Bowser Jr's Fury (you play as Bowser Jr)

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all right here is bowser jr's fury where we are going to play as bowser jr instead of mario let's have a look at this game oh my goodness the way that he yells like that is great i like the way that his arms swing a lot oh bowser jr is interested in this goop here okay bowser junior's running along running along chase's chasing this goop here wow this reminds me so much of super mario sunshine because bowser jr is an important character in mario's sunshine oh no we've got bowser jr falling down but mouser jr isn't screaming at all well he's screaming but his mouth isn't open and here we go we've got bowser jr falling from the sky it's so funny hearing him making the mario sound oh man look at how his head just squished here and his foot is twitching poor bowser junior look at bowser jr here bowser jr just bonked right on his head poor bowser jr i hope he's okay all right let's bounce out oh man it is so cool to be controlled like a bowser junior like this oh man bowser jr is going to have to save his dad wait a minute normally you have bowser jr as a companion so i wonder what's going to happen to the bowser junior that joins you are we going to have something else instead of bowser jr are we going to have maybe a mario companion join us it'd be so funny to have a flying mario like the way that they own there's bowser in the background bowser's waking up scary fury bowser in the background so i made a video with cursed bowser's fury characters where we had a cursed luigi doll following us around instead of bowser jr so i wonder if bowser jr is going to be normal here are we going to be bowser jr and bowser jr is going to follow us around oh and look at the way that that arm stretches up man and we could just see the little bowser jr floating here and i want to see what all of the power-ups are going to be like too all right wait a minute it's just bowser jr down there we are bowser jr and bowser jr is down there will bowser jr help himself literally let's see [Music] what is this cutscene going to look like okay bowser jr's going around yeah then we've got a valor junior in the background here man and these graphics the quality of this cut scene is fantastic so bowser jr is painting here wait a minute does bowser jr have a twin is that what this is bowser jr is asking for help from his bowser jr twin looks like bowser jr is in trouble but which one mario wait why are you calling me mario i'm not mario the way that the heads stick through like that because mario normally has his hands crossed here that's very funny i can't change that back by myself look at the way that this bowser jr is looking at the other bowser jr it's like wait a minute you're me and i'm you i'd never ask for your help never ever but i'll do anything to save papa so help me please mario [Laughter] that's not what his arm is normally supposed to do it's like it's just it's just swinging its arm across its chest you've teamed up with bowser jr but i am bowser jr so i've teamed up with myself all right let's see wow double bowser juniors ah right let's go i really like these running animations these running animations for this bowser jr are great man and this bowser jr just looks so short this looks like a very very wait a minute oh my goodness we have a cat bowser junior that shell looks so funny i look like a little chipmunk that's what i look like right now hold on this is amazing hold on let's get our floating bowser jr to get that one up there nice job and we're going man i wonder what the other power-ups are going to be like i wonder if all the power-ups have been changed okay let's go this way since we have cat bowser jr let's continue up this way okay dive back and then jump off and dive this way there we go i think it's a bit faster to go that way oh let's take out these goombas over here and then bowser jr can collect that one up there our floating bowser jr will get that one we'll head up here let's get the cat shine with our double bowser juniors all right man the way that his hand sticks out of his face like that is pretty great all right let's head over here to fort flap trap hold on we've got to take a look at this we got to take a closer look at this okay i think i think i could be wrong i could be wrong but i think the shell looks slightly off it's like bowser jr is so fast that he is running out of his shell but when he's just standing like this it looks pretty great i like this power up a lot this power i'm so great i've got to see the other power-ups i really want to see the other power-ups [Music] okay bully the cat bullies all right we will get the cat bullies let's do it okay so we can get the star power up here and then we can take out these guys quickly it's so nice though with the star power up you can just run into them and that defeats them makes it a bit faster [Music] there we go now our invis invincible bowser jr gets another couch sign man our bowser jr the master jr that we are controlling has a very serious look on his face hold on owser jr go get go get that one for us get that one and i'll get this one nice all right now let's head back we are cat bowser jr i'm very tempted to say cat mario but i guess we're kind of bowser jr so let's climb up here wait a minute fury shadow by the shore i wonder if yuri's shadow by the shore is going to be changed at all okay so there's the final cat shine chart here very nice man that look on bowser jr space is just so serious okay what's going to