ALL BOSSES (Full Boss Rush) Kirby and the Forgotten Land!! Complete Colosseum Playthrough All Bosses

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today we complete the entire coliseum in kirby in the forgotten line facing every boss there and the final secret boss this starts off very easy and it quickly gets very difficult there are incredible boss fights here it is super enjoyable just like the rest of the game thank you so much for watching and i hope you enjoyed this video welcome to the coliseum's reception area you can enter tournaments here and battle a rush of former bosses if you make it all the way to the end and come out on top you'll win a special reward and that's not all we seem to have an unexpected warrior using our first tournament as training all the way from planet pop star in this new world like us that's right it's meta knight so are you gonna enter the tournament too yes we will meta knight cup let's go six battles all right i'm ready okay you're officially entered in the meta knight cup it's about to get intense in there i can't wait the entrance to the colosseum is right over there prepare for some tough battles then head on in all right let's go let's go let's go very excited so i guess this is kind of like a boss rush of some sort so we probably want to defeat these bosses as quickly as possible and they're probably a few rounds also alright so let's head on in with our amazingly powerful sword power up to the first boss fight hey let's be careful let's be careful how many times are you going to swipe two oh just two times whoops hey there's a second one and let's go come on come on paul ryan whoop jump to let's go whoop what are you doing what are you doing oh she's getting angry she's gonna climb up now okay 20 seconds so far not bad where are you going wait kirby's offense has made his opponent desperate things are about to get tough it's funny that i have time to uh read that during this fight okay let's go let's go that's dealing a lot of damage and there we go 32.66 seconds clawerline defeated this ability is amazing oh and we also have our special attack boost for a bit still all right oh five more you can see oh and it even shows you who's up next okay so next we are facing big monkey let's go it is time to face big monkey cory mondo let's go shouldn't be hard uh is he going to do anything are we just going to defeat it before he even comes over to us what's going on bro bro are you going to attack at all are you go what are you doing bro the battle's about to get intense no it's not that battle was not intense at all that was incredibly easy all right who are we facing next oh it looks like we're facing two people at once now all right let's go still keeping the same ability over here that was ridiculously easy okay now let's see what this guy's gonna be like should i charge up oh i finally took some damage and he's defeated wait is there a second one oh yeah there's a segment like what's going on let's go get him oh my goodness we took him out in a single hit with that attack shots up no way no way this ability is way too powerful okay i guess this is like the first stage of the colosseum it's like you probably have to go through all three stages the second and third are probably going to be a lot more difficult this is uh kind of ridiculous let's go ah he actually got me i was hoping that i'd be able to get a fully charged hit on him let's see let's see let's go and go go attack how much damage does that do okay all right okay okay he's pretty angry now on he's not on fire anymore hang on to something folks maybe abby's about to go all out uh for some reason i'm not very worried still okay that fence comes up that's fine okay roots are coming here don't want to get hit by the roots but this sword will finish it off quite easily there you go 134.07 very easy so far should i even take a tomato i'm not going to take a tomato because i don't know if these tomatoes respond i don't know if you have these tomatoes for like all six rounds or because there it looks like there's like six rounds per phase i think there's like probably the bronze cup then the next one after that then the next one after that i probably should have charged my sword actually oh well uh this looks like it's gonna be easy oh boy don't hit me bro don't hit me bro oh okay never mind and then let's just charge up and go and how will we do against this lady here there we go very easy fight 155.07 so far very nice very nice it's going nice and fast oh cool uh final battle wait what's in there oh oh a bunch of coins okay and healing nice nice nice all right let's go oh wait are we up against uh meta knight all right because this is incredibly fast hold on hold on grab it but but why why i already have a sword oh i guess it's like you need to use the sword ability for this boss fight all right meta knife let's go let's go oh he's dying towards oh look at how our swords swords hit like that the lone swordsman meta knight all right i'm ready i'm ready let's go whoa whoa whoa whoa he does me a little bit there okay how's this guy doing here morpho knight was uh so far more a lot more difficult than this but hey this is just the beginning of the fight so we don't know how this is going to go let's go let's go let's go [Music] oh no oh no no no that attack didn't work the way that i intended it to i was hoping to charge up again so okay he's diving over here so we are going to get him now let's go take a few hits take a few hits let's go let's go oh he's getting angry the battle's about to get more intense folks keep those eyes peeled okay and he's gonna send some rocks at us here oh so i guess we want to go where it's safe wait where's he going to go come down come down you coward oh my goodness he went right into my sword that's so funny wow oh oh is our face do not wait he ran away after we destroyed his uh his helmet there congratulations kirby victory wait new record whoa a stunning victory over the lone stones man meta knight kirby wins is that everything no there's gotta be more than that that can't be everything congratulations on a stunning victory kirby here's your hot one reward 500 star coins okay don't really care too much about these we've got a lot of those oh nice a rare stone that's more useful you can use that for evolving things meta knight sword blueprint you can evolve this sword ability take a total deep but wait i really like my sort of ability i think i like disability even more actually wait what's happening what's happening there's a new cutscene over here what's happening is there gonna be something new at the coliseum is it coliseum round two now there are two stars up there i don't know if there are two stars you can now enter the ultimate cup in the colosseum battle tough opponent to name to become the champ let's do it let's do it i'm ready i'm ready bro to enter the ultimate cup visit the booth in front of the colosseum let's do it oh i'd like to enter the ultimate cup welcome to the coliseum if you're here to enter a tournament you came to the right spot let's go i'm ready the ultimate cup oh oh cause in the first cup it was like mini bosses but now it looks like we're facing off against ultimate bosses like the end of uh world bosses in the next cup there's probably going to be a third cup where you face off against the phantom bosses all right so let's do this very exciting times this one should be more difficult than the last one the last one is funny if we charged up we were able to defeat the bosses in a single hit which was uh quite sad for them but uh quite funny for us okay wait a minute we're facing up against one of these again what's going on okay let's go okay heated in a single hit again oh but there's another one let's go oh defeated single hit again okay 10.3 okay probably could have gone even faster but uh okay sure so that's that all right oh 11 more okay so now it's like more rounds so oh i'm facing up against king ddd next it looks like all right all right let's go bro oh no oh no oh no i didn't charge up properly uh oh this is not good dodge kirby hey let's see let's see what's he doing oh oh oh oh oh let's be careful now charge up ah come on bro come on bro come on bro i wanted to charge up but you got to be careful when you're charging up because if you're moving then it looks like you don't uh you don't charge up the way that you'd expect but you do you do a spin instead of like a a straight down vertical strike okay he's getting this now so he wants to be scary but if we could get him before he can get us that would be amazing no no don't spin bro don't spin bro oh no here's this attack all right is he gonna do that a second time now or no i'm spitting that's not good i don't want to spin right now okay let's aim at him why do i keep spinning i do not oh oh it's because i didn't charge up enough there we go okay now what is he doing oh no hey he took my sword a bill give me back my sword ability okay i actually do have to be careful here it looks like i thought that i'd just be able to like damage spam through them all but i actually do want to be a bit careful especially because they're like 11 or 12 rounds and this one yeah we have 10 more okay is it going to be the phantom tree now because we already faced off against a regular tree so what's this no just looks like the regular tree again charge up and let's go oh wait but we didn't do that right against it i probably should have come up close and done that okay let's see let's go let's go like this just stand there tree yeah it's good tree what a good treat okay trees getting upset as hp is getting low wait why am i uh why is it that when i use my sword now i'm not uh i'm not sending out waves does that only happen when you're at full hd or something uh oh here come the roots oh boy i even tried to dodge that one but it still got me go okay there we go that was easy okay i didn't have to fully charge up i was able to just do a spin and move out of the way that's something very useful to know that you can move while doing that spin attack and not only move but move pretty quickly okay is this normal gorimondo again or a more difficult goro mondo or yes just this looks like a regular gorimondo let's go come close bro okay let's just avoid some of these get close pack him jump that's not a jump let's see [Music] oh he wants to do a spin attack i also wanted to do my spin attack oh that didn't work out okay he's chasing me now chasing after me here chasing after me here oh while he's so close hey but [Music] you can get him like this and there we go easy win yeah it seems like after the boss's attacks some i don't know if it's after every