Metal Gear Solid Lore for Beginners

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kept you waiting huh the metal gear franchise is a series that refuses to be simplified hideo gojima created a body of work that predicted Ai and social media's role and fatal misinformation it also has girls who breathe through their skin it's a 50/50 kill me what the speaking of Kojima we're only covering games directed by the big man himself as to not muddy the cannon Mr gojima people think the Canon story is extremely confusing and come on use your head guys let's let's start with the most well-known characters snake snake snake and snake hm if you want to the very core of the game story in a few sentences and nothing more this is what I tell you this series is about one soldier the boss whose death destroyed two men's idea of life so greatly they both ruined the world in a war against each other this is big boss in major zero them losing the boss's Vision gave way to shadowy military States and an AI controlled War economy each a Corruption of her message when the planet is rid of both of these things her true vision is revealed to let the world be shout outs to those who kept the lights on for this entire 6-month operation I love you dearly that guy always keeps you waiting find something fun to do while you sit back and watch and as always go team Venture roll that intro I'm monkey to [Music] snake it's 19 22 and the philosophers are created they're a secret shadow organization of the most wealthy powerful and Elite groups in the world first known as the wiseman's committee and they originate from a treaty via a clandestine meeting between America post-revolutionary Russia and China and later that year a member would have a daughter nicknamed The Joy and this was due to the pleasure that she saw in battle and nobody did it like the joy I mean she was a machine she's not a soldier she's the soldier she inherits The Forbidden secrets of the group from her father and he disagreed with the direction that the group was headed so this makes him a Target and he's swiftly assassinated you want to know who else got assassinated by the philosophers John F Kennedy that's how much you shouldn't [ __ ] with these guys fast forward to 1941 the Advent of World War II The Joy is invited to the SAS as an adviser where which she meets David O later known as major zero together they established the 22nd SAS regiment and the Joy's achievements at World War II are as follows dummy raids on heliopolis bombing of German air bases in the North African campaign and numerous snatch missions of important officers this serves as the basis to a development of CQC Close Quarters combat boss the real life motto of SAS who dares wins is a direct tribute to her Legacy at least according to Major zero a year later in 1942 she would found the Cobra unit who play a great role in Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater the Cobra unit consists of the pain the fear the end the Fury and the sorrow the last of which she has a child with the pain is so silly by the way cuz when you get shot by him you get paralyzed but then you get the greatest boner of your entire life and then you just [ __ ] die and then you blow up speaking of dying the end can die of old age if you just leave your PlayStation on for like a week he'll just die of old age he'll just kill over anyways these bozos looked up to her as both a leader and a mother figure which eventually leads to her role as the boss whom of which I'll be referring to her as for the rest of the video the boss is yet again responsible for a slew of incredible Feats in history this is due to her secret missions as a double agent in Soviet Russia and even goes into space for the real life Mercury project manned by a woman named Doctor Strange Love people should not be going into space that it is too dangerous this is the inciting incident to the truest form of the boss's will as it's referred to to see the world United as one complete whole this is her wish anyways that doesn't really go well because she crash lands her craft goes into a coma and gets in trouble with the philosophers while she's unconscious so long story short she has to kill the sorrow and the Saro was such a prolific psychic that when he died he literally became a spirit two years later yeah I yeah if I reach behind your ear it will not be a nickel I pull out but you very soon fast forward to April 17th 1961 the Bay of Pigs invasion this is another real life event that ties into Snake Eater the United States had attempted to Dethrone Cuban dictator Fidel Castro US President John F Kennedy had hesitated in sending in support air strikes this resulted in many deaths and an abject failure of the invasion and while the boss was still in a coma due to the failure of the lady Mercury project to cover this up the CIA and Pentagon had fabricated her involvement with the invasion entirely this failure was so Magnus it bolstered the Cuban Russian camaraderie against American threats so by this point Soviet Russia had become the most prominent threat against the citizens of the United States and why do I tell you this well I'm glad you asked because in 1962 the Cuban Missile Crisis was underway and Soviet scientist Nikolai soov had defected to the United States this was from the fear of Soviet tampering of his work therefore he ran to the CIA for help and was aided by Special Forces Commander Major zero and a plan was concocted to rescue him from Russia on his way to America soala fell ill from exhaustion and had to be checked into a West Berlin hospital and in his absence the Cuban Missile Crisis began Russia had its missiles trained on Cuba and theit Kev the Secretary of Soviet Russia agreed to a fire should soov be returned so he shipped back to Russia on the promise that his family safe in the United States and he will eventually be rescued and 2 years later in 1964 to deal with this mess major zero unofficially forms the fox unit Fox was a special services division proposed by zero and the boss and established in the CIA by the 1960s where which its first agent is recruited Jack naked snake Fox agent naked snake led by Major zero is sent into Soviet Russia to recover silov and destroy a new Soviet super weapon known as the shagohod this is an operation dubbed The Virtuous [Music] Mission it's August of 1964 and here naked snake performs the world's first Halo jump this sees someone jumping from an aircraft free fall a terminal velocity and activating a parachute as low as 3,000 ft from the ground it's about as stealthy as a parachute drop got in the 60s and as he's trekking through the jungles of Soviet Russia he's stopped by the boss and before they can have this cute little reunion she throws them off a [ __ ] Bridge man what it turns out the boss has defected the Russia and has given them the nuclear bomb the bomb is used on a Russian research facility by yini borisovich vulgan and as the bomb goes goes off naked snake barely makes it out alive and he swears revenge on the boss and let me tell you buddy the return home to the US is not pleasant the failure of this mission is of such high magnitude that snake and major zero are straight up facing execution naked snake is told by Major zero that the US government is willing to revoke charges in any regards to all involvement to the boss's defection under the condition that he accepts the following mission [Music] operation it's 1964 the United States sends naked snake back in to kill the boss and retrieve the stolen weapon the shagohod this is soo's mobile nuclear ballistic missile system and in layman's terms it's a nuclear armed tank There Is No Escape whilst at the same time snakes aiming to prove they didn't set off the nuclear device and while all this is going on naked snake is assisted by [Music] Eva what are you doing and she's not just eye candy no no no she's another product of the philosophers taken to similar charm schools as the boss to become a sleeper agent unknown to naked snake she's also a spy for the Chinese people's Liberation Army tasked with obtaining the Philosopher's Legacy it's also in the same mission that naked snake has many encounters with Revolver Ocelot remember this guy please he's so important you tend to twist your elbow to absorb The Recoil that's more of a revolver technique don't why he's still young wow he's the boss's biological son whom she had on the beaches of Normandy it's that's Canon it's why she's got a snake shaped scar are look it up if you don't believe me it's right here look that's that's Canon he's also a sleeper agent by the way if that wasn't enough get ready for more descriptions like that we're just warming up anyways naked snake discovers vulgan has obtained the Philosopher's Legacy a100 billion savings account left by his parents snake kills each and every last member of the boss's Cobra Squad to get Tu her he also destroys the shagohod and then he faces the boss and honors her with a fight to the death there's only room for one boss