happen to fiery shadow by the shore over here that's such a weird shadow luigi bowser jr go get him very nice let's have him run to us somewhere you know what get him again get him again get him again you can get him there we go man the way that he's stretched out like that is weird the more you look at it the stranger it gets if gary shadow by the shore has been completed wow we have five cat shines already all right blue coin bustle hopefully i can do blue coin bustle in time [Music] i don't know if i'll be fast enough to get it before bowser wakes up please get them okay no i was too slow i was hoping that i'd be able to get the cats tonight before okay so we'll get the cat shine after because i want to go do the bowser fight that was so close though all right let's head on over to here and let's see what this boss fight is going to be like i'm very curious to see what what fury bowser jr will look like as he faces off against fury bounce oh oh oh oh oh oh i think i might know what this will look like let's see oh my goodness wow wow look at that oh man and we've got the fury bowser junior textures up against your this is so cool i love the way that he walks look at this this is incredible this is incredible oh my goodness wow there we go oh and the way that you oh hold on i want to be careful to not get hit by oh you know i kind of want to see what happens if we get hit by the fire then i'm guessing do we become uh we become a smaller bowser junior let's do some swipes over here man these textures are amazing this is so well made oh my goodness shout out to just a cupcake for making this this is fantastic this is so nicely made let's do a dive here there we go let's do some swipes swipes it's like we're attacking with a claw that's what it looks like where's bowser jr heading or no not bowser jr i'm so used to saying bowser jr where's bowser heading off to junior versus big bowser can we get some more swipes on him oh looks like he's going to be dropping down and there's a gigabill over there i don't think anything will happen if we collect the gigabit yeah because we are in gigabill form right now so let's do a ground pound and there we go bowser jr has taken out the first fury bowser and fury bowser explodes the game isn't complete yet this is just the first main boss fight like this and we have got a rainbow in the shape of a cat because there are a lot of cat references in this game a lot of things have cat ears in this game the way that our cat bowser judy is just standing with its heads straight down like that fingers extended it just looks like it's very serious for listening right now looks like bowser jr has more to say but witch bowser jr has more to say and we've got plessy now oh man we are riding on plessy as bowser jr this is very intense oh man the way that the hands are arranged might not look very comfortable but hey this bowser jr has a very serious expression on his face he's taking riding plessy very seriously and how does plessy feel about this plus he is like oh man i have to deal with this bowser kit again all right let's do blue coin bustle this time okay and now we'll go for all these there we go now we got this now we got the blue coin bustle cat side this time we're not worried about bowser spawning right away so he came back for this one oh and there's also going to be a catch-and-shard that is back here i didn't get it before but there's one right over here and then the last one is just going to be down here behind here so bowser jr can break that and head on in we can just see his tail sticking out of the wall here all right let's head up here just ground pound here and there's going to be a trampoline here for us which is nice oh oh man that was a little bit scary you know what wait a minute what happens if bowser jr gets the boomerang power up [Music] ah that is brilliant this is actually such a creative idea that is an amazing idea oh my goodness you know how i was saying this reminds me of super mario sunshine earlier oh my goodness this makes so much sense this is a great reference to super mario sunshine because bowser jr becomes a character like this in super mario sunshine and even the thing that you throw that's what bowser jr has for the boomerang crowd this is amazing this mod is so brilliant this is amazing this is so creative and this is so incredibly made this just looks so good this looks so good that's such a good idea oh my goodness just the cupcake really did a great job on this mod all right get some more cat shine shards over here only one more to collect oh and the cats also aren't scared of this bowser jr because we technically have the katsu power up right now so all the cats are just coming up to me to play little do they know that this bowser jr is the kid of the great fury bowser let's get the final one over here very nice [Music] okay and let's go get this cat shine by the lighthouse here i'm so curious to see what the other power-ups will be like hold on a second there's one right over there can we make it can we make it let's make it ah so close okay i know you're supposed to use this to get it but instead but instead let's do that there we go thank you plessy for the help we have climbed to the shine show's over cat magikoopas let's see how much bowser jr will help us out here bowser jr you can take out that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and can bowser drew to take out that one as well and that bowser jr oh man bowser jr and bowser jr really make a great team they help each other out a lot i like