How Did You Lose Your Virginity? - Reddit Stories - r/AskReddit Top Posts

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r / r s' credit how did you lose your virginity I haven't lost my virginity cause I don't lose it was with a prostitute my family has an odd tradition where the father takes the son for his first time with a prostitute that tradition I will be stopping get away from my virginity begone thoughts I lost my virginity at 18 to the most beautiful girl I have ever met we had dated for a while and then we just kinda let it happen when her parents were gone for their weekend five years later we are now married I love her LOL jk I am a virgin still working on it we had an apple flavored condom and it was green when he put it on he exclaimed I look like I have Shrek's meat that's all shrek is love shrek is life I wish I knew how little it mattered in the grand scheme of things being an anxious high-strung teenager I really blew it out of proportion of all of the experiences in my life that one was a tiny blip sex for the first time was similar to getting my first dental cleaning important for later health and well-being yes super memorable and beautiful number a general rule of thumb people who harass you for being a virgin generally are the ones who will peak in high school close friend said I'm going to bleep you and she did I wish I had known to hydrate before care to elaborate to us virgins it can be physically taxing so bring something to drink water or Gatorade should do smile how can you lose your virginity a second time mate Alzheimer's I've still got my virginity but I lost my keys one time that's why you always use protection instructions unclear condom ripped on keys I lost it on the bathroom floor to my first girlfriend was a pretty weird and funny experience can confirm was the taking a dump don't do it drunk it'll be even more awkward and uncomfortable and sometimes the little soldier won't even stand to attention one of these days I will be able to answer this question but today is not the day you'll get there buddy or not either way it's not nearly as big a deal as people want it to be easy to say when you've lost it tongue frown I opened my front door and there she was beautiful blonde hair amazing curves just like I imagined we immediately went upstairs and she took my virginity it was the best ten minutes of my life and that's the story of when I bleeped my blow-up doll for the first time my first attempt at losing my virginity I had my first try with a girl I really didn't like and wasn't attracted to but I was so nervous I couldn't get it up it was a totally embarrassing failure a few weeks later I told my longtime female friend literally the girl next door the story about it she was really interested in all of the details a few days later she said she had been thinking about it and she wanted to try sex she asked me to try it with her success we're still great friends decades later yep I can hardly remember it's ten years later I also hope I wouldn't have stressed so much about being late to the game I was 20 no one actually cares if you're virgin or not well I was 16 and really drunk one night on the beach in Australia and all our friends had left and so me and a girl just kind of started doing stuff then had sex and it wasn't as good bad as I thought it would be but differently an odd experience as I was pissed out of my head at the time edit no condom either just sand I don't like sand it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere with the neighbour girl while we were out leaping around in an abandoned mansion in the woods by where I grew up we went out with a group from the neighbourhood and it kinda just happened I don't think anyone was planning on getting laid that night much less my virgin bleep best frantic fumbling couple seconds of my life to that point as far as what I wish I knew fellas the first time you go to enter the secret garden so to speak it's slower than you think it will be take that for what it is 16 years old it was awkward and uncomfortable in reality neither of us enjoyed it I wish I knew how uncomfortable the first time would actually be ff8 years and were married so it's not all bad I think usually the first time would be awkward and uncomfortable because of how much people especially teenagers build sex up to be way more than it is going in with high expectations is a surefire way to be disappointed and somewhat confused about the whole experience as a first time I had mine at the age of 21 with a hook-up through tinder I'm not proud of it and wish I could make it unhappen but I just wanted to know it feels kind of at the same position right now just it didn't happen yet I went to my boyfriend's house for the first time and we were cuddling on his bed he says he wasn't really planning on doing anything but when I started to kiss him he couldn't help it which was my plan which I knew about tootie's the first time is not important the second time however you're going to need protection and I don't just mean down there are yes the second time when one's partner turns into a ferocious beast that must be slain with a sword and shield now does this occur on their second time or one's own second time I will leave that up to be discovered smile most teenage romantic night of my life snuck him in did the deed slowed and still little and then cuddled while watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch ha looking back it sounds so corny I bet you are the queen of wands met a girl on tumblr talked for a few months I visited her in Canada after saving for a while I'm from England lost my virginity with her a year later we are still together and she's living with me now smile this story is awesomely light-hearted compared to all others in here thank you for one that doesn't add anxiety I was 18 and I had just trapped up a date with who I thought was the most beautiful woman in the world we went back to my place and did it and it was awful I had