People Reveal How They Slept With Their Step Sibling - Reddit Stories - (r/AskReddit)

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r / arse credit people have ready to have slept with a step-sibling how did it happen palm hub has taught me how it happens most of the time the stepmum is stuck either in a window or his/her hand stuck in the sink she wants help from the stepson who for some reason needs her pants to be off to help I had sex with my cousin don't know if that counts it happened when I was 16 she was 18 my parents were gone for the weekend and I taped it the original Stephen King adaptation so I could watch it that Saturday evening my cousin told my aunt and uncle she was going to watch it with me and probably sleep over because it's a long movie they didn't think anything of it and neither did I sure I always thought she was hot but that was it my dad had left a few beers in the fridge and told me we could both have two we never really drank so it affected us more than we thought and my cousin started teasing me we ended up sleeping together and I lost my virginity that night we both like to go so we did it again the next morning and we regularly had sex over their course of a couple of months I did the deed with my mother-in-law once it still makes me feel dirty when I think about it I was separated from my wife at the time in the process of divorcing and went to my mother-in-law's house to help her with moving some furniture we ended up sitting around after I helped and had a few cocktails and talked about my separation to her daughter fast-forward to midnight and six drinks later and all of a sudden I'm looking at her with her jeans to her ankles and bent over the kitchen table I swear to this day I really don't know who made the first move or how it got to that point it was crazy the next day she calls me and plays the hole I had so much to drink I don't even remember last night card I get it I know it was her way of pretending like it never happened and I was perfectly okay with doing just that I saw her numerous times after that and neither of us acted strange we just erased it and acted like nothing ever happened nice my dad had started dating following a messy divorce and after being very coy about his activities for a few months decided to introduce me to his girlfriend's family we all traveled to a relative's country house and had a big party the wine flowed pretty liberally eventually it was just me and the new girlfriend's daughter who remained we'd been getting on pretty well all night and we were both quite drunk at this point I stood deciding I'd had enough fun for one night and kissed her goodnight one thing led to another and we slept together this kept up for a few months I'm not sure if dad ever grasped why I was always so excited to visit his girlfriend's place but I was there in a flash if the invitation was offered fast-forward six or seven years and dad married his partner I was a groomsman now I like throw I have never banged my sister in games of never have I ever don't regret it at all we were in our teens and we're actually good friends now well at least you two aren't blood-related one Christmas my uncle brought my future and in-law over to meet everyone I was 12 and she had big bobs like stupidly big bobs I got binoculars as a gift as part of a kid's spy kit I thought I was being so clever pretending to look around the room with them just so I could stealth Philly she was sitting 10 feet away get a full zoomed in image of those lovely jubbly I did this for like 30 minutes this happened to an ex friend of mine in high school they day I met her in math class she kept bragging that she had an older boyfriend who drove a BMW turns out that her older boyfriend was her stepbrother and nobody knew not even their parents although I think they suspected especially when the stepfather found a condom in the brother's room one time after a weekend away she even got pregnant by this [ __ ] all in secret oh did I mention she was a freshman in high school when all this went down I know someone who got pregnant from a guy and then later married him no problems yet then though the girl's mum and the guys dad got together and had their own kid so now the original couple has a brother together the baby has a sister and brother married to each other but they were married before any of the weird bleep happened honestly if my parents pulled that bleep I'd be so pissed because no one is ever gonna believe the kids got married first so they're gonna be the weirdos my brother and stepsister had sex they are both married and have children and there is nothing weird between them the weird thing is that my dad and stepmom encouraged it they wanted them to be together and get married my stepmom will occasionally bring it up when she has been drinking like she still kind of wishes it had happened my college roommate worked at a supermarket he was banging the married manager of his department for a few months he then started banging a girl in his class and then started dating he broke it off with the manager at some point he and I went clubbing and on the way home he got pulled over for a DUI check he was sober and gave the copper hard time being a bleep long story short he went to dinner with his girlfriend to meet her parents her mom was the manager her dad was the cop I know they broke up soon after 20 years later and we still joke about it when we get together no way this happened it's too perfect unzips nothing has ever happened but have had some incredibly vivid and hot dreams about both my brother-in-law and father-in-law bent over a table kind of hot husband thought it was pretty funny but he had a dream about my sister wearing thigh high leather boots so I guess we're sort of even I went to high school with these two girls who had been best friends for most of their lives in 11th grade one of the girls started sleeping with the other girls dad older dad - not a young dad if that matters to you and then began a relationship with him since she was 16 it was technically legal there it was mortifying for the daughter because it was a small town and everyone knew it tore the family and their friendship apart it was awful to witness I know it's not exactly