how plessy's just standing here waiting for us good job plessy scamper shores has such a nice theme all right let's just make our way up here jump up across here we go got some piranha planes here now wait what the that was so weird why was the key flashing like that that's surprising i don't think i've ever seen the key do that before just i i don't think i've ever seen the key like that before okay and we took some damage wait i wonder what happens if we take damage again and we become little bowser jr let's try it come on let's try to take damage ah i can't take damage when i want to [Music] i'm too good i can't get hit what is happening there we go wait a minute oh and your shell becomes not spiky when you become little that's such a nice detail that is such a cool detail to add the way that you lose the spikes on your shell to become little mario when you're little bowser jr like this man this is incredibly made oh man oh and you grow bigger after you get the cat shine this is great this is so great here we go all right let's do some jumping with these bowser jews i like how the two bowser juniors look so similar all right and we have to climb up there quickly so let's do this bowser jr give the other bowser junior the cat suit power up [Music] we'll make our way up here man you climb up so quickly and here we go and a jump and there we go got the cat side oh no it's already time for bowser to appear again you know what let's go blast some fury blocks then that's what we could get ready for let's get ready for blast the fury blocks we want to get over there yeah right over here would be perfect let's just destroy some of these trees too so then bowser can just pop over here and bowser can blast these fury blocks for us and maybe we could get him to blast two sets of fury blocks for us that would be nice where is he right there all right looks like he's going to blast this let's just stand back here and please break it okay good he broke this one now let's take plessy wow the fireball landed right on plessy okay and let's get him to also destroy this one if we could get him to also destroy this one that would be quite nice i think will he destroy this one also he's looking here he's looking here come on give us your fire it's weird looking at this bowser jr knowing that we are controlling a bowser dream wait where did he jump to bro why would you go over there why would you go over there come over here i'm not even trying to go there come here please please bowser yes he's coming back blast fires don't be scared of plessy don't worry i give you permission to blast fire at plessy okay good eddie broke this case so let's get this very nice got the blast the fury blocks over here [Music] and we got everything at scamper shores got all the catch guys here okay let's get these coins it will be nice and we can take this plessy over and we can collect the catch line that is just right in here because these fury blocks have also been blasted and now we should have 15 cat shines i think and we've got everything here as well that is very nice you've collected 15 cat shines a message is ringing out from the gigabit when the beast awakens so shall i we haven't gotten everything at pounce bounce aisle yet but let's continue this way i'd really like to see what all the power-ups are going to be like i know there's a quick one that we could get over here where is it right over here this okay we'll do this and i like how i did a dive right as the catch i'm supposed we were just seeing that we're just seeing that white stuff in the air there okay into the pipe we go and blast us off to slip skate slope hey bowser jr can you collect that one on the top for us please great job bowser jr now let's just skate on through here [Music] no i missed it wait a minute i just realized look how funny this bowser jr if this skate it's like this skate is a little bit too big for him there we go but now we have collected this skate now we can get that okay up to the top part here going to get to that couchsign shard right over there one more to get over here there we go yet another couch line and there's gonna be another couch line to collect just down here [Music] so let's get this one next there we go oh man we are getting these cut shines quite quickly okay it's almost time for bowser to wake up so you know what let's head up here first hopefully that doesn't disrupt the bowser face hopefully bowser's still going to be almost ready when we come back from here okay so i think bowser jr is going to have to defeat all these enemies now that he has the star power up i think when you defeat all the enemies that's when the cat shine at the end spawns i think you actually have to defeat all the enemies here let's just keep going yeah because the cat shine isn't there yet it's once you defeat all the enemies that the cat shine here spawns there we go [Music] dash and smash in the clouds smash bros is such a fun game i'd love to make some videos on smash bros sometime okay and here we go here we go we've got to get ready for the next bowser fight so let's head on this way we are ready we are ready we have more than 15 cats time so we are ready i'm ready i am ready for yet another fury bowser fight here we go we have got the fury bowser jr up against fury bowser man it looks like there's fire coming off of us wait a minute i don't think we saw this before did we did we have this light coming off us before i don't think we did is this something you whoa whoa whoa okay ah right what a nice swipe we got there let's