Horse Shelter Heroes | S2E23 | Full Episode

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in this episode of horse shelter heroes we go to an auction and rescue over 50 horses we're joined by multiple organizations you will not want to miss this special episode where we go to auction and pull horses out of the slaughter pipeline but first we had an adoption event and you're gonna have to watch all the adoptions before we get to the auction so i hope you enjoy this episode of horse shelter heroes [Music] so this is what happens when you don't charge the golf course you gotta push yourself all the way to gardening you're not done yet it just shows my muscles and it's also very muddy so you know combination of things didn't really help today um sarah if you want to open that gate or into that pin i'll just get these guys to come up in there well some of the horses are out so i'm gonna just get them up by the vet barn so we can do their weight and warming [Music] yeah usually they come running right to there and then they all go away isn't that the easiest you've seen that happen yeah we're bringing the healthy horses out of quarantine the horses that are still sick are gonna stay in quarantine a little while longer until they're healthy and cleared by the vet [Music] how's his nose good and i already warmed him and he needs his feet done and now he's ready for you [Music] oh he didn't lose and he didn't gain he weighs exactly the same he did when he came in must be all that squealing you do can't see anything can you hear my hair though i know he can't see anything that neck too look you're so well behaved [Music] doc needs to look at her and she's losing weight and we've been pouring feed to her this horse we've been doctoring and giving antibiotics and stuff to her leg so she came in dog's pretty sure it's a both tenant and it just keeps getting worse it's not it hasn't gotten any better and she's losing weight and she's losing weight and she's still super light so she's definitely on the vet list [Music] oh so gross it'll make you feel so much better oh goodness oh so gross so gross [Music] she lost 15 pounds she won't eat is the problem her nose is good it's like a tiny bit like clear but 3 48 he lost a little weight but they usually lose weight when they get gilded [Music] 1030 pounds [Music] seems like she has especially sensitive skin to the bugs so we got most of them out we're gonna soft quarantine them for another week in the top pasture we had two take off on us so we'll come back in the morning when they're hungry again and try to finish them up and then a couple are too sick to take out so we'll have the vet check them and see how they can do [Music] the concrete crews are showing up this morning to get the rest of the vet hospital board [Music] it may not look like it but we're going to be chaotically busy today it's the adoption event sunday morning bright and early 7 30 everybody's getting ready and it's also filming for horse heroes and so it's just gonna be a crazy day so caleb you're prepping for all the filming horse rescue heroes right i am getting tripods ready making sure we got a lot of gear everything working ready to go if any of you get a weird feeling about a visitor come and talk to us inside because we want to make sure we're adopting horses to the right places not some crazy yahoo that wants to take me to the auction or something catching horses for the adoption event [Music] come on diamonds [Music] we're heading out to catch some more horses up just kind of work our way up the alleyway [Music] so shelby what are you guys doing today we are filming for horse rescue hero season two i'm working on um adoption applications um appointments making checking everybody making sure everybody's coming just getting everything ready for the adoption appointments how many horses are on your list andy we still have we've brought in four or six so far and we probably still have like six or seven more and then all the wild ones that jessie's doing so probably like 20. got three horses uh ready caught up in the riding arena to show to the first adopter where are they parking i guess i should ask um they can just pull in like normal [Music] this is solder so here's a little pony he just came out of quarantine about a week ago i would love to have a younger one that i can start training from the ground up by myself and then looking to get him into riding so i would love to find something that's really steady for him yeah laid back [Music] yeah basically all of ours have either been rescued given a new home to or yeah that's that's awesome we uh we've always tried to do the rescue he's so sweet yes he's packing up soldier his show and his uh potential adoptive home what a nice boy he is what do you think about aston's reasons definitely [Music] and this is maddie and she's gonna take your appointment over from here okay and then i'll see you guys back in the office all right okay let's get this training but they're not necessarily completely halted broke right now all right i can run we can run them into the round pen all right so that way you can have kind of a feel for them and you can see how they'll get to know when they go so if you want to work with her a little bit go in there see how you feel for her [Music] so do you guys think you want to adopt rory yeah i want to adopt rory [Music] how many times has she been in the shoot um a good like seven eight times probably [Music] all right they're going to adopt rory rory's microchip information all right thank you so much thank you have a great day youtube how's the adoption event going sir going good so far we have three adopted if you want to come in and drive her forward from the back rory just started halter training last week so she's not quite sure what it means to be led onto a trailer yet so we're just going to run her on we'll give all the credit to jesse today [Music] it's going great we've had uh three adoptions so far and looking for the last horse that was just adopted rory the arabian mare and she's somewhere on that wall she's somewhere on this wall and i oh here she is here she is she just got adopted so we're gonna move her over here here on the wall well i'm too short found its home this month so adoption appointment number three showed up yes and unfortunately they don't have a trailer we would like outside dining you'd like outside dining and talk to maddie about your your questions okay okay get weight on him he should be perfectly fine like muscling him up a bit he'll be [Applause] [Music] it's all her call you're the one that gets to spoil him yeah i mean i'd take them all if i could well it would it would make me thrilled to death if you took him because i actually see i could see his progress and what a big horse he he all becomes they really think he's a nice horse but he's a little old um and they would they would absolutely love to take him home and love him and give him a great home as long as he needs it and he's always welcome back here so he does have the option to come back so that's a good thing that's a good thing and and he just needs somewhere to love and you can already tell he's falling in love with your husband yeah and well that'll be his horse we'll see you'll just come back well you that's what i'm taller horse that's all right yeah now he's he's perfect for you what are you thinking