How big can you make Toad's face in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury? [Super Mario 3D World mod]

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today we look at how big you could make toad's face in super mario 3d world we stretch it into weird shapes and we see what happens so here's what toad's face looks like before we edit it and put it back into the game his eyes and the top mushroom part of his head are kept in separate files as we've seen in videos where i modded princess peach all right okay from behind right at the beginning of the level it already looks like something is up with toad so let's have toad turn around and let's take a closer look at him okay so his face stretches out above where his eyes normally are so he can't see toad's eyes because his face is covering it when he runs around i don't know how he could see where he's going like this oh and he still opens his mouth when he jumps when he does a long jump like that he still opens his mouth i thought he wasn't opening his mouth but you could see when he's like this he opens his mouth so this toad's still pretty happy about what's going on okay here's toad at ten times b oh my goodness oh my goodness when the level starts it's just like all you can see is just a giant toad head without any eyes running around but when he turns around you can see that there's an actual tone down there somewhere wow this is what you'll see if you go out in space way above the earth you'll see a floating toad head like this how do you think captain toad feels about this imagine seeing a giant toad head like that oh my goodness it's like we could eat captain toad all right and in a level this looks just as absurd toad's head is almost covering up toad's feet too and what happens when you complete a level okay the toad head slides down i just use the big smile from the toe that looks so weird of course clear there's this giant smile and there are no eyes i think the fact that you can't see its eyes make it even creepier you know what let's make the eyes bigger that way it won't be as creepy all right here we go toad's face and eyes are both 25 times bigger than normal now oh oh okay oh my goodness it's like pac-man there's a giant tote that is chasing after mario luigi and peach i love that in the title screen you can see the tone is bigger there's just a giant tone head running around chasing these guys okay i'm very glad that the eyes scaled up nicely this looks much better with eyes you just see the giant toenail just looking around and you can see that his movements are very very exaggerated because he's so big this toad looks like he's just ready to attack someone just like what what what i'm ready i'm ready this toad is just looking around for his next victim right now oh my goodness this is quite terrifying let's see what this looks like in a level okay the camera zooms back and oh it's getting so big that we're almost clipping inside the toad it's kind of hard to see where you're going all right toad is almost giving us a green screen here except instead of a green screen it's more like a peach colored screen oh my goodness you can just see the toad in the background this is now super toad world [Music] toad's head is just overtaking everything this is 50 times as big as normal okay let's take a look at the world map oh you could just see his toes out here let's zoom out man toad isn't quite as big as world one yet but he's getting there we're getting a pretty big toad over here imagine playing through the whole level like this imagine playing through the whole game like this but from certain angles you can just see the toad regularly like this because the camera clips through the toad's head but then it moves and it's like this from certain angles this looks so normal this just looks like a regular day in super bell hill then you start to zoom out you're like wait a minute what's that around the edges there then you keep going and you're like oh my goodness oh my goodness what in the world is this and then you complete the level and you realize what it is well actually maybe you won't realize what it is because it's so big will we even get this oh my goodness and toad is missing his face because his face is so big and all stretched out there's just an empty hole where his face used to be i remember seeing something like that in another series that i'm working on even before the characters come on screen you can see that toad is already towering over into the camera area and yeah toad's entire head is just missing here because his face is so stretched out that when the camera clips through and you can see the rest of toad you can see that his face isn't actually there okay and this is the world map this is what we see when the game starts this is what we see all we see is a part of toad's face can we zoom out at all oh there we go you can see oh there's toad's eye one of the eyes at least yeah toad is starting to fill up the world map [Music] the little smile is just so funny to me he's humongous toad is just going to eat the world this is like kirby and if you head in here you can see the toad doesn't have a face because his face is that thick that extends way out there so funny that his face and his body are kept as separate files yeah toad's face is now so big that when he's walking downwards like this it looks normal when he faces upwards you could still see the back of his head okay let's start up the game 1000 times as big as normal now oh my goodness it's like there's a shadow over the title screen island now i think toad's face might be starting to get too big yeah we can't even see joe's face now [Laughter] it's just blank space is blank and when you move you can just see the shadows are slightly different toad casts a shadow over the world all right here's toad with a tall face we can already see in the oh my goodness his eyes are popping out of his head he looks like an egg that is spitting around [Music] wow it's just fascinating to watch this toad moving around like this i'm very curious to see what this is going to be like his smile looks even funnier now i like the little smile so much his lips look very funny the shadows on him are great all right let's head on over to oh man what does captain toad think of this imagine being captain toad and seeing a toad like this with its eyes literally popping off its head look at its eyes oh my goodness all right let's see what this cutscene is going to be like let's head to bowser's highway showdown [Music] it's like a lava lamp it's like a lava lamp that's what it looks like just a beam of light