do one two and oh i didn't get to do a dive okay let's just do two more swipes like that now then what is fury bowser going to do he's probably going okay it looks like he's going to do his fire attack so let's just run over here let's do some swipes on him oh no i got too close oh and if you take damage you just become this bowser jr but much larger than normal of course okay can we still walk into the side yes and i'm sure we'll be able to ground pound here oh and that's the whole fight wow i thought that there would be more to it because it looked like his hp bar was only half empty there or was it half full let me know in a comment bowser gets back up fury bowser isn't happy about what this bowser jr is doing and fury bowser runs away again into the goop he goes man this game is just so incredibly made this is oh man looks like bowser jr has more to say well it looks like bowser jr has more to listen to i can't believe he ran away again i mean dad's the best at everything of course he knows when it's time to retreat so wait i'm wondering if in this mod are these two bowser juniors are they siblings are they both siblings or what is this oh we only need 20 cat signs for the next fight bro we're almost ready for that okay let's go here then oh i probably should have done this and this would be a good time to go back instead of going where the ramp over there says to go let's go this way and then we can just head straight for the cat side right over here collected 20 cat shines okay we're already ready for the next fight okay i don't think there's anything else at scamper shores right now we've got everything at scamper shores oh we could return a kitten over here to this little cat this cat would like bowser jr to return the kitten let's bring this kitten over here and there we go i would like a cat side please man bowser junior looks so funny carrying the little kitten at these two bowser juniors man they just make a great team what a great team we have here these two bowser juniors yes okay it's this one it's this one okay this is the one that i wanted to do so let's head on up let's get another one of these power-ups it'll be nice to have another boomerang power up man we get to play okay well we still have two of them in storage i lost the one that i just got but that's okay now we've gotta go and get this key that is up here oh man i've been playing some mario odyssey lately or well very recently i played mario odyssey and i'm used to i'm getting kind of used to the movement in mario odyssey like i'm expecting to be able to double jump but there are no double jumps in this game because this game is really similar to mario 3d world okay so let's just bring this key in here [Music] and there we go bowser jr gets another cat shine there we go made it up here now let's just pop up to slip skate slope is there anything that we could get over here oh blue coin bustle this will be a fun one okay so we've got to get these blue coins and keeping the skate i think would be a nice advantage we have to make sure that we don't miss any of the blue coins though so if you miss any of them if it takes you too long to get them then they disappear and you have to do the whole thing again from the beginning okay so that works all right let's get oh no i missed one do i still have enough time to get these yes okay thank goodness okay and [Music] oh man oh man oh man we got them even with that mistake that is so nice there we go the blue coin bustle cat shine i want fury bowser to blast fire at this and then we'll do the next fight because the fight is okay the gigabyte is ready so we just want bowser to blast fire at this because i think this is a good opportunity to have bowser blast fire at this because then we can use this to head up high and get a cat shine later so let's do this very nice and now we can just have our next fight up here back to our fury bowser jr all right here we go man we just look ready to attack oh and this is the one with the spikes i think the one with the spikes might be my favorite fight i just love throwing these spikes at bowser when those spikes land and they deal damage oh it's just such a satisfying feeling landing that okay can i make this one please oh no that was too high please get the ground pound okay we got the ground pound but we haven't defeated bowser let's get another spike yes can i still get him no i missed let's get some more spikes let's get the spike no it disappeared right before i got and i can't cat swipe him right now because we are not cat bowser jr oh but there's a gigabyte over there what if i take damage okay then you lose your spikes so let's head on over to the gigabelle what no he just snuck up on me i had a feeling that would happen okay let's throw some nice spikes at bowser here there's a nice one there's a nice one does that land oh no that just missed okay okay okay i still have a chance though that one landed that is nice i can still probably get this one you know i'm gonna go closer just to be safe there we go and a ground pound and that's the fight that's as easy as it should be it could have been even easier than that i still even missed some of the spike throws but there we go bowser explodes throwing the spikes up bowser is probably one of my favorite parts when it comes to the bowser fights here we go the ship is coming out of lake lapcats now and we are going to be able to access a new area and there's still quite a few levels that we haven't been to yet wait a minute mount magmail looks weird oh it's just because we are