what the OP asked for but the question made me think of it but damn I feel sorry for that girl - of the people you're supposed to trust the most just teaming up to bleep over your life briefly during high school my girlfriend's parents were on the rocks the mom was sleeping with another guy and the family was in rough shape so the dad's response was to go after my single mum next thing ya know my girlfriend's dad is having an affair with my mom while the girlfriend's mum is having an affair with an old flame they're going on double dates together and the girlfriend and I are suddenly unofficial step-siblings and yes it was awkward even though it really had nothing to do with us thankfully it didn't last long maybe a month come on and dad reconciled and things went back to normal there was one night they all came over to my mom's apartment with wine we all drank the moment her fling went to a hotel my mum and the dad went to bed and then their girlfriend and I went to bed that was weird does that count whoa this will probably get buried but I'm gonna type it out anyways had sex with my step cousin unknowingly my parents divorced when I was in grade school got on well enough with the stepmom when dad remarried my freshman year in high school the wedding was lucky and I don't remember much about it four years later I'm at college about three hours from my hometown big state uni step-mom offhandedly has mentioned that her niece goes to this school but I never got in touch or connected with this person it was the early mid-90s a few months into school I randomly meet a girl at a party we clicked on a sexual level we didn't really date or go out but we bleep like monkeys for the rest of the year just pure carnality she lived in a different town about two hours from my hometown whatever we exchanged housing info for the next year and went off to have our summer in late July stepmom is having a family reunion she was so excited that I could finally meet her niece and maybe we would be friends and could study or hang out at uni cool whatever mum bleep so we go to the reunion yep the girl from college was stepmoms niece that I had spent the previous school year banging playing like we didn't know each other it was an awkward family event kinda killed the magic of our lust we booty called a few times that next school year but it just fizzled so I had sex with my step cousin only her and dye as far as I can tell no 11 tenths would do again using a throwaway account for this one my mum and dad had gotten divorced after she had been cheating with the pastor from our church shortly after my dad remarried we're talking less than eight months my new stepmother was also the mother of a close friend of mine we had practically grown up together since my dad and she had also been friends since middle school my friend was 7 months older than me the situation was already awkward since I had a crush on her daughter for some time turns out she was crushing on me too we ended up secretly dating and ended up having sex pretty frequently stepmother quarters in the act when we were 17 surprisingly enough she wasn't even upset she just gave us the usual sex talk and made sure we were using condoms she also started her on birth control she never told Dad we stopped the relationship when we went to separate colleges but still kept in touch after about five years of growing up and being in separate states we ended up visiting and restarted the relationship just about a year ago yes that is aware of the relationship now though he acknowledged he assumed stuff was happening anyway but didn't care since we weren't blood related also I'm now engaged to my stepsister when I was in high school I had a crush on this chick we were 16 and 18 who went to one of the schools near me a few years later 19 and 21 her uncle started dating my mom they got married and this girl basically became my cousin I still had feelings but it could never work anyways skip forward a few more years later we're now 25 and 27 and I was at her place for her 25th birthday we both got ridiculously drunk I passed out in her laundry room on a spare mattress woke up at like 4:00 a.m. and came out to her room it was in the basement laundry room was adjacent she woke up as I was looking for my sweater to head home she told me not to go she wanted me to stay wanted me to get in bed with her I did we cuddled a little and I got a little hand see she started kissing me we made out for but I got most of her clothes off we didn't have sex just made out and touched and held each other for a bit nothing ever happened since and she has a boyfriend now and I try not to talk to her too often because I still have strong feelings for her I just don't want to get in the way or complicate things for her she's happy with her new guy and that's enough for me parents are divorced dead now lives with his second wife and her son and daughter Kate who is one year younger than me me and Kate have had sex a few times over the last couple of years first happened on a holiday in Corfu when we were 18 she was super hot in her bikini I'm okay I suppose something clicked between us things got flirt we went to a local club one night without parents lost her brother who met a girl me and Kate walked back along the beach gone midnight ended up making out on the sand but occasionally people would walk past so we went back to the hotel and I snuck into her room we managed it a couple of times more on the holiday but her brother kind of got wind and asked me if I had any feelings for her which I denied and he warned me off he's older and bigger than me so me and Kate didn't do anything more but a few opportunities have arisen since that we've taken advantage of but my work and has clash and what with family being around it's rare we get time alone whether anything will come of it I don't know I hope to get my own place this year maybe that will give us more chance or maybe we should stop as I can see it causing problems I think we both know that the last number of your like is empowers you get comment who you got [Music]
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Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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