Reacting to My Old Tiktok's | Cringe

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hello everybody and welcome back to my youtube channel or welcome to my youtube channel i'm call me chris and you can call me chris and we're here celebrating hitting two million subscribers on youtube which is absolutely insane i haven't even been on youtube for a year yet and you guys came through i can't even like these numbers are nutty to me and i just want to say thank you guys so much and also i haven't even shown you guys these awesome plugs that i got oh it's heavy it's i don't work out but if i do i'll just lift this thing these are so cool i never thought i would receive these in my entire life so these are ours okay not mine it's ours all right and when i get settled in my new place which you'll hear more about in in in videos to come which i'm very excited about too those will definitely be in the background of my videos because they deserve to be super stitch all right so to celebrate two million you guys have requested that i watch my cringy ass older videos and i was gonna do with my characters but since they're older videos i really don't have like too many characters in these videos i mean maybe i don't know i don't know i'm just i'm getting a random compilation and going from there so let's just let's get into it okay go on go pee go poo i haven't done one of my dog videos in so long since i moved to where i am now and honestly those are really fun to make can we hurry it up let's go my dog's still like that he just he doesn't he just works on his own time yes that's a very nice stick can you please go pee or put or something it's freezing outside i remember feeling it i remember filming this and my neighbor my next door neighbor this is when she started noticing that i made videos and i felt so embarrassed [Music] are you serious that is barking in my backyard and i think that solidified my neighbor calling the cops if she chose to yeah i wouldn't be bad at it you're an outside dog now dana jungle chats what's up janet hey chad i need you to watch wiley for me oh hell this is the first chad babysitting one that was ever a thing that's okay cool why because i want to be able to get drunk and pass out without worrying about my kid drawing with her own [ __ ] on the walls that's why no what's that in your room what hey already gone all right little dude come on in okay riley's voice is so much different oh tay okay that's what it is now this is uncle chad's crib okay 19 inch plasma screen tv mini fridge futon what do you want to do first can we wash frozen why did i have a western accent first what do you wanna do first why did he sell me i hate myself frozen it's not like an action movie or something yeah like fast and furious this is where frozen started okay dope let's do it so she never needed the guy she just needed her sister all along yeah it's beautiful man i know how about a teacher had a shotgun after this okay the voice is so different i never realized i went i don't know why i made the voice so raspy let me know in the comments if you guys prefer that voice that i did for riley or the voice that i do now i'm actually really curious oh this is my first crazy neighbor tic toc i think dabra [Applause] that is so cringy to watch whenever i'm doing a kid character by the way i am always on my knees like i'm always either sitting or on my there's no point like it's so close to my face you wouldn't be able to tell but i like to immerse myself in the character better again tom oh no time oh i don't know exactly tom okay i takes a picture we might need evidence i don't know that was literally my neighbor so do you enjoy watching riley play soccer and make new friends i think katrina is in this one like one of her first ones watch do all the parents stay to watch it it's like watching a bunch of little drunk people follow up all around half of them are just picking up grass and eating it no every time i drop riley off i just go around back and my russian mom friend's always there with some vodka we have a good time so you two are friends oh yeah me and uh katrina katrina yeah katrina no no katrina i'm not gonna say it like that i swear all of these all of these scripts that i wrote are just ingrained in my brain oh my gosh my hair was so short there we've become good friends so your kids play soccer too only for shits and giggles misha is youngest chess prodigy in russia checkmate this is the first video misha and sergey were in and their hats are so different now and my other son sergey is two-time national downhill ski champion he is four so would you consider yourself good mothers what are you saying what not yes i'm feeling slightly judged hold my vodka janet i will take care of this the relationship started so early like you could tell that katrina was already really protective of her so far in the beginning i didn't even mean for that that's it's kind of fun to watch them back those ones took me so long to film too with all that like voice over and camera switching and so worth it though so fun little dudes come on in there's not a whole lot to do with uncle chad's crib but what do you guys like also like checkers it is not even remotely like checkers when i first started doing the russian accent i'd never practiced it before so i sucked at it so the scenes that you're singing i did these scenes over and over again like 50 times because i sucked at it now i can do it in one take but took time oh okay you pick that up pretty quick back in russia we practiced with real guns yes it was mandatory preschool curriculum fun fact it actually was curriculum i don't know about now but it was back in the day in high school they actually uh learned how to use