and one [Music] snake she lived as she died on the battlefield and as snake says his goodbyes fulan obtains half the Legacy naked snake also discovers that the boss was actually loyal to the United States and was working under cover the boss was set up and was unaware that the philosophers even wanted her debt she was led to believe that she was on The Virtuous mission to acquire the Philosopher's Legacy she was given the nuclear bomb to give to vulgan to earn his trust but unbeknownst to the boss vogan had orders to use the nuclear bomb and thus she and America were framed for the attack therefore the CIA had revised the boss's Mission and renamed it operation Snake Eater she was told that she would continue to appear as a traitor to the United States and allow herself to be assassinated by an American agent naked stake when he returns home Lyndon B Johnson of the United States renames naked snake Big Boss a title he'll resent for decades he spins the rest of his days embittered by the United States's treachery in his eyes the world's greatest Soldier was framed and killed by an obedient Pawn the man she taught everything she knew this serves as a climax for snake for every single action he takes is now interpretations of the boss's will a virtuous mission that would quickly Escape his grasp and leave him spiraling Into Darkness therefore Big Boss leaves his unit Fox shortly followed by Major zero and vulgan while Kos is transported to a research facility on the outskirts of Moscow and meanwhile in the shadows zero loses all faith in people after Big Boss walks out on him hungry for power he takes advice from Donald Anderson AKA Sig they construct an AI Network to rule over the United States after he's gone and John Doe serves as the core that ties each of these four AI together acting as a mastermind and this small action has consequences that unfold for the rest of the series and that finally puts a pin in Snake Eater she was a true patriot we need to take a quick intermission after Metal Gear Solid 3 to explain the Patriots in the fox sound just a little bit more 1970 sees the creation of the Patriots born by ocelot retrieval of the Philosopher's Legacy to Major zero the sole purpose is to car carry out the boss's will but big boss believes in the end of exploitation of soldiers and that scares this [ __ ] out of major zero the Patriots are comprised of major zero Revolver Ocelot Sig paramedic and Eva a year later would see the creation of foxhound founded and established by Big Boss notable members include Roy Campbell gry Fox cos Miller and later Solid Snake a year later 1972 this would see the Leon font Project based upon the 1929 novel by Jean coau wherein the US government launched a project to clone Big Boss sponsored by Major zero and created by Dr Clark paramedic this was due to Big boss's reputation as a perfect Soldier fearing his departure major zero had him cloned so the iconography of a legendary Soldier would remain in the Patriots there's only one problem big boss is infertile this is due to his exposure at the radiation of the bikini atola in which he saw firsthand therefore somatic cell clones of his DNA were extracted and Eva would serve as the surrogate mother for both liquid and solid snake but unbeknownst to the world a third sibling had also been created that of which was the perfect genetic clone of big boss huh you know I know two other brothers who have a weird relationship with their father and find out their clones weird go team V what you need to know to understand peacewalker is that it's precedented by the salt one treaty signed in May of 1972 this was a real thing and it played pretty heavily in the Cold War it froze the number of ballistic missile launchers at existing levels and it was to prevent a competition and anti-ballistic missile deployment between the United States and the Soviet Union for further negotiations to limit all strategic arms what you'll need to understand For Peace Walker is the tension between these two countries were boiling to their all time highs with an arms race to produce the largest nuclear deterrent possible all it was going to take was for one inciting incident to start a nuclear war these treaties were to soften the blow for a lack of better term and whilst these were being signed huie immer was hired by CIA station Chief hot coldman yeah that's his real name to build the perfect deterrent huie was convinced it would be used solely as one that had never actually go off and this was for the upcoming Peace Walker project basing the work upon a bipedal tank Theory by Alexander leonovich granin a man of some importance if I do say so myself huie a paraplegic himself was inspired by the works and thus began the first of his AI prototypes this fully sets the stage for Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker the game begins on the coast of Columbia in 1974 Big Boss created a new group milit fronti soldiers Without Borders which is taking the Boston's philosophy of a World Without Borders very very literally an army Without Borders his big idea was to create a military power comprised of soldiers who all abandoned their home countries and they were a pretty small company but with a massive footprint put simply if you were strong armed by corrupt military forces yeah big boss and his men were here to fix that let's move speaking of big boss and his men Peace Walker sees the introduction of kazuhira Miller K was the subcommander of milit s Frontier he was also the child of an American GHQ officer and a Japanese woman which would explain his extensive police background uh by the way kazuhira it's Japanese for peace just in case you thought we started using subtext or something he's also in Columbia with a band of mercenaries acting as a staff sergeant with no prior military experience expence so big boss wipes his entire crew and more or less strong arms cause into joining msf you see he admired ca's Spirit likening it to the samurai of eon's past and since he faced execution through any other means reluctantly C became the supporting officer of milit fronti and while big boss and cause are doing whatever the [ __ ] they're doing here they are met with P Ortega Andrade who is an American double agent working for Cipher they're asked by Ramon Galvez to save Costa Rica from an army who's taken over the country you vent in return they offer a large base in the Atlantic where msf can call home CA and snake after careful consideration accepted sounds pretty good to me but only after Galvez admits he was sent by the KGB that Army in Costa Rica is building a metal gear code named Peace Walker the Peace Walker was a nuclear deterrent and was capable of selecting targets for retaliation without any need of human involvement how's that possible well it's fitted with the BS Imago an AI replica of the boss created by Doctor Strange Love with its outer body being created by huy immer who also joins msf I should say you used me Big Boss also meets a Child Soldier by the name of Chico in prison and instead of ending his life like he wished Big Boss invites him to msf to turn his life around a new man now give that new life to me and while all that's happening hot coldman attempts to feed Peace Walker false data to get it to fire at msf the for victory go coldman is killed by the KGB but before he dies he manages to reprogram the Peace Walker to fire on Cuba great work you [ __ ] [ __ ] at the same time sending false data to the United States making it seem as though they were the target of a Soviet missile strike and big boss tries to convince the US that the missile attack is fake in an attempt to prevent the United States from launching their own strike and he's actually able to convince them but somebody pulls a gun on the chairman making them unable to stop the Americans from attacking anyways Ramon Galvez reveals himself to be Vladimir zadorov and he's the man to kill hot coldman he threatens Dr Strange Love to set peacewalker Target to Cuba and it's then that he reveals to Big Boss that msf was hired to help FSL in so that Co Oldman would launch Peace Walker his usefulness had come to an end and big boss was more useful dead than alive just like Chay G no he really says that he says that actually dead at age 39 just like El anyways msf steps in and puts everybody into custody and now strange loves on the team okay you use the pretext of a mission to kill a true hero it turns out coldman is still alive somehow by the way and he inputs codes anyways it's time to blow up peace Walker because there's no other choice thanks coldman my peace is proven right go team Venture big boss is able to stop the launch but not the false data being sent this means that the Pentagon is still on high alert and is soon to retaliate but the boss is AI has a moment of self-realization and severs the transmission the boss's AI sacrifices itself to kill the false signal and prevents the world from nuclear war everyone takes this as a mark of the boss's Goodwill and nature except