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hello everyone exports here and welcome to all stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part for diamond is unbreakable [Music] guru [ __ ] you in this video we'll be looking at every single stand that appears in diamond is unbreakable in order of appearance I'll give you guys a brief description of what the stands ability is who the stand user is and what the stands musical references so to get started the first stand to appear in part 4 is an old friend star platinum what about stand OTO buddy searching energy kakugane Castaneda Josef you chose standing walking stand Ola standards Carmen Anushka Eni so star platinum is the original punching ghost and I'm sure by now we are all very familiar with its abilities super strength super precision super speed enhanced eyesight and all of its things like star finger and its or punching brush and the only difference really between it from part 3 obviously we saw star platinum stop time for a maximum of 5 seconds in part 3 and in part 4 it's reduced to 2 seconds so it's pretty much just star platinum but a little bit weaker but all of the stand itself may be weaker Joe trow has gained so much more knowledge and he's a much more experienced stand battler so the part for Joe Toro with his weaker star platinum is actually probably a better stand fighter than part 3 Joe Tyrell with his more enhanced are platinum and because star platinum is a standard from part 3 stars Crusaders its namesake comes from the tarot cards the star card unlike most of the other stands in the series having names that are references to songs and bands next up we have the stand that's possessed by the main Joe do of the part josuke higashikata and his stand is of course crazy diamond so crazy diamond in terms of physical power is almost identical to star platinum and it's sometimes almost rivals star platinum it has incredible strength incredible speed and also incredible precision but the one thing that's unique about crazy diamond is its restoration ability crazy diamond has the ability to heal people and also revert in adamite objects to a previous state in their history and throughout part 4 we have seen josuke get really creative with this ability and push it to its utmost limits and crazy diamonds musical reference is to the Pink Floyd song shine on you crazy diamond and the stand users of course josuke higashikata the next end we have is aqua necklace which is a stand that is entirely made of water and has the ability to have a liquid disguise as it can just disguise itself as any liquids it can also possess people once they drink the liquid that it's but this guys does or if it just goes inside someone's body usually by forcing its way inside through their mouth so once aqua necklace has possessed someone he pretty much has complete control over them and also has the ability to create injuries inside them usually does this in their head and this stand paired with its psychotic stand user can make for a deadly duo aqua necklaces stand user is Angelo category and the stands namesake is from the aja album aqua next up we have the stand the hand and extremely deadly an extremely powerful battle oriented stand its ability is to erase anything that comes in contact when his right hand does a swiping motion essentially a racing space anything erase by the stand completely disappears from the current universe and the space erased is filled in by the adjacent space surrounding it although it is said that the stand is almost as powerful as crazy diamond it lacks in speed and in part for I feel like we only got to see a fraction of what the stand was fully capable of by its limitations being at stand user and the hand stand user is of course okie Ostuni Chmura joe's gaze best friend and the hands musical reference is to the band ironically named the band the next stand to make an appearance is bad company a stand that manifests as a bunch of toy soldiers 60 army men for helicopters and seven tanks and they're all armed to the teeth so yeah this stance really meant to just overwhelm your opponent and just completely barrage them with attacks and it's also great that any damage taken up by bad company does not transmit to the user and also any attacks coming towards the user will automatically be negated by bad compei protecting the user and the user is cacio and nijam err the brother of okie asana Jumeirah and bad conveys musical references to the stone and band ad company next and to appear is sort of not really a stand it's echos act zero because it just appears as an egg and it came before echoes act one so I guess echos act zero would be a fitting name so it really doesn't do anything it's just an egg waiting to develop into echoes but we did actually see Cochise physically throw the egg at Kato so I guess that's something the stand user is of course Koichi who Rosie and the stands musical reference is to the song echoes by Pink Floyd next and we have is red hot chili pepper the stands ability is absorbing electricity and electrical transmission the more electricity that the stand absorbs the more powerful and more fast it becomes so based on this dense situation it can be incredibly powerful or if it was somewhere without electricity it can be an incredibly useless stand and the stand can travel at the speed of light through electrical towers in anything electrical and it can also take physical objects with it in the electrical outlets which make for extremely fast travel and if he was to take a human through the electricity it would kill them