what do you think dude what do you think you get two free kittens oh no no no no no he's getting saddled up out on the horn baby [Music] your insides feel wiggly i think this would be a perfect adoption photo yes i think it would be with her okay one two three look at the camera look at the camera perfect all right they're going to adopt titan the next appointment canceled so they can look at more horses so they get to look at more horses because the appointment canceled and um captain red and venus [Music] did you you can be a little one you don't have brain going out together [Music] [Music] very well trained he's an older guy for what you're just wanting to have him around your farm he'd be fine you're not taking my big long trail rides or anything just just a nice course to be around the farm he'd be perfect i tried what do you guys think two horses in one day i don't know he's a little small yeah compared to doctor definitely that's the problem is you get the kids up there then they start you know you buying them come on over wednesday [Music] it felt good for a minute until we switched directions yeah but it was like oh is that a yes on this yeah yeah all right so let's get an adoption photo [Music] all right they're gonna adopt captain red [Music] [Music] you guys kids can you do so the other humane society is here to pick up the puppy that was surrendered a couple days ago and we're just thankful there's a humane society locally that will take dogs and puppies especially because he smelled like he was in a hoarder house like just he smelled terrible i'll give you a donation for taking him oh and i don't have to do that hi sweetie yeah yeah we're just i tried to get to a home for you i tried to take you home how late are they angela 30 minutes that doesn't make you happy either did you get that paper you'll need one for each adult or you can put both of your names on there inside of the box so this is jessie hi jen this is christine and arya and arya and erin and jessie's gonna help you with kalyana okay great who gets to say it's too soon to be falling for you cause i've heard of things like this before but didn't know the dreams still came true a lot of them go through a lot yes my first rescue was a tennessee walker and she had a bolting issue which was fine we mainly just rode around our property in a safe and closed environment as soon as you took her out of the gate she would bolt i had three trainers come out and work with her and the third one i thought she was the perfect match i said if anyone can do this you can and after our fifth lesson she bolted the trainer was laying down on the street as my horse took off toward home and pretty much she just said i don't know so we tried and she ended up just being kind of a pet which is great loved her dearly yeah no we like her we will take you home she's super sweet she's just precious she sounds great i mean i wouldn't ever say no to the right horse yeah so i mean a good match is more important than looks or breed she's just taking her for a spin and then they're going to adopt kalila and zephyr [Music] okay they're going to adopt lyla and zephyr the folks here are out of state and so we have dr duncan here to do the health certificates one for each of you right thank you thank you so much she's perfect [Music] she needs to be under somebody's club okay and then she'll need your driver's [Music] all license so if you have any questions there talk to jesse okay and this is lorelai so can you remind me kind of what you're looking for um i wanted a mayor and i've always worked with arabians and i worked at solitaire horse farm in glasgow kentucky so i've always worked with arabians so you understand their sensitivity absolutely yes [Applause] [Music] so who are you guys adopting lorelai at least i'll switch over to mom yep all right thank you guys so much thank you [Music] all right so this is maddie you'll be working with her today nice thank you introduce you to indigo and lucy so awesome all right [Music] a little bit but it's better [Music] adopt indigo oh there she goes over here where's she going over here [Music] so has she ever been handled by any not people at all it's just a little bit of leading we've done and even that's not a [Music] tongue is happening well we have two adopters who want to see the same horse so we have one adopter who is being shown the horse and the other one's waiting at the gate while we figure out what's happening next when i adopted my mustang he was seven all right she's adopting venus hi those are nice in here and because it is a special event we were doing uh adoption fees as donations [Music] [Music] and you guys are looking for one to like just trail ride and yeah [Music] he went right in the water he loved it [Music] all right thank you yeah we'll definitely be in contact like if someone comes up that we think would be a good fit for you okay yeah i'll put it on your application all right thank you thank you guys they were interested in finding a spotted saddle horse and so we showed them donovan which he isn't a spotted saddle horse and even though he was nice they weren't interested in him so we had nine appointments and we've adopted out 10 so far yes can i leave you with madden and she's going to show you the horses that your school stations have great some options um if you want like we have donovan for saddle broke and then we have one that's halter broke um she just got weed enough of a baby so we don't know if she's saddle broke yet um so we were gonna show you her too if you wanted to look at her [Music] when you put him on the road or the trail he'll just drop his head and he just wants to walk on so this adopter has been following donovan ever since we rescued him she saw me get kicked by him and seen his adoption update videos for his promotion of adoption and i think that they might do really really well together donovan seems to connect with her and donovan needs somebody that can really just bond with him and and love him and show him that everything's gonna be okay so we got some exciting news oh i'm taking donovan i'm so excited which is so awesome because she's watched his whole story it was so unbelievable and i'm glad that you are all right yeah well you can actually feel all right so you can feel right here this is the dent he left yeah you can see it's it's just right there muscle damage there but it's a thinker yeah don't hold against him just be patient with him and he's a sweet horse he's just somebody's been really bad mean to him like it's it's really sad but i think he will be good i know he's gonna get lots of love yes he will well i am so thrilled you're getting them and he's going to have a good home i am very happy to have him and if for some reason there's ever issues i mean you can contact us he's always welcome back but um i think the two of you you seem very soft hands when you're touching them and stuff donovan's getting adopted awesome we're so so excited for them i will send you guys pictures yes we love to have updates please yeah i'll let you guys know thank you have a good evening how old are you eight years old five years old and two good good size my son's wearing 12 year old clothes though so he's big for his age a little bit it's going to take time and stuff but that's something that we've got plenty of too you know yeah it's not like he has to be kids safe in 30 days all right he's going to adopt doodlebug so just come right over here doodlebug just got adopted it's our final appointment for our adoption event we've had an amazing two days and we have adopted out now 12 horses so we're so excited for doodlebug now let me hold the camera while you get the box all right jesse's gonna guide you over like opening the door for a guy like a little backwards here i'm not the nicest of this [Music] [Music] be able to bring you an extra pair of clothes where are they it's like warm it is warm but it's like oh that feels nice oh i just it's so dirty he just like laid back paul knew what was happening nothing i could do at that point you didn't even guilt-trip us so i would say redneck hot tub but it's not hot and it's just not ready it's filtered last i looked it felt like like 90 something it's like bath water it felt like i was it didn't feel like i was actually getting into a pool how does it drop into something liquid oh mercy she's like i can touch this is weird how many horses are we rescuing tonight uh i'd say 60. yeah or 70. 