for Big Boss later this causes a major Schism shaking his life's meaning to its very [Music] core Big Boss sees himself as the better Soldier and takes off his sash the only Keepsake of the boss therefore he and his group use the Peace Walker developer to build his own nuclear deterrent and msf's greatest protector a bipedal tank known as Metal Gear Zeke zadorov is clearly stalling for someone to steal Zeke so big boss just kicks the [ __ ] out of him it turns out the metal gear is stolen by P revealing herself to be a secret agent sent by Major zero calling herself Pacifica ocean in case you thought hot coldman was a stupid name also do you want some clothes it's kind of cold in here zero intends on using the metal gear to launch nukes at the US and frame big boss and his group for the attack big boss was forced to just blow up Zeke and in result since PA a th000 Leagues Under the Sea by the way CA yeah he knew all about this [ __ ] he knew everything he just let it happen why cuz he knew if big boss came out on the other side msf was going to win the pissing contest against any other military body and yeah big boss [ __ ] hates this but he also hates having to kill P which he didn't he lets cause off the hook when he realizes they're a step closer to full Independence and it's all thanks to him therefore he creates his own military Nation free from exploitation and Corruption of world government and he names this outer Heaven assemble the man he plans to use outer heaven to take on major zero and the Patriots and is here where he fully accepts the title of big boss he also officially loses his [ __ ] marbles c not now I'm trying to hunt the tigrex the events of Metal Gear Solid 5 ground zeros happen only a year after Peace Walker 1975 would see the ground zeros incident where milit s Frontier prepares for a nuclear inspection from the UN and they need to pass with flying colors but it'll be hard because well they have a nuke msf themselves suspect this to be a sting operation from Cipher and just as tensions look as if they'll boil over they learn that P is still alive she was unsuccessful in strong arming Big Boss into rejoining Cipher so she's been locked away and Chico had unsuccessfully tried to save her and this leads both of them being locked up in Camp Omega in Cuba basically Guantanamo since p is their only connection to Cipher Big Boss heads in to rescue both of them fast forward to March 16th 1975 a trojan horse operation is currently underway at outer Heaven carried out by Cipher Strike Force XF and if that sounds familiar good you've been paying close attention nice this is the counterpart to the cia's fox Division and yes it's an attack on Big Boss mother base an objective he spent all of Peace Walker building falls in an evening as big boss rescues both p and Chico they head onto a helicopter to head back to mother base and upon on their rescue it's revealed that P has a bomb implanted inside of her the medic on board has to remove this from her with no anesthetics and it's it's awful it's awful [Music] snake beaten and battered the gang regroup onto the helicopter to get the [ __ ] out of Dodge and PAW herself explains that she's got not one bomb inside of her but another too and you'd never guess where this so big boss and this combat medic take the full brunt of this explosion as two helicopters Collide Chico does not survive this as the legendary Soldier Big Boss falls into a coma thus begins Metal Gear Solid 5 the phantom pain V has come too now before we get into the pH pain a massive amount of the surrounding lore for mgs5 is tucked away in audio tapes mgs4 was basically a 10-hour movie and fans weren't really pleased about it so in return mgs5 is the shortest game cinematically some but not all of what you'll hear are from those tapes so if you wish to experience these things on your own later you'll have to listen to them yourselves with that out of the way let's begin its timeline it's 1976 the attack on zero this is possible using vocal cord parasites infected with a mutated strain of the real world Wacha virus it causes all parasites to change into females which halts reproduction and prevents larae from killing its Host this is made by a DNA scientist known as Cod talker the parasites were from a leftover philosopher's project to remove an entire spoken language from Earth and he discovered it by digging through the remains of the end yeah that guy xof leader skullface makes him use it at the threat of a native genocide and when it's developed he plans to use it upon zero and when he does he gets him pretty good so zero decides to set his Affairs in order before he's left in a permanently vegetable State a year later 1977 zero comes out of hiding to bid a du to Big Boss in person he arrives at the hospital and he confesses to him while comos that he had another unit XF which was to Aid the fox unit zero divulges that not only skullface attacked him but the whole events of Ground Zero are are his doing and to punish him for his misdeeds zero sends him to Africa vowing to never forgive what he did to Jack he soon Parts ways leaving both big boss and the combat medic who saved his life motionless for a near decade it's now 1984 when waking up the person in bed has explained most everything that happened that day keyword most of everything he's a walking atlas of shrapnel and Bones from his dead comrades Jee this he also Sports a fancy new horn that would kill him if it was removed and speaking of removal he's got no arm the doctor explains to him that they're being attacked and they need to get the [ __ ] out of Dodge and from now on he's Ahab and when they get out of there they can change his appearance that's actually pretty important keep this one in mind turns out they're getting the [ __ ] beat out of them by an unknown as salent but she gets set on fire and falls out of window this person who will be referring to is venom snake is Guided by a man named ishmail who is secretly Big Boss big boss you know who I am he learns that the hospital is being attacked by an as salent known as The Man on Fire remember back in Snake Eater when I said vulgan body was taken to a facility Well here he is again pretty badass right the following chasings are pretty intense they're flaming whales and [ __ ] it's insane there's also the third boy who's pretty scary if you've been acquainted with Metal Gear Solid you probably know who this is we'll get back to him later anyways the two try to escape in an ambulance but it crashes ocelot retrieves both men as they wake up at different times big boss first and then Venom next ocelot doesn't have a lot of time for his upcoming plan because cause has been captured with his Fallen allies so Venom and ocelot travel to Soviet occupied Afghan istan to retrieve him CA is missing an arm a leg and an eye what took you so long and when they bring him back he's obviously completely eaten by the idea of Revenge it's where we get this classic why are we still here just to suffer every night I can feel my leg and my arm even my fingers the body I've lost the comrades I've lost won't stop hurting it's like they're all still there you feel it too don't you then ocelot sneaks out to give big boss an entirely new identity a sweet bike and tells him also to get the [ __ ] out of Dodge while this plan starts to kick into action Venom gets right down to creating the Diamond Dogs we're not junkyard hounds we're Diamond Dogs which brings us to the phantom pain incident we got to clear the air before we get in here after this Mission phantom pain can be experienced nonlinearly meaning you're able to play story missions out of order but we're going to keep this as a summary of its most accurate continuity assuming you play each Mission chronologically with that out of the way let's get back in there when Venom first sets foot on the new mother base it's with c and toe and this serves as our Hub world for a lack of a better term and it's where you can go to abuse your soldiers to raise morale the first mission in this game is to retrieve the honeybee a portable surface to air missile where which Venom encounters the third child and is grabbed by a Transformer this is his first meeting with skullface who drops him off and leaves him to Dead with the skulls it's the Mist unit the skulls and they're [ __ ] scary as Venom is returning home the Diamond Dogs get a call from somebody who wants to defect it's Huey [ __ ] emmer snake hey what gives and he was clearly working for Cipher so Venom on his way to beat his ass is shot like a thousand times by quiet who is a super soldier who is mute can disappear and is slippery as hell she also breeed through her skin because Kojima wanted a half naked woman in his game after which quiet joins the team and everybody bickers for like a solid hour fire Miller huy and skullface are shooting the [ __ ] when skull lets him know that he's a snitch and he knows he's been talking to Big Boss so he does what everyone does to [Music] huie this is Skull Face's