Girls Of Reddit, How Do You Flirt With A Guy? - Reddit Stories - r/AskReddit Top Posts

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r / arse credit girls have read it what do you do to show a guy you like him I ask him if he wants to go on a date with me this is generally the quickest method of cutting through the bull bleep pee on him to mark my territory lenny face pinched him and run away giggling gross cooties bend over and show him my bleep hole dream girl 1 I have sex with the guy too I cook him dinner after then breakfast I've only done this once and I'm now marrying him so I guess this works suck his meat a girl did this to me and I asked if she liked me she said she was just Canadian and being polite a girl touched my elbow with her boob once holy crap you're getting action left and right I don't want to brag or anything but my boobies 100 percent of the time it works every time avoid him that way he can't see my or goodness not a method I recommend though there's a zero percent success rate according to my calculations and lag I can confirm doesn't work with girls to avoid them and act like I hate them on the rare occasion we're forced to interact as a man can I say that unless you literally put your tongue in my mouth I am going to assume you are just an overly friendly person and that any flirting is just you being nice with the climate around sexual harassment and sexist accusations being so high it is a thin line and often too much of a worry for me to read the signals wrong and assume you are into me as opposed to being just friendly and comfortable around me best to play cautious and not end up on a list girl put her tongue in my mouth asked her what we were she said friends feels bad man when I first met my now husband he mentioned wanting to go snowboarding together I said sure sounds fun let's make a weekend of it we spent all day together and planned to camp in his car I was laying right next to him waiting for him to make a move nothing happens minutes of awkward silence goes by and I say I brought condoms if you want to have sex he didn't believe me and thought I was joking it wasn't until I took my clothes off that he knew I was serious even then he was so cautious and unsure we laugh about it all the time now when we tell people how we met and dated so yeah some men are so oblivious I've had to strip naked to convince him I liked him get physical with them for example if he makes me laugh I'll put my hand on his arm when we say goodbye I'll hug him longer than a usual hug if we are alone and we are walking together after having a good time I'll hold his hand if he doesn't get the hint after that I assume he's not interested he may just think that you think he's gay and he is your gay friend I sit on their face powerful technique I'm a guy and I literally just came here to find out how to know when a girl likes you I'm one of those sarcastic girls that is straight-up savage with a guy I like but only if it's reciprocal like sarcasm pretending to hate each other sharing mean-spirited gifts making inside jokes that inevitably cross over into sexual innuendos it weirdly builds sexual tension I guess I never evolved past the [ __ ] down on the playground to show you I like you phase I rejected my friend of over 10 years because I wasn't sure he was making fun of me or not then a year later I kissed him on the cheek as a thank you for listening to my complaining about work a year after that I married him smile everything works out for the best in the end excuse me while me and the brothers take Annie for a brother that climbed out of the friendzone we need to find this guy and learn his ways I kissed him while we were sitting on the beach in the middle of the night take off my pants I asked him out on a date and on that date I kiss him or have sex that's how it is when you're over 35 pretty straightforward I have a friend who is so blunt she straight-up called the guy asked if he likes her he does and then tell him she'd like to be in a relationship with him sounds perfect she should teach let me just say that as I was writing out my answer to this question I realized the most of the things I do towards for someone I'm interested in I also do towards for my friends so yeah I can see where there would be an issue I tell him I'm into him I'm not exactly the subtle hint type send him links or pictures that made me laugh so maybe he'd get a chuckle too then feel my spirit crumble when he responds with her send him a link to something with a funny story get analog back no more than ten seconds after I sent it yeah he didn't read the story may I ask him on a date I'm pretty forward it's a lot easier when you're 30 plus if you text a mutual friend of mutual friend and say hey I was thinking about you last night any interest in going out on a date for some dinner at some point if he or she says no it's just a no it's not a gossipy secret whispered around and you get laughed at because you're too frickin old for that bleep try to spend time with him find excuses to talk we're flattering clothes mentioned that I'm single with my current crush he helped me with something so I gave him a thank-you gift with a note he hung the note but I don't think it means anything I hate crushes your comment can be easily named how to confuse the freak out of guys now in twenty eight part series for only 499 dollars where's the old technique of telling them that you like them I don't ever I just shut down completely somehow my cheeks start to blush like crazy and I start being incoherent so those are my traitors I feel it's painfully obvious but then again people say that guys are oblivious to stuff like that I don't mean to be rude but are you an anime character huh hello are you busy him no good I hope you're setting down I