The Story of Melee's Craziest Speedrun

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[Music] speed running the premise is simple beat a game or part of a game as fast as possible of all of the super smash brothers melee speed run categories out there one sticks out among the rest today we're going to explore the absurd world of melee's longest most comprehensive speed run category all trophies we'll uncover the discoveries that made this run possible and hear directly from the runners themselves [Music] [Music] super smash brothers melee speed running has a history that dates all the way back to around the game's launch during one of melee's earliest tournaments toy festa 2002 a prize given to some winners was a melee movie disc which among other things contained some impressive break the targets and home run contest replays these video clips proved break the targets was ripe for speed running as each target test was short and instantly replayable allowing for continued practice and optimizing since then break the target speed runs have been documented extensively with new records still being hit to this day in 2015 melee page had five speedrun categories break the targets classic adventure all-star and event matches in 2018 a runner named ncb1221 would request a new category to be added a category that he had in fact just successfully ran i decided to ask ncb about this and see if you could recall how his all trophies run was added in the first place as far as i remember um pokemon master i forget that the numbers behind his name but he he ended up talking to me in the smash discord about it and trying to i guess hash out all the the category rules but at the time when i ran it it was not a category on yet so it was kind of new territory so what are the requirements for this speed run as the title suggests you need to acquire all 290 in-game trophies in order to achieve this specific notice [Music] i mean it's as hundred percent as you can possibly run this game unless you want to do a 100 day long grind for million messages a million uh verses yeah a true 100 run would technically need to include 1 million vs matches as a special message appears once that's happened otherwise all trophies can be considered a 100 run of melee did you come up with the idea of the run did you see it somewhere and like what what pushed you to like run it in the first place i want to say i just was thinking about it one day and the idea actually had gone back several years like what would be the best way to to route this i think i imagined it more of a routing problem rather than an execution problem and so i just kind of got to work and was making a spreadsheet trying to figure out i guess try to overlap the different requirements more of a puzzle than try to like do the best execution in the game trophies have a variety of unlock criteria some are character specific unlocks some can be obtained in the lottery others can be found randomly in single player modes and others are unlocked based on specific requirements such as getting a certain distance in the home run contest game mode two of the most troublesome trophies to unlock in this run include the tom nook and discount trophies for the tom nook trophy you must have acquired a total of 1000 lottery coins or more which is designed to be unlocked after weeks or even months of casual gameplay to unlock the discount trophy you are required to acquire every in-game bonus at least once bonuses are awarded to players in some one player in vs modes for accomplishing certain feats during a match there are 249 different bonuses to earn like trophies some bonuses are based on rng factors such as what pokemon you threw from a pokeball item obtaining the mew catcher and celebi catcher bonuses for example require throwing a pokeball with the respective rare pokemon in it which is a 1 out of 251 chance for each however if all players stages event matches or the score display feature haven't been unlocked you can't encounter celebi at all routing the speed run is about keeping track of every single trophy and bonus you collect working first towards the guaranteed trophies and bonuses and being mindful about the rng based trophies and bonuses as you go this was ncb's route [Music] when ncb began his run he hadn't practiced much the only thing i might have practiced was doing um like a no damage clear or something yeah but i didn't practice anything else to be honest i hadn't even played the game in years prior to that wow despite having barely practiced or played it all recently his practice would pay off in the very first split in his run no damage clear i know damage clear involves playing through either classic adventure or all-star and taking no damage this awards you with the no damage clear bonus one of 249 bonuses you need for the disc gun trophy even on the easiest difficulty this can prove to be troublesome getting hit just one time and validates the entire playthrough luckily on tri4 he was able to clutch it out next he would play and beat hard adventure mode with no continues however ncb's run would suffer from a fairly significant flaw i'm sure the the highlight or the low light of the run was