um like ak-47s and stuff it's kind of nice i did research on that just so it was like semi-accurate i was going for a walk minded my own and then i saw her running through the bushes with her cellular device and one time i even saw her on the roof the roof the roof like a crazy person so i posted that on tick tock without the do not attempt and it got taken down so i had to repost it i thought we could play a game of pictionary playing games with my mom was absolute help i got my wish for santa oh okay let's see elsa oh like elsa doll no i want the wheel elsa okay i don't know about that it's a real unicorn yeah you're giving its whole order to santa oh baby sister yeah i was actually gonna make janet pregnant and have her have a baby sister for riley but then i changed my mind so just change the whole storyline you never know what it could have been maybe i'll do it in future tick tocks we'll see all right guys we got a new character in here i want you to meet her oh my character meetings kind of miss those introduce yourself hi i'm courtney courtney my little one diamond where did you find this one chris she's like a discount version of the kardashians yes i have to agree with janet i'm not getting what they call good vibes with this one guys let's just get to know her okay what do you do i'm actually a full-time influencer sorry i can feel myself like doing the characters while i'm i'm sorry besides making bad decisions and spending more than fifty dollars on a cup janet can you not sup sorry i'm late who is that i'm courtney this is one of our new prospects courtney oh sup courtney i'm chad no i will not stand for this mom aren't they in love no no take your ipad shut up okay it's nice to meet you chad you're a lot nicer than some of the other characters here i should have kept courtney around a little longer know that liking iced coffee and driving around white jeep doesn't give you a personality right how did you know i had a weight jeep sorry i'm late oh and somebody's quite cheap outside just got quite cheap outside what katrina walt nice one oh my god thank you for having me sergey and i over this is nice oh yeah any time looks like they're having fun the simpler times when i had like five characters so if you touch this nerve on back of nick it'll render any opponent unconscious yes it is very simple we will show you okay you can hear my voice start to get more crackly as riley goes more forward and i can't speak using my parenting tips on riley uh you know here and there which one you like best uh to be honest i haven't used any janet you're more whipped than mocha frappuccino at starbucks i don't know katrina she's got this face now that face puppy dog eyes i fixed this riley yeah oh i screwed up there i said riley it should be riley amateur i want the dino naggies no dino nuggies are disgusting processed food that will give you cancer and you will die or having borscht okay i never watch my tick tocks after and i you know they're kind of funny that's that's good it scared me i learned the beginning of the russian national anthem for that hello mom do not sneak up on me like that misha you know i have cat like reflexes i could have hit you overhead with bottle that's the first time i said that as katrina i'm sorry sergey and i just did something what is it that you did we want you to come look i swear to god if you guys threw up do you like it did you use oil paint yes it is our own rendition of michelangelo's mural in the 16th chapel i said 16 because i didn't know it was just an idiot that's actually pretty good note down below was that real vodka in my bottle or was that just water we'll never know you gotta hang out and uncle chad's okay sup janet and katrina hey chad hello chad we need you to watch little ones for us oh seriously i'm kind of busy it wasn't really a question oh come on chad fine you know i can see where i was lazy in my skits because i'm wearing the same shirt as all my characters now i'll change like completely through characters but i can i was very lazy to this day for some reason and it's dirty my sweater's so dirty i'm sorry all right little dudes come on in what do you want to do can we build a fort no i agree with riley i concur all right sick how about me and riley make one and you guys make one and see who's his best this one took me forever because i actually built a fort how'd you guys see holy [ __ ] hello chad come in how'd you guys do this look at that floor her mother taught us how to build premium shelter out of anything how does this look bigger than my whole place we simply put in support beams to create vaulted ceilings so it feels bigger i used amazon prime boxes i bought a light bulb just for this that changed colors oh honey are you okay are you no okay you can't cry because i'm gonna cry okay we need to breathe okay one out two somebody call 9-1-1 yeah and uh oh careful no brush it off you're fine you're fine no tears really yeah can you walk okay then i'm not coming over there my mom didn't care when i got hurt that just caused internal pain now jokes on her i don't know all right all right all right okay so we good you know by you not telling the truth we just we just fall apart you know we just evaporate into into nothingness see what the [ __ ] are you saying i forgot i swore as a kid i try not to swear too much in my detox but it's so funny when i do the wake up ones were my favorite hi there ma'am just imagine me with a tiny hand just smacking myself in the face i always had to retake those oh she had a tiny hand on me right now embarrassing riley am i dreaming i don't think so no i know i'm not dreaming because i'm not on a beach with george clooney anymore thank you very much nothing roger go back