What’s The Best Accidental Nudity You’ve Seen? - Reddit Stories - (r/AskReddit)

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r / r s' credit what's the best accidental nudity you've ever seen my wife is a twin and every year both families rent a house on a lake or something similar we were getting ready to go boating when I walked into the bedroom where my wife was changing into her bathing suit so I dropped my shorts and started to put on mine we were both naked and I was talking to her about something for a solid 20 seconds before I realized I was not talking to my wife she knew and didn't say anything for 20 seconds she thought it was hysterical and just kind of went with it when I was at camp as a teenager I got paired on a canoeing trip with a really attractive girl who was wearing a bikini that was too big for her basically her bikini bottom was so that when she sat in the canoe across from me it just revealed everything it was a two-hour trip and I was staring at bleep the entire time when I was 16 I saw my crushes Bob's she was wearing a low-cut tank top and she stood up too quickly and the top and the ill-fitting brass lipped saw the bleep as for only a couple of seconds but at that age senior crushes Bob's in the flesh was great I think at any age senior crushes Bob's in the flesh is great I don't know maybe it's just me I'm almost 30 and have been with my girlfriend for almost three years and I still think it's great every time I see her Bob's I was upstairs in my house and I happen to look out the window across the alley towards the neighbors hot tub I saw the milfy lady coming out getting ready to get in the tub thinking she was gonna get naked I got in creeper pose to pare down just when I got in position the husband walks up and opens his robe I got some full-frontal dad meat instead at a friend's house when we were in high school and her sister walked out of their bathroom topless my grandmother lived in a two family house these two sister who were 19 and 17 at the time lived upstairs with their father they used to babysit us so I would always go up there unannounced and hang out with them one day I go upstairs just in time to see the 19 year old hanging her towel over a chair in the living room she was fresh out the shower and I had the biggest grin on my face best part is she didn't even care or cover up just told me I should at least knock and walked into her room to put some under clothes on I didn't know what to expect when I saw your comment started with your grandmother was it a waterpark Mantega waterslides when I was 17 a woman with a bikini went down a slide and once she hit the water half of the top flew off that was the single greatest thing I had seen by that age miss if our eating this your beautiful half rack has kept me happy all this time thank you I was walking by a woman in a jogging outfit with a baby in a stroller she bent down to take care of her child and I saw her whole Bob I felt like I was 15 again it was fun my wife even gave me a high five high fives are not usually applied to the back of your head pictures or it didn't happen every one of you I go to my friends cabin every some of the fourth of July with his family told friends family is blessed with good genetics and his older sister is a bombshell well after going to Bing for a while all the girls are on the back of the boat tanning themselves with their back of the bikinis undone downlines am i right I am talking to my friends sister as she is laid down on her stomach with her eyes closed during this conversation of spider must have walked right in front of her face sure enough as soon as she opened her eyes she pushed her face and upper body away from the spider leaving her bikini top behind dead eye contact for a full two seconds and then straight down to her chest we both started laughing as she laid back down really fast as everyone else on the boat was confused because they hadn't witnessed what had went on since that day I have never killed a spider I always pick them up and move them outside in hopes that one day I will have paid back that spider for being the best bro I have ever had spider bro female here in high school during gym class a boy kept jumping up to see if he can reach the basketball net eventually he happily got a hold of something and was hanging for a split second but during that split second a boy ran over to pants him his underwear accidentally came down to there he was hanging in the air with his pants around his ankles and junk in fall view that my dear redditors is when I somewhat saw my first meet hot girl with a thick boot he was squatting in the gym in some super thin legging type pants that were white after busting out a few reps she was really sweating the white leggings got really transparent and you could see or not depends with sight you're looking at Lal her yellow thong every guy in the gym didn't get any work done that day pretty sure she did it on purpose I have a great one for this a group of friends and I were on a ski trip together and there was one really hot girl who I never really spoke to as she was way out of my league anyway one evening we were all sitting in a circle next to the fire and a few people were in their night clothes including her she was wearing a white tank top and gray many many shorts I was sitting two people down from her and she was sitting cross-legged which because of the ridiculously short shorts meant I could see right up her leg and it revealed all the best bit she stayed sitting like that for about two hours I could barely keep myself from staring okay I should probably use a throw away for this but I'm lazy when I was in college I worked at a store that bought and sold coins and stamps my job was mostly the buying because of my idiots haven't like ability to know all the prices to pay for thing mostly I looked sweet and innocent enough that people did not want to punch me when I told them their family heirlooms were worth nothing well one day this very attractive girl came in and told me her grandfather left her these few coins and she wanted to sell them to put money towards the trip she had them in a bag on the floor and every time she bent over to get one out of the bag full on Bob's not sure why it was acceptable practice to wear a loose-fitting low-cut shirt with no bra or if it was a negotiation tactic but I was not arguing she showed me all her coins which together were worth 10 bucks maybe best 75 bucks I ever