60 or 70. y'all are optimistic that is awesome that's what we like to do hey that's what we're we're preparing for 100. you never know what's going to happen well sir i'm asking everybody predictions on how many horses we're rescuing tonight 63. um my guess is 57. alrighty angela oh um um how many horses we're gonna get i'm gonna say [Music] um 40. okay okay are you out there getting the trailers ready yeah hell getting trailers ready i'm gonna guess sixty-three three all right jessie's back here jesse seventy-five seventy-five all right that's maddie uh eighty-two come back how many horses were you rescuing tonight i don't know we'll find out well we're taking predictions oh um i'm hoping for more than we did in horse presque heroes season one so i think that was 53 so i'm hoping 55 maybe 40 corey we're taking predictions oh this looks bad terrible lighting okay how many horses do you think we're going to rescue tonight oh man i know you've only been here less than a week but well you guys keep saying at least over 50 so i'm going to guess around 60 to 65. all right good deal and me i think we are rescuing 48. that's my official prediction so big red's hooked up and it's getting ready to head to the auction and i'm going to be driving the 16-foot trail that's over there myself in my personal truck and keith's been out here cleaning out this trailer getting it all ready for the auction so what you got there uh lead ropes and halters the auction box which um was thoroughly discussed in last episode if you want to see what it's in there go ahead and click the link that just showed up on your screen so we're ready to go keith yep getting everything loaded up and we're just about ready to head down the road all i need to do is load up all the people instead of horses that's lower this time because we have even more people going with us everything's been going really good with the organization we're mentoring and we're gonna be heading to the auction the filming is a little bit difficult because uh two of our filmers are gonna be on the organization we're mentoring in me and then jason's gonna be behind the camera so it's gonna be a little bit challenging for a media team but i know they can do it we hope to rescue a lot of horses tonight at least 30 maybe more [Applause] hey everyone it's tawny here um we are on the way to the auction we just stopped at the gas station uh we've got our rig here and then over there is our other trailer uh it's filling up with gas we ended up going to two different gas stations but we are probably about 20 miles away from the auction right now we hope to rescue a lot of horses tonight i'm really thinking we're going to be able to rescue probably at least 30 um and we the horses we never know what it's going to be like when we go to auctions and the horses we're going to see are emotionally what we're going to be faced with but every time we go to the auction we know that these horses need help and we're there and we have the ability to help them we are mentoring another organization uh all this week and um we're bringing those to this auction so they can see really how we do auction rescues because if they can replicate this in their their neck of the woods more horses can be helped and i just want to thank you so much for your love and support that enables us to you know have our boots on the ground and be rescuing horses that you know would never have the opportunity you know to live a life that they deserve once they enter the slaughter pipeline so thank you so much for your support we're really hoping to be able to rescue like 54 horses that would be one more than last time we were mentoring at the auction but a lot depends on how many horses are here what their price is how many donations come in a lot of things have to work together to really make it a great auction rescue but our goal is at least 30 so we're gonna do our best at least 30 and we got our film crew back there and the organization we're mentoring is following us and we've got some surprises for them at the auction so it's gonna be super fun [Music] we cannot film until we get to the back of the uh auction area so we just need to put the cameras down walk back there and then when we're back there we can kind of assess what happens there's probably like a horseshoe's on the way we can look at horses on the way but as far as the camera crew we got to respect the auctioneer put the cameras down until i tell you all you can film again hello everyone i just stepped out of the building here there's a lot of horses here tonight and we were approached and asked if we would buy 37 before the auction started um it's just about ready to start now and i haven't been able to send out an email because we were trying to work and negotiate um basically the the money and what it would cost for these 37 uh horses before the sale now if we purchase them before the sale that means um it still goes through the sale office so the auction's fine with it but that means these horses don't have to go through the actual um auction ring they don't have to go down the alleyways saves them a lot of stress but right now what i need you to do is make that donation because 37 horses is a lot and that's a huge amount of horses to purchase and i haven't even i haven't even been able to send out our fundraiser email since we've gotten here um that's a donkey behind me so please please please if you can help us tonight uh 37 horses before the sale were able to purchase but we need your help to do that so uh please share this video we're at the auction right now in middle tennessee just outside of cookville and um we're gonna make a difference tonight and you all are my heroes because without you we wouldn't be able to come to these auctions and i know these pins behind me are empty these are actually where we will be putting our horses so there is grass in these pens and we're filling up fresh water so hopefully these pins will be full shortly but the urgent need right now is there are 37 horses that we have the option to pull out and they won't even go through the auction ring but it's going to take a lot of money it's going to be over 20 000 to get these horses so you know everyone comes together and donates just five dollars right now a lot will be accomplished