project and his project alone huy is merely a tool to Aid in its development you see skullface plans to rid the world of the English language and he's going to give every schmuck in the the world a nuke to play with all while skullface sits in the captain's chair and how is he going to do that well with the st84 metal gear sahelanthropus mechaa mechaa it's basically a distraction so he can use the parasites on the world and guess who makes that metal gear huy [ __ ] immer and while Venom's on his way to get him rck he walks in on the next Abomination before God the mammal pod which is the bsmo itself remember that yeah so Venom is barely able to push off a PTSD episode and something more important to note is that boss's AI recognizes that this isn't Jack it's not you is it to which huy handwaves the notion and just tells him to ignore her anyways the boy and skullface catch wind of 's escape and they pull out mea or sahal anthropist once again huy can't believe that the world-ending threat he actually made is going to threaten to in the world impossible it can't be active nobody's happy about this so they just kick the dog [ __ ] out of them and get basically nothing that is until ocelot explains that Cipher's in Africa and they're making a weapon to surpass Metal Gear what boss finds out are the aftermath of the vocal Court parasites and raw components for a nuclear weapon the most important thing though is that he finds child soldiers and after finding their leader who passed he seeks out Eli the white maamba so you're the so-called White Mamba he's a little [ __ ] and he gets kicked around all the time but once again if you're an astute viewer you can probably guess who this is after a few missions everyone seems to be wising up to the fact that they're all getting sick like zombie scary sick the only connection is that these guys seem to speak the same language see where I'm going with this no time for booty we got to go see Cod talker he tells snake all the stuff I mentioned earlier and they hit some Zaza on their way home they get attacked by the skulls and it's really not looking pretty but eventually they make it out and soon Venom is on a begrudgingly 16 hour car ride with skullface who divulges that he's been around since Snake Eater and he knows what the boss wants for sure this time he's the only one who knows get in line pal at the end of that cute little chat skullface was supposed to sick the boy and V on him but he seems to like Eli's hatred so much more than he likes vulgan so vulgan gets crunched wait anyway the two take philanthropist and Chase venom out while they Gravely injure skullface and Venom just throws hands with a Gundam and wins and snake kicks the actual [ __ ] out of skull face and huie takes the killing blow because he's a loser I did it and while Venom is throwing out the vaccines the boy makes off with one and hands it to Eli turns out Eli's been planning an uprising for a long time and he takes Cil anthropus out for a joy ride goodbye father I don't need you anymore and takes a bunch of child Soldiers with him while that's happening H is busy making more threats against Mother Nature he's so fishy that Venom interrogates him with the mammal pod to which he finds out Doctor Strange Love's body is in it with a c-section scar clearly notating she had a child that of which is Hal immer Aon I I thought she might be hungry huie killed and dumped her in there and there's record of her last moments as well and really hu's caught dead to rights also there's another outbreak and it's the worst one yet total zombie [ __ ] I win I'm no snail birds that pick up these bodies would spread the virus to the world so boss has got to go Rambo on his own men some of which are still sentient and they know what's got to happen so they accept their fate all while humming the tune to the Peace Walker [Music] theme Jesus Christ and who's responsible for this huy hu's responsible for this what isn't he responsible for [ __ ] this guy how are you worse than the Child Soldier guy let's get this over with he gets put on trial and bsim Mago is literally the star witness and instead of being obliterated Big Boss gives him his own outro I my it's not my fault that really leaves Diamond Dogs with nothing else to do but torture quiet for more information it's here where we find out she was sent to spread the virus to base and she was also the Assassin at the hospital earlier no no [ __ ] she ends up in Afghanistan and some of the silliest [ __ ] ever happens Venom saves her but he's bitten by a venomous snake remember what I said about subtext and to save his life quiet calls for help in English there's no time hurry now she's infected and she heads off into the desert to die alone a hero's death and by the finale you learn that you've been playing the character you created at the beginning this character is slowly being groomed into the Phantom of big boss who mind you was the battle medic Who removed the bombs from paz's abdomen that's venom snake the identity you created in the game was adopted by Big Boss when approached by Ocelot that's why the game prompts you to put in your name specifically Kojima knows the player is Big Boss Venom is us a perfect vessel for his legacy from here on out or big boss slowly but surely Venom understands his role who he was and what he's here to do and when it all starts cascading into place you get this badass cut [Music] scene [Music] fun fact by the way you can see the logo of Diamond Dogs change into that of outer Heaven pretty cool stuff so that's the ending of mgs5 but the secret is it wasn't finished Konami snuffed it the true ending is locked away in some special features but we can still run through it basically venom snake tracks the kids down to a deserted island Eli took out a few xof troops with the parasite but they track him down and try to kill him and Venom's here to witness the battle as he tries to stomp them out with sahelanthropus they kick Eli's ass and Venom is hit with a grenade that makes him color blind what Eli's in a red suit but he can't tell so he just gets [ __ ] gatted by him he's fine he's wearing a bulletproof vest but he's infected and he spills the bean that he knows he's liquid snake all he really wants to do is eliminate Cipher for their misdeeds and Venom like either a Chad or a sociopath leaves Eli with a gun to do what he must honestly Hank where do you pick that stuff up but before he can take his life the boy stops him and launches his parasite from his lungs that's convenient together as an Unstoppable Duo mantis and Eli float into the sky and set a course for New York City not yet it's not over yet and that finally is Metal Gear Solid 5 the phantom pain and thus comes to a conclusion of us at the captain's chair for Venom and big boss the rest of the story is experienced through solid snake and Ryan's eyes only that of which will explain right now just a year previous to the phantom pain was 1983 which saw Jack or Ryan's birth so 83 saw the deadliest civil conflict in Africa's history the first Liberian Civil War which introduced both Ryden and future US President George Sears AKA solid as snake who is the third and perfect genetic clone of big boss Ryden or Jack was a Child Soldier who served in the small boy unit when he was just 10 years old yeah that's its real name his leader was that of solidus who inducted Jack and as he rose to the ranks he earned the title of Captain and the nickname Jack the Ripper this was due to his excessive cruelty in battle and once the Liberian Civil War had ended solidus placed Jack in a relief center and would later care for him as a foster father but not soon after the memory of this would be erased from Ryan's mind fast forward it's now 1990 Solid Snake is sent into Iraq to fight the Gulf War for the US and liquid snake is also captured in Iraq while fighting for the SAS and this is where he'd spend the next 4 years years and just a year later Big Boss takes control of foxhound so he can keep an eye on the US from the inside to avoid worldwide suspicion the United States would remain unaware of his involvement with outer heaven for several years but eventually they do task foxhound prompting big boss to send in Frank jerger AKA Gray Fox on a suicide mission in Metal Gear it's 1995 outer Heavens Uprising fun fact about Metal Gear the Indian S cover is just a trac over still of Kyle ree from Terminator just thought that was funny anyways venom snake is following big boss's life mission of realizing outter Heaven he put scientist dgo petravic madnar under duress to make metal gear tx55 by holding his daughter captive and when the US learns that outer Heaven is building their own Metal Gear in gburg South Africa they send foxhound in to destroy it gray fox is unsuccessful and he's captured so big boss sends in his genetic clone Solid Snake to save him Solid Snake saves graay Fox and continues to complete the mission but big boss attempts to stop Solid Snake he took on the role of leader as foxhound so he could