Horse Shelter Heroes | S2E12 | Full Episode

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in this episode of horse shelter heroes we are at the auction saving horses we rescue a lot of horses and that was my birthday wish is to save a lot of horses out of the slaughter pipeline and that's exactly what you all helped us do by making a donation enjoy this episode of horse shelter heroes [Music] today's the day that we get to see what horses from the april auction are able to come out of quarantine they have hopefully finished their quarantine if they're still not feeling well they'll stay up here a little bit longer so we've got our dewormer and everything ready for them and some probiotics if they need them and we're also going to the auction tomorrow so that will be the may auction so we're just emptying out quarantine in a couple days we'll fill it back up again that's not right so what's happened to our new scale we just stopped um the scale seems to be broke so we tried to fix it but it's not working because there's no way she lost 300 pounds because she's gained weight so we'll see what the weight tape says i'm getting some warmer not jessie it's 6.95 695 [Music] pounds oh you can stay in quarantine that's gross dot control you can put him on the vet list cash gained 14 pounds this is joy she's a thoroughbred from this last auction she weighs 1033 pounds finally have a horse in the thousands this is joy when she was bought at auction and her coat is completely changed she looks like a different horse we have her on super weight gain and a hoof and hair supplement that's helped her shut out and just really made her shine she is so sweet i like her amari weighs 765 pounds so she didn't lose any weight but she didn't get any weight which is fine next we're going to move the horses in the pen down there up here we've got to run them because they're really really hard to catch so we're going to run them up and into the catch pen and then put them in the chute [Music] camera finger grin shelby look [Applause] we just let the horses out of quarantine and into their new pasture they were very excited so this is luca she came in the april auction and we noticed a little protrusion on her jaw that we're gonna have doc look at and just get her a good checkup today he's coming out we've got a whole list for him this is meadow i'm catching meadow to see the vet today she's got a funny thing on her neck [Music] can you feel it that's really weird [Music] this is kana this is snickers and he's been on antibiotics to hopefully help with the swelling in his leg pull straight forward and then i'll have you unload until that that open door right there well we have a surrender and dock is here okay so we'll just have you um unload the horse right there in number one yep he's a pretty boy anything specific about him um me doc's here so we're gonna hurry and go get started with him he just had a really deep call with diego long term is he going to be able to come off meds can we see how he's doing gonna take him off today it's up to you you're the boss i said the one we've been working on looks pretty good but he's got a little drainage out of his left eye which we has been pretty much normal and i know that that's why i was gonna ask if we could wait and not do any more because it looks fantastic okay let's wait until wednesday so diego's right eye is doing way better than it was but now he's having issues with his left eye so doc's just going to get some more of his blood and get some serum we're going to see what it does in the next couple days but we have it as backup if we need it she's into the mini well that didn't look that didn't look fresh yeah i don't know did it look swollen out before no i when i worked her i don't remember seeing it at all and you're sitting there looking right at it yeah the skin's not broken i don't think she's got an infection it kind of goes all up through there it's weird thing to do is keep an eye on that because it's not it it it doesn't seem infected yeah we got an idea what's going on there i think it's an injury where she's cut some muscles oh that's bone yes what is that from i don't know we'll take an x-ray and see usually sometimes on injury or repetitive injury they'll start growing so we're going to get us an x-ray oh yeah now we had one of those before what's that you ask for help there how many people are standing around here it looks like it's cloudy inside the cornea looks pretty good it seems like to not be able to see too good out of it i don't think he can trying to see if his oh when i shine a bright light in it trying to see if his ah his pupils constrict to see if he can see anything no that's not good what about this other let's check out other i think i think we've got cataracts on both eyes that's going to be problematic for doing bone surgery on the chin so knox just taken x-rays of luca and the whole reason we took x-rays is because she had like this bone spur or growth coming off the side of her face and we wanted to make sure it was just a bone spur it's pretty large and just took an x-ray to make sure that she's going to be okay and the good news is she's going to be just fine and she's going to be able to be adopted into a home so she's going into our adoption program he has those lumps on his legs that has the stuff the stuff inside he was on it on medication for two weeks he's not any better and he's not gaining weight you don't want to hear that do we get a culture on him we're going to do two things we're going to get a culture on snickers and we're going to get a biopsy and send off they can look at the sections of cells and make sure it's not maybe cancer hopefully not maybe he's got some kind of strange parasite you'll end up with that too so we're going to be looking for that we're going to send that to got to do further diagnostics is the term here we are going to re-explorate kana um two weeks ago he went on antibiotics for what he has going on with his legs so we're gonna re-x-rate and see if it um gets any better we're looking at his knee here's his distal end of the