tonight here for these horses and you know our goal was to rescue over 30 horses and if we're able to get these and the funds come in we'll be able to continue rescuing we would love to rescue i mean even more i i'm feeling a little nervous because there's a lot going on but i have to go um start fundraising out in the car but the auction is starting so i'm going to send everyone in to go do that and i will get the email sent out and then join them in the auction ring we're not filming in the auction ring but we'll let you all know what happens here shortly a lady just came up with her two little kids and donated forty dollars she just watched the live feed i did and she she says she hope it helps so there's a lot of really good kind-hearted people here that don't like to see horses get sent to slaughter so if i can just get my internet to work i need to send out this email really bad i might have to drive away and [Music] get a sin out i mean if i have to go back to the hotel i will but i'm going gonna miss the auction if i do that our website just crashed like i can't access it to do what we already had pre-written up how i'm gonna do okay we'll just have to rewrite it do you remember what you wrote shelby she's behind the camera um we'll make it work so i'm trying to get the email set out our website crashed and um we had to go into a different platform i cannot type out i was kicked in the head when i was nine and i have um i have a disability i cannot type things out without doing voice to text without extreme difficulty so i had to pull shelby off of our media team to write this up so um we can send it out to our donors this has been extremely difficult and it looks like our website crashed so uh not good no all right go ahead we are at the auction right now and we need your help yeah that's good we need to pull in about the 37 horses we have to raise over twenty thousand dollars for them so that needs to it needs to be up at the top um also we need to just urgent and then um we've been asked to purchase 37 horses before the auction and this is going to cost over 20 000 just for their their uh purchased price to pull them out of the slaughter pipeline i'm on hold with our website host provider because our website is not working and that's where people need to go to make donations so i've rerouted them to paypal but i know we're going to lose donations and we've got 37 horses we're trying to buy right now so it is extremely difficult hey everyone um i am having quite the night here i came out to send out this email jason's in uh the auction along with um it's it's really amazing we were gonna do a live video feed together and show you that ponytails has come down to help us here rescue horses and that's the organization we mentored um two years ago we were here this very same week and we rescued 53 horses and i would love to do something like that tonight and i came out here to send out my email and our website is completely down and it's just blank and white and that's where people go to donate so i'm really just stressing because we we receive a lot of donations through to our website on these auction nights and now our website is down i've called i've called and tried to get them to to get it up i don't have good enough internet they think here at the auction and i can't um get them to do it so that being said there is a paypal link there is a venmo link and we need your help tonight um you know there was 37 horses we were trying to buy before the auction started and i don't even know if we were able to get them or not because i've been out here working [Music] with this website and trying to get the email so now i was able to send out the email um thanks uh to shelby who's here also and um trying to to be able to help these horses tonight so the team is in the auction ring i have no idea what's happening or really what's going on in there it looks like our website crashed um maybe right about an hour ago and that's when the last donation came in and this is not good so if you could facebook it's a great place to donate 100 of the proceeds do come there's a link in this description of this video to uh donate through facebook and i can track how much money is coming in through that donation button and um venmo we have the venmo link there and then also paypal so those are all up and functional and i am i'm just really stressed out that the website is not working on on all nights we need to work so bad and it crashes on an auction rescue night so please send in those donations um i'm going to go into the auction ring see what's happening see if how many horses if we're able to rescue more if we were able to get those ones that we were trying to discuss and i just don't know what's happening because i've been out here trying to deal with technical issues and that's not my forte but we have to do what we have to do and um there are so many horses here that need help and i posted just one picture because i that's all i was able to get up um usually i'm posting a lot of pictures but um if you can just see the the look of fear in the horse's eye and just unsure it's it's there's so many horses like that here and we need your help thank you so much for your support i know you all are amazing and you're all my heroes because we couldn't do what what we do without you and um [Music] it's it's just of all the nights really tonight our our website goes down but we're at the auction and we already got we already saved some horses it's going to be a really good night but we have a lot of people here another organization and company all the way down to wisconsin to be with us so it's gonna be pretty awesome tonight hopefully we can save the ps4 circle we always go over our goals so 40 50 something that would be absolutely great it was a super amazing auction we rescued over 50 precious lives and we couldn't have done that without you guys like i am totally totally excited we rescued over 50. jason's like all ecstatic i am just like overwhelmed and we rescued you know over 50 and that's amazing and that's with the help of ponytails and today was just crazy because they were driving here we were driving here we were trying to keep the organization we're mentoring out of the loop and we were able to meet up before the auction and you know it's just kind of chaotic but you know it was two years to this week that we were here uh and the mentoring was happening for you and you're coming to this auction and we rescued over 50 that time too so how long have you been on the road to get here for today for today we got on the road about eight o'clock this morning and then yesterday you were on the road yep so uh two days of driving to come here and then um you're also going to assist with the mentoring through thursday to help this organization that we're mentoring so they can really see what it's like from somebody that's been there and went through this process and how your organization's doing that it's just so awesome that um ponytails is doing so well but let me add 50 horses tony's over 50 live saved and when you watch this we do need your help because it's going to cost a lot and take those it's going to cost a lot to transport them give them all the vet care they need vaccinations deworming microchipping them quarantining them for a month and then finding the poem so all right your help our options chrissy