delay the mission and outer Heaven could finish building the metal gear into a fight to the death Solid Snake defeats Venom snake and destroys the metal gear then he sets the facility to self-destruct meanwhile the real big boss survives and saves everybody from Outer Heaven before the facility is destroyed and he and his soldiers retreat to the Middle East and in his absence Roy Campbell is placed in command of foxhound and just a few years later big boss gets back on his feet to help Zanzibar claim independence from Russia by force which leads us into Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake it's 1997 known as the Zanzibar land disturbance the Zanzibar Province gets upgraded to Zanzibar land with big boss as its president who has an unbeatable Army of child soldiers and Metal Gear D you see the world's oil is running low and is considered a major crisis to counter this problem Dr K Marv creates a synthetic oil but he's kidnapped by soldiers from Zanzibar land with the intentions of holding the world Ransom by controlling the global oil supply Zanzibar uses Metal Gears to watch over Dr Kio marf to prevent him from escaping or being rescued so Roy Campbell puts Solid Snake out of retirement to go to Zanzibar during the mission snake discovers Big Boss survived their first encounter and snake fails to save Dr Kio Mar finding him dead but he manages to obtain the formula for synthetic oil from his corpse and just then he's attacked by Metal Gear d piloted by gray fox snake defeats the metal gear and gray fox survives but he and Solid Snake engage in a fight where Solid Snake kills gray fox and as he comes across being boss they engage in a battle resulting in Big Boss being burned alive holy [ __ ] just before Big Boss dies he reveals he's sort of solid snake's father kind of anyways big boss's body is recovered by the Patriots despite suffering major injuries he was actually still alive cuz of course he is so major zero places him in Cold Storage whilst using nanom machines to artificially induce a cryogenic coma his goal was to use big boss's genes to enhance genome soldiers giving them augmented senses reflex and combat skills but major zero pained by his guilt grew sentimental and kept big boss's body around but this angers ocelot and he starts to plot against major zero and the Patriots liquid snake joins foxhound after Roy Campbell leaves and becomes their leader and a year later Zero's growing old and losing all faith in humanity he just doesn't trust anyone to take over the Patriots he commissions the construction of an AI Network known as the system to pursue his vision the system consists of four AIS being controlled by a fifth Master Ai and he uses big boss's biometric data as a key to access the Central master AI this system takes over all functions of the Patriots and as such they Place George Sears solid as snake as president of the United States and as his first action solid as snake orchestrates the forthcoming Shadow Moses incident and just 2 years later in 2003 Dr Naomi Hunter perfects the virus Fox diey it's a virus that's programmed to kill specific people by identifying the person's DNA and their nanom machines the original was created to kill Solid Snake as revenge for killing graay Fox as it turns out gray fox was revived by being encased in a cybernetic exoskeleton where which he was subjected to extreme torture and unethical experimentation under Dr Clark's orders This research would give way to the genome Soldier that would later protect massive secret projects in Metal Gear Solid Eva and Revolver Ocelot plan to eliminate Dr Clark as she belongs to the half of the Patriots in direct opposition to Big Boss and this goes through as gray fox is the adoptive brother of Dr Naomi Hunter so she helps Fox escape and he kills Dr Clark and quickly after the laboratory is detonated leaving no Trace behind [Music] it's February 28th 2005 a nuclear terrorist attack is scheduled on the date of the signing of start 3 the Strategic arms and reduction treaty defected foxhound members lead an armed Uprising on a remote island in Alaska's Fox archipelago some of which you might remember these members are liquid snake The White Mamba and most importantly the leader of foxhound Revolver Ocelot an actor member of the Patriots the master of interrogation and Ricochet genius as he's known decoy octopus an impersonation specialist whom disguised himself as Donald Anderson the DARPA chief he would use this facade to trick Solid Snake into arming a metal gear within the facility Vulcan Raven an Inuit Shaman who is a champion at muuk tuck Eating and Ear pulling contests in Native Alaska he also shares a code name with this huge [ __ ] Gatling gun Jesus Sniper Wolf a Kurdish Iraqi refugee who was raised by Big Boss or saladine as she calls him she spent time in Nepal training to become one of the deadliest marksmen in the world she also has a bunch of wolves which is pretty cool yeah psycho mantis the third boy returns a psychic Mastermind and a master of deception he specializes in mind control and human puppetry for the lack of a better term creepy stuff next Generation Special Forces AKA The genome Army a Black Ops unit specializing in counterterrorism they were Genetically Enhanced soldiers injected with an antifreeze glycopeptide making them unable to freeze to death and Solid Snake would later be given the same injection to survive this Mission also another notable member of this unit is Johnny szaki look he's a soldier who participates in this Revolt but he misses out on the sick Nano machines because he's got IBS and he was taking a dump at the time he also hates needles so he was never getting that but he's actually really important you're going to see him again in mgs4 and a little bit in two if you're afraid of shots why'd you join my team anyways this island house is a nuclear disposal facility Coden named Shadow Moses fun fact by the way the opening song you're hearing this is a metal gear solid fan favorite The Best Is Yet To Come and it's sung exclusively in Irish gelic and nobody knows why but man is a good as snake sets foot in Shadow Moses he discovers foxhound and has acquired the nuclear capable Metal Gear Rex and is threatening the US government with a nuclear strike if they don't receive the remains of big boss within 24 hours you see his unit is genetically Advanced super soldiers and they need the DNA to correct their genetic mutations and if he gets his way Shadow Moses is going to become the new outer heaven in response Roy Campbell sends in solid snake with a mission to locate hostages DARPA Chief and the arms Tech president and these two can confirm if liquid has the ability to to launch these nukes snake finds the arms Tech president and during their conversation the president suffers a sudden cardiac arrest and he falls ill and dies and soon after snake is also confronted by ocelot whom challenges snake to a gunfight as ocelot is about to shoot Solid Snake his hand gets chopped off by a cyborg ninja that ninja is gray fox what's happening during this Mission snake rescues Merill and oton the creator of metal gear Rex what's with these guys it's like one of my Japanese animes when snake meets oton for the first time he's hiding in a locker and when they finally discover him he makes pee peee oh so you're here to rescue me sorry but no speaking of pee if you're a particularly skilled pervert you can see Marilyn her underwear if you chase her into the bathroom quick enough look I'm just telling you that cuz my comment section is going to be filled with that if I don't say it I'm sorry yeah you've got a great butt and upon saving oton Solid Snake learns that liquid has the metal gear also Merill starts acting all weird and says some real strange [ __ ] hurry make love to me I want you turns out she's being controlled by psycho mantis oh [ __ ] snake's not going to let him get away with this so they duke it out the psycho mantis fight is really famous because he can read your PlayStation's memory card a lot of other fun stuff too you have not said it often you are somewhat Reckless but as expected nobody's a match for Solid Snake so Solid Snake delves deeper into Shadow Moses where he eventually encounters Sniper Wolf and after a sniper battle to challenge quiets she eventually Falls set me free [Music] goodbye Man Poor oton snake returns her handkerchief to her after ending her suffering eventually snake pushes through this Gauntlet of super soldiers and eventually discovers Metal Gear Rex being piloted by liquid snake during the battle gray fox comes to the A Solid Snake by heavily damaging Metal Gear Rex but in doing so gray fox is killed when Metal Gear Rex crushes him and after a fist fight on top of metal gear Rex liquid tries to escape but when solid catches up to liquid liquid suddenly dies of a cardiac arrest weird another one huh die [Music] it's at this point that Solid Snake discovers he's infected with a fox die virus and with liquid snake meeting his untimely end the