Hot Tent Snow Storm Camping

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this [Music] oh hey what's going on guys welcome back to lone wolf 902. today i'm out in the truck again and i'm at a very familiar location that some of you viewers may recognize behind me we have the frozen lake where i last came into except the last time i was here it was very unexpected i had no plans on coming here this time i had full intentions on coming here because i wanted to see this lake frozen again with snow so tonight we're expecting a snow storm no guarantees that it's going to happen but it's supposed to happen tonight post the snow into tomorrow so hopefully we will have a nice hot tent set up right on the edge of the lake with some snowfall so getting in here was a bit tricky the ice was a lot thicker this time than last time so here's a chunk that just fell out from underneath of my truck that's about an inch and a half thick of solid ice i had to put the truck in four wheel drive a number of times and i almost got stuck so i almost had to turn around and backtrack out and i said nope that's not an option pedal to the floor and here we are so being a truck camping trip i do have a load of gear that i'm going to get out of the truck i'm going to take it back to the same location that i was at last time get everything set up and hopefully we'll have a beautiful scenery of snow in a hot tent on a frozen lake ah [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all right guys it is now starting to snow the snow looking out on the lake it's like frozen ice pellets almost so it's kind of a mix between freezing rain and snow but i've got the tent set up so i'm in the nor tent gammy four this has been the most recommended tent or the the tent that you guys have been waiting for for me to use and i've been waiting for snow to use this tent so that's the reason why i chose this location i want this view looking out behind the camera at the lake behind me i've got the outdoor fire pit and you'll notice that there is no center pole in this freestanding tent so that means i can sleep wherever i like and i can put the stove the stove jacks just above it i could turn the stove anywhere i want to so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to sleep probably over in this area in front of the door and put the stove facing the front door and that way i can sit in here load it i've got a great view of it and i've also got an excellent view out the door at that lake so this is going to be an excellent view excellent time i hope we get dumped on with snow this is going to be very very cool so i'm going to get the stove set up and then i'm going to go back to the truck grab the rest of the gear because i did bring a table and a chair just in case i do have to hunker down i can set up a dining area inside of the tent because remember this is a luxury camping trip this is not a backpacking trip i'm out here for the full experience so i'm gonna get this set up i want to get the rest of everything in here and then i'll bring you guys back and give you the rundown on what the setup looks like okay guys everything inside of the tent is ready right now i've got my table and my chair my sitting kind of dining area right off to this side on this side i've got my wax canvas my sleeping pad my sleeping bag so i got my whole bedding area and then directly behind me i've got the wood stove so i've got a really nice home shelter in here if the weather comes down i could bunker up in here shut the doors and relax and have a really great time i got the wood stove so i can cook and stay warm so i really don't need to go outside at all if the storm gets bad now i did bring something else i will admit i cheated a little bit and like i said this is a relaxing trip so i have compressed wood blocks for fuel i'm not going to be just using this i do need to collect some firewood but i've been messing around testing with these at home and they burn excellent in the wood stoves for the tents they burn extremely clean extremely hot and one brick i find in the t1 mini stove that i have and my timberwolf stove one of these bricks damped down will burn over two hours very very nice and warm so i did bring a pack and book two packs of these so i've got 12 14 16 18. i've got about 22 bricks of these that is more than enough to get me through the night and be really really warm i'm talking like plus 30 degrees inside of this tent warm with just these but i do want to cook outside and i do want to have an outdoor fire pit so i do need to do a little bit of wood collection off in the forest bring it back cut it up get it bucked up i'm going to cut it the stove length just in case the snow does pick up and i can't do anything outdoors then i'm going to come inside and put it in the wood stove and double up on the wood that way because i don't want to be out in the snow damaging all my camera equipment and whatnot so that's the idea with that and like i said it's a relaxing trip and i knew there was not a lot of firewood in this area from the last time i was here so that's the idea with these i am going to do a separate video on these in the stoves to do a little bit more testing on camera just to show you guys the dimensions and whatnot and these are so cheap i mean for one pack it's four dollars i mean you can't go wrong with that especially if you're truck camping i've got the truck right here bring a whole pack of these and you're good to go so that's the deal with that all the wood prep over here sleeping area dining area what not i have an excellent tent and i even brought christmas lights so i got a string of christmas lights going all the way around the tent so at night time i can sit my chair flick on the switch and the whole tent will light up with that christmas cheer so i've got a pretty awesome tent set up for this trip very very happy with it but like i said i do need to go collect some firewood for the outdoor fire pit get that processed because i do have salmon and green sriracha rice that i want to cook for supper tonight and i want to do my salmon over the fire i really don't want to have to come inside and cook it but we'll see what happens [Laughter] keep [Laughter] six [Laughter] laughs laughs hey hmm [Laughter] uh you so [Laughter] okay guys it is snowing finally finally get my winter snow storm so here it is i am exactly in the spot that i want to be so i've got the tent set up i've got the firewood all ready for the outdoor fire i've already got a nice fire going right now look at that view that two thumbs up this is awesome so there is one thing that i do need to do i do need to break a hole in the ice to get some water