attack but after some boss's attacks they seem more vulnerable uh especially when they're dizzy like if a boss seems like they're dizzy or stunned or knocked over or something your attacks do a lot more damage all right time for another claw claw reline fight that's such a hard word to say quarrel on cake one two oh she's still only doing two that's so weird one two okay let's go okay and she's already getting angry she's already in the angry face i could have probably got one more hit on her there hey throw your knives at me throw them oh now she's diving i probably should have charged up there but that's good enough that's good enough i was thinking of charging up and doing a spin attack there but that's a good way to take her out man is this going to get more difficult because this power-up is incredible this power-up is very very incredible my goodness all right time for the armadillo guy whoop don't get hit let's go let's go okay and already this phase of the fight that's that happened uh pretty quickly okay we're falling through the floor okay let's go okay that does quite a bit of damage to him but wait is he going to want to spin now oh you're probably gonna want to spin now aren't you whoa whoa whoa you turn invisible for a second when you spin like this and it seems like you move more quickly also okay let's go let's see let's see man this guy might be the hardest boss so far he's got a lot of hp now he's gonna do this stop spinning stop it stop it stop your spinning can i attack wait wait now i'm sending out waves again is it because i'm at full hp whoop okay now he's gonna send out that let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go like this go like this dodge not judge around dodge dodge nice dodge dodge dodge nice now dodge dodge dodge very nice and we're closed him so we can keep going like this and there you go he's finished off very nice this guy probably was the biggest challenge so far and kind of surprisingly because he's super easy to take out with a noble shooter ability it's like you just charge up your noble shooter ability and just get him from very far sorry not noble uh space shooter i mean what's this guy doing hey dealing some damage to this guy over here knocking him over oh well that defeated him let's go bro ed come on come on get him get him get him get him get him get him oh no he took some damage that's so sad so sad we took some damage okay almost four minutes and we're this far into it oh what i have to defeat him i don't want to take his abilities yeah let's just do that okay can we continue okay good good good what's next oh is it already uh is it already meta knight again man morpho knight's ability is very very powerful okay let's grab this sword time to have this second battle against meta knight come here bro ah he dodged it he dodged it how are you so good at dodging bro bro bro what is this what is this are you so good at dodging i'm just gonna blast my way through you like this let's go bro let's go bro oh he's getting angry his hp is getting low let's see let's see where are you gonna go are you gonna go where the rocks gonna go where the rock's gonna go okay now come here so i can get you here i'll charge up and you come to me come to me come come here again i got him the same way again it's so great when he just flies into that it's so funny oh my goodness all right wait wait oh there's still more i thought that that might have been the end okay it looks like we are facing up against king ddd with the tribal mask now [Applause] let's see for go ddd whoop jump away jump away okay little scary little scary hey stop this bro stop this oh i wasn't doing as much damage as i thought it would all right let's see where is he going where is he going where are you running bro why are you running bro give me back my start ability give me back my sword ability i need my sword ability hey there we go there you go there we go this is fine it's fine okay we gotta get close to him and there's probably a phase two right right oh okay i'm like bro bro what's going on come on bro okay here we go here we go here we go this round is certainly harder than the uh first round because we are facing off against some harder bosses but we're not facing off against the phantom bosses yet okay let's go [Music] hey this is good and let's go let's go nice nice nice some nice shots on him there almost got him and there we go there you go okay five ten point ninety four in so far goodbye dddd ah he just lies there a little pink he reminds me so much of club penguin how did i never realize that before oh my gosh guys let me know in a comment if he does look a bit like he's from club penguin uh-oh the younger this is going to be a hard fight i kind of wish that i had uh get him okay that did a nice amount of damage oh [Music] and let's get a few more hits on him nice nice nice okay oh he's getting a headache now big lion man is getting scary scary scary lion man here uh oh he's charging up he'll dodge through let's uh dodge through again one more oh oh boy oh boy i don't know if we dodged through or if we took damage oh you need to calm down sir sir please calm down please calm down please sir please please sir please calm down please sir lion man that is enough that's enough please calm down sir okay when are you gonna calm down you've been doing that attack for so long uh oh uh oh let's avoid this and this should finish him up let's see let's see there we go there we go wow our hp is still so high i thought our hp would be a lot lower but that's all right okay ah but i'm almost out of uh almost out of boosted attack power okay so who are we up against next oh that's actually kind of surprising that's actually very surprising i didn't expect that we'd be facing off against one of these here it's nice that you could do this and you can damage them as you're running away like this is just like jump attack jump attack come closer come closer uh-oh let's go let's go come on come on where are you going bro bro bro let's relax bro let's relax bro let's just relax bro there we go there we go nice boss over here now what is next [Music] oh oh oh wait a minute wait did i take more damage than i thought over there i didn't see how many are still left and i don't know who we're facing off against i was just wait a minute oh my goodness are we going to be facing off off against who i think we are facing off against oh my goodness oh my goodness the legendary pokemon looking thing it actually reminds me so much of a deoxis all right time to face off against this guy over here ultimate life form facto elfis this is a tough one finally the last battle which warrior oh boy stop attacking me i'm trying to read right now trying to read what that person was saying okay so it looks like they attacked twice like that okay now let's do this [Music] that's dodge dodge dodge dodge now you want to charge don't you [Music] okay pretty good pretty good you know what it's probably oh boy oh boy let's see where are you going come here i'll just dodge like this and where are you going come here hold on oh boy that's not a dodge okay let's go like this let's move let's move let's move hey are you gonna charge again or no yeah you are okay nice are you gonna charge again or no oh my goodness it does a swipe i should have known come back here i'm back here you coward oh no i'm sorry i'm sorry sorry i ever said that to you okay so these you should be able to just run around like this and avoid them and send some more of those yes send those my way right over here so i can come close to you oh no some more there are more there are more uh oh oh [Music] let's see are you done swiping swiper no swiping okay it is down to this point over here on my attack boost is gone my attack boost is all used up it looks like ah right are we gonna have some big rocks coming down at us now only want to avoid some rocks coming here okay big big rock over here big big rough nice we actually avoided the big big rock where are you going where are you going oh man i saw it at the last second but i didn't have time to react to it okay we are doing very little damage now surprisingly okay we have to find which one is the right one that's not the right one is this maybe the right one yes okay this is the one this is the one hey let's try and damage it as much as possible really don't get healed a lot very nice very nice dodge okay that's not a dodge give me back my salt i need my salt i require my soul and come on come on come on we're almost there and come on there we go there you go we got it okay vecto alphalus has been defeated is this like a phantom version of the boss that we faced before is it the same color all right there we go victory the ultimate cup eight minutes 18.92 wow our beloved pink puffball is the last fighter standing kirby with [Applause] okay so that was definitely a lot tougher than the previous one congratulations on a stunning victory kirby here's your hard-won reward 1500 star coins very nice and just one rare stone too bad it isn't more rare stones a special figure i wonder what the special figure is let's see the special figure is it is ultimate life form phectoalphalus the alphaline we first met was born from a small compassionate soul that hid behind greater invasive ambitions without a soul to temper its power the creature's spatial teleportation ability ran him up opening mysterious vortices left and right now that they're whole again they're already planning their next invasion well that's nice and is there a stage three now to the coliseum i'm guessing there's gonna be a stage three probably oh and now there are three stars okay so i guess it's like every time at the coliseum there's one more star we can see that as three stars now ready for the ultimate test of skill you can now enter the ultimate cup z in the colosseum z for zx many to enter the ultimate cup z visit the booth in front of the colosseum good luck welcome to the colosseum if you're here to enter a tournament you came to the right spot all right time for the ultimate z cup oh the ultimate cup z [Music] the ultimate cup z is now available at the coliseum challenging battles with ferocious bosses away to you let's go three stars for this that's amazing and 2 500 coins okay 12 battles this might be tough kirby i should warn you about the ultimate cup z the ultimate cup z takes place in some other realm where you'll face intense battles with scary foes i can't follow you into that arena and worse than that i can't commentate on your ballot you know what your commentating is often distracting so maybe that's actually not worse but i know you'll survive no i know you'll win after