Horse Shelter Heroes - Episode 35 - August 20-26

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so the other group of horses are on their way they just got a late start due to technical truck problems she may have been pushed in situations she wasn't comfortable with yet i'm very excited to sydney we were able to rescue these are the horses that we just rescued out of the slaughter pipeline back to work it's time to work hey hi we need to talk to you you were gone for like 10 entire long thanks mine what's up while you were gone i'm glad you i'm glad she looks tired i am tired tired and sore but happy to be back okay so while you're away the county got finally got back in the saddle or whatever we want to say they fixed our road which you probably noticed yeah it looks awesome so happy about that um reckless went to a grazing grace as an adoption partner they have a home so he's no longer here the vet cleared all the auction horses so they're ready for you to evaluate um but we did something while you all were gone um that we didn't post publicly uh we actually did an auction rescue oh awesome i had a sneaky suspicion travis look who's back they're back from vacation hi guys [Laughter] he's like i didn't miss you at all so you're going to the auction today well we weren't planning on going this week we're planning on going next week that's what i've been fundraising for but hey if you can rescue some horses for us that would be amazing yeah i know i mean you're such a great awesome volunteer but um yes if you can you know just get get horses that need help and i'll call in with our credit card and pay for them and we can save some horses tonight and then we'll go to the auction next week yeah i know that this will work wow thank you so much i am so excited two auction rescues in one month well we haven't done the one next week yet but we'll get there we'll concentrate on today and um just let me know how it goes when you get to the auction take pictures send me pictures and we'll see how it goes from there all right i'm excited thank you so much awesome all right bye so one of our volunteers is headed to the auction right now and she called to let me know that she was just gonna go and see what it was like there um and what type of horses were there this evening and because of that uh she's gonna be able to rescue some horses for us tonight every opportunity we have to rescue horses out of the slaughter pipeline we want to take it every day the usda sends out a report and usually every week there's hundreds and hundreds of horses exported into mexico for the purpose of slaughter so we have the opportunity to rescue these horses uh we don't know how many we'll rescue we i mean we're not there ourselves it's one of our volunteers so it's going to be exciting for us on this end to see if we're able to to save some horses so fingers crossed [Music] got from the auction she's super beat up she's got nasty wound there um she's got wounds under her throat she's got lungs on her chest swelling yes a really nasty one right there but the vet's here we're getting her everything she needs so these are the horses that we just rescued out of the slaughter pipeline you can tell they're relaxed they're happy and put some more medicine on her face hey baby you're such a good girl she is so beat up trimmed revere's feet because we wanted to make sure she was balanced and her feet were really long for her evaluation but we do have the farrier coming out in a couple days and he'll finish doing all the other horses from the july auction foot feel better so today we have some observers watching our evaluation process we're evaluating the horses from the july auction and so this reporter she's been to our adoption events she's seen an auction intake now she's seeing the process after the auction and the 30 days of quarantine of how we're evaluating these horses to figure out their adoptability levels and what adopters will be best fit for that horse [Music] so [Music] [Music] so rivera did really good today she seems like she may have been pushed in situations she wasn't comfortable with yet and so she fights a little bit when you're riding her by herself but she if you let her think about it she pushes through and figures it out she does seem to neck rain pretty well but also direct drains and she's done really good she did so good she needs a cookie this is belle right now we're just giving her a good brush down for her official evaluation [Music] is you forever moving next to me [Music] this is belle she just finished her evaluation she did really well her ground work is excellent um she's she's green and saddle she doesn't know too much but with some work i think she'll be a really great horse [Music] patriots still underweight so we're not going to ride him but we wanted to just make sure he carries a saddle and wears a bridle and he's doing [Music] good this is great he's six months old he's a really sweet little mini right now we're just giving him a brush down [Music] so this is brave he was just evaluated he did really well he's he's only six months old so we've got a lot of learning to do but he's really sweet this is liberty she's 15 years old she came in in the july auction and today we're doing her evaluation to see if she's good with the saddle she may have some trouble with her eyes eyesight um and she needs work with picking up her feet and stuff but her ground work is really well and she's really sweet sabana is pretty scared right now so right now we're just gaining his trust and then we'll brush him down this is banner he just finished his evaluation and he did he did pretty good he's um he's nervous and he's not sure of himself but i think