alone was over thirty thousand dollars that we spent tonight to pull these horses out of the slaughter pipeline and i know yours was only three thousand donations are needed and great for both organizations for both of our organizations because you know we're we're here with our groups on the ground and um you know these horses wouldn't be if it wasn't for us being here tonight so thank you so much thank you all so much for your support and you guys are the horse heroes who donate yeah to make this possible we couldn't do this without you so thank you so much absolutely it's always very difficult when we rescue such large number of horses to go through and find them all with their tag numbers so we're just getting them in separate pens um where they can relax this horse has a nasty high end reunion slime i'm sure it's got a nasty injury watch this horse because he is he just had his blood drawn and he's not happy three more three more coming mule here and sending it back where it can have food and water so i do have a horse in here that i need to get out and uh it's gonna be running out here soon now the horse coming down how'd it go tonight it went very well i thought i thought it went really good there were so many horses got to rescue tonight yeah i mean we just got done yeah yeah now we did and it's really really late all the pins are full back there all the horses are content we're getting water to everybody right now so i think it went really good i think everyone's good i just feel hot and muggy and sweaty but the horses are good and they're eating and they've they've got all settled in back there so i hope that tomorrow back at the shelter we'll go just a smooth i hope so i think it will be there to help so let's make sure let's make sure it does go as well i think we've got a really good group of horses that we were very lucky to be able to rescue tonight and i can't wait to see what happens for him yeah i wish we got more sleep but that's life well hopefully the rest of them are more energized than we are over 50 horses a lot of horses be crazy this morning [Music] we have the awesome team from ponytails they're getting interviewed right now where are you all from from wisconsin what are you doing in tennessee saving ponies [Music] we have a lot of horses here um they should have hopefully all been good through the night um we've got folks checking on them um we do have a completely blind horse and uh he's in this pen right here he looks like he's doing fine we left a buddy with him so they look like they're doing good all these horses are horses we were able to rescue last night there's just so many awesome lives we were able to save [Music] these are our critical tags um so i'm going to let you take them and we'll we'll kind of walk around and figure out what what right off the bat is looking really rough so they they need to be seen the first when they when we get back to the shelter this horse they put a fly mask on it to kind of hide what's happening under its fly mask i can see it looks really rough in there we're gonna be taking it off here shortly and trying to clean it up and look at it because it's i can kind of smell it from here it's nowhere near as bad as some of the things i've smelled here on you know rotting flesh with horses but um hey sweetie there's definitely a problem going on under this mask caleb's doing an awesome job of piloting the drone and it really looks like he's getting some good footage of the auction and all of our horses back there wisdom keith what are you doing grabbing more cookies more cookies for the horses they seem to like these things i want some cookies what do you all think of the great idea of asking them to put a swim pull up by intake so just keep jumping in yeah i think it's a great idea hey we need the stock tank up there and then we can jump in but cool water this time yeah cool water let's keep it in the shade does it make you feel smaller angela yes he was over at the other end of the pen and he came running over here and i was like he wants attention so he does make me feel small though anymore over here of ours i don't think i didn't see you last night no i don't believe so no their tags have already been removed or no they're 20 12 20 now those aren't ours [Music] [Music] i'm sorry i don't have any treats [Music] so this poor horse can barely walk he's going to have some beautiful space and sincho on board make him a little more comfortable for the trip back to the shelter pretty sure he's just really foundered every step is a major major thing [Music] big horsepower [Music] i'm going to get the white one back just just pull them out and then we'll come on buddy let's pour guys just buckles over when he tries to walk yeah and it's really sad very very sad if you want to stop just a second this poor guys are flippers literally flippers [Music] so one of the horses was given to us has strangles he is way back there these bushes have thorns on them they're taller than me it looks like i'm gonna have to go back there and try to get him up here [Music] this guy really has messed up front legs it's just so sad like he looks like a really young horse but he's just got horrible front legs one by one the horses are coming out of the pens getting their intake pictures done at the auction here and then they're being put in pens with other compatible horses so that they can be loaded up and transported to the shelter [Music] so we're getting the little guys next and they are ready for us all right we're gonna let him go [Music] this is a blind horse coming through we're gonna put him up in front so he's not scared trying to load with all the other horses and then we'll run the other guys in 51 horses getting ready to get on the road we got 51 loaded 51 horses loaded up and ready to head back to our shelter it's really amazing seeing you know we have two different organizations working here together one we've already mentored and one we're currently mentoring and in the horse rescue world a lot of organizations can't get along at all so it is great to have you know these two organizations here working together and with our organization and it's something that needs to happen a lot more we need to put our differences aside and come together for the horses and that's what we saw here today so we gotta get these guys back to the shelter and it's gonna be uh very busy when we get back there [Music] raise a voice hear it echo [Music] shelby likes the vertical position to video from [Music] doc's getting all marked up so he can actually hear him and his words of wisdom and his wit and witticism i don't know about either of those but hey we'll have to have a good editor so what do you think what do you think about this here 51 horses showing up well uh a little bit panicked but other than that we have seen some nice horses and uh like the donkeys so i don't know we're just gonna have to ride it out just just grab hold and hang on [Music] this is the fifth load it's a more critical one and we are getting busy on the auction intake all five trailers are here now and we are ready to get going got quite a few of them how many i can't 51 yeah i think it's 51. we're gonna do the blind one next so he doesn't have to be in with all the other horses lost pressure cross section getting coggins on this phone corey have you ever seen hoops like that before only on