my gross miscalculation on uh versus matches versus kos and i must have just misread that you needed i knew you needed the 5000 kos for what is it score display so i guess i just somehow misinterpreted that thinking you needed 5000 versus matches as well and i put it on my spreadsheet and i guess i never revisited it do i not have like all the stages or something no that's 5 000 matches i wouldn't have done that did i surely i didn't [Music] i don't know what to do how could i make a mistake that bad let's review what happened this counts as a match but no kos these count as kos [Applause] since ncb did 5 000 matches with a single sc each and no kos at all 10 hours of his run were completely wasted i like to think of it as the worst mistake in in speedrun history i can't imagine there's a worse one as a result the run went far beyond what was needed and continued to run as he slept twice in fact so after that soul-crushing realization i knew i wasn't gonna finish it and so i just decided uh to sleep and i woke up early again the next day and just continued on but i had a few i had a few things that i needed to do on that sunday and so i couldn't i couldn't play as much as i did on saturday the original intent was definitely to do it in one run without sleeping ncb's 5 000 match snafu wouldn't be the only time sink in the run for even 28 hours in he still needed the 1 000 smash coin trophy tom nook and he only had 95 after some quick testing and some help from chat ncb would realize that he had two options to generate coins quickly continually dash dance or crouch repeatedly in training mode i still think as far as i was approaching it the crouching was probably the easiest way for me to go about it because dash dancing just takes so much more effort yeah and paying attention like because if you're looking away or you're not really paying attention you could be your character might be dead and you might you might be mashing left and right and you're not even you know it's not even counting crouching non-stop still meant it would take over seven hours to generate the smash coins he needed so he decided to make his time a little more exciting i watched lord of the rings while i was doing the um the crouch grind i think somebody in the twitch chat even commented when they heard the uh the you shall not pass i had headphones on i think but i think they could still hear it finally after obtaining the remaining one-player mode exclusive trophies he finished the run with a time of 61 hours 11 minutes and 50 seconds [Music] uh yeah i was hoping for 24 plus hours at most which i think i ended up playing in the 35 between 35 and 40 of actual play time in that 61 hours because i left it running while i was sleeping and at work so it's 61 hours is is real time not play time i definitely after playing that much in that short of time i did not feel great not that i was not that i was sick but it's just like one of those you sit on the couch all day doing nothing i mean do that for two plus days and you start to feel real lethargic and like man i need a shower even though i just took one uh what have you tried any runs since that run i didn't i had i think i planned on doing it one time but i think it was around the time when b wells was actually doing it soon after his run would be published on a challenger would soon vie for the number one spot a runner by the name of b wells like ncb b wells had a long history with melee having played it since around the time the game came out i was aware of like the time trial and the home run derby uh scene for a while like i've seen youtube videos of like gandorf maxing out the counter kind of deal in home run derby stuff like that and then i just like clicked on the category essentials on and saw the glory that is all trophies my first reaction to it was holy crap melee is a huge game 61 hours is probably like reasonable and then i started watching it like once i saw that he had you know 20 odd hours of just suiciding with different people i was like there has to be a faster way of doing this for his first attempt b wells would also make some mistakes and a few missed calculations of his own this is a common trend for me and this uh run there is a smash wiki page about all unlockables that exists and i just took that page as gospel yeah i did other class with everyone i'll start with everyone adventure with everyone it does not mention that you can get those trophies by just getting everyone's 100 matches trophy so i thought that i had to do all classic to get all classic due to some misleading language on smash wiki b wells would clear each single player mode with every character there's a flag that tells you if you've beaten classy with everybody and shows you what the lowest difficulty you've been with everybody is that's not what it checks i should have known that from ncb's run given that he never did like classic mode 13 hours in he'd sleep for about another six hours before continuing but only spend about four and a half hours grinding for coins since he had over 300 coins already from playing all those single player modes how many runs have you done to date completed runs three every time i've