femur proximal end of the tibia see how this the proc distal end of the femur is smooth uh rounded and then the distal end of the tibia looks moth eaten um bumps on the edges it's just pretty strange there's today's look at look we're starting to get edges of the bone looking good i wonder if he had he got kicked there had it broken because now before he couldn't tell if that was a defect he almost had a chip coming off there still might lose that chip in it but the bone is denser here it's more uniform he's probably going to have arthritis okay doc we're going to add one to the list that just it was they were surrendering it while when you were pulling in and they told us it has epm and arthritis yeah i don't see much arthritis yeah let's just see how he does this is bonita we got her in last week right after you came last week actually supposedly she has arthritis she has blue blindness she cow kicks she doesn't like other horses she runs through fences [Music] i have y'all heading and she's over 20. have you all seen any behavior we've only had her in this stall suture's in the left eye and jesse what place would you call the other sutures in her chest are what upper leg upper leg on her right front bonita is such a beautiful horse and it just breaks my heart that we're going to have to give her the last act of kindness you know she has so many different problems and we don't want her to run through a fence and hurt herself uh i consider keeping her for myself to live with my horse but when you have a horse that has a lot of different health problems and and you know history of running through fences it can hurt itself and you know we're sadly just gonna have to let her go it's it's the best thing for her one of the reasons i just she really just connected with me is i love palominos and just because she's a palomino you know we see people that want to adopt a horse that's just a certain color or something you can never you have to do what's best for the horse regardless of its color and so you know it's it's it's always sad no matter no matter who the horse is and what their story is but i'm thankful she came here and our veterinarian was able to look at her and we were able to figure out the best solution for her and um i'm just glad she didn't go to mexico in a slaughter truck we are now in quarantine and doc is going to look at blossom's teeth she doesn't seem to have gained any weight over the time that she was in quarantine and she doesn't seem to be doing any better so we're trying to see if there is anything that we can do for her i said her teeth don't feel that bad this is roman this is roman we were going to bring him out of quarantine today but he had a really bad yellow snotty nose and then he also has some other things going on so he's just being checked by the vet yeah i i've seen bastard strangles before but doesn't they usually breathe really heavy and yeah terrible they do and then they get those knots that you see up there they get those in their lungs yeah makes them that's it and that's not so i mean you can't you can't fix that no i think on him this could be where he ran into something [Music] i'm gonna pull up some exceed for roman to help with his snotty nose and whatever else he has going on i'm giving him a big dose of exceed because you know the debates whether he's got some kind of little infection or strangles and so we're going to give him some antibiotics i don't think he's got strangles but i don't want that knot right there getting any worse today went pretty smooth um everybody's walking no no person is injured and no horses were injured in the filming of this um segment um we did some did more teeth than it was teeth and eyes today it's funny how things come in groups so i had to brush up on my i had to be up on my game on my ophthalmology and uh what else i guess that's it yeah we had a few x-rays we did a few x-rays earlier uh i was really pleased with uh one that the x-ray the bone is healing i was pretty happy with him and the rest of them haven't gotten any worse um what else we x-ray uh we tried to x-ray the mini's mouth yeah we had we have a mini with a bone spur on his mouth but for some reason maybe there's a lot more cartilage there than anything else and we couldn't get through the bone spur but she seems to be doing really good she's doing pretty good pretty happy with that and then we have a few that are on the watch list for next week but they seem to be doing good we have plans for everybody so if we just get them to adhere to the plans and get better we'll all be happy that's right jason jason hey jason hello uh oh yeah we got to go to the auction yeah oh dear it is that time okay let me go get the vehicles ready there you go all right i'm gonna get a few more work done okay facebook blocked me out of uh thanking people for my birthday fundraiser facebook jlg yeah so hopefully hopefully you can oh we're using stuff but the trailer needs to be hooked up and we need to get the auction box in there and uh yeah we need to hit the road [Music] alrighty ever since they invented backup cameras it's made our trailer packing jobs a whole lot easier so the truck's hooked up and i'm gonna go get tawny now it's been a month you're still limping honey ah it was a major injury suck it up bonnie huh thanks yeah wow i'm glad i landed on you yeah i'm glad i was there yeah catch me after i get kicked all right we'll see you at the auction today is half pints big day it's her second time out in the pasture she's a month old today so she's just getting used to getting her feet all wet [Music] just pulling into the auction there's a lot of trucks and trailers out front and most of the trailers park out back where they can unload and load up easier and uh we're gonna go see what kind of horses there are here got some exciting news we were just given the opportunity to purchase 28 horses mules minis donkeys including the belgium with the really bad leg for less than slaughter priced by the horse trader who brought him here he doesn't want to go to slaughter for um i have no idea why but he said he didn't