videos [Applause] [Music] so christine what do you think about 51 horses showing up today looks pretty intense but um it's pretty cool this looks like all jack to me this is all boy definitely 4 30 so do we usually uh gel donkeys donkeys get them in from donkeys can pick up a very serious sickness from auctions it attacks their lungs they can be like this one day and dead the next um and so for these jacks that come in we give them a bunch of antibiotics we give them a little bit of time just in case they do happen to get that sickness they don't have to go through a gelding operation and so hopefully he'll do good he looks super healthy right now um so we would just wait a little bit to geld them just to help them hopefully pull through that we don't have to worry about that with horses but with the donkeys we do dawn if we move your table eight inches this way you would be in the shade is that something you'd like to do yeah little pony's getting everything he needs to be healthy happy and wise the donkey's getting exceed which is a long lasting antibiotic because donkeys get a really nasty disease sometimes it's a flu type of infection and they can die overnight it's really horrible when that happens and it happens way too much we found this cocktail different things we give them is the best way to keep them alive and give them the best chance of doing well come on help them out there corey hey what do you think about 51 horses showing up today it's a lot that's not a lot we've already got do you see any you like some of them are pretty cute the ponies are nice and cute too what about the draft is he big enough the draft is nice too he's big how many we intake so far 14. we're moving right along yeah [Music] wait another donkey he's a big handsome donkey we can't fix his feet and um you know sadly when they come here and they have problems that we cannot fix and especially because he's an older donkey um you know we'd love to pick small but we just we can't sometimes so sadly uh we are going to have to do the last act of kindness for him um you know if his previous owner had taken care of his feet properly we wouldn't be looking at this right now but somebody you know just neglected him to the point that he is suffering now [Music] we think he's got a rupture to extend your tendon because we looked at the x-ray and we're going oh there's not enough damage to that bone but he can't pick he can't extend his foot so yeah i'd rather have a broken bone than a ruptured tendon because they just were a flop in the wind and he's about 30 years old and it's very difficult for him and [Music] it looks like they threw shoes just on long feet because the nails are right there and it has pleats on the bottom [Music] her x-rays look pretty clean there might be some fusing going on but we're going to put on a watch list and see how she does sir how many have we intake so far i you know i don't know whatever what we're on we're on 14 like three hours ago well you know when you have a lot of x-rays and everything to do it goes by very slowly knock your hats on backwards why is your hat on backwards oh because i was looking at the x-ray machine in my build i was looking at the x-ray machine and it was in the way it was in the way either that or i've got to speed up and i need to be aerodynamic yeah so people commented you look 20 years younger with your hat on backwards so we're getting ready to do x-rays and putting all the information in for the horse its knee is pretty rough if we come down here it's got a pretty big bump on his knee and we must want to see what's going on in there so unfortunately a borrowed car locked itself in like kirby luckily it's my grandmother so she won't care okay so it's your grandma's because she won't care because uh keith who uh in a younger wildlife life did this for entertainment purposes that's right and uh anyway here in uh rural tennessee you can't just call a 24-hour tow service to come get you out because literally they're all closed left messages nobody's calling back because it's after 5. listen you're leaving for tomorrow i am leaving so one one maybe one last question do you like big horses or little horses um well i like big horses when they're calm and nice the little ones a lot of times they have like i don't know just really feisty personalities next question can you do the limbo underneath the uh draft horse i'm sure i could i think she could do something like a pony i feel like i could just walk underneath them i can walk under some warm ones and drafts don't know you i don't even need to win them always take your keys out of your vehicles folks even if you just toss them on the or roll your windows down that was slicing no one cares so tomorrow's the last day corey for a while you're gonna be right back though you're gonna be working full time right yes i will be it's only two weeks i'm away though so do you like big horses or little horses i like bigger horses but i prefer quarter horses all right what about mules you like mules i love wheels uh not as much sources but it's pretty close all righty what about donkey uh you know i haven't worked with donkeys too much but i'm pretty sure working out here it's gonna change that a lot we've got a pretty good bit of founder going on here we're pretty sore uh you want the hoof wall the hoof wall to line up with the founder i've seen worse but he seems very ouchy she seems very sore and painful so she may be sort of going through another bout of it right now okay so what's the verdict on her so she's found her and she's hurting she's going to need pain management but she's not as bad as some we've seen okay well i mean we're a smaller facility if we can take her on if you want us to it's more amazing it's more of a one-on-one and if i'm gonna take time yeah and if for some reason like we feel like it's not in the best interest of her we can work with our vet from there and we'll get her in better contact with him soon as we get her home that sounds good and we'll give you that transfer grant to help care for her that would be wonderful shelby how many hours do you reckon you're working last couple days um i really have no idea how many hours do you think you're going to work she gets to go home too okay so how late did you work last night probably it's 11 30. in case you forgot when uh when did you start working yesterday uh at 12 ish 12 ish i thought we got some news yeah she was she got there at 9 30 with the rest of the media team i'm tired and tired she's tired i forgot then when we when did we get to work this morning 6 30 oh for you it was 7 30 for you yeah and it's what 9 30 at night or whatever is she live no it's not i don't know what time it is it's 6 30. okay so you know you're going on 24 hours into two days yeah you can sit for a minute so far it has been going pretty good um we were able to start a little earlier and get a whole trailer done before the next three trailers showed up our four trailers showed up so that was pretty helpful so it was kind of a get up and go as soon as we got up here we've taken some x-rays of this mare and she's got some bony changes in her knees she's got a club foot with uh and her compromise starting to dissolve uh so every step she takes is pain and we can give her some butt and stop it for a while but she's probably gonna have to be on beaut for the rest of her life and