because the whole time they would be being electrocuted so the stand is really dependent on electricity that won't work unless it has it Red Hot Chili Peppers stand user is Akira Oh - Ishii and it's musical references to the band Red Hot Chili Peppers the next stand we have is the lock and it stability is the ultimate definition of guilt-tripping this stand will attach to anyone feeling guilt and can also attach to multiple people at once the point of the stand is to make you feel so much guilt to the point where you just commit suicide and also the more guilt you feel the heavier the stand will become and people who can't see stands will just feel like this giant amount of guilt resting on them which influences their decision to commit suicide however if you feel no guilt at all the lock will not work on you at all and will just disappear if you stop feeling guilt it's already on you and also later in the series we saw it gain another ability of lie detection when josuke was playing CeeLo with Rohan the user showed up and he explained the lock will move when it senses honesty compared to if it senses dishonesty and the stand user is a real prick - mommy tobe Yoshi the stands musical reference is to the song by the WHO the rock the next stand that appears to actually counter the ability of the lock is Koichi sand echoes act 1 the first act of echoes that has the ability of sound maker echoes can write any sound effect on anything even human flesh and that sound will repeat itself over and over again with increasing volume it's also been seen to be able to transfer words as quick she uses it to show his mother that he's telling the truth but unfortunately the Stan Billy is not that powerful as it can be broken through sheer willpower as yukako who's obsessed with Koichi just complete dispels this effect just by her pure love for Koichi but another good side that goes well Act one is that is the longest range out of all the acts and it's up to 50 metres stand user like I mentioned Kuwaiti who rows a and the song echoes by Pink Floyd is the musical reference and then once began the echoes act to an act 3 I'll leave that stuff out the next stand to make an appearance is surface and its primary ability is to completely copy the appearance of another person and with the copying of the person's appearance he also adopts the same personality traits of the person who he is copying another ability of the stand is its forced movement synchronization this ability allows the stand to actually control the original copy but it only works when it's standing face to face for example when it copied Jos gained his stand face to face with josuke the original Jo's cannot attack the fake josuke because the original the fake josuke is just standing still however once they're not looking at each other and they get some distance apart josiya will have full control over his body although the stands range is a few dozen meters so it could be quite a distance for josuke to get full control back surfaces stand user is Toshi Kazu has a model and the stage musical reference is from a band from the state's surface the next end we have is love deluxe it's a stand that is bound to users hair and allows the hair to grow various lengths and it has a great amount of strength and dexterity it can hold and capture objects with incredible speed and precision and the user is also able to shoot strands of her hair at opponents which she then controls freely and also this is a stand that doesn't have direct transmission so if any of the disconnected hair is damaged yukako is also not damaged although love deluxe will turn white from too much stress being the person's hair and if the user was to overuse the stand or take damage then it would be unusable loved Alexis stand user is yukako yamagishi well Deluxe's musical reference is from the shidae album love deluxe the next stand appearance is echoes act 2 very similar to echoes excellent sound maker but instead of hearing the effect you would actually feel the effect written physically and it's still true that echoes can write a sound effect on any surface and the stand is limited to one sound effect on one object at a time and the effect will come into fruition once someone comes in contact with the sound effect with act 2 echoes also enhances his speed for a reference it's fast enough to give the impression of disappearing into the air and it's a theme that foreshadows echoes x3s incredible speed as the stand gets faster in each evolution the next stand we have is Pearl Jam its ability is to cure ailments through the indigestion of a specific dish the stand is split up into multiple bodies and then once ingested it just makes you feel great when it's combined with food Oh a heal wounds and also illnesses but the extent to its powers are a little bit unknown it can make water taste incredible and also spaghetti seems suspicious the stand user is Tony Oh - sorry and the stands musical reference is of course - the band Pearl Jam the next n to appear in part four is another old friend hermit purple the stand has the ability to sense locations and thoughts by projecting them into a camera or television or really any sort of piece of technology that displays images and even beyond that - like the stand of a dusty Street and the stand can also be used for utility like a transportation and also in a grappling hook sort of way and also the pole objects towards him and it's also the only stand that we've seen used in combination with jamon and a stay of course joseph joestar although we really don't see the stand used like it once