the outskirts of Gettysburg Civil War in theme with the Stan's name its ability revolves around attacking its targets with guilt from their past the stand can manifest people and objects from someone's past which they have left behind or carry memories of guilt these objects will then attach themselves to their target and cover them in a thin but durable material which will then constrict and crush them suffocating people with their own guilt the only weakness to this attack is water which will wash away the Gill acting as a metaphor for religious purifications the stand's secondary ability which the user refers to as its completion occurs once the user is killed while the stand is activated enabling them to be reborn as a memory of guilt which has been quote unquote sacrificed by the attacker this process also cleanses the stand user of their life's guilt and passes it on to their killer the transferred guilty memories from the original Stand user act more like zombies and will physically attack their target it rather than suffocating them although interestingly the one who has spent past the guilty memories of the stand user can essentially play a reverse UNO card as if they are killed by the stand user the ability will activate again passing all of the guilt back to the original carrier and allow the previous carrier to be reborn and cleansed as they are essentially using the stent's completed ability on themselves as they are now a part of the original user's guilty memories which proposes a pretty big question for Johnny's character for the remainder of the story as technically the original Johnny died during this Arc and now from this point forward the Johnny we know is a copy created by the stand still the same person and everything just not the original Johnny the stand is only defeated when the user is severely wounded and the attacker leaves the Stan's range before he eventually dies making him unable to be past the guild the Stan user is axelro in reference to the front men of Guns and Roses Axel Rose and the Stan's name is in reference to the Guns and Roses song of the same name during the battle against Civil War Johnny is visited by by the ghost of the Holy corpse which provides him the wisdom for his stand to undergo another Evolution into Tusk act 3. granting Johnny the ability to physically enter the hollow nail holes he creates using ACT 2. this new ability is activated when Johnny shoots himself with his nail bullets using the golden ratio placing a hollow hole on his body which imbues his physical body with the same rotation as his nails allowing Johnny to spin inside the nail hole now acting as a wormhole being a pocket of space and hides his body along the infinite spirals within the hole as the space was described as the boundary between different dimensions so a sort of spatial limbo this ability allows Johnny to escape and reposition himself from attacks as well as move parts of his body along with the bullet holes often sending out his hand to shoot more nail bullets from unexpected angles and if anyone besides Johnny tries to enter The Bullet Hole they will be destroyed assumingly because they were going against the rotation and like act 2 this ability uses the energy of the infinite rotation through the golden rectangle and because Johnny spin has improved significantly since acquiring Act 2 he's getting closer to the infinite rotation and with act 3 this causes his nailed holes to last even longer as the race enters the eighth stage and everyone begins converging on the Streets of Philadelphia we are finally introduced to the main villain stand Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap also known as d4c having the ability to travel between neighboring worlds a steel ball run exists as part of a Multiverse where there is an infinite number of parallel worlds varying in slight degrees of differences the dimension in which the story takes place is known as the base world and is the only world where the holy corpse exists and in all other worlds the corpse parts are replaced with diamonds leading to the conclusion that the corpse world is the basis of all other dimensions d4c is Infamous for its introduction Arc which creates an impossible situation where Johnny joestar is assassinated by three different assailants simultaneously and its ability is described to allow neighboring worlds to exist simultaneously in the same location although as the story continued it became clear that its ability was slightly changed after this Arc as well as was given a different and more clear description in later chapters I have made a dedicated video to the stand's original ability which will be linked in a card but to briefly describe how it worked at First The Stand would essentially merge multiple parallel universes and this was described in the manga as sponges overlapping and having their gaps intersect to become one where the parallel timelines are now happening in the same location another analogy would be if you had two different takes of a scene from a movie and played them overlapping each other simultaneously so during this Arc they had three different takes of Johnny's assassination which all played simultaneously almost implied that the stand had an area of effect ability after we see that the witnesses away from the stand user were also overlapping with no implication that the stand user directly interacted with them but later on we see the stand can really only use its ability on individuals their in direct contact with which aligns more with its later explanation of being able to travel limitlessly to other dimensions when caught in between two objects allowing the user to travel between worlds and interact with parallel versions of themselves and bring other characters between Dimensions offensively the stand can obliterate anyone by bringing them in contact with themselves from another world as if two of the same people exist within the same time and place they will be forced together and crushed out of existence and the closer they are to each other the greater the gravitational force will be well of course the user is immune to this effect as they control the stand and can overlap and interact with parallel versions of themselves this immunity is part of the Stan's sustainability as the user can infinitely replace themselves with their parallel versions as well as transfer his stand essentially being able to respawn after taking fatal damage as long as the user happens to be in between two objects to travel between worlds and what is considered