Horse Shelter Heroes - Episode 39 - September 24 - 30

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for sure they were gonna get hit there's cars going by and these little things just darting out she's about 20 years old and her teeth are really a mess hopefully this horse will improve we just finished warming everybody and weighing them the horses that we got in the august auction together they have gained 652 pounds we are super proud of them sadly there are three of them are still not feeling too well so they're going to stay in quarantine a little while longer but the rest are ready to go [Music] we just got done moving the horses out of quarantine down here to the main part of the shelter so we're just taking them off of the quarantine wall and putting them on the available wall we're so excited that they're finally out of quarantine and they will be available to the public school soon we'll have them on our website after all of the evaluations and everything that's all you dropped it from silly boy i'll give you something so fabio and eclipse were transferred to a different organization so now we get to move them to the adopted transfer board it's heyday guys so we got a big load here coming in [Music] that was really good this is tribbles he's five years old and he loads well in the trailer and he's easy to catch he's just been gilded so he's quite pushy right now though but we'll work on him this is orion he's an eight-year-old tennessee walker and he's gained 85 pounds since he got here he bridle's fine like he's just one of those horses that if he can go relax out on the trail it'll help him a lot because he's got so much going on in his brain that's my kind of ride this is neptune he is a two-year-old arabian building shelby is giving him a good restaurant right now you can see right here in his main we got some little cockapoos in there so we're gonna get them all fixed up whoever bought this off of our amazon wishlist thank you so much this is a huge help with shelby getting neptune's main all entangled [Music] [Music] this is cosmos she's a five-year-old quarter horse crossmare [Music] every [Music] [Music] [Music] this is cassie she's about a six-year-old married and jessie is getting more cocky girls out of her name this will be the easiest so she did a really good job and i like to reward them especially the skinnier ones they can get all the food they want this is jupiter she's a quarter horse crossmare and she's about 20 years old and i just can't bring myself to give up right now not this way cause i love you and i wanna hold you away [Music] evaluations were a success today and we're super excited these kittens my other and i went for a walk and when we came back from our walk here's this pile of kittens dumped from the side of the road just right by our driveway for sure they were going to get hit there was cars going by these little things just darting out so i'm like baby i gotta do something i call the next day already because people are well it's you know it's really hard cats are hard well i'd like but help i have these five kittens what am i gonna do i can't keep i can't keep them i live in a tiny house like i have no outdoor facilities where no it's too hard i finally got a hold of one rescue that said that they'd be willing to take them but when they found out there were black cats oh that's a big problem and then i take them there vaccinated them and sent them home no you're going to have to keep them you can't we can't keep them so i switched to trying to work with another rescue a constant red tape with them as well but led me on to believe that they would take them they would take them finally actually committed to you can come bring the cats by on this specific date this specific time that was earlier today that was true i took that was today it was they set the appointment like 10 days ahead of time so i'm like okay in 10 days we i take them there and this has now been like a multi-month process of trying to find these cats at home i finally i took them there um this morning she she gave them uh their second round of vaccinations and she's like you're gonna have to take him home i was like but i you know we had agreed on the phone she's like no no i'm sorry black cats are too hard you're just gonna have to take them home i left they're so so discouraged why does it have to be so incredibly hard and then when i was there uber discouraged my dear mother-in-law is like well i'll i'll see if i can i'll see if i can figure something out and then so she called here and she called me a little while later while i was still crying she's like you know they'll take them we need to get them there this evening and i cannot express how grateful i am for these cats to be able to come here and have a happy future one of these days when i have my little place set up i have my eyeballs on getting a horse oh there you go jessie can find you the right one she that's her job she'll know what you're doing in a horse yes i wanted to call you both in here because you're both going to be helping with the auction rescue and you've been to the auction before and then this is your first time just want you to be you know prepare yourself there'll probably be one or two slaughter trucks there um sometimes we you know we see those horses we watch them load up on the spotter trucks there's really nothing we can do at that time um there