completed a run has been world record yeah that's awesome i mean it goes to tell you just how soft the category is in some ways right also every time i've come back has been because i have a new strategy for these smash coins with this newfound knowledge of coin grinding optimizations and what he learned about obtaining character trophies more quickly b wells was able to improve his pb and set the world record with each new run i would not like to continue there we go 21 32 45 that's the record the main upgrade from the 32 hour to the 21 hour was uh not sleeping and not doing an hour of work in the middle of the run oh that would help yeah so i i i just did the same route or with a few more suicides cutting out a lot of classic and a lot of adventure mode uh but still doing all-star mode with basically everybody so why did b wells use ncb's crouching method to get the 999 coins i asked b wells to elaborate the worst trophy in the game is tom nook smash coins trophy you have to get 999 coins from the coins you use in the lottery not like the coin battles and the way you do that is you smash the control stick with a momentary reset and neutral it seems like has to happen or the very least has like go through center so the best way of getting it is to just be mashing up and down on the control stick we've also found out that you can mash shield on there so matching shield and mashing up and down or left right like dash dancing would also work is the most efficient way of getting coins you have to do this you know for multiple hours to get it going and it has to be in a one-player mode then if you have a multi-player you are earning something like a tenth of as many coins as you normally would ncb has the actual numbers for that bewell's third run would be his best time yet 20 hours 6 minutes and 19 seconds i asked ncb how he felt about bewell's time once once he got his 24 or what however long his run was i was like well that sealed my fate i'm never doing it again i was kind of appreciative that he ran it so i didn't have to do it again i was fine losing my record to that as it stood b wells would remain the world record holder in this category but ncb and b wells wouldn't be the only people crazy enough to attempt this run just after bewell's first world record in 2020 another runner would attempt all trophies someone many in the competitive melee scene would recognize the japanese yoshi player amsa [Music] how did you discover the all trophies category so netflix was not good at the time so i'm trying to find spray the uh some content on my streaming i'm just looking for the private content so at first i'm trying the red target speed loss i'm pretty into the yoshi experience but uh after finishing the my lunch i'm just looking for the another metal experiment and then i found a 100 phone although amsa wouldn't prepare much for his run he did have two other runs to look at to inform his routing at first i checked the b wells on the ncb the running basically i did not block this just uh just check the my sequence like the how to get this this trophy this truck is yeah something something i asked amsaf if there were any issues or mistakes he made for his 2020 run unfortunately when i played the first song my first song i was i messed up some stuff like that so you know we have to try the stamina mode yes all the yeah for this character i actually use the quick mode at the time do you know yes you mean like a lightning melee yeah but the yeah but the lighting made it doesn't count the chaos no way oh so i missed the 5 000 kills dude that sucks unfortunately for amsa trying to use lightning melee for the 5000 ko set him back several hours his troubles wouldn't end there though streaming on youtube ended up being a problem as there was an issue with the vod of the youtube stream when i i was streaming the this category i got over the 12 hours i lost like the five minutes of the exact leg loading and then that level was not well accepted since youtube capped its videos at 12 hours the entire vod wasn't saved and just like that due to a technical error a 28-hour would-be world record was lost since the entire video wasn't saved moderators would be unable to verify amsa's run the only witnesses would be any of the live stream viewers that happen to be there therefore bewell's runs would go unchallenged that is until march 28 2022 when amsa would attempt this run once again this time as a charity event that's why i didn't want to try the second one oh the third event was a very good time which charity were you supporting during your run games for giving awesome yeah this is the event name on the uh they're trying to support their children at the hostel with difference of them with gamers forgiving receiving any of the donations during amsa's run this attempt was unique from the others he'd also be running this on console instead of using emulation like ncb and b wells did why did you choose to run on console instead of emulator um because of that at first emulator can do anything so i really want to try to ban your meta i know that everyone doesn't have the emulator desiring a more definitive experience amsa ran on console but this came with