looking at it from a weird angle that's why it looked weird i see i thought that it looked like only half of the cat part of the island appeared looks like bowser jr has more to say ah nuts i really hoped he would change back this time i mean of course he didn't nobody shrugs off a hit from mario i mean bowser jr better than our papa after all come on let's go find some more catshides it would have been so cool to be able to play as bowser jr in this game that would have been such a cool addition to this game even though it's just like such a slight minor change to be able to play as another character even if it was only just an aesthetic change still would have been really cool here's our little bowser jr running along the clouds ready to get his cat shine just a little bowser jr running along hoping to make it to the cat shine okay let's get that right there one cat shine shard and let us go battle with boom boom we've got a cat shine or you know what i could just send bowser jr over to that get that one bowser jr good job there's the one in here let's get that one and here we go whoa i saw his shadow before he fell i don't know if that normally happens there we go got one jump on him two bowser juniors versus one boom boom doesn't seem very fair if you ask me i think we have the advantage here but a nice bounce on him oh but he could turn invisible well kind of invisible let's see where is he and there we go three hits on him damageless easy fight oh i think that'll be under the cat shine there we go clash with cat boom boom okay so there is that cat shine shard right there for bowser junior to collect and one over there and that's another cat shine for us [Music] there we go bowser jr has collected it and where's plus okay there's a plessy right down here for us there we go nice drop down to that plessy oh there's a rabbit right over there let's go and catch that rabbit and there we go got the rabbit and we get a cat sign for catching the rabbit which is nice how many do we have oh it looked like bowser jr was going to scratch the chin of the rabbit you know what maybe we could collect some of these cat shine shards from here before bowser wakes up can i get that one up there that would be nice and how about that one over there yeah we should be able to reach that one too okay that's nice wow got three of them already let's see i don't think we'll be able to reach that one there no because this is in the way but fury bowser is awake so we can have fury bowser blast fire on these fury blocks here there we go and we'll just get the cat shine right away damage him a little bit he has served his purpose for us and now we'll make our way through this tower i was thinking something that i could do as a mod for this game something that might be a fun mod would be to make this island so that it's not invisible because this is normally invisible unless you get close to it or if you ground pound or if you shoot a fire flower or something like that oh speaking of fire flowers there's a fire flower power up nearby that we can get and this should give us a cat shine okay and it will now be cat pom-poms counter-attack okay let's see which one is real left no it's great let's see if we can guess which ones we are uh top right no bottom right okay uh left bottom ah right all right i got one of the three right uh the one with the most options i got that one right that's kind of funny the one that i am most likely to not get was the one that i actually guessed correctly all right and we've got a plessy here waiting for us like a getaway vehicle in grand theft auto that's what we are doing right here so we might be able to make that maybe hooray we made it okay and there's this cat shine okay and there's a cat shine there's a cat shine just right over here oh awesome we didn't even have to use the ice platform there go with the flow we're able to just jump up with plessy and grab it which is nice okay let's head up here oh i think we are going to get some propeller boxes yes bowser you can barely see bowser jr from heroes trying to look closely to see bowser jr it's like he's so swell that the propeller box almost completely covers up which is kind of funny that bowser jr get that oh and i think one of these will have a tanooki leaf powerup i think it might be one of these yes whoa oh man oh man oh man we thought double bowser juniors was wild before but look at this now oh my goodness we've got double bowser juniors in the clown car and we've also got the propeller box power so the propeller box power up it just can't be seen but this is what the tanuki leaf power up looks like oh man that's cool please make it to land no it's so weird to judge your movement like this i'm not used to moving around as bowser jr like this yeah but if you switch back to the cat power up then you can see what's going on like this you can see that you do have the propeller box active still the one cat shine shark that's in here this had to have been one of the most hidden ones in the game that's probably one of the ones that took me the longest to find the one that's in there okay so we could send our bowser junior partner over to collect that one down there i know where the last one is going to be the last one's going to be in the middle of this spinning thing here oh let's just make it up here and i think we should be able to send bowser jr just over to get that one just come outside a bit bowser jr come outside a bit there we go and bowser jr got it for us wow that's weird we popped in front of the propeller