no idea what I was doing and I decided I bleeping hated it halfway through and pretended to or gasps just to get it over with what I wish I'd known I wish I told her to cut her frickin nails beforehand that bleep hurt my girlfriend at the time and I decided to get it on in my upstairs bedroom which is directly above my grandparents I thought we were being pretty quiet until the next morning my father comes up to me and says your grandparents heard some interesting noises upstairs last night care to explain I lied and made something up but he knew I just wish I was a smarter teenager at the time em I was 14 she was 16 I was friends with her little sister and I was over at their house for some reason over there somewhere and I could tell she was very interested in me all day right before I left she handed me a piece of paper with her number on it and said we should hang out sometime before school started again fast forward a couple of days and she and I are texting and she invites me over to chill turns out her family wasn't home and she was looking to bone being a 14-year old boy I didn't really feel comfortable saying I felt nervous and was having second thoughts I didn't realize coming over she was looking to bleep I want just excited to be wanted I wish I had known that you can always say no bleep toxic masculinity and all that I was totally not ready if you don't feel ready always tell the other person and if they care about you they'll understand and respect your wishes that being said I learned a lot from that experience and I grew from it now let a negative experience ruin new instead learn from it and help others by telling your story it took me way too long to admit that losing my virginity at 14 was a mistake for me at 17 with my still current boyfriend I'm now almost 20 now it was amazing it all happened right but here's a tip I actually saw online before doing it for girls relax your whole body like that you won't feel that initial pain for more than two seconds oh and make sure you're with the right person do it out of love not just curiosity a friend told me that she took the opposite approach hooked up with a random in a bar deliberately to get the first time awkwardness out of the way and never regretted it she and her partner not the dude she took home from a club recently hit ten years together eighteen year old with my then GF of the same age I'm not sure what I should count as the first time because we tried a first time and I could never get in I don't remember how we ended this time be a few days later we tried again and it worked apart from that we were responsible and waited to have condoms before trying I think having her decent sex and being both understanding of the other or unsure we wanted to do it helped a lot for it to be a good experience it was with my ex-fiance of five years three months after we left school in college he asked me to be his girlfriend about for six months in the relationship we wanted to have sex and make sure we were ready we were both virgins so we had no idea how to put a condom on it was awkward for half an hour know how to put a condom on properly beforehand it was actually pretty good and enjoyable for both of us we were both virgins I was a pretty clued in teenager given this was the early stages of the internet but she was the real reason it was enjoyable I guess it was kind of Hollywood we both went to her room while her parents were out made sure both of us were as comfortable as we could be I gave her a naked massage then I explored her body and listened to her reactions I learned she had been doing Kegel exercises for a few years by then and she learned that older guitar I played had other benefits we also discovered that she was allergic to latex afterwards though ends up it was hereditary her mum was also pretty cool about it so overall ten tenths would do again so in the bucket of things that I wish I knew beforehand the latex allergy birthday with my gf no idea what I was doing we'd done everything else up to that point but didn't know how awkward and unfulfilled it would be also it hurt her so we basically didn't have sex for the next ten months and then we broke up which I'll be honest and say lack of sex was one of the reasons she was my first love and wish we'd never done it so I didn't know what we were missing and didn't end up breaking up over what I realized not long afterwards was stupid reasons ended up cheating on her near the end but I was young and dumb still feel guilty about it 22 years later she ended up married with kids and so did I and I'm sure we are both very happy but I do have what-if thoughts about her I paid for it a few moths ago I wish I knew that just two pints of beer can significantly inhibit your abilities edit I'm a 22 year old dude edit - with paid for timing visited in escort if that wasn't obvious I was 16 36 now and it was with a guy I had been dating for six months we cared about each other we were both awkward but went into it knowing what was happening I had bought condoms beforehand we could have done more foreplay but other than that the experience was fine there was a little bit of discomfort but nothing serious everything after that got more and more fun as we explored our curiosities I have always been pretty open and curious about sex so I was fairly well prepared if you are truly worried about getting made fun of for being a virgin I was they either don't care or other kind of person you shouldn't lose your virginity to I lied my first time and while it worked out for me I wish I hadn't she knew anyway long the last number of your like is who powers you get comment who you got [Music]
Channel: That Ask Reddit
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, toadfilms, for kids, fun, kids, that ask reddit, thirst music, How Did You Lose Your Virginity, lose, Virginity, how did you, virgin
Id: 9rbQKAwcgd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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