world is saved once again come on let's enjoy life [Music] [Applause] and this puts a solid end to the Shadow Moses incident you see what I did there you see what I did there fun fact about psychomantis and Sniper Wolf they weren't immediately killed by Fox diey because they took the anti-anxiety medication diazapam yeah that's really Canon that's real the reason being is that the muscle relaxing capabilities of the drug could help one steady their aim hell even snake eventually uses it anyways not knowing that gray fox at this time was actually still alive Dr Naomi Hunter had earlier injected snake with that virus and now cursed with the burden of living with a lifelong Affliction Solid Snake is told he may only have years to live oh I almost forgot to mention um CA died on the toilet in Alaska cuz liquid killed him he just straight up shot him on the toilet and then impersonated him for like the whole first half of the game I just thought that part was funny so yeah in the meantime be careful shortly after the Shadow Moses incident a book is published revealing everything including solidus involvement thus he's forced to step down as president and goes into hiding with ocelot you're the spitting image of Big Boss while preparing for their next plan ocelot grafts liquid snake's hand onto himself replacing his little nub this results in liquid snake's conscience trying to take over ocelot body which will probably soon win and all the while this occurs Solid Snake decides to spend the rest of his days writing the wrongs against the world in it's now 2 7 known as the tanker incident kept you waiting huh Solid Snake and oton form philanthropy a dynamic duo Squad and together they discover that a tanker is transporting a metal gear Ray leaked by Emma emmer oton half sister a steps sister so snake boards the ship in an attempt to destroy it it's here where he meets Olga gerovich whose father is working with ocelot I have no one nothing except a unit snake doesn't care he just knocks her out anyways you see the tanker is hijacked by ocelot who's now fully possessed by liquid snake it's been a while brother and he steals the metal gear Ray therefore Solid Snake is framed and accused for stealing it and having his name tied to the theft of one of the deadliest weapons in history is going to make him Public Enemy Number One so he goes into hiding a year later 2008 the liquidation of dead cell this was a smear campaign against the Seal team unit dead cell it was a small government organization who specialized in Surprise ambushes of embassies consoles and military installations it was a rather aggressive form of anti-terrorism training for both seal and Marine Corps the entire team is comprised of superhumans and they're [ __ ] nuts in order they are solid as snake the founder and 43rd President of the United States he's also the perfect genetic clone of big boss there he is Colonel Jackson the original commander of dead cell when it was an anti-terrorist organization also the husband to Fortune the current leading member she gets the name Fortune because bullets just don't seem to hit her and explosions don't go off around her a d lucky lady this scary water walking vampire son of a [ __ ] who could challenge anyone in a knife fight and win there's also fat man named after the atomic bomb that destroyed Nagasaki this is a demolitions expert alongside being an overweight man in a flack jacket and Rocket skates life is sh old boy a former mentor of big boss who died 6 months prior to the incidents involving dead cell he was a legendary soldier of vast reputation serving in dead cell at a 100 years old insane China man the CQC Mystic and Kung Fu Specialist of dead cell he was ironically Vietnamese but he was abducted and ran to New York City's Chinatown that's that's where he' get his moniker he also died 6 months prior the liquidation of this team was organized and carried out by the Patriots themselves or should I say the lleo in Metal Gear Solid 5 if you Tran ocelot repeatedly he has a variety of custom dialogue including this is a code name that anybody injected with the Patriot nanom machines has to refer to them as their bodies just reject the words all together see if the Patriots can control what's seen and heard they've got the world in the palm of their hands Kojima specifically chose this so it would sound like complete gibberish to Japanese audiences who just don't have an L in their phonetic Library if they exist outside of language they're a threat that can't even be perceived much less defended against truly truly genius big brain gojima moment all right anyways dead cell didn't really have it easy before being liquidated for instance just a a few months prior its founding member Colonel Jackson died in prison after being found guilty of misappropriation of government funds he would later be found innocent but this was a ploy by the Patriots to send the unit over the edge and it worked dead cell defected radically shifting to a fullon terrorist organization and dead cell alumni Vamp implied that the Patriots had set them up with the terrorism charges which led to their liquidation anyways the US military sets up traps and both eliminates China and old boy arguably the two coolest members this would leave the remaining members wrapped up into the patriots' web of dastardly plans as 6 months later it's April 29 and if you can believe it it's a Wednesday once again the Patriots manipulated dead cell into joining forces with solidest snake and with the help of the Sons of Liberty they take over the Marine decontamination facility known as as big shell if the architecture of this structure is pretty impressive to you hey you can thank Pima who built this whole thing in Legos to visualize it for the team it's kind of cool dead cell being as gung-ho as they are about terrorism now still a metal gear specifically Arsenal gear a submersible Fortress with infinite access to the US Navy's military tactical Network in short that's a nuclear payload that could destroy the Patriots which leads to the big shell incident Fox swn agent Ryden is ordered to rescue hostages being held at the big shell facility and they're being held captive by the Sons of Liberty the Sons of Liberty were a real Group by the way those are the guys who did the Boston Tea Party just thought you should know and during this Mission Ryder meets a man named iroy pliskin who is a member of the Navy sealed team tin Alpha Squad who tries to help him transport hostages from the facility Metal Gear Solid 2 theory is piskin Solid Snake no that is not Solid Snake snake Ryden and pliskin are attacked by the leader of Sons of Liberty who calls himself Solid Snake they defeat solid but he escapes it's then revealed that the Solid Snake impersonator and the leader of the Sons of Liberty is solid a snake but you knew that solid is took on the name of solid to frame him for the terrorist activities at the same time pliskin also obviously reveals that he's Solid Snake duh it's also important to remember that solid snakes never been cited before canonically so it's pretty easy for somebody powerful to steal that moniker no one knows what he looks like and whilst on the facility Ryden learns that it's hiding a massive Metal Gear underneath it in fact the entire facility is a metal gear it's the aforementioned Arsenal gear and it also houses one of the Patriot AI systems George Washington GW its mission is to censor all forms of digital information and communication so Ryden and Solid Snake successfully plant a virus into that AI system but solid snake is captured and then Ryden fights an entire Army of metal gear Rays these little guys crazy osot also reveals that the entire big shell mission was a carefully coordinated attempt to reenact the events of Shadow Moses orchestrated by the Patriot AI for the purpose of creating a perfect Soldier Ryden on par with solid snake Okay the entire time Ryden thought he was taking orders from Roy Campbell when he was actually talking to the Patriots AI reconstruct C of him you've done nothing but abuse your freedom you don't deserve to be free it reveals the true purpose of the simulation which was to see how well they could simulate and control human behavior the AI then orders Ryden to kill solidus at the threat that all of his loved ones will die if he doesn't and when Ryden eventually confronts solidus solidus reveals Ryan's pass to him the two engage in a sword fight to the death rce yourself fun fact about solidus is Swords by the way they're named both Democrat and Republican respectively what a touch during this gut-wrenching heinous battle Ryden finally kills solid a snake Vamp also kills Emma and Hal has to watch another woman in his life Die In His [Music] Hands poor a con man and when ocelot sees that solidus has been killed he flees with the last metal gear and with the frustration of being manipulated time and time again the boys team up and vow to finally take down the [Music] Patriots it's now 2 years later 2011 it's a raid