want to go to slaughter and so he's selling ups to us and he'd like to but it's almost fifteen thousand dollars for 28 animals and that's a lot of money but it is below slaughter price and we need your help because this is going to be a much bigger rescue than we thought i'm in the auction right now i wish i could flip the camera and show you what it's like and you can see the horse is going through it but i can't but if you watch worst rescue [Music] i don't know if i should be excited or terrified because i just won the bid on 43 animals that's right we rescued 43 horses donkeys mules ponies if it comes on four legs and there's an equine we probably rescued it tonight 43 of them saved from potentially shipping to slaughter that is more than double what we were planning on but before the auction we were able to buy a lot of them for below slaughter price from a horse trader who uh didn't want to go into slaughter and that worked really well and then there's just so many sad ones in the auction ring we couldn't keep saying no to them so in the end 43 precious lives are going to be loading up on our trailers tomorrow and we did have to hire another transporter of course because we can't carry that many in our two trailers that we bring to auction um went way over budget i'm just going to be honest with you we went way over what we were planning on spending and we could really use your help to cover the expense we're going to have to not only purchase them but transport them to our shelter and all the veterinary and hoof care and feeding and deworming and vaccinations and microchipping it's all going to add up to a lot but in honor of tony's birthday please donate to help us with this huge rescue um you know what'd be really cool is if you could donate a dollar for every animal that we saved nice that'd be 43 if you just donate 43 dollars that's gonna help a lot and uh i think i know you can do it so please just donate 43 in honor of these 43 precious lives that we save from auction and uh thank you so much we got 43 horses last night we're headed to the auction this morning to get them all loaded up and head back to our shelter it's going to be a very busy day you guys really came through for us last night because we were asked to purchase 28 horses before the sale even started and we definitely wanted to do that so kill buyers didn't have a chance to buy our bid on them and it would save them the stress of going through the auction uh some of them are really critical including the draft with a really bad leg so uh we are almost there we're gonna head out and uh find them all and get their intake done and get them back to the shelter so you gotta love angela she was a massage therapist and she has given me such good advice for my leg ever since i got hurt always telling you what to do she was massaging people for how many hours a day well 28 hours 20. 28 hours a week massaging so she's got lots of good points any time we get sore muscles she's like let me fix you great asset to our team [Laughter] so we have all the horses in this pen this one's super curious looking at us we also have the draft with a really bad leg in this pen and right now uh everyone's just going around sorting out trying to figure out where all these horses are because they're kind of strung out through the whole uh auction yard um but we're gonna get them all found get their photos and get them loaded up and hit the road [Music] we're at the auction this morning pick up the 43 horses we're going to have a lot of work ahead of us as we take pictures of each one give them sin chill if we can there's a lot of unhandled ones so we're not sure exactly how it's going to go this morning but we're going to do everything we can and then we're going to get them on the road and back to the shelter safely that's so skinny there's some really sad horses in here it's um you know this is part of the 28 i bought too yeah keep them from being bit on by kill buyers like a thoroughbred and there's just there's a whole menagerie of different types of horses this poor little minister multiple auctions that that horse has two and that's a different tag than that one so it's a different auction all these precious lives were saved because of people just like you making a donation to make a difference all these horses we rescued all of them in this pen it's okay baby you're gonna be safe i'm gonna get you out of here okay oh your nose is all yucky i'm trying to look and see what their numbers are so i'm just zooming in hoping we can read it it looks like 28. or 29. this horse is in really rough condition it's a big like horse her tail's been cut and she also has like a a broken hip on the side she's very very lame and this is quite common i think even if we zoom in here you can see where she has hair loss on his pasterns from uh from being soared so she's in really bad shape keith is just going to give her some sin chill we'd like to thank synutra for their sponsorship to help us with these horses here this is a big lick horse she is just completely lame and crippled um and that's what's so sad what we see here is horses just can't handle you know some horses do being in the big lick um but she is so so crippled her tail tendons have been cut that's why she holds it weird so this is just a castaway big lake horse it's so sad if you watch our videos you know that we get a lot of horses with eye problems and here's another one it's okay baby and it's found in both fronts it's the draft horse and with a really bad leg baby you can really see the difference in the two legs it's just so incredibly sad this is this is the source of all the problems he's got a great big slice on his uh right above itself and that's going to be the source of all of his leg issues hey baby we're going to make you feel better okay this draft horse you know draft horses are really big horses and this one is just bones it's so sad to see this these poor little donkeys legs are so twisted i don't think we're gonna be able to do anything for that so we have a thoroughbred here all right baby easy this horse is covered