long term being on butte isn't good it's a hard on the kidneys stomach yeah and she's she does she's in a lot of pain she's has a hard time walking you don't want a wall so doc and i were having a conversation as far as from the critical horses which one would be the most merciful to give the last act of kindness to because we you know we rescued 50 horses we have a lot of horses on the watch list and because of her pain level um we we feel that this is the the kindest option for her um it's sad but it's something our owner should have done a long time ago instead of dumping her at the auction so keith how many hours you think you worked last couple days ah let's see i think it was 14 yesterday and i started it uh about 7 15 this morning it's about seven and now yeah it's about a quarter to seven now so 26 hours in two days so far so far i know we've still got a few more horses to go they do this pin firing it's supposed to strengthen the tendons and and what causing a reaction and cause some scarring to strengthen them but i i don't know if it works or not so the biggest problem she has is this hernia yeah this is problematic [Music] and you can feel the wall over here and it feels like it goes up to the rib cage a hernia is a donut hole like she's got a hole in her muscle wall in her intestine there's a layer of fat there and skin and that's the only thing between her intestine there's no muscle so she cut that on barbed wire her intestine would come out barbed wire another horse kicker the problem with doing surgery here is it's on the bottom and all the way to the horse well you got to pull that you'd have to pull the muscle together scratch it up pull it together they're easier to fix that's one of the things where uh the smaller the animal hurt easier hernia is to fix but uh on her i don't know if you could pull that muscle together and close it up and then you're gonna have a lot of tension on your line and you're still gonna have three or four hundred pounds of intestine pushing on your surgery and and she has a bum leg down here looks like she could and she's 20 years old so it with all of that added up together i mean it wouldn't be fair her age to try to put her through that surgery either so that would be a fun thing she would need i don't know if they make surgery mesh that much for something what breed is she standard bread so she was like racing horse she's got the brand again that explains the fire yep the eye eyeball's good there um you have a problem with the pink skin and the white face that's where you get cancer is probably cancer uh we could cut it off and see there may be cutting it off and seeing but then she would she wouldn't have an eye they it's gone so far that you don't have an oily at the closure like it's all the oops sensitive it's all the way back here it's it's tunnel the end yeah they've always they always go further and so then you'd have to remove that eye have to remove the eye and by the time you cut out the swollen part back there and all that every problem and then it can keep growing also this is the kind of an animal that corey likes being with what do you think of this particular meal it looks like it's in pretty good shape just got a few cuts on its face and a few cuts on its legs other than that how's this training so far so far it seems really friendly it seems really docile it doesn't seem like it has any issues leading up i will figure more out later i'm really thrilled that corey is joining our team because um we get a lot of mules through here and none of our horse trainers are mule savvy and i've i've never been mule savvy so it's awesome to have somebody here that knows mules and you know them really well because you were what uh mule days yeah bishop meal days world champion over in bishop california reserve world championship you know some things about mules so we're thrilled to have him here somebody that knows mules yay so uh corey there's mule days here and uh there is i bet you're gonna be uh very interested in getting yourself a mule or two and doing some fun things over there absolutely i'd love to knock out from the x-ray eyeballs oh no it's trying we think it's trying to get in the bone at least microscopically yeah so what's it doing we we think that humor is trying to invade the bone and go into the orbit and once squamous cell gets in the bone you're in trouble the last horse you should look right behind you there's shelby oh wait oh no we still have to do all those [Applause] okay we'll just keep getting them done and he's on there okay so this guy weighs 1 700 and 20 pounds that is the biggest horse we've ever had on our scales i didn't even know if you would fit in here christine you need to come hold this horse [Music] okay we think he's over 25 look at the wire on these top outside teeth see how long the bottom ones are and he may be a little bit of a cribber but they're usually pretty skinny but he's worn his front top teeth down [Music] [Music] what are this meal sounds pretty cool it's actually a mammoth meal so it's a mammoth meal okay so it's from a mammoth jack and uh probably a draft horse she seems to be about 12 years old she seems really gentle as well same as last one well she might be a little older than 12. again but yeah so we're trying to speed up the process because the sun is setting and we still have a pen full of horses to do so we're really working hard to get them done this evening she's going out right now where have you been hiding in the office how's it going down there that's good cooler than out here y'all are ready to head home right i mean it's been 27 27 hours a couple of days yeah so go home get some rest are you coming to work tomorrow angela yes we'll see you tomorrow all righty y'all have a great evening it's just getting way too late to be able to uh and take the rest of the horses here there's a mule that's feeling pretty sick so we're gonna pull that one up and then kind of do the rest of them tomorrow on a very small team we'll be filming mentoring the other organization um so i won't be really available here to hang out with doc but i fully trust doc to make all the right decisions for all the horses here because he's the expert that's a younger meal i don't know if it's been handled too much um it didn't really seem to know how to lead up when i was asking it to i just took a little bit of release pressure and uh asking a couple times for it to come up but we finally got him there her she seems like she's calming down a little bit but we're gonna put her back in the chute for vaccinations and warming i think she is gonna fall asleep on her feet you put a long day hard work in i think you need to go sit down or wait until your ride's ready to go and yeah yeah and then fall asleep in the car yes exactly not on your feet so yeah no just find a spot to sit down relax we don't want you killing over here there were the two um the big black matter and they saw over there yeah can you guys find [Music] ponytails are going to be heading back tomorrow and we didn't realize that they have to have their horses intaked tonight and so there's two more horses that need to be in taken and then uh then we can we can go so um yeah night just got a little bit longer he's the reserve world champion international yeah well thanks so much for coming i really appreciate it and and you can take a new one home