at Area 51 this came out before okay Kojima just predicted another thing it's an mgss 4 database that we actually learn about this it's an infiltration raid conducted by big mama who is Eva and her Paradise Lost Army which is helmed by Ryden this is to rescue Sunny gerovich the daughter of Olga you see Jack and Rose are just trying their best to live a quiet life but this just isn't going to work work as solidus has unlocked all of Jack's memories so you remember I thought your memory had been manipulated by them and this riddles his brain with PTSD and practically ruins his life Jack slowly stopped coming home and when he did he'd be dead drunk sometimes covered in cuts and bruises it turns him into a monster ruining his whole home life to the point of Rose lying about the birth of their newborn child secretly she hands that over to Roy Campbell but she informs Jack she had a miscarriage though he finds out about this and he leaves her to which she stages a marriage with Roy to secure benefits in the security of their child and everybody hates this he's not my father eventually Ryden finally meets Big Mama and they exchange information he gives her the location of big boss's body that he learned from the GW and she gives him Sunny's location in Area 51 Solid Snake promised to save sunny but his Warner syndrome is getting the best of him he's rapidly aging and he's just not fit for this therefore Ryden takes on this herculan task upon himself The Raid is a success with sunny saved and when Ryden finally returns from Area 51 he learns about the marriage between Rose and Roy and it ruins him completely you have a [Music] family I have no family anonymously he leaves sunny in the care of oton and snake and oton is a Sentimental [ __ ] so right away he adopts her and in all ways colloquially she's Sunny Emer this is a no smoking flight Ryden takes this opportunity to become a fullon roning and just takes the journey to become a mechanical badass this and many other skills are going to Aid him in the retrieval of big boss's body for Big Mama but that doesn't really go so well because in 2012 is Ryan's capture so on that mission he's captured by the Patriots wherein they use him as a guinea pig for various heinous projects namely the exoskeletal enhancement project which is to continue the experiments done on Gray Fox in many facets his head and spine are removed from his body and lower jaw [ __ ] brutal what the [ __ ] and then is grafted into this enhanced synthetic body but before any more Horrors can be had big mama steps in with Paradise Lost to save Ryden and they bust him out of captivity and later discover he's riddled with nanom machines I mean obviously right so they flush him out with this good old surgery with the help of Drago petravic madnar remember that guy to wrap things up nicely big boss's body has been restored and Ryden is [ __ ] yolked now in fact he's so yolked he will never live a normal life again so he disappears once more but once he hears from Solid Snake he needs his help finally quashing the Patriots Eternal Reign he decides to lend his hand in the final game of the story Metal Gear Solid 4 guns of the Patriots so the public opinion is that mgs4 is in love with its story and I cannot disagree the pacing suffers a agree and due to its runtime on cutscenes alone it's the white whale of this video put simply if you were a diard fan of the previous installments I can understand why you didn't enjoy this game as much but regardless it's a metal gear solid game and it deserves the respect if only for the Legacy that supersedes it so this is the finale and the last stop on our journey solid snakes final story which begins with liquid Sun ocelot is fully controlled by liquid snake's conscience and will be referred to currently as liquid ocelot so if I say liquid or I say ocelot same guy really so in 2014 the world is now dominated by private militaries filled to the brim with nanom machines the most powerful of which belongs to liquid and solid snake is visiting the unmarked grave of big boss when oton flies down from a helicopter to inform snake that Roy Campbell has been waiting for him and after running some tests snake has something akin to the real life Warner syndrome and he's estimated to have a year left to live and how does he spend that well it really wouldn't matter because cell informs him on behalf of the UN that liquid has been lurking in the Middle East and after some bargaining snake eventually agrees to eliminate him snakes in the war zone disguised as a member of the local militia and this is where we see the introduction of the gecko machines also boom check out that octo camo that's sick right also boom egg jump scare oh by the way so cute oton has a teeny tiny Mark I to watch snake with man that's relationship goals snake it's me huh Aon also guns are now so tailored to users IDs and Nano machines that the normal ass guns oton gives them are nothing short of rare artifacts and when sneaking pass literal hell on earth eventually snake does meet the launderer Arms Dealer dreon and it's little pet monkey drinking that cocaa and the idea with dreon is that if you give him an ided gun he'll give you points you can use to buy unmarked weapons speaking of ided weapons snakes Nan machines messes with this technology and they need to suppress them for which whatever reason snake is just cool with that oh hey there's Johnny taking a [ __ ] also he tries to capture snake later and they have a Merill moment you haven't even taking the safety off rookie oh [ __ ] Merill speak of the devil Merrill's also brought the Rat Patrol team 01 Jonathan the group's pretty desperate about their situation and snake presses asking if the Patriots are behind it but surprise surprise lulo what are you talking about never mind this is also the introduction for the frogs who are lady ninjas with huge guns they're bad news also Johnny [ __ ] his pants again on a scale to 10 liquid cranks these nanom machines up to like 11 and this makes everybody start convulsing including snake so snake fails his first attempt to assassinate liquid ocelot but discovers Dr Naomi Hunter is also being held captive ocelot tells him to fulfill his Destiny in diarrhea pants Johnny carries him off also here's your second egg jump scare oh it's sunny okay cute cute of course okay the the eggs they're done thank you while back at home base Dr Naomi Hunter sends oton and snake a message she explains her situation and what she's been forced to do liquid needs to seize control of dop but this requires a Mastery of the third generation of nanom Machine Tech Hunter was the progenitor of the first Strand and this Incorporated the Fox die virus also liquid found a loophole that will allow him to launch an Insurrection and Roy explains to the extent of liquid's power to the military and Hunter's location so onward snake goes to South America in Solid Sun snake asks about the Patriots and their involvement to which Campbell divulges that Arsenal gear was hiding nothing but false data and solidus was right about their world domination in the wake of digital censorship so snake does his things sneaking around and hey look there's Vamp eventually snake does rescue Dr Naomi Hunter then he's told the Fox die virus in his body is mutating she then explains liquid ocelot wants big boss's frozen body to retrieve his biometric data and use it to access the master Patriot AI this would give him control over every nanom machine in the world and that's probably going to happen if snake doesn't get rid of his Fox die virus which is becoming uncontrollable and is going to kill everybody around him it's also where he finds out dreon gave him a new Fox die virus thanks [ __ ] but not actually I guess so during a battle with a bunch of mechs a cyborg ninja assists Solid Snake and helps him escape and that Ninja is riding snake it's my turn to protect you oh Vamp what the what are you doing ocelot succeeds in acquiring Big Boss getting control of all the Nano machines in the world therefore he shuts down every single army in the world apart from his own and he plans on using Metal Gear wrecks to destroy the Patriots so so he heads back to Shadow Moses to acquire it ocelot obtains Metal Gear Rex and prepares to launch this nuclear strike on the Patriots Central core also uh Dr Hunter and oton get laid uh that's cool and in third son solid snake heads to Europe to find Big Mama's Paradise Lost Army see snake's blacklisted from the country so he uses the Octo camo to look well his biological age but he does get busted and Merill bails him out and later snake Trails a member to Big Mama's Hideout and they're clearly huge fans of him Big Mama reveals to snake that she's his biological mother she was Eva and Snake Eater and was being rescued by Big Boss after she goofed up by finding the fake philosopher's Legacy she also shows snake the body of big boss which looks gnarly he's also not dead and not brain dead either like everyone said he's actually just sleeping and the