and ticks its whole body is just peppered with ticks everywhere we'll give her ivermectin and that will help kill the ticks and they'll all fall out but she is covered in ticks and her body condition is really bad well i am sitting here taking film and also the intake photos the process is going really well we've never really used this outside system like this but guys are bringing them in angela and i are doing the initial intake stuff like angela's taking notes i'm taking the photos and so far it's working really good which is great because 43 horses is a lot of horses to do an intake on in in a few hours and then we got to get them on the road our vet is ready and waiting he's uh he's uh like oh boy there's gonna be a lot today he says he needs pizza today so we'll see we'll see how much we get done today we might have to break it up in a couple [Music] days look at that hook oh poor baby your feet looks like he's been through four auctions he's got one on his face three on his rump and it looks like another one with the glue there so maybe like five auctions this little mini's been through this horse is really pretty he looks very confused like what on earth am i doing here it's a gorgeous horse it's going to need x-rays um it's got really bad feet on all four they're really really overground hooves they're twirling up on the back very flat on the front this horse is going to need x-rays it looks like it might have broken its leg at one point so he's down he was up earlier we're gonna try to get him up it's so pretty it's dangerous because when horses get up sometimes they flail their legs around or if they're trying to get up and they can't yeah and he's pointed towards the wall so that's not good come on come on you can do it come on come on there you go yay it's not really normal for horses to lay down and rest at the auction so that's why when they are laying down it's a little bit of a concern but he got up and he seems to be fine so that's really good news i'm pretty sure this horse has been a big lick horse uh has a pretty big scar on its leg and that would disqualify it uh from being showed because they can't have scars on their legs oh a precious little thing it's okay it's okay you're all right it's so tiny it's okay oh it is blind you're totally blind baby how confusing you're okay i'm right here you're okay easy it's okay oh it's so cute and tiny it's all right baby i don't know the mama and the baby oh it's so cute come on look at this adorable mama and baby we rescued last night oh they're so precious thank you guys for letting us save her without your support we wouldn't been able to save this precious little mama and baby [Applause] oh my sweet old donkey so a lot of the donkeys we rescue from auction get extremely sick you can see the labor breathing here donkeys pick up something that's at the auctions here in tennessee and when they start breathing like that they can be dead within hours um it's really really sad so hopefully we're not too late for this guy come on baby look at how special you are come on oh it's a cute baby oh it's another donkey hi baby look at those feet definitely needing hoof care this horse is extremely foundered and i know she's in a lot of pain she's resting her head on the donkey just trying to find some relief and comfort this is one of the horses that looks so sad in the auction last night and thanks to your support she's safe oh this is the one that we posted up that looks so scared and thanks to your support we were able to say them so we gave her some sin chill and pain relief she's very foundered she laid down and we just got her up let's go ahead and see if we can get her to walk now she's got some pain management on board we'll just take her to the now she's moving now that's good come on come on jason i think you're going to help to help pull for a bit oh easy girl she is so foundered you just need to start moving her that way yep i think you're more going to have to help pull come on baby keep walking come on i know you hurt there you go oh so much pain but now she's at least able to move before she couldn't i like how her back end is tucked under trying to take the weight off her front legs she's really suffering but poor baby come on baby we're gonna get you on the trailer founder is such a horrible thing for horses it just breaks my heart when people bring horses to auction that are clearly suffering come on baby come on without pain management she won't be able to move at all they're loading some cows right now so we're just waiting for them to be done and then we can get her in the trailer every step is just agony for her all these trucks and trailers where you get all these horses back to the shelter we're just going to back this our trailer up for her because she just can't walk anymore she she is so foundered her legs are hurting i bet you never seen that before he's like wow come on baby come on you can do it good girl i know it hurts i know come on come on baby good good oh yay good baby let's put her in the front i'm so glad we were able to load her safely she's on pain management and now we got to get the other horses loaded [Music] this horse is totally blind so we're gonna put this one by its cell we're gonna put the blind horse in with the foundered horse because it needs to ride separately also from the main group of horses easy you're okay here's all our little ones in their own little compartment riding together here's the boys go on boys they're like what i'm talking too nice to you huh there we go here's all our boys we put all the boys together uh most of them are intact they're ready to head down the road they'll be getting all the help they need when they get back to the shelter hey sarah guess how many horses we got last night how many 43. you mean like a four and a three or do you mean 24 because last i heard actually last i heard we were getting 28. 