I made Bowser Jr bigger in Bowser's Fury

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today we push the limits of bowser's fury modding by testing how big we can make bowser jr we stretch him into interesting shapes and sizes and maybe just maybe bowser jr might finally have his cries for help answered here's bowser jr at normal size in the cutscene at the beginning of the game and at two times normal size it's barely noticeable that he's bigger than normal when this bowser jr follows around mario you can see that he's pretty big but on his own he isn't gigantic and when you collect a cat shine bowser jr is up here and he's bigger than normal during the cutscene where the lighthouse is and a lot of the lighting is weird here's bowser jr at four times regular size i was wondering where bowser jr was when we got the cat shine here because he showed up when he was double regular size and when the camera zoomed out i realized that he was here all along it's just that he was higher up because of his big size at 25 times regular size the screen becomes blank when bowser jr first joins us i was thinking this is because bowser jr's clown car is so big that it's really close up against us right now i started moving and i saw some feet with claws on them and then i realized this was bowser jr's feet and we're basically inside the clown car right now as i tried to make my way through scamper shores bowser jr kept getting so close that he filled up most of the camera and all i could see was bowser jr on this screen i had to go quickly to try to stay away from bowser jr so that i could see where i was going bowser jr is getting so big that he's almost as tall as the island here it's a bit difficult to see where you're going when all you can see is bowser jr's feet and the inside of the clown car even if you're trying to change around the camera angle so that you could try to see more clearly i wanted to send bowser jr farther away so we could get a better idea of how big he is and he is looking huge compared to mario when he's 25 times regular size this time when i got the cat shine bowser jr didn't even show up even when the camera zoomed out at 100 times normal size you almost can't see bowser jr at the start of the game you have to take a few steps back to see him zooming very quickly back and forth and if you climb up onto the lighthouse you can get a better look at him from here [Music] once bowser jr joins us this is actually a bit more manageable even though he's bigger i can kind of see where we're going now in some weird kind of way it's like bowser jr is keeping us safe in his clown car right now and when we send off bowser jr far into the distance it looks like bowser jr is big enough to take on fury bowser on his own now without mario's help i decided to make bowser jr into a pancake drawing inspiration from my how big can we make goombas in super mario 3d world video and when you get to lake labcat bowser jr looks like he's been transformed into a high-speed ufo and he's begging to be taken off of this ride which is why he's asking for help right now it's honestly starting to get weird to see bowser jr looking normal in these cutscenes and i burst out laughing when i saw what happens in this cutscene the scenery really changes with this big pancake bowser jr we see bowser jr rocking side to side and this green part of the clown car here is moving side to side giving mario a very interesting terrain to walk on sometimes i tried to send bowser jr farther away partially because it's easier for me to see where mario is going and partially because i'm really curious to see what bowser jr will look like and we have got a flying saucer bowser jr and we have got a wide bowser jr i really love bowser jr's hair sticking up above his flat head here so much it just looks so out of place with the rest of his model i tried making bowser jr 250 times as big as normal and he is now becoming a significant landmark of lake labcat it's still a bit weird to move around like this and you can still make bowser jr take out shadow luigi even though bowser jr is so big i wanted to get up on a lighthouse and send bowser jr away so we could see how big he is and this might give us a feel for how bowser jr might feel during the giga cat mario versus bowser fury boss fights and speaking of boss fights let's bring a bigger bowser junior to a boss fight here's the normal cutscene of the gigabell awakening you all remember seeing bowser jr here during this cut scene right at first i wasn't able to get bowser jr to get bigger in the boss battle but i realize there's a property for bowser jr called is boss fight once i unchecked this not only was bowser jr bigger in the boss fight but you could actually call bowser jr to go to certain areas like you can normally in the game remember how bowser jr could defeat shadow luigi if you call over bowser jr to attack shadow luigi you can make bowser jr play his attacking animation where bowser jr spins but fury bowser just isn't damaged by bowser jr's attacks unfortunately bowser jr won't even collect a gigacat bell for mario you actually have to defeat this bowser by yourself even though bowser jr is happy to go where you tell him to go but on the bright side you have a giant bowser jr cheering you on and fury bowser doesn't look too happy about that does he bowser jr can get even bigger and he can get so big that he gets in the way of the bowser fight but with the bowser jr this big cheering him on of course mario can succeed i thought that this very large bowser jr was taking up a lot of space so i wanted to try making a tall bowser jr that wouldn't take up all the space on my screen so here's a tall bowser jr and it's funny that his up and down movement is really exaggerated when he's this tall when bowser jr actually joins you he's bobbing in and out of the ground and that made me laugh when you move around with this new bowser jr you can only see the stretched out clown car right now and not actually bowser jr and this looks like it could be a unique character from its own video game it's a tall skinny clown face that follows you around and attacks enemies for you i wanted to make a longer bowser junior remember how bowser jr's hair was weird earlier near the beginning of the video well right now bowser jr's hair looks like it's a wild octopus that is fighting to devour bowser junior's face as a meal i had to get a closer look at this because this wasn't making any sense to me but when i got close it all started to make sense the look on bowser jr's face and the look on the clown car's face really tells the whole story bowser jr is moving around like he's about to get trapped between dimensions and he's really trying to cling onto this reality before he gets sucked into a black hole i thought that bowser jr needed help before we transformed him but now he really needs help bowser jr really needs our help right now one of my favorite parts of all of this has to be the paintbrush the way that the paintbrush curves and follows him around makes it look like it's the tail of a dog and bowser jr's strange movement makes it look like he's mario's pet dog when you send bowser jr farther away to look after something he looks like he's moving around like an upside down fish and who could forget these classic well-known moments of mario and bowser jr side by side in their adventure in bowser's fury or who could forget the time that mario wanted to get onto his favorite mode of transportation the bowser jr express in moments like these mario should take hints like look around as a warning because there is some strange stuff going on that mario doesn't seem to be aware of i wanted to go over to some of the spots where bowser jr could do some painting and see if he could get any inspiration from bob ross and this is what happens when this bowser jr starts to paint look at these faces i am seriously worried about this clown car its eyes are literally popping out of its head if we can call it ahead it's like it's saying oh oh i don't think those were normal cookies junior and bowser jr has a really great hairstyle here this looks like a premium sims haircut that you'd have to buy an expansion pack to unlock and bowser jr just got it for free but upon closer inspection maybe it wasn't free after all look at these faces maybe there was some cost to this and seriously i don't know why this wasn't included in the official promotion artwork for bowser's fury maybe nobody thought to use something like this but if you want to sell a game this is a great way to do it you can let me know in a comment if a poster like this would make you want to buy bowser's fury if you are interested in more videos like this you might enjoy some other videos on my youtube channel and you're welcome to click the subscribe button if you'd like to be notified when new videos come out hope you all have a fantastic day and take care everybody [Music] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 848,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, bowser jr, bowser's fury glitch, bowser's fury glitches, bowser's fury speedrun, bowser, bowser fury, super mario 3d world glitches, funny mario, funny mario videos, mario memes, animated mario, zxmany, bigger bowser jr, bowser's fury mario, bowser's fury bowser jr, super mario 3d world glitch, super mario 3d world speedrun, bigger mario
Id: Ybb1uaVR8Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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