some unforeseen consequences and even that in 2022 the latest long i i missed something yeah i'm using a gamecube console and after beating the giga browser the this error happened twice twice yeah actually after beating that very hard adventure mode there that sucks yes this happened twice he played hard adventure got no continues managed to beat giga bowser and was forced to do it a total of three times because of disk read errors from his console [Music] yeah yes freaking girl yes [Music] after his third play through a very hard adventure mode he could finally breathe a sigh of relief the unexpected quirks didn't end there though after beating the um gear browser or crazy hand we can see the bonus bonuses right yes so at the time i'm just masking step button and somehow uh the game skipped some bonuses really so yeah so actually i beat the playset hunt but then i can't get there a bit crazy handball no way because i think that um we need a school the all the bonuses when we see the bonuses is that true you have to scroll down to see them to earn them i don't know it actually happened to me so i had to beat the gig about the three times and i have to be crazy-handed two times so that was my worst expression yeah why that happened i i swear next time when i tried this category i tried it uh yeah powder and crazy hand at first great idea although replaying these single player modes wasn't a complete waste these mysterious quirks set amps back about an hour thankfully to make up for lost time he would use his own strategy for getting smash coins i always take in the coin per minutes at my lunch so i have the data my cpm is won by using the uh just a clogging they keep just say mars keep using the mouse that's nothing is is like the six or seven wow that's super good with a six to seven cpm he could generate coins at an extremely fast rate a caveat being that for his own health and well-being he would need to intersperse these dash dancing sessions throughout the run instead of doing them all at once near the end it's straight ahead five hours that something is crazy i can't do it yeah i don't think anybody can or or they shouldn't if they think they can this is bad for your hands man yeah yes yeah we got it ah that was so hard so hard at 21 hours and 45 minutes amsa wouldn't beat b well's time of 20 hours but it would qualify as a world record for its own subcategory all trophies on console since dolphin emulator load times are generally faster than console loading times this sub-category split was warranted even uh 21 hours yeah i'm so tired i was so tired because i started i started along like the like noon i and i finished my round like the tomorrow [Music] night game or something however there was one problem with amsa's run you see the master hand glitch was strictly forbidden on the rules for any of the melee categories amsa had used the master hand glitch during 15 minute melee to take an eating break for anyone who doesn't know the master hand glitch allows you to play as master hand through launching the name entry menu and exiting the character selection screen simultaneously this bug is also referred to as the name entry glitch i don't think so master hands grace should be allowed on this category after a discussion on the forums the master hand glitch was deemed allowed for the all trophies run category deeming amsa's run legitimate after all i asked amsa where he saw potential improvement in his run yeah i think that forget the do you know this too this gun yeah i think this took a lot of time at the time and i also messed up the unlocking mutes to unlock the mute city trophy it requires you to walk a combined total distance of 10 000 meters with every character despite a mad scramble to get the mute city trophy at the end of amsa's run it only cost him about 20 minutes of the run so it wasn't too bad after speaking with every runner of this category it became clear that there was some friendly competition going on but ultimately the runners were happy to support each other i want to do this run on console just so i could say that i beat amsa at something i was a little annoyed to find out that amso was on a console not emulator so i couldn't claim superiority over like one of my favorite smash pros like i can't i can't say truthfully i beat ansa that would be just a fun thing to do i think i had talked to b wells a bit in the chat or maybe even dm i'm not sure but um i think we had talked about some similar to this just some of my like what i learned and just to help him out in that in that run and he obviously learned from my mistakes and did it a lot better and i've actually not seen any of thomson's run so the question was how fast could this run be done bewell's 26 world records seemed fairly optimized but was sub 20 possible my original guess like very rough estimates on like minutes per section i came out to just under 22 hours so to get it under 20 would be would be great and that's where this video could end but with three runners to learn from five full runs to study and a route not yet fully optimized one man would challenge the all trophies world record that man was me i had a little bit of experience in melee