depth wise this makes no sense because we are behind the propeller box so funny how it showed us in front of the propeller box okay now we will just oh fury bowser is almost awake uh oh and we're not even close to well we're kind of close to 40 shines but we don't have 40 cat shines yet oh but you know what since it's going to be the fury bowser phase now what we can do is get him to blast these fury blocks now where are the fury blocks there are some fury blocks here that we need him to blast oh and i think they're actually right down here i think he's spawned at the perfect spot yeah it's going to be right down here perfect this is exactly where we needed them to spawn okay so just blast this away there we go and we can just get the cat shine easy okay let's get this plessy ring let's see where this makes us go [Music] hey on our way to slipskate slow okay let's just ride along with our bowser jr on plessy what a great team bowser jr plessy and another bowser jr amazing team amazing team we've got here and let's take a bob um with us and there we go exploded our way in oh i remember this fight i remember what we are going to see here wait a minute and i have a fire flower power up too okay first against this boom boom hey you know what against this boom boom ah okay good good good let's use this power-up so we can't keep floating up forever this acts just like the tanooki leaf power-up does but it is so cool to see bowser jr up in the air like this there we go got a second hit on him oh don't want to land on the spikes there we go oh and he can't pass over the spikes i never knew that [Music] but there we go boom boom has been taken care of i like how you could go in the air like this and then you could keep spinning like that [Music] hold on when you spin like that look at the face of bowser jr that is a pog face if i have ever seen a pawn face so this bowser jr up here he doesn't want to collect the cat shines he can't collect the cat shines he only walks towards it but this bowser jr not a problem whoa and he even has a cool animation that plays whoa that's really cool ah that's an interesting one okay well let's get one of these power power-ups let's do this i'm ready i am ready to fly very quickly wait can you fly up the other way [Music] i don't know if you can do this let's try this i don't remember if you can do this or not let's try it though you can definitely make it up like this oh man that's not even a very far climb oh and we didn't do this one yet okay so we could defeat some enemies here and get a quick cat shine should be able to do that okay bowser jr take out its head okay i'm going to stand here and i'm going to have bowser jr defeat these for me bowser jr attack its head why aren't you going okay fine attack this one attack that one good job now attack that one attack its head why won't you attack it why are you just going up to it attack it don't be scared there's nothing to be scared up here you know what i'm determined to make this as a junior attack attack bowser jr attack attack it's like he's being pushed away by it it's like he just won't attack its head he'll attack everything except for its head there we go now he attacked his head maybe it was was it too tall to attack or what okay and now all we need you to do bowser jr is to take out that final cheap cheap right over there and there we go now we get the team gets another cat shine a fire flower let's see what fire flower bowser jr is going to look like oh oh he just has a darker shell okay okay that's a nice change a very simple change but a very nice change and it's nice you just shoot out fireballs just like normal i don't have any more superville power-ups oh man that means i've got to actually be careful here oh man we made it right there [Music] and we are able to make it over to this cat's shine which is nice oh wow we already have 40. oh man and there's still a few levels that we haven't even gone to yet uh oh looks like it's going to be time for the next fight then okay so we've got to head on over to a gigabyte while we are here i don't know if we could blast those fury blocks while this is all goop here still let's see if we can do some damage boosting through here and maybe just maybe maybe bowser maybe fury bowser will blast these blocks away for us oh it looks like he actually will okay but i don't want to fight him right away okay can we get to the bowser fight before this phase runs out please please it is so close yes we made it okay okay okay here we go got another bowser fight coming up okay we'll have to do the fury fight in a moment because my game crashed so i'm just going to collect some more cat sides for now so we haven't been to pipe path tower yet so let's collect some of these let's see is there another one over here i can't remember if there's another one over here not whoa oh fire bros [Music] oh one right up there so get that one nice job junior there's another one for junior to collect oh my goodness you know what in bowser's fury floor is lava this was absolutely unbelievable this had to have been one of the most difficult things in bowser's fury flores lava this part right here because not only was the floor lava but this whole wall was all lava and that made this very very very difficult oh and there's the last one right over there okay so that's regina can just collect that for us bowser jr is helping out bowser jr so much today let's just continue on up to the top here to get this cat shine there we go make the lighthouse shine now then let's head across to this