all you just saved this entire world all right let's go i'm ready i'm ready the ultimate cup z all right who are we up against first it looks like we have to face the snow guy and some other guy together i don't know if it's together one after another let's see though okay wild frosty is up first okay that shouldn't be too bad right let's go let's see he's got lots of snow over here nice nice nice nice nice let's just cut right through him seems like a super easy first fight be careful be careful bro be careful bro be careful bro okay that goes over there and is he defeated okay nice nice one defeated who's up next wild edge okay this guy this guy he shouldn't be too bad let's just try and get him from a distance like this keep a safe distance keep a safe distance stay back sir sir please stay back you must stay back please stay back sir sir please stay back yes back up back up there you go okay that was a super super easy first round this sword ability is pretty unbelievable okay who's up next okay looks like it is gory mondo up next all right so we're still going to keep this ability of course and let's try and get him from a distance as much as we can wait is that not hurting him i guess it's not close enough okay gotta be careful with him uh trying to get close like this trying to grab us over here look how creepy he is with his hand they're trying to reach out whoa whoa he could reach a lot farther than uh you might expect let's run okay nice [Music] okay nice amount of damage to him what's he doing now are you gonna throw some rocks throw some rocks bro throw some rocks bro there we go oh now these ah man we got hit that's so sad so sad that we got hit i actually have to come up to him if i want to damage him okay let's go let's go let's go let's do some damage room here okay he's getting knocked over and stuff a bit all right all right losing his balance a bit oh and he's gonna start spinning now so we want to get back okay and man you do dodges so quickly with uh this ability let's see wait wait am i at full health uh did my health get healed somehow does this sword maybe heal you is it maybe when you do damage you get healed because it looks like we're back at full health i don't know what happened there okay who's up next okay it looks like floralina or florallina i don't even know if that's her name but sounds like a pokemon floor elita it's like rosalindo's evolved okay well bonkers is up first okay how's this guy gonna do run run okay he's hammering like mad let's see let's try and keep him back okay pretty good pretty good pretty good all right all right all right this is fine this is fine this start ability is just way too good wait can i defeat him before he gets here oh no oh no it's holding pine cones let's stay back from these they stay back from these they're coming everywhere oh but we should be able to finish him off now yeah he's almost defeated there we go now who's next who's next bro just let that guy get defeated come on just just go away go away i have my sword charged up okay fine i'll use it on him fine okay let's go who's next let's go how much damage will that do not as much as you might expect oh actually that did quite a bit okay let's go let's go oh my goodness oh my goodness wait is it after you fully charge up you have a bigger sword for a while because we were hitting her hard there my goodness okay next up is claw reline okay so this is a pretty tough one but we are at full health so the longer we can keep our health full the better go go go go go okay okay okay let's see where is she going where is she going where are she going okay no jump up jump up jump up stay up okay good let's just keep our distance and try and get as much damage as we can onto her like this is the best way to go about it no no we were hurt okay well at least we get a star hit on her right yeah we got a star hit on her that's fine oh boy that attack i keep forgetting that she could do that attack that's such a heart attack to uh to avoid you know let's see where do we want to go okay now jump when she does that and go like that like that now stay away stay away okay let's see let's see this is the most damage we've taken so far hey jump up very nice is she an angry phase yet okay she's oh she is an angry face okay there we go angry cats lady all right now are we gonna have multiple cats okay so going like that so jump downwards jump away good jump away good jump away and then get her and what's he going to do next what's your next attack okay this one that's fine easy to avoid now what oh oh oh wait wait is this this one go ah bad i thought that she was going to dive at us but she did the claw attack like that okay and is this dodging wow how did i get all the way over here man that was a where am i where am i where am i where am i okay let's see man her attacks get so much more difficult once she gets into the angry phase let's see throw your knives go ahead no no you're going to jump at me okay good got a few hits over here jump oh no no no no no wrong button oh no oh no i wanted to stop floating so that i can dodge maybe okay i could have maybe gonna dive closer oh my goodness oh my goodness this boss is just tearing me apart and these hits it's like it's pretty predictable it's just uh i'm really having trouble with two of her attacks okay wait but there we go there you go i'm like i can finish her off before she's uh before she's ready to do that last attack okay okay but there we go but wait wait wait hold on and there are also these healing things on the table i haven't been using them because i don't know if they respond after every gram go on let's try one that doesn't heal you much you know let's take another one since it looks like it's king dd up there and after this fight we'll see if these respawn or not because there are still eight more rounds after this so this might be a little difficult we also do have our max tomato okay let's go mr king dd jump get away okay good good good now then what are you gonna do king ddd okay smack around these spiky guys here now what are you going to do though that is the question wait why are you just standing there you want me to attack you what's going on bro okay dive to me oh my goodness that dive is so scary oh oh it's like he does three dives and i think that maybe we could get him after the third dive where all the doggies going come here bro now what now you're gonna do one of those okay now what one more is that a good opportunity to get him no it's just like he always has a chance to get you it's it's uh at least with those attacks when's the chance to get him there's a good chance to get him okay it's like between those two attacks whoop let's stay back let's stay back okay nice nice somehow i avoided that all right but now he wants to do this let's go like this oh man and still it's like i'm looking for an opening but he just wants to keep attacking let's see where are you going bro oh that should have been the one to get him okay it's like after i think the fourth one you can get him ah where are you going bro where are you going bro when can i get you his dives i don't like those dives third dive come on there now you get him you get him after the third dive okay now i know now i know that's when you get him okay and i think he does four of these hammer attacks one two three and four no he's still going for more okay maybe he does five hammer attacks then okay then he does this one what's after this dives oh no it's these these attacks are scary oh wow he switched is it because i got too far away oh no stay away stay away stay away stay away stay away and where's the big one gonna be right over there okay so that was nice that i could do the whoa whoa whoa he got even knocked over because i guess maybe i dealt a lot of damage to him wait it looks like his health got a bit higher right there right before he teleported that was so weird maybe it's because it's like i damaged him past the part where that cutscene normally plays let's see can i get him a bit nice nice nice nice that's a very nice one and you can do that go dodge dodge dodge dodge whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa stop swinging bro stop it bro bro give me back my sword give me back my sword you're not taking my sword from me bro you're not taking my sword from me bro wait wait is my health going back up i'm wondering about this does your health go up when you use this sword and you damage them i'm wondering if it does okay can i make it up nice nice nice i made it out very nice now bro let's go okay stay back stay back man your speed is incredibly fast when you dodge with this guy okay it's broken now he's like wait where's my weapon my weapon is gone all right where are you jumping through now okay throwing down these these things remind me so much of an obstacle from super mario 3d world okay where's he going okay and you want to be careful to not get hit by that of course let's go oh no i need my sword i need my sword i need my sword i need my sword i need my sword i need my sword i need my sword my sword is gone my sword is gone my sword is gone no now my sword is gone my sword is gone oh oh but we have the shooter we have the shooter ability okay so this is all right this is all right i don't mind i don't mind this is fine this is fine maybe this will be an okay workaround okay seven left you know what gotta take the health oh boy i maybe even need one more you know what i'll face off against them like this hopefully we're okay i don't want to have to use the tomato yet okay let's see phantom tropic woods let's go charge up fully charging come on did we get him okay we got him that's good that's good hey now then oh no gotta run gotta run oh man and now my uh dodgers are so slow now go no why did that spiky thing have to block it that's so sad that's so sad that that spiky thing did that okay stop your blowing this is enough blowing three okay that's enough blowing okay let's go fully charged you better hit okay good good good it hit it hit i was wondering if we were fully charged or not ah we do so much less damage now i'm so spoiled after having that sword ability let's go this does a good amount of damage though this is a good amount of damage whoa oh oh okay okay he's scared he's scared he's scared bro scared bro you're gonna bring up a thing aren't you can i get him from there uh let's go through here looks like we want to go through this way bouncy balls don't cause me trouble good let's go and let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go charge up again let's go yeah there we go got another one on them okay now let's just avoid the roots avoid the roots avoid the