because i don't have any water and i brought two gourmet hot chocolates with me this trip i didn't bring any coffee i've got white chocolate salted caramel and a white chocolate eggnog hot chocolate so that's what i brought with me i'm gonna make one of those up as soon as i can get some water and then get my pot on the fire get that nice and hot turn the chair around and have a look at that beautiful view behind us before i cook supper [Music] so all right guys hot chocolate will be ready in just a minute i'm just waiting for some of those clumps to suck in some water and break it up and have a nice creamy smooth hot chocolate i have my dinner in my pocket so i've been walking around with my salmon in my front pocket for probably an hour now and this is something that i did last time when i was out here it's already starting to to soften up i had steaks last time and i put them in my pocket i sat on them i did everything i could to get them thought out this salmon is actually thawing pretty quickly so i'm going to keep it in my pocket for a little while get it thawed out and then i'll be able to get my grill over the fire out here and get that cooked up and then do my pot of rice bring it all together in a nice dinner and i'm looking forward to it too because i'm starving so the snow is continuing it is continuing and it's almost like it's it's it's getting a little heavier and then it kind of stops and it goes really fine and then it comes back really heavy so i'm looking forward to a big snowfall so i think our hot chocolate oh yeah that looks good pour a cup of this and enjoy it oh oh yeah that's the stuff right there what a perfect day perfect day to be out in the woods or out on the lake all right guys instead of hiding inside of the tent and doing all this prep i figured i might as well bring the whole table right outside do my cooking do my prep everything right here nice and easy so what i've got as i mentioned earlier i've got a big slab of salmon i'm going to be popping that over my grill hopefully as long as this is going okay which it looks like it is i want to get that on the grill i'm going to grill it up i'm going to add some spices and then i've got some of this uncle ben's ready-made rice this is green sriracha flavor super super good i'm gonna put that in my pot with a tiny bit of water and it doesn't need water but i figured add water add a little bit of moisture to it give it a quick cook and then take it out and then pop it all into my plate which is full of snow and that's gonna be supper very very simple very easy meal but a good one at that so let's get this salmon seasoned up and get it over the fire still got a little bit of ice on it but i think it's pretty good to go right now oh yeah it's starting to soften up so i'm gonna put the garbage in the truck and then get this seasoned up nicely and enjoy a beautiful dinner in the snow foreign so so all right guys well i definitely got the snow i was looking for i'm super happy about this i cannot wait to see what it looks like in the morning time my salmon is on the fire right now is just about cooked my rice is almost ready as well i've got a splash of whiskey i do need to get the stove going inside of the tent though because i plan on eating in the tent it is snowing it is beautiful but i'd rather eat inside of the tent instead of having my food get cold covered in snow really quickly so i'm gonna go inside light the stove i'm gonna open up the mesh on the back side of the tent and then when i'm sitting inside of the tent i'll have the view out on the lake and be inside of the tent with the wood stove have the table everything set up again so i want to let that cook away for a few more minutes jump in there light that stove right now and get that area prepped ah ruffles all right i got everything back inside of the tent i got my salmon and my rice on the stove coming back up the temperature i've got to get this anorak off and get cleaned off because i am completely covered in snow and anything that's covered in snow inside is going to melt and turn to water so i made sure i cleaned all the snow off the table all the snow off my chair it looks pretty good right now the stove is going really nice it's already getting warm in here i can feel it and it is melting off the side of the tent so hopefully in a little bit that tent will be really nice and hot and then i can strip out of my overalls out of my anorak and then lounge in my pants and my hoodie and enjoy the view of that lake because that is awesome i'm loving this for sure so i'm gonna jump inside eat my supper and then hopefully i'll be able to bump back out here after and enjoy a little bit of the the scenery if it's not too dark so okay guys i'm all done with supper and i've got all my dishes cleaned up as you can see nightfall's here the snow is picking up even more it's getting very very heavy and this is awesome i love this so my night tonight is basically going to be hunkered inside of the tent as you can see i got the stove going i've got my christmas lights on i'm going to close this front door both panels i'm going to prop my chair right in front of the stove and look out that back door at the lake until it's pitch black and then i'm going to zip that door shut and probably enjoy a movie and just enjoy being out in the snowfall because this is absolutely amazing so i'm gonna get cleaned up zip this door shut and i'll catch you guys first thing in the morning [Music] so ah okay good morning guys have a look at this isn't this awesome so last night it snowed and it snowed and it snowed and right now we ended up with where the wind has not touched it eight inches and where the wind has kind of touched it it's down to about four inches but it snowed last night i sat in my chair in front of the stove i turned my headlamp on so it was shining out the back door and i sat there and had a nice warm glass of whiskey with that wood stove crackling a pop and i'll watch the snow flurries just go past the lake and it snowed those snowflakes were huge they were big so i had a really great time i had my christmas lights up here i had those on so the whole tent was lit up with that festive kind of feel it was a really good time i had an awesome awesome night right now i've got my eggnog hot chocolate on the go and the same thing kind of it's it's still snowing i'm sitting here looking out the door at the frozen lake having a great time so i'm going to continue with my morning nice and mellow nice and quiet there are a couple little birds bouncing around which is kind of nice to hear those but uh it's it's gonna be a nice quiet morning i think nice hot chocolate a little bit of oatmeal