Horse Shelter Heroes | S2E20 | Full Episode

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in this episode of horse shelter heroes we have a lot of adoptions there are so many adoption we have horse adoptions uh donkey adoptions and a super excited adopter angela finds a stash of uh foreign treats and it's hilarious don't miss a single minute of horse shelter heroes [Music] so we have a surrenderer that just got here they're surrendering two horses and we're so thankful that they chose to bring them to us instead of sending them to an auction where they might be in the slaughter pipeline you're gonna go right around this barn right here to the right that first right right there [Music] and you can just go ahead and and uh you can take her alter off out one night and she got hit by a car oh my word and that was been what three years ago or so we've had our farm for sale for almost a little over 10 years and it recently sold and we just don't have this place for it well thank you so much i appreciate y'all taking them i hate to leave them but well you know at least i know that they're in a good place angel and audrey just got surrendered and we are so thankful that their um previous owners decided to surrender them to us instead of putting them in the auction they had a really hard time trying to find them new homes uh angel actually a few years ago got out somebody left the gate open she was hit by a car and broke her jaw so we're just really thankful that um that everything was okay and now she's here and we're just gonna have her checked by the vet just um see if she has any issues and and audrey too and um just really thankful that they're here so i'm kind of excited about this box because our volunteer program is opening up and we just got our volunteer shirts we were closed our volunteer program during covet but check out these cool shirts so the way you get one of these shirts is you volunteer here at horse plus we have volunteer days and um i think they're pretty cool i'm gonna hand you off to sarah number two and jessie so you can come right in here just stand right over there alrighty oh my gosh hey buddies oh you missed it did you sweetie pie good job let's see what happens when you hear chops make a big bark i think she's been through a lot for sure oh she's pretty skittish too is she okay especially in a bigger pin yeah and very scared and will kick out look at her behind him so okay so she's kind of still learning her pregnancy too but it almost seems like she's been hit oh she's super receptive you know she's not jumping at me putting my hands over her at all which is a really good sign oh i know it's the animal cookies this is my secret power oh yes what a good girl what a good job curious i love his curiosity look at look at misty over here this is good yes i like this she's so pretty she she the way she was when we got her hair she was didn't like the vet didn't like you can tell she'd been through a lot with auction and stuff i know missy we're gonna work on those years but you guys are so good oh as a business owner like i have so much respect for what you guys are doing like the passion is great but she's really she really put this together like the business model that she's doing is impressive you're going to be the only girl you're going to be you and i are the only girls on the whole entire place so i got her all pink thing oh oh it's going to look good right because i'm like we got to you know the girls man we have to we have to look girly right so glad we finally came oh my gosh we made it we made it it all worked out you guys are doing a really amazing service you really are that's the code [Music] so my name is joe and gail's my sister-in-law and i came from colorado yesterday i flew in um to come rescue ponies with gail i sort of turned her on to horse plus about two months ago it was two months ago i think because i've been watching the channel for months now and i love what you guys do and she got into it we binge watched like every episode and then next thing you know she called me and told me she was adopting you guys are so organized and professional and take such great care of your animals and do so much good that you know i donate monthly so does gail and i think if anyone has the ability to even just a little bit it makes a difference i've actually never donated to a rescue and joe's been a regular donator and i not i just never thought about it until joe brought this whole rescue to my attention and now i'm i'm just like dollar bills down bills every time you guys do another another uh you know auction it's just uh it's really amazing what you guys do it's super super impressive and thank you guys all for all of your your hard work and efforts it's it's it does not go unnoticed and it's just so amazingly appreciated by both the horses but also by those who love horses so thank you we rescued angel in 2013 she is a fully blind mare she's been blind since birth she has cataracts in both her eyes and we've recently just started working with her in the past two months and she's coming along