40 plus three yeah guess how many horses we got in how many 43 really 43. wow so it's yeah it's so awesome it's gonna be a busy day so we gotta get ready gotta load everything up in the car it's all empty but it won't be empty for longer [Applause] you gotta hang on to that thing like your life depends on it when each horse comes in from the auction they get a thing of electrolyte so we do quest warmer when they first come in this seems to work really really well and then as they come out of quarantine they'll get ivamectin and we also give them pro bios a lot of the times you know through auctions and stuff it's super stressful so a lot of horses end up having stomach issues and the probiotics are helping them a lot we also give each horse a microchip when they come in so adopters can get that whenever they get adopted and then we also do tags that have their numbers on them just so that we can keep track of what each horse who each horse is and different horses may be on medications and stuff when they come in so the tags help with that as well and of course it's ly season when they come from the auction so we'll give them some lice powder it is also fly season so we have a brand new thing of fly spray up here so thank you to everybody who's been donating that on our amazon wishlist it is coming in handy a lot so now we're gonna go down and just get a couple other things ready and wait for them to get back from the auction [Music] no we're doing this one first because this one's boys and we need them all the way in the back and then we're uploading as well [Music] dancing [Music] call me by your name [Music] well we're back all foreign i think that's pretty awesome 43 animals saved and transported safely back to the shelter it's a good day so far and i didn't get kicked [Music] to make a line of people come on guys hello oh man [Music] oh my goodness she's so cute she had a fancy daddy yeah come on [Music] and uh it's just so unfair to a blind animal to put it to an auction experience because as you can see it can't see anything and it's truly terrifying at an auction [Music] probably just hang out with that horse jessie and then maddie if you want to get a halter on on that one up there so she got fat pads all over and she just can't barely walk at all what yeah you know they they worked and worked on her feet because their trim sort of yeah right but she just can't walk she's just in pain it's just very painful every step for her is very very painful she basically had to pick her up into the trailer she was able to get her front feet in but then her back feet it was too much pain to put weight on her front feet to get in and it was hard but we got her in safely and she's back at the shelter and we're gonna do what's right for her so one thing with horses like this you know she's in excruciating pain but she is fat and that's what the kill buyers want and if she would have been sold to a kill buyer she would have spent her last days in a truck with no food no water all the way down to mexico and then brutally killed so unfortunately her her legs are just there's too far she's too far gone we can't do anything to relieve her suffering um other than to say goodbye which is really sad that her owners let her get into this condition and then make that decision sooner we could get a little ham protractor do this i wonder if they have a see here's the hoof wall the the hoof wall and then there's the you can measure that distance right there that's a 30 degree that's 45 it's almost a 30 degree and here's the other thing here's here's the sole of the foot it's starting to bust through the sole of the foot yeah and we can go back we got the other foot on that you may not believe me but i changed it over [Music] oh look at this i'm not sure why this one hadn't busted through yet only because the bone reform the point of the see if you follow that out if key we could we could measure this this is so bad we could measure this with one with a speed square sadly there was nothing we could do for her she was just just too far gone and the humane euthanasia that doc just gave her it should have been given to her a long time ago because she's been suffering for a very long time and that's hard for owners to decide sometimes when to humanely euthanize an animal especially when you're trying to fix something but you know when the animal is suffering it's time to say goodbye not take them to an auction and make money off of them in the slaughter pipeline then we have the other horses in our trailer and the the big guy we are going to unload the fourth trailer of the day and get the belt [Music] something she i had got zero light response from a pretty bright light and he's just he's just completely blind the big the draft horse he has a severely infected leg he has a cut right above his head and i believe it's just gone through the whole egg and infected it [Music] doc you want to tell us age that's where i was going 17-18 you want to do lateral or ap the first is somebody asked about a wire i don't see i do not see wire you know if the bone had been that big it would have been not good but here with the bone like that it may be worth putting him on some antibiotics for a few days and see if he does anything we can always start out with uniprim and penicillin and give him those two yeah he's got an infection i can smell it that's me it would be nice to clean it up hose it off and start some antibiotics some of these legs can be fixed doc what are you doing i'm playing what does it look like i'm doing how tall is 17 is that level yeah maybe 17. 