and then it's gonna be time to pack up now the bonus with packing up is i'm truck camping so i don't have to ball everything up neat and tidy inside of a backpack i can literally just grab it and throw it in the truck so the tent is completely soaked covered in ice there's still huge chunks of ice that are on it i gotta break off the pegs are gonna be interesting i gotta get those all out of the ground and then i'm probably just gonna ball it up and put it right in the tailgate in my truck to be honest and then when i get home i'll take it out and then take care of it then but right now this is amazing the wind is sweeping through the cold there it's about minus 15 degrees celsius right now i will say that it's a nice brisk cool but sitting right here in the tent even with these two doors open it's significantly warmer i can feel the heat right now from the stove on my hand very very warm so i'm gonna kick back enjoy my eggnog hot chocolate and then it's gonna be pack up time okay guys hot chocolate's all done and i'm just getting ready to pack up but before i do so i figured it would be useful to go over kind of how i laid out the tent and what i've got for my sleep system so starting with my waxed canvas bed roll it's a little dirty right now because i've been walking in and out of the tent this is waxed and i made this myself so i'm not too too worried about it getting dirty because all this will brush off it's 100 waterproof but that is two layers of wax canvas as my ground sheet above that i have an insulated climate pad and then above that i have one of these foil kind of ridge rest from therm-a-rest pads and then i've got my down sleeping bag on top of that and then i've got my slippers and my kind of sleep clothing inside change of socks and whatnot so that was the the sleep system for the night now the sleeping bag i left unzipped the entire night and the reason why i put my head end up this way is because this sleeping bag has a left hand zip so my head end up here i left this unzipped and i rolled all my side facing the stove all that heat from the stove came right onto my body and into the sleeping bag so the only thing the sleeping bag was used for realistically was just to insulate my backside because you see back here there's a bunch of snow and ice all on that wall so it did stay cold over there but over here it was really nice and warm and it was easy to load the stove being this close because i moved my chair right where i'm sitting right now i had my chair and i had all my fire blocks in the chair so i could just reach over open the door toss a block or two in shut it and then i kept this stick here so i could reach the damper on the stove i can kind of push that open or shut and everything worked out really well i had an excellent night sleep and then over on this side of the tent i set up my table and i've got my chair i've got a ton of room around me and behind me so there's a whole section back here where there's no gear and then everything behind me all the way to the door there's no gear there at all so that's all vacant space and i basically sat here just like this i had my legs right next to the wood stove dried out my clothing really nicely plenty of headroom that's the plus with this style of tent being a dome it's not a tp so your head's not hitting the wall i'm sitting i'm reclined and i'm not touching the wall at all so this is a beautiful setup for one person this is the nor tent gammy four tent if anyone's wondering i do have a review on this but this tent i have been waiting intentionally just for snow to get this out because of these features no center pole means i can put the stove wherever i want i can move wherever i want without bumping into it the the walls they're dome shaped so really really great system for this kind of a camp out but as you can see i got my table chair i've got plenty of living space and if this table and chair was not here you can have a second person just do exactly what i did on that side over here and have two people two entrances where you can come in get your clothing off without getting snow everywheres and still have a nice living space with the stove and i do have the side rack on my stove i brought one side rack if you did put another side rack that person on the other side would have a rack to put their mittens and dry them out or put a kettle like i've got my kettle here you could put your food there to keep it nice and warm all kinds of options so this was definitely a palace and the perfect option for one person two people like i said it will work very very well but one person in here i was so happy last night i was just chilling here with my christmas lights on i had all my stuff here i put my phone up here i watched a movie i had an excellent time really really good this is definitely one of my favorite trips so far in 2020 a lot of fun a lot of fun so that's the rundown on the tent and the setup i'm gonna go ahead and get everything packed up i'm just gonna basically jam everything in the truck i want to get all my small stuff off the table get the table taken apart sleeping bag pad everything that all inside of the truck and then the last items will be the wood stove and the tent itself the wood stove is usually pretty quick i just put my leather gloves on and i dismantle the pipe pull that out take the stove out i'll dump all the ash in the fire pit and then cover it with snow make sure it's out plus i've got plenty of water over there and then it's gonna be get all the pegs out of the ground and get the tent down and get that in the truck so [Music] all right guys everything in camp has been packed up and cleaned up and inside of the truck it was only about 15 minutes of work not that bad for just throwing everything in the truck but it's gonna be about four hours clean up when i get home so that's gonna be the downside but well worth it in my opinion the last chore is going to be clean off the truck let it warm up properly pop it four wheel drive because i'm having trouble even driving this little bit in two-wheel drive so i'm gonna lock it four-wheel drive hit the trail get out of here i thank you guys for watching and following along if you guys have any questions as always drop it down in the comment section and i'll catch you guys in the next video peace out [Music] oh
Channel: Lonewolf 902
Views: 1,228,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping in snow storm, storm camping, hot tent, snow storm camping, hot tent camping
Id: B0Xs0Pkr4VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 24sec (2964 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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