roots [Music] okay let's go again fully charged please yes there we go okay now let's get up on some roots here and then fly up from the roots make it over that very nice now then come on yeah there we go we got him okay man this is uh surprisingly tough this challenge is actually very tough so far okay how many are left six more to go and we have three health left okay we're facing off against that guy you know we have the fire ability next you know what i think i'll keep this shooter ability i think i'll keep the space shooter because the fire ability is really cool but i will keep this one for now let's see how we can do against him get him please nice very nice [Applause] okay is that phase two okay nice nice we made it to phase two that was a very fast way to phase two of the boss fight now then let's see please and come on yes okay oh no no no but he's going to start moving now oh actually that was good that was good that was good that was very good he managed to do a lot of damage there which is nice and come over here okay now then can i fully charge him please ah he's coming here though [Applause] yeah so he just breaks through like that and let's keep dodging okay nice nice nice let's just go over here where's he going okay good now come closer come closer come come come ah oh no why didn't that get him come on please get him get him again okay good good good dealing some damage here and where's he coming next get him please now then will that defeat him no that will defeat him right right ah so close okay but so close so close on when he's spinning like that it's very hard to damage him maybe unless you get like a full shot on him okay okay okay but i've got to worry about these got to worry about these these are a little scary and he's coming too okay so we want to avoid this very nice so close to finishing him off come on come on come on just a few more just a few more we could probably get him with regular shots too oh boy oh boy oh boy just like one or two more go bro go bro no actually more than one or two more oh there we go okay it was like three or four more not bad not bad okay almost 10 minutes on the clock so far so let's see who are we up against next oh it looks like that's a meta knight maybe ah but all we have is a space ranger now still got three little healing tomatoes over there and we've got our own maxim tomato in storage hopefully we don't have to use that until the final fight yes yes you get the sword yes bro okay okay this is a really interesting looking area who's this now come on down meta knight i'm ready for a fight uh for some reason i think this might be more difficult than the last two times we faced him the lone illusion phantom meta knight okay so it's not just a regular meta knight but it's a phantom meta knight now whoa whoa whoa let's go whoa we deal a lot of damage okay so that's good to know well not a lot of damage we deal some damage to him but i want to be careful around him uh what does that attack do okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa those come towards you oh boy where are you going bro bro please come downstairs sir please stop with your flying sir please stop flying let's see hey that was a nice dodge go go bro go go go go go over here [Music] nice let's dodge over here let's get him like that that's very nice now then i'll just dodge through that bro nice try bro nice try bro what are you even doing bro this is pathetic you're supposed to be a phantom boss bro this is so easy oh no oh no please please i'm so sorry i take it back i take it back oh man where are you going sir please slow down okay okay we got his hp down a bit let's see let's see oh boy oh boy what does this attack do okay gotta watch out for these gotta watch out for these gotta watch out for these [Music] and let's see let's see let's dodge his as much as possible okay let's head to over here oh boy i wonder if he also dodges my attacks or if he just does his own dodging like always what jump jump kirby jump jump jump jump yeah he's he's down there he's going fast he's uh gotta go fast he's uh he's pulling a sonic right now pulling uh he's pulling i gotta go faster faster whoa whoa wait wait wait that's this one okay so let's go like that very nice that you can dodge through those let's go bro come on bro give me some of that give me some of that let's go let's go okay got him down to like one third now so he's getting angry let's see oh no i'm sorry sir please whatever i did to upset you i'm so sorry where is he where is he whoa whoa and you want to move and you want to move i lost my sword i lost my sword and i'm plotting give me back my sword give me back my sword okay okay okay uh so it's like that happens multiple times oh i'm almost dead i'm almost dead i've got to be careful here what is this whoa ah oh that's like a special ability whoa whoa am i dead am i dead i'm still alive i'm still alive should i take the maximum tomato if we die it's okay oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy stop it stop it sir please stop should i take the maximum tomato oh boy i think i'll save it for the final fight in case uh in case we need bro calm down with those attacks how many of those are you going to do bro yeah let's go like this let's go there oh two uh he does two ways of it now i should have expected that you know what let's see what happens we're try pay 100 what does this do do you start at full health at the boss okay these aren't restocked but you have full health okay so it's like a nice way so it's a nice way to go back to where you were to like where you just died from but start the boss at full health so that's actually really nice that we could just like do this get a bunch of damage on him just wait wait why did he just like let us damage him like that that's so weird go back go back go back go back go back cause he's not coming for us he's coming for us [Music] dodge dodge he's doing something wild here he's doing something wild here for sure for sure okay you don't want to get hit when he does that attack i learned that the hard way let's go over here nice dodge over there okay okay and we got him down to this point and we haven't taken any damage yet so that's actually a fantastic start okay let's see where do we want to go where do we want to go where safe here is safe and then where's safe next uh here is safe okay round three where do we go over here please nice we are safe hooray dodge everything bro dodge everything where is he going where is he going where is he going where is he going where is he going where is he going don't get hit by that don't get hit by that don't get hit by that oh there are two of them which is the real one dodge i finally got hit i got hit okay i can't uh use my uh i can't attack him from a distance now i can't use that ability anymore okay let's see let's see it's a crazy attack attacking a lot over here just keep dodging should be all right here bro bro come on i wanted to jump at him oh no oh no stay back from that okay now there should be two waves let's see where's he though oh my goodness there's so much happening here i want to avoid all those and him this is uh this is definitely a tough fight this one is definitely much tougher than the last two of this that we have faced go go it's like i can only do a bit of damage at a time hey let's see what's he doing yeah i was expecting the rocks attack hey let's go like this okay where's safe next let's see where's safe next oh back to here where's good next up here now where are you bro where are you bro that is the question eat my fire tornadoes and i've got a big sword too [Music] does that mean i do more damage i don't know if i deal more damage because of this oh no oh no but here comes this one and there's gonna be wait wait wait where's the second wave of this i was expecting there to be two waves of that maybe it's because i got too far oh bro oh no oh no oh no this is oh oh oh i thought it'd be a scarier one that one wasn't as scary as i thought it would be let's go okay a few more hits on him doing a bit of damage here i wonder if it would be good to get him while he's at the center like this oh yes yes odo odo odo oh no oh no oh no let's be careful gotta keep our sword definitely do not want to lose our sword ability over here and there we go we snuck it and got him like that all right and this isn't even the final boss apparently that was just phantom meta knight there's still what four more to go wait who's that oh boy this is gonna be a tough one oh man huh do i take a healing thing now let's take one healing thing let's see how that goes let's go four more to go [Music] all right phantom four go dddd too bad i can't get him from a distance with my sword ability all right let's see how's he gonna do whoop uh did i not get damaged there okay i guess i did it oh boy oh boy oh boy gotta get out of the lava and you definitely want to get him while he's dizzy that's the best opportunity you have you know let's wait for him to stop attacking here okay please come down sir please calm down and okay good chance to get him okay this first phase doesn't seem oh yeah i forgot about this attack i haven't seen that attack in a while wait wait do i stop my sword okay thank goodness i still have my sword my goodness that would have been not good if i didn't have my sword what's going on what's going on i can't see where he is go okay we dodged nice go over here [Music] let's see let's see let's see let's see let's see ah that would have been a good chance to get him okay he did a bit of damage to him there it's like we're only doing a bit of damage out of time okay now he's gonna start spinning okay nice dodge but don't dodge into the lava where are we okay we're over here now go go go go go go go go quickly to him okay that's a nice chunk of damage there when he spins around like that and you get him when he's dizzy you can do a nice chunk of damage okay that wasn't much damage but luckily we didn't get hurt as far as i can tell let's see let's see where am i even i'm over here oh let's stay back bro yeah you don't want to dodge into lava i had a chance to get him but i missed it let's see let's see where are you going bro where are you going bro let me to you get him before his hammers appear a little bit of damage like that okay all right spinning spinning is probably the best opportunity i have to see where he's gonna be after he's done spinning is he gonna come here let's go to the center are you done spinning bro yes bro there we go and that third sword strike is the best that third sword strike just does so much nice damage when you go like one two three that third one's just so