occasionally will be approached and be like hey would you like this horse that doesn't fit on the truck after the auction if there's a horse that you bonded with yeah don't go tell that horse goodbye it's it's hard you want to but um we've had one of our volunteers get in a really bad situation i wasn't there she said she got punched i know the people were really angry i don't want any of that to happen to any of you so what we can do after the auction is go back make sure our horses are happy and comfortable if there's horses that are not getting along we can separate them out into different pens but um don't go into any of the pens after the auction with other people's horses well it's pretty late um i'm still down here in the office fundraising um it's the night before the auction so the auctions tomorrow we have a lot to do and um everything as far as fundraising falls on my shoulders i have to get the emails out the post out um you know all anything involved with the fundraising part of getting that information out there it's it's uh it's my job to work on it and if i don't we don't raise money to rescue these horses so um just doing a whole lot on our facebook page our mailing list just everything trying to get the word out that we're going and we need help to rescue horses because um without our supporters we wouldn't be able to rescue any horses it's just uh auction rescues are a huge push um it just takes a lot to fundraise to do a big auction rescue and then going to the auction and we probably won't get to bed till after midnight um so i need to get this done so i can get my sleep so i'll be refreshed and ready to rescue horses tomorrow hey everyone it's tawny here at horse plus me anxiety and i just wanted to say a huge thank you to each and every person who's donated so far we are hooked up and ready to head to the auction we hope to rescue at least 15 horses but as you probably know that probably means about 20. we have got the girls in big red on the maiden auction rescue journey hooked up to the trailer what do you all think i think we're excited to save portions all right let's head out hey everyone we are on our way to the auction and i wanted to tell you all a story uh because i'm just sitting over here jason's driving and um can't see behind us because we have a trailer back there but we got another truck and trailer big red is back there pulling our other trailer so um the story i'm going to tell you is about a horse that we rescued back in 2008 so sierra was this mustang that i saw at the auction she was just skin and bones and her udder was full of milk and i was like oh this poor horse definitely have to try to save it and after the auction i was able to rescue her and she was from this guy that kept bringing a lot of mustangs to the auction and he would eat mares and fools and just kept bringing him and he at one of the auctions after i bought sierra he's like you know why don't you just come to my place i'll sell you the horses at the same price um and i'll save me hauling him to the auction and you can just buy them and we've been working with sierra trying to get her weight up because she was so skinny but she just didn't want to eat and she was really just a depressed horse we're gonna be doing some driving through some road construction so it gets bumpy i'm sorry and um so you know despite trying to bring her and all this stuff she wasn't gaining weight and we um we went to this guy's place and we were supposed to buy um a mare and a gelding and we were at the place when i was looking at the gelding the the guy once i agreed to to buy the gelding he whispered over in my ear he's like well i'm glad you're buying him because he's so crazy i'd butcher him myself and it just made me so mad but anyways the mayor that we were we were there was marina gelding we were supposed to go there to look at she had a baby and i got to looking at the baby with her and there was another baby and the guy's like oh i got rid of that horse that was the mama to that baby but um that mayor kind of adopted the baby because he separated him and the baby was only three months old and i started laying the baby and it was a buck's skin and i'm like sears a buckskin this baby doesn't have a mom i bet that sierra is the mom of this little baby horse here and so i talked and talked to the guy finally convinced him to sell me the gelding the mayor and both the babies and so it was kind of just a magical moment because sierra had been struggling with her health and you know not gaining weight and just really depressed and we were able to take her baby that she'd been separated i think it was about two months and reunite her with her baby and i wish we were filming everything back then because it was when that baby came out of the trailer her her eyes just lit up and she was so happy to see her baby and the baby was so happy and after that she started gaining weight um she wasn't depressed anymore and so when that guy took her to the auction in such a horrible condition she got extremely depressed and she stayed depressed even after we rescued her and we're trying to help her and it wasn't until we were able to reunite her with her baby just you know it's amazing that we were able to do that because the chances of that happening are really slim but um they were reunited they were adopted later together we're at a gas station filling up gas and they don't know