was because joseph is so old and his body's a little bit weather and because it's a part three stand it is to a tarot card instead of a musical reference the tarot card is the Hermit next up we have Acton baby which has the ability of invisibility octant baby has the ability to turn its user invisible as a measure of protection depending on the user stress level the strength of the stand can increase making the immediate surroundings of the user invisible as well and since the user is actually a baby we didn't get to see a lot of the stand but because the user is so emotionally unstable it can go from happy to crying in a second the stand can be very sporadic and just completely make things disappear in an instant I wish we got to see more of the stand or maybe even saw the stand user returned in later parts but we didn't or who knows maybe we did because that's the stance ability of invisibility so maybe it was in part 6 the whole time we just didn't we just didn't know the stand user is Shizuka Joestar the last name Joestar because she was adopted by Joseph Joestar and the sense namesake is a reference to the u2 album Achtung Baby the next stand to appear is the greatness that is heaven's door heaven store is a damn o P stand that has the ability to turn people into books and write commands in them and also read their memories and even manipulate people's memories by tearing out pages that completely erases the memories from the person who was turned into a books mind so once the user activates his stand ability on someone he pretty much has complete control over them writing them commands changing their entire life by writing things that they can or cannot do and really heaven's door is an incredibly absolute stand the stand users of course the beautiful Rohan Keisha Bay and the musical references to the Bob Dylan song knockin on heaven's door next and we have is rat and its ability is melting darts wreck and fire off bullets which have the ability to melt anything upon impact and once it makes impact it starts melting it and forms like gelatin or clay it's explained to be very painful and would often lead to death from just one victim being hit by a bullet the range of their bullets is about 60 meters and the strange thing is is that there were two rats that had this same stand ability so maybe just every single rat in the world has the stand ability if it were to awaken the stand but I don't know if that's unclear but if we did go by that theory would that mean that every gorilla with a stand would be the stand strength or maybe every dog would have the stand the fool probably not the case but it's fun to theorize like I mentioned the stand user is just simply a rat and the musical references to the band next up we have harvest a stand that is made up of around 500 bodies all that are identical and high in appearance and everything they have the range of about the entire city of Morey oh and they're used to collect things but can also be used for combat the main things we've seen harvest be able to do is inject liquids into people overwhelm people transport the user and also collect money around the city it's a very good stand for utility and also good for combat the speed of harvest is actually pretty fast when they're working together they can scout the entire city of morio in about a single day and when it comes to the stands durability one harvest can be destroyed no problem and does not transmit to the user but if a substantial amount of the harvests are destroyed it will transmit to the user harvest user is shigeki o yanggu otherwise known as shigeki the stands musical reference is to the neo young album harvest the next stand appearance is Cinderella which has the ability of body part replacement this ability allows the stander replace parts of the body by Korean replacements from the slots in its hands this stand has been seen Don people like Yuka code to increase her romantic luck and also other characters to completely change their appearance and swap lives with someone Cinderella also has the ability of magical lipstick manifestation it's lipstick that one put on enhances beauty and luck but if it's not applied regularly it will distort the face and make it look deformed Cinderella Stan user is a Atsugi and the musical reference is from the rock band Cinderella the next stand to make its appearance is the infamous Killer Queen [Music] Killer Queens first bomb and primary ability is to turn anything it touches into a bomb whether it be a person or object when turning an object into a bomb once the object explodes on the user's command the object will actually stay the same and will only damage the people around it and if a person themselves have been turned into a bomb once the user detonates that bomb the person will be completely erased out of existence with no evidence left behind this primary bomb is unable to interact with the physical world and will not leave any traces of an explosion or damage to any inanimate objects Killer Queen is a short-range stand and it also has function abilities similar to crazy diamond and star platinum killer queen stand user is yoshikawa Kiera and the musical reference is to the Queen song Killer Queen and also alongside Killer Queen is its secondary bomb sheer heart attack which is a standalone stand although it is still connected to the main stand Killer Queen being that it's the stands right hand sure heart attack is an automatic stand that does not need its user to operate in his extremely long range the way it works is that it senses out the person with the highest