powerful okay now this is probably gonna be hard oh yeah yeah you actually uh forgot about these those are gonna be a big one where is that where is that oh that's over here oh man all right all right so we're here where's he going let's go when do i get him when do i get him like what opportunity do i have to get him where am i oh no don't go into the lava oh man like when do i get him when do i get him oh boy oh boy boy this is so scary hey he's getting angry comes over here okay lots of lava lol stands for lots of lava not laugh out loud this is the perfect chance to get him oh boy but i couldn't get him okay so it's like after he does lots of those uh fire spike things that's when is a good opportunity to get at him oh boy what in the world is oh but i can't get him i can't get him because he's in the lava okay let's go is that my those are my first hits on him i think oh my goodness he's powerful uh let's see where do i want to go go like this now is that a good opportunity to get him no no no no no no no no no where am i where am i i need my sword back okay there we go oh we're only at about half health i thought that we'd be a much lower for some reason go bro go bro go bro get away from him get away from him dodging is so nice when you go so quickly but you don't want to accidentally dodge into the fire okay let's see where is he going he's over here okay he's gotta calm down for a bit he has to cool down for a bit that's great now let's see uh gotta avoid these plus there is other lava now then where's the big one over there okay so let's stay here we should be safe here now where's he gonna come from because he's just gonna come somewhere now let's go where are we going bro bro it's like he can anticipate me oh boy i thought that we'd be able to do uh more damage but that was all right oh he's trying to suck us in now just dodge dodge dodge away dodge away dodge away that's how he could get away from him nice work oh now then can i uh man maybe if we were closer we would have been able to damage him actually now is this the opportunity to damage him or does he do one more oh boy oh boy oh wait wait is he gonna stop now is he gonna stop and calm down now yes and yes okay it's and and is that it there we go okay we got him we got him we got him all right his mask is destroyed and we are up against whoever's next now who's oh man are we facing off against leongar now oh no oh no wait what's in the chest though oh nice we have some money i would have preferred uh something to heal me okay still got two of these and our maxim tomato should i take one now all right you know what i'll leave these tomatoes this is all right wait what if i charge up before we go in yeah it looks like once you charge up then you have a big sword for a while after that and you can do these attacks more quickly oh oh and then you can see after a little while your sword shrinks down okay okay okay i think i'm getting a better idea of how my sword works all right time for leongar is there gonna be a phantom of the underground maybe okay just four goal leon guard that's fine let's go like that dodge nice is he doing another one dodge nice is he doing another one dodge nice let's go like this deal some damage to him i was gonna say a few damage to him but that wouldn't make sense hey let's just do a bunch of dodgers over here this is all right charge up go no no no no no that didn't work as planned okay oh my goodness it's so easy to accidentally walk into the bus while you're trying to get him okay let's go like this then just fine let's find the spine this is fine let me dodge here now charge up fully and come closer leon ah that didn't work as well as i was hoping it would dodge okay somehow that missed me completely okay that one missed two what's next this one okay make it through there and get him with the big sword there we go decent damage decent damage okay but my sword shrunk a bit let's be careful get him no uh is my sword still big though okay at least this sword is still big so we can do some damage come on come on let's just finish them off okay there we go there we go okay but there's probably still a phase two hopefully there's not a phase three in this version of the fight that would be very scary if we also have to do phase three over here okay let's see all right you're now possessed you're angry or scary i get it oh wait wait wait our hp's are really low actually that's not good okay so what are we gonna do jump here jump here jump here the shooting ability would actually be nice here oh no no no no no no no no no gotta get away get away i got hurt i got hurt is it because i went into the fire i wonder if going into that fire is what hurt me okay gotta be careful with this attack gotta be careful here whoop get out of the way oh what one was falling there where's my sword where's my sword give me back my sword give me back my sword okay nice job get away get away get away get away get away get away get away get away get away get away get away get away go through them both nice and over here go through that one very nice now let's get him a bit come on okay now what are you gonna do bro what are you gonna do bro what are you gonna charge me okay pretty good pretty good and we took a bit of damage ourselves but that's fine let's see nice nice nice not perfect but nice man i'm like wait why am i not dodging what in the world is going on here okay come here come and hold on did we avoid damage i don't know if we avoided damage there or not let's see come closer okay that's good that's good when you do the one two three when you do the third swipe that's a nice one wait the floating head isn't coming here why is the floating head not coming here maybe this guy's hp isn't low enough yet let's eat go there let's get him a bit ah man get away get away get away okay nice nice dice enough of this are you gonna do three smacks wait why did you just do one smack that's so weird hey he's gonna vomit some purple stuff over here now get over here get back get back get back get back get back rocks are falling wrong start falling get back get back and back okay go through go through that one let's get back let's stay back go through here now very nice now then maybe we can get him okay nice a little tiny hit oh boy but he's at this point i think now his friend is going to be helping him yep time for the friend to join evil friend this is going to be some scary stuff this is gonna be some scary scary scary stuff stop it with these attacks i barely even got him what's going on oh oh oh oh oh i didn't even see that that person was attacking from there no way that is so ridiculous that is so cheap i couldn't even see that that was so cheap that was so cheap the way that my camera was facing i didn't even see that that guy was doing that attack that is so not fair okay this guy's doing this attack i want to get away from that one i want to stay near that over here go through here that's all right now let's go through here let's go for an attack like this wait what's going on what's going on what's happening here come on did i was i taking damage there or something okay this guy stop it stop it you can't just keep working together like this it's not fair it's not fair okay that goes basically everywhere where are the rocks where the rocks at just stay away from the rocks okay nice go like this get away go through here get over here get another hit don't go doggo don't and go combine okay dodge here that's nice oh man i was about to say my dodging timing is getting better but then something like that happens it is like bro bro come on hey my hp is pretty low okay come on come on come on stop working together everybody no teamwork allowed teamwork is forbidden [Music] man they're just like really really uh working together here oh boy let's go like that very nice and let's go there like he's not giving me huge oh this is the huge opportunity that you're supposed to use to attack him well get back get back get back get back get back because he's getting angry he's getting angry he is an angry angry doggy lion man get back gotta get my sword gotta get my sword gotta get my sword gotta get my sword gotta have my cereal okay his hp is getting low wait wait but that guy's probably coming yeah yeah yeah good thing that i noticed that one oh my goodness the thing that i stayed back there and is this it there we go we got please tell me there isn't a phase three to this fight oh my goodness okay good good good all right two more to go yeah two more wait is this like a very scary uh it's like a very scary meta knight to that we are facing off against you know what i should probably go and then die because uh we are at pretty low health and i don't want to use my maxim tomato so let's do this let's go here we'll die on purpose and then retry i think that's the best way to go about because that way we'll get fully healed wait oh oh we're facing off this guy okay so i guess you don't have to face them all together okay let's see wait how are we doing is this just the normal fight that you have against this guy wait oh you can't uh roll through the flames i thought that maybe you would be able to kind of surprised that you can't oh but i want to make sure that i don't lose my uh my sword ability imagine if we lost the sword ability yeah because if we die do we lose our sword ability oh maybe i actually shouldn't die on purpose because maybe you lose your sword ability if that happens okay where are you bro where are you bro okay stop swiping stop your swiping bro stop your swiping bro what are you doing bro what are you doing bro enough of this enough for this let's go bro enough of this that's so good if you sneak behind him look at how much damage you can do onto him here hey where are you going bro where am i where are you going bro where are you going bro oh oh oh yeah you want to stay away from that where are you going bro wait am i am i asleep or something what's going on why is my person glowing like this what's going on oh maybe i'm glowing like that because my hp is though i thought something special was happening get close oh boy oh boy he's doing another attack i didn't expect him to do another attack what's going on here let's go over here where are you going next bro okay send out the heads it is time to send out to the heads okay nice hit on him very good now then fire oh no oh just those just those i was thinking that maybe it would be a fire wall because by your all firewall you definitely want to jump over oh too but i didn't get close when he does fire tornadoes you really want to get close to him because that's a great opportunity to damage him and over here too oh oh