i'm videoing them it'd be so hilarious if they looked over here and saw that it was oh shelby did that's so awesome they actually looked they're probably like oh no she's videoing 500 500 500 600 650 well we're ready to head out so we're gonna start driving uh head to the auction and uh get all these precious 19 lives we saved so we get in the auction box um we're gonna take you out of here yeah yeah we're gonna load you up and you're not gonna be here anymore okay this is one of our pins of horses lots of little guys cute little mama and her little baby right now she's super scared and she's traumatized so we're gonna get it to the shelter and get her safe these guys are super skinny and cold and they're shivering and we can't wait to get them back to the shelter we have a little blue round mini stud he's super scared but he came up to me and wants some attention somebody how are you this little guy is going to make such a great friend for parsy and bruno he's so tiny can go eat green grass so this guy's really skinny and he's cold and he's really scared right now and his leg down there you can see it's really swollen and he's in pain i'm so pretty good i'm gonna get you back to the shelter oh there you are good morning little guy oh you're so tiny he's such a sweet little donkey too huh yeah oh so sweet you're so cute yes you are oh so precious oh look at this easy oh he's so cute you're so cute yes you are oh it's so adorable come on look at your little nose oh sweet i hope you're gonna be okay the scariest thing is for these donkeys they can easily pick up something here at the auction and um they get sick and we lose a lot of donkeys we rescue we give them everything we possibly can um it's just really hard because a lot of the donkeys we get here don't make it i hope you do you're so sweet [Music] so what i'm doing right now is we just take pictures um of every um animal we rescue their auction tag and then turn them that way and then we send these pictures back to our shelter so we can get them up on our facebook page and also make kind of a vet assessment of what uh animals need to be seen first hey buddy this side looks good i promise there you go a good boy all right we're just giving them some de-stress calming gel to help the trip go better we really appreciate our supporters for uh purchasing these off our amazon wish list it will just help these little guys they've been through so much and so much stress he thinks it tastes funny he's like what did she do um it'll just help him relax and not be so scared i need to do something poor little guy did they chop all your hair off how sad attitude be nice to the baby this poodle guy isn't exactly halter trained yet but he's a sweet little baby and it won't take long to learn well not necessarily today medicine because he needs to calm down a little bit yeah he's very stressed baby this little money is so skinny or he has a bit of a winter coat just shakes like its spine is protruding you can feel its ribs little hip bones so skinny sometimes we get these horses and they're so scared because people have been so mean to them they're just trying to protect themselves so now what i've done is i've gotten the rope around both sides all right not hurting you good baby come on you know how to lead you know have a good baby see i'm not hurting you a lot of times once you get the the rope on them they calm down it's just that trying to get it on they're just trying to protect themselves so i can see here that her eye is injured on this side i think she has some vision but that could be one of the reasons she's so scared is she doesn't have good vision you can see where a halter was left on this is a stout little pony it's a mare holly pregnant only her belly looks watch the meal it does kick and we're gonna start working on the full-size horses this horse is not happy to be here i'm gonna take we're gonna take you away and get your mane untangled so this horse and this one over here we're supposed to come in from an animal control seizure we have a lot of people that are like oh man these horses need to be rescued why is animal control involved this is where a lot of animal control horses come they are rescued by animal control from a bad situation animal control doesn't have resources to do stuff with horses adopt them out their staff isn't trained so they they oftentimes take horses to auctions after the animal cruelty case is over and the horses are shipped on to slaughter if they're not rescued it's really sad we do work with lots of law enforcement and take as many horses as we can it's like i don't want nothing nasty in my mouth it's okay i'll help you all right so they're gonna go to the pen where we're uh gathering all the large horses we've rescued so sweet it's face is pretty beat up we've been organizing them and getting them situated so they can travel well and these are the last two this is the horse with the really injured leg that's pretty messed up it's kind of a maze sometimes going through the auction there's gates kind of everywhere we have all the horses uh sorted and we're going to be ready to load there's a couple trailers here in front of us so as soon as they're gone we'll be loading these precious horses up and hit the road so the little uh bull uh we got last night he's he's really scared and he did try to plow me over a couple times um somebody gave us the stick and the idea is