really well she's just starting to go under saddle i've been doing a lot of lunging obstacles ring work anything like that to get her kind of desensitized to everything a lot of voice commands and just getting her used to someone working with her a lot and the last couple of rides she's been really good she actually had one spook and then she stopped when i asked her to stop and that's what we look for when i'm riding them for the first time what a good girl what a good girl oh what a good girl it's nice to see her move and not panic what a good girl she's very relaxed today she doesn't seem to mind too much of me being up here i stood up on both sides before i got on and she didn't seem to mind it and i don't mind if she walks around because kind of shows she's not gonna panic when she walks off with someone on her how has he done he loves he loves his slop soup but i think he only drank about half a bucket over the weekend well we got a lot of fluid in there he has anybody checked hydration he's better at david's horse we just saw chloe still yeah he's still dehydrated some um i want you to look at his hawks too he's just so bound up i think we're probably gonna end up taking an x-ray from mr titan's hawks and see if we see something there i am checking titan's temperature um i guess we could have done the microchip thing but old habits die hard this is the glamour part of the job everybody wants to be a veterinarian but then again they don't realize how much time we do dealing with feces i think the boy needs some glucosamine we don't have a lot of opponent we do not have a lot of arthritis showing up but maybe his joints there's a little bit there not enough room to be that stiff could be that he's still not feeling great either let's start him back on some hay i wish we could just let him out graze let him graze around the property yeah what about shutting the gates in me not to talk to connie you'd have to lock him yeah but i think that'd be nothing good for him cause he still looks real poor to us and i think he's he's starting to eat better uh we're gonna x-ray her back hips we were trying to x-ray her hips last weekend last week and the batteries were dead remember i think she'll get she looks better and looks like she's moving better to me than she did last week what do y'all think yes i agree i think if we get her stronger it's going to take care of a lot of the problems but it's still in but it's just there's just a lot of joint laxity i think a lot of that's her just not having any muscle tone she's just got a goopy eye we think a lot of it's allergies if not we don't have to switch that rain rain's gonna get tired of me the rain is so thin last week we tried to x-ray our lungs but she was so thin we thought pretty sure we could shoot through it looks like she's gained a lot of weight this week but and i'm not sure we can but we're going to try to x-ray her chest i didn't know that's not too bad if that was a dog chest i'd be saying that lung feel looks pretty good she's been having a little bit of a breathing problem and we've been trying different meds and her nose is always a little bit runny i don't know if it's allergies sometimes the hay causes that with some horses lungs sound pretty good [Music] giving a little steroids hoping she's got i don't know whether i'm hoping she's got allergies or i'm not hoping she's got allergies that's harder to deal with than an infection a lot of times a lot of times you just send them have an infection maybe cleared up this is hammy he was an honor surrender he's gonna get checked by the vet well some of the fungus is when they have a fungal infection some of them glow and i think i still won't treat this for a fungus but i'm not 100 sure it is i was trying to find something that glow to give you [Music] see if you go yeah no just your personality oh look at the band see see how that glows [Music] sometimes the fungus will light up like that yellow i think we still need to treat like a fungus and get all that dead skin off do y'all have any bpo3 or malicious champagne you ran out yes he's got a bottle yes that i opened we opened it on the last call but yeah we use that to clean it up good once you clean up with that shampoo leave it on for 10 minutes clean it off get all the dead skin off and we'll put some kind of ointment on it maybe what kind of good skin ointment that we got here yeah well what you want to do is put it on there and let it sit for about 10 minutes and then scrub it off i question his eyes and being able to fully see okay he has major anxiety we're gonna go x-ray zina's like to see if it's gotten any better or worse or if it's still the same we found our swamp land so ate about a half scoop of grain in alfalfa and that's about it [Music] yeah that hurts honey we're looking at a corpus joint that has been remodeled got a lot of remodeling going on part of it was started by bacterial bacterial infection in there it was eaten out and it's trying to lay back down some of the bones are dissolving lysis this is a two dollar word for that uh she's still not using