with some work he'll be a good horse so this is martha she came in in our july auction and she's been doing really good out in quarantine and gained a lot of weight she doesn't seem like she's halter broke but we've had a good little session for our evaluation and she's learning to give to the pressure the auction's tomorrow and we've been fundraising all month but definitely pushing today jason and i will be driving to the auction i'll be fundraising again tomorrow it's just a hectic thing of fundraising trying to get enough funds to rescue and care for these horses and then rescue them at the auction and then it gets really chaotic because we have to get them all back to the shelter we're excited but at the same time i'm like whoo i know it's going to be rough because auction rescues are very rough emotionally physically and just exhausting just putting some sawdust in the trailer we're going to the auction and the horses will appreciate the sawdust to ride back on we're on our way to the auction and it looks like it might start raining we're getting in to a rainstorm it looks like it's going to be pouring up here in a second and as you can see there's the blue sky over here and that's kind of how it works in tennessee blue sky storm well it is raining it almost always rains either going to or from the auction that's just the way tennessee weather is i'm very excited to sydney we were able to rescue 20 precious lives these are just some of them this one right here this is the uh kafflinger that is he's really young but he's got us way back you can see there because we're told that he was ridden too young and so it broke us back down already so we're gonna have our vet check him out see what's going on with that but just thank you guys so much for your support these are just some of the ones that we saved tonight we saved 20 in total and we're just super excited about that so we're going to get a few hours of sleep and then get up in the morning get them sorted take pictures of each one and get them loaded and off to the shelter thank you all again so much here at the auction hi baby it's okay you're gonna be all right we're gonna get you out of here hello beautiful you're so skinny hi sweetie how are you oh precious you're so goopy eyed i'll get you some medicine we get you back hey everyone good morning it's tawny here at the auction we're getting ready to sort all the horses and load them up uh they've been through a lot this girl her face is really itchy she's got goobers on her eyes she keeps wanting me to itch her face oh sweetie come on there you go you say hi so we got 20 horses last night and um we're gonna do their initial intake video or pictures and some video and get them ready to load up it's gonna take two trucks and trailers to get them all moved back to our shelter today we have the veterinarian and fair scheduled to be there when these horses arrive hi sweetie hi hi baby gonna be okay yeah so right now all the scaries are over oh we're getting this one haltered just looked at its knee here and its legs are in pretty rough shape of hey course you want some attention you're so pretty you're so pretty yeah i'm so skinny but you just you want attention don't you i love all its spotty markings now this one came over and was playing at the gate with its lips i saw it teeth and it's not that old it still has baby teeth so here's a beautiful young horse that could have ended up on a slaughter truck just because it was at the wrong place at the wrong time hi baby you're all right it has a hot iron brand on this hip it says 3 10 on this side and a freeze brand this is 11 on the other side it's here on the side of her hip and she's so hungry such a sweet little horse so they can get used to each other before we go on the drive good morning buddy how are you such a nice what a good meal so uh we typically don't get mules that are this sweet and affectionate at options typically they're really abused and scared to death people but you can see in here that this meal has a ton of arthritis and when it walks it's it's lumping a lot from that arthritis so this mule was dumped here because it was it's lame i'm thankful we got it so we got this horse last night this horse is exactly what kill buyers are looking for the source is so fat it has fat pads um it's just a bat just has nowhere else to go it just builds up and lumps on a horse's body and uh thankfully we got her instead of the kill buyers hey babies hello you're so pretty he's a stallion he is a stallion so he needs to go with the boys hi babies look how precious you are oh you want to come say hi hello look at you you are well bred arabian so refined broad forehead you came from somewhere fancy [Music] hello hello how are you got a pretty nasty bite mark right there [Music] they don't eat much there's no reason for them to be skinny there's no reason for any animal to be skinny but seeing a skinny beat-up mini is just so sad this one is extremely extremely sick baby i'm so sorry i touch you sometimes they have strangles when they sound like that but i don't see any so this is one trailer load they're all settled down they're all doing really good so they're going to be riding together because they're they're happy and comfortable together we have three critical ones that we'll be riding together little ones they'll get to ride all by themselves so they'll be safe in this group we've got three little stallions and then two young stallions um so they're all going to be riding together so they'll be away from the girls and that's 20 horses ready to go to our shelter it's going to be about a two and a half hour drive and while we're driving back to the shelter i'll be working getting