speedrunning running all event matches and all target tests casually i distinctly remember seeing the old trophies category and not believing my eyes surely no one would want to do such a ridiculous speed run but the more i thought about it the more curious i became could a sub 20 hours be done once i saw alms run getting its own subcategory distinct from ncb and b wells runs i decided i wanted to do my own run on console and try to beat amsa's time be well shared a newly found technique with me that he actually hadn't tried in a full run yet using a keyboard to mash for coins because i play on emulator i just have a controller bound to my keyboard and up down and the shields are just you know four keys on my keyboard that i can just mash over and over again for hours on end of course using a keyboard on console isn't possible but i had an idea what if i used a box controller all i would have to do is release the buttons to allow the inputs to reset to neutral and matching would be much easier than moving a control stick the plan was to use master hand in training mode as player 3 and mash on a box controller in order to save time i was hoping to reduce a 6 hour crouching grind on a standard gamecube controller to something closer to amsa's 3 to 4 hour dash dancing timer possibly even faster i got to work theorycrafting the perfect all trophies route i wanted to take the best from all three runners and this is what i came up with as i developed this i reached out to b wells i ran my route by him and we go back and forth helping refine parts of this new route i also practice sections of this run on emulator using the speed up function to skip through the more monotonous parts of the run and using save states to jump quickly between different splits to run tests from my testing and conservative estimations my final time came out to 19 hours 50 minutes and 10 seconds or sub 20. this was giving myself only three hours for the coin generation which had me worried that i was too optimistic there was only one way to find out it was time to ask my friend matt to borrow his box controller before he lent it to me however i wanted to practice the first half of the run for real on console with my streaming and recording equipment active and all of my speedrun tools set up my plan was to stream the first six to eight hours of the run until about where the all-star section began little did i know how differently my day would go once i press start on the title screen my practice run began [Music] the run started off strong i clutched a hard adventure mode and giga bowser ko with no continues and completed a no damage clear classic as fox first tried after getting a gold five cruel melee ko's time my first three splits were looking extremely promising after 400 matches and a six minute lead overall it was time to clear hard classic with mark and this is where i made my first mistake i messed up my marth classic run split by getting it continue so i wasn't able to get the crazy hand ko master hand trophy or roy unlocked as a character so another 200k later i had to try again another problem was i noticed my notes and splits were not saying the same thing so after taking quick inventory of the character trophies i had so far and the ones i still needed at the last minute i swapped from playing yoshi to s seeing his link for the final 200 vs matches and i am very glad that i did going off of my flawed notes could have cost me 30 minutes ganondorf classic split went very well getting no continues despite being on very hard difficulty to earn the very hard clear bonus you can still get continues but every time you do use a continue you lose lottery coins so i was grateful to hold on to those game watch classic training and each of the multi-man melee splits went well too for home run contest and target test these were some of the most played heavily optimized parts of melee ncb was the master of this section but rather than going for the most optimal i just went for what i knew i could get consistently remaining adventure modes went well too and i finished the adventure mode exclusive bonuses on my list then all-star began during all-star hard with ganondorf i got 4 continues losing 40 lottery coins this wasn't good losing coins meant a more difficult lottery later in the run the split wasn't all bad though at around 2 and a half hours i was 2 minutes faster than my normal time and 45 seconds ahead overall at this point i started to consider that maybe doing a full run might be worth it after all however i still didn't have a box controller thankfully matt stopped by the stream and was interested in potentially passing me his box controller later that day if i did decide to do a full run finally i hit the 15-minute melee section i had only taken one bathroom break during the vs matches section and i was very hungry so i ended up using the entire time to stand up stretch and take a break somehow eight hours into the stream it had only felt like a few hours had passed by i had gotten three minutes faster than normal on my event matches split and was now sitting at seven minutes faster overall at this point my mind was made up i was going for it however