oh oh okay okay so it's like you jump back into something else okay you don't want to get close to that so get back now what are you doing well that was weird so he stopped for a moment oh wait i'm like which one am i i can't tell which one i am that was so weird fire tornadoes ah just by your wall okay i couldn't get to him whoa nice hit on him okay good job good job got him down to almost half man this is going to be such a ridiculous fight if we could win this one i should have gotten closer sooner and gotten some more attacks on him there that would have been a great opportunity okay but looks like it is now phase two time for him to play scarier okay do your swords do your swords okay one nice two now three you want to jump over there wow you can actually david you have so many opportunities to damage him actually oh stay back from that we don't want to get dizzy stay back from that we don't want to get dizzy stay back from that we don't want to get dizzy when are you gonna stop trying to make us dizzy stop it stop it sir we've had enough of you trying to make us dizzy it's like after almost every attack you can actually uh attack him like there's just so many opportunities that you have to attack him that i didn't realize you had what what like what was that oh no oh no oh no but what's he doing now what's he doing okay fire tornadoes okay last time fire tornadoes was an amazing opportunity to attack him so let's see let me back my sword where am i where am i where am i where am i give me back my sword he's almost dead with so much come on come on come on one more one more ah one more where is he where is he where are you bro where are you from where are you at bro let's go let's go bro look at that i was thinking of going into this fight and losing on purpose just to get fully healed but then this happened oh my goodness bro bruh more full night come on you gotta put up a better fight than that come on man all right such skill final battle oh man oh man oh man this is so intense oh bad oh oh and we get something that heals us a bit and doesn't heal us much heals us a bit i definitely don't want to use the hammer going into this fight should i get these things to heal me then if i use these will they fully heal me i don't know if i'll get fully healed because if we die then i think we lose our sword ability and we have to use something else so i think it might actually be worth using these healing things yeah if we use both if we use all the healing items now we're now at full health so we can now do this attack oh man but i'm so scared of how difficult this one's going to be all right let's go this is gonna be a scary one what if i charge up my sword before we go in i'm assuming that we won't be able to keep the bigger sword when we arrive there but if we can that'd be pretty cool actually let's see no it looks like our sword shrinks back down all right this is going to be absolutely terrifying oh my goodness wow it's like a shiny pokemon look at it its colors are all changed oh my goodness species born of chaos chaos alphalus that looks terrifying all right all right all right all right let's go no no no no no no wait can i restart can i restart no i can't restart oh boy i would have loved to restart ah i got hit already that's so sad so sad dodge no that's not a dodge give me back my sword give me back my sword okay okay we're taking some damage all right wait oh my goodness oh my goodness it's zooming through and zooming through and zooming through okay charge at me bro charge at me bro charge me whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's pretty cool okay now you're coming here now where are you going where are you going over here that's no problem now where are we going where are we going huh over here over here over here oh and you're vulnerable let's go ah i can't do a lot of damage out of time okay now what are these what are these okay we want to move away from those and not get hit again let's go okay nice got a little hit over there did some damage get over there nice come on come on come on come on i want to get some more hits i want to get some more hits over here man it's just like i'm just constantly dodging okay are you gonna do oh what are these uh let me dodge let me dodge let me dodge okay nice nice this shield worked very well then we started dodging okay let's go whoa whoa whoa where in the world are all these going okay and what you're gonna swipe two two just two that's it bro that's it bro you're just gonna do two little swipes like that okay i'll just take away your hp then how about that how you like that ah man i did get the third hit the third hit does the most damage [Music] stop dodging my third hit every time it keeps dodging my third hit well that was a nice wave give me back my sword give it back to me hey nice nice nice nice we still have our max tomato what in the world is this attack oh oh that's quite scary looking let's get away let's get away from that wait if we go through this can we go faster and get a hit yes bro there we go there we go that was some nice damage not a humongous amount of damage wait wait where are you where are you going bro where are you going bro how are you so fast get over here and get a hit nice nice give that back oh boy what's happening here hold on i gotta get away gotta get away gotta go to way okay nice just some fire tornadoes let's go godzilla okay nice nice nice oh boy oh boy now we're gonna have some fast dives over here okay nice dodgers nice dodgers where are you at where are you at bro where are you bro where are you pro that's enough that's enough bro here let me get a hit on you okay nice nice nice nice i'm surprised at how high my hp how is my hp this high what's going on okay what is it gonna do laser attack oh and you probably don't want to go where the laser went because that looks like it's hot let's see did i take damage it looked like i did let's stop with the laser that's enough lasers when is the laser going to end this is such a long attack oh oh and a little ball appeared there okay and you get some of those don't hit me [Music] and yes we got the third hit and another third hit ah i thought that we'd get even more one more third hit okay we got it down to like surprisingly uh almost half defeated wait how's my health back i'm guessing that some of my attacks probably uh some of my attacks have got to heal me that's got to be how it works because now we can attack from a distance which is oh great not for long okay okay it has to be i'm pretty sure that uh your sword heals you a bit this sword ability has to heal you otherwise what could it be let's see let's see do another one of these attacks okay let's dodge through there and then we can go up here and get some uh quick attacks like that very nice okay i guess phase two because this hp is low enough scary phase now power up oh oh it's like a shadow of it but oh oh there's a wait i'm not gonna have to face off against both of these am i it's like both of these things are gonna be attacking the regular one and the giant one i probably have to dodge under that don't i wow wow that's good oh oh and i didn't even realize that this one is also attacking so i guess both of these guys are going to be attacking me at the same time but luckily we are at full health that means that i am going to get to attack you from a distance as long as i keep my full health let's stay back let's stay back where are you where are you where are you bro where are you bro what are you doing there bro oh no it's splitting it's splitting okay we have to find out which one is real is this one real please tell me is this one yes thank goodness it's this one okay nice don't let it heal don't let it heal do enough damage so it doesn't heal bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro it's still basically managed to heal a tiny tiny bit wait give me back my sword nice now dodge okay give me back my sword give back my sword stop taking my sword i am terrified man imagine if when it does its healing attack if like the one that you get to is the third one that would uh that would really make it uh that would really make that guy heal a lot like we wouldn't be able to deal enough damage for him to uh not heal wait what happened to the big guy in the background where's the big guy in the background wait wait wait wait oh my goodness now they're like laser beams like this what's going on okay well at least that stuff where's the boss at the where's the boss oh there you are hello friend nice to see you here very nice here to stop by here oh boy don't get me over here ha ha what a funny place that would be to be all right where are you get him get him get him let me get him again come back here you fool you coward come down here and fight come down here and fight me you coward oh oh that has this ability now i see whoa where we going bro where are we going bros where are we going bros where are we going bros oh now you're coming to fight huh oh what you want to swipe me now swipe me now swipe me swiper swipe me swipe here swipe or no swiping i'll show you the power of dora the explorer come here fight me bro let's go and a third one nice oh boy these are coming for me okay nice and they go over there but i'm gonna attack you again how you like this huh wait can i not reach you oh there's the big guy in the background wait did i get hit oh it looks like i didn't i thought that i got hit maybe but now are you gonna swing the other way and the guy up there is preparing something the guy up high is preparing the swords to come at me nice nice nice man this boss fight is just like dodged constantly and maybe you'll be okay dodge constantly and try to avoid and dodge constantly and try to attack whenever you have the chance that's basically this boss fight let's go come over here and come on come on come on i'm like not even charging up my sword attacks i'm just trying to do uh that where you jump and swing your sword and the triple attacks when you do the triple attacks like when you do attack attack attack the third one is pretty powerful okay what's going on over here oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness avoid them am i avoiding them nice uh oh uh that looks dangerous are we safe here where are you going where are you going stop it stop teleporting so much oh boy give me back my sword you can't have my sword which is mine it's almost defeated it is almost defeated it's probably gonna try and heal again isn't it let's see let's see let's see come on bro come on bro come on bro and is that it is that it is that it wait do i have to like suck out the hell do i have to suck out the chaos okay let's