island that we've got over here we haven't been to risky whisker island yet so let's just head on over to risky whisker island and we've got a fury shadow to defeat right at the start oh man i forgot how funny he looks i forgot that it's not just a regular fury show oh you know what we haven't gotten yet we still haven't gotten hold on let's just hit up hit up get up there we go we still haven't gotten the lucky cat bell power up let's play as shadow mark oh shadow mario versus shadow luigi let's go who will win shadow mario who is actually bowser jr or fury shadow by the shore [Music] ah my luigi didn't work and there we go bowser jr finishes him off will you get a cat shine oh bad the way that he has his hand up like that his fingers are so long mario has very very long fingers [Music] oh now we can access mount magmeo let's just make our way up here we could have just made bowser jr grab it but we could just grab it ourselves that's fine those long figures are so weird okay so fury bowser i need you to destroy this block that i am standing on please please blast fire right here do not worry about plessy being there it's fine plus you will be fine so will mario okay please blast your fire here okay our plessy is down here let's head to our plessy let's do this plessy ring let's see where this takes us oh that takes us to near the beginning of the game again okay man it feels like a while since we've been at the beginning of the game [Music] time really flies but here we go we can just make it over to this cat shine here i like how the water's still going like that oh wait oh wow i almost accidentally caught that rabbit i wasn't even really trying to go for it i was thinking like wait did we get that rabbit before or no okay we could go this way or this way you know let's go this way first [Music] then we can go like this nope okay i thought i would go uh thought i would bonk into it all right this is a pretty fast way to move and there we go plenty of time to make it to the shine now how many shines is that 47 already okay so we almost have enough for the very last one oh yeah and this is here so we can get this one man and that's already 48 that is a lot of cat shines that we've got where's bowser bowser still sleeping over there okay and that's all them there we go there you go there you go so now we can go and get this cat shine and then we still have to get one more after this oh wait but we should go and battle bowser right now that's what we should do we haven't gone to mount magno or roiling roller island at all jump across to there very nice [Music] what in the world just happened there i think something very strange happens when you try to pick up a ball bomb let's try that again something very very strange happened when i tried to pick up that ball bomb just now something unspeakably strange happened well not unspeakably strange because we can't speak about it but hold on a second hold on a second let's try that again so i did this wait a minute i think when you grab the ball bomb do you transform into the other bowser jr i think that's what happens like let's send that bowser junior over there now will i become that bowser jr oh wait yes yes another leaf case we have to try this out again okay let's try this we'll attac we'll jump on the bomb we'll do that we will send that bowser jr away now when i pick this up wait a minute i don't become the other bowser jr because other bowser junior's still all the way over there i don't know what in the world happens but something weird happens when you pick up the ball bomb does it like teleport you in a straight line wherever you're facing [Music] why are we here how did we end up here how did we end up in the middle of the goop here we are so far away from civilization and everything that is familiar to us we just teleported out here i don't know what is happening there when you grab the bomb off but something weird is happening when you grab the bomb when you have that power up with bowser oh it's so weird seeing this oh and it looks even weirder than i thought it's like bowser junior's trying to whisper a secret into the hair of plessy it's like plessy's hair i have a secret for you no but the weird thing about this is seeing well that's one weird thing about it but it's like look there's just bowser junior riding on plessy that's so strange there's another bowser jr following you around also oh please blast these blocks okay that has been plessy are you okay plessy what's wrong are you alright blessy what is happening plus he's gone oh no i think the fire might have destroyed plessy i'm guessing that's what it was okay so let's just get this cat shine then catch sign number 50 there we go we have 50 cat signs now we are ready to beat the game it's kind of weird to see bowser jr carrying a kitten like this man we thought that mario carrying a kitten was weird before but look at the way the bowser jr carries a kitten bowser jr really wants to smell the kittens to make sure that they smell okay let's just get him into the pipe oh i was wondering if he could shoot a fireball at him to damage him like that but it looks like you can there you go it is so easy to do this with the fire flower i don't think i've ever done this with the fireplace i think i usually do this with the catsuit power-up but man what the oh no okay maybe i spoke too soon but there we go yes yes bowser is going to be coming soon i've got to get ready for bowser i've got to get ready for bowser let's get the cat shine and then let's run to bowser and there