i had one huge problem since i hadn't yet collected the birdo trophy that meant i hadn't unlocked mushroom kingdom 2 yet which meant i couldn't modify random stage select modifying random stage select is important for this next split it allows me to reset every controller for the fastest maximum kos per match and to always get yoshi's story resetting the control stick analogs for each controller is the method amsa used for this part of the run luckily i had a backup plan i was now forced to go hunting for trophies in adventure 1-1 much sooner than i had expected and i didn't know what impact this would have on the run overall nearly 10 hours into the stream i wasn't about to give up but if i spent more than 30 minutes hunting for the birdo trophy it may cost me the world record despite this setback i would receive more support than i was expecting it was around this time that my girlfriend essie made a visit she also mentioned that matt was on his way with his box controller which he would let me borrow for the run this was really happening 40 minutes later i finally encountered the birdo trophy and was able to progress this misstep had added 35 minutes to my split and about 24 minutes to my overall time after achieving 5 000 kos i was ready for the rare pokemon encounters in just a minute and a half mew appeared after 26 minutes of throwing pokeballs i also finally encountered celebi at this point i wasn't sure how this run would end my timer had a dark red plus 22 minutes meaning i was over 20 minutes slower than i should be at this point it was time to do an inventory of the bonuses i had so far to finish them the biggest problem bonuses were floored and hammer throw although on smash wiki and even in game it mentions you're awarded floored by taking over 50 of damage on floors in actuality it requires taking over 200 damage hammer throw is a notoriously difficult bonus to earn and most melee owners have simply never gotten it it's a frame perfect input where after you grab a hammer and you get knocked you have to press z just as your tumble animation finishes mashing z did not work well for me but i eventually did get it and obtained the disc gun trophy despite taking much longer than i wanted to i was actually still 18 minutes faster in the bonus split than when i had practiced this meant i was only three minutes behind now finally the untested part of the run had arrived i was 15 hours into the run and had reached the biggest unknown split of the entire route box controller in hand i wondered how many coins would i get i decided to test my cpm after 15 minutes to set my expectations first i tried it with just tapping left and right without pressing lr inputs on box i was hoping for around 100 coins or about what i got from using my keyboard when i had tested 15 minutes later i checked i got 89 or a cpm of 5.9 definitely not as much as i was hoping i tried for another 15 minutes this time using left right and l r inputs when i checked 15 minutes after that i only got 70 coins or about 4.6 cpm this was frighteningly close to my gamecube controller cpm why was it so much lower based on the knowledge and findings by ncb and b wells using lnr was better however in my own personal testing during the live run i found the opposite to be true at least with box i decided to go with my gut and just focus on left and right inputs although at 4 am my brain wasn't exactly functioning at full capacity i decided to try for an hour and see what the results were i was hoping to see at least 500 lottery coins at least if i had that amount i would only need to do about another hour or so to reach the amount that i needed and have a shot at the world record [Music] [Applause] [Music] five hundred and eighty nine with a bit of hope i went right back to training to grind for another 50 minutes [Music] [Applause] [Music] i didn't fully understand how but i was almost seven minutes ahead of my theoretical best time using the box controller had saved me time after all [Music] at this point i still had roughly 80 more trophies to collect if all was going according to plan the remaining trophies would either be obtainable through the lottery or one player mode i had to spend my 909 lottery coins carefully here every last coin counted i rounded every roll up to around the 90 percent likelihood mark and thankfully only came across two duplicate trophies once i spent all of my lottery coins i checked my trophy total 279. the quest for the 11 final trophies had begun [Music] things started off strong as i immediately found the like-like trophy and soon thereafter a warp star trophy would spawn in just under 40 minutes i had snagged the remaining one player exclusive trophies only three trophies remained with the 13 coins or so i had accumulated from searching for trophies i would use those to try to get the final trophies in the lottery i spent all 19 coins i had to get the fighter kirby trophy so with zero lottery coins to my name just two trophies remaining to collect i decided to grind for the mute city trophy first i selected bunnyhoods as items picked captain falcon selected dreamland and started running i had no idea how many meters i was away from 