i go in and kind of just hook it onto his halter and then he'll be fine so we'll see hopefully i make it out of here live hi buddy buddy you're okay [Music] oh i see that was so easy good boy good boy good boy oh that wasn't as scary as i thought no no no no no okay so yeah give me that lead rope yeah you hook him i'll all i'll keep him behaving and then just hold his head up this guy is going to need a lot of desensitizing and love but i think he'll be a good a good little friend for harseen bruno for what okay we can do that if you if you can take a check okay let's let's find a spot for you you got you got to learn some manners buddy we were able to rescue two more donkeys um they were loading up on a really big truck i think they're going to go to mexico and we were able to get two of them off of there and we got our little little uh miniature bowl over there so scared and standing there shaking big trailer up here we'll be loading all the big horses first and then all the little ones are going to go on the little trailer all right we're getting ready to run these horses in we find it works best because these horses have been usually through multiple auctions that we just let them run into the trailer together and ride how they want to ride so we're going to let the first group out of the pen that horse is like oh another trailer ride come on hey mister i'm gonna put you in the horse trailer the way it worked out how we uh arranged our trailers and how everyone's gonna ride is um he's gonna have his own little spot so he won't be able to hurt anyone with his horns come on buddy let's see how well you load come on come on oh what a good boy like an agility cow i i will once we we get them in there we got one more load to go we got all the little girls in the trailer now we got to get the rowdy boys all right boys head to the trailer there you go these little wild hooligans so full of themselves [Music] they're doing good in the trailer hi guys and head back to the shelter now they're all settling in they're doing good got the girls over here our boys over here they're being calm behaving themselves he's not sure what to think of all this but he'll soon learn that we just want to be his friend and we're ready to hit the road heading back to the shelter it's going to be a long drive but i'm excited to get these little critters back to our shelter so we can get them the help they need they probably just blew a tire oh not not fun but it certainly happens it happens let's see what type of damage we got yeah i lost tread look at that yeah well that's surprising since it's not poppy but yeah now i i thought it popped but because it smooths back out it's definitely not the first time this has happened to us we've changed plenty of tires along the road jason's really really good at getting them done and we'll be back on the road again shortly so this is certainly not the first laptop i've ever had to change on a trailer takes about five minutes to change the tire on the side of the road and it's tightening up lug nuts make sure nothing comes off then we're going to be ready to load up the tire and the ramp and the star wrench and be ready to go so we're all ready to get back on the road now while we wait for the team to get back from the auction the vet is on their way to check out some horses here at the shelter and then we'll be going up to quarantine to check on the auction horses as they arrive they can't fly so sprite keeps riding with that stuff do you want us cold hoses this is buddy and he's getting a checkup by doc um to see if his leg is getting better [Music] keep the mitts going okay same time yes we have all the little stallions that are going to be unloading here they are really cute little guys [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] another another tip for tawny's hair styling is uh water troughs beautiful there we go all right that's tips for everybody [Music] there [Music] just so tiny he's so cute the little bowl is going to become a miniature ox uh can't have any any bulls running around here so the vet's going to be taking care of him kind of my thought was with the donkeys maybe we should wait a week just because sometimes they just dress up keep the stress since since we lose so many of them maybe if if we waited let's wait and see what if we don't lose any we'll try that if we don't lose any this week or if they're sick then you know we haven't marked the money just castrated that sounds good but let's yeah and i hate that but we you know sarah yeah i think it's super super sweet but if he gets sick and dies there's nothing yeah we cut it cut out some stress you know usually what causes the herpes to break his stress anyway yeah his weight it says two times how's his lungs down this won't sound good there's no increase we're going to increase right but he's sort of exciting he's had a rough night and uh no loud sounds like this little guy weighs 225 pounds this is the longest hair on this donkey it's actually really long like for a donkey tail um that would be perfect so i'm just it's the only place i can put his tag [Music] the easiest time to trim an animal is when it's sedated for castration he's one of the donkeys that was loading up with a huge pack of other donkeys that was most likely going to go to mexico for slaughter and we were able to purchase them and save them save them from having that happen look at