has entered the level got a nice spin jump here look at that spin jump that we've got and do some rolling long jumps here oh man the way that toad opens his mouth oh no i don't have the cat suit power up all right let's see what we've got here we've got a very long face for toad it's also tilted oh my goodness it's like the horn of a unicorn is sticking out of the ground we have an underground unicorn this is what it looks like to play as toad and toad has completed a level [Music] yes this is what it looks like when toad celebrates when he clears a level oh my goodness wow wow wow it's like i don't even know how to describe it's like we are in a towed pool right now there's a toad barrier that is around us that doesn't look like it should be toad's face and just look at that smile this looks like something out of a meme this looks like it could be some kind of meme it's like the tone is going ah yeah that's what it looks like that toad is doing right there that is what that face is saying right now this is the face that is saying ah yeah just like that whoa and when you do a spin jump it's even weirder because it doesn't go at a perfect angle this is like some kind of anime sword spite right now and you can see all the lines going by as toad is attacking with his sword oh my goodness and it became a cd for a second when you see it from upside down let's see the celebration oh cool there's toad's eye off to the side this might be my favorite one yet its face looks like an actual frog this is what i imagine when i think of frogs i like how when he jumps like this you can see inside his mouth you can see the toad's mouth from the inside of his head and toads don't have any teeth it looks like does anything look off about this does this look strange at all or does this just look like a normal battle at bowser's highway showdown okay we are now going to have toad with a smaller face oh man his face is tiny wow wow wow wow wow hold on i have to get somewhere where we could get a closer look at that it's weird seeing the toad icon where he has a normal full face but let's take a look at this oh my goodness toad oh my goodness it's like he's wearing an oversized costume and there's actually just a tiny little toad in there i like how you can see through the rest of the space behind the cat's suit that's so weird oh okay i was looking at it from the side when you look at it from the side you're like where is toad this is very strange i didn't expect it to look like this and i don't see his eyes either his eyes are supposed to be there i don't see his eyes i wonder what happened to toad's eyes this isn't what i expected toad's face to look like but yeah you can see the little smile there the little tiny smile right there now what if toad had the same face that he just had but it was stretched vertically let's see how that'll work out [Music] it's like there's a toothpick stuck down into the tone through his head this poor toad all he could do is run around all day he has been cursed by having a toothpick put into his head and having his well the toothpick isn't in his head the toothpick is in the mushroom part of his head his hat or whatever oh and he still has eyes oh my goodness that makes us even more cursed he's got eyes this is his head his head looks like a toothpick what if this was a real character in the mario universe what if this is what toads originally look like they have these toothpicks that keep the mushroom part connected to their body and they also had eyes like this that actually looks seriously dangerous oh my goodness this looks like it could be an enemy that bowser has it's like toads but they have spikes on their heads so you have to avoid jumping on them and they can also rush into you with those spikes oh my goodness wow it's like there's a popsicle stick that he's splitting toad in half over here it's so cool and it's kind of like a boat it's like he's carrying a canoe that's through his head it's like toad's face has become a canoe toad is having a lot of fun with his face right now okay this is really really weird this is seriously weird you can have toad's face set off from the center from the rest of toad like this i had a video where we were modding rosalina in bowser's fury and doing all kinds of cursed stuff like this and it looked like we had a toad that wanted to steal souls but when you have a toad whose face is off to the side like this yeah this is pretty cursed we need to have an anime made about a character like this where his body is replaced with smoke and his face follows him around to the side this is what would happen if toad got hit by an uppercut punch right in the chin his head would go up into his mushroom hat like that oh my goodness hopefully his head can come back down soon all right here's a quick puzzle for you guys i think this will be a fun one if you want to right now you can pause the video and try to find where toad's face is you can see toad's face right now but it's a bit difficult to find i think and you can see it's up here to the side toad's face can actually stay pretty far away from him oh man and while you're walking like this it looks like toad's face gets i'm not sure if it gets stuck on some of the objects oh this is so good you can see toad's face floating towards the bottom of this screen there just like toad's face is always a little bit ahead of him so it's like toad is trying to chase after his face i think this is potentially such a cool mod idea imagine a mod where you play as a character and you have to chase after and catch your face if you are interested in seeing more cursed images like this characters with the wrong animations or stretching characters as big as possible you might enjoy some of my other videos i've also made my own custom levels and you can check out some of my fun experiments like seeing if you could make mario fast enough to shoot him through a wall i hope you enjoyed watching this video wishing all of you a fantastic day ahead of you and take care everybody you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 194,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, toad, mario toad, super mario toad, bigger mario, bigger toad, toad face, mario animation, funny mario, funny mario animation, funny toad, bowser, super mario, mario speedrun, mario animated, lake lapcat, bowser's fury theme, lake lapcat theme, scamper shores, super bell hill, bowser's fury glitches, bowser's fury speedrun, zxmany, zxmany bowser's fury, zxmany mario
Id: nukrcxFYjRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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