temperature whether that be actual person or inanimate object and once it gets close to it it will explode this stand has incredible durability and it's almost indestructible and as yoshikawa Kiera would say sheer heart attack has no weakness sure heart attacks user is of course CEO chicag akira and the musical references to the Queen song sheer heart attack now on to the final evolution of echoes echoes act 3 echoes act 3 does not have any of the abilities from echos act 1 or 2 but it has its own unique ability freeze this ability allows act 3 to rapidly punch an object or stand what will cause the object or stand to dramatically increase in weight this effect will only last as long as act 3 is within 5 meters of the affected target and the closer act 3 gets the more weight is added and act 3 is the fastest of all the acts of echoes it cute that hole the next end we have is Adam Hart father and it is a stand that is bound to the users soul an internet lets the user bind themselves to photographs he can manipulate items that are in the depicted area even if they are hidden out of view and prevents depicted people from leaving that area and in return it also prevents people from entering the area a big weakness to the stand is that the user is bound to the last photograph that they were taken in meaning that someone can save themselves from this power by photographing him with their own images excluded Adam Hart father Stan user is Yoshihiro Kira and the stand named Adam her father is a reference to the song and album by Pink Floyd entitled atom heart mother next up we have the stand boy - man this stands ability is the game of fate the way the stand works is that drains the energy from another stand user that is playing the user of boy to man and rock-paper-scissors and if the opponent loses the game then they lose their stand however there are some rules the stand can only play five matches if it does not win three it can take all of the energy if it loses it cannot help but return the energy another ability is its stand control the stand could control parts of the stand and body that it has taken from the opponent which it's playing the game with such as it made Rohan punch himself in the face when he took that side of Rohan boy - man stand user is Ken oh you Nagi otherwise known as Jon Kemboi and the stands musical reference is the vocal group boys two men the next stand we have is somewhat debated on whether or not it actually is a stand and that is Earth Wind and Fire it's disputed because some people are diehard to the fact the stand user is an alien which he is but the stands name and stats are all confirmed by hirohiko Araki so my theory is that he's a stand user from another planet that's why his stand is a little bit different and he can't see other stands so earth when enforceability our transformation it can make the user transform his actual body into really anything with just a little bit of limitations so simple things the users find with like shoes and dice but things with very complex structures and also things that have more strength in him like dynamite or explosions he can't do things like that and also the stand gives him the ability of regeneration as the stand user transforms his hands into ice cream and separates it from his body but moments later nothing is missing from his hands Earth Wind & Fire's stand user is Miki taka has Okura otherwise known as the alien the next stand to make an appearance is highway star highway star is quite a unique stand with a bilities one being its extreme speed the stand is easily able to reach up to 60 km/h which converted is around 37 miles per hour although it can keep that speed consistently it cannot go faster than that and it tracks down its target by scent but once highway star catches up to its target the way it seems to produce damage to people is by sucking out their nutrients also when the star is chasing people down it can dismantle its body and break up its feet and all that's body together by chasing them down with a bunch of different parts and then once it comes to dealing damage the stem will recreate itself and turn into more of a humanoid type figure and lastly the stand is a very odd ability of room creation as we saw highway stars seem to be able to create a rather odd room that was inside the wall of a tunnel this seemed to be used to lure stand users towards the stand the stand user is you yo Foom gommi and highway stars musical reference is from the deep purple song highway star alright now we're getting into the later stands for part 4 and the next appearance is stray cat so the actual user of stray cat and just what the stent is can make for a whole video on its own but for now it's gonna be focusing on the stands abilities so stray cat as the ability to manipulate air by using its whiskers it's capable of creating compressed air bubbles strong enough to knock a person unconscious or enter their veins which would effectively block blood passage it can also protect itself by forming a bubble around its entire body and as we saw when Killer Queen tried to kill stray cat its bomb did not activate due to stray cat surrounding itself with no air and also because this ability is to manipulate air most of his attacks are completely undetectable and are not able to be seen it can change the shape of its air bubbles to being able to pin people up against the wall like we saw deal with Hayatou and from that we can tell that's a very versatile stand it can also manipulate air bubbles into tons of other different shapes as well if it wanted to stray cat stand