only thing that are keeping him asleep are these Nano machines what about Ryden good news hey you're not fooling anybody so Eva gets hurt and snake goes to beat up the Raging Raven okay now that that's over it's time to go get Eva and see how big boss is doing oh hey liquid so it turns out Naomi sold snake out which sucks he lets snake know that GW is fully functioning and plans to rid JD the core with a nuclear strike that's basically going to let him take over the world damn it and [ __ ] really goes down here but what you need to know is that big boss's body is just gone and Johnny's trying to put on the Riz call me Johnny and also unfortunately Eva dies so the boys regroup and start thinking of a battle plan basically liquid needs Metal Gear wrecks to blow up JD right and with Ming's help the boys can get to it first but it's clear that this journey is going to bring us back to Shadow Moses oh [ __ ] so the guys have them uh a little moment of some [Music] kind and then it's snake and Ryden buddies back in Action let's [ __ ] go man which brings us to Twin Suns basically Paradise for those who have played the series you're getting a final wave goodbye to the good times accompanied by The Best is Yet to come one more time and if you pulled out your camera while you were out here in Shadow Moses you can take a bunch of pictures of ghosts that's kind of neat wonder what implications that has eventually snake gets to otacon's Old office to get the power running while they reminisce about their first meeting how nostalgic is this man anyways on to Rex get out of the way lady we're trying to get the Rex hey what the hell the rail gun's not even here this place will be your grave now me what the [ __ ] are you doing anyways snake's about to get curb stomped but then Ryden shows up to save the day and once everybody's all right Naomi reveals that she's had cancer for a while now and the nanom machines were the only thing really keeping her alive and once more oton got to lose another lover right before his own eyes always this way [ __ ] come on put yourself together hey look oton I'm sorry man but we got a sick ass Mech battle to get to oh there it is snake kicks liquid's ass and they both crumple to the ground liquid feigns his death from Fox die cute little reference sink again and then gives us one of the best scenes I've ever seen in a [ __ ] video game H and then he goes to get away it what the [ __ ] is that you got to be [ __ ] kidding me man what the [ __ ] Ryden also stops snake from becoming a pancake and he hears his wife as he's literally dying hey liquid where are you going dude hey guys fire the missiles on this guy got [ __ ] in a mission debriefing Ming explains how JD is in space and that's what he's going to Nuke eventually she found some she also then explains that GW is in a microwave Hall you heard me right a microwave Hall yeah get ready for that [ __ ] which brings us to Old Sun where the entire gang hops on to the USS Missouri to go kick some ass Colonel Campbell also has a heart-to- heart with Merill and it's a real tearjerker you are my pride and joy and right after is a badass naval ship battle oh God damn it Johnny also [ __ ] Merl's controlled again Merl [Applause] Go Johnny oh [ __ ] Johnny Merill get out of the way lady wait psycho mantis there's no m Mica this is the PS3 take his sensitive ass back to PS1 [ __ ] anyways after that battle Merill braad sends snake off to the microwave Hall to have the most agonizing scene ever basically while that's happening Johnny saves Merl's skin and successfully puts on the RIS this time marry me look at you Merill God damn and while they're making out and having a great time snake is hating his [ __ ] life Ryden once again saves the day with the coldest [ __ ] intro look at this [ __ ] I Am Lightning the rain transformed the two have a moment and snake bravely sacrifices himself to go into the hallway in his eyes Ryan's got his entire life in front of him this is a job for snake old snake and as snake plummets deep into hell we just get some of the most heart-wrenching [ __ ] words don't do it justice let me just show you a bit [Music] don't give up on me [Music] snake and as snake nears the AI everyone's pretty much on their last leg it's not looking good until oton calls the shot we did it it worked as everything shutting down Naomi appears on the screen One Last Time turns out sunny and Naomi Together made a virus known as Fox alive be nice it was Sunny's name okay the virus destroys the Patriots system which in turn destroys all AIS and Nano machines in the world she also takes this moment to thank Aon for the time that they spent together but I never got the chance I'm sorry buddy Naomi also tells snake that it's finally time to rest it's finally over Solid Snake wakes up to liquid info dumping him and then they have a badass Old Man fight and this happens if you let yourself get choked out by the wayar how romantic the battle itself comprises of liquid ocelot and liquid ocelot man do I love the phases of this fight God I just I love that you're pretty good you're pretty good pretty good goodbye ocelot you were my favorite as snake stands Victorious he learns what's left of the world which are only the bare necessities for modern civilization to survive and with the Patriots and all Nano machines gone every Army person and government in the world is free from manipulation and they can finally do their own thing the world finally is at peace which brings us to naked sin Ming and Merill are preparing something oh Merl's getting married that's nice hey look who shows up you look beautiful her and Johnny do actually get married and Campbell walks her down the aisle just in time and Dre's here what a Chad hey remember the Rat Patrol by the way voila [Music] Patriot yeah meanwhile Ryan's looking so much better and rosemary confronts him and shows him his own child and reveals that that marriage was just a facade the boy's name is John by the way which makes like six Jacks and five John's in this game's timeline great and together as a father to a happy family Ryden story is finally over and this is where I would slot revengeance in the timeline if I had one meanwhile Solid Snake visits the boss's grave with only a year left to live and the Fox die virus in him mutating threatening to kill everyone around him snake has decided his final mission putting a stop to Fox die and the war at whole by ending his life and the credits roll hey hey wait a second before he can pull the trigger a man approaches Solid Snake that man is none other than big boss who disarms solid and gives him a big old hug he then explains that that Frozen corpse was not actually him but solid a snake and as he does this he also explains that ocelot was able to hypnotize himself to believe that he was Liquid so he could go under cover under the AI as he mentioned both he and Zero's plans for the world reveal that the man in the wheelchair is none other than zero it turns out that major zero allowed those AI to take control which led to a world dependent on the war economy this couldn't be farther from the boss's vision of a unified world and as they speak of Zero's plan Big Boss then Walks Behind him in the wheelchair and snuffs him out holy [Music] moly and just like that the war between major zero and big boss comes to an end Big Boss informed Solid Snake that the AI implanted a new strain of fox Dy within him Solid Snake was no longer becoming a biological weapon but being in the presence of Solid Snake had killed Eva and was now killing him with the last cards finally being dealt Big Boss reveals that he major zero and ocelot just wanted to be free from the way the world was each of them followed an interpretation of the boss's original Dream But ultimately what the boss wanted was to just leave the world be the day he killed the boss was the day Big Boss died too [Music] [Applause] and with that big boss and Solid Snake finally reconcile he tells solid that he may not have been a son to him but as a soldier and a man he has his undying respect and in his last breath he tells snake he should live he doesn't need to take his life to save the world and there's no real known time timeline for the Fox die virus as said before the world needs only one snake so solid lights up one last cigar for big boss and he dies in his arms this is good isn't it and thus finally putting an end to Metal Gear Solid Snake goes on to live the remainder of his life to see What Becomes of the world around him snake thank [Music] you but I'll remember everything you were and stick with you to the end Aon besides you wouldn't let me suffer Sunny's eggs alone would you come quick they're ready they look yummy sort of like the sun it's rising again
Channel: ChipmunkuChan
Views: 665,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _T-xQ0uaSyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 21sec (5301 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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