all the data of what these horses need back to our shelters so the vet and the farriers and everyone will be ready and know what to expect when we get [Music] there [Music] we got the first load of horses back to the shelter now and the vet is not quite here yet but he is going to be on his way we have our awesome farrier here and we're going to start the intake process and then once the vet's here we'll be able to continue with x-rays and all that good stuff [Music] i got yum yums i'm gonna save 40. now now you'll be able to see better baby you don't have all that hair in your face those are such pretty little bitty teeth little baby teeth i just don't think they're baby teeth i think they're worn out i don't know i said like 40. i mean ponies live forever and that's the worst set of pony teeth i've seen in a while i don't remember any that bad either yeah she's but she may have voted for reagan since this is election year we we go by that age category she's been here a little while [Music] i'm [Music] just off the top of my head i can already see the bones yeah and everything i bet you it's i mean i think there's no angle it's all straight i bet you he's 20 25 degrees 25 degrees or better what's bothered me more is that uh bone is really in the building and well it's not really supposed to rebuild like that's kind of weird it doesn't atrophy because doesn't the coffin button not have any merrell in it yeah it's just it's just rebuilding wrong which is always a bad sign alone yeah we have a little 12 year old pony mare here and she is severely foundered especially in her right front usually there's one that's worse than the other on a front end and we don't have a caliper to actually gauge it but just from experience looking at the x-rays we're at least 20 to 25 degrees rotation and she's to a point now where her bone is atrophied and it's it's a growing growth in the wrong direction and it's not really salvageable at this point it's very sad so sadly with this pony with the severe founder there's nothing we can do we have a lot of people asking us you know why don't we give them time or we just leave them here at the shelter and love them and when a horse is in chronic pain chronic suffering we want to eliminate that chronic suffering as soon as possible there's no reason to allow an animal to continue suffering so we can bring them here they know peace they know safety they can know a bucket of grain and be surrounded by people that care and that's the best gift we can give them it's just not it's not okay to allow them to continue suffering so the veterinarian's just sedated her and we're gonna let that sedation take effect before he gives her the final injection 195. leave your teeth on the side i'd be fine [Music] so i'm just vaccinating him right now he is sedated for his gelding operation and he's got one more shot of that before he's going to be flat out sleeping quint the farrier is going to trim his feet while he's out too so he's got a lot going on here [Music] so 245 pounds well what you usually go on and it'd always be prettier if it was sewn up but it's it's not hurting them it's not if it's not infected it's not what they usually do is get a lot of dust and flies around there because of the secretions [Music] it's a bit of a rodeo here we have two wild miniature stallions uh this one's just waking up he is halter trained this one's still sleeping and the vet just gave the last shot that's going to make the other one really sleepy but they're giving us a run further they're money they they are feisty little guys [Music] [Music] but if you flip it around to the other picture you'll see the side bone yeah i may break a coffin bone that's pretty much it right 100 done heavy marrow it doesn't it's just got to go back is she real lame yeah yeah yeah when we rescued the mule we knew that euthanasia was probably going to be have to be considered because of the lameness that the the mule was going through and after doing x-rays there's nothing we're able to do except the last act of kindness and the kindest thing we can do is not prolong suffering and that's why when a horse or a donkey or a mule is in suffering chronic pain we want to put them down as soon as possible just give them a bucket of grain love them and not allow that suffering to continue so even though sometimes they're here for a very short time we try to make their last few hours the best we can [Music] so this mare here she has a lot of arthritis in her knee we're going to take an x-ray to see she's about 25 plus we don't know i mean once a horse gets into its 20th it's hard to tell exactly how old they are but we know she's she's really old but we're going to x-ray the knee to see just how bad it is yeah so what do you see in there doc see all these bones right here you want them to be smooth and see there's like a ton of little bones in here and this one right here sort of looks almost looks like it's been broken and it's healing scarring up see how that was square but we still have some arthritis on that one this one right here looks like we have lines everywhere i mean there's nothing we could do for her there's nothing to rebuild her it's not so why don't we if she's already thin getting her through the winter would be tough we've done x-rays with her and there's nothing we can do because of her age and her knee being so arthritic so she's going to be put to sleep at least it's fun and exciting rescuing these horses and bringing back to the shelter but as rescuers you know having to deal with you know bringing an animal here having hopes for them and then putting them to sleep is just it's a hard part of it but if we had not rescued them they would have been just