user is Tama in its musical reference is the band stray cats next end we have is a personal favorite of mine super fly so super fly is a stand that is bound to a telephone tower and it traps whoever is the current user inside of the tower so when someone enters super fly it allows the original person in the stand to leave and then that would effectively make the new person inside super fly the new stand user although stand ownership does not transfer the person who left super fly will still forever be that stands user so if you try to leave super fly without having another person enter you wouldn't become metal and eventually become part of the tower itself and also it has damage reversal any damage taken by the tower is reflected you guys want to see more on Superfly I did an entire video dedicated the stand and explain in its powers so Superfly stand user is Tony Hiro Khanna Daiichi and the musical reference is a sauna and album by Curtis Mayfield Superfly moving right along the next stand to appear is enigma an English ability is able to seal objects and people inside paper this stand does not have a lot of limitations as we've seen the user is able to put actual people and also objects as big as a taxi inside just a single piece of paper in order for the user to trap a person inside paper the user must discover the habit that the target displays when afraid and once the user witnesses this habit and is 100% sure that that is what they do when they're afraid the stand is able to turn them into paper but it has to be the next time after the user realizes that that's the habit and once an enigma begins his capture is invincible and it cannot be stopped the stand user is Tarun Asuka Miyamoto otherwise known as enigma boy the musical reference is a nygma from an electronical musical project coming to the end of demonism breakable we have the stand cheap trick cheap trick is a stand that no one would want it attaches to your back and if anyone sees your back then it will immediately remove from your back and attach to the person that saw your back and that kills you and the whole time you have cheap trick on your back it's constantly talking to you just being annoying as hell and cheap trick is actually a stand that will transfer ownership to the new person that's on their back so stand ownership does transfer when it comes to cheap trick so there's not many ways to remove cheap trick from your back unless you live in Moria as we saw if it's removed by force it will just destroy the person's back effectively killing them cheap trick is a stand that does not follow the will of its user and it can actually interact with people that are not stand user isn't just anyone this can make for cheap trick being an extreme pain in the ass as you would probably be yelling at people saying hey look at my back cheap tricks original stand user was masses Oh keynote oh and then once he died the ownership transfer to rohan kishibe a and the musical reference is the rock band cheap trick and finally we have the last stand to appear in diamond ISM breakable and that is Killer Queen bites the dust' bites the dust' is killer queens third bomb that is implanted in Hayatou Kawajiri the bomb appears as a miniature form of Killer Queen that hides within whoever it is implanted in Ian Hyatt oh and the stand works independently from its users will and will activate when the bomb is triggered the purpose of the stands ability is to protect its user's identity it's implanted in Hyatt oh because hiya so is the only / and that knows the users true identity and anytime Hayatou is questioned or interrogated about the users identity whoever the person or people are who we're interrogating him the killer queen bites the dust bomb will appear in the people's eyes causing an explosion that will kill anyone that was seeking the answer of what the user's identity was except for hi itself and then without fail time will reset and continue on and the fate that bites the dust has created cannot be changed meaning that the people that suffered from bites the dust explosion the first time around that will not change no matter what the situation is even if they have no interaction with hiatal they will explode having no idea why they're dying all this to protect the identity of the stand user and the user himself is not even aware of all the time resets the musical reference for Killer Queen bites the dust' is the Queen's on another one bites the dust and Killer Queen bites the dust' and user is Yoshi cog Akira [Music] hello everyone exports here and welcome to all stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part for diamond is unbreakable [Music] Girija to this you Smackdown and that was every single stand that appeared in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part four Diamond is unbreakable thank you guys so much for watching like the video if I fought your boredom and subscribe for more JoJo's Bizarre Adventure videos again thanks for watching and I hope you enjoyed [Music] do you remember your 21st night September novel changing the minds returner [Music]
Channel: xForts
Views: 4,188,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JoJo, JoJos bizarre adventure, JJBA, all stands, all stands in jojo, all stands in jojos bizarre adventure, stand, jojos bizarre adventure anime, part 4 diamond is unbreakable, all stands in diamond is unbreakable, all stands in part 4, Killer queen bites the dust, crazy diamond, josuke, yoshikage kira
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2016
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