FUNNY Mario Skates Mod! Super Mario 3D World Experiments [Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury mod]

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today we push the limits of super mario 3d world modding by testing out everything with skates i wanted to see if we could get giant mario into a skate but he just walks around the skate and he can't activate the escape power up until he turns regular sized again i was wondering if this would work the opposite way around what if we got into the skate first and then we got the mushroom that made us big and mario grows mario has such a big smile on his face he is looking so happy like it's his first time on a merry-go-round you can click the like button if that is a happy mario and when the mega mushroom wears off mario returns to normal size but you might notice something slightly different mario is lower in his skate than usual and in a side to side comparison this difference becomes even more clear you might know that if you pop into a clear pipe while mario is in this skate then you lose this skate power-up and you head into the pipe we saw some of that in my playthrough of the flores lava mod i wanted to try my next experiment but something really strange happened that i had to share first when mario got the mega mushroom while in the skate he was stuck in his falling pose like this instead of his regular skating animation and it looks like mario accidentally stepped on to escape with one foot and now he's sliding around on it but once you jump we are back to seeing mario on his invisible pogo stick as happy as ever and going into a clear pipe with giant mario on escape makes the skate disappear and it also returns mario back to normal size as you go through the pipe and this is also what happens if you go into a clear pipe as giant mario without a skate i tried adding an object called a gold door and this is the same one that you see in toad houses and other bonus levels and if you enter one of these in super bell hill the screen goes black for a moment and then the course completes and you don't get any points for that and the next level actually does unlock if you haven't already beaten super bell hill i wanted to test how both skates and giant mario on skates would work with some other objects so i added a warp box a normal trampoline and a trampoline with a jump height of zero and you might have seen what happens if you jump onto a trampoline with a jump height of zero before we've seen something like this in my video where i made a custom level in bowser's fury based on super mario 3d world but for our tests with skates i also added a jump panel with a jump height of zero which just pushes you aside if you activate it as well as a normal jump panel so we put our giant skating mario onto the trampolines but the trampolines didn't affect him while he was in this skate he bounces over both of them like they were just regular floor and he doesn't get stuck on the zero jump height trampoline when giant mario goes into the warp box he shrinks down and he loses his skate but it's kind of interesting that it looks like the skate keeps going for a moment before it breaks but if you look at this with regular size mario it looks like you lose the scape right away when you go into the warp box so i thought this was an interesting comparison worth pointing out so you can see the difference between the two of these when mario is just giant and he's not on this skate the trampolines work just like they would for regular mario and you could get stuck on the zero height trampoline with giant mario and when mario's mega mushroom wears off he's still stuck here the jump panels work in the same way for mega mario as they do for normal mario but i couldn't enter the gold door as giant mario even though we could enter it as regular mario and if you try to jump into the gold pole as giant mario nothing happens mario can't grab it while he's huge like this and when mario turned small here he was standing on the edge of the base of the flagpole and he was able to complete the level just fine after that when giant mario is in the skate just like with the trampolines the jump panels don't activate even if you jump while you're on them and when i crashed here i might be crazy but it looks like giant mario was standing diagonally here and that might be because of the way that these objects were arranged you might be wondering what happens if you jump into the gold pole while you are on this skate because with some other power ups you aren't able to complete the level while you're holding them but you lose your skate and you bonk off which might not be very surprising given the way that this skate works when it comes to lava and this is the lava from the level fork fire bros here both regular mario and mario with a mega mushroom lose a life if they fall into this lava immediately but if you head on to the skate you can skate along on the lava and we saw a lot of driving around on lava in the flores lava challenge in a past video that we had one thing you'll notice about the lava here as we skate around is that it looks like mario is skating on the surface of the lava at first but in some parts out here as you move farther away the lava is higher so it looks like mario is actually below the lava but you'll see that the hitbox for the lava does still actually exist it's a flat plane that stretches out it's just a bit lower than where you might expect because this lava graphically appears higher than it is in some points it looks like the loft extends up higher than it really is and we can have our invisible pogo stick riding mario right away from the level on lava goodbye super bell hill goodbye level as you get far enough from the level parts of the levels start to disappear and eventually the mega mushroom powerup wears off mario is in his falling animation again and eventually reach the edge of this lava area bonk into a wall lose our skate and mario loses a life so lava works fine but what about water i made it possible to walk on the water down here when you drop down the level and mario could skate along below the level also and giant mario can ride along on his skate away from the level i wanted to test out some real water so i went to world 3-5 pipeline lagoon and giant mario can skate just fine in this shallow water by this start but there is something here that really surprised me you know this green pipe that you need to use to continue into the level for some reason this pipe has the destructible property enabled so giant mario can crush this pipe making it unusable it's not like this is something that the game developers have to worry about because you can't get a mega mushroom in this level but it's really surprising that the pipe wasn't set to unbreakable by default and this area with the slopes and shallow water here is super interesting because we can make mario do all kinds of weird animations like he's raising his hands as if he's saying look mom i can ride this skate with no hands or sometimes his hands are just resting to the side or sometimes he plays his jumping animation with his leg partially sticking out of the skate it might not be very surprising that mario can drive his skate in shallow water but even in deeper water a bit farther in the level the skate mechanics still do work fine and it's so weird to see mario going through an underwater level in a skate and if this wasn't weird enough you can also have a giant mario on a skate underwater it's really easy to get pulled into a pipe when you're like this though so you'll want to be careful to not lose your skate and of course you can also skate on the world map i made a video about testing what happens if items and enemies are on the world map and you can check out that video if you are interested i am definitely adding skating on the world map to my custom level that i'm making where you play on the world map i thought i was done with this video but i discovered something even more crazy and unbelievable with the skate and i found this by accident if you go up these stairs while you're on the skate with giant mario mario will start doing his walking animation while he's still in the skate but the game is still acting like mario is in this skate and giant mario is doing his walking animation and if you stand still like this you'll see a giant mario standing still but the skate still moves mario forward if you wait in this state until the mega mushroom wears off you'll have mario in a weird position inside the skate just like before and if you move around the joystick to different directions you can see mario moving around inside the skate facing different directions that he can't normally face and sometimes he partially pops out of this skate if you like seeing what is possible in games and more experiments like this i'd really appreciate if you click the subscribe button because you'll be notified when new videos come out we might be able to reach 100 000 subscribers before this channel is one year old and that would be an amazing achievement and my birthday is coming up soon too i think playing minecraft for the first time to celebrate reaching 100 000 subscribers could be a really fun way to celebrate and i hope that you enjoyed watching this video i just moved into my new place recently and i'm still filling up my room with furniture so i hope that echo wasn't too bad for this video but i'm wishing all of you an amazing day ahead of you and take care [Music] everybody [Music] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 503,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, funny mario, mario memes, funny mario videos, mario skate, super mario 3d world skate, mario skate power-up, mario power-up, funniest mario, mario animations, mario wrong animations, mario animation, funny mario animation, glitchy mario, mario glitch, super mario 3d world glitches, super mario 3d world modding, bowser's fury modding, mario 3d world modding, mario mod, zxmany mario, zxmany
Id: kNoZvFr4StM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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