go mouth full mode get it now what do i spin spin spin spin spin spin spin let's go let's go let's go assistant okay we got it we got it i was palm spinning over there because i was anticipating that because in the normal final boss of the game you have to do that but over here this is like i guess the secret hidden boss this is the boss that you have at the end of coliseum mode okay what's gonna happen now tell me there's not one more face tell me we've defeated the boss please are you kidding me what even is this what are we even facing off against no no wait what what what is going on here no stop this stop this i want my sword back how do i even oh oh maybe you actually can't use this sword maybe we have to use this to damage it maybe because this looks pretty wild okay pretty cool boss fight gotta admit okay okay should i heal though should i use my uh tomato i guess it depends on how low i can get his hp oh wait wait wait you can't dodge while you are oh boy oh boy oh boy oh wait oh boy you can't dodge while you are swallowing uh something nice wait i don't want this ability who cares about this ability this is such a silly ability okay it looks like you can damage it normally let me spit out that ability i don't want that ability anymore what is going on are you gonna start spinning oh boy there we go okay oh boy you can get hit by that even if you dodge oh boy oh boy oh boy this is chaotic this is absolutely am i dead no way bro oh it's so set and now it's 200 to retry wait do we retry from the beginning of the battle or from this phase let me get just some third hits on you so i can heal please please please you gotta let me heal you gotta give me a chance oh i spun into that didn't i yep oh man that's so sad oh uh maybe the cost of retrying doubles every time maybe that's how it works because first it was 100 then it was 200 now it's 400. so it's really nice that we get attack from far away with the sword when we are at full health and another thing that i don't know if i mentioned earlier is that i realized during these fights that when you do the one two three sword attack once you attack with the sword the third time that actually heals you a little bit so that is super useful trying to get that third hit because that's the one that heals you [Music] bro come on come on bro that's not fair it's not fair that your attacks can reach from so far away we haven't gotten super close yet and the scariest thing is that i don't even know if the next phase is the last phase or if it's health bar will fill up again okay nice at full health that's amazing maybe over there i can actually charge up when this guy doesn't dive like that i might actually be able to charge up okay let's just keep our distance actually are you gonna charge are you gonna do what uh these okay okay okay so just like constantly dodge and you'll be fine [Music] you know where are you just keep swinging keep swinging keep swinging keep swinging i'll get you from a distance let's get away let's get away let's get away let's get away let's go over here and get you from a distance if i can ah okay it's it's nice that we are at full health though being at full health and being able to attack from a distance is very nice oh boy okay is that it nice oh no no there was one more there was one more after all okay let's see nice and can i heal is that full health no it's not full health it's very close though okay i'd love to go to the final phase or i don't even know if it's the final phase but the next phase at full health that would be great okay a lot of these still come on come on what's up with these what's up with these enough of these already enough of these already enough of these already are you gonna stop now oh no no you're going there you're going there so that means you're going around like this okay when are you gonna stop charging are you done charging yes no but now you're swiping swiper no swiping and you're still going oh boy and what are you doing now one of these i was hoping that maybe you would uh do something else to calm down come on come on there's that full health how is that not full health is that full health there we go now we're at full health okay let's be careful let's be careful because it's about half defeated we do want to be careful wait what is this attack again i can't remember oh oh this one okay let's just like constantly move constantly move and we should be okay basically move in a square if you move in a square you'll probably be okay everybody never mind oh wait did we get hit or no because it oh i guess it's just things slowed down okay okay but we did avoid it very nice now what are you doing bro oh some of these hey let's go let's go we could avoid that no problem right [Music] okay there we go there you go okay we got it down to this phase now all right and we're still at full health which is fantastic it's so nice that your third slash attack does heal you if you do like a one two three like that one two three okay now let's just see let's just do some dodges here let's do some dodges here oh no oh no i did get hit i got hit by something very very slightly and we lost some help that's so sad hey what about you though okay but that should bring us back to full right yes it does very nice okay now where are you bro where are you bro where are you going oh no i gotta pick the real one how many of these are there oh wait wait but i can just go like this oh and i know there's this one now okay so let's go like this fully charged very nice and that is some damage right there that is some damage okay but we unfortunately took some damage also bro bro bro just let me have my sword back come on uh so sad that we were doing so well staying at full health but then this happened let's see oh i probably should have uh oh no oh no oh no no i was i was gonna say i probably should have charged up a man that did an incredible amount of damage when i had the big sword and i charged up like that that was incredible hey where are you going next where are you going next okay that's where you are let's go like this oh no oh no no no no you're still going like this that's fine alyssia where are you coming from oh no that's not it is it wait where are you now where are you now where are you now bro where are you now bro huh gonna spin gonna spin how many times are you gonna spin you done spitting yet you done spinning bro stop spinning bro that's enough spinning stop it bro that's enough spinning are you done spinning good okay we healed a bit i don't think we'll be able to make it back to full health by the time it's phase two though which is sad so sad so sad we won't be able to have full health going into phase two of the boss so sad now let's see where are you bro okay spin huh you want to spin i don't mind if you spin just just finish spinning is that it said it are you done spinning have you completed your spinning [Music] let's go okay let's get out of the way of these swords over here oh we're actually almost full health we might be able to make it up to full health let's go don't get hit okay say thanks okay we might be able to make it into the final uh into the next phase at full health wait we are at full health right now okay so as long as we don't get hit we have to defeat the boss or we'll defeat this phase of the boss without getting hit and then that means that we go into the next phase at full health and i think oh no no wait did i get hit by something did i get hit by some of those little swords or something hold on maybe i wasn't actually at full health earlier okay but does that bring us to full health wait it's like that final hit doesn't count or something ah it's so sad not full health it kind of looks like full health but i don't think it is okay so spin quickly here spin spin spin very nice okay okay okay okay we've got this evil ball of light here and i don't think we're at full health if we're at full health then we'd be able to attack from a distance with the waves that come out of our sword but yeah we're not full health so we can't do that okay but what we want to do is run over here we want to stay away from that oh does that heal us is that helas is that helis wait it didn't look like that healed us and we but we did get a triple attack we did get a third sword attack onto it oh oh we are at full health now we are okay amazing if we could maintain that that would be perfect yes bro yes bro uh so nice uh when you can attack from a distance i just gotta be super super careful to not get hit hey where are you going bro where are you going bro you're going over there that's fine i got hit i got hit i got hit uh it's so sad hey where are you going now bro oh boy oh boy oh boy let's be careful let's be careful let's be careful don't want to get hit by any of these over here let's see because these can deal a lot of damage over here don't want to get hit here this is fine this is fine this is fine this is all right okay bro stop it stop it stop it stop it bro stop it bro stop it i'm so scared of you nice did that heal me i don't i didn't see if that even healed me my hp is getting so low too did i get hit by that one i don't know if i got hit by that one ah man i probably had a chance to attack it there but i didn't okay are you gonna do that again no it looks like you're just going back to normal uh oh what's this bro this attack again stop it you can't just keep spamming this attack that's not fair that's not fair you can't do that you can't do it you can't just keep using this attack well i guess uh i'm just repeatedly dodging so that's something that's also kind of unfair to it okay let's be careful i'm saving my maxim tomato because i don't know if this actually will be the uh final phase of this boss because if this isn't the final phase then i'd probably want to save my maximum tomato for the next phase hey where are you going now okay over there that's fine what now are you gonna calm down now or something they did a tiny tiny hit on it oh boy oh boy this again here we go again [Applause] let's see let's see let's see stop it stop it stop it stop it this is enough of this this is enough of this this is enough of this this is enough of this oh i forgot that it would attack right away i didn't expect it to attack right away okay attack now good now what okay now we are getting to this part again i'm guessing when it gets down to one third health it'll become even more dangerous because when we whoa whoa whoa okay i thought we were still in a cutscene for some reason hey lexi where in the world oh it goes over us like this right yeah it's like we got it down to like two-thirds health and then things changed like this so i'm