the leg much constant pain [Music] there's almost not any distinguishable bones in there and if you're going to name the bones from what's in that one you couldn't name them because there are some some of them are lysed and dissolving uh the realignment she's trying to fight back but it's not going real well to get some bone laid down we have tried we have tried and tried because i know she's compensating like even her back hawk is more swollen on that side like long term it's just it's going to be a painful life you just hate that yeah but she's lucky that she came here and we did everything we could well she yeah it was she we fought for just taking her to an auction and who knows what would happen to her yeah we tried we took multiple x-rays did multiple things for her but her body just couldn't fight anymore they said if you've been working on this long for them to be more painful yes we tried baby girl [Music] part of working at an animal shelter is having the strength to say goodbye over and over again because you're helping animals that you know a lot of times they need the last act of kindness and it's it's really sad but we we've done everything we can for the sweet baby sorry girl [Music] you [Music] you could maybe that's so sad [Music] the volunteers are here painting and xena is enjoying some fresh green grass and i think she's supervising [Music] we're getting ready to head up to quarantine and check on some of the horses from the auction last week sweet potato do you want to see she was laying last week in her front [Music] well we need a farrier to do some magic she's not yeah she needs some help on that foot same thing over here but not as bad so we're getting ready to do a biopsy on her she's got a couple weird skin gross ones coming out of her ear there and one on her neck so doc's gonna do a biopsy she came from the auction last week the donkey that came in last week from the auction he had like a growth on his face on his lips i don't really know what you call it but we're gonna see how that's looking doc put a band around it to kind of um i guess you could say cut off the circulation yeah cut off the circulation to it so it'll fall off we're hoping it's a wharton's nothing serious because he's just a baby oh it is getting smaller and the band is still on i wanted you to just we're going to stay with what wrote us in our plan is that it's down about what a fourth the size so we're pretty happy with that and a lot of times those if you can just irritate papillomas and stuff like that and strangulate them they'll go off and they'll stimulate the animals localized immune system to get rid of the rest of them so that's what we're waiting on there and we're going to shrink him next week our plan is the next week crank him and clean that up some while we've got him out so to avoid knocking him out two or three times that's what our plan is oh today well it went pretty good we had three we had to do the last act of kindness to they were older and ridden hard and had arthritis everywhere other than that everything was doing pretty good we saw a sweet potato she has such a nice meal we're going to try to get her straightened out and she may provide background music for us today we have what else do we do oh we took a lot of x-rays today yeah a lot of x-rays oh man that's a good tool to probably get a good prognosis on things it's a pretty neat little machine i got a biopsy on one hope it's not anything serious so if it is there is a big mess on the inner inguinal area will take off um our donkey that had the big growth on its muzzle is looking better so maybe we can win a few today we sure hope so well thank you so much for coming out we always look forward to your visits hope you're not bored no no not at all this is todd this is sarah and nice to meet you maddie sorry maddie nice to meet you so this is koda she's very sweet and when she like we first started working with her she didn't want to fly spray but now she stands here to fly spray so you're looking for something just a trail ride yeah i've saddled her a bunch but this will be only like the or third or fourth time i've been on her i think she has the potential to be a beginner's horse just needs that finishing training like starting and finishing with her a little bit gotcha before she gets to that point oh she's she's pretty so do you think you're going to adopt her i believe so for whatever reason you can't keep coda then we get first writer refusal she's very nice she's very calm i think she's gonna do very well thank you i appreciate it [Music] keith is going to put the culvert in just like a trench in there in front of the vet barn this thing's kind of heavy so let's see see if he can do it it's more often i changed my mind you did right now i changed my mind i'm going to take another four feet that way [Music] popcorn got a bath today he's got an appointment so he's a really good boy and stands really nicely for a bath not very many doctors do so this is daffodil she is a six-year-old 14-1 hand mare she is wild and we've been working with her for about