in between two objects can be a bit vague as the user often uses things like doors and windows and flags to squish himself but can also be more abstract like pouring water on yourself or being attacked where you're technically in between the surface area of two different things this ability is also used to recruit new allies from parallel worlds or just to throw a bit of chaos into the mix as well as have multiple versions of the use user around as protection the stand itself is also extremely fast and physically powerful one of the strongest stands in the entire part being deadly at short range in just its physical Powers the stand user is President Funny Valentine whose name is in reference to the song My Funny Valentine originally composed by Richard Rodgers and Loren's heart in 1939 which since then has become a jazz standard appearing on over 1300 albums and performed by over 600 artists which plays into the nature of the sten's ability of duplication and replication and the stand's name Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap is in reference to the AC DC Sonnen album of the same name when Steve 4C's ability is revealed it recontextualized previous moments throughout the part such as funny Valentine's constant change in appearance which may have been due to a few Replacements throughout the part as the first Funny Valentine we saw was most likely not the same that we saw it during his Arc as well as the dramatic change in sandman's character to soundman who is initially revealed after coming out from under a door possibly alluding to the fact that soundman which we fought was a Sandman from A Different World during d4c's attack in Philadelphia gyro encounters the final minor villain stand of the part chocolate disco this stand appears in two forms one being a wearable Gauntlet on the user's forearm with various buttons and a grid pattern with numbers spinning horizontally and letters vertically the second form is a grid displayed on the ground in front of the user with each Square correlated into a combination on The Gauntlet similarly to a chessboard the user can direct any oncoming projectiles that come in their direction to a space on the grid disappearing from in front of him and instantly reappearing above the grid falling from the sky the user can also drop weapons onto themselves and transfer them to the board the catch to the stand though is that the user must physically press the button in which he wants the object to travel to on The Gauntlet meaning his attacks are limited to his own reaction speed and awareness which ends up being the stand's downfall as once the user is impaired they cannot attack accurately if the Stan's Target were to get too close to the user they can project the grid onto their own body to redirect attacks as well as apply the grid to to anyone they come in contact with although again if the user can't press the buttons the stand is essentially useless overall this ability is pretty underwhelming for the point at which it appears in the story as it's really only thrown in to distract gyro for a few chapters and separate him from Johnny the stand user is Disco whose name and stand are both in reference to the song chocolate disco by The Band Perfume before the events of the d4c arc Lucy Steele was endowed with the remaining parts of the Holy corpse fusing into her body after being revealed by the guardian which caused her to become impregnated with the head of the corpse and temporarily granted her the stand Ticket to Ride This ability is based on the holy Corpse's power although while inside Lucy allows her to manifest a slightly more specific stand ability which is manipulation of positive and negative flows redirecting any Misfortune which Lucy May encounter blessing her with an overwhelmingly positive flow While redirecting the negative flow although this is only applied to those Lucy Cuts with her tear cutter an ability that allows her to harden her tears into a blade this power visualized appears as Lucy having a karmatic guardian angel being able to escape from three armed guards who all encounter a Calamity redirected back at them as a result of Lucy's invulnerability to Misfortune this flow can also be applied to inanimate objects that Lucy has interacted with like when she wrote a note on her skirt and cut it off Valentine had tried to destroy the note although through a sequence of mathematically impossible coincidences the note eventually ended up where it was first cut while Lucy remains in possession of the corpse it slowly begins replacing and mummifying her body and will eventually completely overtake her transforming her skin into a hardened fractured like state which would eventually kill her if the corpse stays inside her in this state the standability is considered fully developed and will redirect all negative flows around Lucy's body including warping the environment influencing objects on a molecular level and bending Gravity the stand user is Lucy Steele but she is really just a conduit for the holy Corpse's power to fully develop as she loses the stand when it's removed and the stand's name is in reference to The Beatles song Ticket to Ride shortly after Ticket to Ride fully develops funny Valentine's d4c evolves into d4c love train which isn't exactly a new stand like poochie's Evolutions from part 6. rather the holy corpse allowing Valentine to use its power as throughout the part it is apparent that the holy corpse does possess a lingering will that chooses who it will interact with and allow to use its abilities and in return for bringing all of the corpse Parts together and providing them with a host the corpse favors Funny Valentine and grants him the ability of Love Train this ability is based on the holy Corpse's power of redirection of Misfortune but now controlled directly by Funny Valentine having access to a gap in space where only he can reside and acts as a filter for Misfortune visualized as a veil of shining light emitting from Lucy which Valentine can essentially ride using Ticket to Ride to board his love train now with this new power Funny Valentine is able to ride the flow of positive energy using the filter to avoid and redirect all attacks or Misfortune this ability parallels Tosca 3 in many ways which is fair as act 3 was an ability connected to the holy corpse as funny Valentine can hide and move within the Gap by distorting his body as well as through the power of Misfortune can move wounds across the person's body making even a small cut fatal if moved towards the heart this ability