another number on the usda report [Music] this is one of the horses we rescued last week and she had some issues um with her hind end so the vet's going to recheck her again today possibly take some x-rays see if we can get to the bottom of why she might have ended up at the auction [Music] come on baby come on [Music] it's not looking very good she's got some green snot coming out she ate some grass so we've got a lot of issues going on up here she is foundered she's a really big crust on her neck we're going to take some x-rays and then kind of make a decision from there okay yeah she's off by like i don't know between five and 10 degrees yeah like a really bad founder i'm more concerned about the atrophy on the dorsal side of the coffin and then and whatever is going on whatever so it seems like we're making lots of really hard decisions today but this horse after x-rays we found there's a lot of problems going on with her legs and hoof and her breathing and the kindest thing we can do is relieve her suffering so she's another one that the vet's going to have to put to sleep and i'm just thankful she came here so we could get her the professional help she needed so we rescued this guy last week at the auction and um the fury is here to do his feet and we decided to put him on the scale just to see if he's gained any weight he's gained 39 pounds in one week so we're super excited for him so the other group of horses are on their way they just got a late start due to technical truck problems but they're on their way but it's still going to be a bit so the vet and vet tech are packing up they're going to be on call for us if if we need them they'll be right back out here but we saw all the horses at the auction so we know roughly what's what's going on with them we had all the critical horses with us and that's who the vet has seen and so the vet will be out here at least next week to give everyone a look over if unless we feel that he needs to come back out it's not typically our normal auction thing typically they're all seen by the vet that day but you can't always control everything and when trucks have truck problems what can you do we're waiting for the next trailer everyone's kind of tired and exhausted so it's kind of nice to have a bit of a break but we really want these horses to get here um because the sooner they get here the sooner we can get them all their vaccines and weigh them and when we're done then we're done for the day and we're looking forward to that because auction rescue intake days are exhausting we're not actually going to be done for the day some of us will be done for the day some of us have to start copying the video footage over and start editing the next episode because we have something planned tomorrow and i won't be here all day tomorrow to get the episode edited so i get to work on that this evening after the intake is done oh yeah and back to me uh once this is done here i have to send out a video and a blog and tell everyone what happened and that the horses are back here safe so yeah my mind i'm not gonna be done either this evening when we're done in this barn so what we're doing is we're moving these little guys they got gelded and uh we're hoping that this one will follow this one so that's the goal [Music] about time they're here guys beautiful than anyone than anyone [Music] you look more beautiful than anyone i know [Music] you are beautiful yeah it's supposed to be right that's how wide it is on this foot it's stretched that much so we just got this horse in from the auction and we've taken a look at her and she has severe founder in her feet extremely stretched lamina which for those of you don't know is a white line part of it is where it grows down it's instead of being roughly an eighth of an inch thick or so it's actually like an inch and a half thick right now so it's severely stretched um so and then it's from a metabolic disorder if you walk back here with me you can see some of the fat pads back here this is not almost from a um metabolic disorder versus the way i like to like in it is kind of like a diabetic with the the grasses and whatnot [Music] [Applause] [Music] no microchip [Music] coming to not quite two yet but you're so gorgeous so this horse the vet's going to come back and check really concerned about its back it does seem to have some pain involved with it so not exactly sure what's going on it could have been born this way it could be just a genetic thing um but we're gonna have our vet check it out and figure out what's best for him [Music] [Applause] [Music] it has been a really long day and this is the last horse we have uh to do intake on so we're happy about that because we're all running out of steam i'm not gonna try to hurt you good girl these are just different vaccines that we give them a lot of people wonder why we get vaccines right off the bat and we've tried multiple different of waiting or doing it sooner or later and this we do a five-way rabies tetanus strangles it seems to work the best for them gives them the best start so we do vaccinate on intake because of that no microchip she'll have one now though [Music] that's another auction rescue that's done uh we did two this month which is a big undertaking and i can't thank everyone enough for your support and the amazing team that we have here at horse plus humane society to make a big intake like this just works so seamlessly just thank you all so much for your support we couldn't do this without you
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 116,418
Rating: 4.9236693 out of 5
Id: 16iPUyA3K88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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