a week or so now and she's made some improvement but she's still nervous i'm going to show you guys what i've gone through with her today so the first thing i'll do is i'll just drive her forward in the round pen and i like that she's just trotting she's not racing around she's not super nervous she's showing that she's pretty relaxed doing this she's learning and she's able to do that so quietly and if you see she actually has her ear turned into me listening to me and waiting for her cue and then the next turns i like to do with her are something that i call an inside turn and this is what a lot of people like to do so i'll just back up away from her she's going to turn towards me and i'm just going to switch to her other side and drive her back forward the other direction and she did that very quietly it's nice that she's not panicking there when i get close to her and she's never been haltered she i've done i've touched her a little bit but it's nothing major so it's nice that she's not trying to run away from me and being an unhandled horse it's nice that she wants to face me because a lot of a lot of wild horses don't want to face you they stop at the fence line it's very minimal of trying to be near you oh what a good girl so i kind of hold my hand out to her and you can see that she did get nervous and then i'll release the pressure by bringing my hand back and then i'll do the same thing i bring my hand over and i release the pressure by bringing my hand back it's nice that she's not having this flight instinct right now that she's willing to work through her anxiety i'm just going to do little bits at a time and then i can kind of walk away release the pressure completely and then walk back so we're just trying to get her used to people being able to touch her and just be next to her and she's allowed to be nervous and if she were to leave right now i'm just gonna make her work a little bit that time she was a lot less nervous when i went to go touch her and hopefully in a couple of weeks we'll be able to get her to the point where we can start haltering her and getting her a little halter broke and that's kind of what we've been doing with daffodil and i'm hoping that we can find her a home that can put some time into helping her trust people and get halter broke and eventually get riding because she is only six years old so she would make a great prof project for someone that's willing to put the work and the time into her all right thank y'all so koda's going to our new home i'm really happy she found her home to bring her along and finish her training so it'll be interesting to see their progress the transporter just got here with two horses that christian farms rescue and rehab were shelter transferring to our organization so today we're gonna do a little swap-a-roo they dropped off two here with us and we're gonna send three to them so we're gonna go ahead and go get the other ones loaded up um well now she has a hole in her tire so we're going to try to fix the hole in the tire then load the horses up so she can make it to the tire shop so she can get the tire fixed i'll run up grab jason's stack if you want to pull the trucking trailer somewhere out of the way and then yeah well it's not in the way so all right we don't have anybody else coming right now travis got the tire fixed and we're going to load up the horses and she's going to be on her way [Music] sugar peaches and honey are on their way to a new adventure at christian farm rescue and rehab this is maddox and she is here to adopt flash hello oh my goodness i like her she's awesome she's so cute she's so calm so i can saddle her up and then ride her around a little bit if you want to ride her face she she does best when there's other horses around she gets pretty antsy it doesn't matter who really but she's not she's just sensitive to that [Music] so if you want to come here i'll show you she burst out an abscess last what this weekend so she was super lame before it burst but that's it right there i've been soaking it in epsom salts she bonds really quickly to whoever look how calm she is she's not going to spook it she's definitely gated we did a river ride it's about 10 miles and she went on it and by the end it took a lot of leg to keep her moving she's like i'm i'm tired [Music] i really like her yeah like she's beautiful she's awesome so you think you for sure want to adopt her oh yeah for sure for sure want a doctor she looks so good yeah it's a great choice all right they're going to adopt we she's so cute she's awesome i got a new grand baby yep it's a four-legged horse come here give me hugs this is my little horse owner i'm so proud of you thank you i need to move it transfer to the i own yeah [Applause] thank you it was nice meeting you guys let's load up so what's working what is going on here so somebody sent these awesome biscuits from australia um i haven't tried this one yet what is the mango but this one's raspberry anyway how many have you eaten um oh my just a couple that's a couple today what's it just a couple are you sure need a