is so powerful it even warps the Earth and influences the gravity around Valentine allowing him to Glide in midair and ensure nothing gets in the way between him and his mission redirecting anything which could be interpreted as Misfortune in this state d4c still has all of its previous abilities and will be vulnerable to attacks when leaving the veil as well as must remain close to Lucy as she is the source of love train and will pull Valentine in her direction if he is inside the Gap love trans user is funny Valentine but also technically Lucy and also technically the corpse it's kind of a weird one as all three of them together make the ability work and the Stan's name is in reference to the song Love Train by The O'Jays during the fight against love train gyro zeppeli perfects the Golden Spin technique producing a spin with with truly infinite energy resulting in the manifestation of the stand ball breaker capable of breaking through lovetrans interdimensional barrier the Golden Spin can only be achieved through harnessing the rotational energy produced by a horse Galloping at its most natural pace and when the horse is fully synchronized with its movements it generates the rotational force of the golden ratio and when riding a horse at that moment an expert spin user can transfer their horse's energy through their stirrups into their own body and then through a steel ball to produce an infinite spin perfectly replicating the golden ratio creating a spin capable of surpassing time and gravity although the stand ball breaker that we actually see doesn't really have an ability the only thing we see it do is physically enter love trans barrier and when coming in contact with Valentine rapidly Aegis him in his stand either affecting time itself or draining him of his life force ball breaker is specifically referred to as a technique and although we have only seen gyro manifest the stand it's implied that the stand belongs to the steel balls themselves and could be created by anyone capable of producing the Golden Spin Iraqi himself refers to the stand as a visualization of energy of gyrosteel balls and that he drew the stand in order to explain the infinite rotation in its purest form the technique to summon ball breaker through using a horse's energy is something that the zeppeli family had researched hundreds of years ago for a medieval battle and since then is referred to as a sealed throwing technique of the steel balls so really ball breaker's user is anyone who can throw a steel ball with the Golden Spin and that includes gyro the stand's name is in reference to the AC DC song of the same name the final evolution of Tusk Tusk Act 4 is achieved through Johnny using his horse and a steel ball to create a perfect Golden Spin with his nail bullets although through Johnny's unique technique of combining the spin with his stand this caused an evolution obtaining a power beyond that of ball breaker allowing Johnny's attack to not only break through love Train's interdimensional barrier but also negate its ability of Misfortune which is is what previously weakened Gyro's Golden Spin Act 4 can only be used when Johnny is riding a horse as that harnesses the energy of the Golden Spin and because so is the most powerful form of the stand and probably the most powerful stand in the alternate universe physically the stand can now perform Aura Aurora barrages and whatever the stand comes in contact with will permanently rotate causing every cell of the affected person to spin infinitely an attack which transcends time gravity and dimensions as Valentine continued to spin and no matter what world he traveled to and would always be dragged down into the ground the place he was first attacked by act four an attack Valentine could only describe as a Calamity the infinite rotation would also be passed to any person or object that comes in contact with an already affected person the stand can also use enhanced versions of the previous acts such as moving bullet holes as we see Act 4 can create Rifts in the environment opening up physical spaces and Home in on enemies so while Act 4 is essentially the infinite rotation along with the previous abilities of husk it's defining trait and really main power is its control over gravity which is what allowed it to break through love train and carry its rotation through dimensions following the Battle of d4c Love Train we enter the ninth and final stage of the race Manhattan Rhapsody as Johnny arrives in New York where he would surely encounter the final stand of Steel ball Run the World being the first but not the last stand that would return from the original Universe the world retains its ability to stop time with a maximum time stop of 5 Seconds the user also prefers to set up traps similar to Deo in part 3 and attacks at a distance when using time stop in order to avoid contact with Tusk Act 4 as we see the user throw knives daus Johnny and gasoline and throw matches on him and set up wire traps but the stand is still extremely powerful at close ranges the world's user is Diego Brando from another world who is recruited by Funny Valentine in a last-ditch effort to defeat Johnny which implies that the original Diego stand was the world he just never awakened it as he was transferred to Scurry monsters and kept that stand as we had seen earlier that hot pants from another world still have the stand cream starter so Diego in a world where the corpse never exists should have naturally awakened into the world the world is of course the counterpart to the world from Stardust Crusaders and the Stan's name is in reference to the world tarot card and that my friends is every single stand in steelball run if you couldn't tell based on this video's length steel ball run is my favorite part of Jojo and somehow ended up being twice as long as some of the other all stands videos even though steel ball run has the least amount of stands in any part of Jojo that has stands totaling in at 22 stands or 25 if you count tusk's ax but anyway be sure to like the video if you made it to the end and subscribe for more videos thank you all so much for watching and of course let's keep our fingers crossed for that steel ball run anime hopefully someday but for now I'll talk to you guys real soon peace foreign [Music]
Channel: xForts
Views: 797,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R4cexXOf0M4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 47sec (3107 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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