17. doc has just given her some penicillin we're figuring out a treatment plan she's going on our watch list and we're really hoping that her leg will start improving we measured it and hopefully she'll she'll make it she's a really sweet [Music] horse so this horse i believe is a big lick horse she's had her tail cut the tendon in her tail and her whole hind in is really messed up and when the horses are doing the big lick about 70 of their weight is on their their hind legs and um it really messes them up and they'll start showing these horses before they're even two years old doing the big licks so their bodies literally fall apart and that's what we're seeing in this case maybe five maybe yeah just for fun i'd say five we think she's got a problem in the back end maybe a fractured pelvis or a bad hip and i wondered if there's a breeding injury so it's not in the knee [Music] that's the best hip one we've ever gotten but it looks together yeah if we could lay her down on her back yeah yeah we'll work on that right right now that's your first training i think she's cracked her pelvis in dogs y'all heard that saying the heart the bigger they are the harder your fall usually a broken bones a sentence of death and a horse but uh a lot of times on pelvis the muscles contract so much they just hold everything together uh she is really lame on it and and it's going to be problematic but we think we saw a fracture line in the pelvis we we could up the power and try it one more time i don't know let's let's walk walk around a little bit she's a three-legged horse yeah and she's so and she's this young and she's gonna i mean she's three-legged horses young it's gonna get worse probably probably get worse before it gets better yeah the like is it just popped out of socket or it might be i mean do you think he's painful i mean he seems to walk around i'm just saying we just do a watch list on this one and come back because we have so many and re-evaluate come back to him sooner rather than later stronger than the other one 15 20 15 yeah i'd go i was gonna go it's long on the bottom but shorter on the top so this horse over here has some pretty severe hip problems we're going to have them on the watch list to kind of see how how you know the recovery on that's going to be and how it's looking doc's going to be coming out and checking them and making sure they're doing okay this horse over here we've done x-rays severely foundered it's an older horse has some other medical issues too so we're gonna just have to say goodbye it's it's really sad you know doing these auction intakes because there's so many horses that we end up rescuing that whose owners just really turned and walked away from their responsibility of being a responsible horse owner so it's always hard to say goodbye [Music] i mean we need something to disinfect cause i handled his nose yeah i've got some we have rescue wipes where are they oh they're gone okay i got something in the truck i just need them this horse is literally just coated in ticks uh tennessee has a lot of ticks doc just gave her a treatment for that hopefully it helps um i mean we can try to pull them off but there's so many ticks everywhere really gnarly that was kind of like me after camping over the weekend this foot we don't think it's founder and if it's not founded it's just basically neglect just not doing your job as a horse owner so it looks to me like it was in a soft area i mean it could have been a stall full of manure or something the hooves just kept growing yeah because it's the same on the back as the front they're just just just grows out nothing to chip the hoof off this is an example of a horse that would probably be healthy if he was just running around in the field due to human era locking him up in a small area and his feet just growing and total inattention he's just over growing but anyway we're going to get an x-ray make sure he's not pounded we can go seven right yeah they just need trimming you know if you put this pin here where the and i mean they're just parallel that's he's not founder the joints are good do you see a big bald face and white splotches on its side i don't think so needs coggins this is a strangles uh vaccine and it goes up their nose they really don't like it we like to do the injection but they're out of that and this one's a little bit more of a hassle to do but hopefully we get the other vaccines in soon a lot of like stuff going on right there it almost needs to get clean yeah need to clean and trim that foot and reevaluate and re-actuate it after you're ready yes ma'am i don't know what i did with my phone i don't need it i guess okay look down here uh we were wondering we saw a little a limb angular limb deformity with that um that lock bone straight and it starts twisting more that goes down and then there's a lot of overgrowth at the bottom it's full of full of rocks so i don't think that the moth eating appearance in this bone is not good and i don't know if we could ever straighten that hoof out this horse is so sweet uh when we were at the auction he was laying down we were really worried about him but he got up and um oh he's uh he's doing really good so far we're hopeful that he'll go through his vet check and be just fine and we'll be able to find him a wonderful home three no more two and a half i mean those are the adult teeth that's the baby teeth so two yeah coming three i called tractor supply to see if we could get more vaccines and one of the vaccines that we needed for just one is 75 yeah there's a vaccine shortage uh so it's uh it's complicated right now so the the chestnut horse and the black horse uh the guy i ran into him this morning who actually took them to the auction the sorrel has been used at a kids camp in gatlinburg for a while and then they got her in january she was a little bit pushy with their donkeys they raised donkeys and then they decided not to keep the other horse either so they just took them both to the auction i cannot argue with 20. we're fixing the pregnancy check here the old-fashioned way you ready amy hey push her back i can't tell i don't think she is but i can't oh yeah because i'm a little bit older i'll probably go 18 or 19. it looks like a thermal bread or warm blood type oh wait she's microchipped she really is yes so she is microchipped and that's pretty rare so maybe we can figure out who she is it's not often we get a horse from auction with a microchip and being that she's a young thoroughbred i had to look her up to see if the jockey club had her in their system under that microchip number and i went on their website and sure enough her name is colonel lucy and now we know who she is and the year she was born her mom so it's super awesome i just want to applaud the jockey club for using permanent identification