cup what are you doing trying them biscuits from australia um were they good yeah you should you should try this one i haven't tried this one yet this one's mango this one's mango that one is i've already tried that one that's nice i really like mint stuff yeah it's really good for that one i haven't tried anything that's so cute yeah this one is really good it doesn't look really good what are you doing try them all mm-hmm this one's really good too i think i don't know oh she's stealing she's stealing oh she's stealing she's this is really good though thank you so much for sending us biscuits all the way from australia we really appreciate you [Music] i thought about him all the way home when we got ran and i told kaylee i said i got to go back and get him i just got to go back and get him so since you guys last saw him he has gone completely blind since then does he take any medicine for his eyes nothing just keep him in a fly mask when it's bright out and clean his eyes they run a little bit so is he doing good on his commands when you talk to him he he's whenever you're stepping up and down i tell him up down or like if the surface changes try to tell him and he'll if he's questioning he just drops his head and smells it so what about bad weather does he freak out since he can't see anybody by himself he's a little more nervous but he has him currently on a donkey and he settles if he's got a friend he's not run through panels or anything like that so do you stalling we haven't since he went blind he i think he knows his name too because you talk to him when you're coming out he'll come to the gate [Music] hey baby hey sweetie poor guy people i had to come back really turned off when they hear he's [Music] blind there we go now i have you here diego you get a nice new green one last hole [Music] okay so he loves the dirt he'll find the nearest gateway you know where it's packed down and he's always laying in it always when it's not muddy [Music] just keep us updated and let us know how um he makes the trip home and everything all right so thank y'all you're welcome thank you guys you have a wonderful day you too so this is banjo and jessie some more for you buddy so we're kind of he's learned to lead just follow the bucket and he's just super sweet always come cantering up to the gate to meet you all right so so he's a 15-ish 12 to finish so i think the hands the age oh yeah yep is that around my buddy and he doesn't have any like bonded partners or anything else so the only thing with him is this hoof needs some care fairly regularly but um the farrier he's due anytime for another trim it's come really good it was curled up almost around to the side but he doesn't seem sore about it so what do you think of him we like him you want to take him home oh yes you guys i'm interested in just taking one dog here you want to adopt cecil too while you're here i don't know what do you think he is a gelding yes he is a boy he is a boy two boys two boys yes yeah you want you want to look at him yeah we can okay see so somebody's here to see you somebody's here to see you hi cecil hi buddy he's cutie yeah he's like two i believe yeah he's cute he's just a youngster there we go let's get a picture they decided to also adopt cecil so banjo has a friend yes that's pretty exciting we're gonna go load up the donkeys [Music] you're the tall one yeah he's a he's a little big he's a little big guy i think he's 16 17 hands somewhere in there oh really yeah he's really good on the ground but it seems like maybe he was a buggy horse he doesn't do anything crazy under saddle i actually just evaluated him today and he was fine under saddle he just didn't seem to be fancy or anything now is he gated or okay i think he's a standard bread standard yeah [Music] you think you want to add that you sure yeah we don't want you to not feel like you have to take him oh no no no believe me that's uh you know no that he's he's fine he'll do good all right i'm grabbing paperwork for you if for any reason he doesn't work out with you you go ahead and bring them back we'll try to find one that does work for you quarantine you don't have any other horses so you don't worry about that rehab he is on grain currently um because his weight isn't up so i would encourage you he's on two scoops of senior and two scoops of alpha alpha pellets right now and i will put your adoption paperwork in your folder for you all right we'll go ahead and go get him loaded up hey who'd we adopt today oh who did we dropped out yeah oh dear that's quite a list uh we adopted out diego poncho cecil yeah and ajax so far is that all so far we got more to go we do we got more to go phantom what do you think a good day yeah he greeted most of that most of the adopters didn't you it's been a busy day but it's been a good day
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 87,466
Rating: 4.9591722 out of 5
Id: dHmeIA6vsRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 42sec (2202 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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