yeah i guess i'm going to get home and then i will talk to y'all and we'll try to get kind of a load together that y'all want to bring out yeah and we have plenty of room easily 70 acres we're not even using right now because we can't definitely put anyone that needs to be on there on awesome awesome that would be great i will talk to you all tomorrow all right well not tonight not tonight not tonight no i'm just kidding not tonight let's talk tomorrow i'm not going to do that to you yeah i'm probably going to go to bed good good i see those post you post in the middle of the night i see them the next day but that's um yeah don't not tonight oh no tomorrow oh yeah yeah so we're just putting all the stuff in the stalling here for the night for the night yes because we'll be out here in the morning or the afternoon if you want to check out ponytails youtube channel just go ahead and click the link that just showed up on your screen and you can see all the great work they do with their organization and tess is the one here that takes most of the video and it's a team effort to get it compiled but you're really gonna want to check out their youtube channel sarah how many horses did we actually managed to intake today we intaked 41 out of 51 so we just have 10 left to do tomorrow but it's kind of late and everybody's ready to go home and we maybe sleep tonight so we'll do the other 10 tomorrow and you're not actually going to be here for a while yes i am actually not going to be here for a while i leave for vacation tomorrow so sadly they have to do without me but they'll be fine we're invoking the old cowboy row real cowboy never stands when they can see it yes [Music] [Applause] it's been a very long long 24 hours of my life but it's 100 worth it because we're helping a lot of horses but yeah i'm exhausted [Music] speak i don't know we don't know what to say we're just both i think really really tired we're both tired tawny was up all night and then i've had to work the clinic unfortunately one of my veterinarians at the clinics out with kovid so i hadn't sort of pulled double duty there but we met a lot of nice people from other places wisconsin i can't say that i'm sorry the reason you just heard a bleep was because you're not supposed to know where uh we're mentoring the other organization so oh i'm sorry no it's fight how come it's a secret until the season two is released that we're filming we're filming season two right now so we got a hook for him next for next time yeah we gotta keep it a secret it's not like me or jason disappears they don't know what happens no this is season two of course rescue heroes okay do we need to start again no no no we're mentoring that other secret organization but ponytails is here from wisconsin so we can talk about that we can't talk about the other place okay i won't talk about nothing else other than we had a massive amount of horses yes we did and we we did have a lot of good ones today we had some that we had to do there were four that needed the last act of kindness but four out of 51 horses is i mean that's that's not as many as it could have been it's not and we do have seven more on a watch list and we don't know how that's going to come out but the main thing is that they're here and they're safe all these other horses that we were able to do the intakes on and um it wouldn't be possible without people just like you and uh we couldn't do without doc either because i just want to thank everybody for their support because i've been doing this a long time but i feel like i'm doing good fulfilling work that makes a difference so thanks for having me there's not many vets to be out here working late into the night with us uh but we we super grateful to have doc on board and i know all our fans just love you to death we see all kinds of great comments for you all the time in fact we even did a facebook i know a youtube poll if you were the best vet in the world or just the best vet and you had 100 votes oh wow hundreds hundreds hundreds of votes could be that i've out practiced everybody else so i don't know just outlasted them yes well anyways thank you it's been a good day we are finishing up the intake of the last few horses from auction that we didn't get to do yesterday wait didn't christine say she's gonna be on vacation well she couldn't resist helping out with intake [Music] we're doing an intake on the horses that we weren't able to last night because it just got too dark and uh part of our stuff was scheduled to go on vacation so we're working with a limited staff today but it's okay we are going to get it done i'll never be the same because of you i'm changed for the better and i just can't explain [Music] what you've done to me [Music] [Music] got another good looking mule in here we sure do see how old she is huh what did you have an option i did not see one this one is about 10 years old we ended up taking seven from the auction and then two others so nine in total and we will be getting them loaded up and headed back to wisconsin and hopefully we'll arrive tomorrow ponytails is backing up to get their horses loaded that's not often we get ponytails from wisconsin in our office doing paperwork to transfer horses this is kind of cool down here down health certificates angela is waiting for the next phone call so who all did you find out you're going to take we are going to take wildflower and jane all right um off maddie's suggestion nice and then two of the horses that we got at the auction we think would be better staying here not making a long trip so we are taking three of them but then we are taking six others nice yes no yes nice awesome well if we find uh june and wild library we could be there well [Music] this is our found its home or its place this month it's found love so over there it says looking for love and found it it has been just so awesome having you here at our facility and helping with the auction rescue and coming and rescuing horses at the auction it's just been a blur of excitement this week but to have you here and just to see how much your organization's growing and and they were able to help mentor this other organization too i mean who would have thought two years ago you'd be helping mentor another organization too so it's just super exciting and you're you're taking horses from our facility so yeah that will give us room to rescue even more so i just can't thank you enough for all of your hard work and dedication and and effort you put into your organization well we can't thank you guys enough for all the help getting here and it's always great to be welcome back down here i know for sure it's been a great journey with you all and i hope there's many many more years of exciting journeys ahead so yeah that's for sure thanks so much for coming down and helping with this week it's not a problem it's been exhausting so ponytails is taking two of our horses they have their have some people looking for gated horses and we always have a bunch so it's nice to be able to send a couple with with them and hopefully they'll get nice homes up there [Music] you
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 96,990
Rating: 4.9472094 out of 5
Id: D9t61MGmrpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 16sec (5116 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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