to sleep the shannon above me what do you mean the same to not love you because i worked and there's no presents under the tweet the voice riley's voice it's just so plain what what time is it six a.m it's six okay well i think i think you gotta go back to bed and and i think i think santa santa drank a little a little bit too much last night and and he slept in so you gotta go back to bed otherwise he's not gonna he's not gonna put your presents out for you janet is the mother i'm afraid of becoming and i'm scared i'm gonna be santa twinks yes santa drinks cause he has little elves that drive him up the friggin wall no roger okay okay there was no roger i was just talking to the wall i'll get you when all the presents are out okay okay okay there's a crack let's go loser i'm coming i think this is one of my most liked tick tocks i think you have to trip me pick up your feet check this out guys i had to hit myself with a snowball so many times for this to look actually decent like i was literally grabbing snow and i was like again neighbor i'm insane that one that one was so hard to do i was like red here yeah it's snow it's great hurry up i've wrecked the grass in the backyard by doing that sorry dad oh i slipped really bad doing that i remember that i don't feel great i don't think this is one of my most liked ones too oh and what's your uh what's your sickness my stomach hurts oh i can fly now comment down below if what you did to pretend to be sick as well because i actually did that i actually did the hair dryer thing to make my head seem more warm i even went as far as to make fake puke and put it in the toilet for my mom to see so i could miss school i was never sick as a kid i just acted sick it was acting it was very method how what are you okay really i got caught a lot we're actually going to this honky tonk's potty lighten up janet at least we get free food and booze she doesn't even drink this is the i think three-part series of killing courtney i really enjoy doing these ones wait this birthday is going to suck hi ladies come on in oh hey chad hey courtney you invited hope oh my god i'm wearing the same sweater for like five different characters i'm wearing this sweater in this wow this was like five dollars thrifty [ __ ] okay so the rules are oh who turned out the lads courtney no oh my god my entire following loved that i killed courtney oh my god she fainted part two ow you good yeah now that you kicked me in the side i am so much better thank you i can't believe courtney's dead still wearing the same sweater in part two and this was a different day i mean i guess the consistency's good because they're all wearing the same outfit still lazy though like i said she's unconscious she's not dead katrina how could you she said there was murder mystery party and there was no rules no katrina i was no katrina who turned out the lats before katrina killed courtney yeah that's true who did it it wasn't me lights are all the way on other side of room i was olympic athlete but that wasn't shot but not running okay then it was janet you hated courtney and you and katrina have this weird intimate friendship thing weird intimate lesbian thing hey listen i hated courtney more than anybody in here but i wouldn't go to jail for her well who is that leave okay it was me why i heard her call you and katrina a bad mom that [ __ ] how could you courtney we're going to need some vodka close my own eyes who's that i told you grandma's coming over to babysit okay i'm coming i'm known as one of my favorites by far or you could just let yourself in you know you should really be locking your doors and hello to you tuma i heard on the television that there's one of those crazy serial killers around oh really here oh well a couple states over but still even known his voice i've made it so much deeper she's just talking like this kind of like this and then with that now i talk like this when i'm known i don't know why my register went so low she's been through some [ __ ] i guess you really gotta stop watching so much dateline ma okay i'm heading out youtube nona is based off of my mom by the way don't talk to anybody with a mustache she watches way too much true crying noted what are we doing today riley can we watch a movie yeah you ever seen goodfellas i don't think so what we got to get some candy too mom's had no candy well mom's not here you known us here so let's do it hey i'm back did you guys have fun if you haven't seen goodfellas you should watch goodfellas it's a good movie gangsta mom what did i say about goodfellas i thought she could use some culture she's three years old ma and that's gonna be my mom if i ever have kids that'll be her okay that was actually really fun watching the videos back i have i haven't watched any compilations it's kind of fun and i hope you guys enjoyed if you want to see more of me reacting to stuff let me know in the comments below i know you guys want me my character's reacting to my videos as well so i'll definitely do that for you guys but let me know in the comments what else you guys want to see i want to say thank you guys so much again for 2 2 million subscribers which is insane and if you're not already subscribed you know you might as well subscribe and also like the video while you're at it because that really helps me a lot so i'd really appreciate that and hit the little notification bell so you know when i post my next video okay i will see you guys in the next video which is gonna be a big deal okay and yeah bye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 3,666,886
Rating: 4.9801579 out of 5
Id: I6qRNWom0K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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