spent was laying carpet in a house in Bloomfield Hills years ago my buddy and I had carried the carpet in to do this always staircase area one side was a closet door and the other side was the bedroom I have the closet side and put my end down and he put his side down and it hit the bedroom door and it swung open the lady had just gotten out of the shower and was standing the naked talking on the phone did you get to finish laying her carpet new thread what's the most useless thread ever created without pictures this one we went to Prague for a school trip camp at Secunda and everyone could just choose their room mates in the hotel I decided to share my room with some good friends and girls of my class something I didn't know back then was that I wouldn't spend a single night in my own room at the end of the first day after partying in the biggest club of Prague me my GF who was also a classmate of mine has pros and cons and some other people took a taxi back to the hotel when we arrived at the hotel me and my gf decided to sleep in her bed which was a bunk bed and she had the top bed when I woke up the next morning I had forgotten that she shared her room with her female friends so the next thing I saw when I woke up was basically Bobi town I woke up looked around and saw three girls walking around topless and everybody started screaming and yelling meanwhile I was staying calm and enjoying the situation and said there was nothing to worry about since they just Bob's after a while they calm down actually rather quickly and they concluded that it was just me the bf of girl X and that Bob's are just Bob's it could have been worse right well it became worse slash better the second morning I woke up in the same room and my gf forgot to announce again that I slept in the same room when I looked I saw one girl standing naked in the bathroom and some other girls topless again normally I'm not that much of a morning person but mornings in Prague were pretty okay I was a collegiate swimmer and both the men's and women's swim team went to Puerto Rico for winter training camp we had just finished our morning workout went back to our hotel rooms and showered up I went over to one of the rooms packed with girls to figure out what we were going to do for lunch two or three of them were in towels but assured me that it was fine to come in anyway whatever I'm down because everybody was so fit and in swimsuits so often it made us a bit less shy well as we were planning lunch a fourth girl Maria came out of the bathroom shower wearing a towel around her waist like a guy does she saw me and remained frozen like a deer in the headlights I smiled a little bit like this guy while I soaked in the show it's been about 20 years since then I imagine that Maria has had a few kids gained a few pounds and lived a normal life however in my memory she'll always be that perfect 10 with a towel around her waist I was playing flag football on a recreational team adult flag football has some competitive tournaments and my team was playing in a semi game I think and were getting torched by our opponent more specifically by one player due to his awesome fast agile turning on a dime and accelerating at seriously astonishing speed well on one play he is thrown the ball high and through the middle myself and another right there on either side of him as he elevates I reach to grab his flag instead I grab his shorts and he continues to elevate the defender on the other side apparently grew wrapped inside his waistband the guy is probably 10 11 feet in the air making this incredible one-handed catch spinning in the air to land and we are upping his shorts off simultaneously in the next split second he landed and accelerated his shorts compression underwear seemed to just disintegrate next thing you know he is standing 15 yards away bottomless his flags somehow still on him his teammates were telling him to keep running since he still had his flags so he ran in and scored while naked it's the most incredible and athletic bit of nudity I've ever seen let's talk about the fact that you saw someone jump 10 feet in the air first first week of university so I'm a fairly naive 18 year old and I'm walking through the gym carpark when I noticed this gorgeous girl get out of her car she's about 24 maybe with a summer dress on that comes down to her mid calf absolutely stunning and with gorgeous tanned skin and perfect everything I smile and she gives me that smile back that girls give you when they know what you are thinking she goes to the back of her car to get out some large boxes which included what looked like glass trophies closes the hatchback and then starts walking towards the gym almost in lockstep with me Perth Australia can be a very windy place especially when the sea breeze comes in in this day was no exception a massive gust of wind lifts her dress up over her head and I'm presented with the most glorious naked lower torso I have ever seen even to this day many years later she's basically stuck like this due to the boxes in her hands which she presumably didn't want to drop I of course did the gentlemanly thing and pulled her dress down for her but for that 5 10 seconds before I got over my shock it was the most glorious thing I had ever seen back when I was in college I worked for a newspaper and was assigned to cover a collegiate waterskiing tournament I was set up in an open tower about 20 feet tall with the announcer and a couple of judges there were a couple of buildings around the tower changing rooms rest rooms showers and a concession stand we had a clear view of the lakes and behind all of the buildings toward the end of the day a couple of female competitors apparently didn't want to wait to get changed in the changing room and ducked behind the building they took off their bathing suits dried off and got dressed all in plain view of the guys in the tower when they finally got dressed we gave them a round of applause and they ran off apparently because they didn't know we could see them and the scores from the judges the last number of your like is empowers you get comment who you got [Music]
Channel: That Ask Reddit
Views: 987,372
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, toadfilms, for kids, fun, kids, thirst music, geram, best, that ask redddit, Accidental, What’s The Best Accidental, You’ve Seen, the best
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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