will be this power up here so that's a new power up that we just got we haven't seen what that power up looks like so let's lose this first let's see if it ends up looking any different the lucky cat bell power up let's see i think it looks the same maybe the shell is a different color oh and when you use this power-up you still end up becoming the mario stature okay so i guess that one hasn't been changed yet okay looks like bowser should he has more to say okay so the boss fight before this it kept crashing for some reason it wasn't working so let's see if we can get the final boss fight to work with bowser jr hopefully this will work because i'd really like to see the final cut scenes in the game with two bowser juniors in the final cutscene oh yes okay okay okay yes oh my goodness this is such a relief to see this oh man here we go okay so this is going to be the final boss fight phase one here we go fury bowser jr versus fury bowser let's go where is he gonna run to where is he gonna run to try me let's go one spike on him two spikes on him three spikes on him easy can i get a fourth one getting a fourth one would be great let's go let's go let's go please work yes okay and i could probably do a swipe and then a dive there we go that works great oh man and he's almost defeated already let's see and that's it there we go oh man what an easy phase one man that went great that one better than some of the earlier fights that we had and now bowser is going to explode there we go he spits out all this goop from his mouth and he explodes goodbye fury bowser but what's going to happen now oh no the bowser jr not not the bowser jr that we're controlling the other bowser juniors going over to the bowser wondering if the bowser is okay is fury bowser okay but meanwhile the fury the bowser jr that we are is just off to the side and then this big bowser comes out and we are going to get ready for phase two of the fight all right all right all right bowser roars and he brings over one cat bell two cat bell three cat oh wait they're called super bells not cat bells but they are bells if they have cats on those other cat mills no but i'm pretty sure the the correct name for them i think is super bell if i'm not mistaken because it's like super belle hill is the first level in super mario 3d world in phase two we are going to be riding along on plessy and we've got to go bonk into bowser over there can we get a second hit on him there we go two hits on bowser there's a third hit on him can we get a fourth hit there we go bowser has been defeated here comes mario and plessy or rather bowser jr and plessy and they're growing larger and larger and larger and here comes plessy with the giant body slam onto little bowser there and right now bowser jr is looking a little bit like plessy too with the coloring here i had to change this because the game kept crashing here so this mod the whole mod was made by just a cupcake except for this very end part right here i had to make some changes with bowser jr here because the game kept crashing in these fights for some reason and before we get to this final cutscene with bowser jr instead of mario here you can click subscribe if you'd like to be notified when new videos come out i hope you enjoyed this journey that we were on a big thank you to just the cupcake for making this mod and you might also enjoy some of the content on just a cupcake's channel they've got a lot of great mods for super mario 3d world and bowser's fury here goes bowser landing with his head into plessy here's one bowser jr off to the side here let's see bowser jr is taking a look over at bowser bowser's a little dizzy from landing like that bowser just got defeated now normally bowser's going to come and yell at mario right now and roar at him and try to attack him but let's see what happens what do we have here instead [Laughter] we've just got a smirking very confident bowser jr over there that is just completely black textureless right there oh man and those animations that it plays are pretty great oh man and the other bowser jr is trying to protect this bowser jr this looks fantastic yeah so in this cutscene i actually have to use a bowser jr that i made over here because the bowser jr from just the cupcakes for some reason i wasn't able to make it into this fight the game just kept crashing when i tried using just a cupcake spot so i had to change this but a big thank you to just a cupcake for egg this this was fantastic and here we go oh man look at that and the way that it came out of bowser jr's head there so thank you so much for watching i'm wishing all of you an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody hello it is me the guy who made this video just a quick reminder face reveal at 1 million subscribers [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 4,376,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, bowser jr, mario, mario animation, funny mario, funny mario videos, bowser jr's fury, bowser, mario bowser, mario vs bowser, all bosses, mario all bosses, super mario, super mario all bosses, bowser's fury all bosses, zxmany bowser's fury, zxmany super mario 3d world, mario 3d world, super mario 3d world, lake lapcat, bowser fury, fury bowser, bowser boss, bowser's fury theme, lake lapcat theme, scamper shores, pounce bounce island, bowser jr bosses, zxmany
Id: vhJc25tvmDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 59sec (2939 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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