guessing when we get it down to uh i have to climb up here i probably have to climb up here to this top one am i safe up here oh that's probably how you get safe it's like you have to climb up high enough like that okay now where do we go where do we go where do we go where do we go oh boy now we have to climb up this way oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh wait can i make it up can i make it up yes okay that's nice nice we dodged that attack okay so that's cool um but how long is this gonna be crazy for how long are you gonna give me crazy attacks for okay okay this actually reminds me so much this attacks specifically right there the one that we just had reminds you so much of something from a paper mario the thousand-year door oh no no what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing i'm so scared of you i'm sorry but i'm terrified of you whatever you are doing i'm scared i'm scared and i want to get away whoa whoa okay go through nice go through nice now then uh can i attack you now that'd be so nice if you just let me attack you great this attack again okay and i didn't get to damage it much recently come on just give me an opportunity to attack you bro come on i've been dodging your attacks for so long you've been doing so many nice attacks on me come on come on just give me a chance give me a chance especially a chance to heal let's see just stay back here now then where are you going now where are you going now where are you going now can i attack you please no come on just one just one yes okay okay and i do get a little tiny heel from that now come on come on come on just give me a heel what are you doing what are you doing are you trying to suck me in no no i gotta get away i gotta get away if you get sucked in you take an incredible amount of damage and you lose your uh power up oh boy fire mode fire mode fire mode fire mode where's the fire guy going gotta climb up some rocks gotta see which side of the rocks are we gonna have to climb up where the rocks where the rocks wear the rocks okay climb up this way climb up this way climb up this way go up high go up high go up high go up high step high stay up high yes okay is there one more round of rocks like that let's see where the other rocks going oh don't go there okay let's see got some over here okay we gotta climb up this way let's go climb climb fly up i fly up high pidgey flew up high and we were nutted very nice okay now what are you gonna do what are you gonna do let me attack let me attack come on bro come on bro come on bro bro come on you can't just keep doing this you gotta let me attack you bro you gotta let me attack you bro you gotta let me attack you bro this is insane this is an incredibly long boss fight okay nice heal this sliver of hp and again oh oh oh oh oh what you're shooting up paint now you have paint goblin from the sims okay let's go let's go another chance to attack i hope nice okay did two of those that's great okay okay now then if we don't get hit here that'd be fantastic go through that nice stay back uh go this way actually go here go here go here i don't know where it was safe there let's stay back let's go like this very nice and where's next oh oh nice nice come on come on come on oh boy this again hey it's hp is actually uh almost down to a third which is amazing and we're still at about half hell a bit over half actually and we've still got our maximum tomato you know if we somehow end up in big trouble in this phase i might use my maxim tomato but if there's still one more phase after this that would actually be heartbreaking oh boy i'm so lucky that i didn't get hit there i tried to play it risky and do one more hit so that i can get another heel nice go nice dodge nice dodge nice dodge bro nice get away get away get away get away oh no oh no am i dead please tell me i'm not dead please tell me i'm not dead please tell me i'm not dead oh no and i probably lose the sword ability now oh no oh no this short ability come back start ability yes yes we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it this is all right this is all right sorry this is fine this is fine this is fine this is actually fine the fact that we got the sword ability back might mean that maybe i can survive okay if i hold on hold on it all depends on this let's go let's go let's go okay there we're up high we're up high we're safe here very nice so many stars here you could probably suck up a lot of them and deal a lot of damage man i've got to be careful i've got to be careful okay what way do we go where do we go okay climb up from here up here go up here go up here fly a pie fly pie fly pie get a pie get a pie get a pie very nice now can i attack it or are you gonna do your blue bubble gum attack let's go come here bro did that hit that did a tremendous amount of damage oh my goodness i am so lucky with that charged up sword attack i got so lucky there that that actually hit oh no oh no but i'm my sword's about to turn small we can see that it's flashing my sword is flashing so it's about to shrink down oh man that was an incredible hit that was an incredibly lucky hit now then let's go give me another heal give me another heal wait why were you just standing there why did you let me do that boss boss how could you let me do that hold on hold on is there another phase after this or is that it we gotta see this we gotta see this is this everything is this everything or is there more let's see let's see let's see if that's everything that might be everything and here's kirby and elfilin i love the texture of the background it looks like a kind of looks like you guys ever see oil spilled on this street kind of looks like that it's all like rainbow colored and glowy like that kirby reaches up his hands and what happens kirby all of a sudden remembered the forgotten land it is no longer the forgotten land this game is now kirby and the remembered land wait what are you holding alphalyn what is that he'll feel like what is that what are you doing alpha led alpha led takes in the ball of light it looked like she inhaled a ball of light kirby knobs kirby's so happy now oh and it's all bright now it was all an illusion kirby was home on planet pop star all along wait but what's going to happen do we have the credits now again is this a third ending for the game is this like a third secret ending that was surprisingly tough wait i didn't even use the uh i didn't even use the maxim tomato i didn't have to use the maxim tomato and we did it all right okay it took me an hour not bad not bad and it says that my second attempt is nine away from winning and the reason that i have that is because i tried this a moment ago but i made a mistake and i actually exited so i couldn't include that in the video so i put this final full attempt in the video instead but it's basically the same bosses but sometimes you just have them in a random order congratulations on a stunning victory kirby here's your hard-won reward is it a cat oh yeah that's right i was gonna say is it a capsule is it a kinder surprise toy but instead we got star coins three rare stones that's pretty nice and a special figure what is this special figure [Music] let's see we do get a capsule after all kinder surprise toy it is is it like chaos elephant it is it looks like it what is it called species born of chaos chaos oh alphalus why am i saying alphalin oh i guess alphalin is the elephant friend's name but elfless is like once it transforms a unique convergence of elements from native b-souls to ethereal butterfly gave a stubborn soul one last chance at revenge this new creation driven by pure chaos was defeated by the bright light of kirby's hope the last bit of life that remained willingly returned to alfalin at last two became one oh so uh everything's inside alphaland i guess now well that's nice we actually are profited from the tournament kirby you're amazing do you realize that you've conquered all of the colosseum tournaments to honor your landmark achievement in the realm of arena based combat i give you a gift is it a kinder surprise toy this special figure is all yours congratulations is it going to be a figure of the arena itself oh the commentator that was my second guest commentator waddle dee the colosseum is always ready for battles with brutal beasts but no one was prepared when a mysterious vortex opened inside the arena commentator waddle dee was so scared that he almost shut everything down but his curiosity won in the end what wild battles await within it's tournament time oh man that's so satisfying we did it we did it everybody how great is that oh man wait is something going to happen to my house now to congratulate you on surviving the brutal battles of the ultimate cup z a new photo has been added to the wall inside kirby's house as you clear different modes new photos will be added to the wall inside kirby's house there are 10 photos in total play on and make a bunch of unforgettable memories trying to reach 100 completion and become a master of all things kirby that will be very fun to do i enjoy doing that very much wait are you just going to give me that traitor waddle he has arrived if your collection is missing a figure oh he'll trade you one of his own for a race awesome if you need a specific one if you need a specific capsule then you could trade with him that's pretty cool 80 done we're getting pretty close to 100 completion and let's just take a look at the picture that appears wait a minute there are a bunch of pictures up here oh i guess you get like pictures on your wall for completing like different parts of the game i guess probably the commentator one is the one that we got oh wait but i see two commentator ones here i really recommend my video where we face all bosses in mario party 10. that is another super fun game with great boss fights thank you so much for watching i hope you all have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,336,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kirby, kirby and the forgotten land, kirby all abilities, kirby all power-ups, all power-ups, all abilities, all bosses, kirby all bosses, new kirby, new kirby all bosses, 3d kirby, all bosses kirby, zxmany kirby, zxmany, full game kirby, kirby switch, kirby nintendo switch, new kirby game, full game, kirby full game, kirby and the forgotten land full game, kirby boss rush, kirby forgotten land all bosses, all bosses kirby forgotten land, kirby colosseum, ultimate cup z
Id: eDUM8VuwD-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 0sec (5340 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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