10 000 i prayed i wasn't too far away after 11 minutes of running with captain falcon i would finally obtain the mute city trophy this meant i only had one trophy left to collect the great fox trophy [Music] i rushed to the lottery to see how many coins i had two coins a 5.7 percent chance wasn't nearly high enough to risk spending them for the final trophy [Music] i decided to save the coins i had and begin dash dancing i didn't bother with the master hand glitch or using the box controller this time around nothing else was on my mind except grinding to get those 17 coins however about a minute into dash dancing i looked at the timer man i was pretty close to sub 19. heck it let's roll the dice [Music] sub freaking 19. i did it six coins at a 25 chance to get the great fox trophy was all i needed my final time was 18 hours 59 minutes 46 seconds [Music] nice that was worth it that was worth it not only had i beaten amsa's world record in the console subcategory but i even beat out beewell's emulator world record too by over a full hour no less what started off as just a casual practice run turned into my first full run and also a full-blown world record despite a few mistakes my new route combined with using the box controller worked i was so grateful to twitch chat for keeping me company during the entire duration of this insane run and to sd and matt for each driving all the way to my house to support me looking over this run now i can't help but wonder what an even more optimized run might look like with fewer mistakes better rng and a better knowledge of the bonuses an emulator run would almost certainly be faster with the keyboard mashing time save alone for the lottery coin grind and there's still a lot more to learn about what generates lottery coins could a historically seven hour split become doable in under two hours i still one day would love to see a task run of this because i think it could be done in certainly under 10 hour although to be fair i don't know the limit like can you do a dash dance every other frame if that counts if you can do that i think i calculated it in it's only like a few minutes where a task could get all all the coins there's basically no coin grind because you can do it in in other parts of the run but that adventure is for another day once the run was over i decided to raid melee veteran armada got a world record in the dumbest speed run category of all time wait what's the dumbest speedrun category of all time oh all trophies in melee oh was your time you got sub 19 damn i used to try to speed run uh all trophies in melee back in the day but sure as hell took longer than 19 hours it's a good if armada has attempted this before maybe there are more crazy people out there that have done this run after all i wonder who else is out there what would you say generally speaking to any individual interested in running this category uh if you're good at pulling all-nighters if you enjoy the completionist runs this one is pretty light on tech skill is really just a question of can you physically do it like if you if you enjoy melee and you enjoy some like endurance challenges this is this is the run i would say don't copy my video don't uh don't follow the same strategy i did in the video but really just you have to know that you're in for that that grind and i i knew that there was going to be that coin grind in the ko grind but i i vastly underestimated it and i think it's a i think it'd be a much more enjoyable run without that part but hey that's part of the game right not a lot of people want to try this category but then 24 hours or something out this category is pretty hard but if we made it like 17 17 hours [Music] it's it's not bad not bad i'd say some people want to try maybe maybe i really hope that more people get into the run it's a slog of a run but like it's honestly not that bad if you're into like longer runs it's a good run if you want to hear the full interviews i had with ncb b wells and amsa it's available on my patreon to patrons at any level if you enjoy melee deep dives you'll probably enjoy the other videos on my channel too thanks for watching and i'll see you next time [Music] so question on your 27 hour run i mean dude that you're staying awake for over 24 hours like yeah i was just serving water that's nothing oh my god imagine being able to dash dance in your sleep yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: David V. Kimball
Views: 352,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super smash bros melee all trophies, super smash bros melee, super smash bros, melee, all trophies, speedrun, speedrunning, route, amsa, bwells626, ncb1221, davidvkimball, world record, smash, trophies, 100%, full run, birdo trophy, documentary, interviews, interview, pb, wr, personal best, attempt, gamers for giving, birdo, diskun, all messages, bonuses, ton nook, smash coins, dash dancing, fastest way, lottery coins, how to, smash bros, smash bros melee, all trophies speedrun, trophies music
Id: jye4FrfoPsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 23sec (2843 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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