those great [Music] 93 pounds [Music] just for you thank you so this little mini behind us is going to get her teeth bloated she's pretty old she's about 20 years old and her teeth are really a mess so we're hoping if we can get that taken care of she'll be more comfortable and she'll be able to gain weight on this beautiful horse it's a girl that's right blaze we're gonna take x-rays of this horse he has a really bad leg and uh we're kind of hoping for the best but it's not looking good it's just soft tissue we got a better chance of doing him some good if he's got a bony involvement maybe osteomyelitis infection has gone then we're in bad shape it's mainly soft tissue swelling here we do have some bony involvement there so if we and we got a little bit down here we got a little periosteal reaction so if we can go with some antibiotics when it gets in the bone deep in the bone you don't have much chance of saving them so what we're going to do is we're going to start him on some antibiotics the x-ray looks like we're going to be able to save this horse so we're going to work up a treatment plan with our vet and hopefully this horse will improve this is electrolytes sometimes in videos you'll see horses with orange stuff coming out of their mouth it's just electrolytes that we're giving them travis is taking the microchips 1716. now we got some electrolytes yeah this horse is uh up in its 20s somewhere um it's very lame we're going to take an x-ray and see what's going on in its hoof but it's not looking good right now uh we got a little bit of rotation but arthritis seems to be a bigger problem we're seeing how much rotation he's got if we do that we've got arthritis on at least the last two bones in there so we just got done examining the x-rays and this horse and sadly this horse is suffering and there's nothing we can do other than to relieve that suffering so we are going to give this horse the last act of kindness the veterinarian is going to sedate the horse and then give it the euthanasia solution a lot of people do wonder what happens afterwards in our facility we are able to cremate horses we have a equine crematory on site so you know we're able to rescue these horses that their owners should have made the right decision for them but they did not and so we rescue them and we make that decision with our vet i think we're about 20. supposedly these horses were from animal control in georgia this is an antibiotic so we're gonna take x-rays on this horse we're not exactly sure what's going on she's definitely off um but her feet are in really rough shape but we're gonna go ahead and take an x-ray so we know what we're dealing with so when the farrier is here he'll know what he needs to do when he trims her so we're going to try to fix this horse it's rotated but overall condition other than weight is pretty good and it seems to be pretty sound on the grass so we're hopeful that with proper hoof care she'll come around you know what i don't almost go lower we're gonna do an x-ray on his foot he's pretty club footed and that will just help us know what type of corrective trimming to do on him so the vet will figure out what he needs if you look we're you know we've been taking x-rays of them and saying we got some rotate have rotation if you look at this the coffin bone and the hoof wall there's almost no rotation here this as far as the hook goes it's pretty good just a touch of arthritis not much what we're thinking is maybe we can get a good ferry to come in here and trim this hoof and it'll help most of the problems on this this one and get that this part of the hoof trimmed get it angled more like a horse's foot is supposed to angle i think that'll help out a whole lot we messed with her at the auction and she will rare and she'll um basically we're gonna let jessie work with her once she's out of quarantine we had to put her in the chute because she's just pretty scared of anything and we have to worm her she's about 20 years old so we're putting an orange tag in her just because she does have so many behavioral problems and we're just going to kind of watch her to see how she does hopefully she'll calm down and be okay we finally finished we intake 21 animals today there were two that needed the last act of kindness it was the kindest thing for them you know we don't take these things lightly and we knew it was the best thing for them we're thankful they are not just another number on the usda export reports so now we're just packing up make sure everyone's settled down for the evening and um the vet's loading up the x-ray machine and then we'll be releasing the horses out into the pasture and that that's what makes the end of the day just so worth it to see them out there just being happy and and being horses bye dogs got a good one this little thing oh my goodness so cute [Music] [Music] but leave [Music] redemption gloves [Music] they'll spend the next 30 days in quarantine and then they'll be available for adoption so if you're interested in adopting a horse please contact us go to our website and let us know there's lots of horses out there that need homes [Music] you
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 155,737
Rating: 4.9422064 out of 5
Id: vwx-W1-3xMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 43sec (2503 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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