like you considerably and I'd like to enter a mutual romantic relationship him cool / well alright that's settled talk to you later him hangs up and turns to friend I can't tell if this girl from class likes me or not but she just called me what if her friends wither and now they're all laughing at me make an effort honestly text him first take the lead on getting together and doing things show an interest in what he's into one of the first dates with my ex was spent drinking beer at his apartment and helping him finish these nightstands he was building and it was just super fun because I liked him so much objectively do I enjoy putting varnish on wood in my spare time maybe not but I did with him and he got a chance to show me a neat hobby oh I'm sure you vanished his wood just fine that night I'm 36 and I'm beginning to think I need to just start telling them yeah you do some can pick up on where you're going some cannot and will not unless you make it insanely clear too long didn't read I'm highly trained in being oblivious your comment just made me realize that I grew up around a lot of women and girls my sister her friends my mom and aunts who would go out of their way and do super nice things for their platonic friends like they would make home-cooked meals for no reason or send no reason gifts in the mail or planned parties for little things no reason I recently had a girl ask me out and she said that she had been trying to drop tons of hints but I didn't get it because I had been raised to think that sending a huge container of my favorite candy the mail was just something friends did for each other I took a slightly less ballsy but still direct approach in college I'd been developing feelings for my friend summer roommate one drunken night shortly after moving out I went for it and we hooked up I have no indication the next day if he was interested though it was a little awkward and it was very common to see one-night stands just stay that way in our crowd even between friends I just texted him and said do we talk about it do it again or forget it happened he said do it again and now we're married in college I did everything to show a guy that I was interested I remember one time he mentioned how much he missed homemade food and since I'm a good cook I told him if he wanted we could go to my place and I'll cook him something smile and he showed up with his best friend because he missed homemade food too now that I'm no longer interested he told me that he used to have a crush on me back then and he thought I was not interested so yeah the only effective way to show a guy you like him is telling them straight up I dated a girl in college who did a similar thing for me when she showed up to just hang out one night with a homemade peach cobbler and spiked hot apple cider I knew things were going well for me fun fact guys if a girl makes you any kind of food there's a decent chance she's at least a little bit into you as a relatively shy guy who always pondered this question allow me to give advice to guys feeling the same way stop thinking there will be some sign that she likes you act like you like her and be clear with your intent ask her on a date use the word date no woman is going to agree to a date if she doesn't like you at least a little this as a female I endorse this message I make it obvious but try not to be over-the-top about it I'm not the flirtation master or anything but when I got my eye on you I will definitely pursue you until we make something out of talking or you're straight up interested I understand but I start out with little things lingering eye contact followed with a smile just a simple smile not really hiding anything behind it but a smile that gets you to notice me when we sit beside each other I'll touch their hand a little or pay deep attention to what they're saying by involving myself in it I really do like that part I've met a bleep ton of interesting people in the midst of flirting and just pecking away at their walls until they want to open up and we can start doing that in-depth conversation with medium physical contact and or more all of this was from the experience I had with my current boyfriend not sure this is as obvious to most guys as you think it is it is legitimately all in the eye contact if I look at you look away then look back to meet your gaze I'm into you if we're on a date and I'm making a lot of eye contact I'm hoping you stop talking and kiss me if I am NOT interested I will avoid eye contact or look away constantly I think I'm pretty much an open book and I assume when other people give me the eyes it is showing interest too I'm usually not going to make some huge gesture but eye contact is the go ahead for you trying something way too subtle you make eye contact with men you're not interested in all the time that's just a normal human interaction I met my husband through reddit he was in Australia and I was in Canada when he came to Canada to meet me I cooked for him I made him apple pie waffles chili eggplant parmesan peanut butter pie with chocolate ganache and spaghetti with home made from scratch tomato sauce we fell in love but I know my food is what won him over we've been married nearly two years now and he brags to his co-workers about his tasty wife food he gets for lunches it's not the food it's you the last number of your like is who powers you get comment who you got [Music]
Channel: That Ask Reddit
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, toadfilms, for kids, fun, kids, thirst music, girls, how do you flirt, that ask reddit, girls flirt, guy, flirt, Girls Of Reddit
Id: _uXDFeYqlNE
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Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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