as a microchip on their horses because now we have information that we would have never had on this horse if she wasn't microchipped so she's unhandled so we're just using our shoot here so we can give her what she needs um and she does have baby teeth on the edge yes so i think she's four baby yeah so four yep [Applause] [Music] [Music] we have 15 left it's been a really long day but we have pizza coming so that will make it better [Music] [Applause] it's it's got the weird donkey thing that when they get from auction they usually don't make it where their breathing is very labored a few months old like a year old his lungs are already so congested there's zero air moving in the lower half four or seven we bring the donkeys in here and um they get it from the auction and they'll be like this one day and like dying the next it's terrible stuff on this one this poor donkey is really suffering his lungs are filled up with fluid basically we've done necropsies on donkeys from the auction before that had the same condition and it's really really horrible and really really sad because we've we've tried so hard to save someone like this and they just they're just there's nothing we can do other than just say goodbye before it gets really bad so that's what we're gonna do we wish things could be different but i'm just glad that he he's here and he's the vet's gonna you know put him to sleep and he's not dying in a trailer or something or you know even an auction yard so i just wish things could be different for you buddy possibly cloudy well cloudy right brushing out this floor she's got a lot of winter hair stuck on edna [Music] you're right so we're just taking the halter off because um we don't want to get hung up on anything our policy here is that if it has a halter on it's because we're actively working with that horse [Music] all right how many horses do we have left we only have eight and i think we're gonna take a breather and eat some pizza because caitlyn just got back with the pizza and we're all hungry we have the pizza heroes coming to revive the horse rescue heroes [Music] good [Music] bye little pony you might just pick her up yeah there shelby you get the front end and you guys give me the dangerous end guys you realize i have two back feet and i have a terrible hold [Music] i probably should not be in here wrestling donkeys with my leg but look who came from the office hey you just scared the life out of me i'm sorry i scared you hi look we got pizza i guess you heard the birds oh we got a donkey coming out hello um today has been a long day and i'm just taking a little bit of weight off my legs and i'm just very happy that we were able to rescue so many horses and that i'm actually able to be doing something than behind the desk because that's not my favorite spot i'm giving him exceed is a good antibiotic last four days we take a few extra precautions with donkeys yes you come over to say hello this donkey is on our watch list um its hoof is just twisted up and i i don't know if we're going to be able to to fix it but it's definitely sweet i just wish people would give them proper foot care so this doesn't happen this donkey's feet are just so horrific and sadly there's nothing we can do to fix and neglect that she has experienced for a very long time i wish it could be different for her but i'm just thankful we were at the auction we were able to save her because a lot of donkeys do go to mexico to be butchered at the slaughterhouse and that would have been a horrible way for her to go so at least she's here and you know she's gonna be given respect and put to sleep humanely because you know we just can't we can't fix the neglect that she's gone through well mama looks halter trained she is such a pretty little pony i want to see if we can hook her up to a card or something when she comes up [Music] you want some pizza buddy okay you want some pizza this is good pizza there you go good pizza and there goes the pizza there goes the pizza well today has been a very long day uh what did you think when i texted you and said we got 43. before i knew it was going to be a long day because when you when you try to do things right you can only compress the time so much so it's going to be long it's still daylight though i was thinking it would be dark it is daylight and these guys are going down to their pen and uh we'll be uh continuing to give them treatment over the next 30 days when they're in quarantine treatment training and lots and lots of lots and lots of love lots of love pretty good pretty good bunch of horses really yeah awesome belgian is not looking good hi baby hi baby hi baby it's okay it's okay it's okay oh he just he was completely flat out when i was down here or when i came in so the belgium isn't doing well and we're gonna take a look and see uh maybe it's just really tired and you know that's what's wrong with it or maybe it's more serious it's really sad to see a horse in this condition and we can only hope that we can make it better but it's not looking good [Music] [Music] i might have come in here and i didn't realize the water was in here [Music] doc what are you putting in there in the water pretty much we're unloading the kitchen sink in here we got butlers for pain and we've got some uh put some probiotics in there and we have uh more electrolytes coming shelby went to gravel so when you think the day is over we just end up when you think the day's over and we're like yay oh it still ends up [Music] there's some more thirsty i'll bet she never went to the troll no she probably just laid right down never even drank [Applause] [Music] when she was laying down and looking at her belly from it let me give you a tour here for citizens according to the veterinary code when you leave the farm it's when the animal is up so now we're here all right well thanks thanks so much for everything doc bye bye she's definitely feeling better she just didn't realize where her water was or she was just so tired when she got in her pen she just basically collapsed and now she knows we're going to give her some more good stuff to to help her out yes that would be amazing if we could be happy oh i know right there we go that's good that's she's up and she's so drink and she's eating what what's the predicament oh i lost a shoe oh i have to wash that off for a while good job caleb look dry to me don't step in the mud ever hey at least you didn't get kicked by a horse or something crazy like like she did that that was any advice for caleb any advice for me don't step in what looks like to be dry mud good luck good luck cause all she has good luck my only advice is don't step there next time yeah don't step there next time for sure and he's washing off his shoe after being in the mud it's the next morning after the auction and we're gonna go check on the belgian i know we were a little concerned about her yesterday but here she is she's eating and there's her friend very protective and worried over her hi baby the people with the baby calf are here what they're here yes they're here yay oh boy love baby calves so i am really excited about this one being surrendered [Music] she's a fighter that's why she's named xena mama's already crying y'all can walk it's just that yeah and she's she's having to favor the other ones so much oh she's so cute say hey see her hair's grown back from that yeah and uh like i said she's um she was born on groundhog day february 2nd groundhog day well you guys have done so much for her and it's been a long time i mean it yeah yeah because she was adele she was three days old and um when we found her and like said she was just froze oh um her baby i stuck my hand in her in her mouth to just get some temperature and it was like an icebox already froze oh she's like oh the donkey's over there she's very curious very loving uh and very sport yes so i'm sorry well that's okay that's okay i know your husband showed us the video of the horse that you got from us with the dog getting on the horse's back to look over to see the calves yes and he's doing great we got him on the big farm now oh he's nice he's running and um he's having a good time with about 60 head of cattle nice that's so awesome she wants to go see those like i'm going to go check out the donkey [Music] i'm going to go this way come on there we go that's good oh look at that look at your leg baby it's just twisted yeah well we'll get x-rays and then we'll know what's going on in there and that's going to be a big yeah a big step well i'm going to i'm going to pray hard yes just pray hard that she'll she'll be okay and and then like i said doc will be out and get x-rays and see what and what he says yeah oh yeah in their own bottle and their own formula you mess it up they get all she's coming into paperwork baby is so cute [Music] yes ma'am we're hoping that this little baby is going to be okay a lot of times you can reform them if you put the tension the right way but you got to do it young well doc has just looked at the baby calf and everything's looking good so we're hopeful that with the right treatment plan she'll be able to make a full recovery and live a happy life wrap it short of time okay seriously so that um well a lot of caves and charolais are one of the worst ones because they're usually pretty big calves but they get twisted up in mom and when they're born they're born with angular limb deficiencies and if you get to them you can retrain the bones a lot of times to be straight so when we put this wrap on it was crooked like that what we tried to do is put tension here and here and really put a lot of padding to straighten it up some so we got a wrapped and we got her up she's sort of using the peg leg and i hate splints but sometimes they're necessary evil so we'll be checking it probably sunday and monday if we need to and re-wrapping it up [Music] there there you go this is gonna be exercise for you this is what you're gonna need so this is meadow and she we haven't done a lot with her she's halter broke but that's about all she came in she had lice and so that's just growing back hair hopefully this is her second time in the arena easy easy you want to lead her a little bit if so you i'll take her you like to adopt her you think she'll come along okay for you it's going to take a lot of work yeah but i've worked with a lot of them yeah this would be a long slow project you got all summer i got from now well i'm retired so i have plenty of time yeah if you can't keep meadows she needs to come back here okay so this is meadow's information and here's a little bag okay for you for her what's the foot there there you go there you go i'm really happy that meadow has found her home he's willing to work with her because she hasn't had a lot of handling so she's headed off to new adventures they need to like enjoy themselves for a bit so she's wanting to oh she's beautiful jesse i'm amy [Music] and this is madeline my other daughter how old is she i believe she's 11. manners are really good she wears shoes she came in with shoes she liked this one when she saw her on facebook or on your website the sunshine in italy it's not a snow-capped rocky mountain on a warm summer day it's not the glow of shining in the night there's nothing grand about a canyon that holds a candle to your sight the most beauty that i've seen i figured i'd better use it today all right let me make sure i got it thank you you're welcome so she's going to adopt alba okay just thank you so much you're so welcome and a pleasure doing business with you i'll have lala bring back in a tip we just got done feeding the baby cat super super cute first time sarah got to feed a baby um hey sir do you know what you call a cow that has just had a calf well i know a female cow that has not given birth yet that's a heifer but a cow that's just had a calf is a decaffeinated decaffeinated cow maybe that's what i drank this morning you
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 488,064
Rating: 4.9017191 out of 5
Id: 8ShIPmca_f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 53sec (4133 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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